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November 20, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-11-20

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'U' Speakers' Ban

T HE RECENT ACTION against speakers'
bans at Ohio State and Columbia, make
this an opportune time to re-examine the
lecture committee system on our own cam-
According to a regents' ruling there are
two bases for a ban by the faculty lec-
ture committee. Firgt, if the speaker is a
politician who is using University property
for a "sounding board" to further his own
political cause, and second, if the speak,
er advocates the violent overthrow of the
state or national government.
The possibility that Taft may speak here
brings the first ruling into focus. Unless the
rule is ignored or modified even Mr. Re-
publican will be unable to appear on cam-
pus. This would be ridiculous enough
But the real test of an educational insti-
tution is not whether a mild conservative
can speak here. The significant question to
ask is, can anyone speak no matter how "un-
popular" his views may be at the time.
The answer at Michigan is an emphatic,
"no." All "subversives" must be banned.'
Now the subversives are Communists. A
few years ago they were the fascists. But the
rules for academic freedom remain constant.
In terms of actual policy on this campus,
the committee has banned three men. But it
is fallacious to think that the effect of the
ruling depends on the number of men ban-
A rule barring subversives says in effect
to the student: "You are not mature
enough to hear unorthodox ideas; you
must put on inltellectual blinders and see
and hear only what we, the officials, think
is good for you; you, as students, must not
be exposed to any views contrary to those
generally accepted, but must direct your
thoughts into a narrow channel."

A familiar pattern--supression of speech
and regimentation of ideas-an extremely
unhealthy pattern at a university where ex-
posure to everything about us is most vital if
we are to understand our chaotic world
Supporting a speakers' ban, as the lecture
committee evidently does, on the grounds
that these are times of crisis reveals an in-
security and hysteria on the part of those
who would supress all "subversive" opin-
ions in the name of national security.
Those in the University who support a
speakers' ban for the reason that we are
fighting Communism are indirectly as-
serting that the University has not,
through its policies and teachings, given
the student a firm foundation for a truly
profound belief in Democracy.
But perhaps the most powerful motive be-
hind the speakers' ban is the Regents' duty
to keep the University in the good graces of
the conservative Michigan legislature.
If this is so then the Regents are guilty
of putting material welfare before the
students' educational welfare.
But though the Board is ultimately res-
ponsible for the ruling, the members of the
faculty committee, who are so willing to
"yes" the Regents are as much to blame.
The five professors are always on cam-
pus. They are able to see the effects of
censorship. The remark by the former SL
member who said, "I agree with the pur-
poses of the new peace committee but I'm
afraid to put my name down," should be
indication enough of what is happening
to the freedom of the students.
A loose interpretation of the ruling by the
speakers committee is certainly not suffi-
cient. The positive step to be taken is a re-
peal of the entire speakers' ban ruling.
-Alice Bogdonoff

Panhel Bias Program

IN AN EDITORIAL in Sunday's Daily Don-
na Hendleman berated local Panhellenic
a.) waiting this long to admit that cer-
tain sororities had bias clauses in their
constitutions, b.) desiring to keep the
problem within the sorority system, c.)
helping to foster ills directly contrary to
the ideals of our society and d.) not having
proved they are the ones best able to cope
with the situation.
Miss Hendleman further believes that
Panhel is "defending their ignorance by ex-
plaining the intricate duties of a sorority
chapter in relation to its national office "
She says, "This circuitous path to reform will
most likely lead nowhere." And finally Miss
Hendleman maintains that Panhel's at-
tempt to keep the matter within Panhel is
"procrastination" and "pseudo-cooperation."
As the situation stands now, however,
there is little call for such an attack. Many
points have been overlooked with the result-
ing implication that Panhellenie Board is
virtually unable to solve their own problems.
In the first place Panhel is not "finally"
admitting the presence of bias clauses in
some local sorority constitutions. This
seems improbable since the presence of the
possibility of such clauses was discovered
only very recently. Before that the in-
formation on their files stated that no
such clauses existed. Only after a request
from SL that the houses be checked once
again was the error in the files discovered.
The mistake may be attributed either to
the houses involved for holding back that
they had such clauses, or to the Panhel board
of last year. But no matter who made the
mistake it is past now. We have a new Pan-
hel board that is anxious to solve the prob-
lem. And more important, every house presi-
dent on campus including those who had to
write their nationals in order to reveal their
constitutions is in favor of working to have
the clauses removed.
Secondly Panhel has been condemned
for desiring to' keep the matter within the
sorority system. In this they are completely
justified. There is no reason to drag the mat-
ter into the limelight until real cause to do
so has been shown. And there would only be
real cause if either the sororities concerned
or national Panhellenic refused to do any-
thing about the situation.
This way of treating the matter would

not have, "an insidious potential to plug
up any attempt at any group's reform."
Panhel is entirely sincere in desiring to
clear the situation up as quickly as pos-
sible, and they believe this is the best
way to do it.
And thirdly to say Panhel is in effect help-
ing to "foster" ills which are directly con-
trary to the ideals of our society is un-
justified. These "ills" may have existed in a
few houses without Panhel's knowledge but
certainly Panhel is not furthering or en-
couraging them now that they have been
In the fourth place Panhel is held to be
unable to handle the situation themselves
although theoretically they should be. Pan-
hel has known about the situation only one
week and in that time everything that could
possibly be done so far has been done. It's a
little unfair to imply that Panhel is defeated
before it starts They deserve at least a
chance to prove their worth before judge-
ment is passed.
It is true Panhel does not at present know
who the offending sororities are.
But until they hear differently, Panhel
can go on the assumption that the houses
concerned will receive the go-ahead from
their nationals to reveal whether or not
they have bias clauses. Panhel is not "de-
fending their ignorance," nor is it "help.
ing to prolong the situation." If the soror-
ities do refuse to reveal their constitutions
undoubtedly Panhel will not let the mat-
ter slip by lightly.
After hearing from the sorority nationals
Panhel Board sees the next step as setting
up a committee to investigate what action
can be taken through the houses involved,
National Panhellenic and through sorori-
ties on other campuses. Panhel hopes for
cooperation from other campuses in influ-
encing National Panhel to their way of
Panhel therefore does not intend to sit by
idly. They have shown themselves willing to
cooperate with SL, and so far have not
"procrastinated" in the least The problem
is at the stage now where it must be handled
with care. It certainly seems wise to give
Panhel a chance to handle it until they have
proved themselves unable to cope with the
situation. A little confidence on the part of
the student body will help a lot.
-Cara Cherniak

Arts Union have addressed a challenging
question to the entire campus, and at 7:30
p.m. today in the ABC Room of the League
they are providing an opportunity for the
campus to answer.
"With what we, as the campus groups
who serve the creative artist, purport to do,
how well are we doing it with the means we
have?" Thus the Generation staff and I.AU.
members have challenged critics of their ac-
tivities to formulate cogent, constructive or
destructive -opinions. As an opportunity for
students to get their suggestions incorporated
into actual policy, the combined staffs have
organized a panel discussion session t be
held tonight ,to which all students and fa-
culty members are urged to come.
But what do they purport to do, and what
means do they have? Executive officers from
the two staffs will be on hand tonight to
answer both questions. Technical suggestions
concerning publication methods and any
ideas for improvement of policy will be ap-
Generation and I.A.U. have realized that
their work doesn't reach or represent
enough students. The forthcoming panel is
an outstanding indication of their eagerness
to remedy the situation. It would be a good
idea for the rest of the campus to get over
to the League tonight and match their en-
-Virginia Voss
Coach Hunt
T HEY'LL BE hanging out "Goodbye Ben-
nie" banners any day now.
"When Michigan loses, someone has to
pay," and the price must be high this
year to buy off the patience of Wolverine
followers-tried to its farthest point in fif-
teen years by the five Michigan grid losses
So a sadistic minority of disgruntled stu-
dents and alumni will vent their disap-
pointment by clamoring for a change in
coaches, considering only that the Maize and
Blue had a losing season and dropped out of
the top ten in the country for the first time
in a decade.
These individuals will forge blindly to-
ward ousting Bennis Oosterbaan without
considering that Illinois, Stanford, and
Michigan State, three of the teams to
down Michigan, have not been beaten
and rank in the top five nationally. They
will not remember how the Wolverines
outplayed Illinois for 56 minutes; they
will not recollect that Michigan was rat-
ed as second division Big Ten material be-
fore the season's start.
They do not understand how every Sat-
urday Oosterbaan's lads have had to face
a team fired to frenzy with the axiom "Beat
Michigan," since a win over the Wolverines
is so unusual that foes seek it at the expense
of losses to other teams.
These critics certainly won't stop to re-
member that in the last four seasons under
Oosterbaan, Michigan has won three Big
Ten titles, a Rose Bowl victory over a Cali-
fornia outfit ranked second in the nation, a
national 'championship; and only two Big
Ten teams, Ilinois and Northwestern, have
been able to beat the Wolverines. Long for-
gotten is the "Coach of the Year" honor be-
stowed on Oosterbaan in 1948.
Most important of all, the complainers
fail to realize that Oosterbaan himself
can't play the eleven positions on the
gridiron. He can teach and instruct, en-
courage and prepare, but when Saturday
rolls around, the players must play the
game. And no one can deny that the Wol-
verines have failed to play the game this
Bill Putich, Don Peterson, Tom Johnson,
Roger Zatkoff and the others have done their
best and sometimes better than their best.
Their calibre as a team just isn't as high
this year as their opponents', and past Michi-

gan elevens. Unfortunately the complainers
can't look beyond performance to consider
effort, spirit, and circumstances Conse-
quently a football team, especially its coach,
is on the pan.
There is no excuse for losing, but some
broad-minded consideration right now on
the part of the fault-finders would pay divi-
dends. It would go a long way toward re-
taining for Michigan the talents of a foot-
ball mentor who is widely respected as a
gentleman and a coach.
But the broad-mindedness is too much to
expect. Disgruntled football fans are no-
torious for their impatience and narrow
vision. Asking many gestions and accept-
ing no answers, they demand the su-
preme price, a coach's job, for losing sea-
On the basis of his record, Oosterbaan
should not be condemned for one losing
-Ed Whipple

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(Continued from Page 2)

Oenothera," by Dr. Erich E. Steiner
Wed., Nov. 21, 4 p.m., 1139 NS.-'
Logic Seminar: Tues., Nov. 20, 3:10
p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Mr. Schoenfield
will speak on "Henkin's Completeness
Theorem ."
Mathematics Colloquium:. Tues., Nov.
20, 4 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Prof. R. V.
Churchill will speak on "A New Inte-
gral Transformation of the Fourier
Doctoral Examination for Wilbur
Charles Bigelow Chemistry: thesis: "An
Investigation of the Relationship of
the Oleophobic Properties to the Ar-
rangement of the Molecules in Fatty
Acid Films Adsorbed from Solution,"
Tues., Nov. 20, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., 2
p.m. Chairman, L. . Brockway.
Mathematics Orientation Seminar:
Tues., Nov. 20, 1 p.m., 3001 A.H. Topic:
Sociology Colloquium. Dr. Abraham
Kaplan, of the Philosophy Department,
will lead a discussion on "Mathematical
Models in Social Science." 4:10 pi.,
Wed., Nov. 21. East Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Everyone interested
is invited.
Seminar in Complex Variables: Wed.,
Nov. 21, 2:30 p.m., 247 West Engineering
Mr. Lane will conclude the discussion
of Chapter I of Landau's little book
with a big title.
Concert.The DePaur Infantry Cho-
rus, Leonard dePaur, Conductor, will
give the third concert in the Extra
Concert Series, Tuesday evening, No-
vember 20,.at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium.
The program will consist of songs by
contemporary composers. Folk songs
from Latin America, Songs of World
WarhII, Negro Spirituals and Songs of
Tickets (tax exempt) are on dale at
the offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial Tower; and
will be on sale after 7 o'clock on the
night of the concert at the Hill Audi-
torium box office .
Organ recital. The final recital in
the series of Wednesday afternoon or-
gan programs by Robert Noehren, Uni-
versity Organist, will be played at 4:15
November 21. It will open with Koda-
ly's Praeludium, and Franck's Choral
in A minor. Capriccio by Ross Lee
Finney, Composer in Residence at the
University of Michigan, will follow;
Pastorale by Roger-Ducasse, and God
Among Us by Messiaen will close the
series. The public is invited.
Events Today
U. of M. Chapter of the AAUP. 8 p.m.,
East Conference Room, Rackham Build-
ing. Subject: Inter-collegiate Athletics
at the U. of M. Speakers: H. Keniston,
'R. W. Aigler, H. C. Carver, H. o. Crisler.
Religion in Life: Auspices of SRA.
Various topics are discussed from re-
ligious point of view. Discussions are
held every Tuesday at 5:15 p.m. on
the radio station WUOM. Subjects for
Interview with Prof. Kenneth E.
Boulding, Nov. 20. Moralty and Reli-
gion, Nov. 27.
Students interested in participating
on the programs may contact Carol
Hield, Moderator of the Program, ph.
Wolverine Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m..
in Strauss-Anderson dining 'room.
Air Force R.O.T.C. Band: Rehearsal,
7:30 p.m., North Hall. It is important
that everyone bring a music rack,
Air Force ROTC. Air Force drill will
be held Tuesday at North Hall in uni-
form at the regular scheduled time.
U. of M. Ice Skating Club. Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Women's Athletic Bldg. Skat-
ing movies and refreshments. New
members are welcomed.
Wesleyan Guild: Cabinet meeting, at
8 p.m. in the Green room. All Guilders
are invited.
U. of M. Marketing Club: Mr. George
B. Finch, Vice President in Charge of
Sales, Jam Handy Company, Detroit,
will speak on "The Jam Handy Sales,
Organization." 7:30 p.m., 131 School ofI

Business Administration. All who are
interested are invited.
Tuesday Night Record Concert. 8:30-
10 p.m. Program: Respighi-Pines of
Rome (Boston Symphony); Villa-Lo-
bos - Ulrapuru; Mendelssohn - Italian
Symphony (Boston Symphony).
All concerts held in League Library,
3rd floor of the League.
Hiawatha Club. 7:30 p.m., in the
League. Movies,
Chess Club. Meeting: 8 p.m., Room
3B Union.
Deutscher Verein. German Club will
hold a meeting 7:30 p.m., Room 3A,
Union. German Students Panel, refresh-
ments, singing.
Christian Science Organization: Tes-
timonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper
Room, Lane Hall.
Michigan Dames
The Drama group will meet at
the home of Nita Lindland, 612
Spring Street, phone 5403. Judy
Siliman of 820 E. Kingsley, phone 30819
is the chairman of the group. Mrs.
ThomasMcClure and Mrs. John Wes-
ley Reed will give readings from cur-
rent plays.
Kappa Phi: All members and pledges
meet at the church at 5:20 p.m.
Pictures will be taken for the
Michiganensian. Wear pastel sweaters
and pearls. Supper and program, 5:30
Graduate Political Science Round
Table: 7:45 p.m., Rackham Amphithea-
ter. A student panel will discus: "The
Communist Menace to American Civil
Liberties." Dr. Kallenbach will moder-
ate. Social hour following meeting. All
interested persons invited.
Literary College Conference. Steering
Committee meeting, 4 p.m., 1011 AH,.
Hillel: Seminar on Modern Jewish
Problems, 4:15 p.m., Lane Hall, Topic:
"Survival or Extinction?" Ufnder the
direction of Rabbi Lymon this seminar
group discusses topics of its own
Canterbury Club: The Cell Group
meets at 7:15 p.m. to study the second
chapter of The Faith of the Church.
Square Dance Group meets at Lane
Hall, 7:15 p.m. All interested students
are welcome.
S.R.A. Council meets at Lane Hall,
5 p.m.
Coming Even ts
U. of M. Chapter, American Society
for Public Administration. Social sem-
inar, Fri., Nov. 23, 8:15 p.m., West Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building.
Alumni James Barie, Robert Beck, Hy
Nissenbaum and Jordan J. Popkin will
discuss their present positions with the
federal government in Washington.
Members, their spouses, and friends are
cordially invited to attend.
Air Force R.O.T.C.
Air Force drill for Wed., Nov. 21 will
be held at North Hall in uniform at
the regular scheduled time.
Graduate Mixer Dance. Fri., Nov. 23,
9-12 midnight, Rackham Assembly Hall;
sponsored by the Graduate Student
Folk and Square Dance. Barbour
Gym, 8 p.m., Wed., Nov. 21. Everyone
Hillel: Yiddish Class meets at Lane
Hall at 7:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 21. Any-
one interested in joining the class is
Westminster Guild: Tea 'n' Talk, 4-6
p.m., Wed., Nov. 21.
Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for food
and fun, 4 to 5:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 21,
at the Guild. Visitors are invited.
Annual Thanksgiving Breakfast at1
Lane Hall, 9 a.m. Thurs., Nov. 22. Phone
reservations to Lane Hall.
Graduate Outing Club: Meet at Bar-
bour Gym, 7:15 p.m., Wed., Nov. 21.
Square Dancing.
Canterbury Club: Holy Communion
at 7 a.m., Wed., Nov. 21, followed by
breakfast at Canterbury pHouse.

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Generation Forum ...
To the Editor:
A F O R U M on Generation?
Sounds like "discussion of the
degeneration to which this campus
has' been subjected under the
name of "Art." Supposedly trying
to promote the cause of creative
expression, the magazine's main
accomplishment has been to scare
off anyone who is not a pseudo-
But what are we who are sin-
cerely interested in student work,
supposed to do? It would be a
crime, on a campus of this size,
not to have student creativity rep-
resented. But is Generation a fair
Or is it merely a mirror designed
solely for the exclusive misuse of
the narcissistic "intellectuals" in
love with their own distorted re-
flection of reality?
But we wouldn't miss the Forum
for anything. After all, this is
probably the only opportunity
we'll ever hhve to see if these
ephemeral entities really exist.
-Margaret Cunningham
* * *
Generation Farce.*
To the Editor:
THIS semester has already seen
a rising tendency toward en-
couragement of student creations:
a music festival of student com-
posed works, the production of
Live On Air. Now we hear that
there will be a discussion of Gen-
eration at the League tonite.
Though the quality of student
work may be criticized, these ex-
pressions offer valuable training
ground for future writers, com-
-posers, poets-training ground un-
available in professional situa-
tions. The more such encourage-
ment, the better.
-K. Tenney
* * *
Vice League . ..
To the Editor:
Y MODESTY was shocked to
the breaking point recently
when I was forced to sit through
a rendition of "Don't Do It," cur-
rently a part of the record reper-
toire of the League's Round Up
Room juke box.
This so called modern number
is so loaded with suggestive in-
nuendoes that even the most cal-
loused libertine cannot fail but
break into a sly grin when it's
It would seem to me that a Uni-
versity which insists on censoring
"questionable" parts of plays pro-
duced by its students, which pro-
tects its students from the evils
of the internal combustion en-
gine and which controls the use
of "John Barley Corn" would do
well to look into the recordings
featured by its subsidiary compo-
-Arthur Huntington
Anrt Arbor Trial ...
To the Editor:
HAVING never read Dos Passos,
Dreiser, Hemingway, Stein-
beck, Farrell, Faulkner, or Eliot I
was struck dunib by the originality
and profundity of the wholesome,
constructive commentary upon so-
ciety which appeared disguised as
an editorial on the Ann Arbor
Trial. The trial itself is only a
symptom of a society "so full of
This prophet of cultural deter-
minism pithily pronounces a mal-
ediction on the trial and an epi-
taph on all society. Mallet mur-
dering is the "kind of violence
which is an inevitable phenome-
non of a way of life," the natural

outgrowth of the "rootless and
materialistic environment of the
poor, helpless murders. Pell, Mor-
ey, and all of us are will-less, help-
less puppets dangling and dancing
in "vast moral and spiritual
voids." Yet, though I too wallow
in this materialistic mire I cannot
but feel that murder is not an
inevitability but a rarity, so rare,
indeed, that it still makes front-
page news and good material for
But the editorial form is no bet-
ter than its content. Having ana-
lyzed Morey's problem scientific-
ally, Mr. Wiegand summarizes it
objectively: "Having thrashed
out in the rockless sea, he finally
found the millstone tied about his
neck." (This was, incidentally, the
same Morey with the "fishy smile"
and "baby - faced composure.")
Thus, an editorial becomes a dra-

ma of pathos and, in turn, a
melo'drama of bathos. True, sen-
sational events lend themselves'
Iwell to sensationalism., but are
such outpourings of sophomoric
romanticism warranted or ,neces-
The gnashing of teeth over, the'
sermongends (though benediction
was never said) with the appeal
to "go on down and look at them,"
as you would wondrous dumb
beasts in their cages. I would ex-.
cept that I' couldn't recognize
them now. Besides, though you've
made me hypocondriacal, I rather
like my disease. But, pray tell,
where can I procure an axe? I
need a penny for some gum.
--Robert S. Blckham
*~ **
Roosevelt Ward...
To the Editor:
T O THE long list of injustices to.
the Negro people must be add-
ed the case of Roosevelt Ward.
Ward, a 21 year old Negro, and~
a former student of the University
of Michigan, is a leader of the
Labor Youth League, a Marxist
organ'ization of youth.
He was arrested in New York
and extradited to New Orleans for
alleged draft evasion and for fail-
ure to notify the Draft Board of
a change in address. During the
one day trial, the government was
forced to drop the charge of draft
evasion, on which it mainly rested
its case. As to the other charge,
it was revealed that the Draft
Board had his business address,
the selfsame address to which the
F.B.I. came to make the arrest.
Despite this fact, and despite the
fact that the Board failed to at-
tempt to reach Ward at his per-
manent business address, as the
law requires, Ward was sentenced
to three years in prison. Even if
the charge were true, it would be
a minor technicality at the most.
It is the stated policy of the gov-
ernment to draft men in such
cases if the person is willing rather
than prosecute. Ward has repeat-
edly expressed his willingness to
go into the army.
Ward's treatment: his arrest, +
his extradition to the south, his
trial by a jury on which there was
only one Negro in a city in which
nearly 50% of the population is
Negro, and finally, the require-
ment of $15,000 bail (of a size
required for major crimes) pend-
ing appeal of his case, this treat-
ment raises some serious questions
as to just what Ward was really
tried for.
Can anyone suppose that it is
only a coincidence that a Nero, a
Marxist, and an outspoken sup-
porter of peace was given a se-
vere penalty for the alleged in-
fringement of a technicality?
-Myron Sharpe

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not In good taste, will
be condensed. edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the



Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor
Bob Keith ............. "".City Editor
Leonard Greenbaun. Editorial Director
Vern Emerson,.........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor
Ron Watts......Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn .,.........Associate Editor
Ted Papes................Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James........ . ". Women's Editor
Jo Keteihut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller ..........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Sally Fish.............Finance Manager
Stu Ward ........Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
Al] rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier. $6.00; by .il,$700

At The State ..
The Day the Earth Stood Still with Mi-
chael Rennie, Patricia Neal and Hugh
THE RECENT RASH of mediocre film ef-
forts in the field of science-fiction may
have been enough to discourage a lot. of
people from seeing this one.
"The Day the Earth Stood Still," how-
ever, ranks a few solar miles above any
previous attempts despite the handicap of
some of the usual Hollywood stereotypes
and obviousness. The result is a pretty
good, though depressing-film, which I en-
joyed along with the many eight and nine
year olds in the audience. <
The film is depressing, in that it takes an
honest look at the pettiness of earth's crea-
tures who, in the light of the calmness and
wiseness of KLAATU, the man from anotheJ
planet. sem like a hn~n ofn c .~~ i

livious action that follows, is character-
ized by the hostile greeting which this
country offers Klaatu, the highly civilized
earthman, who emerges with peaceful
greetings and is shot by a nervous soldier.
A demonstration by his sole traveling com-
panion, a robot, is halted by the wounded
Klaatu who is then rushed to Walter Reed
He lives and in his hospital room speaks
with a representative of the President, re-
questing that leaders of every nation of the
world be summoned to Washington so that
he might tell them of his mission all at once.
But because of some conflict in which
earthlings seem to be engaged at the present
time, this is impossible.
In order to learn more about earth life,
Klaatu escapes from the hospital and ex-
changing his gilded playsuit for more
conservative gabardine he rents a room in
a Washington boarding house, becom-
in the nnly calm ma iin a rt nani

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.
monds which the space man carries in his
It is he that introduces Klaatu to Abra-
ham Lincoln, flashlights and the scientist,
strangely resembling Einstein in coiffure.
nge. Einstein .



Professor, you are getting an absurdly
distorted picture of life on our Earth
from this silly dog. I am J. J. O'Malley,
this child's Fairy Godfather, as well as

I watched the arrival of your space
ship and I became amused when you
turned to this canine, because of
his superficial resemblance to you

Here, in spite of what you are
being led to believe, Mankind,
under my inspiring guidance,
is top dog! Why, ask anyone! a


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