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See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
- , - _ ..-- -----
-Daily-Bruce Knoll
{ LES MISERABLES-Caught by the camera are two University coeds making a futile attempt to
escape from dormitory restrictions.
Coeds Flee to Underworl
Poking their way through the
University's underground steam
tunnels yesterday, two coeds spent
several hours hunting for a secret
door that would afford them un-
noticed entrance and exit from
their dormitory for future flights
to freedom.
Equipped with tennis racket,
ukelele and suitcase the pair
searched vainly and finally were
Britain, Egypt
Declare Truce
At Ismailia
CAIRO-(R)-The British Com-
mand and Egyptian Government
in the Suez Canal Zone declared a
truce in Ismailia yesterday after a
weekend battle there killed 1.5
British troops, Egyptian policemen
and civilians.
More than 30 persons were
The Provincial Government
agreed to disarm its police and the
British promised to remove its re-
maining military families as fast
as possible from the bloody mid-
way city on the Canal.
Ismailia was the scene of the
first outbreak of violence in mid-
October when Egypt told the Bri-
tish they must get out of the Canal
Now it is reduced from its nor-
mal 100,000 population to about
40,000 as a result of Egyptian
families fleeing.
The truce was arranged at a
Canal station between Ismailia
and Port Said "in the interests of
public security," British Lt. Gen.
Sir George Erskine told reporters
at Ismailia.
The Egyptian Ministry of the
Interior in Cairo in a communique
yesterday said Ismailia was "per-
fectly calm" throughout the day.
It said British forces were oc-
cupying some streets but Egyptian
police were "performing their du-
ties as usual." It did not mention
the truce terms.
Egypt, in headlines and protests
being prepared for circulation to
governments over the world, ac-
cused Britain of atrocities andj
war-like actions in the Canal
Once again the Pharoah has
commanded his legions to cross
the great desert and invade the
land of the barbarians to pick
Islaves for the Pharoah's court. I
forced to return to the dorm in
their puddle-soaked pajamas --
"back to the cell."
* * *
WITH THE tunnel trek, how-
ever, they joined the ranks of fugi-
tives from the police, lamp-blacked
engineers and eager Romeos who
have taken to the underground
world beneath the campus.
Even more desperate than the
coeds were two Ann Arbor
youths who two years ago sought
refuge from the police in the
tunnels. The boys, fleeing from
the scene of a gas station rob-
bery, were located by police in a
passage under the Natural Sci-
ence Building.
According to Walter M. Roth,
superintendent of the plant de-
partment, the tunnels are general-
ly quiet except for occasional visits
from curious children, two fires
which did cut off service, and the
Athle-tes Jailed
JIn Basketball
jFix' Scandal
By The Associated Press
Five former basketball stars who
were ipvolved in several "fixes"
were sent to jail yesterday by an
angry and stern judge who ignored
the district attorney's mercy re-
Judge Saul Streit brushed by a
suggestion that the players had
suffered enough and now deserve
merely suspended sentences as he
sent formner Long Island University
star Sherman White to prison for
one year. Connie Schaff of New
York University and Ed Warner
and Ed Roth of City College of
New York were sentenced to six-
months each.
EX-LONG ISLAND player Eddie
Gard was given an "indetermin-
-ate" sentence which could be as
much as three years.
Gambler Salvatore Sollazzo
was given eight to sixteen years
in prison for spending $22,000
to bribe basketball stars parti-
cipating in Madison Square
Garden games. Sentences on
nine other players indicted were
Meanwhile, in Washington, sev-
en college presidents agreed that
"something has to be done" to
remove whatever evils there are in
the. intercollegiate sports program.
The college presidents are mem-
bers of a special committee set up
by the American Council on Edu-
cation-the first time in history
such a high ranking group ever
was named to look into sports.
Eden Specks On
annual initiation ceremonies of
several engineering fraternities.
*, * *
ONE OF THESE, the Vulcans,
annually leads its blindfolded and
well-greased neophytes through
the tunnels.
Just as traditional as the Vul-
can tunnel journey, are the tun-
nel adventures of the "great
lovers" of the campus.
"Ever been in the underground
tunnel?" asked he.
"Why no," said she.
Thus begins one of the many ro-
mantic interludes of the under-
ground passages.
ACTUALLY, there is little ro-
manticism in the dark dampness
of the winding tunnel.
Steam pipes and hot water
ducts, as well as electrical con-
duits and the wires of the tele-
phone and clock system line the
tunnel walls from South Quad-
rangle to the University Hospi-
Although a single key will un-
lock all doors entering the tunnel,
it takes a separate key to open
each individual building door.
This prevents many more stu-
dents from invading the lower re-
gions, Roth said. It also prevents
't - kind of cheating which went
on at Western Michigan College
at Kalamazoo in 1943.
USING THE tunnels, several of
the students filched copies of a
physics exam from the office of
their physics instructor.
Their nocturnal labors so tired
them that the following day three
fell asleep during the exam and of
the rest, none did better than a
low "C."
Even in the underworld, crime
doesn't pay.
Deer Price
By The Associated Press
Eight deaths from gunfire was
the human toll as Michigan's
deer hunting season wound up
its fifth day last night.
Ten other hunters have died
of heart attacks and at least 33
have been wounded by bullets.
The kill is running from light
to normal, and hunting condi-
tions are improving, it was re-
SL Reports
On Big Ten
Student Legislature officials re-
turned from a weekend Big Ten
student government conference at
East Lansing with a new self-
The delegates reported that, in
trading notes, it was discovered
that the local set-up compared
very favorably in almost all re-
spects with the student govern-
ments at other Big Ten colleges.
THE BIGGEST morale-booster,
according to delegation-chief and
SL president Len Wilcox, was the
somewhat surprising fact that last
week's election turnout of ,500
was considered almost phenomenal
by other delegations.
It turned out that a vote of
38 per cent, which was disap-
pointing to SL leaders, was the
best in the Big Ten. At schools
such as Purdue and Illinois, the
turnout ranged around 10 per
The election figures seemed to
have a direct correlation to the
representation system' employed,
Wilcox reported. At Purdue, where
8 per cent vote, there is a system
of district representation.
THE PRINCIPLE comparative
weakness of SL was its shaky
financial footing, he said. Most
other Big Ten schools either have
a student tax, or the prospect of
getting one soon. However, along
with increased financial support
from the administrations often
comes closer faculty supervision.
Wilcox pointed out one apparent
weakness of SL turned out to be
relatively a strong point. Organi-
zation, in theoretical terms, is far
better elsewhere in the Big Ten.
But speaking in functional terms,
Wilcox felt SL worked as well as
EQ To House SL
The first meeting of the new
Student Legislature will be held
at 7:15 p.m. today in the Anderson-
Strauss dining room of the East
Arms Cut
Plea .issued
By Acheson
PARIS--(AP)-Secretary of State
Dean Acheson appealed yesterday
to the world, and obviously to Jhe
Soviet Union most of all, to accept
Western disarmament proposals as
a turning point on the road to
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Y. Vishinsky, who earlier had
laughed scornfully at the propos-
als, sat in poker-faced silence dur-
ing the one hour and 20 minutes in
which the Secretary patiently ex-
plained the arms reduction plan
to the 60-nation Political Com-
mittee. After the committee ad-
journed until today, Vishinsky left
the room without saying whetier
he had relented in any degree. He
is expected to reply later this week.
* t* *
"I BELIEVE these proposals,"
Acheson said at the beginning of
a detailed explanation of the Unit-
ed States-British-French program
"if accepted could and would pro-
duce a turning point in history, a
turning point at which the world
could turn back from the tensions,
the dangers which confront all of
us in every country, could relax
the effort toward armament which
is going on all over the world and
by doing so could find a way to
solve some of the greatest ques-
tions which divide East and West."
A burst of applause rang out
as Acheson sat back and listened
to Jules Moch, France, also sup-
port the plan.
The proposals are contained in a
resolution made public Sunday
calling for a merger of the Atomic
Energy Commission and the Com-
mission for Conventional Arma-
ments into a single 12-nation Dis-
armament Commission, whose
members would be the same as the
membership of the 11-nation Se-
curity Council plus Canada.
Hatcher Fete
Ducats Off eredt
A total of 1000 tickets for the?
inauguration of President Harlan
H. Hatcher Nov. 27 in Hill Audi-
torium are being made available
to University students, beginning
Students may pick up tickets at
the information desk, first floor
lobby of the Administration Bldg.
All members of the University
faculty are invited to participate in
the processional and attend the in-
augural ceremonies. Assembly for
the processional will be at 2:15
p.m. in the Natural Science Bldg.
There will be a reception in the
Michigan League following the
ceremony honoring the President
and Mrs. Hatcher.
-Daily-Malcolm Satz
EARLY BIRD-Though Christmas is more than a month off
the Ann Arbor Retail Merchants Association has started putting
up street decorations along State St. Pictured is William S.
Black adorning a lamp-post with yuletide trimmings.
CCNVVY, California Bar
Controlversial Speakers
OnlTUBT~a ede r.
TOKYO-(lP)-Gen. Matthew
B. Ridgway yesterday said UN
forces in Korea will continue to
carry the fight to the enemy
even though new proposals sub-
mitted to the Reds in truce
talks are accepted.
the Reds held prior to the first
talks on July 10.
The Pyongyang broadcast list-
ed these North Korean proposals
to end the war:
1. Cessation of hostilities as the
first step to achieve a peaceful
settlement of the Korean question.
2. Acceptance of the "just and
reasonable" proposals made by the
North Korean and Chinese Red
Army to withdraw each of the
opposing forces two kilometers
(1.24 miles) from the battle line
and Pesta lish. h a bufhrfnn zn
,4,lou ed
I rPpsa
a _,_ Broadcast
z Lists Terms
Enemy Reverts
To Old Demands
By The Associated Press
High level political maneuvers
by the foreign ministers of North
Korea and Communist China
thoroughly confused the Korean
armistice outlook yesterday while
truce negotiators were in recess.
Potentially the situation could
result in a breakdown of the four-
months old talks at a time when
agreement had seemed closer than
ever before.
* * *
called for an armistice before
In effect, the North Korean and
Chinese Foreign Ministers, in dove-
tail statements, reverted to stands
Two controversial figures have
been barred from speaking at two
of the nation's largest universities.
At City College of New York, the
Student Council has called a Stu-
dent-Faculty Committee's refusal
to allow Paul Robeson the use of
their Great Hall, an "abridgement
of academic freedom."
And far across the country at
the University of California, the
national chairman of the Inde-
'Ens ian Sale
The '52 edition of the Michi-
ganensian will be on sale from
8:30 a.m. to 4 pm. today in the
Angell Hall lobby.
Campus sales manager Dick
Shephard, '54, said yesterday
that the 'Ensian will only be
available at its present price
until December 21, when a 10%
raise will go into effect.
Regents' Rule May Bar Senator Taft
pendent Socialist League was re- l Witdawal of alle
fused permission to debate there 3 Withdrawal of all foreign
>today. troops from Korea.
toda*.4. Severe punishment of those
THE CALIFORNIA Dean of responsible for the atrocities com-
Students, Hurford E. Stone, an- muted against Koreans opposmg
nounced that Max Schachtman the prolongation of the Korean
had been barred because official war and ganst peace-lovng
University approval had not been
obtained. MEANWHILE, on the fighting
Schachtman was to have de- front, Communist forces, stung by
bated with Prof. Francis Her- Allied line-straightening successes
rick of Mills College, on the re- in the Pukhan River area, seized
cent British elections. -He was the initiative last night and
going to defend the policies of launched a series of medium at-
the Labour Party. tacks and probes all across Korea.
Onay one Red attack was sue-
The Socialist League is listed as cessful. North Koreans won two
subversive by the Attorney-Gen- hills along the east coast, south
eral. Dean Stone claimed, "We of Kosong.
(the Board of Regents) would not
knowingly invite any officer of
an organization declared to be
subversive by an official govern-
ment source to speak on campus." To Clarify
ROBESON HAD been invited to
speak on January 10 at the New Atrocity Tal s
York campus by the college chap-
ter of the Young Progressives of
America. By The Associated Press
Meanwhile, a student refer- The Defense Department dim
endum at Ohio State University closed yesterday it has asked Gen.
has indicated an overwhelming Matthew B. Ridgway for a more
disapproval of the controversial specific "clarifying" statement on
"gag rule" banning certain speak- the reported Communist slaughter
ers from that campus. of some 5,500 American prisoners
of war in Korea.
The final tabulations showed High officials at the Pentagon
2,986 students voting against said they expect Gen. Ridgway's
the rule and 637 approving, headquarters in Tokyo to issue a
The ruling yesterday caused the new statement very soon, perhaps
Midwestern Psychology Associa- within 24 hours.
tion to Sunday, to cancel their
scheduled convention at OSU. THESE officials said it should
Prof. Calvin Hall of Western contain answers to certain spegific
Reserve University said the 1,200- questions sent to the far. eastern
member organization was unwill- commander in a series of earlier
ing to seek the approval of Pres. The latest message to Gen.
Howard Bevis before meeting. Ridgway was sent today after
defense officials had digested the
Po Still Flooding, Supreme Allied Commander's
Nov. 18 statement.
Detroit over 100 Over the weekend, Gen. Ridg-
way expressed regret over the man-
ner of timing of a report on the
ROVIGO, Italy - (RP) - Heavy atrocities released to newsmen last
rains pushed crests of the Po River Wednesday by Col. James M Han-
A Board of Regents' rule looms in the path of enthusiastic young
Republicans who want to bring Sen. Robert A. Taft here to speak.
The ruling, passed in 1949 as a modification of the previous ban
on all political speeches, stipulates that a political speaker may not
use University property to foster his own political purposes. His speech
must be confined to the education of the student.
But as Prof. Carl Brandt of the speech department and secretary
of the Lecture Committee which passes on speakers, pointed out,
"This is a difficult line to draw."
* * * *
PROF. BRANDT supported political speeeches as "an essence of
education" but was careful to point out, "Hill Auditorium is large and
convenient and there is danger of its being used as a sounding board.
This might give the impression that the University is taking sides."
Prof. Louis Eich, chairman of the committee, also agreed
that political speakers such as Taft should be allowed to talk here
but added that to balance the accounts, "the Democrats should
bring somebody."
The ruling has nothing to do with acused "spoon feeding" of the stu-
dents, but is primarily concerned with the use of state property.
** * *
WHEN ASKED if the property ruling harmonized with the educa-
tional function of a university, Prof. Brandt pointed out that the
committee has barred only three major speakers in 15 years. The men
were Gerhard Eisler, Carl Marzani and Herbert Phillips-all avowed
He termed the controversial Phillips' ban a "borderline case."
Citing the recent Supreme Court decision upholding the conviction
of 10 Communists in New York, Prof. Pollock upheld the Lecture Com-
mittee rulings as following the example of the national government.
"The concept of freedom of speech does not mean absolute free-
dom," Prof. Pollock said.
* *
WHEN THE PROTEST by Ohio State faculty members against a
speakers' ban was broached, Prof. Pollock asserted "we haven't had
any problem like that of Ohio State."
Prof. Eich refused to comment on OSU case on the ground