A -4 jcj 4r, A6F 4i4tr4tgan A& AIL A- :43 a t t 0 PANHEL BIAS PROGRAM See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State COLD-SNOW FLURRIES VOL. LXII, No. 48 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1951 Northwestern Knocks Michigan Out of Titl SIX PAGES Race <, i Wildcats Throttle Wolverines, 6-0 Alert NU Defense, 'M' Errors Spoil Fifth Straight Big Ten Crown Hopes By GEORGE FLINT Associate Sports Editor Northwestern's alert pass defense, which managed to keep Michi- gan from knocking on the touchdown door, secured a 6-0 Wildcat victory in a ragged Big Ten football game here yesterday. After Bob Voigts' team had scored the game's lone touchdown with 11 minutes remaining in the second period, the Wildcats played sound, conservative football, and five interceptions put the quietus on Michigan's slim hopes of reclaiming the conference championship, won for four seasons in a row. THIS WAS THE same Wolverine team which had looked lifeless and badly drilled against Cornell. And the result was the same. Every time the Michigan eleven began a hopeful march down the snowswept Stadium gridiron, the Wolverines proceeded to throw, fumble, or kick the ball away. The Wildcats took quick advantage of each such op- portunity. * * * * * * S * * * UN Debates Arms Plan Tomorrow PARIS-(/)-The United States, Britain and France won UN com- mittee approval yesterday for op- ening of debate tomorrow on their arms limitation proposals, which include a call for an eventful count of atomic weapons. The 60-nation political commit- tee at the same time overrode o- viet bloc protests and shelved Russia's peace package for dis- cussion much later in the assem- bly. Western speakers attacked the Moscow proposals as old and oft-defeated. s S - THE VOTE to take up the western three-power plan was 45 to 5 (Soviet bloc), with five abstentions. A Russian attempt to have the Moscow plan listed for dis- cussion immediately after the three-power plan, was smoth- ered 38 to 6, with 10 absten- tions. India joined the five Soviet bloc countries in sup- porting this procedure. U. S. Secretary of State Acheson will open the three-power case in the Political Committee tomorrow. He will explain a formal resolution detailing the ideas laid down by President Truman in his address to the United States Nov. 7 and advanced by big three speakers here. TESTIFYING TO the import- ance they attach to their plan, the United States, Britain and France sent their big guns to the Political Committee yesterday morning for what was billed as purely a proce- dural argument on the committee program. Acheson sat for the United States, the first time any Sec- retary of State has taken part as a representative in the com- mittee. Selwyn Lloyd, British Minister of State and leader of his delega- tion in the absence of Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, was present for the first time. France sent, also for the first time, Jules Moch, former Minister of National Defense. Acheson's debut drew from So- viet Deputy Foreign Minister Ja- cob A. Malik the remark that this was not sufficient reason to dis- cuss the American-sponsored item first and relegate the Soviet pro- posal to the bottom of the list. Hunting Death Toil Mounts By The Associated Press The shooting in Michigan's north woods had taken six lives yesterday-victims of gunfire in the three-day-old deer hunting' season. In addition, nine men had died Statistically, Michigan w o n the game. 17 first downs, 244 yards by rushing, and five pass completions bettered or equaled the Wildcat efforts. But when- ever the Wolverines scented paydirt, the once proud Maize" and Blue folded like a house of cards. Northwestern scored its touch- down on the fine running of Chuck Hren, whose high knee action bat- tered for gain after gain during a 55-yard second period march. Hren scored on a short yardage play up the middle with fourth down and less than a foot to go for a first down. The Northwestern fullback cut back across the middle and dragged two Michigan tacklers across the line on -a play which covered sixteen rapid yards. * * * BUT THE Wildcats left Michi- gan with an opening. Norm Krag- seth's attempted conversion was blocked by Don Peterson. The Wolverines could win with one touchdown and a conversion, and the next 41 minutes saw them try- ing futilely to do so. On separate occasions, they came awfully close to doing it. In the second period, they ran out of gas after reaching the Northwestern 20. In the third, they reached the Northwestern 30, and were forced to punt by the aggressive efforts of a quick- charging Northwestern line. In the fourth period, with Northwestern playing cat and mouse to protect its one-touch- down lead, Michigan penetrated once to the 28-yard line of the Wildcats, where the Voightsmen again held. A last-gap drive with five minutes remaining in the game brought the pigskin to the Northwestern 24. But Harry Riley recovered a fumble by Don Peter- son and the Wildcats ran the clock out, although Michigan got the ball one more time. The loss was a big one for Mi- chigan. Bennie Oosterbaan's game young men now have a season's record of three won and five lost; a conference record of three and two. Thus they are assured of their first losing season since 1935, when Harry Kipke's team won one and lost seven. At the same time, Michigan cannot hope for even a tie for conference honors, since See WOLVERINES, Page 3 Denoerats Expand Tax Invest i nation General Clean-Up Campaign Hinted WASHINGTON-(R)-The Con- gressional investigation of federal tax scandals was pushed on a wid- ened front yesterday amid reports that other heads may roll in the wake of President Truman's firing of Assistant Attorney General T. Lamar Caudle. A House Ways and Means Com- mittee mapped new hearings for tomorrow into Southern California tax matters as President Truman was reported in Key West to have passed th eword that a govern- ment house cleaning is in pros- pect. * * * AT THE same time Rep. Thomas B. Curtis (R-Mo.) stated in Washington that, "The obvious next step is to fire Attorney Gen- eral J. Howard McGrath." A highly placed White House adviser had said earlier that Mr. Truman's firing of Caudle as Chief of the Justice Depart- ment tax division "is just a starter." Caudle resigned "by request" because of his "outside activities," and Mr. Truman was reported to have said other government ex- ecutives may expect the same treatment if their own outside activities-however legal-contri- bute to charges against the ad- ministration. NEWSMEN were told the Presi- dent had his anger up "over dis- closures that have reflected on him and his administration." "He hopes that any of those whose activities are open to question will step out of their own accord," the White House source stated. The demand for McGrath'stous- ter was made by Curtis in a state- ment which said the Attorney General "shares equal responsibil- ity for Caudle's outside activities. "Additionally, Mr. McGrath, as head of the Department of Justice- is responsible, for that depart- ment's failure to act not only in the serious internal revenue scan- dals, but also in his obvious re- fusal to perform his duties when the disclosures of wrongdoing in- volving the RFC became known." TV Gets.Bird NEW YORK-(P)-Wow, the pigeon, insists on getting into the act. So don't be surprised if you see him flit across your tele- vision screen regardless of what program is on. Wow, the pigeon, first ap- peared a week ago on"We, the People." He was supposed to be on that show-and appar- ently liked the idea. He broke loose from a re- straining twine around his legs and has been hanging around the National Broadcasting Company's b i g Rockefeller Plaza studio ever since, to the despair of NBC officials and * performers. 1l Daily-Roger Reinke RAY OF SUNSHINE-Fred Pickard, Michigan end, is tackled after one of-the few completed Michi- gan passes in yesterday's contest. Pickard made a substantial gain after catching the pass and eluding several Wildcat defenders. 4 I. * * * * 'M' Fans KeepHope'til Fial Gun By VERNON EMERSON Daily Feature Editor "I'm not really worried-we've outplayed them and there's eight minutes left." That was the way many chilled Wolverine fans felt yesterday as they watched their team futilely run all over Northwestern's Wild- cats. But it ended as one pessi- mist predicted: "Unless they get a big break they've lost this one.", The break didn'tcome. It almost seemed the other way around as the underdogs broke upG Michigan marches with strategic pass interceptions and fumble re- coveries. In fact the Purple and White men held on to as many Wolverine passes as did Michigan catchers. ALL OF WHICH kept North- western's pleat-skirted lady cheer- leaders and their cohorts jigging happily, and caused the 58,300 fans to occasionally drop their blankets. Probably as.active-and tired -as any cheerleader, Wildcat coach Bob Voigts continually hopped around the sidelines shouting encouragement and re- bukes to his scrappy, almost cocky charges. In contrast, Voigts' cool field general, Bob Burson, often calmed down the play. He seemed to pause to survey the defense or discuss the signals with his back- field after the teams had lined up. This became more irritating to Michigan fans as those final eight minutes slipped by. ALTHOUGH it held off during most of the game, snow lay around the field and in much of the stands, giving some enthusiastic specta- tors a chance to snowball warm- ing-up Wildcats. The snow-soaked turf sent many players skidding. But it didn't bother the band. The white spatted group kept its linesj straight and sharp as it per- formed a new series of pre-game precision drills. During the half the band salut- ed the music school. This gave various instrumental sections a chance to solo. And it allowed the bandsmen to take a gentle poke at the city council which recently' okayed removal of the music school's favored elm tree. But, un- true to life, drum major Dick Smith was able to ward off the axemen's blows, drawing an ova- tion from the crowd. And the band got to salute the authors of "Varsity," Fred Law- ton and the music school's dean, Earl Moore. The tune filled the air as the glum fans left the stad- ium. It seemed more appropriate than the usual "Victors." Speculation Hints HST Won't Run WASHINGTON-(AP)-President Truman's assertion that the new Democratic platform will reem- phasize the "Fair Deal" has streng- thened Washington speculation that Mr. Truman won't run again Some Democrats think the Pres- ident expects the party to make defense of his administration its chief domestic issue and will be satisfied to seek this sort of vindi- cation without running again him- self. UN Assault Takes Reds BySurprise SEOUL, Korea - JP)- A three- pronged Allied drive smashed across the Upper Pukhan River and into the peaks beyond yester- day in a surprise attack on Korea's central front. By midnight the UN troops had advanced up to 3,000 yards-near- ly two miles. To do it they storm- ed heights that rose in places to 3,000 feet. * * 1 AN ALLIED division carried the brunt of the assault Allied at- tacks on each flank gave the storming party massive support. The limited objective attack wiped out a four-mile section of the twisting Pukhan River line southeast of Kumsong. Chinese Reds, startled and caught off balance, offered only token resistance. Action leveled off to only sporadic rifle fire. * .* * ON THE Western front the Chi- nese launched an attack of their own and captured a single hill position from a British battalion, the King's Shropshire Light In- fantry. The Red assault was almost due west of Yonchon, which is 35 miles north of Seoul. It open- ed in mid-afternoon with attacks on British outposts. By evening, the Reds were charging in waves. The Chinese finally overran one hill position, but the British drove them back everywhere else. The Reds also struck several thousand yards to the northeast, Ground War Could Stop Tomorrow All Fighting May End by Christmas MUNSAN, Korea-(M)-A dra- matic allied proposal that could result in a Korean armistice by Christmas and perhaps end the ground fighting tomorrow has been handed to the Communists and they have hinted that their answer will be favorable. The truce parley was scheduled to reconvene at 9 p.m. today. It had been hoped that the Red an- swer, which was expected yester- day would come today but the Communist truce negotiators early today asked for more time to study the plan. * * S THE UN PROPOSAL makes it clear that "hostilities will continue until the armistice is signed"- in other words there is no agree- ment to end'the shooting until all truce arrangements have been completed But spokesmen for the UN command pointed out at Pan- munjom that once a demarca- tion line is drawn on the map, published in the world press and made known to the fighting men at the front, it would be all but impossible to press forward a successful offensive on either side. And so, if the Communists say "yes" at tomorrow's meeting,. it could actually mean an end to ground warfare. * * * A POOLED dispatch from the truce site at Panmunjom said the Communists asked a number of questions about the proposal and then asked for a recess until to- morrow. The entire 80-minute session early today was taken up with Communist questions and UN replies. An Allied spokesman said the Communists "appeared satisfied with the answers they received." HOWEVER, the Communists did not commit themselves, said the spokesman, Lt. Col. Howard Levie. "All they did was ask ques- tions," he added "I would judge we are closer than ever." The truce subcommittee teams called another meeting for 11 a.m. tomorrow ( 9 p.m. Ann Arbor time). After mulling it over last night the Reds had these two main questions today: When will the 30-day period be- gin? Will a map be attached to the subcommittee's recommendation to the full five-member delega- tions? Levie said that the Communists "apparently understand that hos- tilities will continue" until a com- plete armistice is ready for sign- ing. IN EFFECT the new UN propo- sal offers the Reds a 30 day free trial of a truce line while the truce teams try to agree on remaining points on the armistice agenda. The UN offer was made in the corm of a four point proposal: 1. Hostilities to continue until a, full armiti ke inr i. ADVENTURES OF THE ARGUS IN THE ARCTIC: Villiers To Tell Seafaring Tales at Hill Tomorrow By VIRGINIA VOSS The adventure-filled story of proud, fierce-eyed men who face the hardships of the pretentious Arctic sea in quest of codfish will come to Hill Auditorium at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow. The .historic film record of the six month codfish-schooner voyage from Portugal to Greenland, "The Quest of the Schooner Argus," will be shown as the fourth presenta- tion of the 1951-52 Lecture course. Accompanying his technicolor sa- ga, Alan Villiers, "the seafaringest and hearts twice a day, Villiers spent six months on the 700 ton Argus to get acquainted with the methods of one of the last fishing industries using the peri- lous fiat-bottomed dory as its vehicle. Villiers, though a veteran of sev- eral Cape Horn roundings, of 10,- 000 miles in Arab dhows and half a dozen famous wartime landings, experienced Arctic sea life for the first time in the schooner Argus. The Australian sailor first went to sea at 15 as a cadet in the Tasman , am > fsix : , ,