SATURAY, OVEMBR 17 195 PAGE TWO TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1951 I DORIS FLEESON: Southern Revolt HOT SPRINGS, Ark.-A strong flavor of "this is where I came in" clings to news developments with respect to the Southern "revolt" against the concepts that have elected a Democratic president five times beginning with 1932. Reporters old at the story are often ac- cused of fanning the flames and to southern governors the conference just concluded here is no exception. The states' rights governors seemed to feel that somehow they had been euchred into putting up an argument which was un- timely since they have reason to believe that President Truman does not now in- tend to be their 1952 whipping boy. How- ever, challenged by Govs. Sidney McMath of Arkansas and Kerr Scott of North Carolina with a strong assist from Speaker Sam Rayburn, they dutifully put on their act. What is difficult for the visiting corre- spondent to judge is the political depth of the struggle. States' rights is certainly not a mere shib- boleth in the South whose Anglo-Saxon blood, less diluted than that of other re- gions of the United States, impels them toward a rugged individualism and a dis- trust of centralized government. To this is added the emotional impact of their prob- lems with their very large Negro minority. The South, however, yields to none in Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: DONNA HENDLEMAN its grasp of practical politics, and its poli- ticians, by and large, are among the country's ablest. They cannot, with a straight face, contend that they stand in any immediate danger of congressional enactment of the Truman civil-rights pro- gram. That program per se is dead on the vine and they know it. What the Truman program, with its im- plied threat of federal action, has certainly done is to spur the drive for civil equality for the Negro. The defending South has in- creased its own concessions and the courts have been active. Many people feel that this type of gradual improvement is the best answer. Its emotional content, however, is low and will not serve to overturn presidents or upset a state's balance of power. This is clear to those who oppose Presi- dent Truman because they are more con- servative economically and socially. Their economic conservatism will not raise the public's blood pressure so they cling to the other issue. Even so intellectually honest a man as Senator Byrd of Virginia keeps warning the South not to be "lulled" by present inaction and hints that a federal FEPC is just around the corner. The pro-Truman Hot Springs conferees are gambling that you can't scare the South next year with civil rights. Practi- cally speaking, this group can be expected to put pressure upon Mr. Truman to curb the convinced Fair Dealers in the next convention as the price of their loyalty. Most Southern governors are fighting the federal government strongly on the issue of federal ownership of the continental shelf, inaccurately and popularly known as Tide- lands Oil. Powerful influences within the states dictate this stand. What it means to the average voter is hard to tell. (Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Snydicate, Inc.) It Seems to Me By DON NUECHTERLEIN POLITICAL OBSERVERS have been so occupied the past few months trying to predict what General Eisenhower will do next year that few have taken time to con- sider what kind of President he would make. There seems to be a certain predisposi- tion among Americans to think that a man who distinguishes himself on the battle field must have the necessary qualifica- tions to assume the nation's highest po- litical post. Unfortunately, our national history does not support this view. This does not mean that General Eisen- hower could not be a good President. His public utterances on national and interna- tional affairs indicate his deep understand- ing of the great issues of our day. Also, his tremendous prestige both at home and abroad would seem to make him ideally suited for the most responsible office in the Western World, in view of the deepening world crisis. However, would not Eisenhower's person- al prestige among people of all political views be the very thing which could ruin his popu- larity? If he is elected on the great mass basis which many thinkhe would be regardless of which ticket he chooses, he would in fact be expected to be a "bi-partisan Presi- dent;" it would be his duty to try and be the great national leader who could be over and above petty politics and put the welare of the nation above all else. But it would be almost impossible for any man to assume such a role under our system of government. No matter how bi-partisan his support would be in an election, it woUd not be long before the snipers started shoot- ing at him for failure to do this or for doing that in the wrong way. An American Presi- dent simply cannot assume the role of a French or German President who is over and above politics. The big question then is whether Eisen- hower, with his traditional military training and his almost universal backing could fill an office where his decisions would make enemies, call forth partisan blasts and cause doubts in the minds of some voters that he is the great man that he was thought to be. The greatest Presidents in American his- tory have been among the most controver- sial figures of their times. Starting with Jefferson and continuing with Jackson, Lincoln, Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, these men have been hated by some and loved by others. These were men who cast tradition and unity to the winds and fol- lowed policies which were bound to cause dissension. Many persons are not convinced that Eis- enhower could stand up under such condi- tions. He has convictions, but whether he could cope in a democratic way with the op- position that certainly will plague him is a very debatable question. I, . Beware The Quicksand INTERPRETING THE NEWS: European Problems By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. Associated Press News Analyst A MULTIPLICITY of problems now threaten the whole concept of the allied defense plan for Western Europe. The problems have been there all the time, or have been developing steadily. The appearance of crisis at the moment may be more apparent than real, since the countries are now tackling matters which have been laid aside for several montb ending the French and then the British elections. Creation by Congress of a new mutual security setup to supervise both the economic and military allotments of American financial aid brought a pause in this program which Averell Harriman is only now beginning to clear up. Europeans have been blaming Americans for lack of decision which they hold partly responsible for gaps in the re- armament program. These gaps, whatever their cause, have in turn handicapped General Eisenhower's program. More of his trouble, however, is due to either the lack of European ability or willingness to strain their economies to the point necessary for carrying out the original mobili- zation program. This is reported to have brought a decision that, instead of a long range program for a big defense setup, immediate concentra- tion must be on equipment of smaller forces, so that something will be available soon, rather than more a couple of years from now. The delay in obtaining agreement on West Germany's role in the program is another vital factor. Germany is holding out for all she can get in the way of political concessions before committing herself to military cooperation. On the other hand, the French government, while committed to accept German participation in the European army once the Schuman plan takes effect, is nevertheless still hampered by concern over Ger- man rearmament. The greatest trouble, of course, is that France, Britain and all the countries are beginning to feel the crimp of a new financial crisis. American aid has brought their economies just barely to the point where they are on course, but not to the point where they can withstand the slightest wind of adversity. The cost of the arms program is such a wind. Amid these factors, the U.S. has sent a high level team to Europe in an effort to eliminate some of the chaos before the Atlantic Pact meeting in Rome starting Nov. 24. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN :k { ,Ooolt5;; . _ 0' * I I MATTER O0 r fAr By JOSEPH ALSOPS WASHINGTON-In their somewhat mer- curial way, the American policy makers have become a lot more hopeful about So- viet purposes in these last months. The the- ory is that Western rearmament, although miserably retarded and very far from com- plete, has at least gone far enough to in- spire the Kremlin with real fear of a major war. Enough faith is placed in this theory so that a slowdown of Western rearmament is actually being discussed in some quarters. Unfortunately this new optimism about the Kremlin's intentions, which is largely based on expert judgement, is just about counterweighted by hard facts giving rise to pessimism of a different kind. There may be less reason to worry about what the Kremlin is going to do; but there are certainly more reasons to worry about the internal difficulties of the Western alli- ance. Some of these are simple military diffi- culties. For instance, the Korean fighting has revealed grave defects in our fighter aircraft, such as the need for cannon arm- ament which can knock down heavy bomb- ers. Yet fighters with the right armament, speed and other qualities will not be coming off the line in quantity before 1953 at the earliest. Other difficulties again are direct- ly political. For instance, the problem of Germany's new status and Germany's inte- gration into the Western defense organiza- tion is growing discouragingly troublesome to disentangle. TIHE REALLY IMPORTANT difficulties, however, are those which reveal heavy and perhaps unbearable strains on the fun- damental structure of the Western alliance itself. Among these, the most important is the recurrence of economic-financial crisis in Britain and France. Infinitely too little attention has been paid, as yet, to this very grave event. Aid Program PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S recent announce- ment that the United States is going to allocate $160,000,000 in economic and techni- cal assistance to the Near East is an en- couraging event. It is impossible to conceive of any area where American dollars can be put to any better use than in this crucial part of the world where abject poverty and powerful nationalistic feelings are threatening to boil over in a manner which would be dis- astrous to the interests of all but the Com- munists. Anti-British feeling which has been arous- ed in Iran and Egypt is rapidly being trans- formed into an anti-Western attitude throughout the Middle East. Memories of years of European imperialism in the area make the people naturally suspicious of all Western motives. The Arab nations hold us largely responsible for the establishment of the State of Israel on territory that was for- merly theirs. The Communists have shown no hesi- tancy in taking advantage of this growing anti-Western sentiment. They have ef- fectively played-up to the nationalism and religious zeal which are the strongest mo- tivating forces in the area. Their promises Flights from both sterling and the franc are now in full progress. The British, who began the year with hard currency re- serves osf above $4,000,000,000, lost over $650,000,000 from their reserves in the quarter ending Sept. 30, and another $320,- 000,000 in the month of October alone. Withdrawals from reserves continuing at this rate will bankrupt Britain, totally, finally and irrevocably, in not too many months' time. The French, with much more slender reserves, have also been los- ing their nest-egg cash at an alarming rate; and their situation is further com- plicated by the weakness of their govern- ment and their loose currency controls. The source of the trouble is the double strain imposed on France and Britain by the world price inflation, and by the burden of rearmament. The new British government has moved boldly to halt the drain from their reserves. W. Averell Harriman is also con- certing measures which will tide our allies over the immediate emergency. The most likely method will be, in effect, to borrow somewhere between $500,000,000 and $1,000,- 000,000 from the enormous funds already ap- propriated but not yet expended for Ameri- can defense, and to apply this borrowed money to helping Britain and France. In fact, however, even if all goes well, the British are expected to lose an over-all total of $1.500,000,000 from reserves and to con- sume a minimum of $300,000,000 of addition- al American aid, before they again achieve a precarious stability. The French position is comparable. MEANWHILE THE OPINION is growing among higher American policy makers that crises of this sort will continue to re- cur, and will continue to demand new rescue parties, unless stronger measures are taken to cure the trouble at its source. Endless res- cue parties are more and more disliked. Yet any attempt to go to the source of the trouble will demand a most radical readjustment in the existing economic political relationship between this country and the other Western allies. Again, in the Middle East, another fear- ful strain is being produced by what may be called the disintegration of the flanks of the Western alliance. The position in Egypt, which has been described at length in reports from the scene in this space, is already downright terrifying. The State Department's efforts to cover the gaping wound in Iran with a nice little pink band-aid have finally broken down, as was inevitable. The whole of the Middle East, one of the world's three great strategically vital areas, is deeply inflamed. Again a real cure will demand most radical meas- ures. The danger, then, has shifted. While the imminent risk of Kremlin aggression has grown much less, another imminent risk, of a serious break-down within the Western alliance, has grown much greater. It is six of one and half-a-dozen of the other. For the moment the Western alliance is immobilized or even greatly weakened by such a break- down, the risk of Kremlin aggression will again become very great. (Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) New Books at the Library Douglas, Lloyd-Time to Remember. Bos- MUSIC ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON W1ASHINGTON-Here is the inside story on the Korean truce talks. General Ridgway has cabled a strong recommendation to the Pentagon that we keep the military pressure on the Communists until all the terms of the armistice are settled. Otherwise, he warns that the Chinese will stall over such matters as inspection teams and exchang- ing prisoners. Ridgway also claimed that his Corces can hurry the final arm- istice-provided they remain free to twist the Communists' arm. On the other hand, lie argues that afer a truce his men won't feel like fighting for ground that they know is going to be given back anyway. Ridgway's gamble is that his tactics won't cause a break- down of the talks, but will actually speed the final armistice. However, there is no question but that Ridgway's proposal re- presents a definite and important change of policy. Therefore his pro- posal is still under active consideration by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the National Security Council. Until they reach a final decision, he has been given authority to press his demands at Panmunjon. Here are the background facts which they are considering. When we went into the truce talks, the biggest obstacle seemed to be drawing a truce line. We agreed-in fact, urged--that the truce line be settled first. This has been the whole question of the past several weeks. We even drew our proposed truce line on a map so the Com- munists could have no doubts about it. After months of haggling, the Communists finally came around to our terms. Their last proposal was so close to our demands that there was nothing left to haggle over. At first Washington couldn't understand why Ridgway didn't snap it up, but sent his negotiators back instead with a flat rejection and a warn- ing that the truce' line coul'dn't be drawn until the other terms of the armistice were settled. * . . * -REASONS FOR REVERSAL- N OTHER WORDS, we reversed ourselves regarding the proposed line we had previously drawn; ignored the long months of haggling over a few yards of ground here, a few miles there; and announced that a firm line couldn't be drawn until the armistice was ready to be signed, sealed and delivered... The reason for this reversal was that originally we agreed to take up the truce line first, because we then didn't plan to go any- where during the armistice. We planned to move into strong posi- tions in the hills and camp there for the winter. In Fact, Ridgway told Gen. Omar Bradley, as previously reported in this column, that jeep accidents would outnumber battle casualties this winter. What Ridgway meant by this was that he didn't plan to do any fighting. Thus, there was no reason not to draw the truce line first. The last Communist proposal agrees that the fighting should con- tinue until the final armistice terms are settled. It even agrees that our planes should have the right to continue bombing Communist sup- ply lines. However, Ridgway is now so confident in his own military strength and so convinced the Chinese are seriously crippled that he is willing to gamble on using force in order to speed up the entire negotiations and gain a more favorable armistice. What he fears is that the Com- munists will stall once a truce is decided and wait all winter before agreeing to a final peace. This would mean leaving our prisoners in Chinese hands during the dread Korean winter-a winter which some of them could not survive. -TAX DELINQUENTS- HOUSE INVESTIGATORS have asked for a full report on nine de- linquent San Francisco taxpayers who suddenly paid up after James G. Smyth was suspended as San Francisco collector. Heading the list is Ben Swig, owner of the fashionable Fair- mont Hotel, who is a power in West Coast Democratic politics and usually entertains President Truman when he comes to town. Smyth was allowing Swig to pay off a $500,000 tax debt at the rate of $5,000 per month-on the grounds that he couldn't afford any more. However, Smyth, was bounced out last month, and Charles Masarik, a deputy collector from Pittsburgh, was sent to San Francisco to take over. Masarik promptly notified Swig that a lien would be put on his property so the government could collect its money ahead of any other debts. Within two days Swig coughed up the remaining $307,000 that was due. The investigators now want to know why Smyth was so lenient to a taxpayer who could raise so much money in so short a time. The same question will also be asked of eight other, lesser cases. -WASHINGTON PIPELINE- ADM. WILLIAM AGNEW of Bethesda Naval Hospital believes in brass-hatism even in hospitals. He has asked civilian hospital workers to stop using the front door .. .. Sen. Harry Cain of Wash- ington really needed to get in the limelight by touring Seattle with General MacArthur. His chances of re-election are about as rosy as MacArthur's chance of being reappointed by Truman .... Keep an eye on the lady mayor of Portland, Ore., Dorothy Lee, Republican. She has cleaned up the underworld, made a big hit with women voters, and probably could defeat Senator Cordon in the GOP primaries . (Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) i I At Hill Auditorium .. . I HAD NEVER heard Alexander Brailowsky in person before his appearance at Hill auditorium last night. His Chopin record- ings had disenchanted me on first acquaint- ance, but I was hoping for better things from a public performance. I am sorry to report that the entire evening amounted to sound and fury signifying nothing. Mr. Brailowsky's piano playing is the poorest I have ever heard on a concert stage. It is so poor that the evening wasn't funny, it was tragic; the thought that so many peo- ple should spend so much time and money for so little return is incredibly dishearten- ing. I tried for some minutes before beginning this review to think of something favorable to report. I think it is honest to say that Brailowsky plays with spirit. But spirit does not substitute for a legitimate approach to the keyboard or for a musical approach to the program; both were absent from last night's recital. In a way Brailowsky is a poseur; he approaches the music with conviction, he goes through the motions of a legitimate pianist, and at times he is almost convinc- ing, but if one listens carefully the exter- ior soon gives way to a shabby interior, utterly lacking in musical sensitivity. From the standpoint of technique, Brai- lowsky's whole physical approach is wrong. He doesn't play the piano, he bangs it; waging a sort of personal warfare with the instrument, he defies all the rules of easy, natural pianism, and in the end comes out the loser. The pedal reputedly covers a multitude of sins, but its over-use last night could not cover the muddy accompaniment, blurred scale passages, faked trills and just plain wrong notes. From the standpoint of musicianship, Brailowsky is painfully lackiny in stylistic sense or interpretive insight. Bach and Chopin, Beethoven and Liszt all sounded exactly alike. Brailowsky seems to have The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tivesnotice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEwRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (11 a.m. on Saturday). SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1951 VOL. LXIV, NO. 47 Notices Open House, President's Residence: Members of the faculties and staff of the University and townspeople are in- vited by President and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher to an Open House at thePresi- dent's Residence, 815 S. University Ave- nue, Sunday, Nov. 18, from 3 to 6 and 8 to 10 p.m. Late permission for women students who attended "Ruddigore' 'on wednes- day and Thursday nights will be no later than 11:30 p.m. Late permission for women students who attended the second showing of the Duke Ellington show on Thursday night will be no later than 12:53. Activities sponsored by student or- ganizations, including social events, must be calendared to take place before the tenth day prior to the beginning of a final examination period. Final ex- aminations for the present semester be- gin January 21. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Wesley Rob- ert Hurt, Jr., Anthropology; thesis: "A Comparative Study of the Preceramic Occupations of North America," Mon., Nov. 19, 4017 Museum, 3 p.m. Chairman, J. B. Griffin. Doctoral examination f o r Charles Bruce Lee, Zoology; thesis: "The Mol- luscan Family Succineidae in Michigan, Considerations of Anatomy, Early Em- bryology and Distribution," Mon., Nov. 19, 2089 Natural Science Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairman, H. van der Schalie. Probability Seminar. 4 p.m., Mon., Nov. 19, 3001 Angell Hall. Project M-720-1. Mon., Nov. 19, 7:30 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Events Today Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group: Lane Hal, 12:15 p.m. The speakers top- ic will be on "Belgium." Phone reser- vations to Lane Hall,. Congregational-Disciples Guild: Foot- ball Open House after the game, Guild House. Wesleyan Guild: Hamburg fry after the game, at the Guild. Everyone is welcome. Coming Events Graduate Outing Club. Meet at the rear of the Rackham Building at 2 p.m., Sun., Nov. 18. Hik- ing and games. Carleton College. Everyone who has attended or taught at Carleton College in Northfield, Min- nesota, is invited to meet in the Wo- men's League from 3-5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 18. Industrial Relations Club. 7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 19, Room 3R, Union. Speak- er: Mr. Gene Prato, International Rep- resentative of the UAW-CIO. Le Cercie Francais: Saint Catherine's Day Party for which unmarried girls are to wear home-made hats. Photo- graph for Michiganensian. Charades. Coffee. Mon., Nov. 19, 8 p.m., League. Phi Sigma Biological Society will meet Mon., Nov. 19, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theater. Dr. Reuben L. Kahn, Assoc. Prof. of Serology, will speak on "Uni- versal Reactions in Health and Dis- ease." Open to the public. Hillel: There will be no supper club this week, but it will be continued in the very near future. League Co-Ed Record Concert. Sun., Nov. 18, 8:30-10 p.m. Program: Bach- Brandenburg Concertos 4 & 5 (Prades Festival); Beethoven-3t concerto (Ru- binstein & Toscanini); Schubert-Sym- phony No. 2 in B flat (Munch & Boston Symphony). Inter Arts Union-Chamber music at the home of Anne Stevenson, 904 Olivia, Sun., Nov. 18, 8 p.m. Everyone inter- ested is invited. U. of M. Hot Record Society. A meet- ing in the League, Sun., Nov. 18, 8 p.m., featuring George Lewis, and Jelly Roll Morton Library of Congress L. P.s. Everyone is invited. 1. x4 to Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor Bob Keith................City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vein Emerson........-Feature Editor Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor Ron Watts............Associate Editor Bob Vaughn ,.,.... ... .Associate Editor Ted Papes..............Sports Editor George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor Jan JTames ........... Women's Editor Jo Keteihut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller.........Business Manager Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager Sally Fish...........Finance Manager Stu Ward........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication 01 all news dispatches credited -to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular anhool year: by carrier. $6.00; by mail, $7.00. { .. i d 4 BARNABY I Of course any domesticated specre is S My stars! Of all the inhabited planets 1Ix It confuses them. Makes them III v I,