FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1951 FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY r . *1I Campaign Issues Opera Trans lated AN ASPECT of the 1952 presidential elec- tion which is frequently neglected today centers around Harry Truman's much-dis- cussed but much misunderstood domestic policy. With the advent of the 'Fair Deal,' the realm of government has been in theory extended to many fields which it long ignored. Republican statesmen challenge the theory. And many Democrats are un- decided about the whole thing. Mr. Truman has not managed to push a great many of his pet domestic projects through Congress.s EPC has achieved some progress; but it is still not in the form its advocates wish. The much-maligned Brannan Farm Plan is still in abeyance. It is of course useless from a short-range point of view. American agriculture is enjoying its greatest period of prosperity. From the long-range viewpoint, some sort of government aid to agricul- ture will be requisite if the nation is to have an "ever-normal granary." The health insurance plans have been successfully lobbied into oblivion. The clean-up of government on the fed- eral level has t least reached the planning stage. Waste has been eliminated in many departments, although there is still enough duplication of duties to make an efficiency expert pale and sulk away. How much weight will all these prob- lems carry in the coming elections? With the present great interest in foreign poli- ties, it is likely that domestic affairs will assume a secondary role in 1952. But to the grass roots politician, they are still of the utmost importance. What do each of the parties stand to gain in the field of domestic policy in the com- ing election? The Republicans can point to the apparent failure of the Fair Deal as a practical pro- gram. And they will undoubtedly argue that if it had been adopted, it would form the first step for a socialistic state. The Democrats can point to the blocking Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: CAL SAMRA of the most constructive domestic bills by the conservative wing of the Republican party. From the theoretical viewpoint, De- mocratic arguments for the Fair Deal should follow the pattern of former years. They run along the lines that the United States must provide the maximum secur- ity for its people if the present high stand- ard of living is to be maintained, and that modified government assistance in many walks of life is the best way of obtaining that security. Possibly the biggest issue in the domestic field for 1952 will be an offshoot of foreign policy problems. Internal Communism will receive without a doubt a great deal of pub- licity from Republican party workers. The blatant attacks at Red influence in government by Sen. Joseph McCarthy are still a hot issue. They probably will remain so. The result of these attacks has been gen- erally destructive, not constructive. The De- mocratic party has been hurt in the Middle West by McCarthy's tirades, but on a nation- wide basis it is likely that the Republican party has been hurt even more. The Communist issue has produced a serious problem in American government. The question arises in every government worker's mind as to whether his definition of loyalty coincides with, for instance, Col. Robert R. McCormick's definition. The people, too, in the private sense, have felt the backwash of the red-baiting flood. 1952 may go down in history as the election of trepidation. Convictions among liberals (so-called) as to civil rights and educational freedom are branded as 'pink' today whether or not they have the faintest glimmering of Marxist philosophy. And the election campaigns should have the aspect of a one-sided gang war, with everybody attacking the left of center and everybody avowing that he is right of center. This aspect of fear in the treatment of domestic policy looks to be the keynote of the 1952 presidential and congressional race, and on the basis of potential fear, the Republicans seem to have more weapons in the battle. On most points Truman and the Demo- crats have the more conclusive argument in domestic affairs. But the Republicans in 1952 have one of their best opportunities to play on the emotions of the American pub- lic, and may well win out for that reason. -George Flint THE CASE for operas in English was per- suasively set forth by the New York City Opera Company's presentation of "The Marriage of Figaro" in Detroit Wednesday night. The big advantage of opera in English is, of course, that it breaks down the most im- posing obstacle separating operatic tradition from a restless public-inability to follow the plot. While the music, which is after all the chief justification of opera, can carry most operatic passages without assistance from any linguistic meanings, the long recitatives, especially in such an opera as "Figaro," must be understandable if an evening at the opera is to be anything but a cramped obligation. Other than burying one's nose in a libretto for half the performance there is no other way to grasp the often intricate sequence of evens than to hear the opera done in a familiar tongue. The chief responsibility for the success of this venture into the unconventional lies with the translators, who must necessarily approach their work liberally. In "Figaro," for instance, unimportant numbers which literally mean "five," "ten," and so on are translated as "seven," "fourteen," to make them more singable. The translators made no effort to be pompous, as "Figaro" is more effectively done in a colloquial style. While in most translations Bartolo's aria concerns "vengeance," this particular one termed his motive "getting even." These are small but noteworthy characteristics of a translation which proved "Figaro" to be a humorous, burlesque, wholly enter- taining affair. "The Marriage of Figaro" is not the only opera that would be more effective sung in English. Wednesday's production was simply an outstanding example of what can be done with an adaptable opera by efficient imagi- native musicians and linguists. It also serves as a representative of the "progressive move- ment" in opera, led by such men as Rudolph Bing of the Metropolitan Opera Company, who have been forced by diminishing ticket sales if not by esthetic motives to shake out an art that has long been packed away. -Virginia Voss Toward Bigger Heartbreak Ridges' - tette,'4~~ TOTEEIO generl intrestand wll pulish ll lttrs hiSQch" a, re signed by terite '.r liblou leter, ad lttes w ich;for ay reanr e not in goo-:taste wiu s s ' 4 Qft p, TO T HE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Getters exceeding 300 words in length. defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. centuates the hypocrisy and "care- less" use of terms. James seems to share his broth- er's taste for evasive language. He says: "someone accusing an op- ponent of McCarthyism instead of Communism." Does he mean ac- cusing a person of McCarthyism instead, of accusing a person of Communism, or does he mean ac- cusing a person who does not op- pose Communism but does oppose McCarthy? Someone made a vicious unsup- ported attack upon Miss Grable and Hollywood. He was challeng- ed. The only defense has been a feeble effort to dismiss the matter as a joke. -Robert Davidson (EDITOR'S NOTE: James was not trying to defend John who has not yet been heard from on this matter.) * * * '.U' Paternalism .. . To the Editor: E WOULD appreciate recogni- tion of this letter since the majority of those which you pub- lish always seem to criticize rather than praise the University. In regard to M. J. Jacobson's let- ter on "U" Paternalism of Novem- ber 13, we feel that Miss Jacobson has overlooked the purposes be- hind University regulations. It is not the sole aim of the University to hem in its students, but on the contrary, to insure their wel- fare and protect University prop- erty. Itvis part of the function of the University to teach its students to uphold the statutes of their state and country. Permitting students underage to drink is in direct op- position to this policy. As for the wild beer parties, in every society' there are those who break the laws, but this does not mean the University should sanction such' act*ns. In regard to dormitories, the administration tries to make them as pleasant as possible. Smoking is prohibited in lounges to protect furnishings, keep the floors clean and the air pure. Students go to the library because of its extensive facilities, and to the League for socializing, not to escape from the dormitory. Miss Jacbsson will find that sex is a natural phenomenon and that the "pre-closing time dorm ses- sions" exist on every campus, whe- ther in cars or on dorm porches. This brings up the controversial question of cars on campus. First and foremost, there are no park- ing facilities to accommodate stu- dent cars. Furthermore, the pro- hibiting of student owned cars re- duces "cut-throat competition" in dating. Have you ever visited a campus where the "car" deter- mines the popularity of the owner? In conclusion, the only sugges- tion we have to make to M. J. Jacobson is that if she thinks w il~ilillil W i ll that drinking and sex are the only outlets for tension, she would do well to cultivate new interests. --Barbara Budson Isabel Cohen * * * Inter-Arts tnion.. . To the Editor: South's Progress .. . To the Editor: i CIIIM IN MY FIRST communication to this paper I wished only to ex- plain the reasons for differences in Northern and Southern opinion; only to illustrate that cultural cir- cumstances often demand differ- ent methods in approaching a spe- cific problem. I had wished to avoid, as much as possible the ap- pearance of argumentation, for the heat of argumentative interaction often dulls our reason. I now urge this truth upon the participants in our controversy. Remember that we are not dealing with the justice of likes and dislikes or with our personal opinions of the societies and areas in question; rather we are dealing' with conditions that exist regardless of that justice or those opinions. Our ideas are valid only if they can be applied to the problem. C ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON Architecture Auditoritmm TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE, with Humphrey Bogart and Walter Hus- ton. I.I WASHINGTON-What General Eisenhow- er said to Senator Duff, after Ike let him down by saying he hadn't "heard from Senator Duff directly or indirectly for a long time" is one of the most speculated questiobs in Washington. It's like the debate over what the Governor of South Caroling, said to the Governor of North Carolina. However, part of what Ike told the aun burn-haired Senator from Pennsylvania, briefly summarized, was this: "I'm sorry. I never had so many questions coming at me all at once and I didn't realize what I was saying until it slipped out." The two men completely patched things up, and Eisenhower retrieved his fumble at a subsequent press conference by indicating that he had no objection to the, operations of friends who "have been my friends for so long they believe they know how I would react." * * * MUSIC THE GHOSTS OF past Hill Auditorium performances by Caruso, Trubell and the Boston Symphony probably turned over in their graves last night when the "Biggest Show of 1951" backed by Duke Ellington's orchestra turned staid-old Hill into a near relative of Detroit's Avenue Theatre. If variety is the spice of life, on-lookers got a hot bowl of chili as a series of fat men, belly dancers, singers, gymnastic comedians and one-legged dancers paraded across the stage. Of the Duke's band, one thing can be said: It was disappointing. Minus his old aggregation of Cootie Williams, ,Johnny Hodges, Sonny Greer and others, it just wasn't the band that made fame for the Duke. Missing is the precision work and phrasing of the reed section, the preval- ence of the gutteral brass and the weird tonal and harmonic color for which Elling- ton is famous. He did come through with some of these characteristics in "Caravan" and in the backing for other variety num- bers, but never sufficiently to overcome the ragged job that prevailed. Sarah Vaughan and Nat Cole did live up expectations. Miss Vaughan's warm, sensuous voice seems to have a tremendous potential power-never quite unleashed. Characteristic of her style is an instrumental-like-voicej which often renders a word unidentifiable --CAPITAL NEWS CAPSULES- SENATORS ON THE CUFF-Thirty Sena- tors left for home last month without paying up their bills at the Senate dining room. On top of this, Nation-Wide Food Service, which runs the dining room, has been trying to collect some senatorial bills for six months to a year. Senators just don't pay easily. The list of senatorial deadbeats has been turned over to the senate rules committee, but it is better guarded than any secret regarding the atom bomb. I can report, however that one senator is carried' on the cuff for $500; another, defeated in 1950, still hasn't paid his bill.r UNLUCKY SMALL BUSINESS - The free-enterprise system-and small busi- nessmen in particular-took it on the chin again when the Justice Department's anti- trust division was forced by congressional penny-pinching to fire 25 per cent of its total professional staff. This cut will tie the hands of the trust-busters at a time when the nation's largest corporations are becoming so fat with dettense contracts they threaten to drive thousands of small businessmen to the wall. Man chiefly responsible for the attack on the trust- busters is Congressman John Rooney of Brooklyn, Democrat. GOVERNMENT STEVEDORES-Though New York dock strikers didn't halt military shipments, Pentagon planners are worried that some future strike will. They plan a new government organization composed of longshoremen and stevedores, who will be regular government civil service employees- like postmen-and thus not permitted to strike. The Pentagon believes this will insure protection for military supplies in the event of future labor trouble on. the waterfront. , , * -THE DIPLOMATIC CABLES- RUSSIA HAS SECRETLY promised Egypt complete political backing, if Egypt will organize the Arab states into an all-out cold war against Britain. This proposal was made by the Polish minister to Egypt, Jan Dra- hojowski, to the Secretary-General of the Arab League, Azzam Pasha. .. . Prime Min- ister Churchill ignored the advice of the American Embassy when he suggested another Big 4 meeting. The American Em- bassy got wind of Churchill's speech and tried to head it off, feeling that a Big 4 meeting would only put us in the hole. Churchill, however, went ahead with his speech exactly as he had written it, while U.S. Ambassador Gifford sizzled .. . . The Egyptian press is flooded with pictures show- ing alleged Egyptian citizens behind barbed wire in British concentration camps. Truth is that the nictures were taken in Malaya-- THREE YEARS AGO, Warner Brothers tried to sneak ths one out of the back door, only to learn, when the reviews came out, that they were stuck with a work of art. At that time, it was a little late to get their ponderous publicity machine into mo- tion and a lot of people inadvertently missed an extremely fine movie. It is possible, even now, to see how the Warners missed the mark originally. Built in the framework of the run-of-the-mill Western, the picture, on the surface, de- velops the two great themes of the West- ern: man against the elements and man against other men. When it adds a third, however, man against his own evil na- ture, it endows the other two themes with wide dimension and gives point to the de- velopment of all three of the fundamental conflicts. "Treasure of the Sierra Madre" has been called an adventure fable. It is a fable not' only because it draws an easy moral, but more important because it has the vital unity of a fable. It transcends the mere pic- turesque from the start. Its adventure ele- ment is a carefully disciplined ingredient. Its violence is measured, allowed to erupt only with the larger, more organized pur- pose in mind. B John Huston shows here, more clearly than anywhere else in his work as a director, his ability to unify a complex and diversi- fied plot. As he did in "The Maltese Falcon" and "The Asphalt Jungle," he makes mean- ingful use of minor characters. Just as Greenstreet stole the former film and Sam Jaffe the latter in colorful supporting char- acterizations, Walter Huston walks off with this one. Since it is Huston's canny apprais- al, however, that penetrates the whole plot, the weight of his portrayal seems relatively less topheavy than the similar performances of Jaffe and Greenstreet. In the starring role, Humphrey Bogart is uneven. Because his talent is really too confined, he does not sufficiently distin- guish the normal ambitions and enthu- siasms of the character at the beginning of the picture from the psychotic lust at the end. His death scene is dominated completely by Alfonso Bedoya as the Mexi- can bandit. The grisly comedy of the last ten minutes of the picture, climaxing in the hysterical laughing jag, is incidentally among the deftest examples of technique in the history of movie-making. With it, John Huston keynotes the climax of a solid dramatic structure. He has moved into the front rank of writer-directors on the basis of this production. -Bill Wiegand Let me be the last to condemn the ideal of equal opportunity for all. Our differences lie, not in the ulti- mate aim, but in the method for its attainment. Before the Civil War the North enjoyed over two hundred years of homogeneous so- ciety, a condition which the South- ern system did not allow. Southern opportunity for homogeneity came with emancipation by force, an ac- tion hardly calculated to alter the thinking of the Southern people. As a consequence, the South has been faced with the problem of in- troducing this homogeneity under conditions which did not favor it. Even so, the South of its own ac- cord has made considerable pro- gress in overcoming the difficulty. Our impatience must not impair our judgment. One fact is evident: enough of the old system remains in the character of the Southern people to stimulate their violent rejection of legislated civil rights, if that legislation is forced upon them from a higher level. The surest way to anhihilate every interracial ad- vance the South has made is to use coercion. Time is not being us- ed as an excuse for persecution. It is a requirement of social evolu- tion, which is far preferable to so- cial revolution. Our ideals must be realized from within, if they are ever to be secured. -Richard Allen LaBarge * * * American Education*... To the Editor: N YOUR editorial concerning an article, "Democracy and the Teachers in the United States," in the Manchester Guardian Weekly, you criticized the stand taken by' Bertrand Lord Russell, perhaps quite rightly. It is unfortunate that the people of England are given such a poor and misconstrued con- ception of American education, because of Lord Russell's rather harsh and far-fetched treatment of an article written by an Indiana Superintendent of Schools. In a letter addressed to Lord Russell, in this weeks Manchester Guardian, two Americans ably expressed the fact that all our schools are not 'propaganda mills" nor is the opin- ion of one man* binding upon all American schools. However, I believe that we can not altogether condemn Lord Rus- sell, because examination of the text of the Superintendent's mes- sage shows more than words couched in innocent terms. While the Superintendent indicates that indoctrination is not the American way of education he states that it is now necessary to indoctrinate our young people because other countries are doing it. We in the United States are proud of our democratic heritage and prouder because we do not have to resort to indoctrination. Academic freedom implies the right to teach both sides of an issue. Our educators need not indoctrinate, but rather show our youth what exists in the world. No American, young or old, can fail, after examining and com- paring the difference between one system whereby a people are bound in the chains of totalitarianism and gagged by the threat of a se- cret police, and the liberties and freedoms which are enjoyed in democratic nations. However, we must be free to examine and com- pare. Sir, it is the truth which has made America a government of the people and not what a superinten- dent or any official labels as the truth, or an "American" definition of a term or word which changes its meaning in every generation. Let us not forget that the Ameri- can definition of "democracy" was not very different from "radical" or "Jacobin" in 1795. Thus it is the duty of our educators to cause their students to think and arrive at their own conclusions rather than present digested definitions labeled, THE TRUTH. -Paul Flanzer * * * Briley's Family... To the Editor: THAT'S WHAT I like about The Daily, its educational value. I'm delighted to learn that James Briley has known his brother for twenty-four years. Perhaps he can tell us John's age. I suggested that John Briley support his position or shut up. James, who has known him much longer, goes even further and says that the silencing of his brother would improve campus morality. I hope it will not be considered immodest of me to point out that Mr. Briley erred in accusing Robert of accusing John of accusing only Hollywood. If Mr. Briley will check his inventory, he will find that he omitted the L. of D. Be more thor- ough, James. Tut! Tut! It's interesting to know that James agrees with me that Miss Grable can do many things that she does not do in the films. How- ever, that is no answer to the charge that John Briley presented a list of things he said Miss Grable could do and created the impres- sion that these were representative of an average Betty Grable movie, although brother John lacked the courage to make a direct charge. I appreciate James' recognition of Miss Grable's charms, in his re- ference to her humility. Miss Grable's worth is what makes her humility so beautiful. Certainly, James doesn't suggest that a per- son cannot be credited with humil- ity simply because she is beautiful, talented, and popular. Thank you, James Briley, for confirming my suspicion concern- ing the source of John's knowledge qf "bumps and grinds." This ac- In a university as large and as active as this one, opportunities for students to rub noses with the arts are overwhelming. As a mat- ter of fact, in following the never- ceasing series of concerts, plays, lectures and art exhibits, we some- times wonder if perhaps our noses aren't being rubbed in them. How- ever it is, we've got to admit that life is pretty exciting, and that a good part of this excitement comes from us, the students. It must. We are the people who are writing poetry and music for the first time, acting, dancing, playing in- struments, seriously thinking of these things as possible profes- sions. If we can't be excited, who can? It is nearly impossible to count up the various student art groups on campus. There are The Student Players, The Gilbert and Sullivan Society, the dance clubs, the Goth- ic Film Society and so it goes. The Inter-Arts Union and "Genera- tion" differ slightly from these in that they serve principally the cre- ative artist rather than the inter- preter. Both IAU and "Generation" exist to produce and publish stu- dent works, and to encourage writ- ers, artists and composers, Unfortunately, and I think in part due to the unwibldy size of the student body, many have either not heard of these organizations, or only heard them mentioned as vague campus activities promoted by a few intense, "arty" people. We who are working with IAU and Generation are very anxious to make them representative of the University of Michigan as a whole. To do this,,we are holding an open forum, or if that sounds too for- mal, an open jam session on Tues- day, Nov. 20 at 7:30, in the League ABC room. There we will try to explain our policies, ask for criti- cism and suggestions and answer any questions that are asked. We urge everyone, students and fac- ulty, to come suggest, criticize and damn as you wish. We want to know what you think of "Genera- tion." If you have ideas for change and improvement, how you think they might be put through? If you have suggestions for the coming Inter-Arts Festival in March, tell us! This is your business as much as ours. Everyone come! -Anne Stevenson, President, IAU EDUCATING FIVE thoroughly rather than five thousand su- perficially, we shall have pushed back by just so far the frontier of ignorance. -Nathaniel Peffer OF EDUCATION there are as many definitions as there are educators; the groves of academe are noisy with imagination. -Hamilton Basso i. . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) are broadcast on the Voice of America to foreign countries. Subjects for dis- cussion: Kashmir Dispute-Nov. i6. =Life In the U.S.=-Nov. 23. Marriage and Courtship Customs - Nov. 30. Students interested in participating on the programs may contact Hiru Shah, Moderator of the Roundtable, Ph. 8598. wesleyan Guild: Meet at the Guild at 7:30 p.m. to attend "Ruddigore" in a group. S.L. International Relations Commit- tee: Meeting, 3:30 p.m. at the S.L. Building, 122 Forest Ave. All interest- ed are urged to attend. Intercollegiate Zionist Federation of America (IZFA). Executive Board meet- ing, 3:15 p.m., Room 3D, Union. Hillel: Friday evening services at Lane Hall, Upper Room, 7:45 p.m. After services the Hillel Drama Group will present "The Life of Hyman Kaplan." Everyone is welcome. Newman Club. A "Sadie Hawkins Par- ty" in the clubroom of Saint Mary's Chapel, 8-12 midnight. Square danc- ing, round dancing, and refreshment, *All Catholic students and their friends are invited. Coming Events Carleton College. Everyone who has attended or taught at Carleton College in Northfield, Min- nesota, is invited to meet in the Wo- men's League from 3-5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 18. Graduate Outing Club. Meetat the rear of the Rackham Building at 2 p.m., Sun., Nov. 18. Hik- ing and games. Hillel: Grad-Undergrad Mixer at the Alpha Epsilon Phi House, 407 North Ingalls at 7:30 p.m., Sun., Nov. 18. Everyone is welcome. Hillel: Bridge Party Sun., Nov. 18 at the Kappa Nu House, 805 Oxford.'Every- one is welcome. 11 l Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott,.........Managing Editor Bob Keith.................City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor Ron Watts . ...........Associate Editor Bob Vaughn ..........Associate Editor Ted Papes..............Sports Editor George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor Jan James........Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut. Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller .........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager Sally Fish ........... Finance Manager Stu Ward ........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication or all news dispatches credited to It or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan. as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. 4 4 A BARNABY .4, 4, The Professor's superhuman intelligence just happened to evolve on his planet in ,.n a hr 4 A - - hc n a nvrn . He'll soon realize his humorous mistake, m'boy, and turn to your Fairy Godfather- I r Domesticated, and with their power of speech, you must-find L - ._ TgHE INTELLIGENT PERSON is one who i I I