PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1951 f _____________________________________________ I ____________________________________________________________________________________________ U 1/ tj . io ote By CHUCK ELLIOTT TRADITION IS that the new managing editor of The Michigan Daily should fire a few opening remarks toward the campus- at-large upon commencing a new year of publication. After some consideration, how- ever, it appears that the only things that might interest everybody are either a good dollop of sex or some scandal about the ad- ministration. Since the space required for the necessary elaboration is not forthcoming we shall, as an agreeable alternative, take a look at the approaching year. The Daily, as usual, is prepared to give you the best of everything that goes on. The worst will be treated with appropriate gravity. We hope to nudge a few more peo- ple into expressing themselves by printing particularly provocative editorials. We do not intend to be the voice of the Admin- istration, though we may occasionally agree with them. Possibly, we will malign the football team. We design, in short, to be rationally irreverent. We are not in the habit of advertising our devious specific aims. These manifest them- selves in turn. We merely venture to state the purposes we embrace in common with the Boy Scouts: to be clean, healthy, and truthful. The other virtues may fend for themselves. If this sounds openly difficult, it is not necessarily meant to. What it does mean is that The Daily intends to be very much alive this year, and to provide something more than equivocal mutterings each day. If someone is to be offended, it will be for good reason, and conversely, if someone is supported, it will be because a member of the staff thinks his ideas or actions wor- thy of support. We do not plan to limit either our sphere of reportage or of com- ment through irrelevant pressures. We stand ready for criticism, well founded or merely noisy. Lack of it indicates an un- healthy complacency, either on our part or on yours. Under these circumstances, putting out The Daily appears to us to be a fairly appealing ,job; we can only hope that read- ing it will be somewhat appealing too. Bar that ,it will come out six days a week any- way. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: BOB KEITH Soviet Peace By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press News Analyst THE COMMUNIST PARTY of the U.S.S.R. seems to be telling its adherents through- out the world that the Soviet Union at pre- sent will avoid all-out war at any cost, but will work tooth and nail to bring on econo- mic crises in capitalist countries. This apparently is the message hidden in the torrent of words poured out re- cently in the Soviet press, the most strik- ing example of which is the article by party theoretician I. A. Seleznev in the magazine, Problems of Philosophy, which appeared Sunday, Problems of Philosophy is an official or- gan of the Academy of Sciences, and comes out only three times a year. Its articles are weighed and screened with extreme care. The burden of comrade Seleznev's remarks was that the party line at present is this: war can be avoided, even in an era of im- perialism, Marx to the contrary notwith- standing. At first blush this might seem like heresy, but so far as the Politburo is con- cerned, it is no such thing. It is simply a twist of Marxian doctrine, carefully devel- oped since the beginning of this year. Marx's doctrine was that capitalism, created through conflict, must collapse through conflict among the capitalists themselves. Developing this, Lenin wrote that the uneven development of capitalist countries led to a bitter struggle amongst them, and thus capitalism bred wars which ultimately would destroy it and bring on the world communist revolution. What the Politburo now is preaching is-- watch, wait and irritate. The beginnings of this campaign, all part of the current gigan- tic peace offensive, came at the start of 1951. The word in Pravda and Izvestia was this: gradually, Moscow will lure away more and more of the support from the United States, and there will be a deepening economic cri- sis in that citadel of capitalism. The thing that is inevitable now, in the words of Prav- da, is "the victory of Socialism and Demo- cracy (meaning Stalinist Communism) throughout the world." Revisions of Marx are nothing new to Moscow. Lenin was an old hand at it, and Stalin has showed many times how he could revise both Marx and Lenin and call the end product "Marxism-Leninism." Seleznev's words indicate that the Rus- sians will give us no rest, and that any peace The Daily's Policy A NEWSPAPER'S VALUE is measured by the objective accuracy of its reporting and by the intelligent interpretation of the news in its editorials. One without the other makes half a paper, and when both are miss- ing there is only a propaganda vehicle. A paper that has no objectivity in its news is guilty of misleading its readers. Equally unreliable is a paper that consis- tently interprets the news from one pre- conceived attitude. A party newspaper, whether Democratic, Republican or Com- munistic, cannot be expected to say any- thing new in its editorials. An alert read- er can anticipate the exact reaction of each. And a newspaper that refuses to discuss controversial issues, that leaves politics, so- cial change, human ideals to be fought for by others, can at its best become a recorder of other people's deeds. It cannot be con- structive in its own right. The newspaper, however, that is impartial in its reporting and also prints differing opinions on pertinent issues is an ideal pa- per, difficult but possible to achieve. It is a paper which believes that only by allowing full discussion of an issue is it possible to reach an intelligent solution. It is toward this conception of a newspaper that The Michigan Daily strives. As many different opinions as exist among Daily staff members are printed in the edi- torial columns. All editorials are signed by the writer because they represent his opin- ions only and not those of The Daily. In no way does the paper have a predetermined editorial line. It is an open free press in a truer and more sincere manner than the majority of poplar publications in the country. Only when there is a unanimous opinion among the seven senior editors is there an editorial that can be called repre- sentative of the viewpoint of The Michigan Daily. And even when such an editorial ap- pears, another written by a staffer with an opposing opinion will be printed. Since the editorials, however, are written only by staff members, The Daily acquires. what might be termed a policy of member- ship. If there are a majority of reactionaries on the staff, the majority of editorials will be reactionary, and The Daily in turn will be primarily reactionary. At present the staff is composed of what reactionaries call leftists, conservatives call liberals, and leftists call reactionaries. The results, we like to believe, are varied editorial comments based on a reasonable knowledge of the facts. And while cer- tain opinions might not exist among the staff members (though anyone who is willing to do the work of a staffer can write editorials) there is never a lack of differing opinions among the readers. The Letters to the Editor column exist to al- low expression of this reader opinion. The only restrictions placed on letters is that they be free from libel, under 300 words and in "good taste." The criteria "good taste" exists more to influence how things are said rather than what is said. It is through factual news reporting, in- dividual editorials, letters to the editor and syndicated columnists, that The Daily will, attempt to live up to the goal it has set for itself-to become a newspaper worth talking about. -Leonard Greenbaum I Wvj 1t~& DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN wrr ir~m~r rrr rw. rrrr~o~ r srr~ri , ; (Continued from Page 2) cial low rate for the course. Box of- fice hours are 10-1, 2-5 daily. Academic Notices Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in Economics will be held during the week beginning Mon., Oct. 29. Each student planning to take these ex- aminations should leave with the Sec- retary of the Department not later thanrTues., Oct. 2, his name, the three fields in which he desires to be ex- amined, and his field of specialization. Medical College Admission Test: Ap- plication blanks for the November 5 administration of the Medical College Admission Test are now available at 110 Rackham Building. Application blanks are due in Princeton, N. J. not later than October 22. The University Extension Service an- nounces that persons electing extension courses scheduled to be held in the Business Administration Building (Monroe at Tappan) and the Architec- ture Building (also on Monroe Street) maynregister from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. each evening this week through Thursday in 164 Business Administration Build- ing. Persons electing courses scheduled to be held in all other buildings may register in the thirty-minute period preceding the first classsession in the rooms where the classes meet. The following extension classes for adults (also open to University stu- dents) begin during the remainder of this week: r ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON 11 MATTER 0r FAr By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP1 WITH THE FRENCH ARMY IN GER- MANY-"The real question is," said the young American supply officer, as he sipped his beer, "have they got any guts?" This question about the French was perhaps a natural one for an American, who remem- bered without understanding the shameful French collapse in 1940. But to this reporter, who saw the France of wartime resistance, the question brought back a flood of mem- ories. Indeed, it is a curious experience, full of the sudden remembering of things for- gotten, to see and talk to and train with French fighting men after so long a lapse of time. For the French army of today has clearly inherited a good deal from those other days of the defeat, the occupation, and the Maquis. And here it must be said that not all of this influence from the past is good. Consider, for example, a spectacle which this reporter witnessed recently. A French general shouts loudly and angrily at a French captain. Without turning a hair, the French captain thereupon shouts more loudly and more angrily right back at the general. This sort of thing was to be expect- ed in the informal days of the Maquis, but it is surely a little disturbing in a regular army. After all, unfortunate though it may be, an army must have its generals. ** * THIS INCIDENT, moreover, whether typi- cal or not, accurately reflected a very real tension between the combat officers in the lower ranks and the higher command. This derives partly from the defeat in 1940, for which generals as a class are, rightly [CURRENT MOVIESJ At The State ... ANGELS IN THE OUTFIELD, with Paul Douglas and Janet Leigh. BASEBALL PICTURES, which once were a drug on the market, and "angel" pic- tures which were even worse, have lately be- come big business on the Hollywood front, and audiences are being treated to their seasonal helping this year in one dish. In a way, it is a shame. Individually, eith- er one of these themes might have been rea- sonably entertaining. Together, however, the cherubim and seraphim seem to be just a little silly, and the baseball people downright stupid. This makes for a whimsical, faintly amusing picture for about half the distance. The rest of the way, it is simply uncomfort- able. The Pittsburgh Pirates are the team in- volved in these shenanigans. Paul Douglas, as their manager, is an earthy Leo Dur- ocher type, who obviously doesn't deserve to win a pennant, he is so foul-mouthed. An orphan-child, however, intercedes for the Pirates and somehow enlists a troop of angels to help Mr. Douglas's stumble- bums. Literally struck dumb by this pro- vidential succor, Douglas gets religion, marries the girl, adopts the orphan, and wins the pennant. Odds are he'll take the Series too. At that, the angels are the most believable enough, held responsible. It derives partly from the fact that a good many of the old- er officers did nothing during the war, and then resumed their full rank once the war was ended. And it derives also from the high premium placed on disrespect for authority in the resistance era. "After all," said one junior officer, "is it not true that LeClerc was a captain until he disobeyed his commanders, and that he then became a general?" Anther young officer (after, perhaps, one Pernod too many) re- marked: "In the next war, the first thing we'll do is to kick the old fogies out"-touse a very mild translation-"and take com- mand ourselves." Resistance leaders were deposed during the war with the regularity of South Am- erican presidents; but a regular army whose leaders are at the mercy of their inferiors ceases to be an army. Another in- cident which this reporter witnessed dur ing maneuvers in Germany also partook, not reassuringly, of the informal atmos- phere of the Maquis days. An English guards officer, his moustache- adorned face glowing with the intense ser- iousness with which the imaginative Bri- tish take maneuvers, arrived breathless at the command post of a French unit. With great solemnity, he handed a typed mes- sage to a French officer, one among several who were gathered together to drink port and complain picturesquely about the hor- ror of British rations. The French officer thanked the Englishman genially, dropped the message under the table, and offered the visitor a glass of port. "But surely," the Guards officer enquired, in very English French, "there was some method of catalo- guing such an important message?" This struck all present as a huge joke, and there was a hearty laugh all around. Later, when the unit commander arrived, the message was irretrievably lost. THIS SORT OF THING could have its un- amusing side under different circumstan- ces. But when all this is said, it must also be said that this distrust of higher authority, this indifference to all the tedious but neces- sary business of military procedure, is dim- inishing sharply as the memory of the re- cent past fades, and as the French army be- gins to change from a paper army to an army with the means to fight. And there is also much that is fine that has survived from those other days. There is an extraordinary sense of com- radeship, of having all been in hell to- gether, in the lower ranks. There is an energy and initiative lacking in more for- mal armies-notably the American army, which sometimes seems intent on strang- ling itself in its own red tape. There is an abiding willingness to play David to any Goliath who may happen along. And fi- nally, there is the answer to the question posed by the American supply officer. This reporter, it should be explained, was rather embarrassingly well protected by his resistance friends during the war days. Even so, he saw enough to be able to ans- wer the officer's question. He saw the fan- tastic chances which young French civilians took, with a kind of ferocious gayiety, in or- der to help free their country. He saw many instances of that very special, very French sort of courage, which often seems to an WASHINGTON-The month of September and early October when the harvest is in is the time when the chanceries and general staffs of Europe watch closest for signs of war. If Europe can get by this period of dry, mild weather before winter bogs down an attack- ing army, they figure there will be no danger of war at least until June. Top U.S. officials, likewise, have made all-important sur- veys of the war possibility, and it is possible for this column to report that their general conclusions are: 1. Russia will not launch World War III this year. However, Rus- sia is expected to continue pressing war by satellites. 2. China, not Russia, has been more eager for a truce. The U.S. war study indicates that Russia came out with the truce proposal chiefly for propaganda purposes; perhaps to stall for time in order to get new arms to Korea. 3. Next step in Communist aggression is likely to be Burma, Thai- land, and Indo-China. This area is all-important to the Kremlin if the millions of China are to have rice. Moscow would probably gamble on starting World War III in these countries, though she doesn't actually want it. 4. In Iran the Russians will probably march into the north- ern province of Azerbaijan and take it by force-if the British go into southern Iran to protect their oil refinery. Here again the Russians are willing to gamble that the West will not go to war over Iran. 5. In Germany, the U.S. analysis does not anticipate a Russian military move, but does foresee a continual army build-up. Moscow's biggest drive will be pressure through local governments to stop the building of U.S. air bases in Europe and North Africa. * * * * -BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN-- NCREASING EVIDENCE is coming from inside the Iron Curtain to show that the Freedom-Friendship balloons and other activities of the Crusade for Freedom have really got under the Kremlin's skin. In East Bohemia, for instance, fields where the balloon messages fell were declared "off-limits" to farm workers by, security sections of the National Communist Committee. In another section of Bohemia, Communist officials offered rewards to the teams of youth brigades who collected the largest number of friendship leaflets. Near the Czech-Austrian border, a patrol of border police reported "voluminous flying objects" which might be enemy para- troopers. When Prague got the report, it dispatched tank units amid great excitement. The flying objects, however, turned out to be pillow balloons with the word "Svoboda"-"Freedom"- written on them in large letters. They were bouncing along the ground in the early morning twiliht like miniature flying saucers. Inside of them, of course, were friend- ship messages from the American people to the people of Czechoslova.- kia. This is an iluustration of how the Amreican people, usually ahead of their government, have begun to penetrate the Iron Curtain on their own, at the same time aged senators have drastically and dangerously curtailed the State Department budget for winning friends and influ- encing people. NOTE. The Crusade for Freedom is headed by Gen. Lucius Clay and supported by Americans of all walks of life from Gen- eral Eisenhower to Dan Tobin, head of the Teamsters Union, Bill Green ,head of the A.F. of L., and James Carey, secretary of tre CIO. -WEEDING OUT BUREAUCRATS- IT HASN'T RECEIVED any publicity, but President Truman has or- dered a drastic housecleaning to sweep the drones from Federal government. An ultimatum has already gone out to all agencies to clean house or face budgetary and personnel cuts. "The present emergency has caused great demands on the manpower resources of our country with shortages of manpower in certain special areas already being felt... the Federal govern- ment, as the largest single employer in the country, should set the example. Therefore, I expect the head of each executive depart- ment and agency to bring about maximum effectiveness and eco- nomy in the utilization of personnel," the President wrote in iden- tical letters to Civil Service Chairman Robert Ramspeck and Budget Director Frederick Lawton. Truman ordered them to "request reports from all departments and agencies and conduct regular inspections and surveys so that re- ports can be made to me on progress in conserving manpower. "This manpower conservation program should be given top pri- ority throughout the executive branch," the President added. As a result, Ramspeck and Lawton sent a joint ultimatum to all agencies to "take steps to assure the most effective and economical use" of manpower. This will be followed up by on-the-spot inspections to make sure the drones exit. (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate. Inc.) ART Ceramics. Work on the potter's wheel will be offered in this course in basic ceramic design. The class will also study materials and forms of pottery and the simple uses of glazes. J. T. Abernathy will be the instructor, En- rollment, which is limited to 20, is open to those who have previous work in ceramics. Noncredit course, 16 weeks, $16.00; laboratory fee, $2.00. Tuesday, September 25, 7:30 p.m. 125 Architecture Building Modelingfrom Life. This new class will include modeling the head and full figure, using clay as a medium. Each student may save two pieces for firing, though as many as seven or eight may be made during the course. Both quick sketches and sustained studies will be undertaken under the direction of Prof. Thomas F. McClure. Enrollment is limited. Noncredit course, 16 weeks, $25.00; laboratory fee $5.00. Tuesday, September 25, 7:30 p.m. 115 Architecture Building. Painting. Individual attention will be given class members by the in- structor, Richard Wilt, in the technical problems of painting either in oil or water color. Both beginning and ad- vanced students may enroll. Noncredit course, $16.00. Wednesday, September 26. 7:30 p.m. 415 Architecture Building. Freehand Drawing. Prof. Alexander M. Valerio will conduct this class, which is designed for beginners as well as for the mature student. Enroll- ment is open to those who wish to do creative work in freehand drawing, us- ing still life, model, or freely chosen subject matter. In addition to studio activities, there will be lectures and group discussions. Noncredit course, 16 weeks. $16.00. Thursday, September 27, 7:30 p.m. 415 Architecture Building, ENGLISH Workshop In Creative Writing. This course for those who wish to work on short stories, personal essays, or poetry will be conducted by John F. Muehl of the English department. Enrollment is open to both beginners and intermedi- ate students. Noncredit course, 16 weeks, $16.00. Wednesday, September 26, 7:30 p.m. 170 Business Administra- tion Building. MUSIC Chamber Music for Recreation. Prof. Oliver A. Edel will again direct this performance course. During the eight weekly sessions, players will become acquainted not only with chamber music but with fellow chamber musi- cians. Open to University students and to members of the community who can play string or wind instruments and can play the easier chamberworks. Noncredit course, eight weeks, $5.00. Tuesday, September 25 7:00 p.m. 1022 University High School. The Opera. The aim of this course, conducted by Prof. Glenn D. McGeoch, is to bring to the layman a fuller un- derstanding of and a basis for a deeper enoyment of opera as a musical art form. It deals with the fundamental aesthetic principles of opera and dem- onstrates their application in works from Mozart to the present, heard on the Metropolitan Opera broadcasts. Noncredit course, 16 weeks, $16.00. Tuesday, September 25, 7:00 p.m. 206 Burton Memorial Tower. PSYCHOLOGY Applied Psychology in Industry. Cov- ers in considerable detail the general principles of psychology and their ap- plication in industry and other fields. Intelligence tests and various other tests used in the selection and place- ment of personnel will also be covered. The implication of the learning and the psychology of attitudes, morale, and general human adjustment will be presented by the instructor, Dr. Gerald M. Mahoney, study director, Survey Re- search Center. Noncredit course, 16 weeks, $16.00. Tuesday, September 25, 7:30 p.m. 69 Business Administration Building. Psychology of Adjustment. Applica- tion of psychological principles to in- terpersonal behaviour. Study of factors in the development of constructive personal adjustment as influenced by human relations in home, school, and community. Instructor, Dr. Elizabeth M. Douvan. (Psychology 51, two hours credit.) $16.00. Thursday, September 27, 7:30 p.m. 176 Business Administra- tion Building. SOCIOLOGY Modern Social Problems. A survey of social maladjustment and its manifes- tations in personality strain, delin- quency, crime, discord in the family, racial prejudice, labor - management conflicts, and population problems. In- structor, Prof. Werner S. Landecker. (Sociology 54, two hours credit.) $16.00. Wednesday, September 26, 7:30 p.m. 1209 Angell Hall. SPEECH Practical Public Speaking. Planned to meet the need of the student who desires a course devoted exclusively to the whole field of speech. Study, ana- lysis, practice, and criticisms designed to promote the acquisition of profiency in extemporaneous speaking. Enrcoll- ment limited to 25 persons. Instructor, Prof. G. E. Densmore. Noncredit course, 16 weeks, $16.00. Thursday. September 27, 7:30 p.m. 4203 Angell Hall. Concerts Concerts- Concerts in the Choral Union Series will be provided by the University Mu- sical Society at 8:30 p.m., in Hill Audi- torium, as follows: Victoria de los Angeles, soprano,;Oct. 4; Josef Szigeti, violinist, Oct. 15; Boston Symphony Orchestra, Oct. 21; Cleveland Orches- tra, Nov. 4; Brailowsky, pianist, Nov. 16; Salvatore Baccalont, Nov. 29; Cin- cinnati Symphony, Jan. 14; Singing Boys of Norway, Feb. 20; Shaw Chor- ale, Mar. 18; Adolf Busch, violinist and Rudolf Serkin, pianist. Mar. 31, In the Extra Concert Series the Mu- sical Society will present five numbers as follows: Gladys Swarthout, mezzo- soprano, Oct. 9; Boston Symphony, Oct. 22; dePaur Infantry Chorus, Nov. 20: Oscar Levant, Jan. 18 and the Chicago Symphony, Mar. 9. Tickets for these two series are on sale at the offices of the University Musical Society at Burton Memorial Tower. By purchasing season tickets a considerable savings is made. Single concertetickets will be on sale on and after September 27, Comin Events Westminster Guild. Tea 'N' Talk, Wed., Sept. 26, 4-6 p.m., First Presby- terian Church. Bridge Tournaments: The first of the weekly Bridge Tour- naments is to be held in the Union Ball Room, 7:15 p.m., Wed., Sept. 26. For the first time it will be open to women. (They will need to sign out with their House Mother). Admission charge. Mathematics: There will be a meeting to arrange Seminars in the Department of Mathe- matics on Fri., Sept. 28, 4 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Those who are interested are invited to attend. Sports and Dance Instruction - Women Students Women students may register for physicaldeducation classes on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, Sept. 25 and 26 in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Vacancies are offered for election in: Golf, Archery, Outing, Tennis, Modern Dance, Square and Social Dance, Swim- ming, Life Saving, Riding, and Field Hockey. Events Today TheWolverine Club will hold its first open meeting 7:15 p.m. in thie League. The meeting will be open to all In- terested students, Choral Union. Tryouts for member- ship in the Universty Musical Society's Choral Union chorus will continue Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 25 and 26, Please make audition appointments .in person or by telephoning (Univer- sity Extension 2118) the offices of the Society in Burton Tower. The Choral Union will participate in two performances of Handel's "Mes- siah" in December; andin two con- certs of the May Festival with the Philadelphia Orchestra. Former members who participated in the last May Festival will be read- mitted without auditions, upon appli- cation on or before September 25. Delta Sgma Pi: Business meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1412 Cambridge Rd. r ' I tC t Clt Mt I ,. I I Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott..........Managing Editor Bob Keith......City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vein Emerson ....... ..Feature Editor Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor Ron Watts...........Associate Editor Bob Vaughn..........Associate Editor Ted Papes...............Sports Editor George Flint .-Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor Jan James ......... -.. Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller ..........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager Sally Fish...........Finance Manager Stu Ward..........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it of otherwise credited to this newspaper. IAll rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann rbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school I year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.1 -V 1'" BARNABY The campfre You're positive we'll be welcome, Ne_1_. IA_ T .p,...,t. .. No, Miss Fox, 1 Well, bub, you and the Tyler dame and the kids i