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November 14, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-11-14

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State COOLER, RAIN




* * * *

* *






Bad Weather
May Lessen
Total Vote

* * *








Buffer Zone Issue
Reds Claim Neutral Zone Violation,
Tempers Flare at Five Hour Confab
By The Associated Press
The Korean armistice talks looked dangerously close to a break-
0own yesterday with debate over the stalled buffer zone issue growing
Tempers ran short at a non-stop five-hour session by sub-commit-
tee negotiators in the Panmunjom conference tent. One Allied dele-
gate, Rear Adm. Arleigh Burke, emerged with a hoarse voice, even
though the Red negotiators did most of the talking.
While no progress was made, the opposing sides scheduled a 21st
meeting for S a.m. yesterday, Ann Arbor time.
s e o a
THE COMMUNIST Peiping radio claimed yesterday that Chinese
troops in the Panmunjom conference area had repulsed four attacks
by up to a battalion of South Korean First Division troops along
the "outer perimeter" of the neutral zone. The broadcast, quoting a
" Korean front dispatch, said the
DQ fighting continued four days, end-
- ~ ing Nov. 11.

Group Asks
Revision of
A new plan for women's disci-
pline, to be presented tonay to the
League's Board of Representatives,
may emerge as a substitute for the
controversial Dean's Probation, in
which non-paid hospital work
takes the , place of suspension
from school.
The new discipline program was
formulated by a special study com-
mittee of the Board headed by
League president Cathy Sotir, '52.
The probation study resulted
from a speech by Dean of Women
Deborah Bacon before Assembly
and Panhellenic early this semes-
augurated last semester to prevent
University men from being drafted
during the usual suspension from
Women were included under
the ruling to keep it from being
In theory, a student placed un-
der Dean's Probation resigns from
extra-curricular activities, a n d
works 16 hours a week at Univer-
sity Hospital, his wages going to
IN PRACTICE, each case is con-
sidered individually and the
amount of work assigned to the
student is based upon consulta-
tions with Health Service, and
advisory board and the student's
house director.
Journalism Talks
To StartToday
Alexander F. Jones, president
of the American Society of News-
paper Editors, will open the 1951-
52 University Lectures in Journal-
ism Series with a talk at 3 p.m.
today in the Rackham Amphithe-

Jury Gives
Morey, Pell
Lie Terms
Verdicts Climax
Ten Day Trial
Six men and six women paraded
solemnly into the Circuit Court
jury box last night and convicted
two youths of first degree murder
and a third of second degree mur-
der in the brutal slaying of Nurse
Pauline A. Campbell.
Defendants William R. Morey,
III, and Jacob Max Pell, who now
face mandatory life sentences,
registered no emotion as the long-
awaited verdict was announced.
David L. Royal, convicted of sec-
ond degree murder, frowned in
what appeared to be bewilderment.
THE VERDICT climaxed ten
days of testimony and argument
in which the state placed 27 wit-
nesses on the stand and presented
30 pieces of evidence implicating
the three teen-agers in the Sept.
26 fatal clubbing of the 34-year-
old St. Joseph's Hospital nurse.
The now-famous proceedings
found their Wy into the pap
of newspapers and magazines
throughout the country. A
jam-packed courtroom was the
scene of the outcome of one of
Ann Arbor's most celebrated
criminal cases.
The jury took only 4 hours and
40 minutes to return its decision
on Prosecutor Douglas K. Read-
ing's charge that the trio, had
"collectively" carried out a pre-
meditated robbery-slaying.
MOREY WAS accused of wield-
ing a hard-rubber mechanic's mal-
let which crushed Miss Campbell's
skull as she was walking from
night duty at the hospital to her
home on Washington Heights.
Pell and Royal were charged with
aiding Morey in the crime which
netted $1.50 from the nurse's
In the trial's last day, Ralph
C. Keyes, defense attorney for
Morey, made a 30-minute plea
for mercy on the ground that
the handsome 18-year-old was
intoxicated at the time of the
assault. Alfred T. DeOtte, coun-
sel for Pell, argued there were
"no facts to show that Pell had
any intent to commit robbery
or assault."
The case for Royal took the
form of an hour-long attack on
the prosecution by attorney Al-i
bert J. Rapp. The former prose-
cutor charged that because of the
widespread publicity the trial had
received, Reading was attempting
to obtain first degree verdicts for
all three defendants.
Only proof that Royal took
part in the bludgeoning "with
malicious aforethought" was
testimony by police officers,
Rapp said. He described state-
ments made by Lt. Walter
Krasny of the Ann Arbor Police
Department as "falsehoods."
Kransny had testified that Roy-
al told him the Youths intended
to commit robbery before the at-
tack on Miss Campbell took place.
IN HIS CLOSING rebuttal, Pro-
secutor Reading said that when
there is a "mediocre defense,"
charges are sometimes made that
police are lying. When there is
no defense, he continued, claims
are lodged that the prosecution

has concocted testimony.-
See JURY, Page 61

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WHERE TO VOTE-Illustrated above are the locations of the sixteen polling booths for the all-
campus elections today and tomorrow. These are: The Union, League, Law Quad, business admin-
istration school, corner of E. University, Washtenaw and N. University, East Quad, Engine Arch, E.
University just above S. University, Tappan Hall, Library, Angell Hall, corner of N. University and
State, Waterman Gym, Rackham Bldg., Women's Athletic Bldg., and University Hospital.
* * * *

25 SL Positions


Turkey Day
Thanksgiving holiday is going'
before the deans again today.
The Dean's Conference has
scheduled another hearing for the
perennial iisue at 10 a.m., as Irv
Stenn, '52, 4nd Bob Neary, '54, will.
present the Student Legislature
cafse for an extended weelend va-
* * *
AS ADDED fuel for the legisla-
tors, the results of a survey con-
dupcted by the literary college last
Thanksgiving of class attendance
the disputed day-after, released
yesterday, revealed a high ab-
sence percentage,
4n courses numbering below
..uu0 55i p azn clJe. 'u ...u

The attacks were said to have
taken place only two to 52 miles
south and northeast of the con-
ference site. There was no im-
mediate comment from Allied
An Allied spokesman, Brig. Gen.
William P. Nuckols, refused to
comment when a correspondent
asked whether the talks were de-
However, Nuckols did say that
the Communist delegates became
more impatient and their tem-
pers grew shorter as the 20tht ses-
sion wore on without stopping for
the customary lunch hour.
* * *
THE UNITED Nations Command
in a release said "little doubt re-
mained" that the Reds want a
cease-fire to become effective as
soon as agreement is reached on
the buffer zone.
On the fighting front, Allied in-
fantrymen hurled back a tank-led
Chinese attack in a moonlight bat-
tle on the Western front.

World News f
By The Associated Press
Gov. James Byrnes of South'
Carolina added fuel to a possible
Southern revolt against the re-
election of President Harry Tru'
man in 1952 when he declared yes-
terday that the South owes its
loyalty to no party or candidate.
Meanwhile, two supporters of
General Dwight Eisenhower an-
nounced that an "Ike for Presi-
dent" boom will begin in a few
MANILA--Opposition Nacion-
alista Party senatorial candi-
dates held an early 2-1 lead yes-
terday in unofficial returns from
29 provinces and Manila.
SEATTLE-Gen. Douglas Mac-
Arthur received the acclaim of
thousands upon his arrival here
yesterday and responded with trib-
utes at three memorials after
which he went into seclusion un-
til his planned nationally broad-
cast address.
* * *
Several tornadoes, with winds
ranging up to 100 miles an hour,
swept through the midwest yes-
terday, injuring at least seven per-
sons and causing extensive proper-
ty damage.

A "dark horse" candidate yes-
terday threw his dog bone into the
With a campaign slogan of
"taller dogs andbigger trees,"
Major, massive mascot of Delta
Tau Delta frater.nity, entered the
Student Legislature race at the
last minute in order to prevent
what was termed a "gross under
representation of the campus dog
Anti-British Mob
Parades inEgypt
CAIRO - (/P) - About 100,000
Egyptians paraded silently in Alex-
andria yesterday and premier Mus-
tapha Nahas Pasha vehemently
attacked Western Powers in a bit-
ter outpouring of anti-British feel-
ing on the nation's Independence
"We will obtain our rights or
perish in the struggle," the pre-
mier declared in a speech to about
3,000 cheering supporters at the
shrine to Saad Zaghloul Pasha, a
Nationalist leader who made the
first bid for Egyptian independence
33 years ago yesterday.

Canine Candidate Tosses
Bone Into SL Elections

nine's campaign, Whit Sawyer,
'52, 'and Ed Ambrose, '52, ex-I
plained that the blue-blooded
thoroughbred wil make no public
speeches. However, his support-
ers are carrying on an extensive
"back porch" campaign.
Sawyer admits that Major
doesn't have too much to say
about his campaign,, but ex-
plains that any voter interested
in electing the, best possible
members to SL will "judge by
actions, not words."
Two houses have already called
to offer the politically minded
mutt their first .place votes, Ma-
jor's campaign lieutenants re-
vealed. Major, however, growled
his rejection of block voting.
bers were too busy with the
pre-election plans to notice the
addition of a new candidate, he
said, but those who did showed
little concern.
But candidates receivcd the
news of four-footed competition
One SL aspirant stated that he
thought Major would be a valuable
addition to the legislature meet-
ings because he would take less
time expressing himself than oth-
er members, allowing more time
for business.
And former legislator Bill Me-
Intyre, '52. admitted "grave con-
cern" that Major might crack his
two-year-old record of 317 first
place votes.
'U' Enrollment
Count Revised
Final resident enrollment for
the fall semester at the University
h. nuzh n 1 ne. 4+ n t171.Tniar-

Up For Decision
The spectre of a low turnout at
the polls today haunted Student
Legislators, as the weatherman
forecast dreary conditions for the
opening of the two-day all-cam-
pus elections.
Rain and colder was the predic-
tion, as SL set up the sixteen poll-
ing booths around campus. As
many booths as possible will be
inside, election officials promised.
TWENTY-FIVE Student Legis-
lature seats, three positions on the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications, senior and sophomore
engineering presidencies and the
senior, engineering secretary post
were at stake. A total of 57 can-
didates were scrambling for the
31 available positions.
Polls will be open from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow.
The long, complex process of
counting balots is slated to b-
gin at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Union ballroom.
Radio coverage of the counting
will be beamed out to armchair
election Watchers over stations
WHRV and WUOM. This will be
the most extensive play-by-play
coverage yet of campus election
pendent Men came out with its
controversial "Know Your Candi-
dates" listing of independent hope-
fuls. This semester, the pamphlet
is mimeographed instead of print-
Dave Ponitz, AIM chief, ex-
plained that the primary pur-
pose of the booklet was to. get
out the vote and help indepen-
dents know independent candi-
However, he emphasized that it
in no way represented a blanket
endorsement of independent can-
* * *
bent candidates, Bert Braun and
Phil Berry, were omitted from the
list at their own request. The rea-
sons were personal, Ponitz said.
AIM also announced a $15
cash award to the dormitory
house group which had the
See STUDENTS, Page 6
U.S. Efforts
Fail To End
Iran Dispute
ican effort to mediate the Anglo-
Iranian oil dispute collapsed yes-
terday and it was reported that
Prime Minister Mohammed Mos-
sadegh has sent a personal appeal
to President Truman for financial,
help for Iran.
Deputy Prime Minister Hassein
Fatemi disclosed the appeal a few
hours after the state department
announced "no new basis" for set-
tling the bitter oil controversy has
been found.
Fatemi told a reporter that
Mossadegh sent a personal mes-
sage to the President two days
"It explained the present situa-
tion and told what the Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company is doing in
I ran and the aim of our nationali-
zation law," Fatemi said.
"It also asked for more effec-
tive financial aid for Iran."
The deputy Iranian leader said
his government has steadfastly re-
fused to change its determination
to nationalize the vast British oil
Mossadegh plans to leave by
plane for Tehran tomorrow. He
has spent three weeks in Wash-

u, a percent railed to show up
for classes. Forty-one percent
cdt the Friday sessions in courses
from 100 to 200, while in grad-
uate sections, 24 percent dispens-
ed with classes.
The Dean's Conference, a sym-
posium of deans and University
administrators, heard a Thanks-
giving holiday plea from SL last
year, then shelved it, where it
gathered dust till this fall.
Stenn and Neary are primed
with alternative plans provid-
ing. compensation for the days
missed, which the professional
schools insist on as a basis for
any Thanksgiving negotiations.
The first, preferred plan would
move up the start of school two
days, starting orientation on a

omen Fete New Voters
As State Officials Speak
Proudly bearing their newly acquired titles of "American Voter,"
almost 100 21-year-olds turned out last night at the League of Wo-
men Voters' "birthday party."
Against a colorful background of voting posters and a decorative
red, white, and blue birthday cake, Gov. G. Mennen Williams and
State Auditor John Martin Jr. spoke to the group, emphasizing the
importance of the ballot.
With a smile, the governor pointed to the miscount in his last

UNBars Red China
From Paris Assembly
PARIS-(AP)-The United Nations Assembly yesterday slammed
the door of its Paris session on Red China, whose conduct was de-
nounced by Secretary of State Dean Acheson as being far below "the
general level of barbarism."
Handing its fourth stinging reversal of the day to the Soviet bloc,
the Assembly voted 37 to 11 against considering any proposal to seat
the Communist Chinese regime.
THE ASSEMBLY acted after Acheson's brief part in a day of
vigorous debate had constituted one of the most scathing indictments


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