FREE COPY :Y Sir Dn4j REGISTRATION EXTRA Latest Deadline in the State FRESHMAN SUPPLEMENT The Surf Beats ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPT. 20, 1951 TWENTY-SIX PA p Enrollment Drop of 3,000 Seen as Registration Begir { -Daily-Alan Reid TWO PRESIDENTS MEET-University President Harlan Hatch- ' er and Leonard Wilcox, '52, get to'gether for the first time to discuss some of the problems facing the University this year. 'Freshman President Finds Life R1gorous By CAL SAMRA Harlan Henthorne Hatcher, newly.installed president of the University, may not have been joking when he told a freshman assembly Monday, "I'm a freshman, too, and the surf has been beating against my brow." For the ordeal of being a freshman president is, perhaps, as rigorous an adventure imaginable. Since his inauguration Sept. 1, President Hatcher has been swamped with a deluge of visitors- students, faculty members, administrators, reporters, and prominent men throughout the Midwest. Dean Warns Women To Be on Guard Says Rules Will. Not Be Tightened By BOB KEITH Daily City Editor Despite the murder Sunday morning of a nurse in the vicinity of the women's dormitories, Dean of Women Deborah Bacon said this week she sees a minimum of danger for University coeds if they exercise care and judgement. Dean Bacon said it seemed un- necessary at present to tighten the regulation hours for women students following t h e brutdl slaying of Pauline Campbell, a nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital. She suggested, however, that unescorted w o m e n travel in groups at night. "Any girl who walks alone at night in the parks or the Arboretum is not adven- turous but temerarious," Dean Bacon said. * * * - M I S S CAMPBELL, 34, was found dying shortly after mid- night Sunday in front of her rooming house at 1424 Washing- ton Heights. The tree-shaded road is only a few blocks from Observatory where most women's dorms are located. Her death marked the third assault this year on a nurse in the same area. On May 14 and Sept. 11 nurses were struck by a man while walking to or from work, but their screams fright- ened the assailant away. Following the latest attack the University Hospital announced it would provide an escort service at night for nurses traveling be- tween the main hospital building and units of the hospital as well as to and from their places of residence. Special guards were also put in t h e women's dormitory area. Dean Bacon said an extra night watchman was being stationed on Observatory Hill, and police au- thorities said they were doing everything in their command to insure protection of students in' that vicinity.' * * * . To All New Students: A CORDIAL WELCOME to all of you. May you achieve success at the University both in the classroom and in its ex- tracurricular life. By putting academic things first you will not only find time for "activities" but you will en- joy them more fully and com- pletely. May you make selections cur- ricular and extra-curricular that tax your capacities so that you will take from your Uni- versity the truly meaningful education she stands ready to provide. -Erich A. Walter, Dean of Students Freshment Got Go Sign Iln A ctivities1 For the first time in University history, first-semester freshmen are eligible to participate in all non-athletic extra-curricular ac- tivities beginning this fall. The new ruling was handed down by the Student Affairs Com- mittee last May. * * * HOWEVER, STUDENTS on aca- demic discipline and those carry- ing less than 12 hours will still be barred from campus *activities. Special permission for part-time and special students and those on discipline may be granted in ex- traordinary cases by the Dean of Students and the Dean of Women. JThe SAC measare was the cli- max of a series of relaxations of the eligibility r equir e ments which included increasing the number of activities open to freshmen and the abolition of eligibility cards. Welcome Student Bo To Numbe Over 16,01 World Conditi Cause Ambigi s University enrollment ti is expected to take about student drop from last yea rollment figure. Most estimates place S ber's resident student boc tween 16,000 and 17,000. Tb versity budget was based 16,000 figure. -Daily-Alan Reid WAITING FOR THE GRIND--Sue Stewart, Nancy McClure, Mary Jane House and John Brand kill a few minutes with talk before returning to one of many registration week lines. * * * * * * * -* * Orientation Program Briefs New Students On top of this are the Play Places Pl entifulin Ann Arbor As a University town of some 43,000 population, Ann Arbor of fers unexampled entertainmen opportunities-ranging from the plebeian to the esoteric. For the most entertainment there are six movie theatres show ing every weekend. IN ADDITION to the two cam- pus theatres, which run current hits, there is the Student Legis- lature's Cinema Guild, which spe- cializes in foreign movies and re- vivals of real artistic value - though it operates only on week- ends. Downtown, two theatres pro- Svide a steady diet of last-rate films, with a revival every now and then or 'a class A picture several months late. The advan- tage here is lower prices. Also downtown is a small thea- tre which brings excellent foreign movies and revivals. Such films as Laurence Olivier's productions of Shakespeare are shown here. DRAMA FLOURISHES through-' out the year. There are, the speech department's student play, productions in the winter. There is the Ann Arbor Drama Season, in May and June, bringing Broad- way stars to act in plays that have been hits elsewhere. The Arts Theater Club, a local professional acting company com- posed largely of University alum- ni, is considered by many to stage the best drama in town at their third floor play loft downtown. And there are various student productions-the Junior Girls' (Continued on Page 2) itations to teas, assemblies, dinners -6 and anything anyone can think up as an excuse to meet the new president. And thereis the daily routine- wihits many exasperating prob- lems-of heading one of the larg- est universities in the Midwest. President Hatcher estimates that his is a 15 hour a day job. OUTWARDLY, three weeks of e being president has not altered - the suave,' poised demeanor of the t 52 year old 'educator. Yesterday e at a brief news conference, he ap- peared completely in accord with , the world-hardly the state of - mind of many in the class of '55. Congenial and possessing -a quick wit, the president seemed unmindful of the pressure of his Lt job. He dwelt mainly on the - beauty of the Upper Peninsula (which he frequently visits) and on how well his family had ad- justed to te Ann Arbor milieu. The Hatchers, however, are still residing at the Union until the President'seHome on S. University is completely redecorated. They expect to move in by the first of November. ASKED WHETHER he would be rooting for Ohio State, where he - was previously vice-president, or for Michigan, President Hatcher assured everyone that Michigan was his team. "Our football teams have always had class," he in- sisted with a patriotic emphasis. The chain-smoking former English professor then turned y his attention to the present situation in education. He contended that the center of gravity in higher education has tshifted from the East to the Mid- dle West in the past generation. "A generation ago," he pointed out," a scholar's preparation was not considered complete unless he had earned at least one degree from one of the great Eastern universities. "Withinethe past 25 years, how- ever, the greatest growth in grad- uate and professional education has taken place in the Middle West, with the University being one of the leaders in this growth." By ZANDER HOLLANDER T h e University's orientation merry-go-round got under way this week with the arrival of 4000 freshmen and transfer students. The newcomers stepped onto one of the fastest spinning orien- tation programs in University history. MORE THAN 200 orientation leaders juggled the new arrivals through a series of meetings, shows, ceremonies, aptitude tests, Student Body Represented By Legislature Committees Serve All U Students p h y s i c al exams, receptions, dances, briefing sessions, stags and a few other events. Briefed Monday morning on their schedule for the week, the men and women heard "fellow freshman" President Harlan H. Hatcher, Dean Deborah Bacon, and Dean Erich A. Walter at formal welcoming ceremonies that night In Hill Auditorium and Rackham Lecture Hall. By Tuesday night, after a round of house meetings and get togethers with the physical edu- cation department, the men and women got a breathing spellin an open-air square dance at the Na- tural Science parking lot. BUT AT 8 p.m. Wednesday many of them were back on the merry-go-round, taking the op- tional chemistry placement tests at Hill Auditorium. At the Office of Student Af- fairs, control booth for the "orientation machine I v a n Taking advantage of the new freshman eligibility rule, most campus groups will put on a high- powered campaign to interest new students. Incoming mene will get their first introduction to "activities" at & p.m. Thursday at a stag party in the Union. The affair is sponsored by Student Legis- lature, Inter-Fraternity Coun- cil, Association of Independent jMen, The Union, and The Daily. Films of the 1951 Rose Bowl classic will be shown and several University gridiron stars will be on hand to narrate. Meanwhile new women stu- dents will attend meetings at 2:30 p.m. in the League sponsored by Assembly and Pan Hellenic where they will hear about these organ- izations. * * * THURSDAY EVENING fresh- man women will hear selections from 1951's Frosh Weekend. La- SOFT-PEDALING any immedi- ate danger, Dean Bacon said that if women students "conform to standard regulations, if they fol- low the advice and counseling they have all received in their houses, if they exercise the in- dividual responsibility and judg- ment which University and par- ents alike expect of college stu- dents, they should be in no more danger than anyone else living in a mechanized world and an inse- cure century. "In Ann Arbor, as in any uni- versity town, the incidence rate of "startle" approach, etc., is much higher than in the average residential area," she said. "It has always been the ad- vice of the Dean of Women, of the House Directory, and Coun- selors that coeds, throughout any academic year, do not stroll idly and alone late at night on the quieter streets," Dean Ba- con commented. Heads of student activities are required to submit to the Office of Student Affairs lists of all students in their organizations. but the members themselves are directly responsible for observance of the eligibility rules. In case of doubt of status, students may inquire at the Office of Student Affairs. Although athletics are not regu- lated by the SAC, the Board in Control of Inter-collegiate Athle- tics has established rules for the teams which coincide with those of the SAC. Senior Pis Deadline Set, x F 5 r To facilitate delivery of prints by Christmas photographers will begin taking Michiganensian sen- ior pictures' several weeks early this year, According to Neale Traves, '52, 'Ensian business manager, seniors began signing up for appointments at the start of registration Wed- nesday. Those seniors who did not complete arrangements there have until next Wednesday, Sept. 26, to check in at the Student Pub- lications Building. The office will be open from 3 to 5 p.m., he said. * * * HOWEVER University official were quick to point out that un der present world conditions, an estimate has to be made with a eye to revision. In the past official estimates this time of the year proved be correct wtihin two or three pe cent, according to Universit: spokesmen, but no one will clam that kind of accuracy for thi year's estimate. Gayle C. Wilson, assistant d1 rector of admissions, said tha this year's freshman class of 2,0 is as large as last year's "We expect the cuts to com in the junior and senior classes," Wilson said. The fact that no new veterau students will be enrolled is not e* pected to affect the numbero the freshmenrmatriculations. The number of veterans 'whi cane to the University for th first time last fall accounted fo: only a small part of the freshma class, so the death of the GI Bil will not materially change the sie of this year's class. * * * the fall will probably not affec freshman classes. If anticipate drops materialize in the uppe grades some sections of larg sophomore and junior classes wil be dropped. Unlike 'most universities in the country, the University Englisi department does not see any drol in enrollment or classroom sched ules. Arthur E. Lean, assistant di- rector of the extension service, said that he expects a very slight drop in participation in the extension service program. Most extension classes are at. tended by people not liable to b affected by the draft, Lean as- serted. But accurate pre-enrollmen estinates are almost impossible to make for extension courses, be- cause most students sign up fo: them when they open without go- ing through any admission proce- dure. * 'I * IF T H E WORLD situatio doesn't blow up all college plan: for the future, the present enroll- ment drop is expected to last onl a few years. Educators believe that man men now in the armed forces wil head for college once their tour o duty is up. About the same time- they ex- pect this to happen, the first o: the "war babies" will be read to head for college. These two factors combine with the increased capacity o: public high schools and the growing social recognition of the value of college education are ez- pected to put college enrollmen at a high level for 10 or 15 years The exact effect of the enroll- ment drop on education and cam- pus activities cannot be estimate as yet, officials say. Some ef- fects will be readily apparent however. For one thing, the number o students per professor will -de- cline. 'At the height of the pos war enrollment period, this ratic By EVA SIMON VJAALA ter the Maize and Blue teams for fraternity discriminatory Parker, its organizer and direc- the 1952 weekend will be chosen. Fromfrtriydsrmnty tor, was "very much pleased" clauses to a Thanksgiving week- with the smoothness of the op- By Friday all newcomers will end holiday, controversial campus eration. have been counseled, stetho- issues are thrashed out and acted The program has run without a scoped, thumped and x-rayed upon by the Student Legislature. hitch, the OSA reported, except and registered. Now in its sixth year and gain- for one worried new man who But the last whirl of the car- ing strength and prestige as it wanted to know "whether the ousel will come at 1 p.m. Friday goes, SL is the official govern- League house I'm living in is a and 8 a.m. Saturday when fresh- ment and spokesman for the Uni- regular residence for men?" It man and transfer students will versity "student body. Its fifty wasn't and he isn't. take their aptitude tests at Hill members are elected from the * * * Auditorium. campus at large for all. year CAMPUS organizations w ill Survivors of the orientation terms each spring and fall, take the orientation spotlight program will attend classes Mon- SL's MOST far-reaching actions Thursday. day. to date have been in the field of discrimination. Last November SL passed a mo- BIG HURDLE - ADMISSION: tion asking that recognition be, withheld from any fraternity with I ibterest W rk H abits discriminatory clauses in its con-a stitution which failed to remove them by 1956. It was later modi- Ef4 AU * fied to give extensions over the W time limit to fraternities which can prove "substantial probabil- ity that all such discriminatory Interest in college work and good work habits are probably as clauses will be removed in the importantcas innate intelligence as factors in the academic success of near future." college students, according to observations made by University The amended motion squeak- officials. ed through the Student Affairs And the major hurdle for the person who wants a' University de- Committee, the student-faculty gree is admission to the University, Registrar's Office studies indicate. body which administrates all * * * student affairs, by a seven-to- SIX FACTORS determine whether a student will make a satis- It was vetoed just before the factory academic record at the University. Robert L. Williams, assist- end of the spring semester by ant to the provost, listed them as: University President Alexander G. 1--Strong interest in college work; 2---Ability to manage per- Ruthven. ' sonal affairs; 3-Good high school teaching and a proper selection SL plans to present the mo- of high school courses to fit the lineof study to be pursued at the ion to Harlan H. Hatcher University; 4-Good work habits; 5-Desire to succeed; 6-Rea- when he assumes the presiden- sonable financial resources. cy in the fall. mThe importance of these as indicators of success was discovered The motion climaxed t h r e e in a 20-year study of student records, Williams said. And he quoted veas f vwork bhy members of the r,. ;" .;~,.r+, ;.... . L. , +.++, In the meantime "the, Ann Arbor poli is putting forth it and all its efforts to situation, so tragic tal." e, she added,I ce department Actual photographing will com- s full weight mence on Monday, to last until clear up this October 22, taking place from 8 and so bru- a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and from 7 to 9 p.m. Hey Did you know that it takes the combined efforts of more than 100 stu.dent staffers to keep Michigan Daily readers abreast of thingsaThis large staff, working in the country's biggest and most efficient collegiate newspaper plant, enables The Daily to offer you full coverage of every signi- ficant happening on campus and TAKE YOUR CHOICE: Groups Form 'U' Activities i v With 137 to choose from, al- most everybody at the University respective parties for adop certain platform planks at t tion of in the limelight. And a campus the na- UNESCO group is operating to I