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November 11, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-11-11

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IT WILL BE interesting to see what action
the Student Affairs Committee takes to-
ward the newly formed Society for Peaceful
Alternatives. Failure to extend the group
recognition probably would mean little to
most University students. But it could mean
that the SAC has been pervaded by a fear
which growingly seems to be gripping the
At the' start it must be admitted that
the group can fail to qualify for any one
of eight technical requirements listed for
recognition. If it is denied recognition on
technical grounds, there can be little com-
plaint against SAC. But offhand, I can
think of no shortcoming of the group on
these grounds.
There is one regulation, however, which
could cause trouble. It states that the pro-
posed organization or organizations with
which it may be affiliated by name or other-
wise do not engage in subversive activities
against the government of the United States
nor advocate the overthrow of that govern-
From the purpose of the Society put forth
at its first meeting Thursday, this does not.
seem to be the case. If it were true, it would
be difficult to prove such a charge. To ac-
cept the charge by implication would be to
give in to one of the greatest sins of present
And the implications have already been
made. One girl running for the Student
Legislature giggled, "Did you see this? The
organizers of the thing are the two that
went to the peace festival in East Berlin
last summer." For her that summed up the
whole plan e the SPA; it is nothing more
than a pink, if not Red, front.
This seems to come to a lot of people as
the, truth. If they don't think of it them-
selves, someone is glad to tell them. It is
this type of thinking that will stifle the
group even if it is recognized. A campus
leader, who feels that the objectives of the
SPA are basically his own, will not join it.
"I want to get a job in the State Deparment
some day. I'm afraid joining a group like
this would ruin my chances."
That's the whole point-fear. Everybody's
afraid. The student is afraid. The State
Department is afraid. Just why is hard to
ascertain. It happened to a similar extent
after World War I. .Basically, now, people
are afraid of losing their reputation, their
careers, their security. So more and more,
people are actively adopting the role of
cultural vigilantes.
Yet it is more than the stifling of culture.
Worse, it has turned into a stifling of per-
sonality. The tyranny of the few over the
many is turning into a tyranny over self.
Success of the Society for Peaceful Al-
ternatives is but a small scene in this
drama of fear.
As for this group itself, it does not seem
completely justifiable to say, as the campus
skeptic did, that SPA is made up of a bunch
of naive people. I do not know any of the
present members, nor whether they are naive
or Communistic. But from their stated prin-
ciples-reduction of arms, peace through ne-
gotiations depending on the people of the
world-I can only say that there should be
more such naive ones in the world today.
-Vernon Emerson
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


The Week's News


now convening in Paris is starting on its
seventh year. In the six preceding years,
like a problem child, the United Nations had
faced a grim world in its untiring efforts to
find solution to the issues of world peace and
During that length of time it has made
important strides. It has partially solved
the Arab-Palestine conflict. It has pre-
vented the Kashmir feud from precipitat-
ing into a bloody religious war. It has
worked for the independence of a stable
Indonesia. The UN has also accomplished
much through its less publicized organs
like the UNESCO, the World Health Or-
ganization, the International Children's
Emergency Fund and the International
Bank. The UNESCO, for example, has
combated illiteracy, promoted scientific
research, and given technical assistance
to the under-privileged nations. Even the
administrative structure of the overall
organization is so unique that it will serve
as a profound object lesson for those na-
tions which take intense delight in the
tradition of red-tape, inefficiency and
It should, however, be admitted that this
supposedly world organization was born with
an inherent weakness. For it is a mere con-
federation of sixty nations without any sov-
ereignty with which to govern the destiny
of the world. India has raised the important
point that the present United Nations is
not a genuine international system; she
thinks that it is an alliance of western coun-
tries camouflaged as internationalism. India
realizes, perhaps more than many nations,
that the old type of national sovereignty is
obsolete and doomed, that there must be a
new era of world cooperation. She has made
it repeatedly clear, therefore, that she is
quite willing to limit her independence with-
in some international framework.
* * * *
ternationalism has caused the polariza-
tion of power to solidify into two blocks, one
represented by the United Nations, the other'
by the Soviet Union. This bi-polarization
has caused "hot" tension areas in Korea,
Indo-China, the Middle East, Morocco and
Germany. It has made it impossible to im-
plement the United Nations' Bill of Human
Rights, which guarantees the equality of na-
tions and peoples of the world. Consequently,
the United Nations has failed to protect the
rights of millions of underdogs in Africa and

Asia, and to recognize their legitimate as-
pirations for freedom and independence. The
present constitution of the UN does not in-
clude the direct representation of over 650,-
000,000 people. Even nations like Italy,
China, Spain and Indonesia are still excluded
from this organization either by the United
States or the Soviet Union under the pre-
text that they are fascist or communist.
In the present atmosphere of tension,
the United Nations, which has made it
possible for the representatives of the sov-
ereign powers to meet frequently, is serving
to breed cold antagonism and distrust. The
nations composing the UN cannot bring
themselves to agree on basic issues. The
failure to discuss and resolve mutually
problems of peace, which arise from social,
economic and political maladjustments
will eventually lead mankind to World
War III. Delegates have used and are still
using the United Nations as a plabform for
political and psychological warfare.
In order to usher a new era of world co-
operation the United Nations Assembly now
in session should consider seriously the ques-
tion of a strong' international system. The
United States and the Soviet Union, the
only potent powers, should take the lead
in this direction. In order to attain a last-
ing peace amongst nations of the world, the
United States and the Soviet Union should
both demonstrate now the willingness to
make sacrifices as great as those they both
shouldered as allies during World War II.
They should be willing to make compromises,
even though they are difficult for people of
strong beliefs and convictions who have defi-
nite ideas of their own place in this world
and the place of other nations. No division
amongst nations would be considered a men-
ace to world peace and unity, provided that
mutual confidence and trust are developed
between the United States and the Soviet
An international system, with a limited
form of sovereignty, will make it possible
for the United Nations to preserve the
spirit of the Bill of Human Rights. It will
be easy then to make the "have nations"
abandon colonialism anywhere in the
world, to include all nations in the UN.
A genuine international system under
which the nations 'of the world can give up
a measure of their sovereignty, while retain-
ing their identity, is the last hope of peace
for a confused world.
-Jo Levine and Ojeamiren Ojehomon

(Continued from Page 2)

.r V;R..M A4
\ N,
Daily-Bill Hampton
"All right, so maybe it's horsemeat. In this plape that
could be a good deal!"
HORSEMEAT EDUCATION-After exposure of horsemeat traffic
between Detroit and Ann Arbor, a city veterinarian announced he
would conduct a "meat education" program for the benefit of local
restaurant owners. Next Tuesday he plans to lay before them "some
strictly legal horsemeat" at a banquet-less meeting of the Ann Arbor
Restaurant Association.
* * *
Local. . .
AN EIGHT-INCH blanket of snow swooped down on Ann Arbor last
Tuesday, burying the entire city in a record winter blast. The snow-
storm, heaviest in early November history, snarled traffic, threw airport
and bus schedules into unnatural confusion, and blizzarded hapless
Ann Arborites back to their fireplaces. On campus, several snow-
packed Venus de Milo's bobbed up, while students shuttled and slushed
their way to classes.
4 .. 4 *





At The Michian.. .
Gable, Ricardo Montalban, John Hodiak,
Adolphe Menjou and J. Carrol Naish.
HOUGH EQUIPPED with many able ac-
tors and all the scenery and technical
devices that both nature and Hollywood have
at their disposal, this quiet Western falls
short of what might be expected.
Its story line, old and tried by time, is
held together by a narrator telling the tale
of his father, a great beaver trapper in
Indian country. The action tikes place
over a year's time in which Gable, leading
a train of hunters, marries an Indian maid,
granddaughter of a great chieftain, for
what might be termed commercial advant-
ages. In time, however, he falls in love
with her and learns that there is more to
the Indians than cruel warfare, that they
are human beings with all the accompany-
ing virtues and faults. In this approach to
the Indian the movie follows the com-
mendable pattern laid down by last sea-
son's superior "Broken Arrow."
Gable's wife bears him a child, her grand-
father is shot by a vengeful trapper and she
herself is killed by her own kinsmen in an
attack on the hunters. In the end Gable goes
to live among her people and raise their son
in a mixed Indian-white man culture.
In the course of these events there is too
m- n' m- -.l2- - 4nn manr .. or- -cnr

C AIRO-One fact is so obvious that it
hardly needs restatement. Real Western
military power here-at present embodied
in the British troops and bases in the Suez
Canal Zone-must at all costs be maintained,
if this entire area is not to become a ripe
plum for the Kremlin's picking. For the
moment, however, British evacuation is not
in question; nothing the Egyptians can now
do will force a British withdrawal.
This provides a certain breathing spell,
which did not exist in Iran, in which to
consider how the power of the Western
alliance is to be maintained in this vital
area, not only in the short run, but for the
long pull. And for the long pull, the pros-
pect is anything but happy. One wise and
experienced Englishman here put it this
way: "f the entire population really hates
you, sooner or later your position becomes
untenable. You're too dependent on the
people, these days, for food and labor and
communications and so on. We've found
that out in Palestine and elsewhere."
The entire population here-or all of it
that matters-now "really hates" the British,
at least as a symbol of something else. Both
in thesMiddle and Far East, Americans and
British have tended disastrously to under-
estimate this mass bitterness as a force with
which they must contend. In Iran, the line
was, "The beggars will soon feel the pinch,
and then they'll come to heel." This did not
work in Iran. In the end, it will not work
The bitterness of the Egyptians has certain-
ly been artificially stimulated. Yet it is
anything but artificial; it is real and uni-
versally felt. As such it is a major political
force, which it would be suicidal folly to
* * * *
MOREOVER, although Egyptians (with
some highly intelligent exceptions, like
U.N. delegate Fawzi Bey) constantly weaken
their case by wildly overstating it, they do
have valid reasons for bitterness. They con-
sider the talk about the "sanctity of treaties"
hypocritical hogwash-which in a sense it
is, since the 1936 treaty with the British was
something of a shotgun marriage to begin
with, and has been disregarded since when
it suited British convenience. As for the
Sudan, Egyptian claims are obviously fanci-
ful, but it is at least true that the Anglo-
Egyptian condominium has had precious
little "con" in it.
Behind the issues of the treaty and the
Sudan, however, lie deeper and more emo-
tion-generating sources of bitterness. One
is in the immediate nast-the creation of

peculiar British political tactlessness which
even now continues to enrage politically con-
scious Egyptians.
4 .. , I
ALL THIS adds up to a fierce national
bitterness, often puerile in its very im-
potence (like the blind, shrieking rage of a
small boy) but no less dangerous for that.
Somehow, sooner or later, means must be
found (and the means are not United States
Information Service movies) not to erase
this bitterness, for that is impossible, but
to bring it within manageable proportions.
And this is possible-or should be. What
is possible,"and what might be a great deal
more effective than now seems likely, is
the kind of well-timed grand gesture which
Franklin D. Roosevelt-and Winston S.
Churchill, too-once knew so well how to
make. For example: a public recognition
that the 1936 treaty is dead--which it is;
an offer of real Egyptian participation in
Canal Zone defense, including military aid
and some command position; a serious pro-
gram of economic aid; a really effective
effort to deal with the Israeli refugees; a
promise of an eventual neutral plebiscite irn
the Sudan; and so on.
The details are for the experts. But the
general purpose is clear-to give the moder-
ate and rational Egyptians, who exist, and
who are our last hope here, some sense of
participation and self-respect.
The four-power proposal for Canal Zone
defense was presumably designed to this
end, but it was badly presented (much of
the wording was lifted straight out of a
Pecksniffian State Department draft) and
idiotically timed (as both the able American
and British ambassadors here futilely warn-
ed their governments). And timing is all im-
The crucial moment will come when
the present government, discredited by its
own impotence, can safely be replaced by
King Farouk. Any 'new government will
be quite literally the last chance for the
West. If we fail to strengthen a new gov-
ernment by making some sort of bold and
generous gesture, the government will fail
to govern, and the street mobs and fanatics
will take over. Then we shall fail also, in
the end, throughout the Middle East.
This sort of gesture is, to be sure, a tem-
porary expedient, a means of buying time.
But it is desperately necessary to buy time
here, as elsewhere in the Middle East, if
more permanent means are to be found to
stop the crumbling and dry rot in this area.
And just as the situation could "easily have

CORNELL VICTORY-A large contingent of University students
braved the uncertain weather and treked to Ithaca over the weekend-
only to see a high-spirited Cornell football team rear up in the second
half to hand Michigan a 20-7 trouncing. The outcome was a stunning
blow to the Wolverines, as the underdogs ripped gaping holes in the
blanket of blue.
* * * *
VERDICT NEARS-The fate of three Washtenaw County teen-
agers standing trial for first degree murder is expected to be decided
Tuesday by a Circuit Court jury. The youths told the court this week
that they were intoxicated when they took part in the brutal robbery-
slaying of Nurse Pauline Campbell the night of Sept. 15.
WHY COMPLAIN?-Assiduous University officials balanced the
budget last week in their annual financial report and were surprised
to discover that this institution can claim $147,579,272 assets-highest
in its history. The report, draped in customary obfuscation, tallied a
$12,000,000 asset increase over the 1949-50 fiscal year, due chiefly to
the large number of donations and bequests.
STOP SIGNS-Heavy-lidded city officials finally installed stop-
signs at the hazardous Maynard-E. William intersection. They did so
with unusual dispatch-after a bad collision at that spot a week ago
sent two persons to the hospital. A bus and a car were involved in the
National .. .
EISENHOWER FOR PRESIDENT?-A flurry of Eisenhower rum-
ors swept the country as "Ike" flew home from Paris for a brief confer-
ence with President Truman. Wishful thinkers of all descriptions
scampered to their typewriters and ground out "inside reports" on
the Eisenhower visit. Various dispatches hinted:
1) That President Truman had offered to step aside and support
the General on the Democratic ticket.
2) That the General had agreed in a telephone interview that he
would run "if it is shown to be his duty."
3) That Eisenhower had reaffirmed his '48 declaration that he
was not a candidate.
VOTE AGAINST SIN-Most significant conclusion which could be
drawn from the returns of scattered off-year elections this week was
that the voters are reacting strongly to recent exposures of big-time
corruption in government. In New York, Rudolph Halley, independent
candidate, capitalized on his reputation as crime investigator for Sen.
Kefauver to administer a stinging defeat to Tammany Hall. In Phila-
delphia, the Democrats swept into office on an anti-vice campaign,
breaking a 68-year GOP reign. And even Boston's beloved ex-convict
Mayor James Curley was turned out of office by newly-aroused con-
DISARMAMENT BANTER-President Truman fired another shot
"heard round the world" as he broadcast a disarmament plea-with
teeth. Simultaneously the Big Three introduced the proposal at the
Paris General Assembly meeting. The President asked for outside in-
spection to police any arms cut agreement. This sort of enforcement has
been unacceptable to the Kremlin in the past-and it is unacceptable
to them now. Vishinsky laughed off the proposal and peeled off a
routine Red counter-proposal. However, the Russians would find it
difficult to laugh off the propaganda value of the proposal.
DOUBLE STALEMATE-Both talking and fighting went on this
week in Korea without much success for either side. The hope for a
quick end to the- fighting which flared brightly last week was still
flickering as the negotiators agreed to everything but the disposition of
Kaesong. But the talks appeared to be once again degenerating into a
ring-around-the-rosy affair.
-Crawford Young and Cal Samra

needs teachers for the school for thei
lind or partially sighted; for the a
school for the deaf or hard-of-hearing; Pr
nd for an instituton for the mentally s
retarded or for delinquent children. d
They also need employees to supervise
and teach classes in academic subjects
at state penal institutions. For fur- p
ther information come to the Bureau T
of Appointments, 3528 Admn. Bldg.
Employment Interviews: Will be held 1
by Westinghouse Electric & Manufac-
uring Corporation for chemical, me- g
tallurgical, electrical, mechanical andp
industrial engineers on Nov. 13, 14 and
15. Everyone interested in working for
this company should attend a Group n
Meeting to be held in 348 West Engi-C
neering Bldg. on Mon., Nov. 12, at 5n
Personnel Interviews:
Tues., Nov. 13, a representative of
the Connecticut General Life Insurance
Company of Hartford, Connecticut, willp
be interviewing men for their homeB
office training program.
Tues., Nov. 13. a representative of
the Socony-Vacuum Oil Company of
New York wi be interviewing graduat-r
ing students of Business Administration c
for general sales training, and Civil
and Mechanical Engineers for indus-
trial sales training and operating. A
Tues., Nov. 13, a representative of the o
Atlantic Refining Company of Dallas,r
Texas, will be interviewing graduating
students on all degree levels on Mathe-
matics and Physics.
Wed., Nov. 14, a representative of thev
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard of Bre-
merton, Washington, wi be interview-
ing Naval Architects, Architects, Civil
Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, andF
Electrical Engineers.
Thurs., Nov. 15, Mr. Scudder of the
Detroit office of the Standard Register4
Company will be interviewing men for
sales for office machines and equip-
ment. Two men are needed for De-k
troit and others for the Central region2
of Michigan.1
Thurs., Nov. 15, a representative oft
the General Tire and Rubber Company
of Akron, Ohio, will be interviewing
February graduates of Chemical, Me-I
chanical, and Industrial Engineering,
Chemists; and.Business Administration
students. They will also be interview-
ing Mechanical, Chemical, Aeronauti-
cal, Electronic, and Electrical Engi-
neers for design, research, and develop-
ment work for their Aerojet Engineer-
ing Company at Los Angeles.
Thurs., Nov. 15, and Fri., Nov. 16, a
representative of the Standard-Vacuum
Oil Company of New York will be in-1
terviewing men interested in oversease
positions. Positions to be filled are in
Sales (engineering desirable, also open
for Business Administration and Arts7
graduates); Product Distribution, Gen-1
eral Operations (a degree in Mechani-
cal. Civil, Chemial, Petroleum, or Elec-
trical Engineering); and Accounting.
Requirements are: American citizen-7
ship, Age 21 to 28 years, and Single.1
For further information and appoint-
ments concerning the above requests1
and interviews, call at the Bureau ofc
Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
Physics Lectures. Sixth of a series1
of six lectures on "Modern Theories of
Atomic and Molecular Structure," by
Sir John E. Lennard-Jones, Professor
of Theoretical Chemistry, Cambridge
University, England. 10 a.m., Tues.,
Nov. 13, 202 West Physics Bldg.
Academic Notices
Game Theory Seminar: Monday,
Nov. 12, 7:30 p.m., Room 3001, Angell
Hall. Professor Suits will spak.
Mathematics Orientation Seminar:
Tues., Nov. 13, 1:00 p.m., Room 3001,,
Angell Hall. Topic: "Posets."
Algebra (I.) Seminar Tues., Nov. 13,
9 a.nm., in Room 2303 A. Hall. Mr. Byfn
will speak on Zorn's Lemma.
Logic Seminar: Tues., Nov. 13, at 3:10
p.m., In Room 3011 Angell Hall. Mr.
Joseph Seoenfield will speak on "Hen-
kin's Completeness Theorem.
Sports and Dance Instruction for Wo-
Women students who have completed
their physical education requirement
may register as electives in physical
education classes on Mon., Tues., and
Wed. mornings, Nov. 12, 13 and 14 in
Barbour Gymnasium.
Doctoral examination for Charles
Bruce Lee, Zoology; thesis: "The Mol-
luscan Family Succineidae in Michigan,
Considerations of Anatomy, Early Em-
bryology and Distribution," Tues., Nov.
13, 2089 Natural Science Bldg., at 9
a.m. Chairman, H. van der Schalie
School of Business Administration:
Students from other Schools and Col-
leges intending to apply for spring ad-
rnittance should secure appliaction
forms in Rm. 150, School of Business

Administration, as soon as possible-.
Sunday Night Co-Ed Record Concert
(8:30-10:00 p.m.) Program: Ippolitow-
Caucasian Sketches (Boston Sym-
phony) ; Franck--Symphonic Variations
(Gieseking); Beethoven-Symphony No.
6. All concerts in League Library.
Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and
Emil Raab, violinists, Robert Courte,
violinist, and Oliver Edel, cellist, will
present the second in the current series
of programs at 8:30 p.m., Tues., Nov.
13, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. The
group will be joined by Nelson Hauen-
stein, Instructor in Woodwind Instru-
ments, in a program of Mozart's Quar-
tet in D major, K. 285, Beethoven's
Quartet in F minor, Op. 95, and Bela
Bartok's Quartet No. 6. The general
public is invited.
Events Today
Lutheran Student Association: Stu-
dent Center, 5:30 p.m. for supper. Pro-
gram at 7. Speaker: Dr. Calvin Stickles
of Detroit. Topic: God's World, Our

Wesleyan Guild: 9:30 a.m. Breakfast
eminar. 4:15 p.n., Bible Study Group
n the Green Room. 5:30 p.m., Supper
nd fellowship hour. 6:45 Worship and
'rogram. Mr. Arthur Howard, guest
speak-er, wili show slides on India and
iscuss his work there.
Roger Williams Guild: 6 p.m., Sup-
er. 7 p.m., Program: "The Bible in
translation" by Dr. Leroy Waterman.
Canterbury Club: 5:30 p.m., Mr. Wil-
iam Alston of the Department of Phi-
osophy will address members of the
roup. This will be followed by sup-
Congregational-Disciples Guild: 6 p.-
m., supper; 7 program at Memorial
Christian Church. Rev. Joseph Smith,
minister of the church and seven years
a missionary in China, will speak on
'Christian Concerns and Cor.munism.
Unitarian Student Group: 6:30 pm.,
at the Church House. 'ransportation
provided by calling 2-005 before 6 p.m.
Business Session and Discussion of
Projects and Objectives. Refreshments.
Graduate Outing Club. Meet at the
rear of the Rackham Bldg., 2 p.m.
Outing to Stinchfield Reservation.
Inter-Arts Union. Meeting at 2:30,
Michigan Room, League. From now
on all meetings will begin at 2:30
rather than at 2.
Inter-Arts Union. Folk Dancing at 8
In the League Ball Room. Everyone
Open Houses for SL Candidates:
Sun., Nov. 11-2-3 Kappa Sigma, 806
Hill; 6-7 West Quad Rally.
Women's Glee Club: Rehearsal, 3:00-
4:15 p.m. Attendance will be taken.
Hillel: Supper Club and Mixer will
be held at theZeta Beta Tau Hous
2006 Washtenaw. A cost supper will
be served 5:30-7:00 p.m., followed by
the Mixer.
U-M Hot Record Society: Program
in the League, 8 p.m. Everyone invited.
Coming Events
La p'tite causette meets Monday from
3:30 to 5 p.m. in the south room, Union
Barnaby Club: Supper and discussion
meeting in Lane Hall 6 p.m., Mon., Nov.
12. Call 5838 by 10 a.m., Mon., for res-
Graduate History Club: Monday, Nov.
12, 8ap.nm. East Conference Room,
Rackham. Panel discussion on Per-
iodization in History. Refreshments.
Hillel: Seminar on Modern Jewish
Problems will meet Tues. at 4:15 in
Lane Hall for a discussion on inter-
marriage. The group, which discuses
topics of its ow choosing, is under the
direction of Rabbi Lymon. Everyone
is welcome.
Anthropology Club. Meeting, Tues.,
Nov. 13, at 7:30 in the East Conference
Room of Rackham. Professor Cameron
will give a talk and show slides on his
recent Near Eastern field trip. Every-
one welcome.
Acolyte Meeting. Tues., Nov. 13, I
p.m., League. Dr. Y. Bar-Hillel will
speak on "Some Problems of Mechani-
cal Translation." Consult bulletin
board in League for room.
A Student-Faculty Coffee Hour will
be held Wed., Nov. 14, from 4-6 in the
Union Terrace Room. All students are
invited to meet the Romance Lang-
uage Department who wil be the spe-
cial guests.


Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott ......... Managing Editor
Bob Keith...............City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ....A.. ssociate Editor
Ron Watts ...,......Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor
Ted Papes..............Sports Editor
George Flint .,.Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James..........Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Sally Fish ............Finance Manager
Stu Ward.,........Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
o0 all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.





On second thought, m'boy, your Fairy Godfather is
of the opinion that our visitor from outer space is




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