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September 25, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-09-25

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Latest Deadline in the Saoc CLOUDY AND WET






War Danger Grave
In Iran Oil Crisis,
'U' Expert Asserts
It is "quite possible" that the Iranian oil crisis may explode into
a Third World War, a University political scientist just back from
the Middle East said yesterday.
"Mossadegh has gone so far he cannot afford to compromise,"
Prof. N. Marbury Efimenco warned. "If he attempts to do so his life,
will be in danger. He can't turn back now."
But if the fanatical Iranian premier continues on his present
course, Prof. Efimenco went on, and tries to seize the giant refinery
from its Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. guards, the British may land troops.
In this base, Prof. Efimenco pointed out, the Kremlin will
be free, to interpret as it wishes an old mutual defense treaty
which pledges the USSR and Iran to come to each other's aid
should either country be invaded by foreign troops.
This would probably mean war, he said.
* * * *
PROF. EFIMENCO returned to Ann Arbor Friday. Leader of the
expedition, which included 8 University faculty members and grad-
uate students, was Prof. George G. Cameron, chairman of the Near
Eastern Studies department. Prof. Cameron has not yet returned to
campus although he has arrived in the United States.
Looking further into the Iranian crisis, the political scientist
said that if Mossadegh is able to stall until Iranian tempers cool,
he may yet reach an agreement with Anglo-Iranian.
But there will always be constant danger from Fadayan Islam, a
religious society which enforces its violently anti-British program
with terrorism and assassination. In the past year its disciples with
allied groups in Lebanon and Trans-Jordan have carried out successful
assassinations in those countries and Iran.
Most observers believe that Mossadegh is stalling until after Bri-
tain's coming election of Oct. 25, Prof. Efimenco said. Then, a new pre-
mier may take over the Iranian government and compromise with a
new Britishprime minister.
But even if Mossadegh does take over oil-rich Abadan now,
Prof. Efimenco predicted, he could confound skeptical foreigners
and run the fields successfully.
"I understand that German engineers have already volunteered
to operate the refinery for Iran," Prof. Efimenco said. "However, they
would probably have to use Scandinavian tankers to market the oil."
ACCORDING TO the newly-returned political scientist Anglo-
Iranian might have avoided the crisis if:
1) the company had paid a reasonable royalty on the oil
According to informed sources the British government received
more by taxing Anglo-Iranian's profits than the Iranian government
received as its whole return from the fields.
2) British negotiators had not "lacked imagination," been "stub-
born conservative and shortsighted." After all, Efimenco pointed out,
it was no time for the British to stand upon "legal rights" when the
fields were surrounded by angry mobs.
3) the Iranians had not been fully aware - that nearby Saudi
Arabia was receiving nearly half the profits of the Arabian-American
Oil Co. on the oil Aramco was piping from King Ibn Saud's desert land.
This contrast rankled Iran.
If the British and Soviets do not march in, Prof. Efimenco
sees little chance of the Abadan riots themselves leading to hos-
"In spite of the violence of these explosions-which are safety
valves for lack of democratic forms of expression-they don't pene-
trate very far," he explained.
The watchword in the Middle East, Prof. Efimenco Pid, is "wait
and see.'"
Daily Tryout Meetings Set
For Tomorrow, Thursday

Re ec
Allies Press
Demand for
Site Switch
Wipe Out North
Korean Division
TOKYO-(')-Communist liai-
son officers today angrily walked
out of a meeting with the Allies in
Kaesong after flatly rejecting a
suggestion to discuss conditions for
reopening the Korean truce talks.
The walkout, ending a 50-minute
session, was announced here by
Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway's head-
THE REDS had gone to the
meeting under limited instruc-
tions to discuss only a date and
time for resumption of the truce
talks, broken off by the Com-
munists Aug. 23.
The United Nations team pre-
sumably pressed their demands
for a switch in site in an at-
tempt to find a more favorable
atmosphere for the talks to con-
Meanwhile, reports from the
eastern front indicated that an en-
tire North Korean division had
been wiped out and two other Red
units well-mauled in the bloody
13-day fight for "Heartbreak
A COMMUNIST bid for a full-
dress session of top negotiators
was ignored by Allied liaison offi-
cers as they met the Reds for the
second straight day.
But a Peiping broadcast
warned that if the Red offer of
a full-scale resumption of the
talks at Kaesong were rejected,
Communist liaison officers would
only continue discussions under
strictly limited instructions.
The Communists were told at
yesterday's meeting that Kaesong
is unsuitable for these reasons:
1. Partisan groups, responsible
to neither command, are active in
the Kaesong area and could start
something at any time which
would interrupt the talks again.
2. Troops of both sides con-
stantly maneuver around the
Kaesong neutral zone, "daily
posing the chance of an unin-
tended violation."
3. Kaesong is close to the main
Communist supply line, under at-
tack by Allied planes.
George VI Shows
Gain in Streng g
LONDON -()-- King George
VI was reported gaining strength
and in good spirits last night on
the long pull toward recovery from
major lung surgery.
But Buckingham Palace sources
said keen anxiety still was felt.
Last bulletin from the five-man
royal panel of physicians said:
"The King has gained strength
during the day." No other details
were reported officially then.


















'. '41 On-Campus

City Police
Start Patrol
Of 'U' Lots
Two uniformed motorcyclists}
started their rounds of campus
parking facilities yesterday morn-
ing as a new agreement between
the University and the city went
into effect.
Under terms of the agreement,
the pair of Ann Arbor policemen
will enforce Regents' regulations
regarding parking in the campus
area, including University lots and
streets in the vicinity.
1' *
TRAFFIC violation tickets will
be issued to all persons improperly
parked. In the event of failure to
settle the tickets, warrants will be
issued for the arrest of the of-
The new enforcemer action
applies to cars parked in "re-
tr icted areas" without Univer-
sity parking permits and cars
left in "open parking areas"
around the campus for more
than 48 hours.
Designed as the .first step in a
more comprehensive University-
city agreement regarding addition-
al police protection on UniversityI
property, the plan provides for
payment of salaries and other ex-
penses for the officers by the Un-
* * *
A HANDBILL to be placed in
all cars parked in the campus area
today explains the requirement of
an "official campus parking per-
mit" or a "visitor's parking per-
mit" for cars in the restricted
Those eligible to receive official'
permits are "faculty members with
the rank of instructor or above and
such other members of the staff as
may be granted the privilege by
the Parking Permit Committee,"'
according to the handbill. Eligibili-
ty for visitor's permits is extended?
to "persons visiting the campus in
an official capacity or registeringE
in an official campus gathering.'
Student driving permits do
not include parking privileges in
restricted areas, the handbillt
says. However, students with
permits and University employes
and unofficial visitors may park
in the open areas.I
Abandoning cars in open park-;
ing areas is forbidden by the Re-
gents' regulations. "Continuous
standing of a vehicle for a period
(Continued on Page 3) t

-Daily-Alan Reid I

BUILDING PROGRESSES-Students returning to campus this fall were greeted by the welcome
sight of an almost completed Angell Hall additio n. Most of the outside work is done on the four-
story classroom structure, now entering its second year of construction. But it will still be a year
before the building is ready for use.
Detroit A lumni Gather Construction
To Honor Hatchers Proceed ig
By MIKE SHERER Michigan, quoting, "Oh, the little O n Sce dule


Hits 16,000
Officials Predict
Thousand More
With totals still incomplete,
registration figures climbed stead-
ily yesterday, approaching sur-
prisingly the enrollment racked
up last February.
Though the present figure of
16,307 on-campus students still
falls about a thousand short of
last semester's, officials confi-
dently predicted that it would pull
up even by the time of final tabu-
lation later in the week.
OVERALL, 18,957 people are be-
ing taught something by one or an-
other service of the University of
Michigan. This figure, which is
expected to push 20,000 before the
week is out, includes those taking
extension courses,.
Though the drop was some-
what smaller from the spring
semester than had been gloom-
ily foretold, the fall semester is
generally the strong one as far
as enrollment is concerned. Last
year, the big sag came between
semesters, as close to 2,000 stu-
dents failed to return.
Yesterday, Registrar Ira M..
Smith expressed satisfaction with
the fall turnout. Apparently, he
said, draft boards deferred a "very
large" number of men during the
summer months, permitting them
to continue or begin schooling.
* *
ACCORDING TO comparative
figures for the past semesters, it.
would appear that one war-torn-
year has cut into enrollment to
the extent of 10.2 per cent. The
most severe drop has come among
the resident credit students. Uni-
versity officials blame the draft
situation and a decline in the
birth rate about twenty years ago
for the tailspin.
On the other hand, credit en-
rollment in the University's six
Extension Service centers across
the state has increased. In ad-
dition, the Extension Service
anticipates a non-credit exten-
sionenrollment of approximate-
ly 5,600.
Happily, the registrar's report
on this fall's improved men-wo-
men ratio reveals that there are
only 11,439 men to 4,868 women.
The ratio of men to women on
campus is now 2.3 to 1, a far cry
from the ascetic 3.5 to 'l days fol-
lowing the war. At a camparable
time last fall, there were 13,488
complaining men and 5,039 wo-
THE NUMBER of veterans tak-
ing credit courses has continued
its steady decline. Present vet
enrollment is listed as 4,610. This
compares with 6,852 a year ago
and 5,925 last spring.
A breakdown of enrollment
figures in the University's main
schools and colleges showed
that all except the Medical
School suffered marked de-
creases in a year's span.


Special to The Daily
DETROIT-More tflan 400 De-
troit alumni of the University
turned out here last night to
greet President Harlan H. Hatch-
er in his first official appearanceI
at an alumni function.
"Freshman" president Hatcher
and Mrs. Hatcher were honored in
the Detroit Rackham Building atI
a dinner and reception.

more and how much it is; the
little less and what worlds away."'
He promised his audience
that he would strive to keep this
"little bit of extra quality" in
the University as long as pos-
President Hatcher told of the
high esteem for the University by
its "neighbor universities", men-

An opportunity to gain fine
training in all phases of journa-
lism will be available to students
when The Daily holds its first
r tryout meetings Wednesday and
With the new University regu-
f lation allowing first semester
freshmen to participate in extra-
curricular activities for the first
time since the war, any scholas-
Distribution of
Grid Tickets
Will Continue
With the pick of the student
tickets already grasped by the
seniors and graduate students
yesterday, t h e distribution of
football tickets w ill continue
through Thursday for less privi-
leged underclassmen.
Based on the number of semes-
ters in ri'fA*in, .,* +t tho Tniv.r..



tically solvent student, no matter
what his major curriculum, may
tryout for The Daily's business,
editorial, sports or women's staffs.
The first editorial tryout meet-
ings will be held at 4 p.m. Wed-
nesday and at 7:30 p.m. Thursday
in the editorial offices of the Stu-
dent Publications building. Sports
and women's tryouts should at-
tend at this time. The business
staff will hold its tryout meetings
at 4 p.m. Wednesday and Thurs-
day in different offices in the
same building.
Editorial tryout training in-
cludes reporting techniques, head-
line writing, proof-reading, news
and editorial writing and many
other phases of journalism.
Opportunities for individuals
interested in saleswork, promo-
tions and advertising layout and
writing are open on the business
Students trying out for any of
the staffs .will have the chance
to work with all the conveniences
of modern inurnalism. Th


tioning Ohio State as his own
IIIGHLIGHT OF the evening personal example.
was an address to the alumni by The new President was intro-
President Hatcher. duced by Regent Charles F. Ken-
Relying on a quotation from his nedy, who told how President
favorite poet, Robert Browning, Hatcher was picked from an
the new University head praised original field of more than 150I
the quality of the University of ? candidates.j

Work on the numerous con-
struction and remodeling projects
on campus is proceeding on sche-
dule, according to plant superin-
tendent Walter M. Roth.
Brick work on the classroom
wing of the $4,000,000 addition to
Angell Hall is nearly compleetd
and work is progressing on the
last two floors of the office wing.
A story-and-half unit with four
auditoriums will connect the four
story classroom section and the
eight story office wing- of the adl-
dition, which is to be completed
next summer.
* *


Coed Hair-Wash Ma kes "ryU' W et

DURING THE summer new
steel stairways were built at the
north and south ends of Angell
Hall to replace the wooden stairs
which were placed in the building
in anticipation of future expan-

* * *


Things are in a lather concern-
ing the use of beer shampoo on
this traditionally dry campus.
The once-popular shampoo is
undergoing a resurgence of use lo-
cally, to the delight of thirsty
students and the consternation of
sniffing house-mothers. As yet no
one has asked for a ruling from the
Dean's office on the brew-like po-
AS SOLD IN campus stores, the,
beautifying agent is less than 2

can and possibly does happen un-
der the guise of cleanliness.
"WHEN TEN co-eds decide to
shampoo their hair at the same
time, and take their beer mugs
along, I begin to get suspicious,"
one assistant resident advisor said.
"Of course they're not drinking
it, but they can smuggle the real
stuff in for a shampoo party',"
An authority on the subject,
Lee Benjamin, '52, said that
many co-eds prefer the real
fhinr fr c ani rtat ia

Six hundred men are now be-
ing housed in the completedI
houses of the new South Quad-
rangle. The remainder of the
building will be completed be-
fore February, Roth said. The
installation of pre-fabricated
wardrobes and student desk
units which had been delayed
is now in progress.
T h e University Hospital six
story Outpatient Clinic will be
completed next summer, Roth re-
ported, while the Medical Re-
search building is to be complet-
ed by the fall of 1952.

S - .



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