PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,t WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1951 ________________________________________________________________________ U I w Foreign Language Plan STATE HIGH SCHOOLS are violently op- posed to the literary college proposal to extend its foreign language requirement to four semesters. This proposal is now before the Regents for approval. Under the new plan, students would be required to exhibit a proficiency in a for- eign language equal to four college semest- ers of study in the language. A placement test would be taken at the beginning of one's college career which would deter- mine his skill. If he failed, he would then be required to study a language until a degree of proficiency was reached. In thus altering the language requirement, emphasis would be shifted from the length of time spent in pursuing a language to the quality of the teaching the student had re- ceived on a secondary level. Among the reasons given by high schools for opposing the proposal is that it would force them to add languages to the curricu- la of schools not already offering them. This charge is unfounded in that students lacking a high school language background would merely have to start languages in college. A second faction of high school educa- tors maintains that the language place- ment test would jeopardize the reputations of high schools already teaching languages and discourage the continuance of lan- ,guage education on a secondary level. On the contrary, such stimulation in the high schools would force them to improve the quality of their language education, which is certainly a desirable thing. Another suggestion made by high school Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: ZANDER HOLLANDER educators is that the two-year study course might better be allocated to the study of American history. A background in history is already a State requirement for high schools and might well be enlarged in the secondary school system, thus reaching not only prospective college students but also those who will not continue their education. THE LITERARY COLLEGE has made the language proposal to provide students with a better rounded cultural background. The U.S. is essentially a mono-lingual na- tion, and in this time of international stress, a better understanding of other countries is necessary. Such' understanding can best be reached through foreign language. During the first year of study of a lan- guage, the student is only able to acquire a +few basic language skills. However, the second year of study provides an oppor- tunity to see within the history, literature and philosophy of a people and better re- alize their cultural background. To the student complaint that a lengthen- ed period of language study would overload schedules, it is interesting to note that 72% of last year's graduating seniors took more than the required one year of language. This would seem to support the theory that stu- dents are conscious of the importance of language in a shrinking world. It indicates a trend toward readiness of the student body to avail itself of the op- portunity to study language with modern methods, tape recorders and recordings. Furthermore, text books in most of the college language departments are revised and up-to-date. Obviously, the only major issue at stake in the Regent's adoption of the language pro- posal is whether the cultural returns on a two-year language course would justify the consumption of time. In surveying the pre- sent world crisis, one can hardly help but feel that they would. -Diane Decker Pointed MICHIGAN MEN were mightily perturbed when they reached Champaign-Urbana last week end. It was Dad's Day. This meant that most of the Illini women were dated up with their fathers. It also meant that Wol- verine fans had to sleep on floors while dads slept in beds. But in spite of the inconveniences the father's caused, most University students probably agreed that the idea of a day for dad was a good one well carried out. Many of them seemed rather embarassed about the helter-skelter way a father's week end is conducted in Ann Arbor by separate house groups. At the University of Illinois, where the program has been going on for 32 years, there is a formal organzation of students' fathers. The high spot of the association, though perhaps the least important, is the annual week end meeting on campus. At this reunion a business meeting and election is held, and a week end of entertainment is staged by the students on a campus-wide basis. Under the direction of a student com- mittee the whole thing takes on an air of a homecoming that makes individual house programs here look pretty poor. But more important is the year around activities of the Dad's Association. Directed by an executive committee, the group not only keeps its members informed on univer- sity activities but holds meetings with pros- pective Illinois students. With such a central organization, this set-up also beats similar meetings held in Michigan by various alum- ni and student groups, It would seem that such a program at the University might do a lot of good. An association of Michigan fathers would mean a good deal more than adding anoth- er insignificant festive week end to the fall schedule. It would mean a strong organi- zation of support for the University and its student body. A group of parents which knows how the University functions, its current problems, as well as the students', could add as much or more to University support as a strong alumni association. Perhaps SL or the Wolverine Club can start work on the organization of the aso-{ ciation in the near future. --Vernon Emerson INTERPRETING THE NEWS: "I Can Protect Myself From My Enemies --- - N 44 ette 'J TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. ; #: 's .h.: . : . :,,,, . 1 -_ wa r-N "..; ,. ynztyW' eg wmsw.o.t4 eerww. r DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1 e - ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON I 14 THE CHIEF problems being discussed by General Eisenhower and the President are set forth in a secret report the General sent to the Pentagon on October 22. In this he stated the European situation is so seri- ous that military equipment to Europe should get priorities ahead of military equipment for the American Army, Navy and Air Force in the United States. It was this report, received by Gen. Omar Bradley, which caused him to go to the White House and recommend that Ike be called back for personal discussion. Here are the main points Eisenhower has made: 1. The European arms program is going so slowly that no major-size Eurdpean army will be complete until about 1954. 2. Our European allies are lagging far behind in supplying manpower, partly be- cause drafting manpower is an unpopu- lar business, partly because few weapons are on hand for the men to use after they are drafted. This is because U.S. ship- ments to NATO are way behind schedule. Eisenhower specifically mentioned a full armored division which should have ar- rived some time ago, but hasn't. He point- ed out that other North Atlantic countries are using this as an excuse to renege on their own commitments. 3. Eisenhower proposed, therefore, to or- , ganize immediately a small, compact fight- ing force, armed to the teeth with the most modern weapons. Such a force, even though small, would be more effective than waiting two years for a huge European army to be organized. -1952 CONSIDERED CRUCIAL- ONE PROBLEM in the picture is that the most critical year as far as Russia is concerned is considered 1952. If the Red Ar- my is to strike, military experts believe it will be in that year. And if Russia does not attack in 1952, Europe will then proceed with the long-range build-up, keeping the small- er task force in reserve. Behind all this is the fact that our European allies have been extremely slow in getting armament plants into shape. They have also been lethargic regarding cooperative ventures. For instance, Eisenhower has wanted French factories to build British jet engines. The British have produced the best jet en- gine so far, and Eisenhower wanted the French to pick up British blueprints and go ahead with production of the engine imme- diately instead of frittering around trying to develop a special French-designed engine. French pride, however, interfered. The Italians, meanwhile, have been much more cooperative and will begin jet-plane production with British blueprints fairly soon. The original plan for European rearma- ment called for arms to come in part from ! the United States, but only in part. The rest were to be supplied by the European build-up. Both, however, have lagged. This -PEACE OR WAR?- S HORTLY AFTER President Truman's peace proposals tonight, Gen. Omar Bradley will make a significant speech ad- vising the nation on how to stay strong enough to insure peace. In the speech, General Bradley, who made his fame as a foot soldier, will go all-out for air power. With Admiral Fech. teler, the new Chief of Naval Operations, reviving the old Navy-Air Force rivalry in a United States News interview, not clear- ed by his boss, Secretary Lovett, the Brad- ley speech is sure to make headlines. For the officer who once commanded the Army's Fort Benning Infantry Sschool and has spent his life with ground forces plans to warn that the United States must win the air war before it can win a ground and sea war. Bradley will say that the airplane is still the primary means of delivering the A- bomb both against cities and enemy troops; will reveal that baby A-bombs car- ried by fighter planes are more effective than atomic artillery; that large atomic bombs carried by B-36's are more effective than guided missiles; and will point out that air power must be planned and pur- chased years in advance. Accordingly, the Chief of Staff will favor a 143-group Air Force. Bradley, who is one of the most idealistic men in the Armed forces, regretfully plans to warn the nation that real peace with Russia isn't likely. * *. * -BEHIND THE IRON CURTAiN-- A CONGRESSIONAL group, led by Con- gresmen Francis Walter of Pennsylvania and Frank Chelf of Kentucky, was given a lively pep talk by President Truman before taking off for Europe this week to study refugee conditions and overpopulation in Western European countries. "N we work out a solution to this prob- lem it will be as important a step as we can take against Communism," Truman told his Congressional callers. The problem of repatriating vast num- bers of escapees from behind the iron cur- tain to homes and jobs in free countries is vital, the President said. For, if left to their own resources, without homes, jobs, or food, some of them re-embrace Communism. Some are being well cared for, the Presi- dent added, but free Europe cannot possibly assimilate all of them. Small countries like Holland and Sweden also are being pressured by Russia to return the escapees. So far they have refused, but Truman reminded his call- ers that it isn't very comfortable for a small nation to have a big and bellicose neighbor like Soviet Russia breathing down its neck. Overpopulation in Italy also is a 'terribly serious problem," said the President-so seri- ous, in fact, that Italy may soon fall into the laps of the Communists unless its surplus unemployed and hungry people can be re- patriated. Etheopia and North Africa, with some hpl lfrnm -r nint A Pnwr m - - u International Propaganda By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. Associated Press News Analyst THE PRESIDENT of France has adopted the Churchillian idea that Truman, Churchill and Stalin should meet immediate- ly in an effort to resolve world tensions. It would be interesting if the proposal could come to a vote on the floor of the UN General Assembly before which it was broached. It's a pretty good bet that it would be carried. Yet there is hardly a delegate who does not know that it would be dangerous and very probably fruitless. Russia, feeling no compulsion about truth- fulness or sincerity, with leaders trained in the Communist theory that trickery and lies are proper means to their ends, can always sound well at such meetings. She can make proposals which she intends only other peo- ple to keep. The Allies, forced to avoid sug- gestions which are always full of gimmicks, can thus be made to appear to be blocking peace. Yet the small nations with less experi- ence in meeting this type of diplomacy, the peoples ohf Europe who would be the first victims of war, are always anxious to try anything which contains the barest possibility of eventual agreement. President Auriol's suggestion comes at a time when both Russia and the Allies are preparing to turn the General Assembly once again into a forum for a great propaganda fight. The United States, taking the bull by the horns as she did at the Japanese Peace Con- ference in San Francisco, is preparing to meet the Russians point by point in the 'peace offensive.' Disarmament, unification of Germany, Korea, Atomic controls and just who is responsible for the cold war are all to be thrashed over. Russia is expected to wage a campaign of sweetness and light to meet the Allied counteroffensive. She is going to seem to be agreeable at several points, and yet never will she let any substantial agreement really go through, Pravda laid down the line yesterday: "It is well known that the U.S.S.R. con- stantly has sought and is still seeking just such a peaceful settlement. He who strives for this must lay aside not only the stretch- ed bow but along with it Atom bombs and vials with cholera germs ann nther fanatic (Continued from Page 2) Wight, Associate Director of the Insti- tute of Contemporary Art, Boston. 4:15 p.m., Wed., Nov. 7, West Gallery, Alum- ni Memorial Ball. Physics Lectures. Fifth of a series of six lectures on "Modern Theories of Atomic and Molecular Structure" by Sir JohnEdLennard-Jones, Professor of Theoretical Chemistry, Cambridge Uni- versity, England. 10:00 a.m., Thurs., Nov. 8, 202 west Physics Bldg. Academic Notices History 49 Examination. Thurs., Nov. 8, 9-10 aam.. "A-He" Room 231 Angell Hall, "Hi-Z" West Gal. A. M. H. The results of the language examina- tions for the A. M. in history are now posted in the History Office, 2817 South Quad. Engineering Mechanics Seminar: Wed., Nov. 7, 3:45 p.m., 101 West Engineering Building. Prof. W. W. Hagerty will speak on "Problems in Fuel Spray Re- search." Doctoral examination for Lawrence Sims Bartell, Chemistry; thesis: "The Design and Construction of an Electron Diffraction Unit for Gases and Its Ap- plication to Argon", Wed., Nov. 7, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., 2 p.m. Chairman, L. 0. Brockway. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics: Thurs., Nov. 8, 3-5 p.m., .3017 Angell Hall. Speakers: Messrs, R. W. Royston and W. S. Bicknell. Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Harry S. Blanchard will discuss "Reactions of Lead Tetraacetate" at 7:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 7, 1300 Chemistry. Visitors are welcome. Seminar in Physical Chemistry. Prof. H. P. Gregor of Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute will speak on "Ion-Pair For- mation in Ion Exchange Systems" and George A. Miller on "Liquids at OK?" at 4:10 p.m.. Wed., Nov. 7, 2308 Chemis- try. Visitors are welcome. Concerts Faculty Concert: Arlene Sollenberger, contralto, will be heard in recital at 8:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 9, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Accompanied by Colette Jablonski, pianist, Miss Sollen- berger will sing songs of Dowland, Pur- cell, Mozart and Beethoven during the first half of the program. Clausson's Poeme de 'Amour et de la Mer will be heard after intermission. The public will be admitted without charge. Organ Recital. The first in a series of three recitals by Robert Noehren, University Organist, will be played at 4:15 Wednesday afternoon. November 7, in Hill Auditorium. The program will open with Saint-Saens' Prelude and Fugue inrE-flat major, followed by Franck's Choral in E major, and the Sonata on the 94th Psalm by Reubke. The recital willebe open to the pub- lic without charge. Carillon Recital: Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur, will present an- other in his series of fallmrecitals at 7:15 p.m., Thursday, November 8. It will include Prelude I by Bach, a group of melodies from the Low Countries, Sonata in la maj ore by Paradise, four spirituals, and Professor Price's Victory Rhapsody for a large carillon Events Today Student Legislature: Meeting in the Anderson-strauss dining room, East Quad, 7:30 p.m. Women members will not need late permission. Attendance of all candidates is required. U. of M. Rifle Club meets at 7 p.m., ROTC Rifle Range. Conference Sec- tional Match to be early in December, so attendance is especially vital. Offi- cers: Executive Board Meeting 9:30, same night. The Undergraduate Botany Club pre- sents Prof. Stanley A. Cain speaking on "The Use of Original Land Survey Data in the Reconstruction of Primeval For- est Types," 8 p.m, 1139 Natural Science Building. Business meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea and talk, 4 to 5:15 p.m., at the Guild. All visitors are welcome. Cabinet meet- ing, 8:30 p.m. Guilders are invited. Michigan Arts Chorale. Meet 7 p.m., University High School auditorium. Westminster Guild: Tea 'N' Talk, 4-6 p.m., First Presbyterian Church. Open Houses for SL Candidates: Wed., Nov. 7-5-6 Alpha Delta Pi, 722 S. Forest, Sigma Nu, 700 Oxford; 6:30- 7:15 Adelia Cheever, 730 Haven, Win- chell House, West Quad; Hinsdale House and Greene at Hinsdale in East Quad. Hillel: Social Committee meeting, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Anyone interested is welcome. Intercollegiate Zionist Federation of America (IZFA). A discussion group dealing with the life and problems in Israel will be held every Wednesday evening at 7:30 in Lane Hall beginning tonight. Everyone is welcome. Union Weekly Bridge Tournament held at the Union will be highlighted by the first of a three out of four week tournament to pick two teams to go to the National Bridge Tourna- ment in Detroit with their entrance fee paid. Anyone interested is invited to come to the Union Ball Room at 7:15 p.m., tonight. Coeds must sign out with their House Mothers for 11:30. Folk and Square Dance meeting, $ p.m., Barbour Gym. Instructions for beginners. Everyone welcome. AIEE-IRE. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-B, Union. Mr. G. E. Maclntyre of Dow Corning will speak on "Sili- cone"-slides. The Ensian picture will be taken after the meeting. Re- freshments. Kappa Kappa Psi: Meeting, 9:30 p.m., Harris Hall. Discussion Proposal ... . To the Editor: VjR. LAFRAMBOISE stated in at letter Nov. 2, quoting, "God himself laid down certain rulesi and regulations. There is no neu- tral zone, no in between vacilla- tion. You are either for God or1 against God." If we accept theset statements I feel that all discus- sion of our problem of censorship would be ended. I do not have a ready answer to the censorship problem, but IF would like to learn more of the situations and matters involved; of the various approaches of ar- tists, critics, psychologists, sociolo- gists, etc.; of the proposed solu- tions; and of the possible results of proposed action. By declaring an either-or posi-; tion we leave out all the various] possibilities of in between solutions and of looking at any problem ex- cept in our self-devised or insti-; tutionally devised strait jacket., See S.I. Hayakawa, "Language in Thought and Action," 1949, Chapt. 14, for what this can lead to. I cannot agree with Mr. Lafram- boise that the censorship problemj is so clear cut. Nevertheless I do feel that in spite of the fact that3 he is a theist and that I am a non- theist we can communicate and d i s c u s s problems on common] grounds and even reach 'similar, temporary conclusions. Possibly a, discussion group of the censorship problem should be formed on cam-j pus. -Charles F. Livingston Quote, Unquote.. .. To the Editor: "T HERE is much about our sys- tem of higher education which seems to go on the presupposition that the college or university should be a socially certified and "safe" place for young people to. stay in a suspended state of ado- lescense, later to spring-as if by magic-full-blown and mature, in- to the problems and responsibili- ties of an adult world." Personality-Development and Assessment Harsh and Schricklee pgs. 240-241 -Ken Whittemore * ,, e The Southerners... To the Editor: THIS LETTER is to inform Mr. Charles Recker and any other University personel concerned just a few of the reasons we Southern- ers are proud to display the Stars and Bars of the Confederacy. To begin with, the Stars and Bars is a flag that serves only as a symbol of the Southern States of the United States, and not as a symbol of Mr. Recker's "slavery and disunity. We Southerners are more than proud to be from the great South where all the girls are beautiful belles, the boys real gertlemen, and especially where the climate isn't so damn cold, Mr. Recker talks about slavery in the South - maybe this Mr. Recker hasn't gotten past page 206. of his history book-the part that states that the Negro in the South if free to do what he pleases (and we have no race riots down South). We, who live in Dixie are con- scious of the many problems that face the South and are doing our best to combat the situation. We extend to Mr. Recker, who evident- ly has never visited the South, and knows only what he reads in "The Daily Worker," to visit Dixie of to- day, particularly Atlanta, Georgia, the heart of the South. There he will find a prime example of hap- py cosmopolitan living which is typical of the South. We're happy to say that Mr. Recker will find his present view highly distorted, and we wouldn't be surprised if he returns with a Confederate flag. --Ronnie Goldstein Gene Loring Jay Martin ** * Southern Society . To the Editor: NORTHERNERS AND Southern- ers live in different societies. The climate, the resources, and the personal characteristics of the set- tlers in each section have resulted in differences from almost the very beginning of our history. Both "Rebels" and "Yankees" , are brought up in the modes and atti- tudes of life best adapted for liv- ing in the conditions of their res- pective regions, and, as a conse- quence, we must expect the reac- tions of each people to differ with their cultures. The letter published by Mr. Recker in the November 4th issue of The Daily is, in large measure, typical of Northern reactions to the sight of the Stars and Bars. I do not doubt the sincerity of that concern for our unity, but I am greatly distressed at the method of expressing it. Can we maintain unity when those expressing the desire write in intimidation and insult of the other faction? The lines I have just finished reading can only create wider gulfs be- tween Northerner and Southerner. The Confederacy too had her vali- ant heros who can sacrifice with honor. Do the people of Vicksburg, who on Memorial Day decorate the graves of Unionist and Confeder- ate alike, debase the sacrifices of our Northerners? Once the Stars and Bars was symbolic of The Cause. Now it is the symbol of a new cause. The realistic Northerner regards that flag too much in the light of the past; the idealistic Southerner re- gards it in the light of present and future. The Stars and Bars will fly whenever the Southern people have something for which to fight. Today they wish only to be left alone to deal with the problems of their society without the inter- ference of others who, because of differences in culture and society, do not understand Southern prob- lems. As long as that interference continues, the Stars and Bars will fly as tlWe symbol of Southern op- position. --Richard A. LaBarge { The Gallants To the Editor: THERE WE WERE the three of us, walking in the crisp cold snow. Suddenly we saw up ahead of us what looked like a disaster -a car stuck. Feeling sorry for any poor slob who had a car in Ann Arbor during the cold winter months, we sprang to the rescue. We pushed and pushed and at last -success. Before we finished our little jaunt through the snow, we had helped an old lady, an old man, and a young boy get their cars going. Now we don't mind a little exercise. Exercise can be very beneficial. BUT we do object to the twenty or so men who walked by as we struggled and strained. What's wrong with Michigan men? Ain't they got muscles? Didn't their mothers teach them any manners? -Lee Nelles, Barbara Blair Mary Lee Baisch 4 t Roger Williams Guild: p.m., Harris Hall. Tea 4:30-6I Polonia Club will not meet tonight. Next meeting will be Nov. 14, 7:30 p.m. Congregational-Disciples Guild: Sup- per Discussion Groups, 5:30-7 p.m., Guild House; First meeting of Fresh- man Discussion Group. 7-8 p.m., Guild House. Hillel Social Committee meeting, 8 p.m., Lane Hall. Canterbury Club: Chaplain's Open House, 702 Tappan, 7 p.m. Coming Evenis Young Republican Meeting, Thurs., Nov. 8, 7:30 p.m., League. Speaker: Senator Creighton Coleman (Mich.), "Your Legislature." Plans for the year will be discussed. Open meeting. Hillel Drama Group. Regular meet- ing, Thurs., Nov. 8, 3:30 p.m., League. Elections. U. of M. Sailing Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 8, 311 West Engineer- ing. Plans to be made for Ohio State invitational. Shore school for new members. International Center Weekly Tea for foerign students and American friends, 4:30-6 p.m.. Thurs., Nov. 8. Hillel: Coke Hour, Thurs., Nov. 8, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Everyone is welcome. All-Campus Peace Committee. Or- ganizational meeting, Thurs., Nov. 8, 7:30 p.m., Rm. KL, Union: All interest- ed are invited. Cleveland Club. Reorganizational meeting, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 8, Room 3D, Union. All Cleveland stu- dents invited. Pershing Rifles. General meeting, Thurs., Nov. 8, 7:30 p.m. All members are to report at the Rifle Range in complete uniforms. Bring gym shoes since drill will be held inside Univer- sity High School. Literary College Conference. Steer- ing committee meeting, 4 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 8, 1011 A.H. 1 Al Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott........Managing Editor Bob Keith ...............City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson .........Feature Editor Rich Thomas .........Associate Editor Ron Watts ............Associate Editor Bob vaughn ..........Associate Editor Ted Papes.............. Sports Editor George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor Jan James.........,. Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miner ..........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business'-Manager Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager Sally Fish ............Finance Manager Stu Ward .........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. A A. BARNABY That's no comet, m'boy! And it IS coming down- So you agree, eh? Yes, never argue with your All he did was bark- 1-7 Yes, there's nothing to argue about. We're all in agreement. l I I 4