PAGE FOURL THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, f951 - The Legion of Decency N A RECENT letter to the editor Marc La- framboise defends the right of the Legion of Decency to condemn movies that "do little else than appeal to the baser emo- tions." He is certainly justified. But Mr. Laframboise and the Legion of Decency fail to distinguish between art and pornography. Art is an "imitation of life"; poronography is obscenity meant only to stimulate "the baser emotions." Many early movies were blatantly and of- fensively pornographic. Large multitudes of people recognized their indecency and re- acted with disgust, but without organiza- tion such protests as were made were in- effectual. The Legion of Decency was organized to do something about the filth. One of its chief purposes was to protect the young and adolescent who were flocking to the movies. and were obviously much influenced by them. * * * HIS WAS a splendid, positive idea, but like many fine ideas, it was abominally executed. Instead of purifying or elevating the movies, the specious code of the Legion of Decency only gave a veneer of respectibil- ity to a new kind of ill-disguised pornogra- phy and stifled the expression of real art. In deference to the Legion's recognized power, the letter of the code was followed scrupulously, but it's spirit was, and is, mocked. Examples come by the dozens to every American city every month. We have all seen at least one "wholesome" picture starring that pure representative of American womanhood, Betty Grable, who can do the bumps and grinds, titillate the sexual appetites of a host of drooling swains, fill her speech with innuendo and thinly-covered smut, flirt even with incest, and all is approved, if she marries the good guy in the end in accordance with the Legion's shallow ethical code. The Legion of Decency is right about the influence movies have on the young. In fact whether the churches like it or not, we all, young and old, get our morality largely from popular "art", not from the pulpit or mother and dad. Mr. Lafromboise, himself, Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: DONNA HENDLEMAN says, "The movie today is one of the most devastating of mediums for the corruption of youth whose religious beliefs are too often nil." Right, Mr. Laframboise, and other me- dums of popular "art" in America-the comic strip, TV, radio soap operas-share the same kind of mock-prudery that makes the movies so corrupting. More Americans go to church now than ever before. But our letter of the law tax collectors, our Olympic stars and West Point cadets have learned from the mo- vies that, Sunday sermons to the contrary the show's the thing, the principle mean- ingless. The Legion of Decency has stripped movie making of the force of life by trying to make it spiritually pure. Instead it has produced a moral abortion, and, as a consequence, we are all constantly subject to a phony set of values, a technique for living loosely "within the law," and a set of illusions that make us meat for the psychiatrist's couch by the time we're ready to have our first children. ,* * * T HE LEGION of Decency is, of course, not solely responsible for the low state of our art, but it HAS perverted it while stamp- ing it with a pseudo-moral imprimatur. Because of it we are a generation too con- fused to know the difference between moral dignity and moral degeneracy. It is to be feared that an attack on the solidly entrenched Legion, such as Cal Samra made on this page some time ago, will only stiffen Catholic resistance and produce defenders in the faith who are not now supporters of the Legion. Against a "cause" reason will be useless and pre- judice on both sides will make general improvement impossible. The best hope lies in supporting liberal! Catholics who see the discrepancy between decency and the glossed-over pornography of movies approved by the Legion of Decen- cy, Catholics who see that evil and the "baser' emotions" presented in imitation of life will draw fewer votaries than licentious- ness disguised as being within the law, Catholics who see that immorality and theI priggish unreality of the movies are obverse sides of the same sheckle-coin minted in hypocrisy and passed for gold in our mor- ally unsophisticated land. Catholics so ori- ented could put honest decency into the Le- gion of Decency and make it a force for moral conversion rather than moral perver- sion. -John Briley INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Peace Offensive By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. Associated Press News Analyst THE UNITED STATES and her Allies are preparing to launch a "peace counter- offensive" against Russia as the United Na- tions General Assembly gets under way in Paris. France's Foreign Minister Schuman says the Allied proposals will "make a sensation." But advance notices from Paris and Washington suggest that, again, they will be more in the nature of a reply to Russia tactics than a new approach. frhe United States is expected to propose a world-wide census of arms, including Atomic weapons, as a preliminary to some sort of disarmament plan. She is also expected to support sub-committee proposals for a mer- ger of the UN committees which have been studying the possibilities of a conventional arms agreement, on the one hand, and ato- mic control on the other. Actually, Russia has proposed a census and disarmament several times-as a part of her peace offensive and always without agreeing to methods of verification and in- spection which would make them acceptable to the Western powers. Now the West is planning to nail down the fact that Russia, without putting aside any of her imperialistic aims, is merely playing games with the world's hopes for peace. I * B ~ 4 "You Keep Digging, Too" tette,4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length. defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. 'v 7 a f l f 7 1 i l T A. ni t m S p e n t t i 1 d t e7 Ii t ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON President Truman is preparing to fire the opening gun of the counter-offensive Wed- nesday, and is expected to be followed Thurs- day by Secretary Acheson with proposals be- fore the UN. One U.S. proposal which may produce more than a mere propaganda effect is ex- pected to involve a tightening of the bonds, within the UN organization, of the various regional groupings for mutual defense. This may include some UN program for retalia- tion against aggression and a new drive for establishment of a true international mili- tary force. A difficulty has been to define aggres- sion. The Yugoslavs came up with one plan. It would require any nation involved in a military incident to announce within 24 hours its readiness for a cease-fire and UN intervention. The party failing to do so would be considered an aggressor. This was considered too rigid, possibly de- laying UN action and giving the aggressor time to overrun his victim. The search for some such formula, how- ever, seems likely to be renewed. As for the main "peace counter-offensive," it seems likely to blow itself out in the first few days of the session, as have the Russian moves of this type in the past. Free Theolog to go to college or find a job has never bothered most of the stu- 'o the Editor: dents at the University of Michi- gan. But the problem that faced ANY NATION (such as the So- Goldstein's immigrant family was viet Union) which finds it a real one in terms of their lives, necessary to prevent ideals other and especially of the time (the han its own from penetrating the depression years) that they were minds of its people is obviously in- living in. We were all too young in ecure and afraid that such ideals the dark days of the '30s to realize would arouse the minds of its peo- how many potentially brilliant le and perhaps diminish the pow- minds have gone to waste in the r of the State. factories and in business. Any theology which finds it Must all of our modern art deal necessary to prohibit beliefs other with "subtle," hidden themes in- han its own from being exposed telligible only to the esoteric few? o its members is also insecure and Are homosexuality, the "metamor- s afraid that exposure to such be- phosis" of man into insect, and in- iefs will diminish the power of the cestuous desires the major prob- Church. lems facing the people of the God and morals have nothing to world today? Is the issue of eco- do with the problem, for there are nomic security, which permeated as many beliefs concerning what is the entire play, a "trivial" one, as God and what is morally right as Mr. Wiegand puts it? there are versions on how a gov- I think not. The excellence of ernment should be run, the play lies greatly in the logical The United States and other reformation of the parents in their free countries do not hesitate to attitude towards their daughter's expose themselves to the ideals of educational aspirations. T h e i r other nations. (At least, we are great desire for the daughter to permitted to read about them and start making money and eventual- listen to them and perhaps see ly marry into wealth stemmed, as them on the screen.) For the Uni- we all know, from their own eco- ted States is an internally secure nomic insecurity in the "old coun- nation and believes that the more try" and in America. The change its citizens are exposed to foreign of attitude of the parents does not ideas, the more strongly will they come about simply by deep con- feel that their own ideals are the templation on their part, but is best. also the result of a severe trauma- -Arnold M. Rodgers tic experience in which the brutish, * * pecuniary attitude of the mother's The Moral State wealthy sister is exposed. This sis- The oralStat ...ter's action in refusing to pay for an operation which might have To the Editor: saved her elderly brother's legs THE DEBATE in your pages be- was certainly the crisis of the play. tween the "Catholics" and the Thus the parents were able to see "democrats" is curious. It is like a the sheer inhumanity which the struggle between whales and lions; lust for money breeds. neither knows how to fight in Of course, no one believes that the other's element. Each side tries we can "live on air." Both the re- to pulverize the other with a pre- ceipt of a scholarship by the conception not everywhere accept- daughter and the acquisition.of a ed. The result is rather fatuous, "steady part-time" job by her God and democracy being hurled young brother were sufficiently at each other with merciless, tangible factors in allowing the breath-taking ferocity. Yet, as the daughter's dreams to be fulfilled. cannonade subsides, the seeker af- Certainly the revolt of youth ter peace and quiet is upset to ob- against the older generation is a serve that not even one of the con- theme that never can be overdone. testants has dropped dead, The It is a continual process in the his- constitution remains untorn, and tory of mankind. And when youth He too remains pretty much intact. can be so successful as to orient To my mind the Catholic posi- their parents with fresh attitudes tion in this squabble is actually the towards life, as was done success- sound one, but it would be more fully in Goldstein's play, we are intelligently defended against the presented with a phenomena that humanists if the strugge were car- certainly bespeaks of originality ried directly over into their terri- -Sol Plafkin tory and if God were allowed to By JOSEPH ALSOP WASHINGTON-The propaganda of the Taft forces, that General Dwight D. Eisenhower is not a Republican, and is really more likely to take the Democratic nomina- tion, is tainted at the source. The fact is that if President Truman had waited one more month to offer the general the com- mand in Europe, he would have enrolled him- self as a Republican in New York State. Acting with General Eisenhower's knowledge, his friends at that time had already sought to arrange his enrollment in Kansas, only to find that Kansas State law forbade it. On the other hand, the fact must also be faced that the relation between Presi- dent Truman, as Commander-in-Chief, and General Eisenhower, as an American soldier in uniform, can easily constitute one of the most serious impediments of the draft-Eisenhower movement. It is on the public record that in 1945,$ while General Eisenhower was still com- manding in Germany, the President offered to support the General for any office he might desire, including the Presidency. What is not on record, but appears to be well au- thenticated, is that the President renewed this offer to General Eisenhower not long be- fore the 1948 election. At that time an Eisen- hower candidacy was being much discussed by both parties, and President Truman was himself actively preparing to make the fight to succeed himself. In short there was all the difference in the world between this reported second Tru- man offer, and the first one, made when the President still had the habit of telling all and sundry that he did not want to be in the White House and wishes to goodness he were anywhere else. * * * IF ONE CONSIDERS for a moment the im- pact of such an offer, coming from the President and Commander-in-Chief to a' soldier and man of honor, it is easy to see why the Truman-Eisenhower relationship may be a stumbling block to the Eisenhower backers. The General's natural impulse must have been to match the President's genero- sity. There was only one way to do this-by saying that he would not consider entering the lists against his former chief. No one can doubt the President's sincerity in mak- ing his offer, for he is anything but a trick- ster. But it is also true that he would have had to sit up all night thinking- of a better way to make sure General Eisenhower would not run. In the present case, of course, there is no reason whatever to believe that the Presi- dent will say again what he said before. It would be extreme and distorted if he did so. But those close to him are frank to ad- mit that even although the General may wish to keep the discussion strictly to mili- tary questions, the President may be ex- pected to bring up their common political problem. What they think the President will say is that he regards General Eisen- hower as entirely free to make his own choice as to the political problem in his own good time, only allowing the President the chance to find a successor for himn if need be. If the President does say this, there is again no doubt that he will be speaking sin- cerely. He is a party man, but he is also a man of strong personal feeling whose loyal- ties govern his political behavior, sometimes to his own grave disadvantage. On that he is wholly free to make his own choice, it is again true that this will be another exhibi- tion of generosity, once more by implication demanding somehow to be matched. BESIDES THIS difficulty with his Com- mander-in-Chief, those who should know assert that there are two other factors tending to hold General Eisenhower back. The first is his known conviction that it is wrong to make the direct transition from service in uniform to the political struggle. The second is the often-repeated argument that the progress of Western rearmament depends upon General Eisenhower's contin- uance in Europe. These are strong influences, but they ought to be completely nullified by the great change that has come over the situ- ation since 1948. On the one hand, in 1948, whatever else you might say, the President was successfully and even bril- liantly carrying forward the foreign and defense policies of the United States. For many reasons, that has ceased to be the case. On the other hand, there is the crying MUSIC S UNDAY NIGHT'S concert of the Cleve- land Symphony was a repetition of last year's unfortunate scheduling, whereby me- diocre but striving Cleveland Symphony fol- lows superior and thriving Boston Sym- phony with scarcely two weeks intervention. The Cleveland Orchestra was again the vic- tim of the inevitable comparison. It was a performance which, granted three diversified, interesting selections, should have resulted in a worthwhile eve- ning by virtue of the ambitious program- ming alone. To a certain extent, this was true. The Bartok Divertimento, for ex- ample, was executed with a rhythmic soundness and a technical competence which conveyed the masterpiece, undilut- ed, to the listeners' ears But the combined efforts of orchestra and conductor almost never exceeded this minimum, unimaginative level. In the first and second movements of the Divertimento, which Bartok probably intended to be a full exploitation of the musical possibilities of the string section, Szell failed to present a single instance of climatic intensity. The third movement, offering several lilting, dance-like passages, was handled with more vitality and was somewhat of an improve- ment. Probably the greatest handicap the orchestra had to overcome Sunday night was the dismal impression it left with the opening selection-Brahms "Tragic" Over- ture. Little of the program showed strik- ing originality on Szell's part, but the Brahms showed none at all. Character- ized by a hollow sonority throughout, it suffered chiefly because of the lack of sufficient variety in dynamics and tempo. "Ein Heldenleben," the last of Strauss' immense tone poems, was given the most meritable performance of the evening. The concert master and most of the instrumen- talists handled their virtuoso passages cap- ably, and three stealthy trumpeters made the most of a "distant trumpets" effect. With a little more technical polish and a lot more musical inventiveness, the Cleve- land Symphony could live up to the favor- able impression its energetic programming has made. -Virginia Voss New Boo ksat the Library WASHINGTON-How worried Harry Truman has always been over General Eisenhower's running for president was first indicated by a conversation which Truman had with some of his closest advisers inr June, 1948 when a move was on to draft Eisenhower on the Demo- cratic ticket. The conerence took place on the newly built $15,000 White r House "back porch," then under Republican fire, and the most important adviser present was White House jester George Allen, who happened to be a good friend both of the President and General Eisenhower.1 Truman was worried sick over the prospect of Ike's running, andt he made little attempt to disguise his worry from those sitting with himt in the cool of the June evening.c He knew, from political soundings throughout the country, thatE Ike could take the Democratic convention easily if he announced. SuchC assorted Democratic leaders as Jimmy Roosevelt in California, Mayork Hague in New Jersey. Senator Olin Johnston of California, Senator-{ to-be Paul Douglas in Chicago, Carl Rice of Kansas and Mayort O'Dwyer in New York had made their views all too clear. So Mr. Truman, determined not to be a political "accident" t and determined to vindicate himself at the polls, stewed mentally over means of taking Eisenhower out of the race.1 George Allen was optimistic. He agreed to leave the next day for New York, promised to come back with a letter from the General1 guaranteeing that he would not run. Allen did not think there would be much trouble about it. Others present were not so optimistic. Finally it was agreed to telephone Milton Eisenhower, then President of Kansas State University, now President of Penn State, and formerly an ad- r viser in the Truman administration.7 This was done. Milton assured the President's emissary that his brother was not going to run. Immediately thereafter, George Allen confirmed this by getting a definite public statement from the General. * * * * -MILTON IN REVERSE-- ' TODAY, HOWEVER, Milton Eisenhower has not given the Demo-, crats a similar assurance. On the contrary he has privately told Senator Jim Duff of Pennsylvania, chief Eisenhower booster, that his brother will run-and on the Republican ticket. President Truman has known this for some time. One way he knew it was an indication from his friend and Ike's friend George Allen. For early last summer, the President invited George aboard the Presidential yatch Williamsburg and had a friendly talk about the world picture and Eisenhower. Among other things, Truman told Allen that he considered the North Atlantic Pact one of the most important cornerstones for world peace, and that Eisenhower's leadership was essential to it. In fact, he praised Eisenhower as one of the most constructive forces in Europe. But he added that he was worried by Republican statements that they had assurances Ike was available aror the GOP nomi- nation; and he felt that both the United States and our Allies should know whether Ike was running the North Atlantic Pact or running for president. Truman suggested that the two were not compatible and that every move the General made in Paris would become a political issue back home if people felt he was a candidate. -IKE AS A DEMOCRAT- HOWEVER, IF EISENHOWER reaaly wanted to be President, Tru- man told George Allen that he would be much more at home in the Democratic party than with the Republicans. In that event, the President indicated that he would not have to run openly, but could be "summoned" to the Presidency. In fact, Truman even hinted that he might like to make the nominating speech himself. The President then suggested that George Allen fly to Paris and have a heart-to-heart talk with Eisenhower. Allen in turn suggested that Mr. Truman write a friendly note in his own hand- writing, summarizing his views. George Allen delivered the note in Paris, and when he returned, reported at the White House that Eisenhower would not quit the North Atlantic Pact in the near future to run for President; but that since the NATO job would be completed by next spring, he would have plenty of time to decide whether he was interested in politics. In any event, Eisenhower definitely promised to talk to Truman before he did anything. * * * convalesce in peace behind the lines, for a while at least. The "humanists" or "democrats" -call them what you will-still believe rational man equal to the task of deciding on all questions in a free market of ideas. In this proceeding the Church should not exercise undue pressure. But in the world at large there is not much respect for man as a purely rational being, and the view of the majority is often unheeded or bypassed. For better or worse our democracy does not look like an areopagus of assembled objecti- vity, but to a greater extent like a battleground for rival groups and lobbies who are more and more seeking to enact regulatory meas- ures in the interests of the group, not of the whole community. And can a "democrat" say that typi- cal minority pressure groups like the NAM, the PAC, the American Legion, the American Medical As- sociation, the Prohibitionists, and various farm and silver interests have made their appeal primarily to majority opinion in an open court of ideas? Haven't they, in fact, attempted almost invariably to subvert any such court and cir- cumvent majority opinion through underhanded coercion of elected government officials, business men, publishers, journalists, film and play producers, etc? Then certainly the Church, sanc- tioned by its founder to interfere in human affairs, shouldn't sit still and become a sterile spectator of the passing scene. And even if "democrats" dislike this influence of the Church in public affairs, they might at least grant it the "right of pressure" as long as it is ungrudgingly granted to other much less savory organizations. -Brenton Smith An Original Theme... To the Editor: ONE OF THE main flaws of Ken- neth Goldstein's "Live on Air," according to The Daily reviewer Bill Wiegand, was the fact that it was insufficiently "subtle" and did not deal with sufficiently "com- plex" characters. Perhaps the issue of whether it was more important T HE TROUBLE with present- day education is that it covers the ground without cultivating anything in it. -Dr. E. N. Ferris It A the LIE CAN travel around the world and back again while truth is lacing up its boots. -Mark Twain ir ig tn i y 1 Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor Bob Keith............. .City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson..........Feature Editor Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor Ron Watts ,.......Associate Editor Bob Vaughn ..........Associate Editor Ted Papes............Sports Editor George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor Jan James..........Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller.........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc, Business Manager Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager Sally Fish...........Finance Manager Stu Ward.........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. y The Dirty Communists' -EISENHOWER MERRY-GO-ROUND- SINCE THE Vatican appointment, many politica3 observers are now swinging round to the view that Truman does not want to run for a third term.. . . .This observer has always said that Truman did not want to run-unless Taft was the GOP candidate, in which case he would be sorely tempted. Truman's first choice to be Democratic nominee long has been Cheif Justice Vinsqn, a man with a wealth of executive experience. (Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) IT IS NOW fashionable to call anybody with whom you disagree a Communist or a fellow-traveler.... One who criticizes the foreign policy of the United States, or the draft, or the Atlantic Pact, or who beileves that our military establishment is too expensive can be called a fellow-traveler, for the Russians are of the same opinion. One BARNABY it must be a comet, Barnaby. Your old Fairy Godfather knows a great I suffered a mishap that year. While practicing outside loops M'boy, ! lYey! Whatever that is1 WAS the uIn there. Mr.CJa~alIIy-