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November 04, 1951 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1951-11-04

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.>-Daily-Malcolm Shatz
MONEY HAPPY -- "Wissif,"
mascot for the World Student
Service Organization, receives
funds which will be sent to needy
students all over the world, from
WSSF workers Ozzie Dodek, '53
(center) and Jay Strickler, '54.
Student Group
Studies 'World
With an eye toward furthering
international understanding, the
campus UNESCO Council meets
every other week to mull over the
world issues of the day.
In an attempt to better under-
stand the United Nations and
cultures of other countries, the
Council held numerous discussion
groups last year. Prof. Kenneth E.
Boulding of the economics depart-
ment and Prof. Lawrence Preuss
of the political science department
have been guest speakers so far
this semester.
A typical meeting will be Wed-
nesday's when students represent-
ing seven Middle and Near Eastern
countries will hold a panel on "A
Closeup of the Changing East."
Other discussions this semester
will also center around increasing
tension in the East.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds

Purpose To
Aid Students
'Wissif' Animal
To Spark Drive
With the opening of the World
Student Service Fund's all-campus
drive for blood donations and
funds, University students will
have a chance to aid less fortu-
nate students in other countries.
The drive will be sparked by the
appearance of the "Wissif" animal
which will appear during the week
on the diag or maybe even popping
unexpectedly into classes.
* * *
THE WISSIF mascot, which can
be classified somewhere between a
dog and a teddy bear, will be the
center of songs and stunts
throughout the drive. He is char-
acterized by an incessant hunger
for funds, which he collects with a
But his hunger is never satis-
fied, his "owners" report, and
so the reason for this drive. All
the money "Wissif" collects will
be sent to students from other
lands who need such essentials
as books, equipment, clothing,
food, medical supplies and mon-
ey to pay faculties.
One of WSSF's main methods of
collecting funds is through blood
donations. For every pint of blood
given in WSSF's name, $15 is col-
lected and used for student aid
and a multitude of WSSF-spon-
sored projects.
Those wishing to donate blood
during the drive do not have to
give it immediately. Blood dona-
tions may be pledged now and giv-
en at the student's convenience.
During this week, booths will be
set up in Angell Hall, the Admin-
istration Bldg., and on the diag.
Here students may receive inform-
ative pamphlets about WSSF, and
they may also sign up to give
* * *
IN ADDITION, each house
group on campus will have a re-
presentative who will speak to
them about WSSF and act as an
agent for funds and blood pledges.
WSSF has grown from a pro-
ject of the World Student Chris-
tian Federation after the first
world twar to an organization
which now includes 32 countries.
Collaborating with UNESCO, its




WSSF FUNDS AID TRADE SCHOOL-Here is an example of where WSSF funds collected from students in this week's drive will go.
In this shoemaking trade school, supplies have been furnished largely by WSSF aid. WSSF also Furnishes equipment such as textbooks,
laboratory materials, food and clothing for students in European cotries.

* * *
main purpose is to provide aid to
students who require it, whether
it be American branches of the or-
ganization providing for European
students, or vice versa.
* * *
AN UNDERLYING purpose of
WSSF which leaders hope will fol-
low this concept of mutual self-
help is. the establishment* of an
educated population which will
fight Communism and work for a
democratic society in their own

S* * * (
WSSF aid to these countries also
includes such projects as aiding
tuberculosis-stricken students with
TB clinics wherever possible, pro-
viding mimeograph machines with
which students may mimeograph
text books which they otherwise
would not have, and sponsoring
student hostels and rest centers.
WSSF funds are apportioned
to countries according to their
individual needs. To determine
this need, World University Ser-

* * * 4
vice, the national agency for
WSSF sends representatives to
various European countries each
At present the greatest aid is
needed in Greece, Italy, South-
East Asia, the Middle East and
Germany. Refugee students pose a
special problem. WSSF is at pre-
sent placing refugees from Eastern
Germany in colleges in Western
However WSSF aid is not con-
fined to European countries, al-

* * *
though the need is greatest there
now. After the war, for example,
WSSF was able to help Japanese-
American students, who had been
confined in relocation centers, by
acquiring scholarship grants for
them in American uniyersities.
Last year more than three qhiaF-
ters of a million dollars was given
by students and faculties at more
than 800 American institutions.
University students donated $2,000
in blood pledges alone. Their goal
for this year is $808,500.

a p U


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By The Associated Press
The United Nations General As-
sembly opens its 1951 session
Tuesday in Paris in an atmos-
phere of tension and uncertainty
unsurpassed in the organization's
six-year history.
The tension is caused not only
by the continued East-West dif-
ferences but by a wave of new
problems, particularly the mount-
ing turmoil in the Moslem World.
AS IN THE past, debate in the
60-nation Assembly will be watch-
ed closely by millions in the
hope for a break in the cold war.
The big question, of course,
is what Russia's wily foreign
minister, Andrei Y. Vishinsky,
will bring from the Kremlin in
his brief case. Will he bring new
proposals which might inspire a
measure of confidence among
Western diplomats for improved
relations? Will he adopt a
harsh, fighting tone or will he
be concillatory and mild?
Western leaders are skeptical
about the prospects. They are
prepared for a new Soviet "peace
offensive" and, perhaps, a surprise
twist, but they don't expect any-
thing concrete from the Russians
in the way of a new approach to
the outstanding problems.
THE WESTERN powers are de-
termined to press again to make
collective security, or a master
counter-aggression system, t h e
major issue at the coming session.
The United States will seek to
consolidate the gains that have
been made since the start of the
Korean War in building up a
strong UN force to counter ag-
gression wherever it may occur
in the future.
In addition to the anti-aggres-
sion program, other major issues
before the Assembly will include:
1. The whole Korean question,
including long-range policy, relief
and rehabilitation, and military
2. An expected new Soviet
move for arms reductions and a
ban on atomic weapons.

C. Jessup. Jessup was given an
interim appointment after the
Senate failed to act on his nomi-
The Russians are sending 0 de-
legation of 85, including the rep-
resentatives of White Russia and
the Soviet Ukraine.
Trygve Lie has expressed hope
the Assembly will make progress
in at, least three importantteli-
rections. Here is the way the
UN secretary lists these objec-
"First, toward building a Uni-
ted Nations collective security
system that will be a firm bul-
wark against armed aggression by
any nation. We must have. no
more 'Koreas' anywhere. Until a
system of collective security is
firmly established I am afrai&the
present burden of armaments is
"Second, toward relaxation of
East-West tensions and resump-
tion of efforts to find a solid
basis for peaceful coexistence,
and this within a reasonable
"Third, toward a more equal and
understanding partnership in poli-
tical, security and economic mat-
ters within the universal frame-
work of the United Nations be-
tween the industrialized nations
of Europe, America and Australia
on the one hand, and the nations
and peoples of Asia, Africa and
parts of thi Americas on the
other hand."
ONE OF . the big reasons the
world will focus its attention on
the upcoming meeting is the shift
in power from the Security Coun-
cil to the Assembly. Under the
Acheson Proposal ("Uniting for
Peace"), the Assembly shall- call
a meeting within 24 hours in the
event of armed aggression.
The vetoless body is expected
to act promptly in such an
event to combat aggression. AI-
though Assembly moves are
technically "recommendations,"
they are expected to carry nmore





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