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November 04, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-11-04

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See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LXII, No. 36


Vehicles Collide m®-®- I'"-. ®-


-Daily-Al Reid
SMACKO-Coming up to the intersection at Maynard and East
William yesterday where there is no signal control of any kind,
neither the bus nor the car shown yielded the right of way and
the collision pictured above was the result. A passenger in the car
and one in the bus were injured in the accident and received treat-
ment for lacerations and bruises. Captain Rolland Gainsley of the
Ann Arbor Police Department reported that a stop sign on May-
nard making East William a through street is being considered
at present.
Bus, Car Collide Sending
T PptH i

A collision between a city bus
and a car at Maynard and E. Wil-
liam sent two people to the hospi-
tal yesterday.
Injured were Mary Koch, 75
years old, of Ann Arbor, who suf-
fered rib injuries when the im-
pact of the collision knocked her

Reds Refuse
MUNSAN, Korea --() - Com-
munist negotiators refused to dis-
cuss an Allied proposal to demili-
tarize Kaesong during a two-hour
subcommittee session last night, a
dispatch from the meeting site at
Panmunjon said.
Communist newsmen told Allied
correspondents at Panmunjom the
Reds never would agree to demili-
tarize the city. The status of
Kaesong, former truce meeting
site, is the major issue holding up
agreement on a buffer zone for
uled another meeting at 3 p.m.
today (1 a.m. Ann Arbor time),
The Allied proposal to resolve
the knotty buffer zone problem
was made orally during yester-
day's meeting. ]Brig. Gen. Wil-
liam P. Nuckols, United Nations
command spokesman, said the
Communists seemed cool but
said nothing definite.
Until that meeting, the Allies
had insisted that the Reds yield
some 2000 square miles of terri-
tory in western Korea-including
Kaesong-in exchange for an
equal amount of ground to be
given up by the U.N. in central
and eastern Korea. The Allies also
would yield islands north of Pa-
rallel 38.
ently commenting on develop-
ments preceding the new Allied
proposal-declared yesterday that
the Communists had defended
Kaesong "against everything the
American Eighth Army could
throw against it."
"Ignoring the fact that the con-
ference site is nearby, puppet Rhee
troops (meaning Republic of Kor-
ea soldiers) have openly carried
out military provocations," said
the broadcast. "This state of af-
fairs cannot but arouse serious
public attention."
Moody Answers
Republican Plea
WASHINGTON -- W ) - Sena-
tor Moody, Michigan Democrat,
said yesterday Republicans of his
state asked his advice and got it.
He produced a letter from the

on the floor of the bus, and Mrs.
Joe E. Krickstein of Hamilton,
Ohio, a passenger in the car who
received lacerations on her face.
Both were taken to St. Joseph's
Mercy Hospital where they were
discharged after X-rays and treat-
ment. Mrs. Krickstein is the
mother ofHerbert I. Krickstein,
The bus was driven by Lawrence
Gross of Ann Arbor, while Miss
Bette Jean Krickstein of Hamil-
ton, Ohio, daughter of the injured
woman, was the operator of the
car. Damage t othe bus amount-
ed to $200. The car was damaged
to the extent of $150.
THE BUS and the car came to
the intersection at the same time
and neither yielded the right of
way, according to policer eport.
The intersection has neither a stop
sign or a light. Police say the ve-
hicle on the right at an inter-
section, in this case the car, tech-
nically has the right of way.
Capt. Rolland Gainsley of the
Ann Arbor Police Department
reported that the placement of a
stop sign on Maynard making E.
William a through street is be-
ing considered at the present
He added that a survey of the
Ann Arbor traffic situation has
been underway and that controls
are being studied for various inter-
sections. Capt. Gainsley felt that
the Ann Arbor traffic situation is
not bad considering the number
of cars, bicycles and pedestrians
that are on the street.
On the other hand, he comment-
ed that "the situation would be
better if there were more courtesy
and manners shown by some dri-
Meanwhile, the first snow of the
year brought hazardous driving'
conditions to Ann Arbor last night.
Police reported at least half a
dozen accidents on the slippery ice
with a number of cars stuck owing
to the weather.

Fans Chilled,
Illini Thrilled
As 'M'_Falls
Fumbles, Snow
Rule Close Game
Daily Feature Editor
CHAMPAIGN-It was a miser-
able day for a football game.
That's the way some 70,000 pig-
skin fans felt about the wind-
blown tussle here yesterday, which
saw Michigan's hopes for a con-
ference championship fade. Both
Wolverine and Illini fans com-
plained, "every time we play you
guys it snows,"
IT DIDN'T start until game time.
Then the snow whipped back and
forth across a slippery field, it
caked on blanket-covered specta-
tors, bundled against the 15 degree
The wind had a good time of
it too. Not only did it blow snow
and footballs awry, but it kept
Illinois orange and blue bands-
men scampering for their hats.
In spite of the wind and frozen
trumpet valves the musicians play-
ed, sang and slipped their way
through an intricate salute to
Michigan cities.
PLAYERS had their troubles
with the weather too. Illini quar-
terback Tom O'Connell kept a tow-
el tucked in the seat of his pants
to dry his hands.
It must have worked, for
O'Connell tossed the pass to Rex
Smith that beat Michigan with
less than a couple of minutes
to go.
Michigan rooters had hoped the
snow would hold off. Most of them
he.aded for Champaign Friday af-
lernoon. They ran into a little
snow then. But it cleared up by
Saturday morning - it just gott
Loyalist' Workers
To TryDock Vote
NEW YORK - (A) - "Loyalist"
dock workers, striving to end -the
three-week old east coast long-
shoremen's strike, yesterdaysched-
uled a vote for tomorrow-to see
if a back-to-work ballot would be
However, several strikers pre-
dicted that nobody would show up
for the balloting.kSome said the
polls would be picketed.-
The vote-to-take-a-vote was an-
nounced by James J. Gannon,
president of the New York District
Council of the AFL International
Longshoremen's Association, in the
presence of Joseph P. Ryan, ILA


-Daily-Roger Seinke


Truman To Speak to Nation


Truman will make a foreign policy
address to the nation Wednesday
night on what is reported to be a
new plan or formula for strength-
ening world peace.
The plan is said to aim at -im-
proving relations between the
Western powers and the Soviet
* * *
announced last night that the
President would speak from his
office at 10:30 p.m. (Ann Arbor
time) Wednesday. All major radio,
and television networks will car-
ry the speech, the White House
A major part of the plan, of-
ficials indicated, would be a call
for drastic curbs on armaments,

including atomic and other wea.
pons. It would provide for in-
ternational safeguards to make
sure that all nations would ob-
serve the rules.
It was recalled that Mr. Truman
spoke of disarmament in a speech
he made in Winston-Salem, N.C.,
on Oct. 15. He said at that time:
"We are ready now, as we always
have been, to sit down with the
Soviet Union and all the nations
concerned in the United Nations
and work together for lifting the
burden of armament and securing
the peace."
what Mr. Truman will say is linked;
with impending developments at
the United Nations General As-

Ike Disclaims Aspirations
To Presidential Nomination

sembly meeting Which opens in
Paris Tuesday.
An indication of the nature of
Western power moves in that
session came earlier yesterday
from French Foreign Minister
Robert Schumanrand what he
said was borne out in large part
by information obtained last
night from authoritative in-
formants here.
The French foreign policy lead-
er told a political meeting at Ren-
nes, France, that the western pow-
ers will introduce sensational
moves for peace in the General As-
"These next days at the United
Nations you will see initiatives, in
which France is associated, which
will make a sensation and whose
aim is to strengthen peace," he
The best information available
here was that the moves would
not be particularly sensational-
in the sense, for example, of a call
for a conference with Prime Min-
ister Stalin. But the western pow-
ers were reported prepared to- put
forth a suggestion which, if ac-
cepted by the Soviets, could lead
'to substantial improvement in the
prospects for world peace.
Deadine Extended
For Cornell Trip
The Wolverine Club has extend-
ed the deadline for obtaining re-
servations for, the Cornell football
Students may make reservations
from 1 to 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in
a booth on the first floor of the
Administration Bldg. They include
transportation, housing and game
The time of departure for the
game is 6:55 a.m., Friday.

MVurder Trial
With the state's case nearly fin-
ished, the trial of the three teen-
aged youths charged with the mal--
let-slaying of Nurse Pauline A.
Campbell recessed yesterday until
Tuesday morning.
At the end of yesterday's pro-j
ceedings, Prosecutor Douglas A.
Reading had called 24 witnesses
and presented 30 pieces of evi-
dense to prove the state's charge
of first degree murder against Wil-
liam R. Morey, III, and Jacob Max
Pell, both of Ypsilanti, and David
L. Royal of Milan.
-ONLY ONE witness remains for
the prosecution. He will be heard
Tuesday morning. It is expected
that defense attornies will begin
their case Tuesday afternoon.
The three youths appeared al-
most disinterested in the trial
yesterday which mostly centered
on the testimnoy of two state
criminal toxologists.
Dr. Edgar W. Kibela identified
stains on a car mat and uphol-
stery, a blaeet and a jacket be-
longing to Pell, a sample of Miss
Campbell's uniform, and a beer
carton as being traces of human
blood. However, under cross ex-
amination, he admitted that he
could not prove that the samples
were all stained with Miss Camp-
bell's blood.
Dr. Merle N. Woodward, an as-
sociate of Kaibela, gave similar
testimony about tests he had made
on the jeans and moccasins which
Morey wore, and on a sample of
the rubber mallet head.
Lt. Walter Krasny of the Ann
Arbor Police Department testified
that Royal told him September 20,
the day following his arrest, he
and his companions had driven
around the University Hospital
area on the night of September 15
looking for someone to rob.

Illinois thus preserved its per-
fect season record, wining its
sixth in a row and assuming
undisputed possession of' first
place in the Western Confer-
A skyful of snow poured 'nt
the vast stadium all afternoon o
the wings of 40-mile-an-how
south wind blasts, turning thl
contest into a battle of offensiv
futility until the fourth quartei
lightning bolt. Many of the 71,11
paying custpmers left early, anc
missed the climatic inish.
* * *
IT LOOKED as if the strug0
would end in a 0-0 deadlock when
Wolverine fullback Don Peterso
sent a quick kick screamlpg oul
of bounds at the Illinois 17 yard
line with less than six minute,
of play remaining.
The Illini, working against
the wind, began operations'mod-
estly as halfback Johnny Karras
was stopped for ado gain and
O'Connell moved #A, the 21 on a
keep-it play.
On third down Karras rippec
through left tack- for a 15 yarc
gain, giving his team a first down
on its own 35.
TWO PLAYS LST four yard;
but another third down maneuve:
kept the drive rolling when Smit
broke into the clear behind Mich'
igan pass defender Dave Tinkhan
and hauled in O'Connell's perfec
See LAST, Page 6
Mercury Hits
New Lows as
Winter Strikes
Winter roared into Ann Arbor'i
all its fury last night with wind
snow and an expected low tem-
perature today of 20 degrees.
Meanwhile blustering winter, i
fact if not in name, roared int
the rest of the East and Midwes
while most of the nation shivere
in cold that set new low record
for the date at many points.
THE WINTER onslaught-on
of the earliest in years-left a
least 20 dead.
Winds with gusts of more
than 60 miles an hour at many
points and as high as 75 mpi
in Des Moines swept Iowa.
Strong northwest winds churn
ed up four inches of new snow i
Minnesota. Roads were driftin_
and driving was difficult. The

George Szell to Conduct
Orchestra Today at Hill

The fourth concert of the
Choral Union Series will be played
at 8:30 p.m. today when the
Cleveland Orchestra, under the di-
rection of George Szell, performs
at Hill Auditorium.
The orchestra will be bolstered
by half a dozen extra instrument-
alists for the playing of "Ein Hel-
denleben," Tone Poem, Opus 40,
by Strauss. The intricate work re-
quires an orchestra of more than a
100 players.
Also included in the perform-
ance will be the "Tragic Overture,"
Opus 81, by Brahms, and "Diverti-
mpnf fnrCaria nrra-tr-nI h

most of the great orchestras of
Finding himself "marooned" in
New York at the outbreak of
World War II, Szell made his de-
but as guest conductor of the NBC
Symphony Orchestra at the invi-
tation of Aruturo Toscanini.
Engagements followed through-
out the United States and in 1946
Szell was appointed conductor of
the Cleveland Orchestra.
His most recent award was the
Citation of the National Music
Council for his outstanding contri-
h-i- n #n #1u s nrnle mn- ofa


WASHINGTON -- 1) - Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower flew back
to America yesterday with a fresh
disclaimer of political ambitions,
and amid indications he may step
swinging into a Washington clash
over the speed of re-armanent.
"I have never had any political
aspirations-period," the supreme
commander of the Allied powers
in Europe told reporters on his
arrival at New York from Paris.
* *z *A
HE WOULDN'T even say whe-
ther he was a Democrat or a Re-
publican. Asked whether it would
be correct to say that "come what
may, you will not be a candidate
for the presidency next year,"
Eisenhower replied:
"Of course you' can't say that.
I will not indicate political lean-
ings of any kind. I'm doing a
job. That's my statement."
While the general thus shut off
political questions, and said the
progress of European defense is
partly encouraging and partly dis-
couraging, the stage was being set
for the talks he will have here
with President Truman and other
leaders, Monday and Tuesday.
the word that Eisenhower is deep-
1v dissatisfied with the rai of

military buildup in Europe, and
also wants Washington to join in
creating a small, battleworthy mi-
.litary force there in six months
or so.
Presidential backers of Eisen-
hower apparently will have to
do without any help from Har-
old E. Stassen until the latter
tests his own chances for the
1952 Republican presidential
' Stassen, former governor of
Minnesota and now president of
the University of Pennsylvania, is
reported to have passed the word
to his friends he is going to run
on his own in next year's early
primaries in New Hampshire, Min-
nesota and Wisconsin.

Campaigning T Begin Tomorrow

Candidates who will vie for the
33 positions to be fiP' in the
November 14 and 15 caipus elec-
tion will open a two-week session'
of intensive campaigning tomor-
Cnn nhoneg tipsigeri t+ give I

Some residences intend to give
each candidate the floor for a few
minutes. in order to air his opin-
ions, but most groups will just
mingle with candidates casually to
discuss ideas.
l n t le ..ic - 'n . anm n. :<>-_ >

on campus or campus buildings.
There is also a city ordinance
which prohibits posting on trees,
lamp posts and telephone poles.
Positions to be filled this semes-
ter include 25 seats on the Student
i ~ r . t.n 1. wn n.. . '_ «




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