Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXII, No. 35
* * * *
U.S. Awaits
Ike, Truman
'Strictly Military
Meeting Termed
PARIS-(P)-Gen. Dwight D
Eisenhower, taking off for th
United States last night, said h
will discuss "strictly military" af
fairs with President Truman an
other United States leaders.
Eisenhower was asked by re
porters if any political subjec
would be discussed with Mr. Tru
man and replied:
"Not from my pointit won't."
SINCE the White House an
nounced Thursday that Eisen
hower would visit Washington a
the President's direction, there ha
been speculation in both the Unit
ed States and Europe that th
trip might result in a statement o
whether the General will bea
candidate for president of the U.
In Washington yesterday some
persons suggested that Mr. Tru-
man might introduce the politi-
cal factor indirectly by asking
Eisenhower if he planned to give
up his post as Supreme Allied
Commander in Europe.
It was argued that if Eisenhowe:
wants to step down in order t
seek a presidential nomination i
1952, the president undoubtedly
would like to know so he could ad
vise other nations in the Nort-
Atlantic Treaty Organization tha
they should begin thinking abou
someone else for the SHAPE com-
EISENHOWER told reporters al
Orly Field here he would answer
questions "only on military af-
The General's four-engined
Constellation took off at 2:12
Ann Arbor time in a drizzle of
rain to fly the Atlantic. With
him were Mrs. Eisenhower and
a small personal staff.
Mr. Truman summoned the
General from Paris to Washington
with the announced plan of con-
ferring on matters affecting the
Supreme Allied Command and the
North Atlantic defense setup.
Officials in a position to give an
authoritative outline said yester-
day Eisenhower will ask for some
drastic steps to create a balanced
fighting force in the shortest pos-
sible time, say six months to a
year. This would be sooner than
had beenscontemplated under the
long-range view.
It is generally agreed that Eisen-
hower has not been happy about
the progress of the joint defense
Officers Avert
New Eastern
'Shipping Tieup
NEW YORK-()-Ships' offi-
cers erased a midnight strike
deadline yesterday, sparing the
snarled East Coast a grave new
ship tieup
Union president Charles F. May
said negotiations will continue and
there will be no officers' walkout
until strike-bound East Coast
ports return to normal.I
THE PORTS OF New York and
Boston already are tied up by a
record 19-day, billion dollar wild-
cat strike of AFL longshoremen.
A vital defense cargo of nickel was
turned away at New York during
the day. A Government plea to
unload it came too late.
A walkout of the 12,000 East
and Gulf Coast AFL ships' offi-
cers might have frozen Ameri-
can-flag vessels in ports from
Maine to Texas. Thus far, the
ships are free to come and go
even in New York, although
most of them can't unload any-
thing but passengers.
The issue hetween the shins' of-
'Still Unresolved
Allies, Red Negotiators In General
Agreement on Cease-Fire Position
Buffer zone talks in the Korean armistice negotiations narrowed
down yesterday to one main issue-the status of Communist-held
Kaesong, just south of Parallel 38.
Except for minor adjustments, the Allies and Reds appeared gen-
erally agreed on the remainder of a cease-fire line stretching in a
lazy s-shape northeastward across Korea.
* *' * *
Cold Wave
Hits City,
Ann Arbor got a good preview
of winter yesterday as the long-
promised snow finally made an
appearance a n d temperatures
dropped to well below freezing all
over the state.
The hardest hit area was the
copper country of the Upper Pe-
ninsula where 15 inches of snow
was recorded, leaving residents
wondering if they were in for an-
other hard winter. Last year a
snowfall of 254 inches was record-
ed in some parts of the area.
HERE IN Ann Arbor the weath-
er man predicted more of the sam-
ple of winter that arrived yester-
day. Snow flurries and a low of
20 degrees will make today a
good one to enjoy the football
game by a warm fireside.
However, students who trav-
eled to Illinois for the game will
be out of luck If they didn't pre-
pare for the cold wave. The low
there is expected to be 15 de-
grees with snow.
awton Collins expressed belief an
?armistice would be achieved event-
ually. The U.S. Army Chief of
Staff returned from Korea Thurs-
In Korea the Reds are insist-
ing on keeping Kaesong, which
straddles the historic invasion
route toward Seoul-the rubbled
Korean capital 34 miles to the
An allied spokesman said the
United Nations' demand that the
Communists withdraw from Kae-
song was firm but not final.
* * *
THE TENTH session of the buf-
fer zone sub - committees was
scheduled early today.
The Communists have agreed
tentatively to accept an Allied
proposal for a two and one-half-
mile-wide buffer zone generally
following the present battlefront
in central and eastern Korea.
That plan provides for Allied
withdrawal from about 200 square
miles of territory -- to positions
south of Kumsong in Central Kor-
ea and south of Kosong on the east
coast.bThe allies would hold the
"heartbreak ridge" area, the hard-
won string of peaks in east-central
- * * *
THE REDS were still refusing
yesterday to withdraw from an
equal amount of territory in West-
ern Korea-the area of rolling hills
dominated by the Kaesong road
Sharp patrol skirmishes were re-
ported along the snow-mantled
front Friday. But it was so quiet
in one sector that frontline ser-
geants put their men through}
close-order drill.
LONDON - (P) - A red fox
sauntered down the main street
in London's crowded working
class district of East Ham yes-
terday and not a single "yoicks"
or "tally-ho" went up from the
Most of the people in that
Cockney area know little of the
famed old English sport of chas-
ing such animals on horseback,
wearing red coats and follow-
ing the hounds. Most of them
today mistook the fox for just
another dog.
Someone finally recognized
the beast as he strolled into a
butcher shop. Police killed the
bushy tailed visitor from the
country after the fox had re-
sisted all efforts at capture. 1
Draft Calls
For 60,000
In January
Deferment Test
Deadline Nears
fense Department issued a draft
call yesterday for 59,650 men in
January, ticketing 48,000 for the
Army and 11,650 for the Marines.
At the same time selective ser-
vice announced college students
have only until Monday to apply
for permission to take the Decem-
ber 13 draft deferment qualifica-
tion test.
Applications must be postmark-
ed not later than midnight, No-
vember 5. About 340,000 stu-
dents took similar exams last
spring and summer.
* *, *
THE DEFENSE Department's
call was the largest since March,
when 80,000 were inducted. It was
also the largest draft for the Mar-
ine Corps since it began to dip
into the Selective Service manpow-
er pool last August.
The big January goal, the De-
ifense Department explained,
"compensates for the low call
in December when inductions
were suspended for the holiday
period between Dec. 21, 1951, and
Jan. 2, 1952."
In December Selective Service
plans to call 16,900. The call for
last January was 80,000, the same
as February and March.
When the January call is com-
pleted a total of 794,330 men will
have entered the armed services
through Selective Service since the
system was re-established in Sep-
tember, 1950.
The Army will have received
746,300 men and the Marines 48,-
030. Neither the Navy nor the
Air Corps have called for draftees
so far, depending on volunteer en-
Court Hears
Confessions r
Of Teenagers
Confessions of the three teen-
agers on trial for the Sept. 16 mur-
der of Nurse Pauline A. Campbell
were read before a Circuit Court
jury yesterday morning.
Prosecutor Douglas K. Reading,
over the objection of the defense,
took the witnesschair to make
known the wording of the state-.
ments signed by the trio in East
Lansing State Police Headquarters
several hours after they were ar-
rested for the fatal clubbing.
A SEVEN-MAN, seven-woman
jury listened intently to the writ-
ten words of William L. Morey,'
III, who wielded the murder wea-
pon, while the defendant sobbed
quietly. "I knew it was wrong but
nobody seemed to care," the state-
ment read.
The two other youths also
charged with first degree mur-
der for aiding in the crime lis-
tener to their confessions with
heads bowed. They are Jacob M.
Pell and David L. Royal.
During the afternoon, the state
put more than a dozen witnesses
on the stand to corroborate the
confessions and identify Morey's1
bloodstained clothing and the;
heavy rubber mallet entered as
people's evidence. The defense1
hammered away relentlessly at the
witnesses but failed to shake them.
Scores of spectators including
high schoolers stood in line for
hours to gain entrance to the
Circuit Judge James R. Breakey,
Perry .......LE.... Vernasco
Johnson .....LT...... Ulrich
Kinyon ......LG..... Studley
OShaughn'ssy C..:... Sabino
Wolter ......RG.... Gnidovic
Stribe ......RT..... Jenkins
Pickard .....RE....... Smith
Topor ......EQB... O'Connell
Putich.......LI..... Stevens
Bradford ...:.RH......Karras
Peterson .....FB..... W. Tate
The game will be broadcast
o v e r WWJ, WJR, WXYZ,
WHRV, and WPAG at 2:15 p.m.
British Send
Trops into
Suez by Air
By The Associated Press
A fresh British infantry brigade
poured into the Suex Canal zone
from Libya by airlift yesterday in
the biggest RAF transport opera-
tion since the Berlin blockade.
Troops of the first division's
guards brigade, in desert battle
dress, landed at Fayid to reinforce
the estimated 40,000 British sol-
diers holding the Canal against
Egyptian threats and harassment.
** *
THE OPERATION adds perhaps
4,000 or 5,000 men to the garrisons
and consolidates the first division
in the zone.
One of its three brigades was
stationed there when Egypt can-
celed her treaties with Britain
Oct. 8 in a move to oust the Bri-
tish; the second was moved in
recently from Cyprus.
In London, official sources said
backstage moves are under way to
settle the-British-Egyptian crisis
by direct meetings in Paris. They
said Foreign Secretary Anthony
Eden will meet Egyptian foreign
minister Mohamed Salah El Din
EDEN is expected to talk first
with Secretary of State Acheson
and French Foreign Minister Rob-
ert Schuman, who support the Bri-
tish position.
Foreign Minister Salah El Din
is leaving for Paris today. After
failing to rally immediate support
of other Arab nations for his Arab
isolationist policies, he is expected
to get their foreign ministers to-
gether during the Paris UN ses-
sions for a final try.
Truman Kills
Education Bill
WASHINGTON - (AP) - Presi-
dent Truman yesterday killed a
federal aid to education bill be-
cause of a provision he said would
require r a c i a l segregation in
schools located on federal prop-
erty in 17 states.
Announcing that he would not
sign the bill, Mr. Truman hit at
a provision he interpreted as re-
quiring the affected schools to
conform to state laws requiring
the segregation of white and
Negro students.
The bill was passed by Con-
gress last month just before ad-
journment and Mr. Truman's
withholding of his signature
meant that it died by a "pocket
The measure would have per-
mitted areas burdened by defense
activities to get money from the
government beforehand in time to
provide needed schools.
-Daily-Roger Reinke
GOODBYE!-Ruth Griggs, '52, turns and smiles at a photographer
as she boards the Wolverine Special which left for Champaign,
Illinois yesterday. The train carried with it a teeming load of
University students anxious to see today's big game. Another
picture, page 5.
S* *
NVCAA Reainms Firmn
On 'M'-llinoisTBant
NEW YORK-f/P)-The National Collegiate Athletic Association
has no intention of switching its stand and permitting the Michigan-
Illinois game at Champaign today to be telecast for Michigan viewers.
That was emphasized yesterday by Ralph Furey, chairman of the
NCAA television committee. Approval of the committee would be
necessary for a last-minute lifting of the TV blackout in Michigan.
In Detroit, traffic
to a standstill by
streets, but in Ann
fall was too night to
was slowed
Arbor snow
be a traffic
Summerfield Hits
Moody 'Whitewash'
LANSING-(A')-Demanding a
further investigation, Arthur E.
Summerfield, the Michigan Re-
publican National Committeeman,
said today he was not satisfied
with U.S. Senator Blair Moody's
"whitewash" of federal job-selling
Moody told newsmen in Wash-
ington Wednesday that an investi-
gation by his staff showed no ir-
regularities in a GOP charge that
applicants for postmasterships had
been asked for. campaign funds.
"What can you expect when the
accused investigates himself?"
Summerfield asked.
Furey's stand was revealed in
World NSews
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Idaho-The Univer-
sity of Idaho, with a student body
of only 3,047 yesterday claimed a
new collegiate record for blood do-
nations-1,014 pints in a 3-day
WASHINGTON - House in-
vestigators asked yesterday for
a look at the income tax returns
of Theron Lamar Caudle, as-
sistant attorney general in
*charge of prosecuting tax law
WASHINGTON - President
Truman yesterday signed legisla-
tion tightening the penalties for
violations of narcotics and mari-
juana laws.
RENO, Nev.-Sen. Pat McCar-
ran (D-Nev.) is in a "quite
serious" condition at St. Mary's
Hospital here, his physician said
WASHINGTON - President
Truman yesterday accused Con-
gress of recklessly neglecting civilI
defense "under the pretense of
The $74,945,000 Congress pro-
vided for civil defense, he said in
a statement, "is tragically insuf-
ficient" compared with the $535,-
000,000 he originally requested.
answer to a telegram from Rep.
Ford (R-Mich.) urging that the
game be telecast in Michigan and
claiming it was "discriminatory"
to telecast the game to 15 eastern
cities but withhold it from Michi-
In answer, Furey told a. re-
"My only comment is that the
telegram arrived at 3:15 p.m.
yesterday and the schedule was
published two months ago. It's
perfectly obvious that nothing
could be done at this late hour."
The game is a sellout.
will be permitted to telecast the
Michigan State-Notre Damesgame
at East Lansing Nov. 10 will likely
not be answered until Monday.
MSC TV Request
Stirs Controversy
DETROIT-(P)-Application by
Michigan State College for a com-
mercial television license stirred
up debate today at the fourth an-
nual meeting of the Michigan As-
sociation of Broadcasters.
The association finally instruct-
ed its president to name a three-
man committee to study the ques-
tion at length.
Michigan State College present-
ly operates radio station WKAR at
East Lansing.
In defense of the college position
on television it was argued that
there never has been any intention
to use the college station as a com-
petitor of commercial radio sta-
Title Loomis
In Balance
Wolverines Eye
O'Connell Passes
Daily Sports Editor
CHAMPAIGN-Drawn by the
magnetic propensity of the West-
ern Conference game of the year,
the football eyes of the Midwest
turn toward this city today like
millions of compass needles.
At 2:30 p.m. (EST) Michigan's
defending Big Ten and Rose Bowl
Champion Wolverines will carry
their blazing title hopes into bat-
tle against Illinois, undefeated and
untied in five games this season.
UPWARDS OF 70,000 ticket
holders will pack historic Memorial
Stadium to its capacity.
Rivalry between the two
schools dates back to 1898
through 36 games of which Mi.
chigan has won 25 while losing
11. None has ended in deadlock.
Both teams confront each other
with unblemished Conference rec-
ords, Illinois having conquered
powerful Wisconsin and Indiana,
while the Wolverines were emerg-
ing over. the Hoosiers, Iowa and
Minnesota, all second division
IN NON-LEAGUE action the
Fighting Illini whipped UCLA,
Syracuse and Washington, but
Michigan fell prey to Michigan
State and Stanford.
Today's struggle brings togeth-
er two of the finest offenses of
their kind, Coach Ray Eliot's
precision Illinois T-formation
and Bennie Oosterbaan's time-
proven single wing.
Key to the Illinois attack is
sophomore quarterback Tommy
O'Connell who will pilot a speedy
backfield made up of the scintil-
lating Johnny Karras-Don Stevens
halfback tandem and driving full-
back Bill Tate.
KARRAS, the Argo Express, is
his team's leading scorer and
ground gainer with 412 yards in 79
cracks at the line., His ten touch-
downs to date are only three under
the Illinois season record held
jointly by Red Grange and Buddy
Scatback Stevens has done al-
most as well and has a hightr
average gain per carry.
The Wolverines will rely on
their familiar backfield of Ted
Tppor at, quarter, Wes Bradford
on the wing, Don Peterson at
fullback and Captain Bill Putich
in the tailback assignment.
Peterson is the top Michigan
ball carrier with 277 yards, while
tiny Bradford has the best average,
6.3 yards per try.
Bradford, incidentally, will re-
main with the Wolverines for the
rest of the season. He had been
scheduled for induction into the
armed forces last month, but a
transfer of his papers from Troy,
O., to Ann Arbor resulted in a de-
la nd his Army life is now set
to gin Nov. 29, five days after
the season's finale with Ohio State.
Illinois, primarily a running
team, will concentrate its passing
duties in O'Connell, while at least
See OFFENSES, Page 3
Royal Couple
Leaves U.S.
WASHINGTON -- (A') - Eliza-
beth and Philip left fo'r Canada
yesterday, assured by President
Truman that never before had the
U.S. been visited by "such a won-
derful young couple."
The official good-byes were said
in the White House Rose Garden,
on a cold, misty day. But Mr. Tru-
man beamed warmly as he told
Britain's Princess Elizabeth and
her handsome husband, the Duke
of Edinburgh.:
"We have many distinguished
visitors here in this city, but
never before have we had such a
wndeg~rful voun~ ninzcule that so
Ivy Leaguie' Attempts
To Stern Subsidization
Associated Press Writer
NEW YORK-(A)-It is possible'
that a lot of the Nation's educa-
tors who are faced with serious
football trouble will be interested
in knowing what the so-called ivy
group of colleges in the East are
doing to stem the spreading blight
of subsidization.
When one attends a game at
Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth,
Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Brown
or Pennsylvania, he will find
printed in his program an article
by Prof. Frederick G. Marcham of
Cornell setting forth the activities
of an "eligibility committee" com-
posed of one representative from
each of the member schools.
committee) know the prominentI
students of one another's colleges.
They know the high school and
prep school athletes who will be
looking for colleges next fall. They
stand ready to detect and to con-
demn any act regarding the ad-
mission of a student which lowers
the academic standards of the
"AT THE beginning of each
Gas Cut Would Hurt Loc
Jr., set trial resumption for 9 a.m.
school year each ivy group foot- today.
ball player fills out a card on
which he gives in detail the rec- Union1halts
ord of his pre-college career.
At the fall meeting of the 'W a yer M essages'
committee, each member brings &
the cards of his college and lit-
erally lays them on the table for NEW YORK-()-The Western
f i o-f ,f .t..IUnion Telegraph Company yester-
A cut in Ann Arbor's natural
gas supply, proposed in Washing-
ton last week, would mean a com-
plete shutdown of about 30 in-
dustrial plants in this area, local
gas company manager Charles R.
Henderson said yesterday.
The proposal, currently being
plants were engaged in defense
Gas supplies to house holders
for heating and cooking will not
be affected at all if the cut goes
through, Henderson emphasized,
because this gas is supplied by
another pipeline company.
al Industry
ural gas by using it as boiler fuel,
the Associated Press reported.
The accusation was made by
Panhandle Attorney Harry S.
Littman at a Power Commission
hearing. He also accused Michi-
gan Consolidated Gas. Co. of
selling "billions of cubic feet"