PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1951 New York Dock Strike IT'S TOO BAD that the charge of sabotage has gotten mixed up with the New York Dock Strikers, because the striking long- shoremen have a legitimate complaint. Too many people immediately labeled the strikers as traitors when it was learned that they were tying up needed war ship- ping. But the dock rebels have agreed to return to man army piers and their cause should now be more sanely evaluated. When the walkout began on October 15, Union officials labeled the insurgents as Communists. The strikers claimed that the rank-and-file vote had been conducted im- properly and listed several other criticisms. The New York City Anti-crime Commit- tee quickly backed them up. In a statement signed by chairman Spruile Braden, the Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and. represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: SID KLAUS committee charged that "the majority of the locals of the International Longshoremans Association were dominated by mobsters who kept the union members in a state of fear and gave them no opportunity to get a hearing on their grievances." The situation, the report went on "was a result of the "shape up" system and control of the piers by gangsters and venal politi- cians." Peace talks are now going on between the shipping interests, the Union, the in- surgents and mediators. It is possible that a quick decision may send the workers back to the piers and open the shipping lanes. But more important than starting the ships is solving the problem that the crime committee has pointed out. Expediancy can sometimes be the mother of grievances. Al- though some sort of short term settlement may be possible, a longer term investigation of the situation is needed to bring order and principles back to one of our nation's more important industries. -Harland Britz +ART + THE CURRENT exhibition at Alumni Me- trasts vividly with Adam's realistically tan morial Hall is probably the most ambi- body. An angry God faces there, set off tious project the University Museum of Art against an intensely blue sky. This painting has undertaken since its inception. By com- will undoubtedly come as close as any to bining resources with the Grand Rapids Art receiving the attention it deserves. Gallery, Mr. Slusser and his associates are able to present 44 "Italian, Spanish and My favorite in the show is Goya's Por- French Paintings of the 17th and 18th rait the Mariuesa de Fontana. Mal- Centuries." These are on display in the North raux has noted, in contrasting another and West Galleries, and will remain here un- Goya portrait with a Gainsborough, that it is better to be enchanted than to be til November 28th. Such an opportunity as this rarely presents itself in Ann Arbor, so a duchess. That just about sums it up; be sure to take advantage of it. Inone of the others is in the same league. Goya's coloring is magical, however re- Gallery-goers who were weaned, as I strained it may be. But it's a waste of was, on the Impressionists and their suc- space trying to describe it. Go see it-it's cessors, may at first feel a little uncom- the only painting that creates its own light. fortable in these surroundings; with few exceptions, this is a "brown" show. This is agood. The Arist's Cook by ragonar, is de caused partly by the protective layers of godThAritsCkbFaond sde varnish on thecanvases, which have be- lightful, and shows off his technical virtu- come somewhat discolored over the years, osity at its best. Prud'hon's Portrait of a Boy, but primarily because the Baroque and Greuze's painting of the same title, and Rococo artists mixed their pigments and Longhi's Portrait of Count Gasparo Gozzi preferred subdued coloration. will probably please most observers. On the whole, the landscapes are the least Religious subjects and portraits form the satisfactory. Lorrain and Poussin are too bulk of the show, accompanied by land- scholastic, their canvases are too cluttered scapes, a few genre pictures, and some still with figures to be of much more than his- life studies. Of the religious subjects, Zur- torical interest...Some of the others are little baran's St. Francis is the best. The current more than exercises in the rendering of per- issue of Time reproduces another version of spective, with the details left to look after the same work, and reports that critics are their own destinies. Even Murillo's Return amazed at the citizenry's good taste in indi- from the Fields, the best of the lot, is inade- cating preference for it. No one who sees this quate. It seems incomplete except for a small one will be amazed, however; Zurbaran's area at lower left. rendition is very simple but extremely vigor- The genre paintings (which include some ous. With only a few sombre hues dramatic- of the portraits) are generally whimsical, ally contrasted he achieves a direct effect and are at least amusing. A few-for ex- that puts the more complex El Greco beside ample, Le Nain's Children Dancing-have in it in the shadow. addition a crude vitality and genuine charm. Such still life studies as Chardin's White Pot TfEl reco's mgoe elenswn orks, may be only experiments in coloration, tex- of El Greco's more widely known works, ture, and composition, but they are at any but the style Is unmistakeable. The com- rate successful.e position of the picture with its many fig- r ures is admirably worked out, and the In the South Gallery, there are a num- scene vividly conveys the desired effect of ber of excellent drawings from the Univer- movement, but for all the action the paint- sity Museum's collection. This display ing is less exciting than its neighbor. Still, makes an appropriate companion piece it is a pleasure to see an original by El to the other, since it covers the same his- Greco with the naked eye. torical span and features many of the same artists appearing in the main exhibit. Caracciolo's Annunciation is as austere as a St. Francis, and what the Italian yields to Mr. Slusser, Mr. Yonkers (of Grand Ra- the Spaniard in fqrcefulness he makes up in pids), and their respective staffs deserve all reverence, which he arouses in the observer. the active support we can give them for this His use of color, and of light and shade, is wonderful showing. Miss Helen Hall, our both realistic and sensitive. curator, deserves a special vote of thanks for A real eye-catcher is Furini's Adam and her magnificent work. She not only had a Eve and God the Father, nor is the beauti- large share in the planning and organiza- fully sensuous portrayal of the nude Eve the tion of the project, but also wrote the intro- sole reason. The most compelling quality in ductory pages for the catalog, and the in- the picture is the artist's unique use of color. formative notes on the labels. Eve's chalky white, luminescent skin con- -Siegfried Feller INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Ike's Visit By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. Associated Press News Analyst GENERAL EISENHOWER is coming home tomorrow, in the midst of active specu- lation over his presidential intentions, on what the White House says is not an emer- gency visit but which does appear to have been a somewhat sudden call from the Presi- dent. There was no immediate word as to the specific topics on which the President wishes to confer with the chief of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's arm- ed forces in Europe. It hardly seems likely that politics would be a part of the President's agenda, but Eis- enhower will get plenty of it from other sources. The whole business of the new "contrac- tual peace" with Germany centers around inclusion of German military forces in Eis- enhower's command, and Germany is trying to drive a sharp bargain. France is dragging her feet on the divisions she is supposed to supply this year, partly because she has no stable government which can make decisions stick. Britain is facing a very serious finan- cial situation which seems likely to prevent any increase in her defense program and may actually impair it. There may be matters connected with Averell Harriman's assignment as the chief of the new mutual aid setup which the President wants to discuss with Eisen- hower before Harriman and the General start working together. These matters, however, will attract less interest in the United States than any clue which the General may drop as to his po- litical intentions. JĀ§JINIEMA] A rchitectlure A uditorium UNFAITHFULLY YOURS - with Rex Harrison and Linda Darnell. THIS IS ONE OF those pictures that hap- pens to get lost in the flood that comes out of Hollywood annually. At the time of its release a few years ago, it caused no dis- cernible ripple, but its comic conception and inspired slapstick has proved so memorable to a few of the faithful who recall it that it is brought back now with all of its bril- liance intact. Preston Sturges, the man responsible for "The Great McGinty" and "The Miracle of Morgan's Creek," among others, is writer, producer and director. The plot deals with a jealQus symphony orchestra conductor who upon returning from a trip abroad learns that his wife has apparently been unfaithful during his absence. As he conducts his concert, he concocts three possible solutions to his problem in three successive numbers which he directs. In the first he sees himself murdering his wife and pinning the crime on her in- amorata. Next he becomes noble, writes a check for one million dollars and gives her up. At last in the final number he plays the heroic husband, invites his rival to a game of Russian roulette and blows out his brains. The contrast of reality with these three versions of himself as hero is one of the most hilarious resolutions comedy has been blessed with. Rex Harrison as the harried husband cap- tures every nuance of the role with his cus- tomary expert technic. Linda Darnell is not called upon for much, her considerable dra- matic ability being at the date untapped. Chief supporting role is played by Rudy Val- lee as a stuffed shirt type. -Perry Logan [CURRENT MOVIES1 At The State .,.. THE GOLDEN HORDE, with David Far- rar and Ann Blyth. HEAD FOR THE hills! Genghis Khan rides again. He is swooping down on the State with his burly mob of furciad warriors-pur- portedly ten thousand of them. Nothing stands in his way but Ann Blyth, the Princess Shalimar of Samarkand. The armies of Shalimar have been de- feated, and it is only a matter of days until the Khan will raze the city. At this juncture Sir Guy of Devon (David Farrar) comes to the rescue with his merry band of about twenty English crusaders. Shalimar, however, is quite unwilling to be rescued, and sends Sir Guy and his vows of allegiance off to the mountains to join her people. Her plan for stopping Genghis, which is obviously very original, is'to give herself to him in exchange for the safety of her city. This idea is squelched when the Khan de- cides to remain in his camp and sends his son with some Tartars and an unpronounc- ible allied general with his own troops to pillage Samarkand. Quickly reyising her scheme, Shalimar pits the two barbarians against one another in the quest for her hand. After a three-day period of increasing tension between the generals, the princess finally succeeds in engineering the massa- or ofa the' ar.4rc nd tis - a- r- "I Too Suffer From Land Hunger, Comrade" IC - X~JL? ~~p 1!A 4si 'MC tt~i~tJTpN P /E c 9 i ON THE Washington Merry.Go-Round with DREW PEARSON I: etteP4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length. defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are rnot in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. t -A I ASHINGTON-The Pentagon is keeping mum about it, but, on October 13, Spanish Dictator Francisco Franco called in Maj. Gen. James V. Spry, head of the U.S. military mission to Spain, and staged a savage interview in which he threatened, in effect, to with- hold the establishment of American bases in Spain. The interview was so harsh, and Franco's general attitude has been so unreasonable that General Spry is returning to the United States with the almost certain recommendation that there be no U.S. air bases in Spain. Unless Sen. Pat McCarran, who heads the powerful Spanish lobby in Washington, is able to batter heads at the Peitagon, this recom- mendation is likely to be accepted. What happened was that General Spry was sent to Spain as head of a joint Naval-Air Force mission to arrange for the much- publicized bases which Franco supposedly promised to the late Adm. Forrest Sherman. Although $68,000,000 for Spanish aid was tacked onto the foreign aid bill by Senator McCarran, this was done prior to Admiral Sherman's base-deal and the two were never connected. The offer of bases was made afterward, supposedly as a gesture of friendship by Franco. General Spry's mission to survey the best sites for bases was due to be completed on November 15, and it was agreed in advance that not until November 15, would he give the Spanish government a ver- bal resume of his findings. * * * * -IMPATIENT DICTATOR- FRANCO, HOWEVER, couldn't wait that long. On October 13 he abruptly sent for Spry and demanded to know just how much he could get out of the United States and when. Taken aback, Spry started to explain that his job was merely to evaluate Spanish bases, not discuss economic matters. lie did not have a chance to say more than a few sentences. With only his first few words translated, Franco cut him short, launched into a violent harangue. Ie continued without interruption for one hour and 20 minutes. The American officer simply had to sit there and take it. The gist of Franco's tirade was that he needed money and needed it right away. Therefore, he wanted a detailed list of what was being offered by the United States-credits, economic concessions, military equipment-and the U.S.A. wasn't going to get a thing until they put the dollars on the dotted line. Even if General Spry was not authorized to talk about these eco- nomic matters, Franco thundered, he must have seen enough during his survey to make a report that would serve as a basis for discussion. Then the man who claims to be Europe's No. 1 anti-Communist added the real shocker. He curtly told Spry that, regardless of what the United States offered, he was not sold on having bases used for "fighting a war all over the Mediterranean area." The only thing he had agreed to so far, Franco said, was "joint de- fense of the Iberian peninsula against direct attack." This was in flat contradiction to earlier commitments reported to Washington by Admiral Sherman; so General Spry tried to clarify the issue. But Franco ended the interview as brusquely as he started it with an admonition to start talking turkey. ** * * -AFRICAN BASES INSTEAD- THAT EVENING, General Spry conferred at length with U.S. Am- bassador Stanton Griffis who was hopping mad over not having been invited to the conference. Griffis, one of the few Americans who ex- pressed admiration for Hitler before Pearl Harbor, discounted Franco's tough talk as a typical bluff and expressed that opinion to the State Department in a cable dated October 15. Other events, however, indicate the tirade was not bluff. Si- multaneously Franco gave an interview to the Mexican newspaper, Excelsior, stating that he would not cede bases to the United States. It was also made clear to the Spry mission that Spain would not give the United States anywhere near the same privileges given the Air Force in England, France and Italy. In brief, though we could build bases, they would have to be manned largely by Span- ish troops. As a result, General Spry is returning home with the recommenda- tion that we use the air bases now almost completed in French Mor- occo. These are so close to Spain that they can easily defend the Western Mediterranean. A U.S. Naval base at Sadiz may be recommended by Adm. Ro- bert L. Campbell who was part of the Spry mission-provided the United States is willing to pay for the cost of building a huge commer- cial port for Spain which could be used as a naval base in time of war. (Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) The Lord's Debate .. . To the Editor: T CONTINUE the Great (or Vriend-Goldberger) debate on the Library, the Sabbath, and Morals in the Twentieth Century: Mr. Vriend writes, " . , . the mor- al order of this universe has been established long before you or I could reflect upon it. Would I wit- ness to this moral order, there- fore, I do not "presume" . . . but I invite others too to taste the joy of conforming themselves to this or- der. . ." (my underlining-A.G.) First, a point of fact: Mr. Vriend did not simply invite others to join him in voluntarily shunning the library on Sundays; he desired that it remain closed-(to quote, "Regardless of expense the library ought to be closed on Sundays")- so that those who didn't care to accept his benevolent invitation would have no choice in the mat- ter. A peculiar invitation, no? Second, and more important: Note the use of the word "witness." When I ask Mr. Vriend to offer some grounds in support of his ethical position, he replies, " .. . it is not I, nor any creature who leg- islates morals for the universe, but the Consuming Fire himself: the God who made the universe . .. So here Mr. Vriend gives the whole show away; he has in fact no evidence, no argument, no case; he's merely a "witness." He passes the buck to an ultimate authority -whom we are in no position to consult. -Now, if this is the case, then how in the world are we to know when our "moral prescrip- tion . . . coincides with his?" To witness is to report observa- tions-has Mr. Vriend had op- portunity to observe the ethical view of his ultimate authority? I think not. If Mr. Vriend objects, he should recall that the vast major- ity of the world declines to accept the authority of the Christian scriptures. (This is no conclusive refutation, of course, but neither is it without significance). What Mr. Vriend does, in prac- tice, is what we all do-he makes his own moral choices. There is no objection to this. What I was kicking about was his failure to recognize that he was doing pre- cisely this. We're all in the same boat here. The abdication of moral responsibility - the reluctance to shoulder the burden of proof-is perhaps in large measure, what prevents our choices from being better than they are.. One final point: I am very cur- ious to learn in what particular aspects of contemporary America Mr. Vriend sees evidence of a New Barbarism? -Arty Goldberger * * * Legion of Decency... To the Editor: Re: Jerry Warren. IN HAVING quoted the pledge of the Legion of Decency, you have done nothing more than strengthen the position takenby Mr. Samra in his editorial "Catho- lic Censorship." It is indeed true that Catholics give the pledge voluntarily in a- firmation of their moral beliefs. However, the words, "Cathics," "voluntarily," and "their" are both prominent and significant here, in that they necessarily imply a lim- itation of the consequences of such a pledge to the members of a spe- cific group, i.e. the Catholic Church. That there has been a lack of cognizance of this fact is mani- fest in the pledge itself, which as- sumes a moral protectorate while at the same time emphasizing "my moral life." In consolidating one's personal moral beliefs, it does not follow that the beliefs of others be subjected to conformity through insulation from "immoral" experi- ences. No matter how valuable it may be in furthering specialized inter- ests, it is contrary to the recogni- tion of individual rights and privi- leges in so far as they are pro- claimed to exist. Furthermore, Mr. Warren, you are laboring under the delusion that there is something inherent or intrinsic in the meaning of the word "moral," and utterly fail to realize that you are merely res- ponding to an arbitrarily defined frame of reference. The concept of morality is dynamic and subject to variability in definition. It is also quite evident that all individuals are not conditioned to the same moral beliefs. Therefore, all state- ments of moral reservations need not coincide, and it is presumptu- ous in the extreme for any group to attempt the exercise of moral control, over persons who do not subscribe to the same arbitrarily defined standards of morality. Everyone makes some statement of moral reservations, although no "such" a statement as you have quoted. I find it quite difficult to conceive of a "religion of amoral- ity," to which you so glibly refer. No doubt the implication here was a "religion of immorality," which, it must be pointed out, exists sub- jectively in the application of ex- ternal criteria of morality to the "out-group." The distinction between "my moral life" and the moral life of others is something that both the Legion of Decency and yourself have shamefully failed to make. -Martin L. Lee L f * * Legion of Decency . To the Editor: RE: the editorial "Catholic Cen- ship" p.4 Tuesday, Oct. 30th. The author sees the Legion of Decency as a small minority hand- ing down moral judgments much too effectively. The Catholic Church, he deplores, is overstep- ping its bounds. The Catholic Church and the Legion of Decency both secure their principles from the law and word of God, manifested in the Ten Commandments, in the Scrip- tures and in the teachings of Je- sus Christ. Truth is absolute. Whoever pos- sesses the truth has a moral obli- gation to instruct and advise his fellow man. And truth is not the forte of every majority. History bears frequent witness that be- times men were persecuted for be- liefs later recognized as funda- mental. Truth, faith, and firm belief are basic to a sound existence and are a source of power. The movie today is one of the most devastating of mediums for the corruption of youth whose re- ligious beliefs are too often nil. Refined bestiality is portrayed as attractive, Youth is led to believe that'this is common place living and therein lies the seed of des- truction. Man exists on this earth principally for the salvation of his soul. God himself laid down cer- tain rules and regulations. There is no neutral zone, no in between vacillation. You are either for God or against God. Man by nature is morally obligated to wor- ship Him. Life itself is a sermon. What better way is there than to accomplish God's will? The Legion of Decency seeks to pr'Mect the Catholic public at least from movie schizophrenis and immoral propaganda. If a movie is immoral or does little else than appeal to the baser emotions then quite reasonably it should be condemned or the of- fending parts deleted. -Marc Laframboise r 4 I DRAMA . At Lydia Mendelssohn . . LIVE ON AIR, a Hopwood Award play by Kenneth Goldstein. Produced by the Speech Department. WHEN the Student Players last spring produced Tom Danelli's Hopwood play, it marked the first time in several years that any organized theater group in the city had presented a play written by a student in the creative writing classes here. Last night, the Speech Department took up the banner in presenting the comedy-drama, "Live On Air" with which Kenneth Goldstein wcon a major Hopwood award last May. In general, the results were good, anal give hope that a tradition of producing these campus-spawned plays may be encouraged by the good example. Although Mr. Gold- stein's play is an extremely obvious one, it is lively and interesting for the most part, shows a fine sense of structure, some know- ledge of character, and a real fluency with the medium. Its production has been com- petently handled by the Speech Department with several above-average performances, effective direction, and an imaginative, if not sufficiently ranec ies eat The idea is taken into battle chiefly on the shoulders of the daughter of the im- migrant family involved in the drama. The daughter unfortunately is a rather angelic girl and the question of whether she will or will not reach medical school consequently seems of insufficient import- ance to stand as the revolving issue of the play. Although the scholarship she receives issymbolic of her capacity to "live on air," the issue is too artificial and the reformations of her parents at the end somewhat too unlikely to unravel the dramatic core. Throughout, however, Mr. Goldstein has captured the lusty atmosphere of an immi- grant household. Now and then, particu- larly in the forced humor of the first act, he tries too hard for comic relief, and in the process seriously damages the necessary dignity of his characters. Without this dig- nity, extended moments of grief and an- guish, as at the second act curtain, come dangerously close to melodrama. His mis- take here may lie in making Henry, the son, too much a pixie without any human quali- ties. Te n n :s hsnoerformnces e oaffered Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigantunder the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications, Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott......... Managing Editor Bob Keith.,...City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson.........Feature Editor Rich Thomas ......... Associate Editor Ron Watts ............Associate Editor Bob Vaughn ..........Associate Editor Ted Papes.............. Sports Editor George Flint . AssociateSports Editor Jim Parker .,, Associate Sports Editor Jan James ............women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller.........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager Sally Fish...........Finance Manager Stu Ward........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to. it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. Al] rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor.Michigan, as second-class mal matter, Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. '1 I. 4 BARNABY All night he And nobody come... Yes, barked as if undependable creatures, Maybe whatever it isis coming from some star. And it's quite a way off- U DW "adkow {w,) He's barking.