\:YI e
-.Ah I -AIL- A6r
Latest Deadline in the State
Fouad Hints
Egypt Has'
Groups Formed
To Fight British
CAIRO-OIP)--Egypt's Interior
Minister, Fouad Serag El Din
Pasha, said yesterday he under-
stands clandestine Egyptian "Lib-
eration Battalions" are being
formed as a result of nationalistic
fervor generated by the British-
Egyptian crisis.
But Serag El Din said the grow-
ing organization "is a national
movement which does not concern
the government." He sidestepped
the issue by saying he was not
"officially aware" of the move-
The minister flatly denied re-
ports that the Egyptian army is
! supplying arms to the under-
ground organization. He said if
the battalions are getting arms, it
is being done secretly. According
to Egyptian law no' person can
carry arms without special per-
mission. Such permission is grant-
ed to individuals on the merits of
each case, but not to organizations.
THE pro-government newspaper
1 \Al Misri said several days ago that
the "Liberation Battalions" were
being formed and trained by Gen.
Aziz El Misri, prewar commander-
in-chief of the Egyptian Army
who was jailed by the British dur-
ing World War II on charges he
was planning to join the Axis.
Serag El Din also told news-
men the Egyptian version of a
shooting today in which a wom-
an was killed and several other
Egyptians wounded. The British
earlier had issued their own ver-
sion of the incident.
The British and Egyptians
agreed that an Egyptian woman
had been killed at a roadblock at'
Tel El Kebir.
Egyptian police * said seven
Egyptian workers also were
wounded, two seriously, at the
same spot while being lined up for
There still was no clash in the
Suez between military forces but,
Eg'ypt was taking the last steps
toward full mobilization and re-
ported Britain was still pouring
in forces to hold the canal-
* * *
Stop-Cap Plan
For Iranian Oil
COmmunists Begin Fresh
GAME SIDELIGHT-Bill Putich, the Wolverine's hard running tail-back dons a new jersey in front
of 86,000 people in Saturday's game. The jersey's sleeve was ripped off by an overanxious Minne-
sota player as he was tryingto tackle Putich. After attempting several plays with a bare right
arm, Putich accepted first aid from bench in the form of a whole shirt. A huddle composed of
referees and coaches shielded his quick change. No damage was done, however, as the Wolverines
ripped the Gophers apart to the tune of 54 to 27.
'U yFace V anSuit
Special to The Daily
LANSING-Legality of a pos-
sible suit against the University
and Michigan State College for
banning a televising of football
games is now under consideration
by ,the Attorney General's office,
Deputy Attorney General Arthur
T. Iverson reported yesterday.
World News,
By The Associated Press
LONDON -- Final figures forl
Britain's Oct. 25 General Election
gave Prime Minister Winston
Churchill's Conservatives a slim
18-vote margin yesterday over all
other parties in the House of Com-
sive Activities Control Board
yesterday rejected andemand by
the Communist Party that it
start all over again on hearings
into whether the party must
register as a Soviet-directed
JAKARTA- Premier Soekiman
said yesterday 15,000 persons have
been arrested since mid-August in
sweeps against a leftistplot aided
by a foreign power to assassinate
Indonesian government chiefs.
LANSING - Approving prelim-
inary plans for the 1952 March of
Dimes campaign, Co-chairmen
agreed yesterday that - Michigan
should raise $1,500,000.
When the decision will be made
is not known, according to Iverson.
* * *
THE PROBLEM was turned over
to Iverson by Attorney General
Frank G. Millard, who received a
letter last week protesting the Na-
tional Collegiate Athletic Associa-
tion barrier against grid video
which the University and MSC
have complied with.
The letter, sent by state Sen.
Donald W. Gilbert, claimed the
NCAA ban is in restraint of
trade. It pointed out the ruling
applies to two Michigan tax-
supported institutions while
Michigan voters and taxpayers
have no control over the NCAA.
Sen. Gilbert, a Republican and
former Saginaw prosecutor, wrte
that there have been "rumors of
persons instrumental in the re-
striction of these broadcasts who
have been motivated for personal
gain and profit, contrary to the
public interest."
' * *
MEANWHILE Dr. Hugh Willett,
President of the National Col-
legiate Athletic Association, said
yesterday in California that the
NCAA "has no doubts as to the
legality of the regulations which
limits the telecasting of college
"We have secured the best legal
counsel obtainable and have spent-
thousands of dollars in a scientific
survey to determine the effect of
live television on intercollegiate
football," he said.
"Television is the biggest prob-
lem before the NCAA today. The
object of our survey is to see how
much television is possible without
hurting the game."
Dock Strike
No General End...
To Walkout seen 4
NEW YORK-(/P)-Rebel dock
strikers loosed their grip on Mili- -
tary piers last night, promising to
end a wildcat tieup of vital defense .......
shipments to Army outposts. '
Elsewhere, Stevedore pickets NEW
held sway on miles of idle non- repre
military piers as the big strike woud
went into its third week. A back- allies
to-work move all but flopped dur- buffe
ing the day., egio prop
MOST MILITARY piers have curre
worked off and on, with volunteer
hands sworn i under Civil Ser-
vice to take the place of strikers.
However, pickets have interrupted
cargo handling frequently.
Brig. Gen. Edward H. Lastao UTl
said he agreed to get rid of te mJ
Civil Service dock labor-hired
when the tieup of military sup- Resp
ples was at its height. ave nare
surehthey~ e d"prepared the II
work all cargoes for our military bringin
forces overseas and Mutual De donatio
fense Assistance cargoes." row an
* * * Thei
THERE ARE military piers at in the
Brooklyn, Staten Island, Jersey fraterr
City, Bayonne and Earle, N.J. All will be
worked yesterday except in Jeresy Thursd
City. dee, '5~
The much-heralded back to taking.
work move fizzled, except for Blooc
one non-military Manhattan will be
Spier where wildcat picket lines "Don
were breached. from a
Police held back angry, shout- well a
ing pickets as 100 non-strikers Robert
swept in to unload the huge liner chairm
Queen Elizabeth. A few strikers A mc
were hurt, apparently none seri-
AS TILE back to wokballoon NIC
collapsed, Gov. Thomas E. Dewey
sent his state mediators onto theA
scene where local and federal
peacemakers have failed.
The governor called the two-nte
weok-ld wildcatstrike "ind erya
More than 120 ships were strike- INDI
bound in New York and Boston, McKin
where rebel longshoremen quit the and 5
piers in sympathy with the New has "al
York wildcatters. Democ
Fee reighe r, -row, a
F o ic hel tb ce a g y , o ut - w ell s;
Barge Colihde i
QueenElizbeth A fw stiker A.m
BkUFFrL -ht, p The Great
i bre nder tu tow collided C
lst night in Buffalo harbor.' athp
The United States Coast Guard offcer
said at least two men were killed, The
one of them apparently the cap- said th
tam~ of ethe Penobscotwme weeernmer
missing and police said they feared
there might have been others He
killed. An earlier police estimate chair
of seven dead could not be con- peope
The Coast Guard said the col- Boyl
lision occurred shortly after 9 p.m. sulted
near the north opening in the announ
harbor breakwater. Flames leaped Kinney
an estimated 200 feet in the air, the ba
enveloping the barge and spread- Boyle
ing quickly to the tug and the April,1
Penobscot. year ba
Urged by U.S.
sents Red proposed buffer zone rejected bs
d return to Communists control areas that
at great costs in men and materials. Sha
r zone proposed by the United States. The b
osed by Reds as jointly administered zone. S
nt battle line.
C To Bring Blood
it to Campus Toi
.~' *
ted States is reported urging Bri-
tain and Iran to agree to a stop-
gapplan for moving some $40,-
'. 000,000 worth of stored Iranian
oil to the west.
U.S. officials said yesterday the
State Department has suggested
this to premier Mossadegh of Iran
as part of a "blueprint" for re-
suming direct talks between the
Iranians and the British on the
oil problem.
Fire Drill at Stockwell
No Surprise" To Coeds
Ading to an urgent na-
appeal from the Red Cross,
nterfraternity Council is
g a Detroit Red Cross blood
n unit to Ann Arbor tomor-
d Thursday.
mobile center, to be located
living room of the Zeta Psi
ity house, 1443 Washtenaw,
open all day tomorrow and
ay, according to Bruce So-
2, chairman of the under-
d collected during the drive!
sent tp UN troops in Korea.
ations will be welcomed
[l citizens of Ann Arbor as
s students;" said Sandy
son, '53 BAd, publicity
obile canteen from the Ann
Kinney Will
eept Boyle'
airman Job
ANAPOIS-(P)--Frank E.
ney, Indianapolis banker
ortsman, said last night he
greed to accept" the job as
ratic National Chairman.
er, William M. Boyle Jr.,
eps out of the job tomor-
d announced he will recoi-
MIcKinley to the Democratic
al Committee as his succes-
)yle said he had consulted
nt Truman.
INNEY, 47 years old and a
c, said .a condition of his
ance is that he resign as an
of the U.S. Pipeline Co.
ew York Herald-Tribune
e company is seeking a gov-
nt certificate to get 100,000
scarce steel for pipelines.
said he considered the
manship an "honor few
can decline."
e's statement that he con-
President Truman before
ncing his support for Mc-
seemed to put the job in
g for the banker.
e has been chairman since
1949, on a full time $35,000
Arbor Red Croy
to serve hot cof
Although the
beds enough fo
at a time, the I
about 200 or 25
the two-day dr
The following
arranged to ac
nity groups:
Alpha Delta Ph
Aplha Phi All
Phi, Alpha T
Theta Pi, Chi
Delta Chi.
Wednesday e
pa Epsilon, P
Delta Sigma Ph
Delta Upsilon,
Sigma, Lambda
Phi Delta Thet
Thursday aft
Psi, Phi Kappf
Delta, Phi Sigm
da Phi, Psi Up
Epsilon, Phi KE
Alpha Mu, Sigi
and Sigma Phi.
Thursday ev,
Epsilon, Sigma
Tau Kappa E
Theta Delta C
angle, Trigon,
Zeta Psi, On
Kappa Alpha P
Gas Su
Cut .Pi
posed cut in n
to the Detroit
a chain reactio
elsewhere, the
was told yester
Gov. G. Mer
the planned
would cause sh
gan. Out-of-st
result from s
made in Mich
letter to the co
Williams pr
panhandle Ea
request to be a
gas deliveries
Consolidated C
serving the I:
125,000,000 to
feet daily.
Peace Talks
~ >*,Hit by New
M /
Reds Reject UN
Buffer Zone Plan
yAKOREA-P)--Fresh Chinese in-
t : fantry yesterday launched coun-
terattacks against Allied troops
aroundKumsong while a long-
Sn- drawn-out deadlock continued to
tely broken line confront Korean truce negotiators.
y UN because It FreshnkChi~esedefenders stiff-
t wer takn by rmedAllied tanks and infantry '
were taken by probing around battered Kumsong
aded area is the and launched furious attacks of
oxed in sector is their own near the central Korea
olid black line is road center.
Meanwhile subcommittees for
--------- the Communists and the United °
Nations command scheduled an
other meeting for 11 a.m. today
D ono after yesterday's session failed to,
bring agreement to the snarled
question of where to draw a buffer
* * *
ELSEWHERE in Korea, U.N.
forces forged (gains of less than
ss will be on hand one mile on the eastern and west-
ffee to those giving ern fronts.
Four Allied tanks prowled In-
e center will have to the rubbled no-man's-land
r only four donors city of Kumsong again and ran
FC hopes to receive into heavy Red mortar fire.
0 donations during They turned back toward the
ive. Allied lines.
schedule has been At least one new division of
commodate f rater- Chinese fighters had been moved
into the Kumsong area for a stif-
afternoon: Acacia, fening defense.
i, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Southeast of Kumsong, the
pha, Alpha Sigma Communists hurled three attacks
au Omega, Beta at U.N. positions in fierce all-day
Phi, Chi Psi and long fighting.
The fight raged throughout yes-
vening: Delta Kap- terday morning. Allied forces
hi Gamma Delta, counterattacked at noon, whittled
ii, Delta Tau Delta, down the Communist strength in
Kappa Nu, Kappa four hours of close-range fight-
a Chi Alpha and ing and then withdrew.
Ca. Allied planes roared out in more
ernoon: Phi Kappa than 1,090 individual flights yes-
a Tau, Phi Sigma terday against Communist trans-
ia Kappa, Pi Lamb- port and front line troops.
slon, Sigma Alpha * *
appa Sigma, Sigma THE CURRENT series of truce
ma Chi, Sigma Nutalks which began smoothly in an
atmosphere of mutual optimism
ening: Sigma Phi last Thursday after a 64-day sus-
Pi, Tau Delta Phi, pension, appeared to be slipping
psilon, Theta Phi, rapidly into the old pattern of un-
hi, Theta Xi, Tri- compromising haggling.
Zeta Beta Tau, Three and one-half hours Q;Z
Zega Psi Phi and sessions yesterday at the wayside
Pgi village of Panmunjom were de-
51. scribed by the UN command a
The allies have proposed a buffer
zone two and one-half miles wide
along the present line of battle
Aotested contact, mostly well inside North
Korea. The Reds have countered
by demanding a zone of varying
N -(P- A pro- width tat would require allied
atural gas supplies troops to retire soutiwfard five to
area would set of f 15 miles.
n of plant closings
power commission
y .Atomic Army
nen Williams said
curtailment first P e a e o
tdowns in Michi- Prepares for
ate closings would
hortages of parts Desert Drills
igan, he said in a
otested against a LAS VEGAS, Nev.-()-Mili-
stern Pipeline Co. tary observers from thrdughout
llowed to reduce its the nation flocked into Camp
to the Michigan Desert Rock yesterday for the im-
Gas. Co., a utility minent start of Atomic Army
)etroit area, from maneuvers.
87,500,000 cubic The normal camp population of
5,000 soldiers was C -elled by the
inflix of nearly 2.( men repre-
senting every bran . of the ser-
vice. In the last 24 hours, Mc-
Carran field reported the arrival
of 50 planes bearing military per-
The troop maneuvers with atom-
ic weapons support are to be held
later this week, probably Thurs-
the high standards day, under the direction of Maj.
ity. Gen. William B. Kean, former
i * commander of the 25th Infantry
"HER expressed his Division in Japan and Korea. Gen.
cordiality of his re- Kean now commands the Army's
faculty.' He em- corps which is furnishing the
e all, the necessity bulk of the troops who will parti-
ding between the cipatei n the historic Exercise
ministration. Desert Rock.
1 1
A "surprise" fire drill at Stock-
well Hall proclaimed on the bulle-
tin board and by word of mouth
several hours before it took place,
went off without mishap last
The sound of the hollow "gong"
a few minutes after closing hour
sent pajama clad, pin-curled coeds
out into the cold night air within
four minutes.
* * *
ABOUT 2,000,000 tons, worth
$40,000,000 on western markets, is
involved. The oil includes high-
grade aviation f u e 1, gasoline,
kerosene, diesel oil and other pe-
troleum products.
Emphasis now on a stop-gap
arrangement is based on the be-
lief that even if there is agree-
nent on a detailed plan of oper-
ating this would require weeks
or months to put it into effect.
Meanwhile in Paris it was re-
ported the French are blaming the
United States for contributing in-
directly to troubles in the Middle
East and say American blundering
may wreck the west's defense
plans for the area.
* * *
THE OFFICIAL French line, as
summarized from talks with for-
eign office spokesmen, goes like
The United States has lent en-
couragement to nationalist move-
ments in colonial and semi-colon-
ial nations of the Middle East and
North Africa. The U.S. view is
that that is the way to win over
the nationalists before the Rus-
sians do.
Ensian Sets
Pie Deadline
Gargoyle Sneaks Out*
Despite Reluctant Staff
ALTHOUGH without a serious
hitch, the drill, first of the semes-
ter, was not without complaints.
"Those darn rules get more
lidicrous every day," Maureen
Sweeney, '54, commented. "I
have a cold already and I'll
probably get pneumonia now."
Miss Sweeny exclaimed that she
had forgotten about the drill and
had just emerged from the show-
er as the bell sounded.
She immediately grabbed a coat,
put on her shoes, closed the win-
dow, turned on the light found
the towel she had thrown in the
waste basket in her haste, closed
the door and dashed down five
flights of stairs in accordance with
the fire rules distributed last
Pajama garbed Taffy Thomas,
Grad., seemed confused about
the rules.
"I'm supposed to hold the door
open. How am I supposed to
know when they're all out? Shall
I count them one by one?
Peg Nimz, '53, reluctantly ad-
mitted at a press conference yes-
terday, that Gargoyle, the campus
humor magazine, would appear to-
Miss Nimz, managing editor of
the magazine, disclaimed all re-
sponsibility for the occurrence.
She asserted that a "near sighted
printer" pushed what he thought
was an elevator button and start-
ed the press.
' Before the machine could be
stopped, the entire issue had been
run off.
"In the excitement," Miss Nimz
went on, "one of the printers
tripped and fell into the press. He
emerged with 'Who Stole My
Dinosaur' emblazoned on his fore-
head, 'Too Much Band' on his
left elbow, and 'Leetle Rad Ridink
years the magazine had sold for
a quarter.
"Furthermore," Miss Nimz said
spitting a stream of tobacco juice
toward the wastebasket, "our regu-
lar cover didn't even get in. It
seems an old Rorschach test that
was lying around got printed in-
When asked if that was what
had happened to the last cover,
Miss Nimz said, "No."
UMT by June
Seen Possible
United States can begin a Univer-
sal Military Training program
next summer if Congress acts
Hatcher Calls for Fanighted Plaw
"It is now time for the Univer-
sity to formulate a long range
policy and prepare for future
eventualities," President Harlan
Hatcher, and Vice-Presidents Wil-
bur Pierpont and Marvin Niehuss
concurred yesterday at a faculty
meeting called to greet Pres.
Rackham lecture hall for the
Pierpont, the first speaker and
the head of the University's fi-
nancial affairs, said that he
was particularly interested in
the "philosophy that should pre-
vail between the business and
finance part of the University
In the past ten years the Uni-
versity has been under constant
pressure, he said. First it had
to adjust to the demands of
World War II and then it had
to expand tremendously to ac-
comodate veterans. Now the
K o r e a n conflict is causing
and to uphold
of the Universi
delight at thec
ception by the
phasized, abov(
for understan
faculty and adi