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October 26, 1951 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1951-10-26

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Dime Programs




Hit Campus


fLit ian


In Daily' Guise
The ten cent program is returning to campus!
But the controversial programs will be scarcely recognizable in
their new garb. At first glance, the casual observer will thing it's a
copy of The Michigan Daily.
* * * *
AND HE WILL be absolutely right. For the new dime rosters
will be a special edition of The Daily, with an 8x8 inch program on
the front page containing an anthology of names, numbers, heights
and weights of your favorite players.
In addition, the front page, which will be completely remade
from the regular "home edition," will be completely devoted to
King Football and his queen-for-a-day, Homecoming.
The Daily specials will be on sale for one thin dime tomorrow
afternoon on the way to the game.
THE REST OF the pages will be similar to the regular issue, but
these too will be filled with stories on the Homecoming theme.
It is hoped that through this the chronic dispute over the
sale of the old cardboard ten cent programs can be settled. Presi-
dent Harlan H. Hatcher and Associate Dean of Men Walter B.
Rea agreed that this special edition should help eliminate this
The dispute arose several years ago when students began dis-
tributing ten cent cardboard programs to compete with the large,
fifty cent University publication sold inside the Stadium.
AFTER PERIODIC troubles of one sort or another, the Ann Ar-
bor police began arresting the vendors last year if they did not hold
the $15 licenses necessary for legal hawking. This, the city claimed,
was at the request of the Athletic Department.
Student Legislature stepped into the arena, and worked out
a one-year settlement by supervising the program sales. But
the situation was right back where it started this year, with police
arresting many of those who sold. SL again worked on the prob-
lem, but no agreement had been reached when The Daily pro-
grams were decided upon as a compromise.
Anyone interested in selling Dailies may call 2-3241 after 1 p.m.
today for further information.
k Columbia'U' Lifts
11n ti IIn e~-

Latest Deadline in the State




* * *

* " *

Buffer Zone.
Pro osed by
UN Envoys
Next Cease Fire
Move Up to Reds

Columbia University has thrown
open its campus and rostra to all
speakers invited by recognized stu-
cent organizations.
However, in a policy statement,
issued Wednesday, the university
reserved a faculty-student-admin-
istration committee the right to
deny recognition to any campus
group whose conduct is "irrespon-
South Quaders
Beseiged by
on Pellets
A three-night blitz of mysteri-
ous iron shot has left embattled
South Quadders with cases of war
nerves and a fear of standing in
front of open windows.
The shots have been fired at the
State Street side of the Quad, hit-
ting six rooms on four floors of
Taylor and Gomberg Houses, ac-
cording to local police. The at-
tacks, all occurring between 10:30
and 12:30 at night, were heaviest
on Wednesday night during a hard
* * *
POLICE BELIEVE the pellets
were probably fired from under
cover. One of the beseiged resi-
dents said the missiles may have
been shot from the Beta Theta Pi
fraternity house, which is in direct
line with the bombarded rooms.
However, George Sipp, '52,
j3eta president, said he knew
nothing about the incident.
Damage from the barrages, esti-
mated at more than a hundred
dollars, was mostly confined to
screens. After penetrating the
screens, the shots did not have
enough force to break the windows.
One Quad man reported that
a missile flew through his open
window and missed his face by
The destructive iron pellets are
round and slightly bigger than
B-B shot. They are of the type
generally used for air rifle am-
Ann Arbor police have been
brought into an investigation of
the mysterious onslaught.
'Ensian MOves
Photo Deadline

THE POLICY was formulated
by an ad hoc committee establish-
ed when the university denied
Howard Fast, author and Com-
munist-without-card, the right to
speak on campus last January.
Strong protests from many
quarters of the Morningside
Heights campus spurred Dr.
Grayson Kirk, vice-president
and acting head of Columbia, to
set up the committee to recom-
mend future policy on guest
Local observers last night saw1
the situation which led up to the
policy switch at Columbia as par-
alleling events here.
ing a complete ban on political
orators, the Board of Regents gave
the all-faculty Lecture Committee
the responsibility of approving all
guest speakers.
This committee refused to al-
low alleged Communist Prof.
Herbert Phillips to speak here in
Persistent demands from stu-
dent groups that they be permit-
ted to choose any speaker they
wish have brought no revision of
the Regents' decision.
Recently, such demands have
taken the course of seeking student
representation on the Lecture
Committee, which must approve
all speakers.
Last year the scope of the
Lecture Committee was enlarged
when the Administration an-
nounced that speakers invited
by Lane Hall religious groups
also must be approved by the
This action followed a contro-
versial appearance at Lane Hall
last semester by Mrs. Willie Mc-
Gee, wife of the Mississippi Negro
ccnvicted and executed on the
charge of raping a white woman.
Revision of the present set-up
of approving speakers on the Uni-
versity campus is known to be un-
der consideration.

-Daily-Al Reid
CRIME-BUSTER - Sen. Estes Kefauver (right) discusses the
crime problem with two members of Phi Delta Theta fraternity
at a coffee hour given by the fraternity for the Lecture Series
speaker yesterday. Joe White and Herb Harrington are the stu-


* *

Kefanver Urges Citizens
To Wagwe War on Crime

MUNSAN, Korea-(A)-A con-
crete Allied proposal for a Korean
buffer zone, involving cession of
about 200 square miles of terri-
tory by each side, put the next *-- -
cease-fire move squarely up to the
Communists yesterday. ATTLEE CHURCHILL
The Red reaction to the proposaleATT lEEcUryHin?
may come at any time today, offi- . .. end of Socialism? . . . victory grin?
cial Allied sources reported. But
Reds would respond. Hatcher Cites Problems
: 1: *
THERE WAS speculation that I
some sort of compromise would be O f
effected after the Reds made a
counter-proposal. Upon this might*
depend the speed with which the
United Nations and Communist The problems of integrating scientific training and "general cul-
negotiators settle t h i s thorny tivation" is becoming more and more difficult as the expansion of
question or go into a possible new knowledge is increased, President Harlan H. Hatcher told a crowd of
deadlock. more than 400 at a banquet concluding the 75th anniversary cele-
The sudden Allied proposal bration of the pharmacy college last night.
was introduced at a subcommit- Contrasting the 50 courses offered at Harvard University in 1817
tee meeting immediately after "with the approximately 4,000 of-
the truce negotiations were re- fered at a modern university he
sumed, ending a 64-day suspen- said "It would take a person more
sion. m' Jthan 350 years to take all the
A United Nations command courses now offered at the Uni-
spokesman said the Allied sugges- F ac-. versity."
tion entailed 'a line generally fol- It eS * * *
lowing the present battlefront, but THE VAST strides made in
with the Reds to give up about 200 pharmacy during the 75 years
square miles territory in the west / ccusatton I since the pharmacy college was
and the Allies to pull out of a fourlded, are an indication of how
similar area in the east. greatly our body of knowledge has
A buffer zone two and one-half NEW YORK-(AP)-The Federal increased, he said.
miles wide would be created, most government placed a new perjury Now education is faced with
of it in North Korea, but dipping charge against economist William t
into South Korea at its western Remington yesterday, after flub- the problem of supplying the
end. bing a previous attempt to jail ess

America's citizens must rally to
break the criminal influences ram-
pant within the nation today, Sen.
Estes Kefauver asserted here last
Speaking on "The Citizen's Re-
sponsibility for Crime," at the sec-
ond Oratorical Association lecture,
* * *
Dope Traffic
Encouraged by
Chinese Reds
Efforts to control narcotics traf-
fic internationally have been made
more difficult by the recent open-
ing of a heroin plant by Chinese
Communists, Sen. Estes Kefauver
said here yesterday at a news con-
Although the United Nations is
doing much to hinder the flow of
drugs across national boundaries,
it is a difficult problem, he ex-
plained. "Narcotics can be made
and smuggled very easily in spite
of precautions."
Turning to another interna-
tional problem, the soft spoken
Senator from Tennessee endor-
sed the creation of an Atlantic
"I think our foreign policy will
eventually evolve into such a Un-
ion," he said. "It would provide a
system of permanent law rather
than cooperation on an alliance
A resolution now before Con-
gress would sponsor a meeting to
initiate such a union.

the Tennessee Democrat enpha-
sized the need for concerted popu-
lar effort in the battle against
* * *
"THE FIGHT must be waged on
every level of government," the
former chairman of the Senate
Crime Investigating Committee
said, "but in the end it is primar-
ily a local problem."
Pointing to the widespread
power which racketeers wield
throughout the nation, Sen. Ke-
fauver remarked, "Their size
and influence makes Capone of
the 20's look like a tough school
"Today gangsters wear the best
clothes, live in the best neighbor-
hoods and seek niches in respect-
able businesses and social circles.'
The investigating committee un-
covered the fact that rackateers
are engaged in more than 85 bus-
inesses, he went on, and hold poli-
tical jobs ranging in importance
from sheriffs to mayors.
"IT IS TIME the American citi-
zens became concerned over these
facts," the senator continued, out-
lining a program of action for the
1. More crime commissions
must be set up to combat the
syndicates. Since the Senate
investigation, 102 such groups
have been initiated throughout
the country.
"It is hard for one person to
crusade, but groups of persons can
pool their money and their ener-
gies to keep the spotlight on crime
and get criminals exposed," he
2. There must be a rejuvena-
tion of interest in political par-
ties and in voting. "While peo-
ple are apathetic, criminals and
gangsters work the game of poli-
tics and get into positions of in-
Young men and women could
do much to bring new vigor to our
political parties."
A LONG-RANGE program of
crime prevention is needed, he in-
sisted. While jail must be used
as a remedy for many criminals,
the senator pointed out that such
a short-range cure is not enough.
"We must work with our
young people, also," he re-
See KEFAUVER, Page 2
Illini Trip Ticket
Sdale Closes Today


Labor Trails
At Halfway
Vote Return
Churchill Victory
Almost Certainty
LONDON --(P)- The Conserva-
tives dealt Socialism a smashing
blow in the national elections, and
yesterday were within reach of a
victory sending Winston Churchill
back to the Prime Ministry at the
age of 76 after six bleak years on
the sidelines.
Results in nearly half the 625
parliamentary districts pointed to
a political and personal triumph
for the old warrior who led Brit-
ain to victory ,in World War II
only to be brushed aside when the
war-weary people adopted the So-
cialist Party's promises of a bet-
ter life.
11 House of Commons seats from
Prime Minister Clement R. Att-
lee's Laborites. The Liberal Party
ousted a Laborite in still another
district. That made a net loss of
12 seats for the Laborites, who
had an overall majority of only
six in the last Parliament.
The Laborites, at the halfway
point in tabulation, had failed
to take a single seat from Chur-
chill's men-and by all normal
standards the full Conservative
strength was yet to appear.
Final returns from yesterday's
elections are not due until this
morning but Labor Party leaders
privately conceded the early trend
meant the end of Britain's era of
One predictedChurchill might
have a majority of 35 seats or so
in the House of Commons. For
the last few months, the Labor-
ites have struggled along with a
majority of only a half dozen
A swing of Liberal Party strength
to Churchill's Tories was a deci-
sive factor.
* * *
at 9. First returns began coring
in an hour later, and approached
the 320-mark expected to end the
preliminary counting. The remain-
ing 305 seats will be accounted for
in later tabulations.
By last night Conservative
Party headquarters had an air
of "we're in." But party spokes-
men declined to make any state-
ment except "we're very happy."
Labor spokesmen likewise were
Returns from 300 districts gave
Labor 158 seats, the Conservatives
140 and the Liberals 2. But these
preliminary figures did not tell
the story-the real story was in
the net gains made by the Con-
-* * *
THE FIRST 275 districts re-
porting gave the Conservatives
47.9 per cent of the total popular
vote, as compared with 43.5 in
those districts in 1950's election.
The comparison for labor was 50.5
per cent of the total this year,
against 43.2 last year. The Lib-
erals had 1.7 per cent of the total
in these districts, against 8.3 per
cent in1951.
Attlee himself was re-elected
to Parliament in the London
suburbs of West Walthamstow,
polling 28,021 votes for an 11,-
574 vote margin over a compara-
tively unknown Conservative, E.
D. L. Duncann.
Foreign Secretary Herbert Mor-

rison was re-elected in the Lewis-
ham South District of London,
ANEURIN BEVAN, left wing So-

. 4
.allied Planes
Score Record
Blow on Reds
QUARTERS, Korea -(p)- Allied
planes smashed the Korean war's
record blow at Communist rail
transport yesterday.
Pilots estimated they destroyed
or damaged 36 locomotives and
289 rail cars in a series of bomb-
ing and strafing attacks centered
in the northwest.
FOR THE FIFTH straight day,
Russian-built MIG's made determ-
ined efforts to break up the Allied'
raids. A total of 80 enemy jets
pressed three aggressive attacks
against 63 or more Allied planes.
The North Korean Army com-
munique, broadcast by Pyong-
yang Radio, claimed a bag of six
Allied planes without specifying
the date. It said one B-29 Sup-
erfort was shot down in the
Wonsan area and two others
were damaged.
In the ground war, U.S. Patton
tanks speared to the western out-
skirts of Kumsong and shot up
the former Red supply base, set-
ting new fires.

Remington's lawyer at once rais-
ed a cry of "double jeopardy" -
the forbidden practice of trying a
man more than once for the same
* * ,*
Rauh, Jr., in Washington:
"We cannot believe that this
vicious device to avoid the time-
honored rule against double jeo-
pardy will be sanctioned by the
American people or the Ameri-
can courts."
In the new indictment, a Fed-
eral Grand Jury accused Reming-
ton of lying five times from the
witness stand while being convict-
ed of perjury. He upset the con-
viction on an appeal.
While perjury is the charge
against the former $10,000 a year
Commerce Department econo-
mist, the heart of the case all
along has been the allegation
that he was a Communist who
stole government secrets for a
Soviet spy ring.
The same legal device of a per-
jury charge was used to put Alger
Hiss, the former high State De-
partment aide, in prison for pas-
sing government secrets to a spy
Conviction on the new indict-
ment could cost Remington a max-
imum of 25 years in prison and
$10,000 in fines.

knowledge in addition to giving
specialists "a sense of what it
means to be a human being on
the surface of the world," Presi-
dent Hatcher said.
Earlier, addressing a public con-
vocation which was part of the
celebration Charles H. Rogers,
'13P, dean of the pharmacy college
at the University of Minnesota,
had said, "A new era for the pro-
fession of pharmacy," was marked
in 1876 by the founding of the
Red, Egyptian.
CAIRO-(AP)-A Soviet-Egyptian
meeting in the midst of the Brit-
ish-Egyptian crisis over the Suen
and the Sudan won the headlines
in Cairo newspapers yesterday.
A meeting yesterday between
King Farouk and U.S. Ambassador
Jefferson Caffery was reported at
the same time in the Official Ga-
The newspapers s pl a s h e d
front pages with pictures and stor-
ies of the 90-minute talk yesterday
at the foreign office between Rus-
sian Minister Semen Pavlovitch
Kozyrev and Egypt's Foreign Min-
ister, Mohammed Salah El Din.

Boswell's Life Marked
By Wmine, Women, Song

Throughout his life, James Bos-
well's greatest desires were for
"wine, women, song, the cultiva-

rion of celebrities and thprmn
The deadline for Ensian senior ence of James Boswell," Sidney
pictures has been extended to Fri- C. Roberts, vice-chancellor of
day, Nov. 2, Sales Manager Dave Cambridge University, said yester-
Palmer, '52BAd., announced yes- day.
terday, Lecturing on "The Discovery of
The move was the result of a James Boswell," Roberts exposed
serious lag in enrollment of seniors two widely-held fallacies - one
planning to have their pictures in that the writer Samuel Johnson


have the peasants and soldiers
regard him as an English am-
bassador, and "quite willing to
apologize for English politics
and Protestantism."
Boswell, whose great ambition
in life was for social and literary
prominence, was entirely uninhi-
bited in proclaiming his own mer-
its, Roberts explained.
In a letter to Rousseau, h e
m. f pnh.innnhor ho "


Talent To Highlight Evening

This is the day of "The Night."
At 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Audi-
torium the Symphony Band will
join forces with campus talent and
professional performers to present
the traditional "Varsity Night"

Roberts who will narrate the story
of the Little Brown Jug, symbol
of rivalry between Michigan and
SPOTLIGHTED in the campus

the meanings of their dance move-
* *
UNDER THE direction of May-
nard Klein, the Michigan Singers
will nerform excerpts from "Die




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