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October 25, 1951 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1951-10-25

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Y, OCTOBER 25, 1951


_ __

Coed Conducts Unusual Research

* * *

Whether or not a University
coed receives more phone calls on
rainy days than on clear days has
been the subject of a research ex-
periment by Joan Nelson, '52.
"One conclusion my roommate
and I have reached is that show-
ers indoors and not outdoors are
the deciding factor in the number
of phone calls which we receive
from members of the opposite
sex," Miss Nelsoa reported yes-
* * *
"THE FIRST four weeks we
counted an average of .9 phone
calls per shower," she explained.
"To combat this we have been
taking tub baths in our room,"
she added.
The research began last fall
when she and her roommate ran
out of knitting -yarn and had
nothing to do in the evening.
They went to work making col-
ored charts on which to tabu-
late their phone calls.
The research came to a toa-
porary halt in the spring when
Miss Nelson became pinned to a
fraternity man.
*' * *
"HE NEVER called, rain or
shine," she explained, "so it no
longer seemed necessary to con-
tinue the experiment."
In the interest of science,
however, she has decided to con-
tinue the research hoping in
addition to determine whether
fraternity or independent men
are more apt to call on rainy
A psychology professor, com-
menting on the experiment, ad-

-Daily-James Easley
SCORE!-"In the interests of science" Joan Nelson, '52, continues
research on the amount of phone calls on rainy days as compared
to those on clear days. She is shown chalking one up for the humid
Ann Arbor weather yesterday.

* * *{
mitted that little research has
been done to determine the effect
of weather on phone calls from
"If the woman is pretty, men

* * *
are likely to call in any kind of
weather," he said.
"This is a fact," he added, "not
necessarily something we approve

Vie in Traditional Annual Fortnight To Feature
Mud BowlGame . .
!Skits hv Coed Residnene

Education Committee-James B.
Edmonson, Dean of the University
of Michigan School of Education,
was in Chicago attending a meet-
ing of the Canada-United States
Committee on Education, Sunday
through Tuesday, October 21-23.
Dean Edmonson, who has been
co-chairman of the Committee
since 1944 presented the topic,
"Future Program of the Commit-
The Committee is a voluntary
international committee of edu-
cators devoted to the improve-
ment of the knowledge and un-
derstanding of each country in
and through the other. Organized
in 1944, it is sponsored in the
United States by the American
Council on Education, and in
Canadian Education Association
in cooperation with the Canadian
Teachers' Federation and the Na-
tional Conference of Canadian
Universities. The Committee con-
sists of twenty members, ten
Canadians and ten Americans.
* * *
Business Administration-Leo A.
Schmidt, professor of accounting
in the School of Business Admin-
istration, gave two lectures Mon-
day and Tuesday in Washington,
D.C. to a group of accountants for
the U.S. Navy.
Members of the group of Naval
officers and civilians in the Bu-
reau of Supply and Accounting
are taking a special 13 weeks sem-
inar arranged by Professor
Schmidt. He has been a consult-
ant to the Navy to prepare the
curriculum for the seminar which
is designed to teach operation of
the Navy's own accounting system.
Prof. Schmidt, who taught Na-
val accounting at Harvard Univer-
sity during World War II, trained
the instructors teaching in the
Speech Clinic - Prof. Harlan
Bloomer, director of the Speech
Clinic, attended a meeting of the
American Academy of Pediatrics
in Toronto Monday and Tuesday.
Prof. Bloomer led a round table
discussion on "Speech Defects in
Children." Dr. Charles Struther,
professor of psychology at the
University of Washington, parti-
cipated in the discussion.
Prof. Bloomer and Dr. Struther
appeared as representatives of the
American Speech and Hearing As-
* * *
Elected Secretary-Miss Mildred
D. Webber, asstant to the direc-
tor of the Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information,
has been elected recording secre-
tary of the Internatinol Associa-
tion of Personnel Women.
The election took place at the
Association's founding meeting in
Cincinnati Saturday and Sunday,
October 20 and 21. t
Organized to bring together key
women in personnel work through-
out the United States, the Asso-
ciation will serve as the profes-
sional group for women in the
Mrs. Phyllis Stiles, women's per-
sonnel director of a national firm
in Cincinnati was elected presi-
4! * *
Board Member-Michael Church,
supervisor of the Extension Serv-
ice center at Saginaw, has been
elected a member of the Board of
Trustees of the Michigan Histori-
cal Society.
The election for a three-year
term took place at the society's
77th annual meeting in Detroit.
I 4m

.For Halloween
Students will have a unique
chance to travel from heaven to
hell and back again at the Inter-
national Student's Association
Hallowe'en dance, from 8:30 to 12
p.m. Saturday at the Rackham
Lecture Hall.
The theme for the costume
dance wil center around the idea
of Dante's Divine Comedy, with
the center of the hall serving as
purgatory, the right annex, hell
and the left annex, heaven.
In order to secure entrance
from purgatory to either heaven
or hell, students must tell the
guardian of the gates their rea-
sons for seeking admission.
An Angel and the devil will be
posted at the gates to judge upon
the answers and permit or refuse
Decorations will be of abstract
design, with purgatory being a
reflection of reality, hell a vision
of ugliness and heaven being
everything of the beautiful, ac-
cording to George Petrossian,
grad., who is in charge of the
In addition to the dancing, a
floor show wil be presented and
refreshments servel. Prizes will
be awarded for the funniest andI
most unusual costumes.
The idea of the deviation from
the customary American pumpkin
and witches version of hallowe'en
came from Erika Fritzen, a stu-
dent from Germany who said that
the party theme and Hallowe'en
in Germany have much in com-
Tickets may be purchased at the
International Center tea tomorrow


* * *
Kananen - Jobin
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kananen
of Hubbell, Mich. have announced
the engagement of .their daughter,
Luella, to Lawrence Jobin, son of
Mr. and and Adelord Jobin of
Lake Linden, Mich.
Miss Kanenen, a senior in the
education school, and Mr. Jobin,
who is employed in Flint, are
planning a June wedding.

Internationals Residents of Cheever House
To Hold Dance ;Announce Engagements, Plans

Stasewick - Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Leonty M. Stase-
wick of Hazel Park have an-
nounced the engagement of their
daughter, Roseann, to Richard H.
Gregory, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn S. Gregory of Berkley,
Miss Stasewick is a junior in
the education school and Mr.
Gregory is serving with the Army
No date has been set for the
Patrick - Stafford
The engagement of Joan Pat-
rick to John Stafford, Jr. has been
announced by Miss Patrick's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pat-
rick of Marlette, Mich.
Miss Patrick, a senior in the
jmusic school, is a member of Sig-
ma Alpha Iota, honorary music
sorority, and Senior Society.
Mr. Stafford, a senior in the
engineering college, is a member
of the American Society of Elec-
trical Engineers.
The couple is planning K June
Rea DalyClsied

* * *
Residents of Adelia Cheever
were greeted by three new engage-
ments when they returned from
their summer vacations.
Proudly displaying their rings
and making arrangements for
coming weddings are Luella Kana-
nen, Roseann Stasewick and Joan
Patrick. , .

Committee Members
Seek Campus Opinion
About "Biggest Dance'
Wanted - opinions from com-
menters and complainers on the
bands which will be chosen to
play at the 1953 J-Hop.
Students will have an opportun-
ity to voice their opinions on this
annual controversial subject to-
morrow when ballot boxes are
placed at various points on cam-
pus. The J-Hop committee asks
students to list their first three
choices for the two bands which
provide music at "the biggest
dance of the year."
Ballot boxes will be located at
the General Assembly, Angell Hall,
Union, Engineering Arch and
League. The boxes will be placed
on large J-Hop posters.
The central committee for the
dance, which is held between se-
mesters, inclules Dave Tinkham,
chairman; Janet Gast, programs;
Beth Smiley, decorations; Sue
Craig, building and grounds; Bob
Steinberg, music; Lou Zako, fi-
nance; Sally Gnau, booths; Ruth
Oldberg, publicity and Mary Boos
and Mary Suino, tickets.


Panhel Sponsors Inter-State
Ticket Service on Bus Lines

Homecoming brings with it
many 'traditions-one of which is
the annual Mud Bowl game.
Saturday the Phi Delts and
SAE's will each send forth their
strongest eleven to battle for foot-
ball victory in their trdditional
gridiron battle.
Half-time will present a variety
of entertainment. There will, of
course, be a marching band, and
to provide that always interesting
aspect-feminity-Collegiate Sor-
osis and Kappa Alpha Theta will
strike for victory in a soccer ball
game. .
As a climax to the half, a Mud
Bowl queen mill be chosen.
This year, as a new feature, the
game is being played as a charity
benefit. There will be an oppor-
tunity for all those attending the
game to contribute to the March
of Dimes campaign.
rFC is sponsoring this charity

j w o--- 5'w %%# #d U r \, w v iE \r W! U U W\, A

Time has rolled around again
for the annual awards for scholar-
ship and talent, all of which will
be announced at Assembly's yearly
Fortnight celebration, held at 7:30
p.m., November 8, in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre of the
Originally the summation of
two weeks' ceremonies, including
recognition night, installation of
house presidents and the Fort-
night skits, all these have been
combined into one big celebration.
* * *
IN PREVIOUS years the title of
the theme has been kept secret,
but due to someone's slip, Central
Committee says, it is pretty gen-
eral knowledge that this year's
night will bear the title "Bells
and Bows."
The skits of the dormitories
and League houses are suppos-
edly kept secret until they are
seen. by the rest of the women.
They supply the source of a
good deal of rivalry.
This year special awards will be
given for highest scholarship, both
individual and house.
PRIZES THIS year for the skits
include a cup to the house or

dormitory that takes first place
and plaques to winners of second
and third places. In years be-'
fore, only a cup was given for first
Something new has been add-
ed in the form of a door prize.
Central Committee feels that it
is something that any co-ed on
campus would be happy to re-
Master of ceremonies for the
evening will be Alberta Cohrt and
Anita Hoert, both members of the
Central Committee of Assembly.
All big sisters have been re-
quested to take their little sitsers
to the performance. By this me-
thod, Assembly hopes to get more
of the upper classmen out and to
cement relations between big and
little sisters.
Members of he Central Commit-
tee are as follows: General Chair-
man, Lyla Beck; decorations, Le-
nore Orsolek and Evelyn Mala-
wista; publicity, Janet Campbell
and Doris Hawthorne; skits, Sue
Alderman. Completing the list
are Della Galloway, patrons; Liesl
Ellenbogen, awards; Gwen Dorn,
Dance Meeting
There will be a meeting of
the Modern Dance Club at 7:30
p.m. today 'in Barbour Dance
Advice on Stains


Michigan Panhellenic Associa-
tion is sponsoring a booth for the
purpose of selling bus tickets on
both local and out of state lines.
Previously tickets are sold only
by the Union on campus. Al-
though the Union is still selling
the tickets, they sell only on local
* * *
BARB ELLIOTT, vice president
of Panhel Board, and chairman of
this project, has stated that she
and the Board feel that the booth
will be a profitable enterprise.
Coeds have signed up to sell
the tickets and were instructed
in the art of selling by two
agents of well known bus com-
However, the coeds found that
selling was a more complicated
business than they had anticipat-
ed, and they are keeping the
phone number of a local company
handy in case of any question
that might arise.
SINCE THE booth was started
only a short time ago, Miss Elliott
has found it difficult to estimate
an expected profit.
According to the agents, most
of the business can be expected
just before the holidays, al-
though a standing number of
tickets will be sold each week-
Panhellenic operates the busi-
ness on a commission basis, receiv-

ing a commission from every tick-
et sold.
The women working on the
booth also receive a commission
for their selling time.
Panhel Board expects the bus
route to be changed to go by the"
League soon, since at the present
time it does not.
The booth is located in the
League lobby and is open from 9
a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday
through Saturday. At other times
tickets may be, purchased in the
Undergraduate Office of th e

plus tax fr .

Ia Ca a
Featuring Genuine
Salad, Rolls, Coffee

LET OUR TWENTY YEARS of experience help you to select for
your party the favors and programs that will properly reflect the
theme and atmosphere that you want to create.
ANTICIPATING YOUR NEEDS and placing your orders early
entitles you to a sizeable discount. Stop and see them at the
store, or phone if you wish to have a representative call. Either
way, there is never any obligation.
1319 S. University Phone 3--1733 c

a Specialty ! ! !


_ _


Our 5 experienced hair stylists'
welcome your patronage !!r
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I 11


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