THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN ANNUAL CAMPUS EVENT SALUTING SENIORS: Women Vie for Honors at Traditional Lantern Night Sing Freshmen Coed Requirements Include Year of Sports ACtivit Classes To Be Offered for Four Seasons On Beginner, Intermediate Skill Levels I * * * * * * * * Winning House Group Given Choral, Posture Sports Activity Cups There are many traditional events which take place on the University campus, and one of these is the annual Lantern Night Sing. This program,,honoring gradu- ating senior women, is presented by the Executive Board of the Wo- men's Athletic Association. LANTERN NIGHT, as it has come to be known on campus, i an outgrowth of a program which originated in 1913. This event was a women's field day on Palmer Field, and all coeds took part in various races and other activities. Later class stunts were participated in. The first line of march took place around Palmer Field in 1932. From this parade came the tradi- tion of Japanese Lanterns and hoops, which is responsible for the name Lantern Night. SENIORS CARRIED the lan- terns in the procession, while the junior women were provided with hoops through which the fresh- men jumped. At the close of the program the senior women who had led the line of march, presented theier lanterns to the juniors who in turn gave their hoops to the sophomores. From this origin came Lantern Night with allhits traditions and spirit, although the actual pro-' gram has gone through several variations to become what it is to- day. * * * . UNTIL THIS YEAR, festivities began with the traditional line of march of all women students to Hill Auditorium. The march was dispensed with this year and the event began in Hill Auditorium, where a skit showing festivities of the past, was put on before the singing. In the past the Michigan Marching Band led the parade from Angell Hall around the ori- ginal "40 acres" of the Univer- sity campus to the "mall" in front of the League. Following the band were the senior women dressed in their caps and gowns. Marching behind in order to escort the seniors to the sing were the junior women, wearing yellow bows in their hair to distinguish them from the sophomores with red bows and freshmen with green bows. * *-* AFTER THE procession, the main event of the evening took place. This part of the program was the beginning of festivties this year. Choral groups from wo- men's residences participate In a program of singing competition in Hill Auditorium. The chorus giving the best singing performance is awarded the first place cup, which has been won by Alpha Phi, Mosher Hall and Alpha Delta Pi in re- cent years. The recipient of the award this year was Kappa Kap- pa Gamma. A cup is also given to the wo- men's choral group having the best posture while singing. This award, which was given for the first time in 1948, is now held by Martha Cook. * * *S WAA AWARDS provide the fi- nal part of the Lantern Night pro- gram. A cup is awarded to the house having the highest partici- ption in athletics and certificates are given to the dormitory, sorority and league house having the high- est participation record in their divisions. This year Chi Omega received the Participation Cup, and Helen Newberry was honored with a certificate for participation in I - I INDIA ART SHOP Importers 3530 MAYNARD STREET Requirements for all women en- tering the University have been designed to help students develop interest and skill in physical edu- cation activities. A year of physical education is required of each freshman woman. This period is divided into four seasons, and one activity must be taken in each of the four seasons. * s * I The costume worn in activity classes consist of white cotton sport shirts, white or light blue shorts, tennis shoes and ankle socks. Slacks or jeans and sweat- ers may be worn when the weather demands. j PERSIAN PRINTS v BED SPREADS Y DRAPES to' WALL HANGINGS i JEWELRY s GIFTS z#' JAPANESE PRINTS ff=j _, ANNUAL EVENT--Kappa Kappa Gamma is shown giving their winning performance at this year's Lantern Night Sing in Hill Auditorium. Groups from nearly every coed residence on campus par- ticipate in the traditional song festivities which are sponsored by WAA. Awards were also presented to Martha Cook for the best posture during their performance and Chi Omega for the highest f participation in athletics during the school year. Three cups and several certificates were awarded to the winning houses. Co-recreation Groups To Expand This Year; Clubs To Include Dance, Outing, Ice Skating ONE SEASON must be devoted to rhythmic or dance activities which include modern d a n c e, square and social dance, American country dance and folk dance. This requirement is waived if training or instruction has been received prior to enrollment at the Univer- sity. Classes are offered on the be- ginning and intermediate skill levels. During the first season of the fall the student may elect one of the following activities: archery, field hockey, golf, out- ing, riding, soccer, tennis, volley- ball, folk dance, life saving, swimming or modern dance. Square and social dance, Ameri- can country dance, badminton, basketball, fencing, figure skating, life saving, modern dance, outing or posture, figure and carriage may be elected in the second fall season. * * * FOR THE FIRST spring season one of the following activities may be selected: American country dance, basketball, fencing, folk dance, figure skating, life saving, modern dance, outing, posture, fig- ure and carriage, swimming or rec- reational leadership, a course which is continued for the entire semester. The second spring season of- fers the following activities: archery, fly and bait casting, life saving, golf, lacrosse, outing, riding, soccer, speedball, tennis, modern dance or the continua- tion of recreational leadership. In order to determine her classi- fication for the sports program, each student is required to go through a thorough health exam- ination upon entrance to the Uni- versity. The examinations for freshman women entering in Sept. are held at Barbour Gymnasium during Orientation Week. * * * A PHYSICIAN and a physical education staff member together determine what limitations, if any, should be placed upon each stu- dent's physical education activi- ties. The ratings which are given indicate the intensity or the strenuousness of the activity rec- ommended for the student. Come to ANN ARBOR with Empty Suit Cases Buy your College Clothing in a favorite College Shop. insure yourself of the latest in Campus Fashions. / Ii- 7 -- e __ t ' ' r ,: d.;, :"' ,: :x '.' :".< : ; 's Co-recreation at the University has grown by leaps and bounds since it first began about four years ago. It started when the ballet and modern dance clubs saw that men were showing an interest in these activities, so the clubs took them in as members. * * * SHORTLY AFTER this, the ice skating club began taking male members, and in the fall of 1949 the folk and square dance club followed suit. With such a large number of men in these clubs, the need for co-recreational organization was soon realized, and so the position of co-recreation chairman was created. The position was ob- tained by the petitioning proce- dure, and this chairman was on the Women's Athletic Associa- tion board. Last spring, the first co-recrea- tion chairman, Barbara Moly- neaux, took a survey of all men and women on campus in order to find out what co-recreation vlubs they would like most to have organized. She found that outing, tennis, and bowling were most in demand. tion board which is separate from the WAA board. Instead of meeting wit hthe WAA board as they previously did, al Imana- gers of co-recreation clubs now meet with the co-recreation chairman. The chairman serves as the liaison between the WAA and the co-recreation clubs. Men on campus have shown such increasing . interest in co-recrea- tion that there are now five such clubs: ballet, modern dance, ice skating, folk and square dance and the Town and Country Club. The managers of the Town and Coun- try and ice skating clubs are men. Great plans are now being made for the 1951-52 year. Bowling will probably be the next activitiy to be organized under co-recreation. The board also hopes to take over the system of volleyball and badminton tournaments that the women's physical education staff have set up. Next year the Town and Country Club and other co-recreation clubs may enjoy the facilities of the University golf pourse and the new clubhouse. I' ' 4 DEPARTMENTAL OFFER: Physical Education Majors EligibleTo join Interest Club R CtC)iJS i'N On ihe Campus I 1 ' _ _ -____ _ , ....l.l..4... . . . . . .t5 V 445.. Y... 1!V"..! r..1.5::f.. 4... ...., r 5 ... . ..............1 ...........1 ... .. .f'>...h". 1V. . ..." .... ..f. ...'. . ... ...J ' .4 . XA..V :i:::i:':::f~ .f Physical education majors and minors have an excellent oppor- tunity to further their interests and activties by joining the Wo- men's Physical Education Club. This club has three purposes: first, to provide an opportunity for the development of leadership and nrmnt the s irit of cooneration; * pro * uu& e u*2 pII... pl) Ji. second, to promote closer student- AS A RESULT of this survey, faculty relationships and third, to the outing club, which is now further the interests and activities called the Town and Country Club, in the field of physical education. was organized. This year there is a co-recrea- the division of houses with over 100 residents, while Adelia Chee- ver took the certificate in the division of under 100 residents. Last year, eliminations were ini- tiated to avoid the unnecessary length of the Lantern Night pro- gram. It is the usual procedure that half of the group which par- ticipates in the eliminations is se- lected to participate in the annual sing. All entries in eliminations are eligible to receive the posture cup. IN ORDER to achieve these pur- poses, the club has a great many social functions as well as numer- ous business meetings. Each year they sponsor an all-campus facul- ty tea, open houses in the Wo- men's Athletic Building, and a faculty banquet for the faculty of the women's physical education department. Every other year the club holds a play day for high school students and one for college students in the alternate years. They have an opening picnic each fall to welcome the fresh- men and a closing picnic in the spring to honor the seniors. At the club's business meetings they often have notable people in the field of physical education as their speakers. These meetings are held in the Physical Education Club's lounge which is located in the basement of Barbour Gymna- sium. EACH FRESHMAN who joins this club immediately acquires a big sister, a sophomore who can help her little sister and acquaint her with the club's activities. The Physical Education Club puts out its own newspaper, which usually contains an article on a staff member, one on a stu- dent and various news items. Juniors and seniors have the privilege of wearing the navy blue blazer with the club's seal on it, and the navy blue shorts and white shirt. Dr. Bell is chairman of the wo- men's physical education depart- ment, ! ,ail "YOUR COLLEGE BOOKSTORE" WvOMEN'S GLEE CLUB University of Michigan announces FtALL TRY-OUTS NEW and USED STU DNT SUPPLIES Y MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th ..". 4-5 P.M. TUESDAY, SEPT. 25th ... 4-5 P.M., 7-9 P.M. A1 I r r^11 rA . rrr-rT-u-k A r- r- r1r-r .4n _A C r) A I 1111