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October 19, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-19

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,J'tr4 tgan

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See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LXII, No. 22


Undeclared War Continues over Suez Gan(








Senate OK's


British Sea,
Air Forces.
Sent to Zone




Tax Compromise
WASHINGTON--(P-A new compromise tax bill, making the
income tax boost just a little less, was passed quickly by the Senate
A voice vote in the Senate sent the modified revenue measure
back to the House and a vote there today. The Hose voted 203 to
157 Tuesday against the bill in its original form.
* s *
THE NEW BILL is estimated to raise $5,691,000,000 in new taxes,
compared with the estimated $5,732,000,000 in the previous one. In


most essentials, however, the

two measures are the same despite
--the $41,000,000 money difference.

Fails to old
Jessup Bid
Truman's nomination of Ambas
sador-at-Large Philip C' Jessu
as a delegate to the United Na
tions was voted down by a Senat
Foreign Relations subcommitte
yesterday, 3 to 2.
In the Senate, Republican;
quickly demanded that the issu
be settled once and for all by
floor vote.
* * *
ly stemmed from fears that if th
Senate itself does not act on th
nomination before Congress ad
journs, President Truman might
give Jessep a recess appointment
A Senate internal security
subcommittee has been investi-
gating alleged subversive influ-
ences on U.S. policy toward the
Far East.
Jessup, top adviser to Secretar;
of State Acheson, had been assail
ed by Senator McCarthy (R-Wis
and Harold E. Stassen.
Senators Gillette (D-Iowa), Brew
ster (R-Me.) and H. Alexande
Smith (R-N.J.). For him wer
Senators Sparkman (D-Ala.), th
subcommittee chairman, and Ful
bright, (D-Ark.)
The subcommittee's adverse
} recommendation' came as a
crushing blow to the State De-
partment which had fought
tooth-and-nail to support Jes-
sup and had carried on a run-
ning battle with Stassen, one of
Jessup's chief critics.
Unless the Senate acts on th
nomination, Truman could ignor
the subcommittee's vote and send
Jessup to the critical forthcoming
sessions of the United Nation
General Assembly. The Assembi
meets in Paris next month.
The ballot on Jessup was take
behind closed doors. At the same
time, the subcommittee voted 3 to
0 to confirm nine others nominat,
ed by Truman as UN delegates.
Legion Blasts
rU.S. Leadership
MIAMI-(')-A shouting, angry
Y American Legion convention yes.
terday demanded that the entire
State Department leadership be
During a stormy final session
marked by cries of "trickery" anc
"politics," a minority led by Mich-
ael L. Loony of Washington, D.C.
fought in vain to block the caustic
report by the Legion's foreign re-
lations committee.
The report said in part:
"To obtain the leadership re-
quired, we demand the immediate
removal of the present corps o1
leaders whose every action has re-
flected incompetency, indecision
and defeatism."
The convention elected Don R.
Wilson of Clarksburg, W. Va., as
National ,Commander succeeding
Erle Cocke, Jr., of Georgia. Mrs.
E. A. Campbell of Homer, La., was
elected president of the American
Legion Auxiliary.
'Two Blind Mice'
' T r dv 'Tn Rma qnld

If the House should pass the
bill today,. Congress probably
could adjourn Saturday until
January. If it turned it down
again, there is a possibility of
further delay or a special session
during the time now set aside
for vacation.
House leaders called their mem-
bers to meet at 10 a.m. CST today,
ready to vote on the bill. Its
chances appeared improved but it
still was not a certainty by any
MAIN CHANGES voted by the
1. There would be an increase
of 11 per cent, instead of 12'/2 per
cent, in the tax on the first $2,000
of surtax net income. It would
affect all income brackets, since
everyone pays the first surtax rate.
It would trim the proposed tax in-
crease on single persons as much
as $2 a year and on married couples
the reduction in the increase
would go up to $4 a year. Esti-
mated net loss in revenue: $68,-
2. The maximum effective
tax on long term capital gains,
by both individuals and corpora.
tions, would be increased from
the existing 25 per cent to 26
per cent. Estimated revenue
gain: $28,000,000~
3. July 1. 1951, instead of Jan.
1, 1952, would be the effective date
for a cut back in the excess profits
credit from 85 to 83 per cent. The
effect would be to make the credit
84 per cent, rather than 85, for
the calendar year 1951. Estimated
gain: $60,000,000, but for one year
Foreign Aid
Cut Five Per
Cent in Senate
ate made a 5 per cent cut in For-
eign Aid funds yesterday then
voted $7,208,401,400 for the de-
fense of countries allied with the
United States against threats of
Communist aggression.
Approval came on a roll call vote
of 57 to 13. Senator Johnston (D-
S.C.) joined 12 Republicans in op-
posing the measure.
It calls for $274,126,390 (M) less
than the amount voted by the
A Senate-House conference com-
mittee will get to work immediate-
ly ironing out the differences in
the two versions.
Most of the money will go for
military equipment - aircraft,
guns, tanks and other weapons.
And most of the money will be in-
vested in Western Europe, includ-
ing Yugoslavia.
The Foreign Aid bill is the big-
gest appropriations bill still to be
disposed of by Congress before it

Britons Victors
In BridgeBattle
CAIRO-(P)-British air-borne
and sea reinforcements moved on
the double-quick to the Suez yes-
terday after British tank forces
fought their first battle with
Egyptian Army troops and won
control cf a bridge in the grimly
disputed area.
A British Army spokesman said
a British truck carrying stores was
fired on, apparently by an auto-
matic weapon, between Ismailia
and Tel-el-Kebir. He said the driv-
er stepped on the gas and got
away without damage.
* * *
ported a British truck convoy had
been attacked similarly in that
area, but the spokesman said he
knew r othing about a convoy be-
ing involved.
Gen. Sir- Brian Robertson,
commander in chief of British
land forces in the Middle East,
was speeding back from London
by plane with new orders to re-
sist Egyptian ouster moves.
The British Navy headquarters
at Malta announced the third des-
troyer flotilla was due to arrive in
the Suez area today from the Per-
sian Gulf, and the Cruiser Gambia,
is about due at Port Said from the
Mediterranean side.
AIR-BORNE parachute troops
from Cyprus already have been
flown to the Suezrand another
contingent is being readied at Ti-
est for service in the Anglo-Egyp-
tian Sudan.
The first clash between Brit-
ish and Egyptian Army forces
was fought early Wednesday,
but news of it was held back un-
til yesterday by Egyptian cen-
sorship of wartime character.
In that action, British tank for-
ces seized El Ferdan bridge, which
crosses the canal about midway
between Port Said and Ismailia.
The British announced two Egyp-
tion soldiers were killed and five
wounded. No British losses were
El Ferdan is the link between
Egyptian forces on the Sinai Pen-
insula, the Asian part of Egypt,
and the main African body of the
The bridge is 15 miles north of
Ismailia, a canal control point
city, where seven Egyptians were
killed and 74 wounded in the initial
bloodshed Tuesday following Eg-
ypt's move to get rid of the Brit-
By The Associated Press
adopted and sent to the White
House late yesterday a joint reso-
lution ending the state of war
with Germany.
Passage was by voice vote. It had
received House approval last July.
* * *
Appropriations Committee last
night approved a $4,000,000,000
supplemental money bill alter
cutting off about $475,000,000 in
military construction funds.








U.S. Key to Free World-Barkley
- -------------<.* * * *

Sour Note
A group of Theta Delta Chi
members sang their way into
the Dean's office last night.
While serenading pajama clad
Delta Gamma sorority mem-
bers, the Theta Delta Chi men
were interrupted by the arri-
val of an Ann Arbor police
Scout car.
Two complaints from neigh-
bors had sent the officers to
the song-fest at the corner of
Church and Hill streets to en-
force a local "noise" ordinance.
The Theta Delt's were told to
report to Dean Rea's office at
10 a.m. today.
Delta Gamma then struck up
with a hearty chorus of its own.
Police shined their spotlight on
the balcony for a while, then
left with the noise problem
more complicated than ever.
QUARTERS -- Chinese C o m -
munist forces w e rse reported
abandoning tottering Kumsong in
Central Korea yesterday before
advancing American and South
Korean ;troops now within sight
of that battered Red base.
On the western front, the last
Chinese positions under attack
fell almost 1without a shot to U. S.
First Cavalry division troops aft-
er 16 days of grinding batWe.
* * *
THESE TWIN successes round-
ed out Gen. James A. Van Fleet's
Eighth Army autumn offensive in
the, west and east a rosy glow
over the seven-day-old attack in
the center.
Allied oki'icers considered
Kumsong, 30 miles north of
Parallel 38, neutralized as, a
Communist base.
The U. S. Eighth Army com-
munique said Allied troops were
less than three miles south of
Kumsong. Two key points were
occupied in a 1,200 yard advance.
Whether the Allies dart forward
and occupy the city or pause to
consolidate their lines. Kumsong
no longer could be uoed by the
Reds as a supply and concentra-
In the west Allied infantry
drove against Chinese hill bunk-
ers, expecting the usual torrent
of fire and steel in return.
Instead, there was hardly a,
shot. Red resistance had sudden-
ly melted,





Veep Cites
The} United States must con-{
tinue to expand the horizons ofI
democracy if there is to be hope
for the free peoples of the world,
Vice-President Alben W. Barkley
declared here last night.
Speaking to a packed house at
Hill Auditorium, the vice-presi-
dent opened the 98th Oratorical
Lecture Series with a non-political
address, "The Crossroads of De-
CITING the United States as
the best example of democracy yet
put into effect, Mr. Barkley traced
the growth of the democratic ideal,
within and outside of the boun-
daries of the nation.
"Since the Constitution was
first ratified, the people, by grad-
ual processes brought on by edu-
cation and information, have
strengthened our democracy
with revisions," he remarked.
"And along with the internal
changes has gone a growth and
gradual extension of the frontiers
of democratic institutions."
The Monroe Doctrine he cited
as a policy of "intelligent self-
interest." As it guaranteed demo-
cratic institutions for our neigh-
bors to the south, so it strengthen-
ed our own interests and the in-
stitutions of democracy, he said.
* * *
NOTING that the nation has
grown strong along with its insti-
tutions, the vice-president related
the need for strong government to
modern expansion.
"The very complexities of our
lives makes it necessary for
democratic theories and institu-
tions to be modified," he assert-
ed. "The government must have
the strength to truly be the
agent and servant of the people."
Economics and politics Mr. Bark-
ley cited as two sciences which
function together. "Good govern-
ment and good economics go hand-
See BARKLEY, Page 2
HIST Remains

... strictly "non-political"
U.S. D elegation Expects
Soviet Peace Move at Paris
WASHINGTON-P)-American delegates are getting ready for
the Paris meeting of the Unitel Nations General Assembly next month
in the expectation that Soviet Russia will make a new "world peace"
Diplomatic officials said yesterday that the manner in which
Russia rebuffed the recent American proposals for action to bring
* * * OCabout a Korean armistice make it

Tb 'ee-Mile J
Zone Gets :
Red Sanction
Allies Claim
'Nice Progress'
MUNSAN, Korea - (R) - The
Communists late last night ac-
cepted a Untied Nations compro-
mise proposal for security zones
of three mile radius around Mun-
san and Kaesong.
T h e Communist acceptance
cleared a big roadblock in the way
of renewed truce talks.
THE REDS also scaled down
their demand for a three-mile cor-
ridor between the two headquar-
ters of the respective truce dele-
They said they would agree
to a two-mile attack-free corri-
dor to Janmunjom from Mun-
san and Kaesong.
Col. Andrew J. Kinney, senior
allied liaison officer, informed
newsmen of these developments
immediately after yesterday's one
hour and 45 minute session.
"We made very nice progress *
Kinney said. "I think it is going
to work out."
THE FEELING at this UN com-
mand advance headquarters was
that the long disrupted armistice
talks were close to resumption,
possibly within a few days.
TWO OTHER issues still clog
the conference path.These are
the right of Allied planes to fly
over neutral areas and Allied re-
sponsibility for Korean partisan
activity within security zones.
But they were not expected to
prove as difficult to solve as
the size of security zones.
The meeting opened at 11 a.m.
(9 p.m. today, Ann Arbor time),
one hour later than scheduled be-
cause fog fore j the Aled group
to travel fr4mn Munsan- to P-
ni rjom by jeep istead nf heli-
Student Clears
Stand on India,
Pakistan Crisis
Mohammed Sulaiman, president
of the Pakistan Students Associa-
tion, said last night that he wished
to correct any false impres;ons
which mayhave been drawn from
his statement in yesterday's issue
of The Daily on the assassination
of Liaquat Ali Khan.
Any implication that India was
directly involved in the murder of
the Pakistani prime minister had
been unintentional, Sulaiman ex-
WHILE ANY possibility deserved
consideration, Sulaiman went on,
there is no concrete evidence to
support the theory of Indian in-
stigation of the killing.
"Actually," the Pakistani stu-
dent said, "Liaquat Ali Khlan
was regarded in India as a
steadying and moderating in-
fluence as far as India-Pakistan
relations were concerned.
"He would be the last person
India would have wished to see
removed in the present critical
stage of the Kashmir dispute,"
Sulaiman said.
India was brought into the slay-
ing, Sulaiman pointed out, when

it became known that the assassin
was an Afghan tribesman.

Kirk Hints U.S.,
Red Troubles
MOSCOW-(P)-Russians said
yesterday U. S. Ambassador Alan
G. Kirk had dropped "rather
strange hints" about some possible
difficulty between Russia and the
United States if Korean armistice
talks end in failure.
They used the word "nepriyat-
nosti," which can be translated as
trouble or unpleasantness. How-
ever, it can often mean something
considerably stronger than either
trouble or unpleasantness
In Washington, a State Depart-
ment spokesman said last night
the Russians had "misused" and:
"distorted" the words Kirk used
to them in making public the Sov-
iet version of what the Ambassa-
dor said.

Silent on


WASHINGTON - (A') - Presi-_
dent Truman said todey his deci-
sion whether to seek reelection
will be made public when he
deems it politically expedient.
He indicated this would not be
before mid-January.

almost certain that a major new
Moscow move is in the making.
* * *
THEY LOOI for one or more
of these Soviet proposals:
1. A "peace pact" among the
Big Five Powers--the United
States, Russia, Britain, France
and Communist China. The So-
viet bloc has been urging this
in recent weeks. The West,
holding that the UN is the prop-
er agency for peace; has shown
no interest in the idea.
2. A new meeting of the Big
Four Foreign Ministers to take up
east-west disputes which previous
sessions failed to settle.
3. Revival of plans for world
disarmament and atomic control--
again minus the provisions which
the UN has insisted on to assure
compliance. Premier Stalin hint-
ed the interest of Moscow in this,
in his October 6 announcement
that Russia had set off an atomic
President Truman forecast yes-
terday that the U. S. will respond
t;c any new. Soviet prop., ,al with
caumlon. He told his news con-
ference that he stands by his
statement that an agreement with
Moscow is not worth the paper it
is written on.
SL Petitions
Dune in Today
All tiinej nrna nt4 f


Arts Theatre To Open Second Season Today


With a year of successful arena-
type productions behind them and-
a promising cast and adventure-
some program ahead, the Arts
* Theater Club will open their cur-'
rent season tonight with the
American premiere of Jean-Jac-
ques Bernard's "The Sulky Fire."
French playwright Bernard has
i..Ann a lrnrisnmirmo ant '

* * *

Fire" is notable for its simplicity,
intimacy, and lack of theatricality.
Director Strowan Robertson ex-
"Because of its author's in-
flurntial position in contempor-
ary drama, the play, at the same
time, satisfies the goals of ex-
p.! nment and pioneering which
have occome reauirements of

* * *

Vassar and the University of Illi-
nois, will appear as Blanche Mer-
in. The role of a neighbor wo-
man, Jeanne, will be handled by
Paulle Karell, a Canadian actress
who has experienced drama inI
every phase-on the stage, in ra-
dio, motion picture, and televi-

o . o W' ~

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