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October 18, 1951 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-18

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'Big-Timer' Sparks New Play

Rise in Cost of Living
Hits University Campus

Gets Date... for Picture

A Canadian actress who is used
to everything from life in the
wilds of Northern Alberta to ap-
pearances under TV lights with
Jimmy Durante stopped off in
moderate Ann Arbor one day last
summer and decided to stay.
Enroute to New York where fu-
ture television appearances for
well-paying but typed roles were
scheduled, Paulle Karell visited the
Arts Theater Club with a friend
who had an appointment to read
for the group. Within the da'y,
both Miss Karell and friend Bar-
bara Loudnes were recruited.
* * *
A TALK with Arts Theater
member, Strowan Robertson con-
vinced Miss Karell that this
theater-in-the-round club could
offer what she considers the three
requisites to successful drama pro-
duction: "time to rehearse, an in-
telligent, appreciative audience,
and the opportunity to be more
truthful than technical."
Now settled as a regular mem-
ber of Arts Theater, Miss Karell
will make her first Ann Arbor
appearance tomorrow, depicting
an earthy French peasant wo-
man in Jean-Jacques Bernard's
"The Sulky Fire."
Miss Karell's theory is a result
of much study and participation in
the drama field, packed into so
short a period that it is obvious
why she now regards- rehearsal
time as a luxury.
A LIST of Miss Karell's early
acting experiences reads some-
thing like an itinerary of eastern
Canada. Born into a family of
Royal Canadian Mounties and
raised in Hudson Bay posts in Al-
berta, drama became her first in-
terest in early high school days.
"I consider the starting point
in my career to be a drama
scholaxiship to the Banff School
of Fine Arts in Banff, Alberta,"
she says.
After study here she joined the
Players Club at the University of
British Columbia in Vancouver.
Radio shows for the Canadian
Broadcasting Company and one
and a half years of touring with
the Canadian Repertoire Group
also centered her interests around
WORK IN QUEBEC followed.


* * *
In Montreal, Miss. Karell toured
with another repertoire company
and appeared in half-hour and
hour dramatic radio shows. The
Canadian National Film Board,
producers of documentary movies,
directed her first film ventures.
With a variety of acting medi-
ums now at her command, Miss
Karen switched her stage to
New York. Under John O'-
Shaughnessy of "Command De-
cision" fame, she studied pro-
fessional acting in the American
Theatre Wing.
Under cameras and hot lights,
she did modeling work and later
made her television debut. Appear-
ing in such shows as "Studio One"
and Kraft Theatre and with come-
dians Jimmy Durante, Ed Wynn,
and Jack Carson, she formed a
concise opinion of television. "It
pays well in money, but gives lit-
tle in artistic satisfaction."
Summer stock performances in
New Hampshire and Lincoln,
Nebraska, won Miss Karell the cri-

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tics' acclaim. At a stepped-up pace
of one show a week, she jumped
from the role of Portia in "The
Merchant of Venice" to Cornelia
in "Our Hearts Were Young and
Gay," and to a favorite neurotic
part in the thriller, "Angel
Grads Offered
By Committee
Fellowships are now available to
pre-doctoral and post-doctoral
students interested in the applica-
tion of mathematics to the social
sciences, according to Prof. Clyde
H. Coombs, chairman of the inter-
disciplinary committee.
This committee has been or-
ganized as part of a research pro-
ject and a new inter-disciplinary
program now under way in an ef-
fort to cognate training in mathe-
matics and the behavioral sciences.
The fellowships will come from
part of a $300,000 fund donated by
the Ford Foundation and will be
awarded by the committee which
consists of one member from each
of five departments-Prof. Coombs
of the psychology department,
chairman; Prof. Robert M. Thrall
of the mathematics department;
Prof. Irving M. Copi of the philo-
sophy department; Prof. Ronald
Freedman of the sociology depart-
ment and Prof. Daniel B. Suits of
the economics department.
As part of the program the
mathematics department has es-
tablished a new course called
math for social scientists. Similar
classes have been innovated in
two of the other four departments
to provide cognate training for
mathematicians and students in
the behavioral sciences.
Concurrently Prof. Thrall and
Prof. Coombes have a research
contract with the Office of Naval
Research to study the mathema-
tics of measurement by partial or-
dering which has already yielded
some new experimental techniques
for sociologists and psychologists.
Mimes Appoints
Script Committee
Professors Kenneth T. Rowe and
Marvin Felheim, both of the Eng-
lish department, Bob Chesebro,
'52, president of Mimes, and Jim
Yobst, '52, have been selected to
judge the scripts submitted for
the Union Opera.
The group, chosen yesterday by
the Union Opera Executive Com-
mittee, has the responsibility of
awarding $100 to the prize-win-
ning playwright.
Although the deadline was Oct.
15, late scripts may be submitted
to Yobst for a limited time. His
phone is 2-9943.+
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds

Spiraling inflation is having its
impact on the University and the
students are feeling it.
In the light of comparative fig-
ures just released by the Univer-
sity, students are now paying, on
the average, nearly 60 per cent
more for their room and board
than in 1939. In this span of 12
years, tuition rates have also gone
ETS Releases
Law School
Test Schedule
The Law School Admission Test
required of applicants for admis-
sion to a number of leading Amer-
ican law schools, will be given on
the mornings of November 17,
1951, February 23, April 26, and
August 9, 1952 according to the
Educational Testing S e r v i c e,
Princeton, N.J.
A candidate iust make separ-
ate application for admission to
each law school of his choice and
should inquire of each school whe-
ther it wishes him to take the test.
Since many law schools select
their freshman classes in the
spring preceding their entrance,
candidates for admission to next
year's clases are advised to take
either the November or the Feb-
ruary test, if possible.
The test, features objective
questions measuring verbal apti-
tudes and reasoning ability rather
than acquired information.
Bulletins and applications for
the test should be obtained four
to six weeks in advance of the de-
sired testing date from Educa-
tional Testing Service, P.O. Box
592, Princeton, N.J. Completed ap-
plications must be received at
least ten days before the desired
testing date in order to allow ETS
time to complete the necessary
testing arrangements for each
Guild To Hear
A leadership training workshop
will be sponsored by Inter-Guild
from 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday at Lane
Hall, with Jack Petherbridge, re-
gional secretary of the student
Y.M.C.A. as main speaker.
The annual workshop will be in
the form of a speech by Pether-
bridge entitled "The Impact of
Guilds on Campus Through Their
Individual Members," followed by
discussions in specialized groups.
In addition to these specialized
discussions guild members may
meet with Petherbridge and Dr.
Edward Groesbeck to continue a
discussion on the topic of the ad-
The Workshop is open to all
guild members this year, rather
than just council members, as has
been the case previously.
Objectives of the workshop are
to train leaders and provide ideas
for cooperative working and un-
derstanding among members.
Inter-guild is made up of repre-
sentatives of eight of the primary
Protestant student groups on cam-
pus, working together to accom-
plish projects which could not be
done by the individual guilds.
Other activities sponsored by
the group are The World Student
Day of Prayer, weekend retreats,
social activities and work projects.

up considerably and general fees
have been hiked.
* * *
with the sharp rise in the cost of
living in general, are making a
degree from this institution a pret..
ty expensive thing.
University officials have gen-
erally blamed the "vicious in-
flation cycle" for the jacked-up
rates. They contend that in-
creased salary scales, increased
cost of fuel, maintenance, food
and other supplies have forced
the University to raise its tui-
tion and room and board rates.
Administrators also point out
that present rates will probably re-
main the same, but indications are
that they may be increased in the
ACCORDING TO the released
figures, back in 1939, the average
room and board rates per year was
$393.99. Now it's up to $627.34. This
represents a hike of $1.00 per day
that each student is paying.
Resident tuition rates have
also shown a steady increase. In
the literary college, rates have
risen from $55 per semester in
1939 to $75 this fall. Outstate
tuition has risen from $75 to
$200, signifying that outstaters
are bearing the brunt of the
tuition hikes.
Other 1939-1951 resident tuition
figures are: engineering college,
$60 to $75; Law School, $70 to
$105; and Medical School, $110 to
* * * '
AT ANY RATE, the present cost
of living for a University student
is a far cry from what one could
get by on 30 years ago.
In 1921, a student might be
paying weekly only $6.50 for
board, $5.00 for room, and $60
per semester tuition. But this
was in the "good old days."
In the good older days, 1893 for
instance, one could live and study'
on campus withi an extremely low
bank account. In one student di-
ary, dated Oct., 1893, Lewis Hill
recorded -that he payed $55 per
year fortuition, $40 for room, and
$79 for board. His total expenses
for that year were only $300.
In 1875, another University stu-
dent, George Carmen, '78, listed
his expenses as $20.2 per month.
This included $10.70, board; $3.50,
room; $1.58, wood; and $4.30, mer-
chandise. Tuition for Carmen was
only $10 per semester. Shave and
a haircut-two bits.
Civic Theater
Opens Season
The Ann Arbor Civic Theater
will bring up the curtain on the
first production of its sixth sea-
son when it presents "Life With
Mother" at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow in
the Lydia Mendelssohn- Theater.
The sixteen actors and direc-
tor, Ted Heusel have spent a
total of 500 hours in rehearsals
plus the time spent at home
learning their parts. Another 500
hours were consumed in erecting
and painting stage sets at the
Burns Park Log Cabin, Civic The-
ater headquarters.
"Life With Mother" is written
by Howard Lindsay and Russel
Grouse. It conceins the same
family that Clarence Day drama-
tizra in "Life WIGh Father."

-Daily-Myles Gray
RENDEZVOUS-Taking an appointment for a senior picture,
Gordy Hyde, '54, signs up Peg Blackford, '52, who he found in
the wreckage of Haven Hall.
'Ensian Arlnounees Last Call

F or Piet ure A
The "Big Push" is on for senior
picture appointments according to
Dave Palmer, general sales mana-
ger of the 'Ensian.
Every dormitory, league house,
co-op house, fraternity, and soror-
ity house on campus will be can-
.U' President
Will Appear
On TV Sunday

SRA Plans
Work Camp
An opportunity for students to
participate in an experiment in
international working is being pro'
vided by a series of three intercul-
tural weekend work camps spon.
sored by the Student Religious As-
A group of students of all na-
tionalities, uitures and interests
will undertake the repairing of a
youth hostel located near Dexter
on the weekends of Oct. 20, Oct.
27 and Nov. 3.
Although a nucleus of workers
has been formed, the group is far
from complete and any students
interested in working in an in-
ternational atmosphere are in-
vited to attend, according to Don-
David Lusterman, chairman of the
Social Action Department of SRA,
which is planning the project.
4 * * .
AS THERE will be no chairman
for the outings, work will be the
only binding force in the group.
It will be left entirely to the parti.
cipants themselves to organize and
work out the situation, providing
a unique opportunity for a work
experiment conducted by a com-
pletely diversified group.
"Through this project we hope
to give an opportunity for peo-
ple of varied orientations to
come together in a spirit of co-
operation and accomplish a mu-
tual purpose," Lusterman said.
"From this single orientation we
hope to gain an understanding
of one another's attitudes and to
integrate these various atti-
Among the tasks to be accom-
plished by the group arputting
lumber on the inside walls of the
hostel, painting and minor con-
All students who are interested
in attending the work camp any
of the three weekends are asked to
contact Lusterman at Lane Hall
as soon as. possible.

vased in an attempt to contact
all seniors who have yet to make'
their picture sittings, Palmer said.
Oct. 24 is the deadline for appoint-..
ments, he added.
Besides this canvasing, the 'En-
sian staff has set up positions on
campus at which seniors may
sign up during the day.
Any senior who is not reached
during this drive may make his
appointment during the week
from 2-5 p.m. at the Ensian office
in the Student Publications Build-
Seniors who have failed to re-
turn their proofs are also urged
by Palmer to do so immediately.
Proofs are being accepted at the
Publications Bldg. from 8:30 a.m.
to 5 p.m.





SAT., OCT. 20
8:30 50c


BOB ELLIOT T & Orchestra




rounds up
the best values

The Folktale Puppet Studio of Norwich, Vermont
Pattengill Auditorium Children 35c
Sat., Oct. 20-10:30 and 1:30 Adults 50c

New Recordings of Fine Liturgical Music




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Vienna Akademiechor and Soloists-
Vienna Symphony under Klemperer
Purcell Performing Society
National Gallery Orchestra
National Presbyterian Church Choir


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Vox 7060

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Pardner, here's value for you!
Take gabardine like you seldom
see-lustrous, luxurious.
long-wearing. Tailor it deftly.
style it the famous Don Richards
way-in the young-minded
Flexo-Lounge. And what do you
get? Come in-you'll see!

7 14
7:30 P.M.-Rallies
Freshmen-Hill Auri ste

1:00 P.M.-Bands will march
from dorms to League.

Vienna Akademiechor and Soloists
Vienna Symphony under Grossmann


MOZART: MASS IN F, K.192 Lyr. LL 18
Salzburg Mozarteum Chorus and Orchestra

BACH: CANTATAS No. 51 and No. 189
Stuttgart Choral Society

Ren. X35



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4 r--71 zl-l n r







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