THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1951 I I I DORIS FLEESON: Jessups E.Appointment WASHINGTON-The senate is ducking its responsibility for voting Ambassador Philip Jessup up or down as a delegate to the United Nations. One-third of the senators have gone home and the number of absentees is ex- pected to increase as the week wears on. Party leaders believe, either by direct check or grapevine rumor, that at least 10 Democrats oppose the nomination. In this group they put Senators Byrd, Ro- bertson, Smathers, Holland, McCarran, Smith of North Carolina, Eastland, Mc- Clellan, Stennis and Hoey.They would ex- pect to pick up only a few Republicans to offset this loss. Others have agreed to suppoort Jessup but have asked that the matter be dropped. Ma- jority leader McFarland feels as of now that he has no choice but to agree to it. When senators are asked if Jessup can represent this country at an international conference with the equivalent of a scotch "not proven" verdict against him, they duck. The fact is that they are tired, fractious, fed up; they are-not for the first time-also obstinate. Jessup is a political load they won't assume period. Harold Stassen may claim a victory in all this; perhaps he can so persuade peo- ple, but his anti-Jessup activities have not added to his stature in the capitol. On both sides of the aisle, Senators cynically suggest that he must be running for vice- president on a Taft ticket. Reporters credit him with inventing the doctrine of guilt by assertion and have various de- risive labels for him. The Senate's refusal to act, if it continues, will return to the State Department and White House the responsibility for a solu- tion. So far senators have not indicated any desire to deprive the President of the right to give Jessup an interim appointment. Some of his foes would like that solution; they can then still clamor about him. The State Department, however has can- celed a scheduled briefing of the UN dele- gation until it gets a final answer. It is said there that the Jessup experience, knowledge and dialectical skill cannot easily be replac- ed. But the Senate's refusal to act puts State in an awkward position. It has been suggested that no vote be sought on any of the delegates but that all be given interim appointments. This would appear to assume that none of the other members of the United Nations an read or write and so will not realize wat really happened. The delegation deserves, if it is to be effective, better backing than that. Its morale is not going to be too good at best; Jessup is a favorite with his col-. leagues and they are nothappy over what is happening to him. A few senators concede that all this is highly unsatisfactory and they have tried to spur their colleagues into acting. Senator Sparkman, Democrat, chairman of the sub- committee holding hearings on the nomina- tion and Senator Hickenlooper, Republican, are among them .But it appears to be one struggle which naught availeth. After near. ly a year of continuous session, the senate is headed for the stable and it is not listening to arguments it doesn't want to hear. (Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: HARLAND BRITZ Ii'I ICURRENT MOVIES At The Michigan .. . MARK OF THE RENEGADE, with Ri- cardo Montalban and Cyd Charisse. MADE AFTER the model of its myriad pre- decessors; MGM's latest swashbuckler has arrived in town, appropriately mounted in Technicolor. Give it about three bells for vim, vigor, and vitality, and a small jingle for everything beyond. Laid in California in the days before Sutter and statehood, it manages to em- body all the old cliches and suggest a few new ones before the fine hilt-holding hand of Senor Montalban sets everything to rights. But its movement is swift, its at- mosphere bright, and except for a dirty trick at the end, its plot is tolerable. In fact, by the time villain Gilbert Roland tastes the steel of Montalban's sword, and heroine Cyd Charisse claims the whole of his passions, a century of law and order seems like a rather dreary recompense. Montalban delivers the heroics with grace and nonchalance. He is possibly the least embarrassed member of the cast with the fancy Sabatini dialogue. Miss Charisse is not so much at ease, but dances prettily on the marble patio. George Tobias and J. Carroll Naish furnish comic relief. Add native customs of infinite future pos- sibility: female bedwarmers provided with every hotel room. -Bill Wiegand II i "Get Thai Thing Out Of he Way!" MATTER OF' FACT By JOSEPH ALSOP TAA DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WASHINGTON-In the person of ex- Democratic Chairman William Boyle, one of the minnows of the politics-business- government game has now been success- fully served up, deep fat fried, on a sizzling platter. It is very odd indeed, however, that no one at all seems to be fishing for the trout and the salmon. Previous reports in this space have al- ready indicated that one first rate fish- ing ground is the Federal Power Com- mission. But anglers might do even better to try the Office of Alien Property, in the Department of Justice, where they run the businesses seized in war-time from the Germans and other enemy nationals. The case of General, Aniline and General Dyestuffs, two inter-connected, formerly German chemical corporations which cur- rently make profits of $7,000,000 a year, is an interesting illustration of the money to be made by knowing the right people. Back in the war years, when Leo Crowley was made Alien Property Custodian, almost his first act was to throw out the former man- agement of General Aniline and General Dyestuffs. In those days, Crowley was close to Victor Emmanuel, the financier who is as much a politician-fancier as he is a horse- fancier. Naturally the new management in- stalled by Crowley was Emmanuel-domi- nated. * * * ONE OF THOSE who benefitted by this happy transformation was another Em- manuel man, the former Secretary of De- fense, Louis A. Johnson. Although presum- ably fully engaged and even overburdened by his duties as a Washington lawyer with a large and lucrative political practice, John- son was named President of General Dye- stuffs at a salary of $50,000 a year. Possibly Johnson was able to earn his salary wtihout undue strain because General Dyestuffs is mainly an incorporated patent pool, mak- ing no grave demands on its officers. From 1942 until 1947, Johnson drew his $50,000 a year with pleasing regularity. Then in 1947 Howard Hughes threw Jack Frye out of the presidency of Transconti- nental and Western Air Corporation. The unfortunate Frye had always been a gen- erous contributor to the Democratic party, and was personally close to the then. Democratic chairman, the late Robert Hannegan. A place had to be found for him. So the former president of General Aniline was dismissed to outer darkness. Johnson was removed from the presidency of General Dyestuffs. And Frye was com- fortably installed in' both jobs, from which he is now drawing $97,000 a year. Meanwhile, the former General Counsel of General Aniline and General Dyestuffs was also pushed off the gravy train, and Steptoe and Johnson, Louis Johnson's law firm, grandly stepped aboard. Johnson must have been more than consoled for his loss at General Dyestuffs by this new appointment as General Counsel of the two companies. In 1948, Steptoe and Johnson drew a cool $67,- 000 from General Aniline and $25,000 from General Dyestuffs; in 1949 the consolidated fee was $87,000, and in 1950, $84,000. These large lawyer's fees have a rather special interest, since the battalions of pub-. licly salaried attorneys in the Justice De- partment's Alien Property Office do a very large part of the legal work for the corpora-1 tions under the office's control. There is in- terest also in the reports that Louis Johnson is graciously destined to be ultimate buyer of the two companies, instead of Victor Em- manuel as first planned. * * * BUT EVEN IF Johnson does not end by gaining control of these huge and pro- fitable properties, he ought. at any rate to feel that he has done pretty well so far. He and his law firm had received from General Aniline and General Dyestuffs just about half a million dollars by the end of 1950, and Steptoe and Johnson are still on the payroll. This makes the wretched Boyle look a min- now indeed. In the Alien Property Office there are other curious cases, such as that of the small company which William ' Siskind, brother of ex-Boyle-law partner Max Sis- kind, is reported to be trying to charge over $100,000 for legal services. Yet Sis- kind, despite the size of his bill, is still almost a minnow next to Louis Johnson, the counsel for Pan-American Airways with its ramifying political power; the j Democratic friend of Victor Emmanuel, who is now a Taft-backer; the man whom Senator Taft's close lieutenant, Senator Owen Brewster of Maine and Pan Ameri- can ,wanted to confirm as Secretary of Defense without inquiry or debate. No one who knows the business-politics- government game should be surprised by Johnson's success in the Alien Property Of- fice. No one is even talking about a solu- tion of the twin problems that beget this sort of success-the method of financing po- litical campaigns and the need for perma- nent, professional public service. Perhaps the Boyle-hunting Republicans are ignoring these problems and forgetting about the big fish, because so many of the big fish are. friends of theirs. (Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, inc.) 4 A K /ettei TO T HE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications fronm Its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or be condensed, edite odr withheld from publicationrat the discretionsofte editors.W ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON -INSIDE ARGENTINE REVOLT-- WASHINGTON-The dramatic inside story on the Argentine revolt that failed is that the uprising actually was a trial run, staged largely to unnerve the government and prepare the citizenry for bigger things to come. Moreover, the real masterminds of the' anti=Peron movement, who privately gave this experimental revolt only one chance in five of succeeding, have not been caught. Gen. Benjamin Menendez and other re- tired army officers now under arrest were merely volunteer "front men" for the test. Here is the play-by-play story of what really happened: Resentment against the Perons, long smoldering among the "elite" in all three branches of the armed forces, flared into active opposition when the dicta- tor's blonde wife, Eva, a one-time chorus girl, sought the vice-presidential nomination for next month's elections. Real fact is that this attitude was more social than political in origin. For army and navy officers traditionally have been drawn from Argentina's "better" families and have bitterly resented Evita's back- ground. Hostility toward the Peron regime, which played the workers off against Ar- gentina's 400, grew out of class hatred rather than any real objection to the glib Gaucho's totalitarian methods. The threat of Evita's assendancy to the vice-presidency, with the ever-present men- ace that she might step up to rule the coun- try if anything happened to her husband, was more than this group could swallow. As revealed in this column several weeks ago, influential spokesmen for the army delivered an ultimatum and Eva was forced to relin- quish her ambition. * *' * had been secretly conferring with rebelli- ous officers of the army, navy, and air force, planning a follow-up to the ulti- matum on Eva. While the radical and socialist parties combatted Peron openly during the last five years, the conservatives adopted a passive role, presenting no candidates for presiden- tial or congressional elections but occa- sionally criticizing the regime. Now, they have decided on action-and the armed forces have responded to their overtures, something the other parties never could achieve. The strategy agreed upon by the civilian and military conspirators called for a test of strength to throw the Perons off balance and alert the public to the existence of anti- administration sentiment in the armed forces. Such a move might not make sense elsewhere but is strictly tailored to Atgen- tine national psychology. * * * --FRONT MAN- GENERAL MENENDEZ, a retired officer with great prestige in all the services, offered to front for the active military men involved, during this first attempt. By draw- ing lots, 20 per cent of those committed to the movement in each service were assigned to take part immediately; it was understood that only in the unlikely event of a prompt and overwhelming response among the civil- ian population would the bulk of the mili- tary rebels go into action. However, even this limited plan could not be fully carried out. At the last minute, Peron, aware that something was brewing but not sure what, began making large- scale, random transfers of command with- in all the services. The rebels, seeing their organization threatened, moved their D- Day forward 48 hours (it had originally been scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 30, when the Peronist-controlled workers would be harder to round up for counteraction). The revolution failed, as it had been almost certain to do; but the immediate objective was gained. By taking the initiative in open revolt, the Conservatives showed they could count on support in the armed forces and thus placed themselves in an advantageous position to bargain with other opposition parties in forming a coalition for a second and bigger strike. This is now scheduled for about six months Swarthout Again ... To the Editor: THE first time I read the Mich- igan Daily was when Virginia Voss wrote her forthright article about , the musical concert of Gladys Swarthout. I was struck by Miss Voss' article. I have heard of and a b o u t Gladys Swarthout ever since I can re- member, probably have heard her sing in years gone by, but although I did not hear this concert, her face, writeup and everything, ap- peared to me just as Miss Voss said. And I am sure she is just like that., Isn't she the singer who was made by her husband Frank Chapman? Some mid-western girl without much to her, who came to New York, and fell in with someone who spent much money and time on her. She doesn't have it in her, look at that face, it has been passe for years. May- be when she was young and sweet, there was a lilt to her voice, but not now. She does not possess the personality in the first place to be a great singer, the love of art, the depth of character. I think Virginia Voss showed much spirit and fire herself to publish such a straightforward condemnation of such a well-publicized person. And did you read the sugarized write- up in the Ann Arbor News about; same? While I am on the subject of! these Lecture Series, I personally don't think you have a good list at all. I would not walk around the corner to hear Alben Barkley or half the others listed. You do, however, have some very informa- tive lectures given free; a Political Science talk this Tuesday in the Rackham Amphitheater, a Moving Picture in the Kellogg Auditorium 4:10 Wednesday, and another fine talk Friday in Angell Hall about Astronomy. All these three are very good indeed. Those Lecture Series are advertised too much, and they don't stand up. -Frances Burns Efficient Education.. To the Editor: THIS is my third year as a Lit- erary College student, and I have found what I heard about the sins of a large university are only too true. In order to accom- modate a large number of students and mete out the lowest common denominator of knowledge, it is necessary for practically every de- partment to offer vague and gen- erally superficial courses as "ore- requisites" to the subjects that students really want. Administrative red tape forces us into ridiculous situations which detract from the value of our edu- cational experience. For example, I am now forced to waste two of my five elections on courses I despise, simply because I must take them in order to get at the subjects I really want. Little has been done to make the dose more palatable. The in- troductory courses oscillate be- tween almost childish pipes and memorizing rat-races. The cali- ber of instruction is usually poor, giving only a dim view of the sub- ject's scope. If u competent teach- er does happen to be teaching one of the large introductory lec-' ture courses, he can spend little time on his pupils. Many a po- tential English or Economics ma- jor-and a good one too-has been' brushed off by the cold iniperson- ality of a dryasdust "basic course. A Michigan Dean once. re- marked, "Education is the only commodity which people pay for and then leave on the counter." If this is the type of dime-store education that Michigan has de- cided upon, then they can keep it. I don't want any. -Donald R. Markinson The Seventh Day . , - To the Editor: JOHN Vriend's letter (Daily. Sat- urday, -October 13) expressing satisfaction with the current re- strictions on library hours, is truly amazing. He writes, in part, "re- gardless of expense the library ought to be closed on Sunday. The Sabbath, in all Christian coun- tries, is a day of worship. Those students who wish, from private motives, to flout the custom of Sabbath observance and hence the divine decree on which it is basod can surely study in their rooms." To repeat, amazing! These questions came to mind: on what grounds does Mr. Vriend imply : 1. That the United States is a "Christian country?" 2. That his particular motions of "Sabbath observance" a r e based on a divine decree? 3. That only out of perverse "private motives," a dark phrase, does anyone's ethical views dif- fer from his? 4. That those whose ethical ideas do fail to coincide with his ought to keep them quietly tucked away, out of sight, "in their rooms?" Mr. Vriend, I think, in his sug- gestions, reflects a common er- ror-the enactment of one's per- sonal prejudices into Divine Law. Those of us. who do not presume to legislate morals for the uni- verse, must kick vigorously. Without entering into a gen- eral analysis, it seems clear that any position which considers the attempt to acquire knowledge as being, in some sense, immoral (in Mr. Vriend's phrase) "flouting the custom of Sabbath observance") rests on rather shaky supports. Come, Mr. Vriend, this is a com- munity of students, not a Sunday School. -Arty Goldberger Exchange Dinners .. . To the Editor: ATTENTION: Independent Co- eds! - Kiss your fraternity man good- bye! Administration deems him unfit dinner companion! -Sandy Gaines SL on Discrimination,* * To the Editor: AS YOU most likely know by now the Student Legislature at its meeting on October 10, 1951, pass- ed a motion "that the legislature will give its utmost cooperation to campus groups in developing. pro- grams aimed at eliminating dis- The Daily Official Bulletin is an 7 official publication of the Universitya of Michigan for which the MichiganIi Daily assumes no editorial responsi- h bility.. Publication in it is construe-c tive notice to all members of thee University. Noticeseshould be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (11 a.m. on saturday). THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1951 i VOL. LXII, NO. 219 Noticest ITo the 'Members of the Faculties of the University:I There will be a special meeting oft the general faculty of the Universitys at 4:15 p.m., Monday, October 29. inI the Rackhan Lecture Hall. All mem- bers of the University teaching staff, of all ranks, including Teaching Assist-7 ants and Teaching Fellows, are cordi- ally invited. I am particularly eagerI to greet the staff and discuss with youe some of the things of fundamental in-1 terest to the University. I hope that all those who can possibly do so will plan to attend this meeting. Harlan Hatcher4 Faculty, College of Engineering: Meet- ing of the Faculty, Fri., Oct. 19, 4:15 p.m., 348 W. Engineering Building. Lecture Course Ushers, report at East] Door of Hill Auditorium at 7:30 p m. for Lecture tonight. Personnel Request The Civil Service Commission of Can-l ada announces an examination for For- eign Service Officers for Canadian stu- dents. These positions require at least TEN YEARS RESIDENCE in Canada and are open to graduates and senior students, preferably in political sci- ence, history, geography, economics. or law. Application forms should be filed not later than Nov. 3, 1951. Complete details and application.blanks are avail- able at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building. Department of State and United Na- tions Internships:1 All students interest'ed in applyingI for Department of State and United Nations Internships are reminded that they are expected to take and pass the United States Civil Service Com- mission's Junior Management Assistant examination. Information relative to the giving of this examination may be found on the bulletin board of the Department of Political Science. Academic Notices Geometry Seminar. Thurs., Oct. 18, 4 p.m., 3001 A.H. Dr. Harary will speak on 'The Number of Graphs." Algebra I Seminar. Thurs., Oct. 13, 3 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Psychology Colloquium. Fri., Oct. 19, Rackham Assembly Hall (third floor), 4:15 p.m. Mr. Donald Pelz, .Study Di- rector, Survey Research Center, will speak on "Power and Leadership in the First - line Supervisor." Refreshments at 3:45. Concert Carillon Recital: Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur, will be heard at criminatory practices wherever they may exist." The following letter was sent to the presidents of Interfraternity Council and the Panhellenic As- sociation. "It has long been felt by many members of groups having vested interest in the problems of dis- crimination in campus organiza- tions, that it is the sole right and responsibility of these groups to handle their own problems. The SL feels that with the interruption of its legislation in this field, these groups have the opportunity to prove that they have been working in good faith. The legislature will continue to give these groups the utmost cooperation in developing their programs, but hopes they can find solutions for themselves and that it will not be necessary for student government to return to a legislative program." -Leonard Wilcox, Jr. President, SL * * * The Bitter One To the Editor: I HAVE READ criticisms in the Daily, but the tepid hogwash dribble that comprised the review of Voyage Surprise is the worst ev- er. Derogatory wit is worth its weight in gold compared to that spineless review. An attack of a movie takes thought and effort; and if nothing else it provides a good laugh. But he who is witless enough to write in black and white 'that the word "comedy" was in- vented for Voyage Surprise ought to go back with an ACD under his arm to English I, and never be al- lowed to pull me in again. -William Himelhocb EVERY scientific truth goes through three stages. First people say it conflicts with the Bible. Next, they say it has been discovered before. Lastly, they say they have always believed it. -Louis Agassiz NOTHING is really work unless you would rather be doing something else -Sir James Barrie 7:15 Thursday evening, October 18, in a recital on the Charles Baird Carillon n Burton Tower. The program will include a group of Irish melodies, and compositions by Win. Bender, and hob ert Schumann Events Today Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet at 4 p.m., room 247 West Engineer- ing Building. Prof. Charles Dolph will give the second' of a series of two lec- tures on "The Timoschenko Theory of the Transverse Vibrations of Beams." U. of M. Sailing Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 311 West Engineering. Plans to be made for weekend regatta, informal sailing at Whitmore, and talk by Mr. Boston. Shore school for new mem- bers. Alpha Phi Omega: Regular meeting, 7 p.m., Union. All members must be present. All pledges and men interest- ed in pledging meet at 7:15 p.m. in the Union. International Center Weekly Tea for foreign students and American friends, 4:30-6 p.m. SKA Electorate. Annual Fall Meet- ing, Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m. Hillel Social Committee. Meeting, 4 p.m., Lane Hall. Graduate School Record Concert: 7:45 p.m., East Lounge, Rackham. Bocher- int: Cello concerto in B flat; Casals. HINDEMITH: Quartet in E flat, 1943: Budapest. Schubert: 9th Symphony in C: Walter. All graduate studentsin- vited; silence requested. La p'tite causette meets from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the south room of the Union cafeteria. Deutsche Kaffeestunde: German Cof- fee Hour, 3:15 to 4:30 p.m., Round Up Room, League. soaring Club. Meeting, 7 p.m., Room 1042 E. Engineering Building. Soaring plans and election of officers. New members welcome. Coming Events Motion Pictures, auspices of the Uni- versity Museums. "Mountain Build- ing," "Wearing Away of the Land," and "The Andes." 7:30 p.m., Fri., Oct. 19, t Kellogg Auditorium. Department of Astronomy. Viltrs' - Night, Fri., Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m. Mr. Karl G. Henize will lecture on "The Clouds of Magellan." After the lecture in 3017 Angell Hall, the Students' Observa ' tory on the fifth floor will be open for "telescopic observation of Jupiter and a nebula, if the sky is clear, or for inspection of the telescopes and planetarium, if the sky is cloudy. Chil dren must be accompanied by adults, Episcopal Student Group: Holy Com- munion and breakfast at 7 a.m. and Holy Communion at 12:10 p.m. on Fri- day. Hillel Foundation:LFriday evening services, 7:45 p.m., Lane Hall, to be followed by Fireside Discussion led by Professor William Haber of the Eco- nomics Department, Refreshments. Inter-Guild Workshop. Sat., Ot. 20, Lane Hall, 3-5 p.m. Mr. Jack Pether- bridge will speak on: "The impact of Guilds on Campus Through Their In- dvidual Members." Discussion groups will be held and Smorgasbord served at. 5 p.m. (Small fee). Newman Club. Open House, 8-12 p.m., Fri., Oct. 19, in the basement of Saint Mary's Chapel. All Catholic students and their friends invited. Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor Bob Keith .......... ...City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson ...........Feature Editor Rich Thomas...........Associate Editor,., Ron Watts ............Associate Editor Bob vaughn ..........Associate Editor Ted Papes ..............Sports Editor, George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor Jan James...........Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller.........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager Sally Fish ...........Finance Manager Stu Ward.........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 t --PERON FEARS ARMY- FOR PERON, this meant that his worst nightmare had come true. He has always been aware of the "social" enmity to his po- licies in the officer corps; but, unlike the diplomatic service, he could not afford a wholesale purge among the military, for fear of weakening it beyond repair. Insetad, the "strong man" tried to buy loyalty with extravagant pay raises and a host of special privileges. For instance, of- ficers could import rationed luxury items duty-free, then resell them at a fat profit. Peron also sought to introduce "reliable" ,.1~vvuitc, intn-rthe n rf all +hraPPrinPC Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication o1 all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. BARNABY All your Fairy Godfather needs now to take off for the planets and stars is a launching platform-Ah, your porch roof! SI daresay they're eager to.tell heir grandchildren they saw my epoch-making flight? Veryt But if you insist, Barnaby-to nourish me for my trip through I I