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October 18, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-18

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See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State




dministration, SL Agree on Library




















Wilcox Ends


Walkout on
Two Groups
Library To Open


The General Library will b,
open Friday evenings till 10 p.n
beginning Nov. 2, with Sunda
hours under serious consideratioi
by the library.
These results were announced a
last night's Student Legislatur
meeting after a special conferenc
of SL president Len Wilcox wit
President Harlan H. Hatcher, Vic
President Marvin L. Niehuss, Di
rector of University Relation
Arthur L. Brandon and Director o,
Libraries Warner G. Rice.
(announced that SL would en(
their week-long boycott of th
Student Affairs Committee an
the President's Conference. Nei
ther body had met during tha
The SL motion authorizing the
walkout granted Wilcox the
power to return to the boycotted
bodies when he was satisfied
that action was being taken.
Wilcox, in reporting back to SI
declared that he was "optimistic'
for t revival of Sunday hours a
well. 'Ihe library has promised
decision on the extent and natur
of Sunday service, if any, on o
before Nov. 1.
ACCORDING TO Wilcox. the
esential problems for the library
to considei are whether the library
can be staffed Sunday and the
extent to which the facilities
should be opened--it is generally
conceded that the library should
be open if possible.
Consultations with the Grad-
uate Student Council are sche-
duled by the library to deter-
mine the Sunday nerds of grad-
uate students.
The University Budget Commit-
te will also consider possible in-
creases in the library appropria-
tion. The library staff will like-
wise study the problem.
See -LIBRARY, Page 2
New Leaders
Take office
In Pakistan
KARACHI, Pakistan -(Rn)--- A
new Governor-General and a new
*Prime Minister took over direc-
tion of Pakistan affairs yesterday
and sought to unravel the fanati-
cal motives that produced the as-
sassination of Liaquat Ali Khan.
* Liaquat, the Prime Minister who
was shot down at Rawalpindi in
the shadow of the cold war front
with India, was buried yesterday
while Pakistanis still were numb
with shock.
* *
KHWAJA Nazimuddin, sports-
dloving aristicrat with friendly ties
in Britain and the United States,
resigned as Governor-General and
stepped into the Prime Minister's
shoes, the Cabinet announced.
Buckinghamn Palace in London
announced that Finance Mini-
ster Ghulam Mohamec, tall,
dapper "brain of the cabinet
who flies kites for a hobby, had
been named the new Governor-
Selection of Nazimuddin, a
' gchubby 57-year-old right-winger,
as Prime Minister seemed certain
to relieve the neighboring Republic
t eeo of NaznT~l. 7..imuddm, -4 1.

.Al(lies B
Front in
By The As
Flame-throwing troopers of
smashed the main Chinese Red res
Capture of a key height no
of a frontal assault climaxed 16 d
barren hills.
On the central front, Allied
the big Communist supply base o
of the U.S. 24th division and Re
* *
MEANWHILE liaison officers
six miles east of Kaesong, held
V ote A tornic
Arms Boost
ate-House Atomic Energy Com-
mittee voted yesterday for maxi-
mum expansion of the nation'
atomic weapons program, already
a billion-dollar-a-year industry.
It directed the Atomic Energy
Commission and the Defense De-
partment to submit by Jan. 3 "a
definite and concrete report on
maximizing the role which atomic
energy can and should play in the
defense of the United States."
* * *
THE JOINT Committee will
then study the report and present
its recommendations to the next
session of Congress.
Senator McMahon (D-Conn.),
Chairman of the committee, de-
clared a swiftly expanded atomi
program might prevent a gener-
al war. If war came anyway, he
told a news conference, "we
would swiftly win it."
The resolution adopted yester-
day wass ponsored by McMahon
and won the unanimous support of
the committee. It asked for:
As it stands now, the expansion
program is merely the policy of
the Atomic Energy Committee.
The policy must be approved by
Congress, which also has the last
word on projects to be undertaken
and the amount of money to be
spent on them.
Hot Debate
Of Greeks,'
"We are here this afternoon to
debate, as Democritus the ancient
Greek might have put it,-the con-
flict between the modern Greeks
and Barbarians," Tom.Murray, '53,
said yesterday in the opening
speech of the Speech Assembly de-
Speaking before an audience
made up mostly of affiliated men
and women," Murray and three
other student debatos considered
the pro's and con's of social fra-
ternities and sororities, emphasiz-
ing three points: the cost to the

individual, the allegedly undemo-
cratic characteristics of the Greek
organizations, and the advantages
to members and campus.
FIRST SPEAKER for the team




* *

rs cinds

An ti-Bias






'last Red
sociated Press
the U.S. first cavalry division today
istance on the western Korean front.
thwest of Yonchon in the third day
ays of savage fighting in the rolling,
infantry drove ahead again toward
f Kumsong-now within rifle range
public of Korea (ROK) troops.
in Panmunjom, Communist outpost
their longest session-three and a
-half hours. Only slight progress
was reported toward an agreement
on reopening the armistice talks,
suspended by the Reds Aug. 23.
Possibly stung by Communist
allegations that the Allies have
been stalling the talks while
pushing their limited offensive,
Ridgway's official release de-
clared that the Reds were again
up to their "old trick of delay-
ing and harassing the progress
of the talks."
It suggested that the military
s situation, the winter and growing
unrest in North Korea may have
convinced the Communist high
command that a cease-fire "is the
best way out after all."
* w* e
S"EVENTS of the past month
have shown that if the Reds do not
want to play ball, the U.N. com-
mand is prepared to carry the war
through the winter, if necessary-
possibly with a greater array of
t strength than the Reds anticipat-
The U.S. Eighth Army commu-
nique last night reported Chinese
troops were "slowly withdrawing"
south and southeast of Kumsong
and offering only light resistance.
That Red rail and supply center is
30 miles north of the 38th parallel.
In the west, the communique
said cavalry troops used flame-
throwers and grenades in storming
entrenched Communist positions
on high ground northwest of Yon-
chon. They met fierce and bitter
resistance and only "minor gains"
were scored in this sector, some 35
miles north of Seoul.
Whether the Chinese would
make a last-ditch stand for Kum-
song only time would tell. Field
dispatches yesterday indicated the
answer may come within hours.
Y: i
Airs Value
'Barbarians' J
case by first giving the origin and
evolution of fraternities from 1845
to the present, and then answering
the affirmative's charges concern-
ing regimentation and the cost of
affiliation to the individual.
"THE BASIC purpose of fra-
ternities and sororities is to unite
the members in friendship, to help
them grow mentally an'd physical-
ly strong, and to epand them so-
cially. They must be the judges
of whether or not the cost in
time, anxiety and money is too
In addition to this, IFC has
done much in the promotion of
the bias clause acceptance since
ex-Pres. Ruthven vetoed the SL

To propose
New Action
Final Report Due
At Dec. 4 Meeting
The House Presidents' Assembly
of the Interfraternity Council last
night voted to revoke the present
IFC anti-bias measure and to set
up a committee to study the dis-
crimination question.
The anti-bias measure was drop-
ped because the house presidents
felt there was some question of its
* * *
PASSED NOV. 21, 1950 by the
presidents' assembly, the measure
stated that a fraternity with a dis-
criminatory clause must bring the
question to the floor of its national
convention or face denial of re-
cognition by the IFC.
Delta Kappa Epsilon president
Moose Dunne, '52, who presented
the motion to revoke the anti-
bias measure, said the phrase
"IFC denial of recognition" was
apparently unconstitutional.
A clause appended to the DKE
motion by Phi Gamma Delta pres-
ident Bill McIntyre, '52, stated that
the revocation of the anti-bias
resolution in no way implied either
its approval or disapproval by the
THE STUDY GROUP set up last
night was the result of a recom-
mendation passed Tuesday by the
IFC Executive Committee. It will
include four IFC members and
three Student Legislators.
Heading the group will be the
IFC Human Relations Committee
chairman (at present Stan
Goodwin, '53.)
The remainder of the commit-
tee will be composed of a repre-
sentative from a fraternity with
a bias clause, a representative
of a fraternity without one, an-
other fraternity man, the SL
Human and International Rela-
tions Committee chairman and
two other SL members appointed
by the SL Human Relations chief
and approved by the IFC Exec-
utive Committee.
The special committee will make
periodic progress reports to the
IFC, with a final report and re-
commendation due Dec. 4.
Two other motions, suggested
in place of the study group set up
never came to a vote.
The presidents' assembly last
night also rescinded Tau Delta
Phi's fifty dollar rushing violation
fine imposed by the Executive
Give Up Talks,
'Mac' Insists
MIAMI, Fla.-UP)-Gen. Douglas
MacArthur yesterday accused the
Truman administration of leading
the nation toward Socialism and
of holding back military power
which would win the war in Korea
-and thousands of American Le-
gionnaires roared their approval.
MacArthur virtually called for
a halt in the cease-fire talks in
Korea. He urged the use of
greater force against the Reds,
and he hinted his belief there
may be Communist influence in

Spare That Tree
The stately old elm standing
in front of the music school,
doomed earlier this week to be
pulled down, has been spared
-for the time being.
Monday night the Ann Arbor
City Council voted 9-4 to have
the tree removed.
But yesterday Council Presi-
dent Cecil O. Creal, acting as
mayor in the absence of Mayor
William E. Brown, Jr., vetoed
the Council's action.
However, the tree is not com-
pletely out of danger, since the
council can still override Creal's
British Fly
Troops Into
CAIRO, Egypt -(p)- British
transport planes shuttled para-
chute troops into the Suez Canal
area yesterday to reinforce gar-
risons ordered to stand firm
against Egyptian efforts to oust
A brigade of 3,500 men is being
shifted swiftly from the Mediter-
ranean island of Cyprus to Fayid,
on the Great Bitter Lake stretch
of the strategic canal, in the wake
of Egyptian nationalistic rioting
which British troops suppressed
with gunfire. The rioting came
during popular excitement over
Egypt's abrogation of a 1936 de-
fense treaty with Britain.
* * *
FIFTEEN transport planes were
used in the movement, expected to
be completed today. The parachute
troopers are joining 40,000 or more
British soldiers and airmen whose
commander, Lt. Gen. George Er-
skine, has declared: "We are not
going to be turned out, forced out
or knocked out."
Meanwhile U.S. Secretary of
State Acheson told a news con-
ference in Washigton the
United States supports the Bri-
tish stand and regards the can-
cellation of the 1936 treaty as
"without validity." He urged
Egypt to reconsider her rejec-
tion of an invitation from the
United States, Britain, France
and Turkey to join them as a
full .partner in a Middle East
defense command which would
jtake over responsibility for
guarding the canal.
A possibility that the Anglo-
Egyptian Sudan might join Suez
as a hot spot arose in a threat of
Sudanese nationalists to start a
civil disobedience campaign
against British authorities in that
cotton-growing land of 8000,000
people, over which King Farouk's
government now claims full sov-



Red Answer
Blames U.S.
For Failure
American Plea
Made October 5
Department disclosed last night
that the United States has ap-
pealed to Soviet Russia to act to
help bring about a "realistic ar-
mistice agreement" in Korea.
Ambassador Alan C. Kirk made
the approach Oct. 5 in a call on
Soviet Foreign Minister Vishinsky
before leaving Moscow.
The response was a long state..
ment by Vishinsky blaming the
United States for the failure to
agree on armistice terms and at-
tacking as insincere Kirk's assur-
ances that this country has "no
aggressive° designs" on Russia.
* S *
THE STATE Department made
public the exchange with the ex.
planation that its action was forc-
ed by Moscow's publication of Vi.
shinsky's statement.

Kirk's approach w.s kept con-
fidential at the time in the hope
that the lack of publicity might
encourage Russian agreement to
use its influence to end the ar.
mistice Impasse,


* ** *
IBarkley To Inaug urate
Lecture Series Tonight

Vice-President Alben Barkley
will drive into Ann Arbor this af-'
ternoon from an engagement in
Ohio to give the 1951-52 Lecture
Course an imposing send-off with
a Hill Auditorium address at 8:30
p.m. today.
Stepping fast to keep up with
his heavy lecture schedule, Bark-
ley arrived in Detroit yesterday
morning, delivered an address for
the Fisher Town Hall Series and
left immediately to speak in Ohio.
He will arrive in Ann Arbor at 4
Tax Bill Held.
Up byHouse
round Senate-House conference on
the tax increase bill got nowhere
yesterday, largely because the
widely split House delegation
couldn't agree on what it wants.
The difficulties of the House
spokesmen were hardly a surprise
in view of the makeup of the ma-
jority in that branch which turned
down one$5,732,000,000 conference
compromise Tuesday 204 to 157.
All the House delegates have
to do to achieve a solid front is
find common ground for (a) one
group of lawmakers who voted
against the bill on the theory that
it raises taxes too little and puts
too much of the load on small in-
comes, and (b) another group who
opposed the measure with the idea
that less tax money would force
government economy.

p.m. today. Barkley is slated to ex-
amine the human side of American1
problems in his non-political ad-{
dress, "The Crossroads of Demo-
* * *
reported yesterday that both sea-,
son tickets at the student $2.40
rate and single tickets at regular
rates are available at the Hill
Auditorium Box Office. Today is
the last day students may pur-
chase season tickets for Barkley's
address and the remaining six lec-
tures. The Box Office will be open
from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. today.
University President Harlan
H. Hatcher will introduce Bark-
ley to a near-capacity Hill Au-
ditorium audience.
Barkley's belief in the value of
public speaking plus his vast ex-
perience in that field, make him
one of the most popular speakers
on the American scene today. His
endless contact with the unin-
spired language of politics has for-
tunately left his Kentuckian hu-
mor unspoiled for appreciative au-
IN A CAREER marked by his
loyalty to the Democratic party,
Barkley gained many important
footholds with his public-speaking
ability. Barkley's childhood teach-
ers in Graves County, Ky., his
birthplace, persuaded his father
to forget the son's tobacco field
work and send him to college.
Working his way, Barkley graduat-
ed from Marvin College, Clinton,
Ky., and the University of Virginia

Vishinsky's reply was given Mon-
day to Hugh S. Cumming, Jr., in
charge of the American Embassy
since Kirk left Moscow to return
to the U.S.
A State Department spokesman
last night labeled the Russian's
statement as "propaganda"'in con-
trast with what he termed the sin-
cerity of the American move.
* * *
KIRK TOLD Vishinsky orally in
their Oct. 5 meeting
1-The armistice developm nts
are "incomprehensible" in the light
of the assurances Russia gave last
June that Moscow favored a mili-
tary armistice which would include
a cease-fire and not involve any
political or territorial matters.
2-The United Nations com-
mand was "surprised and disap-
pointed" by the insistence of the
Communist negotiators upon a
non-military armistice line-the
38th Parallel. He said the UN
command has no intention of
making political decisions with
representatives of Chinese "vol-
unteers" and a "North Korean
regime which enjoys no interna-
tional status."
3-Russia must recognize that
the breakdown of the armistice
talks "would add greatly to the
explosive character of the situa-
tion and might stimulate a course
of events which would be unde-
sirable from the point of view of
both our governments." He re-
affirmed that the UN command is
sincerely desirous of concluding an
4-IT IS HOPED "that the So-
viet Government will act to the
end that the North Korean and
Chinese Communist negotiators
will conclude a realistic armistice
agreement which would afford
safely for both sides and which
does not become involved with po-
litical and territorial issues with
which the governments of the
United Nations must deal."
5-On general relations be-
tween the U.S. and Russia, se-
curity measures being taken by
the Western Allies "are for de-
fense and defense alone." Kirk
said that on specific instructions
of this government he wanted to
assure the Soviet Government
that "the United States has no

Pakistani Students Cite India in Plot


The government of India may
have inspired the assassination of
Pakistan Prime Minister Liaquat
Ali Khan, two Pakistani students
speculated last night.
' Citini vesterdav's revelation that

should not be given credence,"
the Pakistani, who insisted upon
anonymity, declared. "We ought
to hold off on such things until
verified by authoritative sources."
There has been a movement
among the Pathan tribes for the

"The Indians may have want-
ed to get rid of our best leader,"
Sulaiman, the president of the
Pakistan Students Association,
said, "at the time when we need-
ed him most."
The slain nrime minister's re-



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