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October 17, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-17

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A Note to President Hatcher

SL's PROTEST against the recent cut in
library hours brings into sharp focus the
uncomfortable relationship between the ad-
ministration and the students.
Whether effective or not, the walkout
from SAC was a spirited protest against
the slicing of the library budget, and even
more important, against the administra-
tion's brush-off policy towards SL and
towards the student body as a whole.
Some recent events stand out as examples
of the administration's negative attitude to-
wards the students.
Because these events form a pattern, and
because this is the beginning of a new school
year with a new president, it is time to re-
examine past events and their implications
regarding the whole complexion of adminis-
trative policy.
In the current dispute over the sale of
dime programs, the arrogance of the Ath-
letic Department became obvious when it
actually called in the police to arrest mem-
bers of the student body. The administra-
tion has not even graced the students with
a satisfactory explanation.
Even more arbitrary than this administra-
tive act, was retired President Ruthven's veto
last spring of the SAC approved anti-bias
clause. Here a university president denied
the students the right to take a progressive
step on the intriguing grounds that property
Editorials Published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and refresent the views of the writers only.

rights are more important than human
Earlier in the spring, when Lane Hall was
put under the wing of the administration, it
was clearly a protest against the freedom of
Lane Hall which opened its doors to such
groups as the Willie McGee committee and
various peace conferences.
A precedent for this sort of restriction
was set two years ago when a faculty lec-
ture committee banned the Phillips-
Slosson debate, revealing that it thought
the students too immature to hear the
Communist, Professor Phillips, speak on
That same year was the scene of a three
day all-campus debate on the racial issue
held on the diag. This, however, was viewed
as dangerous by the administration and
eventually has been outlawed.
Some of these issues are, of course, more
important than others. Three, the Lane Hall
ruling, Phillips debate, and the Diag ruling,
involve student intellectual development.
One, the bias clause veto, involves human
rights, and the dime program ban hits the
students' pocketbooks.
The unifying implication of all, however,
is the indication of a general administra-
tive disregard for student welfare, and stu-
dent opinion.
This is an appeal to our new president,
Harlan Hatcher, to whom, in effect, these
protests are directed.
It is your duty now, President Hatcher, as
chief administrator of the University, to en-
courage a second try for the bias clause, to
intervene in the dime program ban, and, in
general, to promote in every way a policy
which reflects an administrative recognition
of the value of a democratic education.
-Alice Bogdonoff

Concert Series
it again. Opening its concert series with
Victoria de Los Angeles, who gave an unin-
spired if ambitious performance albeit "aid-
ed" by one of the worst professional accom-
panists in the country, it continued with the
presentation of Gladys Swarthout, who
gasped through a program which exempli-
fied, at best, mediocrity.
Monday night, Joseph Szigeti was fea-
tured, who, though shedding an occasion-
al tear of greatness (immediately drowned
in an ocean of sub-par performing) lack-
ed the depth and warmth of feeling, the
brilliancy of technique, the clarity of tone
which characterize a true virtuoso. In
short, a triumvirate of lemons.
In a cultural center with the prestige of
Ann Arbor, the audience has sound justi-
fication for refusing to accept performers of
this caliber. An occasional slip-up in schedul-
ing is only human, but a trio of such slip-ups
shows a definite failure, which in this case,
appears to be two-fold an nature.
A heavy share of the blame rests on the
shoulders of the artists themselves. Too
many of the "sacred cows" of the musical
world seem to regard a University perform-
ance as an opportunity to pick up some
easy spending money en route from Chicago
to Detroit.
Admittedly, every performer is not a
Munsel or a Heifetz. No open-minded con-
certgoer expects him to be.
Secondly, the finger of guilt points at the
Choral Union Society. Again, they cannot
possibly fill a complete series with perform-
ances by such groups as the Robert Shaw
Chorale or the Boston Symphony. However,
there must be young, fresh talent to be ob-
tained which, though not yet achieving no-
toriety, at least provides vitality and prom-
ise, such as soprano Barbara Gibson, Jerome
Hines, or Cesari Seipi.
If such performers cannot be found, and
the audience is to hear a season with a few
outstanding performers and the remainder
"fillers" of the type presented to date, the
Choral Union Series might well be dis-
continued and a few isolated top quality
concerts given.
The vacancy created then in Hill Audi-
torium might well be filled with a number of
all-campus talent shows, which would pos-
sibly unearth artists on a par with, if not
superior to, those appearing bn the Choral
Union Series so far this season.
-Diane Decker

"Can It Be That Such A Lovely Girl Is Lonely?"
_ -.



(Continued from Page 2)
Academic Notices
Botany Seminar: "Botanizing in the
Iron Mountains and Coastal Deserts of
Cuba," by Grady L. Webster and Roy
N. Jervis., Wed., Oct. 17, 4:30 p.m., 1139
Engineering Mechanics Seminar:
Wed., Oct. 17. 101 W. Engineering Build-
ing, 3:45 p.m. Prof. J. Orrnondroyd will
speak on "J. Willard Gibbs and His
Scientific Work."
Physical Chemistry Seminar. Wed.,
Oct. 17, 2308 Chemistry Bldg., 4:10 p.m,
Speaker: Prof. E. F. Westrum, Jr. "The
Heat Capacity of Chain and Layer
Crystalline Structures."
Carillon Recital: Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carillonneur, will be heard at
7:15 Thursday evening, October 18, in
a recital on the Charles Baird Carillon
in Burton Tower. The program will
include a group of Irish melodies, and
compositions by Wm. Bender, and Rob-
ert Schumann.
Universty symphony Orchestra, Wayne
Dunlap, Conductor, will be heard in its
first concert of the school year when
it plays the final program in the Com-
posers' Festival at 8:30 Wednesday eve-
ning, October 17, in Hill Auditorium.
The all-student program will include
compositions by Leroy Eitzen, Robert
Cogan, Grant Beglarian, George Balch
Wilson, and Frederick Don Truesdell.
Mr. Truesdell will appear with the or-
chestra in his Concerto in A. The con-
cert will be open to the public without
Events Today


Washington Merry-Go-Round







BONN-Two rather elderly men neatly sum
up in their own persons the dangers
which threaten Western policy in Germany.
They are Dr. Kurt Schumacher, who rules
the powerful Social Democratic party with
an iron hand, and Dr. Konrad Adenauer,
Christian Democratic leader and Chancellor
of the Bonn republic.
Political leadership in Germany is an
eggshell-thin crust, because the Hitler
regime killed off so many potential leaders,
and these two men wholly dominate West
German politics. Schumacher, whb lost
an arm in the first World War, and a leg,
his teeth and his health in a Nazi concen-
tration camp, is a physical symbol of the
hell through which his country has passed.
There has been a good deal of nonsense
written about the rebirth of Nazism in Ger-
many. Actually, only an insanely stupid Al-
lied policy could revive anything really like
Hitlerism. Yet it is also wrong to suppose
that Germany could have lived through
Nazism, military triumph, devastation, de-
feat, and partition, and then emerge poli-
tically completely rational.
* *..
TO HEAR THE angry passion of Dr. Schu-
macher as he explains his views is to
sense the deep undercurrents of irrational-
ism in Germany today. Schumacher has only
a fierce contempt for the French or any
other Continental nation. He bitterly de-
nounces the Schuman plan and the Euro-
pean Army project, and he would support
German rearmament only on terms which
are physically impossible to meet, on the one
hand, and which would lead straight as a die
to a third world war, on the other.
There is no doubt at all that there is
perfectly genuine support for such views,
irrational though they may seem to an
American. Yet there is equally no doubt
that there is very genuine support for the
quite different views of Dr. Konrad Ade-
Adenauer makes a strange contrast to his

chief rival. He is precise, dryly unemotional,
icily rational. And he believes deeply that
Germany's future lies in nothing short of
total political, economic and military inte-
gration into a Continental system.
Obviously, if Schumacher and those who
think like him were to gain total control
of German policy, the result could only be
sheer disaster for the West, Germany in-
cluded. Obviously, the only hope for a
rational German settlement lies with
those who think like Adenauer, at least
in the foreign field. Yet, through no
fault of the able high commissioners'. Al-
lied policy in Germany tends more and
more to strengthen the Schumachers and
weaken the Adenauers.
For one thing, the Pentagon timetable for
German rearmament has frozen the Allied
position. Because they know, or think they
know, that the West must have a rearmed
Germany at any cost whatsoever, politicians
of Schumacher's stripe feel quite free to re-
ject proposals like the European Army, and
to demand impossible terms for German re-
armament. At the same time, aware of the
grave dangers implicit in rearming Germany,
the policy makers in all three Allied capitals
are wishfully hoping that Germany can be
rearmed and simultaneously controlled by
elaborate indirection. This further strength-
ens the Schumachers and weakens the Ade-
* * *
planners in Washington, London, and
Paris wishfully expect to exercise is em-
bodied in various "annexes" to the "con-
tractual agreement" now being haltingly
negotiated. According to this fine print in
the contract, Germany is to promise, for ex-
ample, to continue in force occupation sta-
tutes like the decartelization laws, and to
guarantee neither to make nor to carry out
scientific research on a variety of weapons.
More important, the high commissioners
are to become a "Council of Ambassadors"
with the power to resume, in effect, occupa-
tion authority by declaring a "state of emer-
According to some of the ablest men
here, this sort of thing simply will not
work, because it will become the obvious
aim of German politicians to defy, for
political advantage, such words on paper.
The principal danger is that the German
objective, like that of Dr. Schumacher, will
be, not defense, but the liberation of the
Eastern provinces, so that the German tail
will wag the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization dog. Yet this sort of danger
cannot be dealt with by words on paper.
Indeed, here in Germany it becomes en-
tirely clear why Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
has become wholly converted to the idea of
Continental unification. There is just no
other way to deal effectively with the grave
risks of German rearmament. But it is no use
going halfway. Most reasonable Germans
conceded that certain rights, like agreeing
to the terms of German unity, must be re-
served to the Allies. Apart from this, the
only practical way to bring West Germany
into a unified Western Europe is to offer
Germany genuine equal partnership, with
real internal sovereignty.
The only way to strengthen the Adenauers
and weaken the Schumachers is to offer the
Germans a clear-cut choice between the


WAR AND lesser politico-socio-economic
TVeruptions generally have a destructive
effectupon a nation's cultural development.
With the democratic West engaged in a hot
and cold running war for apparently many
years to come, it is encouraging to witness
the dramatic revival which has enveloped
the country in recent years. One partiqu-
larly gratifying ramification of this fact is
the dramatic renaissance which has de-
veloped in Ann Arbor since 1946.
Today there are five active groups pro-
ducing plays around town where there
were only one or two during the war. They
are the Student Players, the University's
speech department, the Ann Arbor Civic
Theater, the Inter-Arts Union and the
Arts Theater Club. Add to this the six-
week spring season of the Drama Festi-
val, which brings to Ann Arbor many of
Broadway's best players, and the number
is six.
All of these organizations are doing in-
teresting work; the Speech Department and
the Student Players are perhaps the most
conventional, usually presenting either mod-
ern or historical plays of proven worth. The
Ann Arbor Civic Theater is a healthy at-
tempt to interest non-professional people,
housewives, businessmen and others in the
theater through their actual participation
in play production. Both the actors and
their audiences have a fine time in the
process. The Inter-Arts Union, which pro-
duces occasional plays, does perhaps the
most original of the student work.
None of these organizations, however, can
contribute nearly as much as the Arts
Theater Club. Begun last year, it is Ann
Arbor's first resident professional play
group. During last year's season, which for
a first year was successful, it was accused
and praised for many things. Some did not
like the intimacy of their Arena style thea-
ter, others thought them "arty" or objected
to the complete originality of the enterprise.
More important, the Theater Club was never
accused of dullness or unimaginative tech-
nique. More important still, even the loud-
est critics are back this year waiting for the
season to begin: for the truth is, anyone
who has ever seen an Arts Theater produc-
tion has liked it.
If not some phases of its staging, di-
rection or interpretation, they have, at
the very least, liked the idea and its con-
They feel that a professional theater of
this nature is a fine addition to the com-
munity, that the present company of ex-
perienced actors can and have done excep-
tional dramatic work, that the groups will-
ingness to produce experimental plays as
well as the traditional leads to interesting
productions and t';at they have had good
times at the Arts Theater after all.
The fall season will open Friday with
Jean-Jacques Bernard's intimate drama
"The Sulky Fire."
Last near rthe cmrnmiv grew strong

WASHINGTON-The two old tyrants of the Senate, McKellar of
" Tennessee and McCarran of Nevada, tried to browbeat the na-
tion's top secret out of Atomic Energy Chairman Gordon Dean the
other day. It's none of their business, but they demanded to know
this country's exact number of atomic bombs.
This is too precious a secret to be repeated around Congress,
whose employees are not cleared for loyalty like other federal
employees. It would be particularly dangerous for Senator Mc-
Carran to know, since a parade of ex-Communists is constantly
streaming through his office. Though they have denounced their
Communist ties and come to McCarran to confess, the FBI is
frankly skeptical of some of them.
Nevertheless, McKellar and McCarran got the Atomic Energy
Chairman behind closed doors of the Senate Appropriations Commit-
tee and hounded him to tell the exact number of bombs in our Atomic
"Ifwe are going into war, we ought to be ready, and we ought to
know what we have," rasped Tennessee's McKellar. "You are asking
for more money, and it is unusual to ask for more money just before
the Congress adjourns. What I would like to know is what you have
done with the money that we appropriated last year?"
"We have done a great deal of work, and we have, expanded
the Atomic Energy program-fold," replied Chairman Dean. (This
column has been advised that the exact Atomic expansion should
not be made public.)
"How much of your last year's appropriation went into bombs?
How many bombs do we have?" demanded the Tennessee Senator.
"A very substantial amount," parried Dean.
"That does not answer the question," exploded McKellar. "How
much has gone into bombs?"
ET ME SAY this," Chairman Dean tried to soothe the old man.
"Everything in the way of fissionable material which is produced
in our whole program goes into bombs. It is stored there, and if you
want it out and later use it somewhere else, you can use it. But today
it goes right into bombs."
"What is the process of deterioration?" broke in McCarran.
"There is no deterioration," Dean reported.
McCarran then changed the subject from the exact number of
bombs to the exact number of carloads of Uranium ore that goes
into each bomb. Dean tried to evade the question, which is also
top secret. But MCarran, who represents a western mining region,
kept hammering until Dean finally gave him the secret figure.
Later McKellar got back to the number of bombs again.
"Now we made you trustees last year, and we appropriated all of
this money for you. Sure you can tell us what you have done with it,"
persisted the aged Tennesseean.
"It has gone into bombs," repeated Dean.
"That doesn't mean a thing," snapped McKellar. "You have
got two bombs or you have got 1,000 or you have got six or 17,
and we don't know what you've got, and we don't know whether
you have got enough to fight a war or not."
"That raises this question, Senator, that troubles me a little bit,"
Dean observed delicately, "and that is whether the committee actually
wishes to have precise numbers of weapons."
"N0, FOR HEAVEN'S sake, no!" blurted Oregon's conscientious Sena-
tor Guy Cordon.
"If you would trust an order of magnitude answer," Dean tried
again to placate the grizzled Tennesseean, "miy I say that we have
a very substantial number of bombs that have been bought by the
money that has been appropriated by this committee. It is not a
small group; it is a very substantial number."
"What would be a substantial number in one man's eyes would be
very different in another man's eyes," snorted McKellar. "You are
asking us to furnish you all of these sums of money, and all we are
asking you is what have you done with the last year's money we have
given you.'
"Last year's money, as I tried to indicate, on plant and equip-
ment . . . "the Atomic Chairman started to explain.
"That doesn't mean a thing in the world to me," bellowed
"I think you should answer the Senator's question," chimed in
McCarran eagerly.
"The gaseous diffusion plants and piles have been the large ex-
pansion ... "Dean began again.
"That doesn't give us any information," blurted McKellar.
"What have you got to show for it? How many bombs do you
"It is coming out of those plants, Senator," Dean declared firmly.
"We do not know about it, and you are not willing to tell us, and
you are not willing to take us into your confidence," McKellar raged.
"Why should we take you into our confidence when you will not take
us into yours?"
But Dean held his ground and refused to divulge the priceless
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Roger Williams Guild: Tea, 4:30-6
Society of Automotive Enginqers: 7:30
p.m., 203 W. E. Annex. Group discus-
sion on model engine supercharging.
Tour of University Automotive Lab.
Everyone welcome.
Industrial Relations Club. Organiza-
tional meeting, 7:30 p.m., Room 3D, Un-
ion. New members are invited.
Polonia Club. Meeting 7:30 p.m., In-
ternational Center. Following a short
business meetng, there will be square
dancing and refreshments. All stu-

The Daily welcomes communica-
tions from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all
letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste, Letters exceeding
300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for
any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from
publication at the discretion of the
To Lansing .
To the Editor:
HURRAH for Dave W. Belin ! !
Once more he has come
through with a solution. (Letter
to the, Editor, Oct. 12) Have the
SL go directly to the State Leg-
islature for "positive" action.
The Student Legislature has
been in the past a weak organiza-
tion. Students are constantly los-
ing all belief in the body that is
supposed to represent the stu-
dent's interest. What good is a
Student Legislature if they have
NO power? ? ?
And what ever happened to our
Thanksgiving vacation?
-Michael Schwartz
** *
Anglo-Egyptian ...
To the Editor:
A T Cairo there is a public ap-
proval to the Government's
abrogation of the Anglo-Egyptian
Treaty of 1936. The main cause
of this action is the balance of
power which Egypt wishes to es-
tablish in the Arab League. She
fears the Confederation of Jordan,
Iraq and Lebanon may be a
threat to her future security. The
present tension in Iran seems to
provide an adequate opportunity
for ousting Britain from the Suez.
Finally, she fears the existing na-
tionalism in the Sudan and Brit-
ish interference may hinder her
future occupation of the Sudan.
Africans, in general, believe that
the Suez area should be handed
over to Egypt. The problem of
over-population in Egypt can be
solved by lawful emigration into
other parts of Africa. Above all,,
we believe the Sudan should re-I
main for the Sudanese; and that
it should be given her independ-
ence under the U.N. protection.
Neither Egypt nor Britain should
be allowed to continue her exploi-
tation of the .Sudan. It is very
doubtful that Egypt will acceler-
ate the independence of the Su-
dan. The Sudanese rebellion of
1881 and the desire of Uma's Party
are concrete evidences that the
people believe in "Sudan for Su-
danese." Good-neighbor exploita-
tion cannot be preferred to For-
eign Imperialism.
-Chigbu Ememe

dents of Polish descent and their
friends are invited.
Pre-Medical Society. 7:30 p.m., 1400
Chemistry Bldg.
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Sup-
per Discussion Groups meet at 5:30 at
the Guild House. Two discussion topics:
The Concerned Student & U.S. Foreign
Policy; A Philosophy and Faith for
These Troubled Times.
Episcopal Student Group: Chaplain's
Open House at 702 Tappan, 7:15 p.m.
Gilbert & Sullivan Society: Split cho-
rus rehearsal, League 7 p.m.
Hillel Seminar on "Modern Jewish
Problems" will hold Its opening meet-
ing at 4 p.m. in Lane Hall. Under the
direction of Rabbi Lymon, the group
will choose and discuss topics of in-
terest to it
American Chemical Society, Univer-
sity of Michigan Section, presents Dr.
H. E. Carter, Professor of Chemistry,
University of Illinois, in a lecture on
"The Chemistry of the Cerebrosites
and the Sphingomyelins," at 8 p.m.,
Room 1300 Chemistry Building. Visitors
are welcome.
Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea
and chatter, 4 p.m., at the Guild.
Bring your friends.
Electrical Engineering Research Dis-
cussion Group: First meeting, 4 p.m.,
2084 E. Engineering Bldg. Mr. Welch of
the Electronics Defense Group will
speak on the "Comparison of Electronic
Traveling-Wave Devices"
Michigan Chapter of the American
Society for Public Administration will
hold its first Social $emnar, 7:30
p.m., East Lecture Room, Rackhami
Buldng. Guest speaker: George
Bean, City Manager of Grand Rapids.
"Some Problems in City Management."
Members, wives and friends are invited.
Scabbard and Blade. Active and
alumni members are requested to at-
tend the meeting at 8 p.m., 220 Tem-
porary Classroom Bulding.
Bridge Tournament
The Union is presenting its first all-
campus bridge tournament of the year,
in the Union Ballroom, beginning
at 7:15 p,m. Everyone is invited
to compete for the trophies, Women
may obtain late permission by signing
out with their house mothers for 11:30
Engineering Council: Meeting, 7:15
p.m., West Engineering Annex. All
members please attend whether notified
by mail or not.
Folk and Square Dance meets at s
p.m., at Barbour Gym. Everyone wel-
University of Michigan Rifle Club
will meet at 7 p.m., R.O.T.C. Rifle Range
The Rifle Club represents this Univer-
sity in intercollegiate matches.
MIMES. First meeting of semester,
7:30 p.m., Ann Arbor Room of they
League. Members are requested to at-
Research Club: 8 p.m., Rakham Am-
phitheater. Papers: "Some Biological
Aspects of Medicine," by Dr. Robert
Gessell, Professor of Physiology; "The
Invention of the Ethical Calculus," by
Louis I. BredvoId, Professor of English.
Coming Events
Episcopal Student Group: Holy Com-
munion at 7 a.m. and breakfast at Can-
terbury House on Thursday.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 18.




Boyle Trouble
WILLIAM H. BOYLE, JR., never got on
top of the hungry characters attracted
by a $68,400,000,000 federal budget of which
$27,000,000,000 is spent for major procure-
ment for the military services. In a vague
way he supported the aims in whose name
that budget is collected from the taxpayers
but he never really perceived that it demand-
ed a sterner moral code or, speaking practi-
cally, that the- burdened taxpayers would not
be satisfied with politics as usual.
A year ago his health began to reflect
his realization that somehow, some way,
this wonderful job of national chairman
handed him by his friend, the President,
was beyond him. But the President stood
by and lesser executives were brought in
to bolster the national committee. It did-
n't work and the RFC-Internal Revenue
disclosures of the past few months furth-
er weakened committee morale and func-
A new national chairman will face the
same conditions with which Boyle could not
cope. Yet, with a presidential campaign rpom-
Ing up, he will have to play astute politics.
Fbrces in the South of undetermined potency
are preaching rebellion against Mr. Truman:
Internal Revenue scandals threaten to in-'


Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor
Bob Keithr............City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor
Ron Watts ............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn,...,......Associate Editor
Ted Papes.............Sports Editor
George Flint . ..Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James..........Women's Editor,
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staf f
Bob Miller.........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Sally Fish ...........Finance Manager
Stu Ward........Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to It or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all, other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.



As well as directing downward the
fierce exhaust of my wishing wand
-so that I'll be rocketed upward-
M ~i. nrnirfla n mAn srvun js

Did you ask Pop for his umbrella?
Your Fairy Godfather

How proud
he'llbe of


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