See Page 4
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Latest Deadline in the State
Medical School
Blank Changed.
Questions Called 'Discriminatory'
To Be Eliminated from Application
The Medical School application blank, subject of a prolonged
campus controversy, has been revised.
Absent from the new form are several questions which were
termed "potentially discriminatory" by a conference of University
deans last January.
STRUCK FROM THE blank are queries on religion, nationality
and former name if changed. A picture is still requested, but it is
House Votes
Against Tax
Increase Bill
WASHINGTON - (k) - The
Rouse rejected the compromise
$5,732,000,000 Tax Increase Bill
yesterday in a stunning upset that
left key lawmakers questioning
whether any revenue measure at
all will be passed this year.
The 203 to 157 vote against the
bill surprised even the unusual
combination of Republicans and
northern and big city Democrats
who made up the bulk of the win-
ning side in the roll call.
THE FORCES who turned it
back were composed principally of
two groups: (1) Those who op-
pose a tax increase until govern-
ment spending is slashed and (2)
those who said the bill nit too
hard at low income groups and
too lightly at large incomes.
"It apparently was i combi.
nation of extreme left wingers
and right wingers who outnum-
bered the middle," commented
Sen. Taft (R-Ohio).
The bill, worked out by a Sen-
ate-House conference committee
after both chambers had passed
it in differing form, would have
raised individual income taxes $2,-
333,000,000 a year.
Yesterday's vote threw a big
monkey wrench into the machin-
ery that had been spinning
smoothly toward adjournment of
Congress at the end of this week.
UN Troops
Close Trap
On Chinese
KOREA-(P)--American troops
yesterday caught Chinese forces in
a giant trap on the blazing Central
Korean front where three Allied
divisions have smashed within
four miles of the big Red base of
The Americans snapped shut
their trap less than 24 hours after
U.S. airmen handed the Commun-
ist Air Force ;its worst jet licking
of the war.
The Fifth Air Force said U.S.
fliers shot down nine Russian-type
MIGS and damaged five others in
two swirling dogfights over North-
west Korea. It reported only one
F-86 sabre jet damaged in the
flashing battles between 70 U.S.
and more than 150 Red jets.
* * s
t MEANWHILE Gen. Matthew B.
Ridgway announced considerable
progress was made by Communist
and Allied negotiators yesterday
toward resumption of Korean arm-
istice talks.
The announcement about the
seventh meeting of Allied and Red
liaison officers in Panmunjom,
Korea, was released by Ridgway's
Public Information Office.
It cautioned, however, that there
were some unresolved issues which
must be settled before full-scale
meetings can begin.
These were described as the size
of security zones around Kaesong,
former site of the truce talks, Pan-
munjom, the new site, and Mun-
san, site of the UN peace camp.
Alleged Grid Pool
4 compulsory only if an applicant -is
to be interviewed.
StudentwLegislator Bob Baker,
'52, who worked on the problem
as head of the Campus Action
Committee last year, expressed
hope, that the new blank would
put an end to the discrimination
"With the questions removed,
the goal of SL's work has been
reached. We hope that the school
will soon follow the spirit of the
action in their admissions policy."
* * *
KEN BABCOCK, '52, current
CAC chairman, said that the me-
dical school move would close the
issue of applications discrimina-
tion as far as SL is concerned.
"We will ha'e a routine follow-up
investigation, of all the schools,"
he said, "but we trust that no
further action will be needed."
But while student legislators
seemed confident that the
changes were in keeping with
the spirit of the initial requests
for change, Dr. Wayne L. Whit.
aker, Medical School secretary,
emphasized only the mechanical
aspects of the new blank.
"This is merely a routine new
printing," he said. "The revisions
are simply part of a program to
improve admissions procedures all
along the line. They do not con-
stitute a change in policy."
The Medical School is the last
school to revise its applications
since the Deans' Conference
suggested the- elimination of
certain questions from admis-
sion blanks.
At the time of the deans' meet-
ing Frank E. Robbins, assistant to
retired President Alexander B.
Ruthven, announced that the
deans' statement would stand as
regular University policy.
The fight for revision of the
medical school blank began in
1949 when the Committee to End
Discrimination started a campaign
to have certain questions removed
f r o m the applications. ,CED
charged that the queries Were po-
tential aids to discrimination.
Last year the Campus Action
Committee took up the problem
and'after investigation also pe-
titioned for the revisions.
After the SL stand was indi-
cated by the Dean's Conference,
a series of applications revisions
were put forth, and by late last
spring the medical school was the
only University school which had
not yet acted on the deans' recom-
Three questions will remain on'
the blank which were also on the
deans' "black list." These are
place of birth, and mother's and9
father's occupation.1
Regents Yet
To Approve
Officials Refuse
Any Comment
University officials are now~
working on plans for a giganti
new research and developmen
center northeast of the Huron
River, it became known last night
The center, which might eventu-
ally house 14,000 people, is being
planned on a long-range basis
and is destined to accomodata ex-
pansion of research facilities in
future years.
INITIAL PLANS call for eec-
tion of an Engineering Research
Institute building at an early date
with a structure to house the
multi-million dollar Phoenix Pro-
ject scheduled to follow.
No specific details of the cen-
ter have been announced, and
University administrators were
reluctant to speak about it
The plans are still in an unfin-
ished stage and have not yet keen
approved by the Board of Re-
gents. The Board will next meet
Oct. 26, but is not expected to re-
view the plans until its following
meeting late in November.
* * *
THE RESEARCH center would
cover a 200 acre area bordering on
Glazier Way and Plymouth Road,
in the rolling hills overlooking the
Huron River a short distance from
The land has been purchased
by the University over a several
year period.
Hints of the new project have
been prevalent in recent weeks.
Speculation mounted when
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer, of the
graduate school, who is also a
Phoenix director, published a
progress report which said it was
"likely" the new Phoenix Proj-
ect building would be erected in
the area.
Dean Sawyer also mentioned the
Engineering Research Institute.
It was learned yesterday that
plans for this building are in an
advanced stage.
Early this week, Ann Arbor city
engineer George H. Sandenburgh
told the City Council he had been
approached by a University "plan-
ning consultant" who was check-
ing into sewage facilities in the
vicinity of the proposed research
Sandenburgh said the consult-
ant told him the University was
planning on an eventual popula-
tion of 14,000 persons in the area.
IT BECAME evident at the
council meeting that plans for re-
locating U.S. 23 were being held
up because of the new project and
the University's reluctance to give
out details.
Yesterday, University spokes-
men added their confirmation.
They admitted that the research
center was definitely in the off-
ing, and that architects and sur-
veyors were already at work.
But they emphasized that noth-
ing positive would be done until
the Regents gave their approval.
British Meet
Angry Mobs
With Bullets
Troops Pledged
To Stay in Egypt
eCAIRO, Egypt - VP)- British
troops fired on rioting Egyptians in
two cities on the Suez Canal yes-
From seven to seventeen persons
were reported killed and scores in-
A *
THE BRITISH commander
pledged that his troops will remain
in the canal area despite the ef-
forts of King Farouk's government
*to oust them. Britain announced
that reinforcements are on the,
CA British army communique
mssaid "a small number of rioters"
were killed and a British enlist-
ed man was wounded in clashes
at Ismailia and Port Said.
Egyptian officials at Ismailia
said seven Egyptians were killed
and 74 injured. Cairo newspaper
dispatches said a total of 17 were
killed, including two Britons, and
at least 80 injured.
The British communique said
the situation at the headquarters
city of Ismailia is now under con-
trol after a morning in which "a
canteen and cars were burned and
British troops opened fire to clear
the mob."
A LARGE MOB attacked a Brit-
ish camp at Port Said, it added,
and "British troops and Egyptian
police opened fire."
Egypt too was reported sending
in troops and police to preserve
order, by account of the pro-gov-
ernment newspaper Al Balagh.
Unconfirmed advices said six
Egyptian troop trains have head-
ed for Ismailia, the British head-
quarters city at the center of the
canal 70 miles northwest of Cai-
ro, where looting of a British
canteen set off widespread dis-
The British commander, Lt. Gen.
George Erskine, told his detach-
ments in a broadcast "we are not
going to be turned out, forced out
or knocked out" of the canl area.
"We are not looking for trouble,"
he said, "but we shall deal with it
quite firmly if we meet it.
Executives of'
IFC Ask Biasj
The Interfraternity Council Ex-
ecutive Committee last night vot-
ed to recommend to the House
President's Council that it set up
a special committee to investigate
the controversial bias quiestion.
The committee would "look in-
to the present IFC policy on dis-
crimination and report any chang-
es it finds necessary."
* * *
THE COUNCIL is slated to dis-
cuss the recommendation at itsl
meeting tonight in the Union.
The present IFC policy is in the
form of a resolution, passed by the
house presidents Nov. 21, 1950,
which states that any fraternity'
with a discriminatory clause must
attempt to have it removed at its
national convention, or the fra-
ternity shall be denied recognition
by the IFC.
The seven-man committee, re-
commended by the executive board
would include the chairman of the
IFC's Human Relations Commit-
-Daily-L. Wilk
* * *
Directory on Sale Today;
Quick Sell-out Expected
The, 1951-52 Student Directory
will go on sale today, and editor
Ron Watts, '52, expects a quick
"There has always been a big
demand for the directory in the
past. Although we hope we've
planned our supply to take care
of everyone, we can't guarantee
that there will be enough."
* *
WATTS NOTED that with leap
year in the near future, he expects
the feminine demand to be greatly
increased. "I understand that
many women on campus are going
dateless because up to now no one
knew their phone numbers. I sug-
gest that they take matters into
World News
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Russia lined up
with Iran last night against UN
Security Council action in the ex-
plosive Iranian-British oil contro-
versy and forecast a Soviet veto
on compromise proposals calling
for resumption of oil talks.
NEW YORK - Strong-arm
dock warfare was threatened
yesterday to break a wildcat
stevedores' strike that has im-
perilled the Army's supply life-
line abroad.
LAUSANNE, Switzerland - The
Swiss Federal Court yesterday con-
victed Charles E. Davis, 23 years
old, Pasadena, Calif., of political
He was charged with spying on
Communists and United States
diplomatic personnel in Switzer-
land on behalf of U.S. agents and
Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis.)
their own hands and buy a direc-
tory today."
Long a University stand-by as a
reference book for well-filled social
calendars, this year they're even
better, according to Watts. "The
phone numbers are correct."
The gray-covered books will go
on sale early today in front of
the Union, League, Engine Arch,
Angell Hall and at other strate-
gic campus spots. They will also
be on sale in most local book-
Included in the directory are
names, classes and schools, home
and Ann Arbor address and phone
numbers of nearly 18,000 students.
Also listed are phone numbers of
dormitories, house groups, student
and administrative offices, with
names of the officers.
Index letters in the corner of
each page have been added to
facilitate finding names.
"And with our stress on accuracyj
in editing the new directory, we
feel that it is well worth a dollar.
That's as much as they asked in
past years when costs were lower."
Watts said the money value alone
should move the directories like
hotcakes. "But we'll sell them as
long as they last-which probably
won't be past today."
Accused Killers
Mute at Hearing
Three 18-year-old youths ac-
cused of the Sept. 16 mallet slay-
ing of a nurse near the University's
new women's dorm stood mute at
their arraignment in Circuit Court
After Ann Arbor attorney Ralph
C. Keyes made an unsuccessful re-
quest for adjournment of the case,
Circuit Judge James C. Breakey,
Jr., ordered not guilty pleas en-
tered for the trio and set the trial
for Wednesday, Oct. 31.
Losers' Club
Membership in an exclusive
club -- the society of college
presidents whose teams don't
win football games -- has been
awarded to University President
Harlan H. Hatcher.
Introducing President Hatch-
er to the Economic Club in De-
troit Monday, Wayne Univer-
sity President David Henry ad-
mitted that he, himself, was a
charter member, but added,
"After what Michigan did to
Indiana Saturday, I believe that
President Hatcher should be
given only probationary mem-
Taft Certain
Will Get GOP
Nod in '52
WASHINGTON-(P)-A broadly
smiling and apparently confident
Robert A. Taft formally threw his
hat into the presidential ring yes-
The Ohio senator made the long-
expected announcement of his can-
didacy at a jam-packed, steaming-
ly hot news conference. He pre-
dicted the Republicans would nom-
inate him and the voters would
elect him to the White House on a
platform pledging:
* * *
1. RESTORATION of . progress
"within the principles of liberty
rather than the principles of So-
2. Restoration of "honesty and
integrity" in government, with an
end to corruption and influence-
For Taft, son of late President
William Howard Taft and regard-
ed by many as the Senate's "Mr.
Republican" since his dominant
role in the GOP-run 80th Con-
gress, this was the third all-out
bid for his party's presidential
YP's To Give
Hopwood Play
"War Sky" the Hopwood Award-
winning play by Robert Rosenberg
will be produced under the spon-
sorship of the Young Progressives,
it was decided at a YP meeting
last night.
Rosenberg's allegedly pacificist
play was scheduled for production
last semester as a part of the
Inter-Arts Union student art fes-
tival, but was withdrawn by the
IAU on the grounds that it had
received unauthorized publicity.
"War Sky" had previously ap-
peared in "Generation," the IAU
The University never directly
banned the production, although
Prof. Arno Bader of the English
department, who clears all stu-
dent plays for the University,
called it "controversial."
Ivan Gluckman will direct the
YP's production of Rosenberg's
Lia quat Shot
By Moslem
Assassin Killed
On Spot by Mob
KARACHIPakistan-( )-Prime
Minister Liaquat Ali Khan was as-
sassinated yesterday by a Moslem
extremist who wanted a holy war
with Hindu India.
The Assassin, Sher Akhtar, was
killed by a mob which surged on-
to the speaker's platform at Ra-
walpindi, 30 miles from the seeth-
ing Punjab border of disputed
Kashmir state. Official sources
said the mob caught the killer and
"tore him to pieces."
THE 56-YEAR-OLD Liaquat,
long a conciliatory influence in the
embittered relations with neigh-
boring India, had just started to
address a meeting of the Moslem
League. He was shot twice at close
range, in the chest and head, and
died in a hospital after an opera-
The Pakistan cabinet was ex-
pected to meet at once to consider
the dangerous new state of Pak-
istan-Indian relations that may
arise from this newest instance
of terrorism in the Moslem world,
the scene of 13 such assassina-
tions 'since early in 1945. Some
of the assassinations-notably in
Egypt, Iran, Jordan and Syria-
have had far-reaching results in
relations with Western powers.
Foreign Minister Sir Mohammed
Zafrullah Khan, a possible choice
to succeed Liaquat as prime min-
ister, hurriedly prepared to come
home from United Nations head-
quarters in New York. Pakistan
has no deputy prime minister so it
is still uncertain who will succeed
* * *
NO DISORDER was reported in
the Moslem nation of 80,000,000
people. But preparations were be-
ing made for a hasty funeral here
In Bombay, India, truck loads of
heavily armed police began inten-
sive patrols for fear that false re-
ports might set'off Moslem-Hindu
rioting. False reports that a Mos-
lem assassinated Mohandas K.
Gandhi set off murderous attacks
against Bombay's 400,000 Moslems
in 1948.
SL To Confer
About Library
A settlement of the long-stand-
ing library hour feud appears pos-
sible today, with Student Legis-
lature president Len Wilcox sche-
duled to confer with the top Uni-
versity officials concerned with
the problem.
Conferees in addition to Wilcox
will be President Harlan H.
Hatcher, Vice President Marvin L.
Niehuss, Director of University
Relations Arthur L. Brandon and
Director of Libraries Warner G.
* * *
hopes that a satisfactory settle-
ment could be reached at this
meeting. Although he warned
that the library in all likelihood
would not be open the next couple
of Sundays, he felt that through
the conference some arrangement
might be made by which the bud-
get would be adjusted to eventu-
ally reopen the library on Sun-
Scene of Assassination
Concert To End Composer 's Festival
Bringing to an end the Univer-
sity Composer's Festival, the Uni-
versity Symphony Orchestra un-
drv the ,direction oa-f "WXa'jr,..Thin-,
are students of Prof.
ney's composition class
sic school.
* * *
Ross Fin-
in the mu-
tonight will include "An April
Overature" by Eitzen, "Fantasia
for Orchestra" by Cogan, "Sym-
phony in Two Movements" by
Beglarian "Adagin f o Strins
THREE WORLD premieres will