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October 16, 1951 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-16

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r i r .r

Calciud r
Events To>day
roliticaal Sence Rioundtale:
M%. N. Marbury Efimenco, a mmi-
ber of the recent University Mid-
de East Expedition will speak on
"Impressions of the Middle East
to the graduate Poitical Science
,Found 'Table at 7:5 p~m. today in
the Rackhaml Amphitheater.
Radio lWorkshop: 'ThelUdio
Workshop sponsored by the Stui-
dent Religious Association, will be
heard at 5 :15 p.m. today ovr'
WIJOM in the second of a four-
weeks series of broadcasts on
Protestant ChristaniIy.
« «
:Design Lecture: Speakng on
"Problems in Comprehensive 1e-
sign," uckminst er Fuller, well-
known buildng researcher fron
New York, will speak today at 7:30
p.m. in the Architectur Audi-
Ev'ents Tomorrow
Chemistry Lecture: Prof. H. F,
Carter, of the University of Illinois
Chemistry department, will speak
on "Chemistry of the Cerebrosides
and the Sphingomylins" at 8 m.
Coming Events
Economics Lecture: Isador L11-.
bin. Utited States Representative.
in the Economic .nd Social Coun-
cil of the United Nations will
speak on 'The Economic Pass of
World Peace" at 4:15 p.m.. Octo-
ber 22 in the Rackham Anph-
Senjio I'PrI'of)
Deadline Set
Seniors who have not retu red
Uheir proofs to the 'nsin were
urged to do so between 8:30 a.m.
and 5:30 p.m. sometime this week,
by Neale Traves, 'Ensin business
If proofs are not returned with-
in ten days of receipt by the st-
dent to the Publications Building
the 'Ensin staff will make its wn
selection of the picture to appear
in the yeirbook. Orders for addi-
tional prints may be made by sn-
iore when they return the proofs
Traves also requested that all
seniors who have no made their
picture appointments do s im-
mediately. The deadline for ap-
pontmfents has been set for Oct.
24, he said.
.eye examnations
9:00-5:30 daily except Mon~ay
evenings by appointment
109 lYz t. Washington
Phone 2-8869
Read and Use
Deily Cassifieds
If you knew t

Voyagvers HollieWartid Botund

Frcaternities ji~'jEs;RS


To BeTpi
A iA sseimbly,
Tw'~o affiliated and twxo lipnke-
laenldent tmen will oppose e.Icli
other onl the topic "Should 'oc-itt
frat ernities and sororities be
abolished," ttthe montly speechi
assembly at 4 palm. Wednesdainl
the Rackham lecture hall.
Mert on Krause. '53 and1(iw'Ar-
mt'an 'Fillmore, Gra d., will (k'bate
in what is knowNn ,as ''ichligan
Style-' the advacntages and disadc-
vtag~pef of soial fra t etitlfP's with
Vic Gladstone. '3.and I nht e Rat -I
tei', Grad.
Cet'lered oil present ii the lim"s
of opinlionl to the( audience rat h1er
th1an on whvlichl team will win the
dlebate, 1M1ichigan debate s st, Ie hs
beetn in existcee for moret, than
five years. accordinr to Prof. N.
Edd Miller', Forenis lirect or of
the speech depar'tment.
Out' style. Miller continuted. ('oll-
sists not only of the st IIlandrd de-
bate speeches, but, also )f a cross
examinlationl of each debat or by
a member of thxe opposin~g teaml.
In addition, we mtake sure there
is time at the enld for quest ions
from the audience, Miller said.
Because we feel thtatIhiis the
only way the aulvil.e is g"Iven11a
complete two-sidted view of the
question, we use thits style in most
of our in-stule debates. We do,
howyever, debate in the regular
manner in mnany of our inter-
collegiate debates, hie added.
At least one of the speech as-
semnblies each year. usually in te
fall semester, is a debate. Nome
years. the debates are w Itit inter-
national teams such !is Oxford
or Calbridge.
When the debators art,'.all 11ni-
versity students, thlough, we try
to make the point in quest ion one
which concerns the Campus, Miller

Barkiey JTo Speak Thursday

Vicv'e -Prsidenlt Alben XVW. Ba it-
ley'. w holselongll-standing influencet
ill "o'nmeniliit ihas won himn thek
title ''symll lof 1party conlIinuit"',"
w~ill :fort1'' pa 1rt y and politics" in
the openling addllress of the 19t -
521 Lecture Course, ThurllISday.
Speaking onn the ''Crossrojds of ca
llioc racy.).'' Barkley wiltl prsent
the humal~n side of the problemns
faceiig America ttoday, .He is p-
pearing qinl Ann Arbor as part of
a llextenlsive11. 'S. tourl.
THll C(Atli)INAL rul1e fot' speak-

ei's, nccoi'ding to Barkley, should
be:''a something; worth saing,~t
then stop)." 'l'ilt' cour-Se 01 his-
toery, he feelis, haes of tenl been1
charterd and chitnneled by the
powei' of the spoken word.
Kowiing What to say and
when to !stop has pushed Bark-
ley fronit a law clerk position
in Paduealh, Ky., to thet Second
raning~l executive pvolition inl
thle United States.
Barkley's ear'ly interes t inl poli-
ic's r"esulted inl a proscuting at-

Au fluropology S i'inuiner Course
Ex~plores Iakh( A rea for Relfics

torney %post in Kentucky, which
resulted in heis elect-ion as judge
of County Coui't. lie then Jumped
fromt the counlty to the U,. S. Con-
gre'ss, a1nd ha;s served in every
successive Contgress since the Six-
ty-third. plrior. to hlis election as
Vice-Presidet ini19483. Kentucky
elected him to the Senaite in 1927.
since elected ''Veep " Bairklcy,
has1 ciu'ric( out Ihis intention not
to "sink into political oblivionl and
becomne Just a gavel-pounder," Ile
has sponlsored programls of farmn
legislationl, 111d extenlsionl of Social
Siec urity coverage9(, enalctmllent of
the Civil Right's programl, land ain
attempt of outlaw filibustering.
Single tickets for flarkley's lec-
tulre will g.o on1 sale Wednesda~y
mnornling until 8:30 p.m1. Thurlsdany,
at, hill Auditorium BOX Office, at
the i'egulalr rate of 60c.
Facutity Memibers
'To Attetud Con fa
'Tenl faculty miembers from the
School of Public I-ealtii will at-
tenld the 11nnual111Meet-ing of the
Amlericaln Public Health Associa-
tion which will conlvenie tron Oct
29 to Nov. 2 in San Francisco.

LAST lAP'--The riftt Lethlrgia is starting fromni Vltksbut'g, Miss~. on the final lei; of its Mississippi-
iliver voyvage to New Orleants, The two unnariiu couples include University students (left to
righlt ) l)on Brown, Geraldine Cxarcia, Mary I'llin Mtrady orig Ina.tot' of the trip,. and Milton Borden.
I~v~flfl(; lIT IA NTI-l)

I )gglu around in desertedl
rinits. then bathing inl the cleat'
atnd sotnethlnes icy waters of Lake
11uron, is all part of the progriun
of Anthropology 178,. a nine- week
summer course taught by Prof.
Emerson F. Greenman.
This suammer, 'As inl thespast 1:3
year11s, the cGeorgian Bay aeaof
Kilartiy, Ontario becalme the
classroom of Unxiversity ani luo-
polo'y 5students eng;aged in anicov-
er-ingy stotne imp lemients antd other
evidlences of prehistoric occupa-
mens have hbeen uncovei( edand
exploratory trip ; made by !boait, upl
and doawn the shore for a s t mi ce
of a~bout 40 miles have broigl't to
light twelve oather archlaeological
sites not previously known.
Prof. Greenmian has just put%-
lished a report of theexai
titans which have been going on
each summer since 19.18 when
an e arly historic eetary dat-
iug back to 1750 was excavated,
revealingf information about thle
ituplemnents of the period and
those traded w~ith the Ojilbway
Indians of Old Birch Island by
the French.
Inl 1938 told Birch Island was an

a rchhacolog ically unknown t erri-
tory', bitt ar yranlt f rom lthe ,Boar ld
of Gofverlnrs of thet graduate
school made ,possible the cexc :x a:-
tions and also provided for publi-
ctilon of thew results.
Accorditng to him it 'is pos:ible
to dlate native Inidian mat~erialls
which are found inograves and
pits in direct ass;ociation with ob-
jects of Eulropeacn origin,.

I 1 1101111

One-year Course

'T'het'e is an1hiet'b shortage in
Ann Arbor.
At lealst, Student Plaeyers prot-
du.ct ion workers are ha1ving 1a hard
time st ockiltig The Ofice of Mled i-
cinal Hlerbs, governmt agent.w cy
which plays a leading ro)le in their
Fall Pledge
Nva mes Told
TR'IiANGLE: Rcad Signor,
'SI'llaw1renuc (,IOst rotn, S,
John Dieni an, '551J, Heirbert Ash-
ley, ',)517, Fred Ker', '152L, George
Roe'hml, !551'
TIGON: C('itarlet Conklin,
'55, Adrian Nudtier, '53, Wil-
han1 Walt, '55F.
ZETA BEl'TA TALI: IRobert Apple,
'51, William Bl erhl, 'it5, 1Burtonl
Fi'eeOdnia x, '55, Barry Freemanx, %'55,
Norma1:n Cidd an, '551, ~louis Grtott a,
'5i5, Jay Ilerschman, '55.,1Pobei't
H-e1rsfeldl, '55i, Robert. -Kogod, '53,
Ri.cha1rd Kohn, '55 , Herbert
K!ricketsltin, '5), Sttuile(y 1,eiken,'
'5)5, Eugene Lavrin+.", '55, ja Mtiiil,
155,1 Mor-ton Mz,'54, Robe )rtNe-
delnd1(e r. ')b, tanfot'd Shelyvr,
'55, Louis Slavin, '55, D~avid Siter-
hug, _'5i5., al lVictor, '55, i~obert
Weisb)erger~l, '53, Morris We iss , '55.
ZETA 'Si: Charles Pa':ttersonl,
',1, . Edwardl Millei', '54F, Westeg
Fr t an k hPstocil, .i'S;A.CGrovei'
F'nswoi'tlh, '55, John Childs, 'Tho-
mal~s Waybirn, '55, Robert West.-
over, .lames 1?(e, IRodger Gilbert,
John Chase Charles, '55.
t'hisAm w1'

coming ptroduct ion. '"Tw~o 11. ud
Misc." 1
NEEi1J) FOR thle 'k 1A'
such unfamiliar plants as pip- is
sisse"a', pleturisy root,. foetr root, I
eyebrighlt ,arnd anthte t'at ila.
"Wet'watt i it)tst'the real
thing inlsteadi of slubs4 itutes, Ma.-
He Miller. director, said. '',it s
implortant to the lay that .ill
the props be as :mtltentie as i"'s-
sible. Rut so fal. Awe h. 'til't
found any1.rone ill town who tcallt
sell us w htat we need."Hu t n il t e ars o t o ihI;
t ownispeoples ba ckyartds for wildt
specitiieiis1woii't dolanly"good,
eithei'. For use inlte play t he
New (ov'er IDeshi.i
A camipus-witeetat't con test to,
produce the best c'over design f Or
the fort hcoming issue of Gen'lera-
iona is being conducted this a cek
tnd next, according to Donl llope.
Generation managing edttor.
Sponsored by the artt staf f of
the tlnaazine , the a itit-of (1wr con-
test. is t)provide more att ractilye
toveris for the Generalton during
the school yealr,
t Students arc ut'ged to submiit. as
many etitries as, they desire to the
Generation office in tlihe Publit'a-
ionis Building!,. 'J'he decadiline for'
the contest, has been ,et for'Oct.
24. The atrt staff will Judge the
entr'ies. and tall entries will be
pet'sonally returned.

'a lives muist be' already pre-
pareti antd dried.
"TW'O) Bl.IIiCE" is ia {atir-
ical fartce Nxhich pokes muny fuln at
washintg toithbeatocracy.
The 'enter ofi action is at
lon-abiolislie'd Office of Mledi-
cinal llerbs, whichm two die-hard
la dies are keeping open through
sliver ing cnn uit y amid sent imen-
talit y.
they rent pai'rts of their office to
a rumba I ttt 'r.a pants presser
and iit y oiiigovei'minc'nt N'orkt'x'
'Th ey also riiiit partking lot or
the sitde.
At"FlENC'I'iY pr'oblems have
pi'esetitced t heiselves also ini the
t'ostuinin tangle. "W~e lied i
senttor's t'itt way coat. 'nd strtpe(c
t rouiser's.tand uniforms for ar
Arluy major, at Navy 'oniniandei
aidc a; It. Colonel in the Al
x Porce." Mm's. Millet' sati. So f aI
nio militai'y men have offereti thed
uniforms to the players, btth res
expoct to locate sotiie xvillixig pa'
roils befo:'e (lie curtain 1goes ul]
Nov. 25.
"'No substitutions will work
here,"' the dir'ec'tor' explained.
"We have to get authentic, cura-
renit style uniforms."
A posttmati's uinifoi'm is ills(
needed, but that problem has beet
solved. Ali Atn.Arbor postnir
Athu lui'erst let', has agreed fi
play It'e letter-carrier ptirt in th
t'he play will run Nov. 2:
through Nov. 27 at Lydia. Mendels
soliii 'Theati'e.


* Prepare to 11e into a responsibale
(,eective position in the retaililn
IIel: bu1!yin, avriigfsin
hperF ,111el. ISpecialized training, cx-
I tluisivrely ( or colletge graduates, covers
merchlandis InIg, persontnel m1anage-
m1en t, textiles, store organization, Sal"s
promot ion, atnd all phases of store
activity. Realistic approach under
,tore-trainied faculty. Clases are corn1-
bimied with paid store work. Students
are 1u5ually lplacedi before graduation.
Co-educational. Mlaster's degree.
i mited enrolment. Write Admissions
Office for Blulletin C.


Readi aulfil17se'
IDaily Cltassif ieds




Sill flU-E1KV ICE

Follett's Michigan Book Store, 322 S. State St.
Overbeck Book Store, 1216 S. University Ave.
Sloter's Bookstore, 336 S. State St.
Student Periodical Agency, Municipal Court Bldg.
Ulrich's Book Store, 549 E. University
Wohr's Book Store, 316 S. State St.
Paul A. Word, Low Campus
WIhen you were asked this
"Who represents TIME
on your tompus?"
Then yoAgt this
When TIME's sleuth hit town last week, he parceled out
a dollar apiece to those listed below who knew that those
listed above represent TIME, The Weekly Newsmagazine,
right here on your campus.

f l III'II


\' ..




~' ~ Yfl' t

v I

. , .

Alexander Quenk
Bud Jones
Kala Aronoff
Charles Asbury
Fey Ringer
Joan Ketihut
Wendel Rayburn
Bill Wise
Diane Mowrey

William Warren
Charles Stauffer
Leonard Lanky
Walter Hobby
Aggie Dunn
Ruth Eisemani
Betty Corbett
Richard Frankie
Martin Rosenthal

Bob Foncett
Bob Jardinico
Boris Brannick
Ino Berruoxoo
Eleanor Rosenthal
John Kraus
Ion Jensen
Gene Gilnmore
Guinevere Oorn

r ,



''' ,__



I1 1.,:. Iti.r"t° x.,-"=re*,. tt rte' koct til 1, t't%: 1X1 ltl 1 it*rl



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