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October 16, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-16

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See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State



Egypt Tur'n1
Down West's
Pact Offer
British Threaten
Use of Troops
CAIRO - (P - Egypt reject
the Western power plan to ma:
the Suez an international defen
bastion last night and her Parli
" ment slashed old ties with Brita
for defense and for rule of the va
t Sudan.
Wildly cheering these histi
' acts, Parliament voted that t]
British must get out of the Su
Canal area-and also the Suda
' where they have ruled joint
with Egypt for more than half
OFFICIAL sources in Lond
said Britain would ignore the on
sided denunciation of Suez an
Sudan treaty rights and wou
use force if necessary against at
eviction efforts.
Against a backdrop of tumul
inside and outside the building
Parliament moved overwhelm
ingly to make the necessary con
stitutional changes to absorb th
Sudan and proclaim King Fa
rouk I the King of Egypt an
the Sudan.
Annexation of the Sudan wouJ
add nearly a million square mili
and 8,000,000 people to Egyptia
sovereignty and triple the lan
area of Farouk's realm. He woul
reign from the Mediterranea
nearly to the Equator and contr
a long Sudanese front on the Re
r Sea.
American officials in Washing
ton indicated the United. State
would support Britain if she de
" cides to keep troops in the Sue
Canal area. They indicated the
Western powers would press for
ward with their plan to createa
Middle East defense command a
proposed to Egypt Saturday b
the U.S., Britain, France and Tur
Jessup Vote
Foreign Relations Subcommittee
put off a vote last night on Am.
bassador Philip C. Jessup's nomi
nation as a United Nations dele-
gate to give him a second chance
to reply, to charges against him.
The delay underscored a pos-
sibility that Congress may adjourn
without any Senate action on the
controversial nomination.
SENATOR Sparkman (D-Ala.),
subcommittee chairman, told re-
porters Jessup will testify this
morning if he cares to. He said the
group had been unable to reach
Jessup in New York for an im-
mediate decision.
Sparkman said that regard-
less of whether Jessup testifies,
the sub-committee plans to vote
today on whether the Senate
should confirm him.
That group's decision, he added,
will be transmitted immediately to
the full Foreign Relations Com-
mittee, which has a meeting sche-
duled after the subcommittee ses-
Sparkman said the subcommit-
tee decided Jessup should be given
an opportunity to reply to new
charges levelled at him yesterday
by Harold E. Stassen. Stassen. tes-
tified yesterday that even if Jessup
did not attend a White House

' conference on a proposal to stop
U.S. aid to the Chinese Natnional-
ists, he certainly had a hand in
it. Jessup denied it.
Teenage Slayers
To Be Arraigned
Three teenagers, who police say
have confessed the Sept.-186 slay-
ing of Nurse Pauline Campbell,
will be arraigned at 9 a.m. today
in Circuit Court.
The youths were bound over
from municipal court after an ex-
amination Oct. 1. They have been
held without bond in the County
Facing murder charges are Wil-
liam R. Morey, III, and Jacob M.
Pell, both of Ypsilanti; and David
L. Royal of Milan. All are 18 years
Acacia Included

es i

Governor, Princess Meet




A FAIRY TALE COME TRUE-Amidst cheering crowds Princess Elizabeth and her prince consort
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, greet Canadian and American dignitaries on Government Dock in Wind-
sor, Ontario. Here Governor G. Mennen Williams is shown greeting the Princess.

* * *

* * *

* * *


Royal Couple Tours Windsor


Special to The Daily
WINDSOR, Ont.-It seemed like
a fairy tale come true yesterday
as almost half a million people
paid homage to Britain's Princess
Elizabeth a n d h e r handsome
prince consort Philip in the big-
gest show Windsor has ever
For the most colorful spectacle
of its history both Canadians and
Americans came out in full force
to witness the climax of weeks of

kept the city agog with excite-
ment and anticipation.
* * *
A MASS of red, white and blue
flags and bunting merged with
smiling faces was all that could
be seen for miles as the royal cou-
ple passed through the crowded
city streets on a triumphal 15 mile
tour of the city.
Bands heralded the approach of
the Duke and Princess at the five
major points where they stopped,
as thousands of school children
waved miniature flags and joined
in the cheering which met the
royal couple wherever they went.
Never had the hearts of Wind-
sorites been captured so quickly
and so easily.
With their bright scarlet coats
hundreds of Royal Canadian
Mounted Police added even more
color to the festivities while
keeping the crowds in line. A


areful prepartaion which



Strike Ends;
'U' Building
To Resume


Construction work on three Uni-
cversity projects halted for two
days by a jurisdictional dispute
will be resumed full-scale today.
Workmen returned to the hos-
pital's out-patient clinic job and
the Kresge Medical Research Cen-
ter project yesterday, but a second
walkout by the carpenters union
hampered production at the An-
gell Hall addition. The carpenters
at the addition left when the un-
ion's steward quit, protesting
working conditions This automati-
cally forces the rest of the stew-
ard's union to quit.
However, all other workmen
reported yesterday and none
were affected by the Angell
Hall walkout. Many carpenters
did not come to work at all but
their absence was attributed to
the opening of the hunting sea-
The original dispute which
caused the strike on Friday still
remains unsettled. Involving the
question as to which union should;
receive the job of installing an
aluminum window sash in the
three projects, the dispute was
sent to the National Labor Rela-
tions Board and a decision is still1

SL Petitions
Due on Friday
Petitions for campus offices are
beginning to move faster now, Joe
White, SL public relations chair-
man, announced yesterday.
Friday is the last day to turn in
completed petitions. They may be
picked up from 3-5 p.m. in the SL
Building, 122 S. Forest, until that
Some minor changes in the term
of office for some of the positions
were also announced. The last four
SL candidates to be elected will
serve only a half-year term, with
21 year-term seats available.
Also, the three student members
to be elected to the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications will
serve only till the end of the cur-
rent academic year instead of re-
maining in office till next fall's
elections. Their successors will be
elected this spring.
A change in the schedule for SL
candidates' training meetings has
been made. The revised plan calls
for sessions Oct. 23, 24, 25 and 30.

large police escort preceded the
Prince and Princess as they rode
in an open convertible through
the city.
Windsor's American neighbor
Detroit, hailed the royal couple
with a salute of 21 aerial bomb;
followed by 18 others. One bomi
opened into a huge Union Jacl
which was an impressive mark o:
international friendship as it un-
furled against the blue sky.
44' *-
THE DUKE and princess ar
rived late Sunday night but dic
not leave their special train unti
early yesterday morning. ThE
train stopped directly across fror
Belle Isle, Michigan, where
multi-colored fountain stayed or
until 2 a.m. at the Princess' re-
Crowds began gathering early
the next morning to watch the
Princess as she emerged from
the train. Army, navy and air
force cadets lined up for a guard
of honor inspection and the Es-
sex Scottish regiment appeared
in full dress, their band playing
the bagpipes as they marched in
front of the platform.
As the poised and charming
Princess came out of the train,
followed by her husband, a re-
spectful and awed silence greeted
her. Although undoubtedly tired
after a week of continuous travel-
ling and civic ceremonies, both the
Duke and Princess had a ready
smile and wave for everyone pres-
ent, and were completely relaxed
throughout the whole oroceedings.
After the initial ceremonies the
royal couple were then whisked
off to continue the 3 hour tour
which was planned down to the
last minutes. At the express de-
sire of the Princess who was in-
terested in seeing where much of
the war-time machinery had come
f r o m, t h e procession passed
through the Ford Plant.
The highlight of the tour came,
however, at the Government Dock
where the royal couple met such
American dignitaries as Mayor Al-
bert Cobo of Detroit and Governor
G. Mennen Williams of Michigan.
Here Gov. Williams presented
Duke Philip with a bow-tie from
his own collection, which the Duke
quickly put in his pocket. Two
miniature cars for the royal chil-
dren, Prince Charles and Prin-
cess Ann, were also presented to
the couple by Mayor Arthur J.
Reaume of Windsor, who person-
ally knelt down on the dock to
demonstrate them to a delighted
During these riverfront cere-
monies a Detroit fireboat set up
a rainbow-like stream of water
highlighting the Detroit skyline

UN Council
Told To Stay
Out of Iran
Premier Calls Oil
Internal Problem
NEW YORK-(I)-Iran's aged
and ailing premier, Mohammed
Mossadegh, told the UN Security
council yesterday to keep hands
off in the British-Iranian oil dis-
pute and let Iran shape its own
economic destiny.
At the same time, he barred any
further direct negotiations with
Britain except on two questions:
compensation for British invest-
ments in the now nationalized
Anglo-Iranion Oil Co. and possible
sale of oil to Britain.
* * *
MOSSADEGH, speaking slowly
and calmly in French, warned:
"We will not be coerced
whether by foreign governments
or by international authorities."
He displayed none of the emo-
tional oratory nor the outbursts of
sobbing which frequently have
marked his speeches on oil na-
tionalization in his own country.
The gist of his argument was that
the oil question was an internal
problem and, therefore, not within
the jurisdiction of the Security
s . .
MOSSADEGH spoke immediate-
ly after Britain's veteran diplo-
mat, Sir Gladwyn Jebb, appealed
to him in a short speech "not to
take up an aggressively niational-
istic and, indeed, isolationist atti-
This was Mossadegh's first UN
appearance. Since his arrival here
a week ago he had passed most of
his time in a hospital recuperating
from a tiring trip. He showed no
sign of fatigue today, but after
speaking for 13 minutes he called
upon an aide, Allah Yar Saleh, to
finish the 31-page speech for him.
After a two-hour session, devot-
ed mostly to Mossadegh's speech,
the council adjourned until 3 p.m.
W orld News
By The Associated Press
A group of visiting American edi-'
tors was told yesterday that the
withdrawal of American troops
from Europe might begin in late
1953 or early 1954 if western Eur-'
ope's defensive buildup continues'
at the present rate.
* * *
MIAMI, Fla.-Defense Secre-
tary Robert A. Lovett declared
yesterday at an American Le-.
gion national convention that
the U.S. does not yet have a
stockpile of atomic super-wea-
pons which can bring a cheap]
victory in war. He warned the1
nation against any foolhardy]
optimism over new weapons.
*4 * *
NEW YORK-James J. Moran,j
bosom pal of former mayor Wil-
liam O'Dwyer, was indicted yes-'
terday as alleged master mind of'
a $500,000 a year city-wide shake-
down racket.
TOKYO-Japan's most destruc-
tive typhoon of the year lost itsc
punch yesterday and headed out i
to sea, leaving more than 350 Jap-

anese civilians dead, nearly 1,000
injured and property damage ex-I
ceeding $55,500,000.r

Ic Ahead;
UN Forces
Take Two
Insists on Truce
At Present Front
By The Associated Press
Three Allied Divisions captured
two more hills in their central
front offensive yesterday, bringing
them within easy artillery range
of Kumsong, while in Tokyo, Gen.
Matthew B. Ridgway, said the UJN
would stand firm in demanding
the battle line as the cease-fire
The fourth day of the Allied at-
tack on a 22-mile front brought
the United Nations line forward
five and one half miles from its
jumping off point on the morning
y-Malcolm Shatz of Oct. 13.

SPRING FEVER?-Two nature lovers marvel at t1
dian Summer weather which replaces the cold dre
typical Ann Arbor Autumn.

be 1
it w

-was procee ngin s e orsco
halt the spread of Communism
'Truman Asks.
President Truman pointedly called
upon Soviet Russia yesterday to
agree upon disarmament terms
which would "free the world from
the scourge of atomic warfare."
He again offered to "sit down
with the Soviet Union" and other
nations to work out agreements to
relieve mankind of "the horror of
another world war" and provide
the basis for "a durable peace."
* * *
MR. TRUMAN, speaking at
groundbreaking ceremonies of
multi-million dollar buildings of a
new and expanded Baptist Wake
Forest College, steered entirely
clear of past controversies with
Southern Democrats over civil
rights and other "Fair Deal legis-
He pitched his address large-
ly on foreign policy as the after-
math of his recent announce-
ment of Russia's explosion of a
second atomic bomb,
American foreign policy, the
President declared, is "based upon
the hope that it will be possible to
live, without a war, in the same
world ast he Soviet Union-if the
free nations have adequate de-
Wolverine Club
Reservations for the Wolverine
Club sponsored trips to the Illinois
and Cornell games are now on sale
at the Administration Bldg., ac-
cording to Corky Gibbons, Wolver-
ine Club president.
Available with the train tickets
are a limited number of tickets to
both games, and housing arrange-
Sments for those who need it.

* * *
TAFT'S ADDRESS was deliv-
ered before a Founders' Day ban-
quet of the Michigan Republican
Party, with tickets at $100 a plate.
A total of about 1,500 persons at-
The Ohio Republican's address
had been billed as a major one,
and some obesrvers thought he
might announce his intentions for
the forthcoming presidential cam-
paign. But Taft took off some of
the pressure with an announce-
ment that he would hold a press
conference in Washington this
There was speculation that
today's announcement would
deal with his possible candi-
In last night's address, Taft
called for an all-out Republican
effort to win the vote.
"Never in our times will we see
as crucial an election as that of
this year," he declared.
Director Sale
Set ToBegin
Tomorrow marks the first day
of sales for the new 1951-52 Stu-
dent Directory.
This is one of the earliest sales
in the history of the directory, ac-
cording to Ron Watts, '52. The
first copies. of the gray-covered
book have already arrived from
the publisher and are being pre-
pared for the sale.
A new feature of the guide this
I year is the addition of index let-
ters in the upper corner of each
page to make it easier to find
names and addresses of students.
Despite rising costs of printing
and preparation, the directory is
still being sold for $1, Watts add-
ed. "Not only is it less expensive
than the 'Ensian, but it also pro-
vides a better date book, since pic-
tures are not included," he said.

he mellow In-
eary rain of a'

T aft Cals Next Election
Crucal Test fr Public'
DETROIT-(/P)-Senator Rob- with "no intelligent program" and
A. Taft (R-Ohio) told Michi- with plans that "change from day
Republicans last night that to day.
next presidential election will e
the most crucial in "our times." He urged the people to elect a
n a scorching attack on the Republican administration which
iman administration, Taft said "alone offers hope and leader-
uacx~nndrin in itc ffrtc tn

IN THE rugged east, the U.S.
Second Division's 38th Regiment
succesfully stormed the highest
mountain peak between "Heart-
break Ridge" and the Pukhan Ri-
ver-a towering crest 4,000 feet
high. The victory came as the
North Korean Army communique
boasted that Red troops had "an-
nihilated" the 38th Regiment.
The capture of this peak by
the 38th Regiment climaxed the
three-day battle along the
northwest end of "Kim 11 Sung
Ridge," now largely held by the
Meanwhile, the west was com-
paratively quiet. However, the
Communists stepped up their bar-
rages of mortar and artillery fire
from long range.
The strongest Red resistance ap-
peared to be almost directly souhi
of Kumsong, where the veterat
U.S. 24th Division and the Colom-
bian Battalion were attacking.
* * *
IN TOKYO, the supreme Allied
commander promised that despite
efforts to resume truce talks once
again, the UN forces would con-
tinue their offensive with taking
as much ground as possible their
"In principle, we want a
cease-fire line more or less along
the present battle line.
The Communists had insisted on
the 38th Parallel as the cease-fire
Ridgway also promised that the
Allied correspondents would be
given more news of what goes on
at truce talks. He admitted that
the Red delegation had been more
generous with their correspon-
dents but accused their reports
were tinged with malicious propa-
Ridgway's comments were made
as Allied and Red liaison officers
in Korea were conferring for the
fifth straight day at Panmunjom
on the problem of restarting the
truce talks.
The major question is the size of
the neutral zone around Kaesong,
former location of the negotia-
tions. The Reds want the five-mile
neutral zone retained while the Al-
lies want it reduced to 3,000 yards.
Hatcher Cites
U. S. CompleX
The impact of the Machine Age
on this country has resulted in a
"cultural inferiority complex,"
President Harlan H. Hatcher de
dared yesterday before the Econo-
mic Club of Detroit.
Speaking on the topic "Can We
Humanize the Robots," President
Hatcher explained the historical
roots of the "cultral inferiority
"Though the United States
freed itself in a political and na-
tional sense," he pointed out, "it
was still in a state of colonial de-
pendency in higher education,
philosophy, literature, and the
fine arts."
Med Frosh Class


Hunting Season Opens
For Lower Peninsula

By The Associated Press
Small game hunters opened fire
yesterday throughout the lower
peninsula and preliminary reports
were that predictions of successful

Szigett CharmsCapacity Hill Crowd

peninsula, the principal target was
ruffed grouse.
Both pheasant and grouse hunt-
ers had glowing predictions to bol-
ster their hopes. There were pre-


HIS PLAYING of "Introduction

Baroque, Classic, Romantic, and

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