'U' Synchrotron Now Rolling
Three 'U' Fire Hazards
Removed, Marshall Says
The hidden secrets of atomic
nuclei are being brought into the
open deep in the basement of the
Randall Physics Building.
After five years of extensive ex-
perimentation and development,
the University's 300,000,000 volt
synchrotron is ready for research
work, according to Prof. R. W.
Pidd, head of the project.
THE FIRST signs'that the syn-
chrotron was working successfully
came during August of this year,
when a long-anticipated acceler-
ated electron beam was produced.
Since then the beam has been re-
produced successfully on numer-
ous occasions, opening the path
.to several fields of atomic re-
The synchrotron story began
in 1945, when is was invented
simultaneously by two scientists:
Professors McMillan of the Uni-
versity of California and Vekser
of Russia. It was also during
this year, in August, that the
atomic bomb was unveiled at
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
In 1946 two University scien-'
tists, Prof. H. R. Crane andxProf.
D M. Dennison made an impor-
tant modification in the original
syhchrotron's design, adding a
"racetrack' shaped field. With
these developments intensive ato-
mic research came to Ann Arbor.
THE UNITED States Navy Bu-'
reau of Ordnance authorized con-
struction of a synchrotron by ni-
versity professors and graduate
Last Year the synchrotron
was taken over by the U. S. Ato-
mic Energy commission. The
first real success on the project,
the accelerated electron beam,
has dispelled all doubts that the
new design of Professors Crane
and Dennison would not work.
In 1949, after considerable test-
ing, the original design had to
be revamped. According to Prof.
Pidd, who is now in charge of the
project, the last two years have
been spent in rebuilding the ma-
chine, so that it could be operated
successfully. -
*s *
A TOTAL of about $350,000 has
been spent by the Navy and the
Atomic Energy Commission in de-
veloping the synchrotron to its
present form.
The University synchrotron is
housed in a large room in the
second basement of the Randall
Physics Building. Three foot
concrete walls protect other
parts of the building from being
exposed to the deadly radiations
given off when the machine is
The synchrotron is operated by
remote control from an adjoining
control room. Here a crew of
graduate physicists control and
observe every action of the ma-
'51 Directory
Sales To Open
Campus-wide sale of the 1951-
52 Student Directory, listing the
names and phone numbers of al-
most 18,000 students, is slated to
begin Wednesday.
Long considered a social neces-
sity among men and women at the
University, the 'Direktory will
again sell for $1.
"Inflation may be plaguing the
country, but the Student Directory
is holding the line on its prices,"
Ron Watts, '52, editor of the book,
In addition to the names, Ann
Arbor addresses and phone num-
bers of students, their school year
and home addresses have been' in-
cluded. Telephone numbers of
dormitories, house groups, student
and administrative offices, in-
cluding names of the officers, is
featured in the front section of
the book.
Three serious fire hazards have
been removed from campus with
the tearing down of University
Hall, Mason Hall and South Wing,
State Fire Marshall Arnold C.
Renner said yesterday.
Renner and his staff of five de-
tectives from the Michigan State
Police have been inspecting cam-
pus buildings for fire hazards
during the past week.
They are being examined in
conjunction with an inspection of
all state buildings which was or-
dered by Governor Williams after
Europa Club
Features Play
Members of the Arts Theatre
Club will present Chekov's "The
Cherry Orchard" as part of the
program to be sponsored by the
Europa Club at 8 p.m. tomorrow
at the International Center.
In addition to the skit, Adele
Hager, Grad, will appear with her
guitar to sing European folk bal-
lads. Refreshments and dancing
will follow the program.
A general meeting of the Eu-
ropa Club to elect officers will
precede the entertainment.
Members and those interested in
belonging are asked to come
at 7:30 p.m., according to Erika
Fritzenand George Zotiades, or-
ganizers of the club for this
semester. American students are
especially urged to join the
group, they said.
Principally a cultural group for
students of all countries, the Eu-
ropa Club sponsors political
roundtables, educational films
about Europe today, classical con-
certs featuring student talent and
other activities for special inter-
ests within the group.
For the social side of its pro-
gram the organization stages the
annual Monte Carlo party, in-
formal social events and has or-
ganized a soccer team to compete
with American teams.
A member of the International
Students' Association, the club has
been active on the campus, repre-
senting foreign students, for many
the disastrous office building fire
in Lansing last spring.
Though he could make no
definite report, Renner said that
some buildings appeared to be
in very bad condition. The
worst is West Medical Building
with its wooden interior and
stores of inflammable chemicals,
he reported.
He also said that he will recO m-
mend the replacement of the
wooden roof on the old part of the
General Library.
The inspection group has been
mainly concerned with stairways,
fire escapes and general house-
keeping, conditions.
"The best fire escape is one
that is designed by an architect,"
Renner observed.
He went on to explain that this
meant an enclosed stairway with
fire escape doors on every floojr.
Stairways of this type have been
installed in Angell Hall, South
Quadrangle and some other class-
room buildings.
Renner said that his official re-
port will be completed about the
first of November.
OpensM onday
Seniors and grad students in-
terested in obtaining teaching or
business employment for the com-
ing year may register with the Bu-
reau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information at 4:10 p.m.,
Monday and Tuesday, in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Monday the Bureau will register
all those seeking business and in-
dustrial jobs. 'The following day
is set aside for those interested in
elementary, secondary and college
T. Luther Purdom, director of
the bureau, warns all students
desirous of employment for the
coming year that "failure, to
register at this time may cause
them to lose some good popor-
tunities since employers are al-
ready seeking interviews with
February and June graduates.
For those" students unable to regis-
ter next week, another" registration
session will be held at 4:10 p.m.,
Wednesday, Oct. 24.
Author Aids
'Live on Air'
Slated to open November 1 at
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, "Live
on Air," an original play, is being
produced by the speech depart-
ment under careful surveillance of
the author, Kenneth Goldstein, '51.
Goldstein, now resident play-
wright at the Erie Playhouse, Erie,
Pa., received the 1951 Hopwood
Award for his play. He has al-
ready made two journeys to Ann
Arbor to confer with members of
the speech department about the
premier performance of "Live on
Another trip is scheduled Octo-
ber 21 when he will view rehearsal
progress of his naturalistic play,
to be produced November 1, 2, and
"Live on Air" is a revelation of
the partially tragic, partially com-
ic incidents in'the lives of a fam-
ily of Lithuanian immigrants.
According to Goldstein, the story
is set in the background of "those
strange days of the WPA and the
New Deal when people thought
seriously about turning the corner
for a look at prosperity."
Under direction of Prof. Wily
nam P. Halstead of the speech
department, the recently select.
ed cast is now in rehearsal.
Richard Burgwin, Grad., por-
traying the worn-out father, and
Carol Kazahn, '52, as a loving
but possessive mother, have the
roles of the Inimigrant parents.
Adding humor to the depressing
situations, Herbert Rovner, Grad,
and Mickey Sager, Grad., are the
teen-age children.
"Live on Air" makes use of sev-
eral dreamusequences for which
original music and choreography
are being composed.
Mail orders for tickets are now
being accepted. Window sales will
open October 29, at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Box Office.
--Daily-Malcolm Shat
chosen the "sexiest girl in Stockwell Hall," Marie Wollscheid, '52
shows the charms which won her title. Overwhelmed by the un-
expected honor, Marie can't understand why she was picked. A
graduate of Pershing high school in Detroit, she spent several
months doing professional modeling before attending the Univer-
sity, where she is majoring in speech with an eye toward a dra-
matic career.
; * *
chine from a 12 foot control panel
of electronic instruments.
* * *
consists of a filament which gives
off high voltage electrons, a "guns'
to shoot these electrons into the
field, and a "racetrack" around
which electrons whirl at nearly
the speed of light,
When the electrons are shot
into the "racetrack," a huge
electromagnet, weighing 12 tons,
speeds them on their journey
around the field.
With each lap the electrons gain
speed. In order to gain the spe-
cified 300,000,000 electron volts
energy they whirl approximately
400,000 laps, a total distance of
about 2,000 miles.
:, * *
THE CHIEF problem on which
35 graduate students and .profes-
sors have been working for four'
years was making the electrons
keep accelerating until they
neared the speed of light. Now
that this has been solved, research
into the hidden parts of a atomic
nucleii has begun.
One research use" of the syn-
chrotron will be to bombard
atomic nucleii by means of a
target placed in the magnetic
field. The advantage of high
energy electrons in this use is
that they are comparatively
small compared to the nuclear
size they will affect.
Another use of the synchrotron
will be to create mesons, minute
atomic particles which. do not ex-
ist in ordinary matter. The pro-'
duction and study of these par-
ticles promises to throw new light
on the principal problems of nu..
clear physics, according to Prof.
* *
HE SAID that the studies in
these two categories will guaran-
tee a fertile field of frontier re-
search for staff and physics grad-
uate students for 10 years or
The Synchrotron is expected
by Prof. Pidd to become an im-
portant supplement to the Uni-
versity's Phoenix Project, al-
though not supported by it.
The Michigan "racetrack" de-
sign has been adapted for two
giant synchrotrons the Atomic
Energy Commission is construct-
ing at Berkley, Calif., and Brook-
haven, N.Y.
* *1 * ,
ALTHOUGH the Michigan syn-
chrotron is dwarfed by either of
these, Prof. Pidd points out that
the development of the "race-
track" design is a definite feather
in the cap of the University's phy-
sics department.
Prof. Pidd denied a rumor that
a reason for the long delay before
the synchrotron began working
" * * *
properly was because of heavy
trucks passing by on nearby East
University Street and jarring its
delicate instruments.
"The main cause for delay was
that parts of the machine had to
be reconstructed," he explained.
He also clarified the difference
between a synchrotron and a
cyclotron. The University physics
department is also experimenting
on a cyclotron in the Randall
Physics Building.
The chief difference is in the
particles used to bombard atomic
nucleii. The synchrotron uses ex-
tremely tiny electrons, while the
cyclotron uses heavier protons.
Ballet Russe
Troupe Hits
o. . t
Skids in Detroit
DETROIT-(P)-Some Dutch-
made linoleum literally had the
Ballet Russe De Monte Carlo on
the skids yesterday.
When the touring ballet troupe
opened in Detroit Thursday, the
dancers hadn't been on the stage
five minutes before they were tak-
ing headers and back-flips all
over the place.
They found themselves trying
vainly to balance gracefully on a
surface as slick as ice. To avoid
painful falls, the whole company
restored to a cautious rendition of
ballet's usually spirited leaps and
What had happened was that
Masonic Auditorium had just in-
stalled a special kind of linoleum,
three-sixteenths inches thick and
very highly waxed. It cost the
management more than $2,000
just to get it laid.
Yesterday workmen were busily
rubbing sand over the slippery
surface of the Holland-made lino-
leum, taking the skids out of it
before last night's ballet perform-
'Ensian Requests
Return of Proofs
Senior picture proofs may now
be returned between 8 a.m. and
noon to the Student Publications
building, according to Gordon
Hyde, promotions manager of the
They will also be' accepted be-
tween 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday.
Seniors are reminded that if
proofs are not returned within 10
days after the picture is taken,
the 'Ensian staff reserves the right
to select one.j
A-Hop Sale
Tickets for Assembly's and
the Association of Independent
Men's annual A-Hop, "Kick-
off,"dwill be on sale tonight at
the door of the League Ball-
room. The dance will be pre-
sented from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. to-
Pubishes Book
After ten years of research and
writing, Prof. Philip A. Duey of
the music school, has recently had
his book, "Bel Canto in It's Golden
Age," published.
The book is the first authentic
attempt to get at the history of the
teaching precepts about singing
during the 17th and 18th centuries
in Italy.
- - .
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services.
Subject-Are Sin, Disase, and Death Real?
9:30 A.M.: Sunday School.
11:00 A.M.: Primary Sunday School during the
morning service.
5:00 P.M.-Sunday Evening Service.
8:00 P.M.: Wednesday: Testimonial Service.
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street where the Bible and all authorized
Christian Science literature may be read, bor-
rowed, or' purchased.
Ths room is open daily except Sundays and
holidays from 11 AM. to 5 P.M.; Fridays 7-9
P. M., Saturday 3-5 P.M.
1432 Washtenaw
W. P. Lemon, D.D. Pastor Emeritus
JohnBathgate, Minister to Students
Maynard Klein, Director of Music
Dr. Lemon's address, morning worship, "Our Pri-
vate Worlds."
b:30P.M.: Rev. H. R. Pickerell "Religion in
Liberal Education,"
(National Lutheran Council)
Student Center-Corner of Hill & Forest
Dr. Henry O. Yoder, Pastor
9:10 A.M,: Bible Class at the Center.
10:30 A.M.; Worship Services in Zionr.& Trinity
3:30 P.M.: Dedication Service for New Center--
Address by the Rec. Donald Heiges, Executive
Sec'y of the National Lutheran Council Divi-
sion of Student Service.
7:30 P.M.: Discussion at the Center-"What
We Believe."
Note: Tuesday and Friday Morning Devotions-
(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director
. Phone 3-4332
10:00 A.M.: Morning Worship, Rev. Leonard
7:30 P.M.: Evening Service, Rev. Verduin.
512 E. Huron
C. H. Loucks, Minister and Student Counselor
Betty Lou Jockwig, Associate Student Counselor
9:45 A.M.: College class.
11:00 A.M.: Service "Introducing Adam."
7:00 P.M.: Roger Williams Guild: "Developing
Personality" Dr. William Westmaas.
11:00 A.M.: Sundays, Visitors welcome.
1917 Washtenaw Avenue .
Edward H. Redman, Minister
10:00 A.M.: Adult Discussion Group. Mrs. Marion
Vaughn-Boys Vocational School of Lansing-
"Music Therapy for Delinquents."
10:00 A.M.: Unitarian Church Schoof.
11:00 A.M. Service of Worship--WPAG Broad-
cast, Rev. Edward H. Redman preaching on:
"A Decade in the Unitarian Ministry."
6:30 P.M.: Unitarian Student Group. "Unfin-
ished Tasks for Liberals." "Problems of Non-
Caucasians at U, of M." Mr. Berkeley Eddins.
4 State and E. William Streets
Rev. Leonard A. Parr, Minister
Music: Wayne Dunlap, Howard R. Chase
10:45 A.M.: All Departments of Church SchooT
10:45 A.M.: Public Worship. Subject of Dr. Parr's
sermon: "In a Chinese Garden."
6:00 n.M. Student Guild Supper-Memorial
Christisan Church. Marilynn Paterson will speak
on her experiences in a work camp at Mainz,
Germany this summer.
120 South State Street
Dwight S. Large, Erland J. Wangdahl,
Eugene Ransom, Ministers
9:30 A.M.: Breakfast Seminar, Pine Room.
10:45 A.M.: Worship, "Do All Things Work To-
gether for Good?"-Dr. Large preaching.
4:15 P.M.: Bible Study Group, Green Room.
5:30 P.M.: Supper and Fellowship.
6:45 P.M.: Worship and Program-the out-
standing film "Again Pioneers," will be shown.
Welcome to Wesley Foundation Rooms, open daily!
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 10:30: Service, with sermon by the
pastor, "A Magnificent Mystery."
Sunday at 4:45: Bible Study. I Peter 1, 13-25.
Sunday at 5:30: Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club: Supper at 5:30. At 6:15 a special
candlelight initiation ceremony for new Gamma
Deltans will take place in the chapel.
Tuesday at 9:15: SocialcHour.
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. Joseph M. Smith, Minister
Howard Farrar, Choir Director
Frances Farrar, Organist
10:00 A.M.: Church School.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship (Nursery for chil-
dren). Sermon: "Baptism is Realism, Not a
Student Guild House, 438 Maynard Street
H. L. Pickerill, Director
Marilynn Paterson, Assistant
STUDENT GUILD: 6:00 P.M. supper and 6:45
P.M. program. Marilynn Paterson, who has
spent the past summer in Europe, will speak
on: "Further Reconstruction in Germany?"
See-"THE APOSTLE" dramatically shown
in a 12-week serial, presented by
I -..
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