See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
SL Softens
Protest Over
A Wilcox 'Hopeful'
For Settlement
The Student Legislature "boy-
cott". of the Student Affairs Com-
'mittee and the President's Con-
ference was softened yesterday, as
hints of asolution tothe library
'problem came from the Univer-
Len Wilcox, SL president, an-
nounced that a conference had
been scheduled next Wednesday
-between President Harlan H. Hat-
cher, Vice-President Marvin L.
Niehuss, Director of University
Relations Arthur L. Brandon, and
Director of Libraries Warner G.
,Rice. In discussions with "U" ad-
ministrators yesterday, he learned
that University action on this
matter had been under serious
consideration for several weeks.
protest walkout would end if next
week's conference proved to his
satisfaction that action is being
taken on library hours. "There are
hopeful signs for a reasonable set-
tlement of the controversy," he
It appeared likely that none of
the other student groups repre-
sented on the Student Affairs
Committee would follow the SL
lead and boycott SAC. The Union
and League are considering the
matter, but probably neither will
take action. The others represent-
ed, Men's Judiciary, Women's Ju-
diciary and The Daily, planned to
remain on the committee.
John Kathe, Union president,
perhaps summarized the feeling
of these groups as he comment-
ed that he was in sympathy with
-SL's purposes, but he was not
sure under the circumstances
whether it would be wise for the
Union to leave SAC,
Cathy Sodir, president of the
League, said she would be glad to
cooperate'in any constructive ac-
tion SL wished to take
Several of the groups felt they
hadn't been consulted before the
action was taken, and therefore
were adopting !N neutral attitude
towards the boycott. It was also
generally felt that the walkout was
a negative move.
* s *
rather brief. Most of the top of-
ficials were in Flint at an alumni
banqiuet, and could not be reached
for comment. This included Pres-
ident Hatcher, Vice-Presidents M.
L. Niehuss and Wilbur K. Pier-
However, Dean of Students Erich
A. Walter was available, and com-
mented "The SL action speaks for
itself." He went on to explain that
SAC had no jurisdiction over the
library dispute, as it was a bud-
getary matter,
The walkout would not affect
the functioning of SAC unless
three other student groups fol-
lowed suit, Dean Walter pointed
out, as there would still be the
required two-thirds quorum of
the committee of I4.
The President's Conference has
not met this year, and has no
meetings scheduled for the im-
mediate future.
DIRECTOR OF Libraries Warn-
er G. Rice expressed surprise over
the SL action, stating that he did
not understand their motivation.
He emphasized that he was
perfectly willing to try other ex-
periments in cutting corners, as
long as the library could stay
within its budget.
In response to a suggestion that
the library might close Saturday
afternoons during the football sea-
.sons and open Sunday instead,
Prof. Rice contended that this
would mean a cut in service to
graduate students, many pf whom
use the stacks and other library
facilities which never have been
available on Sunday quite exten-
sively Saturday afternoons.
Aiswering another suggestion
that the library be manned Sun-
days by volunteers from the SL
or other groups, he repliedthat
volunteer workers couldn't be held
responsible for supervision of the
library's valuable property.
Prof. Ric said hehadr e2.1 ;-
Vending Issue
Puzzles Campus
Daily Associate Editor
A controversy surrounding the lowly 10 cent football program-
a source of wealth or enjoyment to many Wolverine pigskin fans
during past seasons-has indirectly landed 11 students in court, and
caused the remainder of the campus to wonder "why we can't buy the
cheap 10 cent football program."
Student vendors, who were allowed late last season to sell pro-..
grams on University property without fear of arrest, are now finding
that such practice is a quick way to end up in front of a judge. 1
THE ANN ARBOR POLICE have proceeded with the arrests this3
fall under a local ordinance covering transient vendors.
Although the first offenders were charged only $4.50 apiece
for court costs, Judge Francis O'Brien who handled the case
indicated that future violations would be dealt with more severely.,
As an added warning, the Office of Student Affairs yesterday
said that "in view of the fact that future violations will involve;
heavier penalties, it is the hope of the Office of Student Affairs, the
Court and the Police that the prosecution of these students will
constitute a definite warning to all who are involved in the distribution
and sale of program cards."
* * * *
MANY QUESTIONS have arisen as a result of past events.
Q. Why is it illegal for students to sell 10 cent programs on
University property this fall, while late last fall the vendors had
the blessing of University officials?
A. The city ordinance covers vendors selling within the limits
of the City of Ann Arbor. In the fall of 1950, it was decided by legal
officials of the city that the ordinance was not being violated if vendors
were allowed to sell on University property without being licensed by,
the city. The legal minds argued that University property was owned
by the State of Michigan, and therefore was under the State's1
However, it has been the custom of the University at times toj
request the assistance of the police to enforce local ordinances on
University property. This was the case this fall when athletic depart-'
ment officials asked that vendors on University property be arrested.
Q. Why did the officials on the Board in Control of Inter
Collegiate Athletics decide in the spring of 1951 not to allow
student vendors to' sell on University property, and to provide
students with a free program this fall when tickets were claimed?
A. According to Ernie McCoy, a member of the Board in Control,;
the action was taken "to give the student a free program and eliminate
the necessity of buying a 10 cent one. We expected the students to
retain and use the programs provided by the athletic department"
throughout the football season," he claimed,
McCoy denied that any such action was motivated to protect the
sales of 50 cent souvenir programs sold inside the stadium. "We have
always sold about the same number of 50 cent programs before, during
and after the appearance of the 10 cent programs," he asserted
Q. What is the wording of the city ordinance?
A. The ordinance defines a transient trader as "a person .. .
which obtains and occupies premises within the City of Ann Arbor,
and Is not assessed to taxes in the city, and which offers goods, wares
and merchandise for sale."
" , "
TRACING THE PROBLEM back to the fall of 1950, the 10 cent
program at that time gained in popularity and the problem of vendors
increased until 26 students were detained by the Ann Arbor police on
Oct. 21 for violation of the local ordinance.
At this time the Student Legislature became interested in the
problem and investigated. After consulting with city officials and
The Board in Control a plan as devised which allowed the SL to handle
the licensing of student vendors who were selling on property of the
athletic department.
According to SL members the plan worked out well and more
than 60 licenses were granted for the last two games of the season.
However, the agreement was only binding for one academic year,
and in the spring the SL was notified by the Board in Control that
free programs would be printed and distributed to students during
the 1951 football season.
"The SL understood that the agreement was for only one year, and
that the athletic department would provide programs to students this
fall," McCoy continued. "We don't understand the concern of the
SL this fall over our action."
President Hatcher To Be 'Top
Speaker at Pe Rall rTonight
Goal Raised
By 500,000
Draft Boards Will
Cut Deferments
Defense Department officials dis-
closed yesterday that the' armed
forces manpower goal has been
raised from 3,500,000 to 4,000,000
men in a move that will "scrape
the bottom of the draft manpower
barrel," according to a United
Press report.
The officials said a buildup of
the Air Force to about 140 groups
and planned expansion of the
Army and Navy over the next
three years means that at least
500,000 more men will be needed.
* * *
can provide them only by drastic
tightening of deferment policies.
Selective Service expects its
biggest problem to come next
Juiy when it will have to start
replacing members of the armed
services who have served 24
months, the legal limit under
present law.
In the early days of the Korean
war, as many as 80,000 men a
month were drafted. They will
have to be replaced next summer.
This almost certainly will lead
to demands for a further tighten-
ing of the draft law, Washington
observers said.
Most of the new number will go
to the air force, which, unlike the
Army and Marines, has been get-
ting its men from volunteers. But
no matter where they come from,
they will cut down on the over-all
manpower pool from which Selec-
tive Service draws draftees.
Selective Service officials
thought it would not be necessarry
to ask Congress for a revision of
the present draft law "at present."
About 1,200,000 men become eli-
gible for the draft each year. Ap-
proximately 400,000 are disquali-
fled for physical or mental reason
and another 100,000 are lost
through deferments.
Truman Crony
Indicted for
Tax Violation
ST. LOUS- -James P. Fin-
negan, former St. Louis Internal
Revenue Bureau Collector and cen-
tral figure in a House investigation
of alleged widespread scandals in
the tax collecting agency, was in-
dicted yesterday on charges of ac-
cepting bribes.
The silver-haired Finnegan, a
personal friend of President Tru-
man, as accused in an indictment
returned by a Federal Grand Jury
which began its investigation be-
fore Finnegan quit his Federal job
in April,"
HE WAS charged in two counts
with accepting twvo $250 checks
from Karol Kell Garment Co., at a
time when the firm had pending
a tax delinquency case which by
law "might be brought before him
in his official capacity."
* 'A
MEANWHILE President Tru-
man said yesterday he can't re-
member whether he asked Finne-
gan not to resign as Collector of
Internal Revenue.
The President said he doesn't
approve of Finnegan's outside ac-
tivities-that is, his private ser-
vices for business associates while
on the government payroll-and
never has approved of such activi-
ties by federal officials.
Last Peak
of Heartbreak
Ridge Captured by
ommit tee
Bost Taxes
WASHINGTON -(A')- A $5,-
750,000,000 tax increase providing
sharp boosts in individual income
and excise taxes next month, and
retroactive increases on corpora-
tions, was approved yesterday by
a Senate-House Conference Com-
Although described by commit-
tee aides as the second biggest tax
increase in the nation's history,
it was little more than half the
$10,000,000,000 asked by President
* * *
IF FINALLY approved by the
House and Senateathe measure
will result in a total tax hike of
$15,750,000,000 since the outbreak
of the orean War. Congress enact-
ed a record-breaking $6,100,000,-
000 tax bill in September, 1950,
and a $3,900,000,000 excess profits
tax last January.
Leaders expect to call up the
new bill in the House Tuesday
and in the Senate as soon as
the House acts on it,.
The compromise measure agreed
upon yesterday raises the income
tax liabilities of most individuals
by about 11% per cent, although
the percentage varies above and
below this figure due to "rounding
off" the rates to even numbers in
the variousabrackets.
The exact range is from. 11
per cent to just over 12 per cent,
committee experts said.
* * *
AN ALTERNATE method of
computing the increase is provided
for higher bracket taxpayers. They
could pay an increase of 9 per cent
of their income remaining after
payment of taxes at present rates.
This system becomes of advantage
to single persons at the $28,800
income level, and to married coup-
les at $57,600.
Unmarried persons who are
heads of households were granted
approximately half the tax ad-
vantage available to married per-
sons under the income splitting
provisions of the present, law
Net increase in revenue from
the individual income tax changes
was estimated at $2,480,000,000.
!I'Iolems Ask
W'ar on I'ritujun
CAIRO, Egypt - UP) - Several
thousand members of the Moslem
Brotherhood of Egypt demanded
yesterday that Egypt issue a dec-
laration of a state of war with
The demand was made in a
resolution approved by a rally of
the brotherhood, Egypt's second
largest political party.
The gathering was in support
of the Egytpian government's re-
cent move to cancel the Anglo-
Egyptian 20-year Treaty o Alli-
ance signed in 1936.
The Moslem Brotherhood meet-
ing was the climax of a day of
demonstrations approving t h e
Government's moves to throw the
British out of the Suez Canal and
the Algo-Egyptian Sudan.
PRINCESS RECEIVES FLOWERS-Princess Elizabeth bends to
receive bouquet of flowers from a young Canadian at a reception
for" the royal couple in Ottawa. Duke of Edinburgh smilingly
looks on. Charlotte Whitton, mayor of Ottawa, holds the girl.
FIJI Jais 120 Persons
For Governent Thefts
WASHINGTON-()-The FBI reported yesterday its agents have
arrested 120 persons in a widespread crackdown on theft of govern-
ment property worth more than $1,000,000.
Most of the property was military, it said, and ranged from pure
silver and raw crude rubber to plastics used in making braces for
crippled veterans.
* * * * .1
FBI DIRECTOR J. EDGAR HOOVER said those arrested includ-
ed civil service and supervisory government employes, military per-
sonnel, civilian and military police and private citizens.
His early afternoon report said the 120 had been bagged dur-
ing the last two months, 30 of them in the last 24 hours, and that
Still Delays
Truce Talks
Western Front
Battle Rages
QUARTERS, Korea -(m)- Ameri-
can and French troops of the U.S.
second division today captured the
last peak of bloody Heartbreak
Ridge after an all-night assault.
They blasted holdout Korean
and Chinese Reds out of the last
bunkers atop the peak in such
close-quarter fighting that Ameri-
cans and French used hand gre-
nades and cold steel in the final
stages of the vicious month-long
ALLIED tank forces and planes
had poured a concentrated fire on
the peak for two days before the
final assault.
Heartbreak cost the Reds
heavily in casualties. It cost
the Allies dearly, too-enough
so to make it one of the most
expensive chunks of land in
The height dominated a Com-
munist supply route on the east-.
ern front and the Reds had fought
doggedly to hold it. But tank-
infantry assaults and furious ar
tillery barrages smashed the Com-
munists in their positions, field
reports said.
Then the infant1-y in a night
attack swept the last Red de-
fender from the summit.
Only yesterday, the U.S. and
French troops had fought up the
slopes of the ridge, roughly 25
miles north of the 38th parallel,
only to be stopped after advancing
but 40 yards.
* * *
MEAN WHII a dispute over
where to draw a neutral done
threatened further delay today in
resumption of Korean truce talks.
Allied and Communist liaison f-
ficers were scheduled to meet
again, however, and there wasat
possibility that they might agree.
The Peiping radio said that at
the two liaison sessions yesterday
near Panmunjom village, the Reds
proposed immediate resumption of
conferences by the full delegations
at 1 p.m., today.
The Red broadcast said the Al-
lied team refused because "the UN
liaison officers are still insisting
to negotiate the scope of the neu-
tral zone."
To reduce the possibility of neu-
trality violations, such as the Reds
charged in breaking off the truce
talks at Kaesong Aug. 23, Gen.
Matthew B. Ridgway proposed the
zone be confined to a small area
around the new meeting site.
Elsewhere on the western front
a full battle-equipped battalion of
marines-936 men-was flown by
'12 giant Sikorsky helicopters into
the battle line considerably east of
Heartbreak Ridge in full view of
the Red defenders. It was the
second - and largest -helicopter
airlift in history.
' . n . .z
Foreign Aid
down repeated Republican at-
tempts to cut the funds, the House
yesterday passed an $8,299,255,096
Foreign-Aid Appropriation Bill.
The bill, passed by a 221 to 99
roll-call vote, now goes to the
Senate. It finances the program
of military and economic help for
foreign nations resisting commun-
- * * *
THE BILL appropriates $7,482,-
527,790 in new cash. On .top of
this, it reappropriates $816,727,306
in funds provided previously by
Congress but not yet spent.
President Truman originally had
requested Congress to approve an
$8,500,000,000 program, in addition
to the carryover funds, but Con-
gress chopped this down by ap-
proximately $1,000,000,000 when it
gave its okay to continuing the
aid program.t
After Congress refused to auth.
orize the full amount, the Presi-
dent scaled down his request foi
<"> 1,025other cases of alleged theft
from the government were -un-
der investigation.
Hoover commented there were
"a surprisingly large number of
cases involving trusted employes,
many of whom have no previous
arrest records."
The 30 most recently charged
were arrested in New Jersey, Cal-
ifornia, Ohio, Massachusetts, New
York and the District of Colum-
FBI officials said that it was
apparent there were a number of
"local rings" involved, but there
was no evidence of any national
r interlocking ring of thieves.,
World News
By The Associated Press
partment said last night a mapor-
_ ity of 25 civilian consultants were
inclined toward eventful American
t recognition of Red China in 1949,
but the Department insisted it
never pursued that policy,.
Speaking for the first time to the
student body as a whole, President
Harlan H. Hatcher will highlight
the program of the pre-Indiana
game pep rally at Ferry Field to-
With the future of University
pep rallies contingent upon the
turn-out for this assembly, the
third of the season, Wolverine
Club president, Ed Gibbon, '52,
urged students to attend.
As in past weeks, the rally will
assemble at 7:15 in front of the
Union. After a torchlight proces-
sion down State Street led by the
Michigan Marching Band, the ral-
ly bonfire will be set ablaze at
Ferry Field.
Songs, cheers and demonstra-
W'ilson Defendls
Big Ten TV Policy
DETROIT-()-Kenneth (Tug)
Wilson, Big Ten Conference Com-
missioner, yesterday asked the tele-
vision industry to bear with college
athletic officials until the present
study of television's effect on col-
lege football is completed.
tions of baton twirling skill will
further enliven the evening.
President Hatcher will be spared
the sore throat which his prede-
cessors have suffered. To avoid
repetition of the unfortunate ex-
periences with the public address
system at both preceding rallies,
the SL-Wolverine club sponsors
have arranged for two to be on
It disclosed that former Secre-
tary of Defense Marshall, now Last D ay for
retired, expressed belief that rec-
ognition of the Chinese Commun-
ist regime was largely "a matter j L Petitions
of timing."_____
* * *
Student Affairs Office Reveals 14 Eligibility Grants
Fourteen special eligibility per-
missions were granted last year
by the Office of Student Affairs,
Dean of Students Erich A. Wal-
ter revealed yesterday.
The announcement threw more
coals on the fire of the current'
eligibility squabble, ignited last
week when literary college faculty
members hit practices of the eli-
gibility committee of the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Athle-
mittee, a consultant group to
President Harlan H. Hatcher.
In a meeting last Friday, the
Athletic Board said it would co-
operate in a study of adminis-
tration of eligibility rules for
At the same time, sources c.ose
to the Board said an attempt
would be made to compare the
number of grants of special eligi-
bility authorized by the Board
with those handed down by the
n' ffinr of c. ,iritni Affcirv ii 1',ph
I dividual basis and that more than form
the eligibility
45 petitions for+
turned down by
eligibility were
his office last
Meanwhile, Registrar Ira M.
Smith, chairman of the eligibil-
ity committee for athletes, re-
ported that only a small nun-
ber sports participants peti-
tion his group for special eligi-
bility and consequently only
"very few" are granted the pri-
vilege of playing despite a be-
Inm-"C'' averae.
which considers cases of athletes
who have not maintained a "C"
The literary college faculty pro-
test against the resting of sole
control of athletic eligibility with
the Athletic Board committee
came on the heels of a controver-
sial grant of eligibility to star'
football back Ted Toper, 'S1Ed, a
below-"C" student.
The protest has been transmit-
ted tn nd aknowlerdred by the
voted unanimously yesterdl~;ay to
share some of America's atonixic
secrets with friendly nations.
It passed a bill which would.
permit the United States-under
carefully prescribed conditions-.
to exchange information about
atomic developments outside the
field of military weapons. The
measure now goes to the Iouse.
- * * 4
TOKYO-Emperor Hirohito op-j
ened an extraordinary session of
the Diet yesterday with a call to
the people of Japan to observe
strictly the principles of their con-
stitution outlawing war.
Today is the last day for stu-
dents interesting in running for
Student Legislature, Board in
Control of Student Publications or
engineering college office to pick
up the necessary petitions.
Thus far, less than 20 petitions
have been picked up, according ,to
Joe White, SL public relations
chairman. He emphasized that SL
was not planning to extend the
Twenty-five seats on SL, three
on the Board in Control and the
presidency of the sophomore and
senior engineering classes are
open. One hundred and fifty
names are required pn the SL peti-
tions, while only 50 are necessary
nn tho nthes.