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October 11, 1951 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-11

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Co-Recreational Club Will Organize

First Meeting
Is Announced
Town, Country Club
Plans Skating, Hikes
Tobogganing, bicycling a n d
square dancing are only three of
the many activities offered by the
co-recreational Town and Country
Club, which will hold its organi-
zational meeting at 5 p.m. today
in the WAB.
All men and women students at
the University interested in parti-
cipating in a varied sports pro-
gran are eligible to join the club.
of the year-old organization, ex-
tends a cordial welcome to all and
a guarantee of ,fun and activity.
The club offers a combined
indoor and outdoor program,
which includes such activities as
ice skating, r o 11 e r skating,
square and social dancing, to-
bogganing, skiing and swim-
When Ann Arbor begins to en-
joy spring weather again, the club
members will launch upon a pro-
gram of bicycle tirps, hikes, horse-
back riding and picnics.
'- During the holiday season, the
Town and Country Club will form
a group of basses, baritones, altos
and sopranos and have a carolling
MEMBERS OF the club, along
with other WAA co-recrational
clubs, are in charge of certain Fri-
day night activities at the IM
Mr. Musselman, as head of
the Town and Country Club,
works in cooperation with the
other members of the Co-recr-
ation Board. Mary Peterson,
chairman of the board, serves
as a representative to the WAA
Members of the club will set the
dates for meetings and will help
to plan activities, some of which
may be in conjunction with Youth
The Town and Country Club
was organized a year ago last
spring after a poll conducted by
the WAA disclosed that a large
percentage of students were in-
terested in belonging to such an
LAST YEAR invitations were
sent to every organized house on
campus and a group met in order
to discuss plans for the club's
first year.
Men To Receive
Union's Calendar
Union calendar of events will be
distributed Friday in all the men's
houses on campus.
For men not living in an organ-
ized housing group, the calendar
will also be available from 3 to 5
p.m. Friday in the Union lobby.
This semester's calendar con-
tains a listing of all the cultural,
athletic, 9lnd social functions on
campus in a convenient form that
is punched for insertion in a 3
ring binder.

--Daily-L. Wilk
COFFEE TIME-These members of the Town and Country Club
seem to agree that food cooked outdoors tastes extra good. Outings
are just a part of the many varied activities of this co-recreational
club--they also plan dancing, skiing and ice-skating.
Bulletin Boards on Campus
PerfOrm Useful Functions

Union To .Give
Record Dance
Sunday Evening Plans
To Include Glen Miller
Couples desiring to give their
weekends a one last fling before
MondIay classes will have an op-
portunity to attend the Union rec-
ord dances to be held from 8 to
10:30 p.m. Sundays in the Ter-
race Room of the Union.
This Sunday's session will fea-
ture Glen Miller on records as well
as many other popular recording
To add to the record dance's in-
formal atmosphere, playing cards
will be available to couples who
like to catch up on their math by
playing canasta or bridge.
Since the Union study hall will
also be open on Sunday evenings
for Union men and their dates,
couples will be able to combine
their classes and studies with con-
gas and sambas.'
Union officials stress the fact
that the record dances are free
from any cost-students simply
have to walk in.
This marks the second year of
the Union Sunday night dances.
Last year the dances were started
as a part of the new Union coed-
participation policy.
Under the present Union ruling
University coeds accompanied by
Union members also have a limited
use of Union recreational facilities.
Women are also invited for the
second year to participate in the
Union all-campus bridge tourna-
ments which are held at 7 p.m.
Wednesday nights in the Union
PositiOns Open
For SophCab
Amass meeting for girls wishing
to work on Sophomore Cabaret will
be held a't 7:30 p.m. tonight in the
Positions are open on various
committees including business,
tickets, finance, publicity, decora-
tions, make-up, costume, special
booths and ushering.
Chairman Sue Nasset has an-
nounced the cast of the floor show,
which will center around a New
York pawnshop owner. Leads will
be taken by Clara Jane Fredericks,
Margaret Paysner, Elaine- Roth-
man, Betty Magyar, Sue Spurrier
and Helen Kermath.
Dancers include Bev Blancett,
Mary Brindak, Janet Deane, Lucy
Lindsay and Judy Ohmans. Ann
Christensen, Margie Darling, Ag-
gie Dunn, Bonnie Finestone, Diane
Halbrook, Janet Hodges, Joan
Kleinpell, Joyce Roper, Jackie
Schiff, Jane Thompson, Mary Beth
Watson and Barbara Young.
Panhel Ball
Members of the publicity
committee for Panhel Ball will
meet at 5 p.m. today in the Lea-

Combining some chemical reac-
tions with more elbow grease the
Phi Rho Sigma professional medi-
cal fraternity succeeded in creat-
ing a winter atmosphere for a pre-
season Christmas party last Satur-
While rain was falling outside,
snow balls were flying inside the
Phi Rho house. Disregarding Mo-
ther Nature, the Phi Rho men
"manufactured" snow with the aid
of a gasoline motor, ethal chlor-
ide, and a deep freezer.
The secret of success in making
synthetic snow was not discovered
without several trial tests. 'The
snow was finally produced when a
gasoline motor compressed air
which caused ethal chloride to be
sprayed into a deep freezer.
Twenty-five pound blocks of ice
on aftile floor transformed the Phi
Rho dining room into an ice skat-
ing rink. A cool night breeze from

open windows helped to keep the
ice from melting.
The stairway was converted into
a ski slide by placing boards paral-
lel to the steps. The medical men's
prescription for a slippery slide is
boric acid "rubbed well into the
boards." Straw was piled on the
landing to prevent accidents.
Not content in just keeping fing-
ers crossed in hopes that the win-
ter phenomena woudln't melt, the
Phi Rho men constructed a series
of drain pipes to prevent any
An igloo decorated basement
served as a retreat for the guests
to warm up after the strenuous
cold winter activities. Russ Plim-
mer and his band donned eskimo
furs to complete the winter won-
derland at Phi Rho Sigma.
Read Daily Classifieds

-Daily-Bruce Knoll
IT'S A TOUCHDOWN--Loraine Stuerzl carries the ball across the
goal line in the first Footbowl game, held on the diag. Sparking
her teammates to a 12-6 victory over the men, Loraine leads with
a flying wedge. The game was held as a publicity stunt for the
Independent-sponsored dance, A-Hop, to be held Saturday, from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the League.
A-H ops Out pass pponents;
Romp to Victory in Footbowi

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Rusty bicycles for sale, rides to
football games for hire and houses
for rent-these are just a few of
the numerous notices that can be
found on the many bulletin boards
no campus.
Few students realize the import-
ant function these handy bits of
wood perform at the University.
For example there are over 200
notices on the Union bulletin board
at all times. The variety of sub-
jects posted on the board have
given it the title of the campus
swap shop.
In order to accommodate the
large flow of advertising, the Un-
ion officials have issued a new rul-
ing to the bulletin board. All no-
tices to be placed on the board
must be typed on 3 by 5 inch cards
and approved by the officials in
the Union Student Offices.
To clear the constant muddle
caused by the many notices, a new
system of placing ads for similar
things on brightly colored pieces
of paper will be started by the Un-
ion in the near future.
Coeds plagued by bleak, barren
dormitory walls have found bulle-
tin boards to be a decorating aid.
By hanging a bulletin board on
one of the walls and covering it
with dance favors and pictures of
their favorite beaus, coeds can
brighten up their rooms and give
them a collegiate look.
A spirit of rivalry is often start-
ed by roommates to see who can
collect the most party favors and
knick-nacks to hang on their
bulletin boards.
To keep students informed and
to give them some timely reading
material while smoking a between-
classes cigarette in Angell Hall,

the journalirm department main-
tains a bulletin board in the An-
gell Hall lobby on which the latest
news dispatches are placed.
If any student needs anything
from a few rusty fish hooks to a
coed to type his English themes,
he needs only to look on one of
the many campus bulletin boards
to satisfy his needs.
Ten Counselors
In League Off ice
To Ai dRushees
In preparation for the informal
rushing session whch will begin
Oct. 23, rushing counselors are
now holding office hours from 3
to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
in the Undergraduate Office of
the League.
Marianna Larson, chairman of
the counselors, has urged senior,
junior and sophomore coeds who
are interested in rushing to con-
tact their counselors as soon as
Ten counselors each year are
chosen from ten sorority houses
to aid rushees in the complicated
business of rushing.
Coeds who have these jobs are
for all purposes disaffiliated from
their houses, since they do not
wear their pins, nor do they enter
into their houses' rushing periods
at any time.
Since the installation of this
system two years ago, much im-
provement has been made, and
League officers feel that it has
become an important part of

Synthetic Snow, Ice Create
Atmosphere at Phi Rho Party

The diagonal was the scene of
a strange footbowl game yesterday
when the Kickoffs met the A-Hops
in a clash that will probably make
advertising history.
Under the coaching of Alberta
Corht, the Kickoffs, team of
eleven Michigan men, and the A-
Hops, composed of evelen Michi-
gan co-eds (and three Michigan
men) took the field in a publicity
stunt for the Independent's annual
dance, A-Hop, to be held Satur-
A band, featuring Bob Leopold
on trumpet, Dave Cavitch on the
saxophone and Jack Robertson
pounding the drums, played typi-
cal football music, including the
'Victors' and 'Varsity.' Leopold
also refereed the game, with slight
leanings towards the girls' team.
Cheers were led for an enthusi-
astic audience by Tom Leopold,
complete with huge A-Hop mega-

The game was played on a
unique gridiron. Instead of yard
markers, the distances were mark-
ed by days of the week. Wed-
nesday stood at the fifty yard
line, with the goal being Satur-
day, the night of A-Hop. Thurs-
day and Friday stood at appropri-
ate intervals.
The final score, as one might
suspect, was A-Hops 12, Kickoffs
6. Both touchdowns for the girls
were made by Loraine Stuerzl, on
a flashing pass attack accompan-
ied by a flying wedge.
Jim Kanitz scored for the men
in the first half on a pass from his
Players wore the Footbowl emb-
lem-a foot in a bowl, on their
shirts along with their team name.
The game was officiated by Don
Michaels, house president of Allen
Rumsey, West Quad.

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ere WYVill Be a H!of
ale T omorrow
- On the Diagonal
ior Picture Appointments
Made Also

Greek Letter Blotters for Your Rushees and initiates
--Tom and Meredith Suckling
1319 South University Phone 3-1733
-a ---t e
r a eens" sr

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* 100% WORSTED
.Y: ;/: s A TWILL
All Alpaca lined, waler repellent
from Collins


you'll wear

short bangs*
We cut the bangs short, keep the
nes low, add a buckle ..
and let go full speed ahead
with this wonderful and Winning
moccasin. It's one you must
see, but come see afl the
Sporisters we have for you
handsewn vamp
hand lasted
°.r'. bY~: +;.:" it" r"; :i '?s": r~{':°.??':.: }"": C :..4..{::: ."?:".:":>":" Y:}"n '

1 have never used
Alfred Dunhill
A f ter Save
We have finally discovered
the one man who has never
experienced this skin-ting-
ling, spirit-lifting, titillating
finish for shaves. Aren't you
glad it isn't you?

more hours a day thin any other
style En your wardrobe
s :: ...: v ..

Antique Brown
Sizes 4 to li
Widths AAA to C

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Plastic bottles
in simulated
leather case
for traveling-

Because its neat on your feet
a "smoothie" for looks, tops in any campus
society. And because it's PENOBSCOT
TRAMPEZE it's made to wear - made 10
take the scramble and scrimmage of
college life - to mellow with age from
its supple leather uppers to the
long-wearing soles. A biy in any
language including "sign"'

4 oz. After Shave Lotion and
4 oz. Cologne. The set, $5
plus fed. tax.
Ato in andsme sniratbotteis

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