t t iYi
See Page 4
t , , /
Latest Deadline in the State
Yank ees
Win Series with 4-3
* * O
At Panmiunjom1
,* A
Allies, Reds Attempt To Resume
Cease-Fire Talks at New Site
. MUNSAN, Korea-(A')--Allied and Red liaison officers met again
at Panmunjom yesterday in an effort to iron out the last kink barring
a resumption of the Korean cease-fire talks at a new compromise site
The meeting opened shortly after 10 a.m. (8 p.m., Ann Arbor tim
* * *
THE REMAINING issue was understood to be just how and when
to settle differences over the extent of the neutrality zone.
The three Allied liaison officers, Marine Col. James C. Murray,
- Army Lt. Col. Norman B. Edwards and South Korean Lt. Col. Lee
Soo Yong, went to the meeting
by helicopter.
" In Munsan, the five-man UN
truce team waited in tents in an
apple orchard for word to resume -U
#;he talks.
,YESTERDAY the delegation is-
sued a statement saying the exac
site for resuming the talks, "bro-
ken off by the Reds at Kaesong,
Aug. 23, still was under discussion
- "The site will be in the Pan-
munjom area," the statement
said, "but its actual location on
the ground has not been determ-
The delegation said "the site
selected will be in no-man's-land
pproximately midway between the
lines of the opposing forces."
A Communist Piping broadcast,
beard in Tokyo, said the Liaison
officers agreed "in principle" yes-
terday on the date for resuming
the truce talks and on such other
matters as location of the site,
guarantee of the safety of the neu-
tral zone, installations and neces-
sary preparations for the truce
i But the Red broadcast said
}the one unsolved matter which
necessitated another liaison ses-
sion was the matter of the extent
tof the neutral zone.
The Reds want to extend the
neutral zone all the way down to
Allied-held Munsan. The Allies
oppose this and want a small neu-
tral zone around the Panmunjom
* * *
ON THE warfront, meanwhile,
a 50-tank allied punch in eastern
uorea unlocked two keys of the
Red defenses for "heartbreak
SIn West Korea, other Allied
forces stormed a ridgeline from
two sides and won it in a day-
lng attack from Chinese Reds
who had held on grimly for a
The 50 tanks and thousands of
U.S. Second Division troops made
'an eight-mile thrust in Eastern
Korean which raised hopes that
the bloody battle for "heartbreak
ridge" may be about over.
Veteran outfits won hill fights in
both the east and west.
In the East, the Red defense
keys unlocked were two foothills
&n either side of a valley skirting
the western side of "heartbreak."
Egyptian Mobs
Riot in Support
Of Government
CAIRO - (') -Nationalistic
m nhn r~~~v ,if. .. 1-- -.. i., m,. n.,a,..: s..t:c
Giants' Rally
'Falls Short;
Bauer Hero
Liiier by Yvars
Clinches Contest
NEW YORK--(P)-On one tre-
z mendous blow by outfielder Hank
Bauer, the New York Yankees won
. their third straight world cham-
e .
pionship" yesterday and finally
wrote finis to the incredible saga
z of the Giants, as game a club as
ever was put together.
Bauer's wallop, a sixth-inning
triple with the bases crammed.
broke up a tight pitching battle
and provided the Bombers with
the cushion they needed to stave
off a rousing ninth-inning rally j
by Leo Durocher's scrappers and
scrape through to victory, ? to 3,
in the sixth and deciding game of
the series at the stadium.
THE TYING RUN was on sec-
ond when Sal Yvars, pinchhitting
for Hank Thompson, drove a
smoking liner to Bauer in right
field for the final out of the ting-
ling contest.
A chilled crowds of 61,711Sat
huddled in topcoats through az.
game which saved most of its
thrills for the last.
The first three Giants up in the
ninth-Eddie Stanky, Alvin Dark
and Whitey Lockman-singled offc
Johnny Sain, big tobacco chomp-
ing reliefer, to fill the sacks ands
bring Casey Stengel shooting fromb
the dugout as though he had beenr
* * *:
IN CAME Bob Kuzava, a port-
sider, to pitch to Monte Irvin,
most dangerous man in the
Giants' lineup. Monte needed only
one more safety to equal the world
series record of 12. But all Monte
had in his system this time wast
a long fly on which Stanky raced a
home and Dark made third.
-Daily-Roger Reinke
POINT OF INFORMATION-Student Legislature President Leonard Wilcox, '52, recognizes a
speaker on a motion to boycott the Student Affairs Committee and the President's Conference. By
unanimous vote last night, the SL took the step in protest to recent cuts in student service by the
General Library. The move was designed to dramatize University "disregard of student opinion,,'
* * * * * * * *
Legislature Votes To Stay with NSA
* * *
At Chi Phi
Cerebral Edema
Cause of Death
Lorin O. Ulm, '54 NR, died yes-
terday morning in his bed at the
Chi Phi Fraternity House.
The 18-year-old student from
Dayton, Ohio was found by Nelson
Turner, a porter at the house,
shortly after 7 a.m.
* * *
mulation of fluid in the brain,
was the cause of death, accord-
ing to County Coroner Edwin C.
Ganzhorn, who performed an au-
topsy on the body yesterday.
Ganzhorn said the contents of
the stomach wouldbe sent to
Lansing for analysis in an at-
tempt to determine the cause of
fluid accumulation.
The analysis will take about a
Dr. Ganzhorn reported Ulm had
been dead from five to seven hours
when the body was discovered.
FRATERNITY members said,
that Ulm practiced football for
the house team yesterday and that
he had studied until about mid-
night before retiring.
Ulm pledged Chi Phi last fall
and had been initiated into the
fraternity this Spring.
T Demand 'U' Move
0n Library Cuts
: Unanimous Vote Follows Plea
By Wilcox for Drastic Action
A walkout on the Student Affairs Committee and the President's
Conference was unanimously voted by the Student Legislature Iasi
night as a protest against the University's refusal to adjust library
The unprecedented boycott was made in response to an urgent
plea from President Len Wilcox that drastic action be taken to show
the University that SL was in earnest in their demands that library
doors be reopened on Sundays and Friday evenings.
I~* * *
THE SAC IS the supreme governing body on campus, consisting of
leading student and administration officials. The President's Confer-
ence, set up last spring, also brings > * *
# t1
I P'
Bobby Thomson then
another one to left, to
{Con'inued on Page 3)
Serior P iCtre
All seniors who have not yet
retturned proofs to the 'Ensian
should do so immediately, ac-
cording to Neale Traves, 'En-
sian business manager. Seniors
are requested to bring the
proofs, between 8:30 a.m. and
5:30 p.m., Monday through Fri-
day, to the Student Publica-
tions Bldg.
If proofs are not returned
within 10 days after they are
received by the student, the
'Ensian staff will make its own
g j
Student Legislature last night
reaffirmed its affiliation with the
National Student Association by a
convincing 29-4 count.
As was anticipated, little oppo-
sition developed to renewing mem-
bership. The main objection
raised by the small band of op-
ponents was the high cost of be-
1 *U U .
LANSING-4P)-The University
of Michigan and Michigan State
College would be required to per-
mit televising of football games
under a legislative measure pre-
ared yesterday-{
The measure, sponsored by Sen-
ator Donald W. Gilbert (R-Sagi-
naw), was filed for introduction
n the January, 1952, legislative
The bill would require the in-
titutions "to enter into contracts
or the televising of all football
ames played in the University of
Michigan Stadium and Macklin
If such a measure were passed
t would be in direct conflict with
he agreement among Western
Conference schools not to permit
ive televising of games except un-
der the NCAA experimental pro-
left the chair to speak in behalf
of the organization. He stressed
the point that personal considera-
tions should not enter the pic-
ture-that the Legislature should
disregard the fact that he held a
top post in the national NSA set-
Wally Pearson, '53, another
of the seven delegates who at-
tended the NSA convention last
summer in Minneapolis, enuan-
erated the "concrete'' benefits
that NSA brought to SL. Most'
important of these were the
Students Fined
For Vending
E 1e v e n University students
charged with illegally selling 10
cent football programs were each
ordered to pay $4.90 court costs
and warned not to continue their
unlawful practice in the Ann Ar-
bor Municipal Court yesterday.
At the same time University
officials, the Ann Arbor Police
Department and Judge Francis
O'Brien of the Municipal Court
issued a warning to the student
body at large.
They emphasized that in the
future severe penalties will be in-
flicted on those who violate the
city vending ordinance under
which the youths were brought tot
ideas which had come to this
campus through NSA-methods
of handling the discrimination
problem, ways of financing SL,
better schemes of organization,
Dave Brown, '53, raised the
question of whether the money
couldn't be better spent, pointing
out that Michigan State's student
government functions without be-
longing to NSA.
*. * *
tically that MSC government suf-
fered because it was not affiliated,
that NSA was a vitalizing force in
our SL.
Leah Marks, '52, answered an
argument that NSA had done
nothing for this campus by
contending that this was be-
cause SL had not taken advan-
tages of the opportunity NSA
"Joe Savin, ('53), has been ap-
pointed as NSA co-ordinato, and
has as his sole task seeing to a
greater utilization of NSA serv-
ices," Wilcox said.
* * * .
IN OTHER action, Mike Mc-
Nerney, '53, was appointed by the
Legislature to fill the unexpired
term of Dave Belin, '54L, who
recently resigned his seat.
Also, a motion by Wally Pear-
son, chairman of the Human and
International Relations Commit-
tee, was adopted providing for a
study committee to review and
criticise the present structure of
campus .organization.
together top students, and 'U' ad-
ministrators, but exists merely as
a forum for airing problems.
Wilcox spoke strongly against
the "run-around" he had re-
ceived from University officials.
tie mentioned conferences with
retired President Alexander G.
Ruthven and President Harlan
H. Hatcher, three visits with Di-
rector of Libraries Warner G.
Rice and various other discus-
sions with deans, vice-presidents
and public relations officials.
"Everyone showed concern,"
Wilcox said, "but none were will-
ing to take matters into their own
hands and act."
As a result of a campaign to
make student opinion vocal, Prof.
Rice received a large number of
letters, Wilcox said. But all the'
University will consent to do is'
study the matter for three more
months, he added.
THERE WAS little dissension on
the floor. The only question raised
was that the move might not bej
tough enough.
Kala Aronoff,''54, felt that SL
should write to the biggest do-
nators to the University and
prominent alumni, informing
them of the situation and ask-'
ing for help.'
The motion incorporated a di-
rection to bring the matter to the
attention of the State Legislature.
The motion also urged that other
student members on the SAC
* * *
IRV STENN, vice-president, em-
phasized the. boycott was not only
directed against this specific in-
stance of University "disregard of
student opinion," but against the
"blockade" put up against other
student efforts to get changes
made on such matters as the
Thanksgiving holiday and the
speaker's ban.
Just what effect the SL move
will have on the administration
was questioned by Keith Beers,
Grad., who felt the walkout might
be ignored.
However, Wilcox maintained
that the action would force a de-
cision on the library cut. Further,
he pointed out that if SL was to
perform its function as student
government, it was essential that
action be taken in this dispute.
'R eaffirms '
A hazy reaffirmation of Student
Legislature's discrimination policy
was voted overwhelmingly last
night by SL.
With only 6 dissenting votes,
the Legislature agreed t give its
"utmost cooperation" to the Inter
Fraternity Council and other cam-
pus groups now working on the
* * *
HOWEVER, there was much de-
bate over definitions and a good
many amendments before the is-
sue was resolved. MVost f the
dispute hinged on whether to em-
phasize the time limit idea in at-
tacking bias clauses or whether
merely to restate in general terms
SL's continuing opposition to dis-
criminatory practices.
SL last November passed a
1956 deadline for removal of bias
clauses, which was subsequenty
approved by the Student Affairs
C tmmittee and vetoed by re-
tired President Alexander G.
Last night's original motion, as
presented by Wally Pearson, '3,
chairman of the Human and In-
ternational Relations Committe ,
stated SL should "reaffirm its po-
licy that discriminatory clauses
should be eliminated from the
constitutions of approved campus
* * *
BUT OTHER writers of the mo-
tion, including Rog Wilkens, '53,
Leah Marks, '52, and Keith Beers,
Grad., could not agree on the de-
tion of the term "reaffirm." Wil-
kens insisted it definitely included
the time limit concept, whie
Pearson maintained it did not.
Dave Brown, '53, introduced
an amendment specifically men-
tioning the time limit, but this
was tabled. Protesting the ta-
bling of the amendment, treas-
urer Bob Baker, '52, moved to
rescind last November's time li-
mit stand. But this also was
tabled by Legislature.
Included inwthe motion isha let-
ter the SL will send to the IFC,
stressing the desirability of action
coming from the IFC, but warn-
ing that SL will re-enter the pic-
ture if nothing is done.
The IFC Executive Council de-
bated the discrimination question
until this morning but came to no
Taft Reported
'52 Favorite
WASHINGTON -(')- Senator
Taft (R-Ohio) got a nation-wide
survey report from two political
backers yesterday that he is "the
overwhelming and obvious choice"
for the 1952 Republican presi-
dential nomination.
But Taft still put off any an-
Liberal Votes May Be Key in Britain
mobs, excited by the government's °
niove to cast the British out of
Egypt, swarmed through down- T
town Cairo yesterday attacking rm n Si n
foreign business offices with
sticks, stones and bottles and set- NeC V A l Bi L
ti~ig fires.
By ZANDER LIOLLANDER which spelle+
TheyLiberal vote could prove disaster,
the key to Britain's Oct. 25 elec- In that elec
Lion. lar vote amou
This possibility, currently being of the total x
exploited by Winston Churchill. ning of only n
is bolstered by a recently pub- *
lished study of 1950 British vot- TIS, Prof.
ng figures by Prof Lionel Laing. was due in p
THE STUDY, along with others of Liberal su
written by University political 475 constitue
cio,,fif - aainnoaA l ir s,~. ±V..Which. the par'
d out their 1950
tion a Liberal popu-
nting to 55 per cent
esulted in the win-
ine parliament seats.
* *
Laing pointed out,
art to the diffusion
pport and funds in
ncies, in many of
cty's candidates were,
ANYWAY, he' asserted, "Up till
now the Liberals have made it
quite clear that they would make
no bargains."
Prof. Laing did not expect
Churchill to pick up many Lib-
eral votes by his references to
his desire for "a broadly based
To S'how Election,
"There is a hard core of Lib-
eralism," he asserted, "which will
not be led into voting anything
but Liberal even if it means wast-
ing their votes."
"The Liberal vote is first an af-
firmation of faith," he said, and
second a protest against the other
parties. * *
- WHAT THE Liberals might do
Adm its China
Cut-of f Moe
WASHINGTON -(P)-- Secre-
tary of State Acheson yesterday
confirmed that he approved a pro-
posal to shut off American mili-
tary supplies to Natiohalist China
at a White House conference in
Acheson told his news confer-
ence the proposal was based on'
fears that American munitions
sent to bolster Generalissimo
Chiang Kai-Shek's battered armies
might fall into the hands of on-
sweeping Communist forces.
And he said it originated with
U.S, military officials in China-
not the State Department.
ACHESON went on to say that