NS A AN D THE STUDEN'T LEGISLATUTRE see Page 4 Y( Latest Deadline in the State iii 0 ~ 0 - .0*= FAIT AND WARTYIER WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1951 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN VOL. LXII, No. 14 Six PAGES Yanks Win, 13-1 Take Series Lead McDougald Hits Grand Slammer; Lopat Hurls Second Series Victory NEW YORK-(P)-The World Series blew up-boom-right in the Giants' red faces yesterday, and probably the safest bet on the board is that the New York Yankees will nail down their third straight world championship today in their own ball yard. In the worst slaughter perpetrated in a playoff game for 15 years, the Bombers put tbr lug on Leo Durocher's wonder boys, 13 to 1, to run the victory count to 3-2 in their favor and by the savagery of their attack make the final result look a foregone conclusion. S* * * RECORDS WERE TIED all over the Polo Grounds as Gil Mc- D6ugald, the Yankees' great rookie infielder, propelled a home run ,Allies, Reds Discuss iNew * Talks * * * * * into the left field balcony with Stae De OK 's Jessup Testimonial WASHINGTON-(P)-The Stag Department fired back at Harol E. Stassen on two fronts yeste] day, challenging his sworn test many on events linked with U. policy toward Red China. Assistant Secretary of Stal Dean Rusk led off, reportedly tel: ing senators behind closed dooa that so far as he knows no to State Department official ever ad vocated American recognition o: Cqmmunist China. RUSK THUS backed up earlie testimony by Ambassador-at-Larg Philip C. Jessup that the Unite States has "never considered th recognition of Communist China. Stassen, former Republican gov erpor of Minnesota, now presiden of the University of Pennsylvani told a Senate Foreign Relation subcommittee yesterday that Jes sup's testimony on that point wa 'The subcommittee is weighing President Truman's nomination of Jessup as a delegate to the forthcoming United Nations General Assembly meeting in Paris next month. Senator McCarthy (R-Wis.) ha testified against Senate confirma tion of the appointment, chargin that Jessup has followed "ever: twist and turn of the Communis linie." Jessup denied it. Chairman Sparkman (D-Ala.) skid Rusk was called before the subcommittee in an executive session in an attempt to straigh. ten out the conflicting testimony as to Jessup's views on Red China. "Rusk made the statement tha to the best of his knowledge no top official in the State Depart ment has ever at any time recom mended recognition of Communis China," Sparkman told reporters. Jessup is a top adviser to Secre tary of State Acheson. SL Petitions Eor 25 POSts Now Available Petitions for those interested in ruhning for Student Legislature Board in Control of Student Pub- lications or the vacant Engineer- ing College offices must be picked up by Friday, Joe White, SL pub- licity chief, announced yesterday Twenty-five seats on SL, three posts on the Board in Control, and presidencies of the senior and sophomore classes in engine school are vacant. * * * ANY STUDENT scholastically eliigible may run, White said. Signed petitions are due back next Monday. SL petitions require 150 signatures, the others only 50. A student may sign as many peti- tions as he desires. Petitions may be obtained from 3-5 p.m. at the SL Building, 122 S./Forest. Borg-Warner Plants Struclk the bases loaded in the third inning " and Joe DiMaggio celebrated his 50th appearance in a World Ser- ies game.' Only two other batters ever matched the feat of the 22- year-old McDougald, who only last season was the most valu- able star in the Texas League. None had done it since 1936, when Tony Lazzeri of the Yanks helped officiate at a similar massacre of the Giants in the to same park. DiMaggio's big 50 d exactly equalled the record set r" by Frankie Frisch more than a i- decade ago. S. Except for another wonderful job of pitching by Ed Lopat, slick - .ankee southpaw, it was a pretty 1s horrible exhibition for 47,530 fans, rs mostly of the Giants' persuasion, p to witness. It was strictly no con- - test after McDougald exploded to climax a five-run fifth inning which disposed of Larry Jansen, righthanded Giants' ace. z r w x , e. 'e TE STYLISH LOPAT, who d learned his early baseball in near- by Central Park, exactly matched his magnificent performance of t he second game by throttling the it National Leaguers with five hits s and a single run. Only one Giant reached first in the final lour in- s nings as Lopat's mastery reached its peak. For the Giants the afternoon was a nightmare. They em- ployed five pitchers in an effort to still the Bombers' bats, but finally succeeded in doing sa only in the final two frames. Co-starring with McDougald in - the 12-hit assault was little Phil g Rizzuto, who pushed a two-run y homer into the close right field t stands in the fourth off Montia Kennedy. The great shortstop also clouted a single and scored three times. IRONICALLY FOR the Giants, the size of the beating the; re- ceived probably would have been much smaller had the game been t played in Yankee Stadium. It is o extremely doubtful that McDoug- - ald's high fly would have reached - the seats at the Stadium. Rizzu- t to's lucky push shot only a few feet from the foul line would have _ been only a 257-foot out in the' Yank park. The Giants contrived two of their five hits and their only run off Lopat in the first when Alvin Dark lined a single to left and came all the way home on Monte Irvin's single which left- fielder Gene Woodling bobbled. After that Easy Ed had them hogtied and ready for market. The chunky portsider permitted a See YANKS, Page 3 Senat1 O ff icial Says 'Britain Won't LeaveEgypt Declares Righlts Will Be Guarded LONDON -- (P) - Britain an- nounced yesterday she intends to keep her 10,000 troops on guard over the Suez Canal and all her rights in the Sudan despite Egypt's efforts to push her out. A statement by Foreign Secre- tary Herbert Morrison said Bri- tain intended to maintain her "full rights" under the treaties of 1936 and 1899 pending a satisfac- tory agreement with Egypt on the basis of new proposals which will be presented shortly., * * * THESE PROPOSALS, it was known, involve the participation of the United States in Suez de- fense. In Cairo, schools were closed and crowds celebrated Prime Minister Mustapha Nahas Pa- sha's announcement Monday that Egypt is cancelling both pacts. The Egyptian parlia- ment took steps to hasten rati- fication of that action. Truck- loads of police turned back a erowd of several thousand dem- onstrators shouting "Long Live King Farouk of Egypt and Su-. dan" when they tried to march on the British embassy. Morrison's statement said the British government took the "strongest exception" to Egypt's one-sided action in abrogating the 20-year alliance of 1936 and the 1899 treaty setting up joint rule over the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. UNDER THE ALLIANCE, Bri- tain is allowed to keep 10,000 troops, 400 planes and supporiing personnel on guard at the Suez Canal. The Canal is one of the two keys to the Mediterranean shortcut between East and West and whoever holds it is in a trong position to defend the entire id- dle East. The other is the Strait of Gibraltar. The Sudan is a vast territory of nearly 1,000,000 square miles and 8,000,000 people whose newly de- veloped cotton growing projects are vital to Britain's textile indus- try. Diplomatic officials in London believed that Nahas Pasha wants the Sudan as his price for agree- ing to a new internationalized de- fense setup at Suez. *f Ba rs 'BowlesApproved As Ambassador Truman Choices' WASHINGTON-(A')-The Sen- ate took two of President Truman's federal judgeship nominations out of pigeonhole yesterday and killed them outright. Later in the day, however, the same body approved thepresi- dent's choice for ambassador to India, Chester Bowles, over the sharp protests of Sen. Taft (R- Ohio) and other Republicans. * >:s THE ACTION on the judgeships made sure that Mr. Truman could not put his selections, Cornelius J. Harrington and Joseph H. Druck- Sate Probe WASHINGTON-(IP)-A senate Inquiry Committee yesterday vot- ed unanimously to investigae charges levelled against Senator McCarthy (R-Wis.) by Senator Benton (D-Conn.), who says Mc- Carthy should be ousted from the Senate. Chairman Gillette (R-Iowa) told newsmen that staff investi- gators have been instructed to look into the charges and report by Nov. 1. "WHEN WE GET that report, we'll decide where we go from there," Gillette said. Gillette's group, a subcommit- tee of the Senate Rules Commit- tee, voted to go ahead after Mc- Carthy rejected an invitation to take the witness stand and re- ply to Benton's charges. Gillette said McCarthy turned down the invitation in a letter de- claring: "Frankly, I do not in- tend to even read, much less an- swer, Benton's smear attack. "I am sure you realize that the Benton type of material can be found in the (Communist) Daily Worker almost any day oif the week and will continue to flow from the mouths and pens of the camp followers as long as I con- tinue my fight against Commun- ists in government." BENTON TESTIFIED under oath before the Gillette subcom- mittee on Sept. 28, accusing Mc- Carthy of committing perjury and fraud a n d "calculated deceit", against the American people. The Connecticut senator based his demand for McCarthy's ouster on 10 "case studies" closely linked to McCarthy's sensational Com- munists - in - government charges that led to a Senate inquiry last year. McCarthy told newsmen he de- clined to testify in his own behalf because the subcommittee refused to let him cross-examine Benton. er of Illinois, on the bench while Congress was not in session. Senator Douglas (D-Ill.) led the fight on Mr. Truman's Illi- nois nominations, because the president picked Harrington and Drucker over men recommended by Douglas. On the voice vote of rejection, no one *as heard to s u p p o r t the president's choices. Before yesterday's vote, the Senate Judiciary Committee had pigeonholed the nominations, had nothing more been done, Mr. Tru- man would have been free to give them interim appointments after Congress adjourned, if he wanted to. DOUGLAS TOLD the Senate that both Harrington and Drucker "are estimable men and fine citi- zens," but said he regarded the manner by which they were ap- pointed "personally obnoxious to him." Including Douglas' brief state- ment, the Senate took less than 15 minutes to reject the nomina- tions. In the vote on the Bowles nomination the senators divided broadly on party lines, 43 to 33. The confirmation came after Democrats praised Bowles, f or- mier governor of Connecticut and wartime price administra- tor. Replying for Republicans, Taft said he knew of no one "less qua- lified" to be diplomatic spokes- man for the nation in one of the touchiest parts of the world. Taft's criticism of Bowles came in answer to praise of the nominee f r o m Senator McMahon (D- Conn.). McMahon said Bowles "fits the picture better than any man in public life." McMahon contended that Re- publicans were opposing the Bowles nomination in a politi- cal move. Taft said that Bowles, as wr- time price czar, "antagonized" both Republicans and Democrats who had to deal with him and "followed thedCIO all down the line." "He is not a diplomatic man," Taft shouted. "I've had a lot of experience with him." Inanother development, a bill creating new judgeships-three on Circuit Courts of Appeal and 16 on district courts plus four tern- porary district court positions- was passed on a voice vote and now goes to the House for action. Argentina Refused Conference Seats MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay-(P)- Argentine applicants for member- ship in the Inter-American Press Association walked out in a huff yesterday when 33 of their 44 bids for membership were turned down by the convention. In the excitement, 76-year-old Tom Wallace, editor emeritus of the Louisville (Ky.) Times and president of the association, col- lapsed in the convention chamber and was rushed to a hospital. Meet at New Panmunj or Neutral Site R eds Shift. Push To Eastern Front I3y The Associated Press Allied and Red liaison officers yesterday looked over a possible compromise site for resumption of the Korean cease-fire talks. The two teams visited a bridge midway between Panmunjom and Songhyon in western Korea. Pan- munjom is the new site recom- mended by the Reds. Songhyon was recommended by Gen. Mat- thew B. Ridgway, Allied Supreme Commander. BOTH POINTS are about six miles southeast of Kaesong, the trouble-plagued town where she Reds broke off the talks in late August. While talks went on at Pan- munjom, fighting was as bitter as ever elsewhere in Korea Chinese Reds, shifted sudden- . Iy to the east-central front, join- ed North Koreans in battling Al- lied forces near the bitterly- contested "Heartbreak Ridge" area. Meanwhile in Tokyo, the boss of the Far East Air Forces said Allied warplanes are subjecting the Communist supply lines in Korea to an unrelenting aerial pounding that "might well exert a significant if not decisive influ- ence." The classic air force concept of 'isolation of the battlefield,' prov- en in World War II, is once again the cornerstone of our air opera- tional planning doctrine in Ko- rea," Lt. Gen. O. P. Weyland said ini an interview, At Panmunjom trice talks began again when Red officers handed the Allied representa- tives a note from North Korean Premier Kim II Sung and Chin- ese Red Gen. Peng Teh-Hual agreeing to the meeting. But the Red note again urged that the neutral zone by extended all the way down to Allied-held Mun- san, 23 miles southeast of Kae- song. Ridgway already had rejected suggestion. But the Red leaders later proposed that the question of extending the zone be taken up at the first meeting of the negotiators. Finnegan Tells House of Short Tax Payment -Daily-L. Wilk OPENS SERIES-Gladys Swarthout, mezzo soprano, is shown immediately after her concert last night which opened the Extra Concert Series. This is Miss Swarthout's fourth appearance in Ann Arbor. From here she will go to Chicago to continue herj personal tour. Exta Concet Series By CARA CHERNIAK "This song adds the dash of Singing before a. widely appre- humor that I consider essential to ciative audience, Gladys Swarth- an English audience," M i s s out opened the Extra-Concert Swarthout said. While she does Series and her own personal tour not like "coy" songs, Miss Swarth- last night at Hill Auditorium, out calls this one "adorable." The charming mezzo soprano * * OPINIONS AIRED: U' Political Scientists View_ EgyptianCrisis and contralto sparked her pro- gram with three first perform- ances of songs by American com- posers. The one which attracted the most avid audience response, however, was "The Bird and the Beast" by Celius Dougherty dedi- cated to Miss Swarthout and com- pleted only two weeks atgo.. " Boulding To Spek On Foreign Poyic Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of the economics department will speak on the question, "s1 United States Foreign Policy Leading Us into War?" at a meeting of the UNESCO Council at 7:30 p.m. to- day in Rm. 3R of the Union. The group is presenting Prof. Boulding in the first of a lecture series on international problems. Last year the Council sponsored several lectures and panel discus- sions, as well as a mock United Nations Security Council meeting. Tonight's meeting is open to the public. GHT- i expected to sing more Spanish. In 2 spite of all this, Miss Swarthout WASHINGTON-{, )-James P. says she is Dutch and a native- Finnegan told a House Inquiry born American, coming originally Committee yesterday that his own from Deepwater, Missouri. income tax payments fell $2,444 short during a three-year period Miss Swarthout will sing the of his job as Federal tax collector same program throughout her at St. Louis. tour, but she insists that all her Deficiency assessments for that encores be requested because amount were levied against him most of her programs are not by the Internal Revenue.Office in well-known. Requests vary, with Chicago, he said, for 1947-48-49 most of them for songs from when he was making more than "Carmen."In this role, Miss $30,000-a-year practicing law while Swarthout is considered by holding the post of collector. many as the foremost interpret- g * .t eFINNEGAN, who is under grand In town with her husband Frank jury as well as congressional in- Chapman, who came to Ann Ar- vestigation, said earlier he had bor especially to hear her first tried to quit the collector's job concert, Miss Swarthout says she three times to devote all his time performs before student audiences to law, but that President Truman as often as possible. "All audi- and others had talked him out ences are good," she said, "but of it. student audiences are especially He supplied income tax fig- open-minded and free from snob- ures that showed his law work bishness and bias." brought him $36,'783 grossin __ _ .____ ___..__._._ _ 947, $30,867 in 1948 and $37,- 406 in 1949. "Finnegan's tax return for 1949 ALTHOUGH MISS Swarthout used to sing predominantly leider, she attributes hzer present enipha- sis on Spanish to the fact that she looks Spanish and is therefore By ZANDER HOLLANDER Two University political scien- tists looked into the Egyptian situ- ation last night and came up with a prediction and a prescription. The British will not budge from Egypt, Prof. N. Marbury Efimenco said. THEY WILL HOLD their treaty- guaranteed positionsaround Suez and in the Sudan by force and the Egyptians will have to fight for those areas, he added. "But the long-range interests- of United States Foreign Policy will best be served if we support Egypt,' Prof. Marshall Knappen "Here we can beat them at their own game, Prof. Knappen said. PROF. EFIMENCO, a member of the University's recently return- ed Middle East Expedition team, saw the crux of Egypt's projected abrogation of the 1936 Treaty as the final disposition of the Anglo- Egyptian Sudan, the area south of Egypt, a condominium since 1899. "Britain considers the head- waters of the Nile (the Sudan) as the future base for the de- fense of her African and Middle East interests," the political sci- entist explained. A new independent state-tied World News Roundup By The Associated Press BUENOS AIRES-Juan D. Per- on announced yesterday that he is stepping down from the presi- dency of Argentinauntilhafter the election of Nov. 11 in. which he! is a candidate for re-election. 4 e : - STOCKHOLM, Sweden-A Po- lish engineer and three mutinous companions sailed their captured Polish trawler into Karlskrona TU BATTLE TC 1 1T4 't showed deductions of $4,681 for entertainment, $3,093 for trans- YR's Sp t le on cCarthy Issue portation and $3,212 for hotel bills. e7 L r Rep. Curtis (R-Neb.? commnent.. .___ __ ed: "To a country lawyer like me, ,_,. _ _ .... .......w.._.... .. those evn ense ar a iarnrisP " By ALICE BOGDONOFF "McCarthy lacks any kind of mor- Martell, in return, blasted the t~ U CCIjr111aC Q 111Vd; h~lli~aC The fat ill be in the fire at to- ality in making his charges." Republican party. The reverbera- T e .nights Young Republican meeting At the moment, Cargo's sup- tions of the talk have not yet sub- ' ILn i dC1OI S with the McCarthy issue in the porters hold the key positions in sided. * T B A raigned forefront of one of the hottest the club, but elections will be held * *Ba i