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October 07, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-07

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' I



Ike's Nemesis
P ARIS - The total commitment of the
United States in Europe makes contin-
uity of U.S. Foreign Policy an absolute ne-
cessity. Any threat to that continuity un-
questionably will propel General Eisenhower
into the presidential race.
More fervently than Harry Truman, far
more eloquently than Secretary Acheson, the
military argue that U.S. self-interest is as
total as the commitment and that the com-
mitment is wholly for the purposes of the
United States. U.S. commanders say re-
peatedly that there are no alternatives.
Nevertheless, some congressional debate
still has the power to make them queasy
and it is of course even more nerve-
racking for our allies, The biggest single
contribution that the politicos could make
to the morale of the war-prevention forces
now being marshaled in such impressive
numbers is to re-establish the bipartisan
foreign policy or a reasonable facsimile
thereof, especially as the presidential cam-
paign gets under way.
The services seem quite indifferent to the
personalities involved. Whatever its other
defects, the U.S. military is little interested
in partisan politics. Many of them admit
they would regret an Eisenhower candidacy
more because it would upset their no-
politics tradition than because they would
lose him at Supreme Headquarters here.
This is, of course, not true of all those
around the General. Sometimes it seems
the bee of presidential power has bitten a
few of them more deeply than it has their
The bulk of the steady procession of Eisen-
hower-for-President callers appeal to him
to save the country from four more years
of Truman, spending, mink coats, deep
freezes, etc. They are often quite emotional
about it, whatever that may prove. Some
attack Senator Taft as an isolationist at
heart; more contend he cannot beat Truman.
The odds are heavy that if the Presi-
dent and Mister Republican could close
ranks behind a new version of the old
Vandenberg bi-partisanship in foreign
policy, they would both be relieved of the
threat of an Eisenhower candidacy. It
is reasonable to suppose that General
" Eisenhower shares the distaste of his
comrades for breaking their no-politics
rule and that he meant it when he so
stated in 1948.
All signs however are that the two politicos
prefer the calculated Eisenhower risk to
any concession that one or the other is not
a. total loss.
(Copyright 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
On Teaching
THE TEACHER, like the artist, the phil-
osopher and the man of letters can only
perform his work adequately if he feels him-
self to be an individual directed by an inner
creative impulse, not dominated and fettered
by an outside authority. It is very difficult
in this modern world to find a place for the
individual. He can subsist at the top as a
dictator in a totalitarian state or a pluto-
cratic magnate in a country of large indus-
trial enterprises, but in the realm of the
mind it is becoming more and more difficult
to preserve independence of the great or-
ganized forces that control the livelihoods
of 'men and women. If the world is not
to lose the benefit to be derived from its
best minds, it will have to find some method
of allowing the scope and liberty in spite of
This involves a deliberate restraint on the
part of those who have power, and a con-
scious realization that there are men to
whom free scope must be afforded. Renais-
sance popes could feel in this way towards
Renaissance artists, but the powerful men
of our day seem to have more difficulty in
feeling respect for exceptional genius. The

turbulence of our times is inimical to the
fine flower of culture. The man in the
street is full of fear, and therefore unwilling
to tolerate freedoms for which he sees no
need. Perhaps we must wait for quieter
times before the claims of civilization can
again override the claims of party spirit.
Meanwhile it is important that some at
least should continue to realize the limitation
of what can be done by organization. Every
system should allow loopholes and excep-
tions, for if it does not it will in the end
crush all that is best in man.
-Bertrand Russell, Unpopular Essays





The Week's News

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters o
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length. defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

t t

THE UNIVERSITY Museum of Art is cur-
rently featuring the work of faculty in
the school of Architecture & Design. It is all
too seldom that students are afforded the
opportunity to ,see tangible evidence of their
instructors' talents; the nature of the show
alone is sufficient reason for Michigan stu-
dents to stop in at Alumni Memorial Hall.
The exhibit is housed in the West Gal-
lery, and includes paintings in a variety
of media, lithographs, photographs, tapes-
tries, sculpture, ceramics, etc. This impos-
ing array will be an agreeable surprise to
anyone unfamliiar with the work of f a-
culty artists, and they show as a whole
should meet with considerable success.
Perhaps the most striking-and also the
biggest-canvas in the hall is Gerome Kam-
rowski's Part 1, Script for an Impossible
Documentary. The title is appropriate
enough as a means of identification; the
contrasting darks and lights, the abstract
forms, and the composition give off an
aura of the supernatural. Anyone who knows
Mr. Kamrowski's work may not recognise
this predominantly black and white compo-
sition as his, but the attack is the same;
those used to his more vivid coloration will
find it in another of his entries.
Adherents of the surrealists will particu-
larly enjoy themselves before the paintings
of Chet La More. All three show a fine sense
of color. It is a most welcome relief, after
the unrestrained histrionics of Dali, to come
upon a surrealist with such good taste. Mr.
La More's wire sculptures are momentarily
amusing, but hardly deserve to be mentioned
in the same breath with his artistic crea-
Of the painters who indulge in riotous
coloring, Richard Wilt wins this reviewer's
blue ribbon. In addition, he offers the most
unusual and refreshing style in the show.
His speckled canvases are pointillism put
to good use and a joy to behold. Instead
of blending his dots of color into an im-
pressionist mist as Seurat did, Mr. Wilt
increases their size and uses them for con-
trast. This technique results in vibrant.
compositions, even in the otherwise som-
bre "Sleeping Men and Excavation." It
might seem that such a laborious and ex-
acting method would dull the artist's im-

agination and delicacy, but in this case it
definitely does not.
There are only three water colors in the
exhibit, two of them outstanding. Girl with
Musical Instrument, by Carlos Lopez, is a
quiet, eerie study, reminiscent of a mental
image created by one of E. T. A. Hoffman's
fantasies. Jean Paul Slusser's Strange House
evokes a similar feeling despite a more clas-
sic and austere treatment.
As is to be expected, not all of the paint-
ings are likely to arouse a great deal of in-
terest. Some of the neo-cubist, for example,
are tedious and uninspired. There are, how-
ever, a great many more that will excite the
observer's fancy-it is simply impossible to
list them all here.
A word should be said about some of the
other displays, many of them no less pleas-
ing than the paintings. Four tapestry de-
signs by Ron Fidler, all tastefully executed,
bear out old but not too frequently ob-
served notion that fabrics may be put to a
decorative as well as a pragmatic use.
Philip Davis and David Reider demon-
strate that darkroom trickery can result in
quite delightful compositions. Their photo-
graphs are noteable for black and white con-
trasts, and for their variegated textures.
The ceramics and sculpture placed about
the room on stands and in display cases ap-
pear deceivingly simple in design. Anyone
who has had occasion to try his hand at the
potter's art will know what I mean when he
sees the glazes on some of the specimens.
You really have to try it to appreciate the
skill required to finish some of those pieces.
J. T. Abernathy's stoneware is worth investi-
gating. Too massive, perhaps, to suit popu-
lar tastes, they are nonetheless both decora-
tive and utilitarian.
Among the sculptors, Thomas McClure,
for his "Head of Christ," and Hal MacIn-
tosh, for his "Floating Figure," deserve
special mention.
Although the faculty show will not be re-
moved until the 28th of the month, it is
worth a slight inconvenience to hurry over to
see the Contemporary Americans exhibit,
which is still up, pending the already over-
due arrival of the Seattle Drawings. But by
all means go.
-Siegfried Feller

Washington Merry.Go-Round

WASHINGTON-Free hams and TV sets
are supposed to be the way to get gov.
ernment business these days, but one five-
percenter lost an Air Force contract recently
by throwing a lavish party.
He ,s Fred T. Bridges, who traveled all
the way to Dayton, Ohio, to meet the right
procurement officer; paid the full expenses
for a friend to come from Denver, Colo.,
to make the introduction; then threw a
$342.92 dinner party to dazzle hte Air Force.
Five-percenter Bridges figured he could
impress both his clients and Brig. Gen.
Phillip W. Smith by staging the extravagant
dinner; so he rented a suite at Dayton's
hotel Biltmore, hired a three-piece string
orchestra, and had exotic foods especially
flown to Dayton.
To make sure the guest of honor would
show up, Bridges paid the round-trip fares
for Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Chamberlain, friends
of General Smith, to come all the way
from their home in Denver. Despite these
carefully laid plans, however, General
Smith left town and sent his regrets.
This left Bridges with a $342.92 dinner
cooking, but no guest of honor. So he asked
the Chamberlains to invite Mrs. Smith and
her children. At first, Mrs. Smith declined
because she had a house guest, but Cham-
berlain persuaded her to bring both her
children and her house guest. When the
$342.92 dinner was finally served, five-per-
center Bridges sat at the head of the table,
Chamberlain at the foot and between them
sat two ladies and three children.
Instead of winning a new contract for
Bridges, however, the abortive affair cost
him an order he had already negotiated in
Washington. For the story of the dinner got

back to the Air Force, which promptly can-
celed his earlier contract.
, , ,
While Congress races toward adjourn-
ment, the biggest skeleton in its closet of
unfinished business is the Missouri flood
disaster. The flood left thousands of de-
molished homes, churches, schools and small
business firms which for years cannot be
rebuilt. While Congress voted some direct
relief, it was only enough for temporary food
and shelter.
Meantime nothing is being done about
eroded farm lands. Thanks to the Army
engineers' projects to protect big cities
along the Missouri, the water backs up
and floods farms in the other areas.
Congress has done even less about the
key problem to stopping floods-the Mis-
souri Valley Authority program - which
would provide a network of flood control
dams paying for themselves through irriga-
tion and low-cost electric power. The Army
engineers and the private utilities, however,
are opposed to this.
The immediate problem of relief for flood
victims is the most pressing of all. More
than 25,000 homes were damaged or de-
stroyed in the Missouri basin. Some flood-
hit families are living in tents, others in
trailers, attics and basements. The few who
can afford better accommodations are pay-
ing high rents because of the housing short-
Many homeless widows have become
charity cases, without even a county
"poor farm" to go to. Many business firms
whose properties were wiped out by the
flood hesitated to rebuild because of in-
flated costs, building controls or the lack
of bank credit.
Meanwhile, only a few Congressmen, as
Magee and Bolling of Missouri, are sincerely
trying to find the answer. The rest are too
adjournment-minded to bother.
*' * *
" LDRESSED UP with no place to go"
pretty much describes the new "biparti-
san committee to explore political realign-
ment," a brain child of dynamic Sen. Karl
Mundt of South Dakota.
Though Mundt stanchly believes South-
ern Democrats and Northern Republicans
should team up in 1952, practical politi-
cians of both parties are avoiding the com-
mittee as though it were the plague.
Southern Democrats, who were counted
on for support, realize that the movement
would throw them out of power in the
Senate where they hold nine of the 15
committee chairmanships.

--Daily-B Hamptos
"All right, so he can't catch a football",
For years, the cartoonists and word-of-mouth quipsters had re-
lentlessly plugged away at the alleged stupidity of Michigan football
players. This week, faculty members in' the literary college took an
action which may clear the air on the half-humorous charges.
By unanimous vote, the faculty ordered a protest to be sent to
the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics concerning a "double
standard" by which some varsity athletes can play with below-"C"
averages. The Board answered that it would welcome a study of the'
practices of its eligibility committee. ,
Although, in informed circles, eligibility for sports at Michigan
has been considered one of the most rigid in the nation, a recent
grant of eligibility for a star football player evoked strong feeling that'
requirements should be even tighter. Sources close to the Board said
an attempt will be made to determine the number of special eligibility
grants handed down by the Office of Student Affairs, which regulates
all other extra-curricular activities.
, . , e
YR SPLIT-After a rare lull in verbal firing'on the campus poli-'
tical front, action came from a usually quiet sector. Progressive
Young Republican president Dave Cargo was hard put to keep the
upper hand in the organization as a group of right-leaners fought to'
invite right-hier Joe McCarthy to campus for another of those
speeches. The issue reflected an intra-GOP struggle which promises
to be of international significance.
" * * *
NEAR EAST EXPEDITION-Two dirty pieces of parchment drew'
nation-wide attention this week as Prof. George G. Cameron unveiled
one of the most significant archaeological discoveries in recent years.
The leader of the recently returned University Near East Expedition
revealed that the impressions, taken from the new "rosetta stone"
in northern Kurdistan, will provide a key to the lost language of the
Urartu or Ararat.
* * *
FALL RUSHING-Fraternity rushing started this week.
* * * *
.OUT OF THE WEST-Michigan ended up on the low end of a
23-13 score yesterday before 57,000 drizzle-dampened fans. By winning
this one, Stanford became the first West Coast team ever to beat the
International , .
ALLIES STRIKE-A 100,000 man UN offensive rolled ahead in
Korea at week's end, as truce talks remained stymied. In the biggest
attacks since the negotiations began in July, the Eighth Army slogged
ahead, apparently breaking through the Communist lines and once
again retaking bloody "Heartbreak Ridge." A heavy news censorship
obscured front line events-Allied objectives were not revealed. But
the Communist radio predicted that an amphibious landing at Won-
san was planned-and UN warships moved in to bombard that por-
tion of the east coast. Meanwhile, Gen. Matthew Ridgway again
waved the olive branch-he offered to renew negotiations any place
in no man's land. Peiping remained silent at week's end.
* * * *
IRAN SIMMERS-A temporary lull in the international tension
over Iran came this week. The British technicians who had been
sitting in Abadan since the storm broke in March were finally given
the boot by Iranians, triumphant for the moment at least. The Attlee
government, caught between Conservative demands for armed inter-
vention and U. S. insistence that troops not be used, meekly sub-
mitted to the Iranian ouster at Abadan, banking their hopes on the
UN Security Council, which will take up the Iranian question next
week. As British UN delegate Sir Gladwynn Jebb wrote his briefs,
ailing Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh prepared to take
off today to New York to plead his case in person.
SOVIETS BLAST AGAIN-The White House revealed a second
Soviet A-bomb explosion had taken place this week, as Russia flexed
her fissionable muscles. The next day, Uncle Joe Stalin told the
world that more atomic detonations were on the way.
% * * k R
National . a.
IT'S GETTING TO BE A HABIT-New Yorkers were in a furor
this week, as the rest of the country warmed up their TV sets for
another subway series. For the third time in the last five years, it
,was all New York-but this time with a new twist. The two New York
.lational League entries engaged in a playoff, then the winners moved
over to another part of the Empire City to'- take on the American
League Yankees. At week's end, the series stood 2-1, favor of New
" -Barnes Connable and Crawford Young

Jackson's Football ... .
To the Editor:'
; N JACKSON'S excellent
article "Too Much Football"
exposing the sordid aspects of
commercialized - professionalized1
football at Michigan is of great
significance to the college sports
world. For here for the first time is
afforded an irrefutable documen-
tation (not even big-time foot-
ball's vested interests challenged'
Jackson's truthfulness) of the
many foul practices that now
overwhelm "win at any cost" col-
lege football. Mr. Jackson deserves
great respect for his courage in'
disclosing this inside view of the'
sport since it reflects negatively
on the intelligence and integrity
of many of his former athletic as-
sociates as well as on his own wis-
dom in playing for four years.
However, the very fact that such
damning criticism comes from a
person whose contact with the
game was so intimate and whose
own ability so proven is what
gives importance to the criticism,
since in this case professionalized
college football's defenders can-
not accuse the critic of not know-
ing what he is talking about nor
of being just a stuffy professor or
an unsuccessful athlete with a
"sour grapes" gripe.
In view of this it is regretable
that Daily writers Flint and Papes
had to attempt a partial white-
wash of Jackson's accusations. No-
where did he suggest that Michi-"
gan was unique in the football
evil. The point is that all big-time
college football has become simi-
larly poisoned and that as a re-
sult both players and their univer-
sities suffer. The charges of sen-
sationalism made again Jackson"
are absurd. The seriousness of his"
accusations is certainly sensation-
al, but his treatment of them was
most restrained.
Rather, the Daily could perform
a great service by taking the lead
in getting .the students and ad-
ministration of this university,
(whose purpose is education, re-
search, and public service, and not
muscle bulging contests with the
hired help from East Lansing) to,
devote their intellectual, moral,
and financial energies into achiev-"
ing the unfulfilled potentialities
the University of Michigan has of"
becoming a great university where
students are given the intellectual
and moral training required by ci-
tizens in a democracy, rather than
emphasizing the gladitorial
amusements so reminiscent of the
circuses at the Roman Coliseum.
For that minority who mistakenly
enrolled in a university to get the
latter rather than the former
(such as Miss Allison who heaps
shame upon Mr. Jackson for his
welcome declaration of consci-
ence), possibly the University
could secure them employment or
at least season tickets at the local
wrestling arena or roller derby
-Neil J. Weller
~ ,..er
Dance Dilemna .. .
To the Editor:
TN A RECENT letter Adele Hager
pleaded the cause of Ann Ar-
bor's forgotten art, the Dance, and
raised the question of why the lack
of interest, and what can be done
for the Dance in the future.
Possibly one factor that has
caused difficulty in thetpast is
that few members of the ton and
campus have had sufficient ex-
perience, either as participants or
as audience members, to develop
interest. Part of the fault of this
lack of acquaintance and enthu-
siasm lies at the door of the dance
itself-its inability to develop re-
cording -techniques which would

make it available to an individual
in his living room.
With the other arts it has been
different. Music has the readily
available phonograph and radio;
drama the written script; the vis-
ual arts the photograph. The re,
sulting familiarity creates eager
audiences for these arts, as is evi-
denced in the many performances
and exhibits sponsored here.
But the dance is not so easily
come by. Many who would be most
responsive to this art form if they
could but taste of it allow it to
pass unnoticed and unsolicited.
Thus a vicious circle is formed:
No taste, no demand. No demand,
no taste. This circle can be broken
by those who are in a position to
start the ball rolling by providing
the University community with
dance experiences.
-Helen H. Keller

Half-Time . .
To the Editor:
I HAVE a suggestion to make to
athletic director Fritz Crisler
in regards to the next meeting of
the Western Conference Athletic
Directors. The idea has a very
fine chance of placing Michigan
back in its former place as
Western Conference power. Mr.
Crisler might suggest that the
Saturday a f t e r n o o n agenda
throughout the stadii of Western
Conference schools be slightly al-
tered. It should consist of sixty
minutes of rigorous band competi-
tion, with perhaps a short be-
tween-the-halfs scrimmage.
T h e attitude t h e students
seemed to have adopted concern-
ing the vital necessity of having
an enjoyable, that is a winning,
afternoon would seem to indicate
the necessity of drastic action. Dr.
Revelli is updoubtedly in a better
position than Mr. Oosterbaan to
provide a remedy. At any rate
the reception that greeted the
band, which to my estimation
whipped a lesser M.S.C. aggregate;
at least equalled that which the
team received.
--Robert Ruskin '
* , ,
Football vs. the 'U' . .
To the Editor:
T WAS once my experience while
working in a hosptital to wit-
ness an operation wherein a wo-
man was removed from a tumor
(the woman weighing less than.
the tumor after the operation).
There was some question as to
the possibility of dissecting suclh
a large part of the woman (there
was no question of disposal after
the operation)-however, the fes-
tering, rotten, gaseous sore was
eliminated and the lady lives.
Much the same may be said for
the University stadium (and the,
overemphasis of football). Just as
it was difficult to ascertain then
what was fester and what was
useful on the woman, so it is dif-
ficult to determine what is gall
and what is good in Ann Arbor.'
The question is not what is to be
done with the stadium (as Messrs..,
Wright and Turner, the Daily,t
October 2, oddly seems to believe);
but can a university continue to
be considered an educational in-
stitution when such a major por-
tion of it is not educational but
I don't care what is done with
the stadium (blow up Atom Bombs
in it if thiat seems necessary)-my
interest lies not in cultivating
that oozing, morbid, lunp, that
tumor, but in the patient, the edu-
cational complex that must be
-Leo D. Vichules
\r+' ,~ad


Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
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Chuck Elliott........Managing Editor
Bob Keith........... . ...City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson..........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..,.......Associate Editor
Ron Watts ...........Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ..........Associate Editor '
Ted Papes....... .. ...Sports Editor
George Flint .. ,Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ............women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate women's Editor
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
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' i


Ail /I E



A t The Michigan .,..
THE MOB: with Boderick Crawford,
Betty Buehler, Richard Riley, Otto Hulett,
Matt Crowley, and a motley crew of non-
RUMS beating and horns blowing, the
University Band turned out in full array
Iast night to view, themselves on the screen.
As it was, "Here Comes The Band," a brief
take off on the magnificient antics of our
band, relegated the main feature, romantic-
ally titled "The Mob" to a place commensur-

a poetic pseudonym like Tim Flynn, and
posing as a rugged New Orleans gangster,
delves into a probe of some bad men who
have a racket of exploiting poor longshore-
In the course of things, the incognito
Crawford is taken for a ride, bludgeoned,
and framed. To add a very unique touch
to the picture, swashbuckling (I believe I
used that epithet before) Crawford is hand-
ed a mickey. In fact, there is even a gun-
battle at the end. Joyfully, the racketeers
are apprehended and the hero gets his girl.
All of which is a far cry from the role


Yu can fly to the moon and ()clCm
stars right now, Mr. O'Malley-

I can't wait years for a bunch
of loafing Mental Giants like

FBy then, every Tom, Dick and Harry
will be cluttering up the galaxy in:

A' 1

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