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October 07, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-07

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State







Allies Await
-Major Battle
Above Seoul
Barrage Blasts
Massing Reds

* *

* * *

* a *

* * *

QUARTERS, Korea -(P)- Signs
of an impending pitched battle in
Swestern Korea, more than 35 miles
north of Seoul, were reported yes-
terday by a U.S. First Cavalry Di-
vision staff officer.
He said the big battle was ex-
* peoted to develop today. Allied
tanks and infantrymen were on
the alert.
* * *
YESTERDAY afternoon Ameri-
can guns began laying down a
barrage of white phosphorous and
high explosive shells over the crags
of the Yonchon Valley where the
Chinese Reds were massed.
During the morning, U.S. First
Cavalry troops and Greek In-
fantrymen beat off heavy Chin-
ese attacks in a night-long gre-
nade and bayonet action north
of Yonchon, a pooled dispatch
Allied forces, driving the Chin-
ese Reds before them, seized most
of their objectives in their 100,-
* 000-man western offensive.
In the east, American and
French troops stormed the un-
compromising slopes of "Heart-
break Ridge" and won its com-
manding peak. Twice previously,
in three weeks of bloody fighting,
they had taken the height only
to be hurled off.
*.* *
some 200 miles behind the Red
front, 33 U.S. jets slashed into
three times as many Russian-type
MIG-15s. One American plane was
shot down. The Air Force reported
- one Red fighter probably was de-
stroyed and two were damaged.
There still was no sign that the
Red.-suspended armistice talks
would be resumed. The Commun-
ists continued their silence on the
issue of a change in the truce site
from Kaesong to somewhere in no-
man's land.
An Eighth Army Headquarters
officer said last night that "i,
looks as if our offensive is nearly
Earlier, Maj. Gen. Robert H.
Soule said his U.S. Third Division
in its three-day drive had breach-
ed the main Communist line
northwest of Chorwon, in west-
central Korea.I
Pr o essor's
Body Found
After Mishap
The body of Prof. Murray Slot-
nick of the physics department,
who drowned' Friday in Barton
Pond was. recovered yesterday
Definite plans for the funeral
which will take place in New York
City have not been announced.


I World News
By The Associated Press
BATTLE CREEK. Mich. - Will
Keith Kellogg, who took the lowly
corn flake from obscurity to a
place of prominence on the Ameri-
can breakfast table and amassed
a fortune of $50,000,000 while do-
ing it, °died in Leila Hospital at 3
p.m. here yesterday.
* s s
EAST LANSING - State Police
raiding parties swooped down on
alleged gambling places in five
Michigan communities yesterday
in an aftermath to seizure of
Western Union Company records
in Detroit Friday night.
LONDON - Winston Churchill
charged last night the Labor Gov-
ernment's handling of the Iranian
oil dispute constituted one of the
worst muddles in recent British
DETROIT-A strike threatenedj
next Wednesday at 10 plants of
the Borg-Warner Corp. could have
a serious effect of the entire auto
charged yesterday that the nation's
defense production program is fall-
ing dangerously behind because of
"lack of planning ... failures end
WASHINGTON-Congress gen-
erally refused to get excited yes-
terday over Premier Stalin's an-
nouncement that Russia is testing
Most members of the Atomic
Committee willing to be quoted
said present American plans are
adequate, even in light of Russian
Forms Ready
For SL Posts
Petitioning for 30 campus posts
in the fall elections opens tomor-
row, Joe White, '53, Student Leg-
islature public relations chairman,
announced yesterday.
Twenty-five seats are open on
SL to any student eligibile for
extra-curricular activities. To en-
ter the race, one must present
- -n-J-4i+;n n 4--.Ivik ~fit l ~ a.ia

By Stassen
WASHINGTON-(')-Harold E.
Stassen claimed yesterday he has
evidence showing that only the
State Department could have pro-
posed cutting off military aid to
Nationalist China in a disputed
White House conferernce in 1949.
He directed the Senate's In-
ternal Security subcommittee to
the diaries of the late Senator
Arthur Vandenberg, Michigan Re-
publican, and James Forrestal,
late Secretary of Defense, for con-
firmation of his previous testi-
mony on the subject.
One extract from the Forrestal
diary, which Stassen drew to the
committee's attention, said that
at a cabinet meeting Nov. 26, 1948,
Gen. George C. Marshall, then
secretary of state, presented a
State ,Department paper suggest-
ing abandonment of the Chiang
Kai-Shek government.
Stassen said Vandenberg told
him in Nov., 1950, that Secretary
of State. Acheson and Ambassa-
dor-at-large Philip C. Jessup had
proposed at the White House
meeting that aid to the National-
ists be halted.

' Giants Humble Yauk(

NEW YORK-(P)--Lippy Dur-
ocher's wonder boys did it again
yesterday-walloped the Yankees
6 to 2 for their second World Series
victory and for the first time es-
tablished themselves as favorites
to capture the big playoff.
Egged on by 52,035 fans, great-
est crowd ever to witness a Series
game in a National League park,
the Giants slammed Vic Raschi
City Hits Hi h
Census Mark

from the hill in a five-run, fifth
inniing uprising capped by Whitey
Lockman's home run and went on
to win the third contest breezing.
* * *
UNTIL Gene Woodling whacked
a husky homer off reliefer Sheldon
Jones with one out in the ninth,
the mighty bombers had collected
only four hits-one of them very
scratchy-off tall Jim Hearn in
seven and two thirds innings.
They were well beaten.
Tomorrow the National League
Champs will be playing on their
home grounds again and they
have Sal Maglie, the league's
finest righthander, well rested

* * *
~ %: ' >, Associate Spra
A devastating passing attack, sot
gan trademark in recent years, spe
yesterday afternoon at the hands
eleven, 23-13.
A sparse crowd of 57,200 fans g
saw Gary Kerkorian uncork his passin
to set up three touchdowns-scoring
early 6-0 Michigan lead.
* * *
182-pound quarterback continually fo
Sam Morley for the aerial delug-
that sparked touchdown drives of
65, 72 and 54 yards and brought
to end the Wolverines' undefeated
reign over West Coast elevens.
Only the final Indian drive,
which culminated in a field'goal r'
by Kerkorian in the final sec- r'
onds of play, was negotiated 1
without the use of a single pass.n
McColl, the adhesive-fingered
All-American end, was on the re-
ceiving end of seven of Kerkor-
ian's successes that covered 143
yards and Morley hauled in four
more good for 60 yards over a
bewildered Michigan pass defense.
the Indians' 21 first downs with
19, 16 by rushing .The Woler-
-Dany-Roger Reine ines' passing attack, which is still
Y'S GAME looking for a good day, was suc-
- ---___ - ---- cessful on only four of 17 at-
On the ground Bill Putich,
played most of the game at
tailback with Ted Tpor at
quarterback, proved himself a ar
runner of the first degree. ce
Reynolds and Raschi, already lic
:ked from the box in their two' 5T or170-pound senior hit the1
ts, Stengef was reduced to Sta d line like an aggravated ou
ng on Johnny Sain, veteran bull, piling up 64 yards on ten car-
rany National League cam- res. In the third quarter Putich F
nns wh came to the Yanks romped 19 yards for theWolver- m
waivrs dhuringtthe saonkines' second touchdown on one of m
waivers during the Season the best bits of broken field run-
itil he finally lost his control ning seen in the Michigan Stad-
pletely in the eighth inning, mn
rn pitched inspired ball and ium in some tue. et
On a direct bass from center he
ared well on his way to dup- everee around his own right endve
ing or bettering his great five- faked to the sidelines and then re
performance against Brooklyn cut back behind four Stanford fo
he first game of the National would-be tacklers to cross into the L
;ue playoff, end zone unscathed.br
* * * *~*se
UT WALKS finally got the FLLBACK DON Peterson wasgr
eballerhfrom Atlanta. When Michigan's second best gainer,
sued his eighth pass ofthe with 51 yards on ten tries, in the
on to Joe Collins with two vastly improved Wolverine ground s
y in the eighth to force across attac which out-rushed the In- se
Yankees' first run and leave dians 177 yards to 167 Stanfor a
bases loaded, Durocher waved See INDIANS, Pae 6 s
nes to retire Hank Bauer on SeeINIANSPage_
ip to the mound. -"o
was a rather raggedly fielded GUESS WHO:
e, each team committing a n
of errors. The Yankees made P lo k Faces a
two early in the Giants' big O a( a
chapter, and so none of the f
runs which poured across was Former Puil
ed-not even the three whichr pr
d on Lockman's line shot into pe
stands near the right foul line. It's a rare occasion when a stu- m
)wever, the Giants' first run in dent gets a chance to get even C]
See HEARN, Page 7 'with his teacher, but just such an p(
incident befell Prof. James K. w)
Pollock, chairman of the political v,
scince department, as a witness pi
in a recent Washington commit-
" t tee hearing.
'tnes t OSC Rep. Charles Brownson of In-
diana thought the witness looked
faniliar and'his voice even more
k enthusiastic part in the so. Shortly before the end of the
ftinze show with its theme hearing, it came to him and he
cheerleading, while the band went up to Prof. Pollock and in-
yed appropriate music and troduced himself.
Michigan cheer squad . * *
need on the trampoline. "YOU MAY NOT recall it," he
'en the band felt the brunt of said coldly, "but you gave me very fo
weather. Snappy white spats dismal grades in political science. jfo

yellow lined capes were doffed Apparently .you didn't properly in
:avor of overshoes and rain appraisemy political potentialities
s, while drums had to be kept back there at Michigan." h
tly tuned. Prof. Pollock smiled and calmly va
IE TRADITIONAL dog finally replied, "You came out as I ex-
d his way onto the field at pected. Very few students who ro
p.m. yesterday, after failing made good grades in those courses sic
iow up last week. This time ever amounted to anything in en
as Penny, a large skinny, red politics."
sure designated by her Sigma -h
owners as an Irish setter. She Red * Stand t
' to show much spirit, how- 'c
, allowing a referee to collar flj I 4-n a

is Editor
nething that has been a Michi-
lled defeat for the Wolverines
of an aerial-minded Stanford
athered loosely in the Stadiun
g'wizardry in the second quarter
the first himself-to erase an
NFORCED web of blockers, the
und receivers in Bill McColl and
Spartans Roll
Michigan State's number one
ranking football powerhouse
rallied magnificently' for two
touchdowns in the final six
minutes of play yesterday to
defeat Ohio State, 24-20.
Other Big Ten results:
Illinois 14, Wisconsin 10
Purdue 34, Iowa 30
Northwestern 20, Army 14
Indiana 13, Pittsburgh &
California 55, Minnesota 14
(See sports section for de-
aity Arrests
U1' Vendors
Eleven University students were
'rested yesterday for selling 10
nt football programs without a
Police released the group with-
Lt bord and ordered them so
pear before Municipal Judg
rancis O'Brien Wednesday
unicipal court,
THE STUDENTS were arrested
ear the stadium for violating a
ty ordinance which prohibits
nding on public property and
quires a transit-traders license
r selling On private property.
ast year similar charges were
ought against football program
llers outside the stadium
Warrant Officer William C.
larz of the Ann Arbor olice
raflic Bureau reported that
everal students were pickedup
t the Michigan State game a
week ago for violating the or-
linance but were released with
only a- warning. Mara said he
warned the vendors that defi-
ite action is now being taken
gainst violators and the ordin-
nce will continue to be en-
The license required to sellthe
ogram costs either seven dollars
r day or 36 dollars per year and
ay be obtained at the City
Lerk's office in the City Hall.
ermits are issued only to those
ho have the permission of a pri-
Lte property owner to sell on his
Varsity Night
Talent Tryouts
iet forToday
Student talent gets its big op-
ortunity today when auditions
r the thirteenth annual Varsity
ight are held from 2 to 5 p.m.
Harris Hall.

Begun in 1937, Varsity Night
as grown to become the biggest
ariety show of the year. The
ogram features student acts
unded out with several profes-
onal numbers and an experi-
iced master of ceremonies.
In past years, amateur acts
have included barbershop quar-
ets, comic bits, magicians, vo-
al and instrumental soloists
and even a ladder act.

WASHINGTON-(P)-The big- and anxious to get at Casey
gest gains in individual commun- Stengel's crew'
ity population went to Ann Ar- With two of his top flingers,
bor and East Lansing, according
to Michigan's 1950 census figuresa
as released yesterday by the Bu- Malayan Reds Kill
reau of the Census. , 9
The gain was attributed to aHigh UK Offical
change in the census taking me-
thod which made it possible for SINGAPORE - (IP) - Com-
college cities to - claim students as munist Guerrillas yesterday killed
residents. Formerly they were British High Commissioner Sir
listed in the population of their Henry Gurney in ambush just
home towns, three years to the day 'after he
Michigan's total population in- had taken charge of the bitter
creased 21.2 per cent to 6,371,766, war to stamp out Red terror in
seventh ranking among the states.the Ialayan jungles.

Thousands Brave Elements as olver

* * *


PROF. Slotnick drowned about
5:15 Friday afternoon while sail-
ing with a companion, Donald A.
Glaser, an instructor in the physics
According to Glaser, the two
were euising around the pond
in a sail-rigged canoe when a
sudden gust of wind overturned
the craft about 150 feet from
- re
Both laughed about the incident
as they clung to the overturned
canoe and even refuse'd an offer
of aid from a passing boat, Glaser
told sheriff's officers. Then, Gla-
ser said, he started to swim for
shore while Slotnick remained
with the canoe.
When he returned to the scene


Daily Managing Editor
Fifty - seven thousand people
marched grimly through a drizzle
of rain to th3e Michigan stadium
yesterday afternoon to watch the
Wolverines get thrown around for
the second wee iri a row.
It was the first time that a
west-coast school had ever beaten
Michigan, and though a few
bursts of positive activity from
the home team brought accom-
panying cheers from the west side
of the field, the general reception
was resigned murmuring. By far
the most excitement came from
2,347 high school cheerleaders,
guests of the University, who nos-
ily occupied large blocks of the
otherwise empty end zones.
PERHAPS THE most depre3sing

S* * * *

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