PAGE TWO T H E MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1951 I r_ By CHUCK ELLIOTT T USUALLY takes a particular case to bring a poor policy into the open. And when particular cases are involved, fair ex- amination of the lame policy rapidly de- generates into personal, confused crimina- tion and recrimination. The case of Ted Topor and the eligibility requirements is no exception. When the athletic eligibility committee decided last week to let Topor play foot- ball despite his sub-two point average, there was a few days lull. But discontent had been brewing before among faculty members who realized the situation, and this seemed to be an excellent excuse to crystallize it. On Thursday night the news came out-the Literary College fac- ulty had unanimously requested that a letter of protest against the eligibility set- up be issued. So the issue was joined. On one hand stands Topor, whose only actual concern is that he happens to be the goat, a rather famous one, to be sure, because of his extra- curricular prominence. On the other is the understandable indignation of a group of professors faced with a contradictory code. As we see it, the problem to be discussed not is the one brought forth by the faculty. Topor's case cannot be broken down into the simple elements necessary for it to serve as a typical, or representative issue. We assume that eligibility requirements in themselves constitute a wise principle, since students who are incapable of maintaining a reasonable scholastic average should not be permitted to use potential study time for other activities. This has proved itself through the years, and, despite occasional aberancies, has been generally adhered to. We also assume that athletics are an extra- curricular activity, though some thoroughly immersed athletes might disagree. Students wishing to work on The Daily, another accepted extra-curricular activity, must have thgeir records checked each se- mester by the office of student affairs. If their average falls below "C", they are termed ineligible, and are expected to quit fooling around with activities and hit the books. The same goes for any other extra- curricular project-except athletics. The athlete whose average falls below "C" may appeal to a committee made up of members of the Board in Control of Inter- collegiate Activities. Aside from the anomaly of having a separate committee in the first place, the standards used by this committee in determining eligibility seem to be some- what different than those of the general Office of Student Affairs. Whether or not these standards are legitimate is beside the point; it is also somewhat irrelevant to speculate on whether it is easier for an athlete to be declared eligible than for an ordinary student. Nevertheless, while ath- letes must have certain requirements to meet according to Big Ten rules, there is no reason why the usual regulations need be sloughed off in return, as they apparently are in some cases. The most probable thing to be done would be to incorporate the two eligibility boards into one. Otherwise, it seems quite logical to suggest that the Board in Control of Stu- dent Publications be allowed to set up their, own eligibility panel with their own rules, and so on down the line. The functions of' the existing eligibility boards should at least be made to jibe, if the principle is worth enforcing at all. Eligibility must be a stated quality or nothing. It is nothing unless consistently determined. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: SID KLAUS INTERPRETING THE NEWS: S oviet A-Bomb By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. Associated Press News Analyst IT SEEMED LIKE a rare coincidence Wed- nesday when Bobby Thomson's explosion at the Polo Grounds came simultaneously with the White House announcement that Russia had set off another Atomic bomb. The wiseacres had a field day about it. There was, however, a truly significant coincidence about the timing of Russia's latest experiment. It came Just as the British election cam- paign was being launched, and while diplo- mats were trying to make the last organiza- tional arrangements for the defense of West- ern Europe. Russia's Atomic power has come to hold a deep meaning for London officialdom and the British people. It embodies the realiza- tion that in any future war Britain lies hor- ribly open to atomic attack. That is why the left wingers of the British Labor Party can make cooperation with America-which they claim will lead to war-a major issue in the election. Announcement of the new explosion will enhance this feeling in Britain. Some United Nations diplomats even speculated that the Russian's timed their latest experimental explosion for such pur- poses. Germany is in the midst of bargaining for as many allied concessions as possible in re- turn for her participation in the new Euro- Football Dilemma CHANCELLOR Harvie Branscomb of Van- derbilt University has come up with; some rather convincing remedies designed to "de-emphasize" college football. Apparently influenced by Al Jackson's "Too Much Football" and John Derek's poignant role as the mistreated "Satur- day's Hero," Branscomb put forth the following reforms: 1. Elimination of spring practice; 2. Eli- mination of bowl games; 3. Reduction in the number of football scholarships; 4. Li- mitation of intercollegiate sports to bone' fide college students; 5. Elimination of un- limited substitutions, which result in un- natural specialization; and 6. Elimination of special funds for current athletic support, "whether from race tracks or alumni." Essentially, Branscomb's panaceas seem to be recognizing clearly the problems of big- time football, and probably everyone will agree that they have a measure of merit in them. But it's very questionable whether the country's football powers will ever rec- ognize the feasibility of Branscomb's pro- posals.' For the very nature of big-time football -and the commercialism behind it-prp- eludes any possibility that the sport will be de-emphasized. The stakes are high. The gate's the thing. Pressed by the "dog- eat-dog-and-everyone-loves-dog-meat" ri- valry for gate receipts, the nation's insti- tutions are more likely to continue their shady practices and to violate the Sanity Code, whether restated and revised, as Branscomb has done. Actually, Branscomb's proposals are noth- ing but another statement of ideals, and standing alone, are feeble and innocuous. Nothing is going to prevent the subsidiza- tion of athletes or the two-platoon system when so much depends on the gate. Neither does the solution lie in the com- plete elimination of America's greatest sport-which is enjoyed by the players in- dividually and by the fans vicariously. For such a radical move would wipe out the bet- ter aspects of the sport along with its evils. Nor is Jackson's plan to popularize intra- mural sports a way out. Intercollegiate foot- ball is here to stay. Any really effective reform should take into consideration the pigskin gate, source of the perennial problems and maladjust- ments which are part and parcel of the sport. An ideal reform would be to de-emphasize the importance of the large gate receipts being drawn in by football. As it is, here at the University too much importance is placed on the turnstiles clicking to the tune of $1,000,000 each year. It's quite conceivable that if the State Legislature, in its annual allotment of a bud- get to the University, were more generous, we wouldn't have to depend so greatly on the football gate. An additional grant from the legislature each year would serve the purpose of sup- porting the University's intramural and in- tercollegiate athletics, which are now sup- ported by football receipts. On the other hand, even this solution is fallible, for if other state legislatures followed suit, each year's football season would be wrought with political tinges with coaches perched in state capitals. Undoubtedly, the football problem poses one of the most touchy dilemmas in Ameri- can history. One wonders if there is a solu- tion. --Cal Samra "Double Or Nothing" Ii DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (11 a.m. on Saturday). SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 195' VOL. LXII, NO. 11 Notices Applications for grants in support of research projects: Faculty members, who wish to apply for grants from the Research Funds to support research projects during the next fiscal year, should file their ap- plications in the Office of the Gradu- ate School by Sat., Oct. 13. Applica- tion forms will be mailed or can be obtained at 1006 Rackham Building, Telephone 372. Rhodes Scholarships. There will be a meeting of all those interested in Rhodes Scholarships on Mon., Oct. 8, 4:15 p.m., 2013 Angell Hall. Application for Rhodes Scholarships will be due (Rm. 2026 A.H.) Oct. 19. PARKING "'o Student Drivers: No driving per- rits, whether special or exempt, are parking permits. They do not entitle the holders to ;the privilege of using Universityrestricted parking areas. DRIVING PERMITS Will those students who have left their permit application or sticker in the Automobile Regulations Office, please claim them immediately. Driv- ing rxegulations are now in force and are being violated if stickers are not displayed. Attention Rushing Chairmen: Final rushing lints can be picked up this weekend on the IFO office door-Union, Rm. 3C. Academic Notices Botany 1 Make-up Examination for students who missed the final in June will be given at 4 p.m., Fri., Oct. 12, 2033 Natural Science. English 280 will meet, beginning on Friday, in 3217 Angell Hall, 4-6 p.m. FRESHMAN HEALTH LECTURES FOR MEN First Semester 1951-52 It is a University requirement that ail entering Freshman, including vet- erans, attend a series of lectures on Personal and Community Health and pass an examination on the content of these lectures. Transfer students with freshman standing (less than 30 hrs. credit) are also required to take' the course unless they have had a similar course elsewhere which has been accredited here. Upperclassmenl who were here as freshmen and who did not fulfill the requirements are requested to d so this term. The lectures will be given in the Natural Science Auditorium at 4, 5 and 7:30 p.m. as per the following schedule: Lecture No. Day Date 1 Mon. Oct. 8 2 Tues. Oct. 9 3 Wed. Oct. 10 4 Thurs. Oct. 11 3 Mon. Oct. 15 6 Tues. Oct. 16 7 (Final exam) Wed. Oct. 17 You may attend at any of the above hours. Enrollment will take place at the first lecture. Please note that at- tendance is required. Warren E. Forsythe, M.D. Director ' University Health Service Events Today .Congregational-Disciples Guild: Foot- ball Open House following the game at the Guild House, 438 Maynard Street. Newman Club will hold a Latin Am- erican party from 8 to 12 midnight, Sat., Oct. 6, basement of Saint Mary's Chapel. Latin American dancing and entertainment. Ali Catholic students and their friends are invited. Wesleyan Guild: Hamburger Fry, at the Guild Saturday afternoon, follow- ing the football game. Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group: Lane Hall, 12:15 p.m. Miss Marilyn Pat- terson will discuss German Workcamps and Students. Reservations will be ac- cepted at Lane Hall up to 10 a.m., Saturday. ( r t iS A\TTE R rF FACT7 By STEWART ALSOP II i' ' P ARIS - On a recent visit to Paris, Mr. Winston Churchill had a number of con- versations with French leaders. They de- scribed to him the plans now being worked out for a European army. Mr. Churchill's response, according to reliable reports, was one of intense surprise. "But that is not what I meant at all," he said repeatedly, "not what I meant at all." This reaction on the part of the great English leader, who is himself the god- father of the European union idea, was natural enough. For it is a reasonable guess that what Mr. Churchill has had in mind all along is a sort of grand Euro- pean coalition, with England at its head. And both the French leaders and the men in Gen. Eisenhower's headquarters here are now talking very seriously and with apparent conviction about something a great deal more far-reaching than this. It is surprising, for example, to hear a man like Mr. Jean Monnet, the chief French planner, remark calmly, "Oh, yes, we shall have a United States of Europe by 1953." It is usually best to disregard such sweeping statements entirely. But Mr. Monnet is any- thing but a fool, and he has a way of seeing at least some of his plans-like the Schuman plan for pooling continental coal and steel, of which he was a principal author--come at least partially true. In a way, it is even more surprising to hear American professional soldiers, includ- ing Gen. Eisenhower, talking with the ear- nestness of new converts about the need for a common European effort, in the military and all other fields. Eisenhower and his most brilliant subordinates have become con- vinced that real European military strength simply cannot be built on the basis of indi.. vidual national effort. The heart of the com- mon European defense system, they believe, must be a French-German marriage, which the Schuman plan is to make possible, and the European army to make permanent. , * THE DISTINCTLY revolutionary implica- tions of these ideas are accepted both in the French government and at SHAPE-- rather blandly accepted, it sometimes seems to the newcomer. For what is involved is a profound change in the whole political and economic structure of Europe. An end to national armies means an end to national foreign policies, since military strength is the essential instrument of national sovereignty. Moreover, the crea- tion of a European army would mean that a third or more of the national budgets of each nation would be contributed to an army controlled by no nation. Thus a European foreign ministry and a Euro- pean finance ministry are, as men like French Prime Minister Rene Pleven re- cognize, the logical next step to the Euro- pean defense ministry already contem- plated in the European army plan. In fact, a European army simply will not work unless there exists a supra-national European authority empowered to make in- dependent decisions. Thus, as both the French leaders and the planners in SHAPE readily agree, the Enropean army plan can only function within the framework ,of a real European federation. R " * ALL THIS SOUNDS suspiciously like wish- ful nonsense, like an attempt to substi- tute large, inexpensive ideas for large, ex- pensive armies. And nonsense is precisely what it may turn out to be in the end. Al- though there is certainly growing strength behind the European union idea here in France, there are also powerful forces, in- cluding both the Communists and the de Gaullists, which will do everything possible to obstruct and reverse the trend. Moreover, it takes two to make a mar- riage. It remains to be seen just how po- litically practical the European army plan is in Germany, where this reporter goes next. And finally, all recent history clear- ly suggests that the practical hurdles are too high. Even such modest experiments as the Benelux union have ended in fail- ure. It is very hard to believe that the European army proposal (which in fact started as a simple French tactic for de- laying the creation of a German national army) can really lead on to a united Eu-, rope. Yet Gen. Eisenhower and his chief plan- ners believe that it can and that it must. Already, this conviction is having rather startling effects. Obstacles which seemed in- surmountable before Eisenhower "bought" the European army idea have shown a ten- dency to- melt away. The French, for ex- ample, are now ready to agree to operation- ally independent national units of 12,000 men in the European army, and thus a ra- tional solution to a vexed question is in sight. Other vexed questions, like the identi- ty of the commander in the transition per-, iod (it will probably be Eisenhower himself) and the national contributions in men and in money, are near to solution. Certainly there is a great gulf between this sort of preliminary paper agreement and the giving up of huge chunks of national sover- eignty. But it does begin to seem just bare- ly possible that American leadership on the one hand, and the fear of Russia on the other, may supply the missing ingredient which will transform an ancient dream into reality. It may even be that Mr. Jean Mon- net is right, at least in principle, and that Western Europe has reached, almost un- noticed, a great turning point in history. (Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) ON THE Vshin 1tan Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Conscientious Gen. Omar Bradley was cross-ex- amined by friends of General MacArthur in a closed-door session of the Armed Services Committee the other day as to why the Air Force recently bombed Rashin near the Siberian border-the same city which MacArthur was ordered not to bomb. Bradley also warned senators during the same meeting that the big public hullabaloo about secret weapons might be danger- ous, since development of these weapons was "four, five or six years away.'' 4 The chief quizzing of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was conducted by Sen. Harry Cain, Republican of Washington. "This is where I came in," observed Cain, when Bradley explained that General Ridgway's orders were still the same about bombing Manchuria as those given to MacArthur. Cain countered by reminding General Bradley that MacArthur had been forbidden to bomb Rashin, a transportation center on the Korean-Siberian border. Cain asked why these orders had now been reversed. Bradley replied that the MacArthur hearings naturally had been read in the Kremlin, and as a result, Red army leaders were convinced Rashin was absolutely safe. Therefore, they had built up huge supplies with no protection whatsoever. The reason MacArthur had been ordered not to bomb Rashin still held, Bradley explained-namely, that it was only 20 miles from the Russian border and we didn't want to take the risk of overshooting into Siberia. Therefore, the Air Force was ordered to bomb Rashin in clear weather at a low altitude, and by visual recognition, not in- struments. The result was heavy enemy destruction. . * * * - RUSSIAN AIR SUPERIORITY -- BRADLEY also told senators that the biggest threat to U.N. force was still the Russian Air Force. Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon asked whether we could hold our air superiority if Russia got into the war. Bradley replied with a flat no, stressed that Russia has air su- periority. On the ground, Bradley predicted a winter stalemate with neither side strong enough to wage a successful offensive. He said our plan was to stay on the "active defense," harass the en- emy and wipe out as many Chinese as possible. He seemed pes- simistic about the truce talks. Senator Russell of Georgia pointed out that the public has been encouraged to pin its faith on new, mighty weapons with the power to achieve "fantastic results." Bradley replied that the defense department is working on such weapons, but warned that they are "four, five or six years away." Decrying the talk about secret weapons, he warned that such talk is a disservice to the public. The armed services aren't able to "per- form miracles," said infantryman Bradley, and urged Chairman Rus- sell to issue a statement, playing down the importance of secret wea- pons.'' * a l l Coming Eveiits The Graduate Outing Club will meet at 2 p.m., Sunday, behind the Rack- ham Building foa an outing including hiking,- ball games, and a picnic sup- per at Kent Lake. American Chemical Society, Student Affiliate meeting. Mon., Oct. 8. 7:30 p.m., Rm. 1300 Chemistry Bldg. Dis- cussion of year's plans, program of movies :Origin and Synthesis of Plas- tic Materials" and "Copper Mining, Smelting, and Refining." Refresh- ments. TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communica- tions from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish allt letters which are signed by the writerE and in good taste. Letters exceeding1 S300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which forY Sany reason are not in good taste will1 be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the1 editors. Dance Opportunities'... To the Editor: I WAS extremely pleased to find in this column a voice insist- ent enough to give expression to the considerable demand for the1 Dance on this campus. I, too, and many of my friends, have felt cheated in this regard and wish' to second the motion that Dance artists be brought to Ann Arbor. A good many years ago, the Dance had considerable recognition at Michigan both as an active and spectator art. Why it has fallen into oblivion I do not know, but I appeal to all who feel as I do, to voice their interest. Only in this manner shall we ever be privi- leged enough to see such fine artists as Jose Limon, Martha Graham or the Ballet Theatre in our otherwise so art-conscious school. For all those interested in par- ticipating in this thoroughly en- joyable creative art, the following dance activities welcome both men and women with and without previous training: 1. Modern Dance Class (Adult Recreation Department); 7:15 p. m. Monday nights, Ann Arbor High School. 2. Ballet Club, 7:30 p.m. Tues- day nights, at Barbour Gym. 3. Modern Dance Club, 7:30 p. m. Thursday nights, at Barbour Gym. 4. Modern Dance Classes (wo- men only), Physical Ed. Dept., University of Michigan, Barbour Gym. Let's make our school a patron of Terpsichore lest she bury her- self in New York. -Karen Irwin AN OLD RESIDENT of the city who takes considerable pride in Ann Arbor's hundreds of fox squirrels says that the freshmen are worse than usual this fall in pestering the bushy-tailed little rodents. Outside of the freshmen the squirrels have little to fear but the dogs. However, the dogs are the lesser evil of the two as they cannot throw sticks and stones. -The Daily, October 1900 Hillel: Hebrew Class will meet for organizational purposes on Mon., Oct. 8 at 7:45 p.m. in the Council Room at Lane Hall. Anyone interested in tak- ing the class should register at this meeting. Instructor: Professor Hirsch Hoatkins. Hillel: Open Council Meeting Sun., in Lane Hall. Ail those in- terested are 'welcome. U. of M. Hot Record Society. An op- en meeting to collectors and non col- lectors Sun., Michigan League Ball- room, 8 p~m. International' Student Association Meeting Mon., Oct. 8, at Michigan. Union, Room 3S 7:30 p.m. Delegates from all international clubs are urged to attend: Kappa Kappa Psi: Meeting Sun., Oct. 7, Harris Hall, 2 pm. t~rt . t 1 - McKELLAR RAGES - THE public record has been toned down, but a Tennessee feud erupt- ed on the senate floor the other day in all its mountain fury. It brought creaky Senator Kenneth McKellar to his feet in a wild rage, thumping his cane angrily anal shaking a gnarled fist at his Tennessee colleague, soft-spoken Sen. Etes Kefauver. McKellar has been carrying on a one-sided feud against Kefauver for months, but this is the first time it has broken out on the Senate floor. What provoked the aged Tennessean was an attempt by Kefauver to create a roving judge for both middle and western Tennessee, instead of confining him to the middle district alone. Disregarding rules of Senate courtesy, McKellar bitterly accused his colleague of "playing politics" and "violating his word." "I believe in trying to settle these matters on the facts, and I am not going to get excited about it," broke in Kefauver calmly. "The junior senator wouldn't know a fact if he saw one in the middle of the road," rasped McKellar, shaking with anger. Then the old man thumped down in his seat, scattering a sheaf of papers on the floor. - WASHINGTON PIPELINE - NEW defense secretary Lovett has received only one message from General Eisenhower since taking office-a-an invitation to visit Ike's headquarters in Paris . . . All American diplomatic couriers in the Balkans have been ordered to travel in pairs. Too many couriers traveling alone have been beaten up by the secret police and their dispatch cases rifled ... One of the men recently traveling around the U.S.A. with Philippine President Quirino is Jose Yulo-an active Jap- anese collaborater during the war. Yulo was so helpful to the Japs that he was decorated-in Toyko-with the Order of the Rising Sun. While President Quirino is most welcome over here, some people think he ought to be careful about whom he brings with him. (Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan underthe authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott........Managing Editor Bob Keith............. ..C.City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson '...... ..Feature Editor Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor Ron Watts...........Associate Editor Bab Vaughn..........Associate Editor Ted Papes ..... ..... :.... Sporte Editor George Flint ,...Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ...Associate Sports Editor Jan James....... ...Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Mailler ........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager Sally Fish ...........Finance Manager Stu Ward........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or' otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. :1 '1. f a e c I z. CItNIEM 4 a c -a- -. - -G -m -®-Z . - - L. - A-d[-.- A1.A.i.A. $ 4J e.#_?: _..$._d..b_ 34 .C JA s..R G. Q L L 8 d. #. S A A t Hil Auditorium ... TONY DRAWS A HORSE: with Ann Crawford, Cecil Parker, Derek Bond, Mervyn Johns, and other assorted British- somewhat violent argument with his wife, Claire. Claire is a psychiatrist and by vir- tue of this fact is determined that her child not be spoiled. The discussion culminates in Claire's stalking off homeward bound, BARNABY I could build another. But your third-problem is. But the atomic physicists I, p>iiw r .z:~eee. c. ~)Cmot1 I U' U l