:,Y Y air Y POINTED PEl See Page 4 it } ) / Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXII, No. 10 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1951 PARTLY CLOUDY, SHOWERS SAX PAGES V Faculty Members Protest Sports Eligibilit yRules * * * * * * Giants Hand 5-1 Loss to Yankees Y Game Marked by Koslo's Pitching And Irvin's Record-Tying Four Hits NEW YORK--A)-The rampant New York Giants pinned no- hit Allie Reynolds' ears back with a barrage of blows and humbled the Yankees, 5 to 1, behind Dave Koslo's crafty pitching in yester- day's opening World Series struggle. * * * THE SCRAPPING National League champions, maintaining the impetus of their amazing drive to the pennant, piled into the favored Bombers, scoring all the runs they needed to win for southpaw Koslo in the first inning. Alvin Dark, captain and shortstop of Leo Durocher's dandies, put the game beyond the reach of the Yankees with a tremendous. three-run homer off Reynolds T ax Pro be N ecessary - Ferguson WASHINGTON - (A') - Sena- tor Ferguson (R-Mich.) called yesterday for a full investigation of "scandals" in Federal tax col- ' lecting offices as the Senate was informed of "serious irregulari- ties" in the Internal Revenue Bu- reau at Detroit. The report on the Detroit situa- tion came from Michigan's Demo- cratic Senator Moody, who said some special Intelligence agents in the bureau there have engaged in "highly questionable activities." * * * MOODY SAID the irregularities were discovered and partially checked by agents for a Senate Small Business Subcommittee, which had been investigating the Gray market in steel. Moody heads the committee. He put the finger on three key income-tax agents in De- troit, identifying them as Henry R. Sunball, Joseph J. Weyn and Frank Cashman. Sunball is a special agent in charge of the Intelligence Unit at Detroit, and Weyn and Cashman x are special agents of that office assigned to steel tax cases. *s st FERGUSON continued that ir- regularities have now been un- covered in San Francisco, Boston, and New York besides Detroit. He demanded that the newly appoint- '. ed Commissioner of Internal Rev- enue, John B. Dunlap, be given a chance to clean out "the bad apples." Declaring that Federal Tax Col- lectors have a great opportunity for "shakedown, favors and poli- tical influence,'' the Michigan Re- publican asked that the Senate's Special Investigating Subcommit- tee probe all major Internal Rev- enue offices in the country. A House Ways and Means Sub- committee already is inquiring into allegations of corruption and graft in Internal Revenue Bu- reaus. in the sixth. i Monte Irvin, slugging leftfielder, tied a series record with four clean hits and electrified the great crowd of 65,673 by stealing- home for the Giants' second and winning run in the first frame. * * * KOSLO, handing the American Leaguers their first loss in a series opener since 1936, yielded only 'seven hits and handcuffed the Yankees, almost completely over the last seven innings. Shelling Reynolds from the hill in six innings, the confident Giants bombarded the big In- dian and his two successors, Bob Hogue and Tom Morgan for 10 ringing blows. Only seven days ago Reynolds pitched his second no-hit game of the season at the expense of the Boston Red Sox. s * s MUCH OF THE game's drama was wrapped up in the first inning. The crowd had filed into the sta. dium wondering whether the Na- tional Leaguers were too spent from their gruelling flag chase to make a real stand against the fearsome Bombers. The answer wasn't long in coming. Reynolds got the first two hitters, but then wavered and issued s pass to Hank Thompson. Irvin followed with a clean shot into left field on which Thompson easily reached third. That brought up Whitey Lock- man, one of the heroes of yester- day's wonderous ninth-inning ral- ly, and the blond first baseman promptly delivered a liner to left which bounced over the low bar- rier for a ground rule double. (Continued on Page 3) N 1.AACP Plans Bias SurveyT The first meeting of the campus National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People last night laid the preliminary plans for a survey of the problems ofl discrimination in Ann Arbor. 1 Unanimous Action Hits Regulations Power of Athletic Board Under Fire By BOB KEITH Daily City Editor Literary College faculty mem- bers registered a unanimous pro- test this week over University eli- gibility requirements for partici- pation in varsity sports, it was re- vealed last night. In a closed session Monday, fac- ulty members went on record against a "double standard" which permits eligibility for athletes with a below "C" average and places athletic eligibility under the sole control of a committee of the Board in Control of Intercol- legiate Athletics. * * * IN REVEALING the faculty ac- tion, Burton D. Thuma, acting dean of the literary college, said there were no dissents. Dean Thuma said the faculty had instructed him to dispatch a letter of protest to the Fac- ultyeSenate an advisory com- mittee to the President of the University. The action came on the heels of a controversial grant of eligi- bility for Rose Bowl star Ted Topor, '51 Ed., first-string defen- sive back on the varsity football squad. * * * DETERMINATION of athletic eligibility is placed completely in the hands of an eligibility com- mittee of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics. The primary requirement for sports participation is an absence of "E" or "Incomplete" on a stu- dent's record for the previous year, according to Registrar Ira M. Smith, chairman of the athletic eligibility committee. All other extra-curricular ac- tivities on campus are regulat- ed by the Office of Student Af- fairs and require at least a "C" average for a student's entire academic career. Smith, who was contacted at an educational convention in Sault Ste. Marie, said any athlete whose average falls below "C" may peti- tion the Athletic Board's eligibil- ity committee for permission to participate. He said anyone who has receiv- ed an "E" for some course during the previous year is automatically excluded by a Big Ten ruling. However, such a student may be granted eligibility if he takes the course over'and receives a passing grade for it, Smith said. * * -* TOPOR RECEIVED an "E" last{ spring but made it up this sum- mer, according to Smith. He said Topor's overall average is still be- low "C" and was the lowest of, those considered this year. The registrar admitted that Iopor's case was "questionable" and on the borderline, but he said the committee members acted unanimously after weighing all the factors. Smith emphasized that Top- or's importance to the team had "nothing to do with the decis- ion.' The athletic eligibility boardr consists of the eight faculty mem-c hers of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics. They are appointed by the Regents to "act for the University as a whole,"' Smith said. Dean of Students Erich A. Walter emphasized that he had "nothing to do whatsoever" ! with the committee's decisions. LITERARY COLLEGE faculty sources said many members were s listurbed to see two standards ap- r plied to extra-curricular eligibil- ity at the University. Some were said to feel that the University should lead the way x n athletic eligibility standards, i. rather than lower its- own require- p nents to the level required by the r Western Conference. CHI ESE _ ALO * * * * Austin Blasts Anti-Jessup Movements Supports Jessup For UNDelegate WASHINGTON - (P)-Warren R. Austin said yesterday the Am- erican delegation to the United Nations needs Ambassador-At- Large Philip C. Jessup to help "carry the torch" against Com- munist trickery. Describing Jessup as a "power- ful protagonist" of American in- terests, without a trace of Com- munist sympathies, Austin de- fended Jessup against pro-Com- munist charges fired by Senator McCarthy (R-Wis.). *c * *x McCARTHY IS seeking to block Senate confirmation of President Truman's nomination of Jessup as a United Nations delegate. Austin, chief of the American delegation to the U.N. and a former Republican Senator from Vermont, told a Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee there is "no question" of Jes- sup's loyalty to the U. S. He praised the ambassador as an example of "the highest states- manship, character and ability." WHILE AUSTIN threw his sup- port behind Jessup, there were these relations developments: 1. Chairman McCarran (D- Nev.) of a Senate Internal Secur- ity Subcommittee announces that his group will question former Vice President Henry A. Wallace "in the next day or so" in con- nection with a current inquiry in-; to the affairs of the Institute of Pacific relations (IPR). 2. Chairman Sparkman (D- Ala.) of the Senate Foreign Re- lations Subcommittee, which is conducting the Jessup inquiry, disclosed that Harold E. Stassen former Republican Governor of Minnesota, has urgently re- quested an opportunity to testi- fy. Sparkman said the requestE will probably be granted. In his testimony today, .Austin told the Sparkman Subcommitteet that he expects another Commun-t ist "propaganda campaign" to break out when the UN General Assembly holds its next meeting in Paris. ~ , LAST NIGHT Jessup, a top ad- viser to Secretaryof-State Ache- son, testified under oath at theI Senate Inquiry that: "The United States has neverv agreed with any other governmentI that the United States would un- der any given circumstances rec- ognize Communist China. "The Department of State hasa never recommended to the Presi-r dent or to the National Securityt Council that the U. S. recognizeo Communist China." Rare Surgery5 Saves veteran t EL MONTE, Calif.-(P)-A rare urgical feat and a dash of lucks estored life yesterday to a Navy eteran who doctors said had beeng dead about 15 minutes. ' One of the surgeons said it is )elieved to be the longest period f n medical history that a personv ias been without life and thenv evived.g Physicians said Melvin E. Hew- ON HEARTBREAK RIDGE-A wounded GI returns to Allied lines on the back of a buddy, after being wounded in a Red am- bush on the way down -off Heartbreak Ridge on the East Central front. Univers ity PressClub Hols ConferenceHe < - , The 34th annual meeting of the University Press Club will get un- der way today. High spot of the conference, attended by editors, publishers and journalists from all over the REDS ATTACK C ESTER FRO AGREE ON TERMS: Renewal of Willow Run Airport Lease Revealed U ' Pep Rall~y To Hear New La wton Song On the 40th anniversary of the co-written Moore and Lawton Michigan fight song "Varsity," composer J. Fred Lawton has done it again by writing a new Michi- gan song for the pep rally tonight. Along with the premiere of the new song, the festivities will be highlighted by an address by Law- ton, and a little of the history of the famous "Varsity." # - : . STUDENTS WILL gather at 7:15 p.m. in front of the Union, waving fiery torches and filled with thoughts of last week's de- feat, for a few warm up yells. Led by the Michigan Marching Band, enthusiastic football fans will then throng to the traditional bonfire at Ferry Field to hear Lawton's address and the new Michigan song. Designed to stir up the pep rally attenders to a cheering climax, it is hoped that the rally will con- tribute a fighting spirit in the onlookers on Saturday's game. Lawton's previous fighting song attempt was in collaboration with Dean Earl V. Moore, of the music school for "Varsity," and although it took the composers only 45 minutes to write, has remained in the hearts of Michigan men and women for many years. A chance ineeting on a Detroit streetcar between Moore and Law- ton culminated in one of the greatest songs Michigan has ever had. If this new song puts as much fire into the hearts of the Wol- verines as "Varsity" did, Stanford will have a tough struggle in the gridiron clash. country, will be a discussion pro- gram presented by the University Survey Research Center on "Pots, Politics and People". The discus- sion will take place from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Rackham Amphithea- tre. * *' * T1IE RESEARCH group's pro- gram will be preceded by a lunch- eon at noon in the Union followed by reports from four foreign stu- dents holding University fellow- ships sponsored by the Press Club. Earlier in the day, Glenn Mac- Donald, editor of the Bay City Times and vice president of the club, will preside over an in- formal discussion period at 10:30 a.m. Two distinguished visitors have been added to today's session: Dr. Leif J. Wilhelmsen, director of the University of Bergen, Norw ay; and Marcel Marautz of Paris, author of "The Marshall Plan: Success or Failure in France." University President Harlan Hatcher will address the Press Club at a dinner meeting at 7 p.m. in Rm. 3R of the Union, At 10 a.m. on Saturday the club will hold a business meeting fol- lowed by a luncheon. Later, club members will view the Michigan- Stanford game. 'U' Office Worker Hurt in Freak Fall Mrs. C. B. Dudley, office worker in the tabulating division in the Administration Building, tripped over an office chair yesterday and suffered severe cuts in a fall to the floor. An ambulance took her to St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital where offiicals reported her condition as "good" last night. Whew! Yesterday was the hottest October day in the records of the Weather Bureau at Willow Run Airport. Though the Bureau's records only go back six years, this was plenty hot enough for sweating University students who watched the mercury soar to 91 degrees. A previous high of 88 degreees was recorded on Oc- tober 6, 1946. The Bureau promised relief by this evening, however, when Ann Arbor's inevitable "show- ers" are expected to return. G-abre Ison A dmits Job Favoritisn WASHINGTON-(AP)-Repubi- can National Chairman Guy Gab- rielson testified yesterday he tried to get the presidency of the New York Stock Exchange for an RFC director last year. Senator Nixon (R-Calif.) lec- tured him sharply for the effort. GABRIELSON SAID he acted in behalf of Harvey Gunderson, a Republican member of the RFC Board, who left it last Oct. 12. Nixon told his party chief that his sponsorship of Gunderson "certainly creates a bad impres- sion," since Gabrielson's Gas Refining Co. then owed the Re- construction Finance Corpora- tion $18,500,000. The implication is that "it was an act of impropriety," Nixon ad- ded, "if at any time Gunderson was in a position to do anything for the company," Carthage Hyd- rocol, Inc.! THE LECTURE took place be- fore the Senate's Investigations Subcommittee, of which Nixon is a member. The committee is be- ginning an inquiry into Gabriel- son's relations with the RFC and other government agencies since he became Republican Party Chairman. Gabrielson acknowledged that he probably had 15 contacts with Gunderson after henbecame Republican National Chairman. All his telephone calls and lun- cheons, he testified, dealt with the Carthage Hydrocol loans. The GOP chief also said he had once seen Harley Hise, former RFC chairman, and several other RFC officials about the loans. Wednesday the Senate group re- cessed an investigation of the re- lations of William M. Boyle, Jr., Democratic National Chairman, with the RFC and related matters. Gabrielson acknowledged yes- terday that he had recommended Gunderson for the Stock Exchange post last year. He testified that he was not engaged in any active loan negotiations with the RFC or Gunderson in that particular period. Gunderson, he related, was about to leave the RFC because President Truman had decided not to reappoint him as one of the two Republican directors. Gunderson did not get the Ex- change presidency. Communists TCry to Crack A lliedLines Strikes Slow UN Offensive U. S. EIGHTH ARMY HEAD- QUARTERS, Korea--(})-Chinese Reds surged down from their hill- top bunkers yesterday and at- tacked U. S. positions in waves on the flaming western front. The Reds were fighting furious- ly to crack the Allied line, which was rolled forward as much as four miles in two days of a roar- ing autumn offensive. The Allies kicked off their drive Wednesday with 100,000 troops from nine nations paced by mammoth Brit- ish centurion tanks. F I R S T CAVALRY Division troops fought off the Chinese counterattacks throughout the night. But the Reds still were pressing their attack at daybreak. The action raged southwest of Chorwon. A battalion of 1,000 Reds spearheadel the attack, which began at 2:40 a.m. (12:40 a.m. Ann Arbor time), Thursday. When the Americans beat off the first wave of attackers, the Reds stepped up their strength to 3,000 men. A General headquarters com- munique said only that Allied troops hurled back several Com- munist counterattacks. It said the Allies were continu- ing their drive on the central and west-central fronts against "con- siderable enemy resistance." THE 100,000-MAN Allied offen- sive, spearheaded by the British Commonwealth and U. S. Third Division, had blasted two deep dents in the Chinese defenses of western Korea Thursday. Stubborn Communist count- er-attacks elsewhere along the 40-mile-wide active front either stopped the UN forces cold or limited the advance to scanty yards. At the two places where the Al- lies penetrated, the advance to- talled four miles in two days. Three American divisions, the First Cavalry, Third and 25th, the South Korean First Division, the 25,000 man British Commonwealth Division and Turkish, Greek and Filipino brigades made up the at- tacking force. A North Korean Army com- munique, broadcast Thursday night, said the Reds were "still fighting a severe battle" and hd" stopped the UN offensive on the central and eastern fronts. Ridgway Asks R.eds To Pick { ParleySite TOKYO-(AP)-Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway'invited the Communists last night to pick a site in no- man's land for immediate re- sumption of Korean truce talks. The next move was now up to the Reds again. The Allied proposal came two hours after release here of the Reds' flat refusal to accept Rdg- way's offer made a week ago to move the talks from Kaesong to Songhyon, a ruined village in no- man's land. The Communist message end- After lengthy negotiations, the University and ithe Airlines Na- tional Terminal Service company have reached an agreement on terms for the new Willow Run airport lease, Vice-President W. K. Pierpont announced yesterday. Formal signing of -the renewal, to replace the six-year initial Raft Lethargia AtGreenville GREE2NVILLE, Miss.-«P)-The Raft Lethargia and its crew, a ' pair of bachelors and two unrnar- Tied girls, arrived here yesterday on their 1,800-mile cruise from ' N tecns+-n P . o Tac m -, agreement is expected within the next week or so. Three major changes have been made. * * * ALTHOUGH THE agreement may be terminated as of Septem- ber 30, 1955 or any subsequent September 30 with a year's notice in writing, the lease covers a per- iod of ten years. Under the new arrangement, the University will occupy the area of the main floor once used by a theater as its Willow Run Re- search Center. Other additional space will be provided on the mez- zanine floor. Revenue from all air port f a- cilities not directly connected with air transportation will pro- vide a basis for payment to the World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-A $300,000,000 five-year plan to help solve the shortage of doctors and dentists by training more of them with government money was laid aside vesterdav h e th a nte li ,