PRESIDENTIAL TENURE See rage 4 Latest Deadline in the State 46F :43 a t t4 CLOUDY MILD VOL. LXI, No. 97 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1951 TWELVE PAG - (A * * * * * * ~* * Compromise Indicated on WageCeiling Government May Raise 10% Limit WASHINGTON-'P)- Economic Stabilizer Eric Johnston was re- ported last night considering a policy permitting pay increases above 10 per cent where they -al- ready are provided by current un- ion contracts. There were some signs this is the most likely administration step to soften the present wage control proposal, which would limit salary increases to 10 per cent above levels of Jan. 15, 1950, regardless of present contracts. MEANWHILE union leaders in an important industry yesterday threatened a strike unless the for- mula is softened. James B. Carey, head of the CIO-International union of elec- trical workers, threatened today a walkout in the vital electrical manufacturing industry if the proposed Government wage for- mula is approved in its present form. Allies Slowed as Resistance. Mounts *. * -* Reds Active. Along Entire Korea Front Mud Hampers Advancing Yanks' TOKYO - (R) -- Allied forces slithered forward today in sectors of increasing Communist resist- ance along 60 miles of flooded and muddy Korean battlefront. All along the' line-from Seoul in the west to Hoengsong in the central mountains-the Reds' re- sistance stiffened. Air reports told of enemy activity east of Seoul and a buildup of 10,000 to 15,000 Reds Northwest of Hoeng- song. THESE WERE indications ofE 1 tougher going ahead for United Nations troops: hand-to-hand combat with stubborn Communists yesterday and tank-to-tank gun duelling across the Han River. Allied field commanders said their offensive, slowed by an early thaw and rain, was edg- ing toward the main Commun- ist defense line. The Reds' defense-in-depth po- sitions line the north bank of the " an and its flooded rice paddiesj a* * *s ~VHEN THE regular m.c. "walked President Ruthven's stint came out" on last night's uproarious in an evening marked by a combi- Carey said the present formula Gulantics talent show a sub filled nation of surprises and tremendous woud " thde o tre or fr in and told the 2500 people in Hill talent which left the audience cents an hour due March 15 under; their present contract. Auditorium that this was "one of stomping, whistling and applaud- r nr my last meetings with the stu- ing themselves into exhaustion. dents." Winners of $175 in prizes were THE FLAT 10 per cent formula President Alexander Ruthven re- was voted by a majorit; of the vealed that when he retires he will Wage Stabilization Board com' "buy a new rocking chair and rock posed of three members each from and rock and rock-and then start labor, industry and the public. t Labor members walked out telling the new administration how Labo memerswalkd ou ofto run the University:'" the W.B in protest and have Frequently, he winked, he will threatened to quit the Govern- "also write letters to the Michi- ment's entire defense mobilization gan Daily." program. Russ Christopher, '53, Al Jackson, '51, and the Novelaires, a quartet. Later in the evening, the regu- lar m.c., Bob Atkins, '51, turned up General Killed na hilarious midget act and was TOKYO - P) - Maj. Gen. "induced" to finish. out the eve- Bryant E, Moore, commander of ning while President Ruthven went the U.S. Ninth Corps, died yes- off "to see a legislature committee terU.y Nfthcoper yrsh abot Tankgivngvacation." .terday after a helicopter crash about Thanksgivingv" into the Han River on the West Central front. Prof. Foxed EAST LANSING- - (P)-- A student at a speech class at Michigan State College gave a talk on various methods of cut- ting classes. "One way," the student said, "is to get everyone's attention, keep talking, and edge toward the door. Then step out." He stepped out and didn't come back. Rail Dispute Settlement Seen Near' WASHINGTON-()-A quick end to the two-year old dispute between railroads and the Broth- erhood of Railroad Trainmen ap- peared imminent last night as ne- gotiators temporarily recessed their talks. Participants in the negotiations withheld further comment after indicatiing earlier that a break might bennear. Further meetings were planned for today. * * * THE National Mediation Board met with carriers and the union representatives until 7 p.m. (EST) and then sent both parties to their hotels. The board remained in ses- sion by itself until about 10:00 p.m. A railroad spokesman had said "it is quite possible that we may reach a settlement with the trainmen before the night is out." W. P. Kennedy, head of the trainmen, told reporters the dis- cussion went "as far as we could tonight." The proposed terms would add 21/2 or 3 cents to the wage increases offered by the railroads in a ten- tative agreement of Dec. 21 which later was turned down by the trainmen and three other operat- ing unions. Four Perish in Car Collision Near Ypsilanti YPSILANTI-(')-Four persons were crushed to death last night after their car sideswiped two ve- hicles, spun down the middle of a highway and collided headon with a truck. Dead were the driver, Emmet A. Williams, 38 years old, of Willow Village; his wife, Grace, 34 years old; their son, Curtis, 10 years old; and Katherine Mary Clay, 28 years old, of Willow Village. State Police said the Williams, car, traveling east on M-17 just east of the Ypsilanti limits, side- swiped a truck. The car continued on, side- swiped another car, did a three- quarter turn in the middle of the road, and collided with another truck, officers said. No one else was injured. Williams, a foreman at the Kaiser-Fraser plant, apparently lost control of his car, officers said. BATTLE AREA-Dotted line from Yangpyong passing south of Hoengsong to point near Pyongchang locates Allied attack along 60-mile front in Korea. Open arrows, mark deployment of Allied forces, with heaviest Red troop concentration and opposition marked by black arrows. * * Army To Ship Two National Guard Divisions to Japan Assent Come In Reply to EnglishNot Allege 2,500,000 In Soviet Force LONDON -( M)-Russia d clared late last night' her rea ness to neggtiate her differen with Great Britain, after indic ing that she has some 2,500,0 men under arms. In a lengthy note to the Brit Russia made a point of citi her military strength to reinfor her assertion that she is not mi acing world peace. The latest Soviet statement a long series of exchanges 1 tween the two governments, s that the Russian armed for are numerically the same as 1939, before the outbreak World War II. * * . . ON THE OTHER hand, she serted that the combined for of Britain,, the United States a France are more than 5,000,000 or more than twice as big as he Johnston, mobilization boss Charles E. Wilson, and others have been holding emergency conferences with labor and in- dustry representatives to try to solve the crisis. Industry members of the WSB said last night they have heard re- ports Johnston is considering an amendment to the formula to make the 10 per cent limit apply "only where higher future wage increases are not already provided by existing contracts." In a statement, they contended this idea would permit higher raises for about 2,000,000 workers but limit more than 40,000,000 others to 10 per cent. They said this would be "unpatriotic, unjust and hazardous." DiSalle Says I Food Price Cut Imminent COLUMBUS-RP) - Michael V. DiSalle, the price control direc- tor, said last night that a forth- coming order regulating retail and wholesale markups on food prod- ucts will result in rollbacks in cases where markups since Korea "have not been according to standard practice." But he added that, in cases where businessmen are now faced with a "squeeze" as the result of having "held the line and com- plied with the request for volun- tary compliance," the regulation will result in roll-forwards. DiSalle discussel the matter in an address prepared for de- livery before the Ohio state conference on standards of price and wage stabilization. "Within a short time," he said, "We expect to issue a food price regulation establishing the mar-' gin by which retailers and whole- salers may mark up their prod- 'Send Troops to Europe' bewey Tells Congress WASHINGTON -- (P) - Gov. said he favored direct Congress- Thomas E. Dewey of New York ional action approving the send- yesterday called on Congress to ing of troops without restricting approve the sending of troops to the numbers. Europe to show the United States is not "turning tail" or "hauling The commit t e e s interrupted down the flag." Dewey briefly to vote an invita- -g s Wtion to former President Herbert He strongly opposed the Wherry Hoe otsiy ovrrfsd Resolution. This resolution by Sen.I Hoover to testify. Hoover refused Wherry (Neb.), Republican floorm a week ago to appear saying the leadr, oul diappovesending committees already knew his views leader, would disapprove enngand they first should dig out rhiuch more troops to Europe until Con- mdrey"first ldigformuch gress says so. The administration more "fundamental information" is planning to send four divisions, from others. THE WHERRY. PROPOSAL is THE HOOVER and Dewey views the direct issue before the Senate are completely at odds on sending in the flaming debate over using troops to Europe. Hoover contends American foot soldiers to supple- ment air and sea power in backing a ground fight should be avoided, up free Europe's defense against with reliance placed on sea and Russia. air power. He has opposed sending any foot soldiers until Europe has Dewey, laying his views before built its own defense, contending the Senate Foreign Relations that American air power could pul- and Armed Services Committees,. verize Russia if Europe is attacked. DESPITE RED PROTEST: U.S. Continues Japan, Germ'anty Treaty Plans Maj. Gen. Oliver P. Smith, First Marine Division comman- der, was named to succeed Gen. Moore, the fourth UN general to meet death in Korea. from Seoul east to Yangpyong, t 5 i r 3 r a S s r a i thence over the mountains into the interibr of the peninsula. RED UNITS up to battalion size wer committed to action as the Allies closed in on the main en- emy defenses. Behind the lines air observers reported: "Much enemy activity" about 15 miles east of Seoul north of tributary Pukhan. Red move- ments were noted for eight miles north of the. confluence of the two rivers. On the central front 10,000 to 15,000 Reds were spatte'd north- west of Hoengsong, dug in all the way to the Hongchon river 10 miles to the North. National .Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Senate inves- tigators yesterday ordered a public airing of the story behind a $1,500,000 RFC loan to help pro- vide a splendid recreation spot for the wealthy-the famed Saxony Hotel at Miami Beach, Fla. : * * WASHINGTON-The ranking Republican member of the House Ways and Means Committee last night charged President Truman with obstructing intelligent con- sideration of tax increases. Rep. Reed of New York de- manded that Mr. Truman send the second part of his "tax pack- age" to Congress at once in order that the Ways and Means Com- mittee might intelligently draft a tax bill. DETROIT-The automotive in- dustry mourned last night the death of one of its outstanding men, Fred M. Zeder, vice-chairman of the Chrysler Corp. board of di- WASHINGTON - 0P)- The Army, apparently concerned about continuing rumors of a Soviet build-up in the Far East, is send- ing two partly trained National Guard divisions to help guard strategically vital Japan. These divisions, the 40th of California and the 45th of Okla- homa, are to be shipped out next House Warns Against Silence While on Stand WASHINGTON - (A') - Future witnesses before the House Un- American Activities Committee were put on notice yesterday that refusal to answer questions about .Communist affiliation may hence- forth be taken as a tacit admission of "guilt." In astatement to newsmen, Chairman Wood (D-Ga.) said he considered the plea of self-incri- mination simply an "avenue ofes- cape" for those who have some- thing to hide. As the committee laid the groundwork for what may become a double-barreled investigation of Communism in Hollywood and in key defense industries, Wood de- clared: "In my estimation, any person who refuses to say whether he is a Communist on the grounds that such testimony may incrimi- nate him-who pleacla Constitu- tional immunity under the Fifth Amendment-is just as guilty as if he said he was a Communist." Wood's assertion reflected grow- ing committee concern over the possible effect of a U.S. District Court decision which threw out the eases of some two-$core witnesses who were cited for contempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions., month. federal They were called into service last September. . . * AN ANNOUNCEMENT said the divisions will be sent to "provide additional security" for Japan, in the Far Eastern area where Rus- sia's empire borders. The two divisions are to be ready for movement in "the lat- ter part of March." It is the in- tention of the Army,it said, to keep these divisions "intact in Japan for further training." There will be time for local commanders to permit many of the officers and men to take short leaves and furloughs before de- parture, the announcement con- tinued. THE GARRISON of the Regu-' lar Army occupation forces in Japan was stripped months ago in order to hurry combat forces to the Korean war. IFC Trips Up Two Houses Two houses have been caught in rushing violations so far, ac- cording to Dan Archangeli, head of the IFC Enforcement Commit- mittee which polices rushing. The Executive Committee will prdbably meet in a couple of days to weigh the evidence against the offenders, Archangeli said. This committee -is responsible for ac- tually levying the fines on viola- tors apprehended by the Enforce- ment Committee. He declined to release the names of the fraternities which are presently on the spot. Rushees who have not registered for rushing may still do so, ac- cording to the IFC. No definite deadline has been set for this registration. . The note,', delivered in Mos. cow last night to the British ambassador, Sir David Kelly, started off with another blast at Britain .as, carrying out a "policy of aggression, a policy of unleashing war." Then it wound up with an offe to enter into negotiations, "en deavoring to use all possibilitie for improvement* of relations wit Great Britain." * * * FIRST OF ALL, Russia accuse Britain of sidestepping charge that the British had violated th 1942 Anglo-Soviet Treaty e Friendship. The Russians were replying t a British communication of Fe 17, which accused the Kreml: leaders of obstructing all attemp to forge world peace and the pro perity of Western Europe. The British listed 14 points threats, breaches of faith, sup port of aggression and othe: acts calculated to keep the world unsettled. A main point a issue was charges and counter charges over rearmament o Germany. The Russian note last night sa Britain's Feb. 17 answer resorti to "concoctions and slander ca culated to present the aggressi policy of the British Governme: as a peaceful one and the peac ful policy of the Soviet Union an aggressive one." Russia said the facts "expo the government of Great Brita in that, contrary to the (194' treaty, it is not carrying out t policy of preserving pece. but policy of aggression, a 'policy unleashing war." IN ITS FEB. 17 jiote, Brita had indicated readiness to ta with Russia on means of in proving mutual relations. Mo. cow, after blasting Britain's me tives, in accusing the U.S.S.R. extensive military mobilizati and aggressive aims, said ne the end: "In view of what has beer said above, the Soviet Govern ment cannot regard the state ment of the British Govern ment with full confidence. "Nevertheless, the Soviet Go ernment is ready to enter ini such negotiations, endeavoring use all possibilities of improv ment of relations with Great B: tam. The Government of t U.S.S.R. will highly estimate a' step of the Government of Gre Britain genuinely aimed at t improvement of relations betwe our countries." MOSCOW DID not indica whether such negotiations wot be part of or separate from pr posed Big Four conferences Germany and other world pro lems. WASHINGTON-VP)-High of- ficials said yesterday the United States is going ahead rapidly with arrangements for the indepen- dence of Western Germany and Japan despite violent protests from Russia. These developments are in pros- pect: 1. Ambassador John Foster Dulles, Republican advisor to the State Department, is due today from a month's round of confer- ences in the Far East. He will report to President Truman and begin work early ne tawer o nrenaratnnnf the many countries, as well as cc over their internal affairs. 3. Negotiations for West many's participation in the A tic Pact Army for the Defer Western Europe may be con 'ed as early as May, some res sible authorities now believ However, there appears t a division of opinion in government here over just quickly the Germans will n their decision. In any e there is a general convic that they will join in e enougsh to increase substant ALDERMAN PROTESTS: 'U' Finds Solution to Illegal Parking University officials have ap- parently found a new scheme for keeping campus parking lots free of illegally parked cars. n~iti rrln...m ,a .rPP AEP the city's police department po- licing University parking lots," he claimed. Green said he doubted the prac- tice waegl. off lots, said that only six to eight vehicles, are evicted daily, IT WAS A LETTER to parents from Elementary Schools officials1 Bally I