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February 24, 1951 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1951-02-24

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Da itl


See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State


Wilson Outlines
Issues Warning to Profiteers;
Hints Possible Wage Modification
WASHINGTON-(AP)-Mobilization Director Charles E. Wilson
outlined the nation's mobilization program last night and issued
a warning against all profiteers.
Wilson declared that "nobody" is going to profiteer from the
defense emergency without being prosecuted.
* * * *
HE PROMISED TO RECOMMEND legislation to back up this
pledge, made in his first address to the country on the progress of the
gigantic mobilization program. -His speech was broadcast nationwide.
It contained a possible hint that the government's proposed

McE wen

Brea ks




wage ceiling formula might yet
Deans term
'Work' Plan
Suspension Can
Now Be Avoided

be modified. Organized labor
has bitterly assailed it as too
low. He said:
"Wage policies are being modi-
fied again to conform with the best
interest of the entire economy."
In outlining the mobilization
program Wilson disclosed:
1. The United States intends to
expand jet engine production ca-
pacity to 18,000 a month.
2. The United States will be
asked for $150,000,000,000 ex-
tra for defense "in the next two
or three years." Over a three-
year period this would be about
$100,000,000,000 more than the
snlt of f d f n i nnrnnrinab

Rout Normal
By 30Points
Wolverine Ace
Laps Entire Field
Michigan's fabulous Don Mc-
Ewen set a new world indoor dir
track two mile record of 9:04.4
last night, breaking the standarc
of 9:06.9 he set last year and ir
the process also made a new Yost
Fieldhouse and varsity indoor tw<
mile mark.
Running a beautiful race all the
way, McEwen had only the stop-
watch as his competition. He jus
barely missed running the covet-
ed nine minute two mile race it
leading his teammates to a 72-4:
win over Michigan State Norma]
College in the last home indoo:
meet of the season.
ting the record, won by the hug
margin of 275 yards over his
teammate Bill Hickman. Evers
4 ." *











SBy DAVIS CRIPPEN eense appropraons
before the Korean outbreak.
Dean of Students Erich Walt- Also it apparently meant much
er and Dean of Women Deborah greater future budgets than those
Bacon issued statements yester- which President Truman already
day underlining the experiment- has asked for the 1951-52 fiscal
al nature of a proposed change year.
in University discipline regula- 3. Production increases on such
bions. basic commodities as steel and
Under the proposed plan; as aluminum will be so great that in
outlined in a statement from the two years-barring all-out har-n
Office of the Dean of Women I the amounts available for civilian
which was sent to the presidents s
of al wmens husin unts hisuses will be equal to what co6Yi
of all womend'shousngdunitsthnissumersreceived before the Kor-
S week, a student instead of being ean war.
suspended from the University for He outlined two stages: in the
a serious breach of regulations first, enough war materials pro-
would work off his punishment at duction to prepare our forces for
University Hospital. "a major combat."
In the second, all facilities to.
MAIN 'PURPOSE of the plan, supply 'the mightiest and best
under which two students-a man military equipment in all the od
and a woman-are already being mtourareuipmetisalte"ol
punished, is to prevent a student to our armed forces."
from being drafted while on sus-i
pension from the University. 7 T tA t%


RFC Letters
By Truman
President Finds
Nothing 'Illegal'
Truman stirred the wrath of in-
vestigating Senators yesterday as
it was disclosed he had collect-
ed a file of letters written by Con-
gressmen to the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation, but he later
explained he found no evidence of
"illegal influence" on the huge
lending agency.
President Truman said he saw
no reason to make the correspond-
ence public because, he said, it did
not show any illegality on the part
of the executive branch or legis-
If the senators thought other-
wise, he said, "the material will be
sent to the subcommittee of the
Senate Banking and Currency
Committee at its request."
* * *
The row on Capitol Hill start-
ed with a morning session of the
subcommittee, which has harg-
ed that influence' emanating
from the White House had been
exerted on lending policies of
the RFC.
Senators on the subcommittee
discovered that the President had
ordered the mass of correspond-
ence delivered to the White House.
They immediately interpreted this
as a counter-attack against their
* *
THEY DECLARED they refused
to be intimidated.
It was disclosed that the Pres-
ident had in his possession be-
tween 700 and 900 letters from
RFC files. Most of them are
from Congressmen, and some
ask favorable consideration of
loan applications. Among the
correspondents are Sen. Ful-
bright (D-Ark.), chairman of
the subcommittee, and Sen.
Douglas (D-Ill.), also a commit-
tee member.
The President issued a brief
statement through his press sec-
retary, Joseph Short, which said
thlat the letters were requegted in
connection with a study of his
plans for reorganization of the
Feb. Graduates
To GetDiplomas
Diplomas for the 1,45 graduates
of the University who completed
their requirements for graduation
at the end of the fall semester will
be in the mail in a few weeks.
Secretary Herbert G. Watkins
said this year's total compares with
1,584 who received degrees last
year at this time. February grad-
uates, must receive their degrees
through the mail because the Uni-
versity holds a formal Commence-
ment only once a year, in June.I

-O* '

* * *



* * *

Hills Sealed,
By UN .Army
Flying Box Cars
TOKYO-()-Battling Chinese
and North Korean Reds gave
ground slowly yesterday inr'cen-
tral Korea under the weight of
a 100,000-man Allied offensive.
Supplied by C-119 "flying box-
cars," mud-wading troops of six
nations had scaled the last hills
overlooking Hoengsong and ad-
vanced east and west of that vital
highway hub.

CAPTURED YANKS?-Eastfoto picture agency distributed this photo from the China Photo Service
of Peiping. It supposedly shows American prisoners of war returning from front lines in Korea.

Union Opera Named 'Go,

There were two statements
issued. The first was signed
jointly by Deans Walter and
Bacon. It said:

In Labor Talks

" WASHINGTON - ( - Labor;
" There has been no change in leaders feuding with mobilization
University policy regarding stu- chief Charles E. Wilson spent
dent discipline. A plan looking three hours in their first face-to-
toward modification of such pol- fhreehowdonth ims ye-te-
icy on an experimental basis has face showdown with him yester-
icyeonenreermedtalmbnsshasday over their demands for a more
1been presented to women's or- liberal wage ceiling formula.
ganizations for their considera- bNo agreement was announced
tion. No such change will be ef- by. either side.
fected until it has been given full The big unions have threatened
consideration by these organiza- to quit the whole mobilization
tions and has received the appro- program unless theyet a bign
val of the University administra- pogram u th ge igger
tiveauthritis."voice in policy. They will resume
tive authorities.", their meetings with WilsonrTues-
-d a

IN ADDITION Dean Bacon is-
sued a second statement, which
said: "It is with regret that I
learn that a mimeographed out-
line prepared by me as a basis
for experimental action and dis-
cussion by women's organizations
should have been so detailedly
spelled out that upon reading and
in subsequent discussion with the
full Board of Representatives it
appeared to be aUniversity pol-
icy in full effect. This is not so;
nor was it so intended.
"After the trial period which
will afford a basis fordevalua-
tion, this proposed procedure
(Continued on Page 6)
Senate Action
To Be Speeded
On Year Olds
WASHINGTON - ()- Senate
administration leaders yesterday
decided to speed action on legisla-
tion for the drafting of 18-year-
olds before settling the troops-for-
Europe issue.
Majority leader McFarland (D-
Ariz) told newsmen after a Demo-
cratic caucus that Senate debate
on the manpower bill will start
early next week, probably on
y Tuesday.
* ' *
THE BILL, providing for a Uni-
versal Military Service and Train-
ing program, would grant restrict-
ed authority for drafting 18-year-
olds. It would also extend the
period of service from 21 to 26

The wage plan was adopted by
the wage stabilization board. This
action last week caused the
board's three labor members to
walk out, and brought a denunci-
ation by the labor committee of
the whole mobilization setup.

. . a
competitor was lapped as Mc-
Ewen clicked off the first quarter
in 67 seconds, the half in 2:16
and the first mile in 4:32.5.
The second mile was run just
a shade faster than the first,
being 4:37.1 as McEwen ran his
usual European style race,
thrilling the capacity crowd all
the way.
Commenting on the record-
breaking performance Coach Don
Canham said, "McEwen ran a re-
(Continued on Page 3)
Expect Purge
In Red China
partment officials believe China's
Communist leaders are about to
undertake large-scale, bloody pur-
ges to consolidate their iron hold
over the country.
That was the interpretation
generally placed in Washington
yesterday on a Peiping announce-
ment broadcast Thursday. The
broadcast, as picked up in Hong
Kong, disclosed that Red leaders
had ordered the death penaltyl
for any acts which might be con-'
strued as "opposition" to the re-
Information which is credited
by government experts here is
that there has been considerable
resistance in China to the Red
regime since it took over. How-
ever, according to this informa-
tion, resistance has been for the
most part spotty and localized.

Nine Americans Among
Nobel prize Nominees
OSLO, NORWAY -- (P) - Nine scribed as calling for absolute
Americans are among 28 world honesty, unselfishneses, purity
figures nominated yesterday by and love in international affairs.
the Norwegian Nobel Institute for * *

The forthcoming 1951 Union
Opera at last has a name.
"Go West-Madam" was re-
vealed last night as the title of the
musical comedy which will hit the
Michigan Theatre stage March 28,
29 and 30.
* * *
AT THE SAME time, Opera di-
r e c t o r William Holbrook an-
nounced the names of seven men
who will take lead roles in the
show. Three of them will be re-
turning from last year's sellout
success, "Lace it Up." They are:
Jimmy Lobaugh, '51SM, who

took the female lead of Mary
Lou Payraiser in "Lace .it Up."
George Boucher, '51, president
of Mimes, the recently revived
Union Opera Society, who
played President Ruthbone in
the 1949 farce, "Froggy Bot-
tom," and night watchman in
last year's show.
Jim Wtight, who caused a
minor sensation last year as
salesman for "Geronimo" rip-
cord brassieres.
Making their first Opera ap-
pearance in "Go West-Madam"

I W'orhi News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Tru-
man will fly to Key West, his fa-
vorite spot for relaxing to stay
at least 23 days.
LONDON-Two Soviet mar-
shals, Vassily Sokolovsky and
Ivan Konev, declared yesterday
Russia's armed forces would
smash "imperialism" in any
world war.
WASHINGTON - The Defense
Department said yesterday $4,-
400,000,000 was obligated for ma-
jor military purposes during Jan-
* * *
LANSING-A legislative com-
mittee studying Michigan's men-
tal health problems will recom-
mend to the Legislature a $14,-
592,000 construction and plan-
ning program next week.
* * *
BONN, Germany-The Kremlin
is sending trained commissars to
Western Germany to check grow-
ing desertions from Communist'
party ranks, Allied officials re-'

the 1951 Nobel Peace Prize.
The Nobel committee will an-
nounce the winner in September
and make the award Dec. 10. Its
estimated cash value is $21,000.
AMONG THE American nomi-
nees are:
Supreme Court Justice' Robert
Jackson, who as chief United
States prosecutor at the Nuern-
berg war crimes trial helped es-
tablish the principal it is a pun-
ishable crime to plan or conduct
aggressive warfare.
Robert Hutchins, associate di-
rector of the Ford Foundation
and president of the Committee
to Frame a World Constitution,
a group promoting a world gov-
Frank Buchman, founder of the

RAFAEL LEMKIN of Yale, law-
yer veteran of the Polish fight
to save Warsaw from the Nazis.
He coined the word "genocide"
for race murder and scored a per-
sonal triumph in the United Na-
tions in 1948 when it adopted a
convention outlawing genocide.
The list, of American nomi-
nees continues with: Prof. Man-
ley 0. Hudson, Attorney Ewing
Cockrell, H. C. Honegger,
Charles Cheney Hyde, and Al-
len Dobson.
The most widely known among
the foreign'- nominees for the
award-set up under the will of the
late Alfred Nobel, inventor of dy-
namite-is United Nations Secre-
tary-General, Trygve Lie.
CARE (Cooperative for Ameri-
can Remittances to Europe) was

West Madam'
will be Don Stout, Don Ghareeb,
'52, football letterman Pete Den-
drinos, and Pres Holmes, Grad,
campus radio announcer and for-
mer Daily sports editor.
Specific rules for the seven men
have not been definitely assigned.
"GO WEST-Madam" will hark
back to the West of 1870, "when
women were few and far between
and prohibition was yet to come,"
according to promotions manager
Ben Gates, '51.
He promised a taste of "medi-
cine shows and bawdy beer hall
entertainment in the wild days
of Carrie Nation's brand of anti-
The title "Go West-Madam"
was born after about two months
of labor, Gates said. Numerous
other names were sifted and fin-
ally turned down, including "Hell-
dorado," "Chaste West" and many
The new show will go into regu-
lar rehearsal Monday n i g h t.
Meanwhile, Opera writers, song
composers and gag men are par-
ing the script down to fit the
allotted time.
U.S. To Start
Atom Engine
ted States is now ready to try for
actual construction of the world's
first known atom-powered aircraft
This was disclosed yesterday,
with Air Force permission, by a
General Electric Company spokes-
man, who told newsmen:
* * *7
"CONTRACTUAL negotiations
are under way between General
Electric and the Air Force for de-
velopment of a nuclear power
plant for aircraft.
"The announcement came just
24 hours after the Air Force and
the Atomic Energy Commission
reported that after four years
of intensive research, the first
phase in the program to develop
an atomic airplane has now been
The initial phase centered chief-
1v on mathemvatical cmputa~tions

A DISPATCH from U.S. Eighth
Army headquarters said the Reds
still were withdrawing on the
fourth day of the new Allied of-
fensive but were expected to make
a stand in the mountains beyond
Communiques of both , the
Eighth Army and Gen. Douglas
MacArthur stressed heavy en-
emy resistance.
West of war-wrecked Hoeng-
song; an enemy battalion un-
leashed a counterattack last night
against South Koreans. The en-
emy struck behind a Red mortar
barrage. The result was not dis-
BETWEEN Hoengsong a n d
Chipyong, 20 miles west, British
and Canadian soldiers found it
slow going against a hard-fighting
foe, but northeast of Chipyong,
U.S. troops advanced five miles
beyond the town to a point less
than 35 miles from the 38th Par-
Twenty-five miles east of
Hoengsong, Allied troops moved
north from reoccupied Pyong-
chang, the enemy's abandoned
eastern anchor. There was no
mention of opposition.
Latest reports from Eighth
Army headquarters said there were
indications the Reds may make
their big stand somewhere on a
line running from north of Hoeng-
song westward to the Chipyong
The attacking force included
four veteran American divisions
-about 60,000 men -plus at-
tached U.S. Tenth Corps artil-
lery and infantry of the Korean
Republic, Britain, Canada, Aus-
tralia and New Zealand attach-
ed to the U.S. Ninth Corps.
Censorship prevented further
Despite toughening Red resist-
ance, Allied officers speculated
that they might not yet have met
the main body of the enemy, esti-
mated previously to total 40,000
in the line south of the 38th Par-
allel on this central front.
UN Sends Out
Plea to China
Good Offices committee is using
every available diplomatic chan-
nel to see whether Communist
China will change its mind and
negotiate on peace in Korea.
This was disclosed yesterday by
a spokesman for the committee
chairman, Nasrollah Entezam,
who is awaiting Peiping's reply to
the first tentative feeler.
Swedish channels in Stockholm
and Peiping were used for the
first efforts by the committee
which was established by the
General Assembly on Feb. 1, it

International Moral Re-arma- the only American organization
ment Movement, which is de- I named for an award.



Agreement with City Notin Sight


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
in a series of articles explaining the
background of current talks on Uni-
versity paymnent of city services.)
In spite of long hours of debate
on the questions of University

priations cramp the


Basically the city negotiators
have proposed two solutions to
the problem. They have sug-
gestedthat payment be made
anivfr a..rir~n.. tonnav, n. ..-

THEY CLAIM that no such
payments are possible as all func-
tions of the University are an in-
tegral part of it, and cannot be
separated from o n e another.
"Once such payments start there
is no way of telling how far they

University spokesmen have al-
ready said that many services will
have been taken care of by the
city-and at present that means
without payment.
* * *
SOME SERVICES are now paid


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