See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Draft Bill
Draft 18 Year
Olds Vinson Says
WASHINGTON - () - Chair-
man Vinson (D-Ga) of the House
Armed Services Committee yes-
terday introduced a compromise
bill calling for drafting men of
18/ years.
HOWEVER, another round of
Pearings on the bitterly debated
subject opens Monday. Final com-
mittee action is expected early
ext month. The present draft
law expires in July.
The bill is designed to pre-
vent any youth being sent into
combat or overseas before his
19th birthday. It provides four
months' basic training. Leave
and travel time is presumed to
occupy the other two months.
Like a bill approved by the Sen-
ate Armed Services Committee
And awaiting action in the Sen-
ate, the proposed House measure
would stretch the present period
bf draft service from 21 to 26
« . «
THE SENATE bill permits in-
duction of youths of 18, provided
all available young men in the 19
through 25 years bracket are
called first.
i Both bills differ from the ori-
ginal Pentagon proposal which
called for lowering the draft age
to 18, without restrictions, and
providing for a system of uni-
versal training.
The problem of lowering the
draft age has received ginger
-andling by the legislators. Their
mail has been flooded with angry
The floor debate will reflect
this, but leaders expect some kind
of 18-year-old draft to be ap-
A main objective of both Senate
.nd House bills is to set up a uni-
versal training program.
The Vinson compromise bill
would require eight years total
active and reserve sevice, the
same as in the Senate Committee
Churchill Hits
Nomination of
U.S. Admiral
} Asks Briton Head
Atlantic Pact Navy
LONDON-()-Winston Chur-
phill stirred the House of Com-
mons yesterday by charging Bri-
tain had been "brushed out of the!
_way" with the nomination of an
American Admiral to command
Atlantic Pact sea forces.
The Conservation leader asked
Prime Minister Attlee indignantly:
"was there not a British admiral
capable of discharging these func-
* * *
CHURCHILL'S sharp question-
ing of Attlee roused the House to
fever pitch. Other Conservatives
and s o m e Laborite members
shouted queries across the cham-
ber, cheered and booed.
Attlee had announced, in re-
sponse to a question by Chur-
)chill, that the Defense Commit-I
tee of the 12-nation North At-
lantic Treaty organization has
decided an American should be
supreme naval commander.
The Prime Minister declined to
disclose the man named, but it has
been known here for days that
Vice Adm. William N. Fechteler,
now Commander-in-Chief of the
U.S. Atlantic Fleet with headquar-
ters in Norfolk, Va., is the nomi-
Obviously taken aback. by the
storm his announcement created,
Attlee finally had to promise Bri-
ain's position with regard to
Fetchteler's appointment would
be reconsidered.
IFC Supports
Coop A-1 Plea
The .IFC last night passed a
resolution backing the Inter-Coop
Council in its plea to have coop-
erative houses included in the
inmirnnnt A-1 as if ion n given
'U'Reveals New
WA 0
Discipline Plan
Dean of Women's Office Proposes
To Substitute Work for Suspension
Students facing suspension from the University for serious
breaches of discipline may be allowed to work off their punishment
instead, according to a proposed policy statement which has been
issued by the office of the Dean of Women.
University officials revealed that ths plan is already being tried on
an experimental basis. Two students, a man and a woman, have
already been given the new punishment.
* * * *
OFFICIALS INDICATED that the results in these two cases will
have a large bearing on whether the plan is adopted permanently.
Chief reason back of the '
move, it was explained, was to
prevent men from being drafted Brotherhood
while they were suspended from Brotherhood
the University. Women were e ee
brought under the experimentalS
ruling because it was felt that
Copies of this policy have been
sent by the Office of the Dean of
Women to the presidents of all
women's housing units on campus. By DONNA HENDLEMAN
As outlined in these copies, which The spirit of Brotherhood Week
apply only to women students, the prevailed at Lane Hall last night
proposed policy is this: when students, faculty and reli-
* * * gious counselors gathered for the
AFTER RESIGNING from all annual Brotherhood Banquet.
organized extra-curricular activi- In an atmosphere totally void
ties, the punished student would of stiff formality, more than sev-I
take up a schedule of 16 hours of enty persons of all faiths, colors
work a week at University Hos- and many national origins came
pital. She would be paid the reg- together for three hours of festivi-
ular wage for whatever her job ties to commemorate the week now
happened to be, but the money drawing to a close.
would be contributed to a charity * * *
Set To End
Johnston Hears
Labor Leaders
Stabilizer Eric Johnston asserted
yesterday he would shatter the
deadlock over a wage formula for
the immediate emergency with-
out further notice to labor lead-
Concluding a three-hour meet-
ing with the four chiefs of the
United Labor Policy Committee,
Johnston saiddhe had heard"all
their gripes" and had learned a
BUT HE told reporters he would
make his own decision, notify Mo-
bilization Director Charles E. Wil-
son what it was, and then an-
nounce it. And he made it clearI
that under the defense mobiliza-
tion act he considers he is the
one to settle the impasse.
Meanwhile, two senators of-
fered to propose public hearings
if it would help solve a dispute
in which labor leaders have
challenged the handling of the
mobilization program was un-
Chairman Murray (D-Mont) of
the Senate Labor Committee and
Chairman Humphrey (D-Minn)
of the Subcommittee on Labor-
Management Relations, said in a
joint statement that the situation
threatened the stabilization al-
ready achieved in such relaions
during the emergency.
* * *
THE SNARL followed the resig-
nation of the three labor members
of the wage stabilization board,
acting on orders of the ULPC last
Thursday night after the public
and industry members adopted a
formula limiting wage increases
to 10 per cent above the Jan. 15
Allied Forces sh Ahead
112 ils HNew Offensive
of her choosing.
If the student proves unsatis-
factory in the job, the Dean
would be notified and the stu-
dent suspended.
Under this experimental pro-
gram, no excuses for absence from
work would be valid except regu-
lar college vacations, certified bed-
illnesses or attendance at required'
scholastic events.
THE PUNISHED student would
work whenever the hospital want-
ed her-including weekends, ex-
cept when the work conflicted
with classes. She would not be
required, however, to work after
10 p.m. or for more than eight
hours in one day.
If the student felt that the
work program was either endan-
gering her health or harming her
studies, she could apply for re-
consideration to the Dean and
her - punishment might be light-
Also, under the experiment,
parents could request that their
daughter be suspended, rather
than forced to work.
It was thought, however, that
if the plan is adopted permanent-
ly, it is very likely that the pun-
ishment will not be laid down as
rigidly as outlined in the policy
statement, but that each case will
be considered individually.
Flu Epidemic
May Hit City
With an outbreak of influenza
rapidly taking on epidemic pro-
portions in Ypsilanti, Dr. Warren
E. Forsythe, director of the Uni-
versity Health Service, warned
yesterday that Ann Arbor may
not escape a major flu epidemic.
"I don't see how we can escape,"
he explained. "But as yet, we
have had no indication that the
epidemic has hit Ann Arbor. The
number of influenza patients in
the infirmary has been normal."
Of course, he continued, we can
only wait and see what happens.
TOGETHER, THEY ate, prayed.
talked, joined heartily in the sing-
ing of rousing songs, and listened,
to African and Negro spiritual
music and to the/sermon of Rabbi
Morris Adler, of Congregation
Shaarey Zadek in Detroit.
They clapped lustily when
Prof. Ronald Freedman, of the
sociology department, presented
Joyce Simon, '51, and Don Has-
kell, '51, with the two interfaith
awards, the Arnold Schiff In-
terfaith scholarship, and the
B'nai B'rith Council award, re-
-Daily--Roger Reinke
THREE HAPPY PEOPLE-Robert Rosenberg, Helene M. Simon and Anne K. Stevenson relax from
left to right yesterday afternoon after receiving the top awards in the three fields of the freshman
Hopwood competition. Rosenberg took first for fiction, while copping the third prize in the poetry
division. Miss Simon and Miss Stevenson won in the fields of essay and poetry respectively.
F * * * *w ow*
Freshmen Win Hopwood wards
That formula is
Johnston's approval,
tion, or rejection.
subject to
Eight freshman yesterday divid-
ed up $300 in prizes as winners
in the annual Hopwood contest
for first year students.
Top prize winner was Robert
Rosenberg, of Detroit, who took
the first prize of $50 in the fiction
class and the third prize of $20
in the poetry division. He won
his prize in fiction for three stor-
ies - "All the Fish Laughed,"
"Motherwell and Mutton" and
"Miami Beach Rhumba."
Rosenberg's poetry entry was
called "War Sky."
* * *
THE FIRST prize winners for
the other two divisions of the con-
test, each of whom received $50,
were Helen M. Simon, of Gary,
spectively. ( There was a possibility that the
stabilizer would assemble another
Miss Simon, vice-president of wage stabilization board and ask
the Student Religious Associationb take another look at the for-
and officer of the Hillel founda-muasottitwldntbne
tion, last year was awarded the mula,sor thatit would impose aone-
B'nai B'rith award. Haskell, SRA man decision controlling wages of
president, is a past officer of the millions of American workers.
Wesleyan Guild. * A k
Johns Hopkins To Operate
On Go-As-You-Learn Plan
THE AFRICAN and spiritual
music was renfiered by Mildred
Ellis, Grad. She depicted moodsl
on the piano ranging from the
wildness of an African village to
the serenity of an American
The waiters and waitresses at
the dinner were SRA members
who volunteered their services.
The costs saved through their
work have been added to the
SRA Displaced Persons' fund.
The fund is currently support-
ing two European students here
at the University.
Rabbi Adler discussed "Brother-
hood Week," stressing the need for
greater integration and integrity
among the different groups, "so
that each may contribute the wis-
doms and incites of their creeds to
the general culture."
Another contributor to the pro-
gram was Harry Lee, '52E. He in-
terpreted a Chinese myth which
was lettered upon a larg- poster.
Thousands of years ago, he ex-
plained, China was surrounded by
four seas, and to the Chinese, their
land was the entire world. "The
prevailing proverb of the times,"
he said, "was, 'within these four
seas, we all are brothers'."
, , *
THE LABOR leaders will meet
this morning to discuss their sev-
eral conferences with Johnston,
President Truman, and White
House special counsel Charles S.
The policy committee also will
discuss possible action on a mo-
tion by Walter P. Reuther of the
CIO Auto Workers proposing that
AFL, CIO and railroad unions in
the ULPC withdraw their parti-
cipation entirely from the mobi-
lization program.
Also a red hot issue in the la-
bor committee deliberation will be
whether to appoint one of their
number as a labor adviser to mo-
bilization chief Wilson, who after
several preliminary skirmishes,
agreed to assign a top level policy
position to an acceptable labor
Tells of Tip on
RFC Loans
ecutive of Kaiser-Frazer Corp.,
borrowers of $69,000,000 from the
Reconstruction Finance Corpora-
tion, told Senate investigators
yesterday his firm had been tipped
it could get better terms on its
loans by hiring the right man to
handle them.
The story came from Chad Cal-
houn, vice-president of the auto-
mobile company, testifying at a
hearing called by a Senate Bank-
ing Sub-committee which has
charged that political favoritism
and influence has affected the
RFC's lending policy.
But who the right man might
be was not established clearly at
the hearing.
* * *
CALHOUN said that he under-
stood from a conversation with
Edgar Kaiser, president of his
company, that the man to em-
n1nv was William Mnovl .Jr .of
Johns Hopkins University is
planning to undertake a revolu-
tionary step in education-a liber-
al, go-as-you-learn plan with no
restrictions on time, scope or spe-
cific study, the Associated Press
said last night.
"We propose to make this a
SWorld News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Senator Paul
Paul Douglas (D-Ill) said yester-
day that the Treasury - White
House policy demanding that the
Federal Reserve System continue
to buy government bonds to keep
prices up and interests rates low,
was feeding "the fire of inflation."
* * *
TAIPI, Formosa - Generalis-
simo Chiank Kai-Shek and Vice
Adm. Arthur D. Struble, com-
mander of the U. S. Seventh
Fleet, conferred yesterday for
two hours.
* * *
LANSING - The House yester-
day refused to place a fourth con-
stitutional amendment on the
April 2 ballot-one which would
have barred Felons from being
elected to the legislature.
university in which the sharp dis-
tinction between undergraduates
and graduates will be eliminated,"
President Detlev W. Bronk ex-
* * *
UNDER THE new plan, a begin-
ning student would confer with
university officials concerning the
direction his interests lie, and a
program of work would be decided
There would be no fixed pat-
tern of required courses for new
students when they enter from
high school. Faculty advisors
will devise a set of requirements
for each student tuned to his
abilities and interests.
Locally, the announcement re-
ceived a warm reception from
Dean James B. Edmonson and
Prof. Algo D. Henderson of the ed-
ucation school. "This is a very
promising experiment for John
Hopkins," Dean Edmonson com-
Prof. Henderson pointed out
that the merit in the new plan
is in enabling students, who are
sufficiently capable, to advance
rapidly without any defined res-
Both agreed that in order for
the plan to be successful, a high
quality student body and a suffi-
cient counseling service was ne-
Ind., for her essay "One Hundred
Per Cent American," and Anne K.
Stevenson, of Ann Arbor, for her
The other two winners in the
fiction divisions were William
Simon, of Whitmore Lake, who
got $30 for his two stories "The
"Disengaged" a n d "Success
Story," and William J. Shaw, of
Ypsilanti, who received $20 for
a story entitled "The New Boy."
The second prize of $30 in essay
division went to Lucy G. Roseni-
thal, of New York, N. Y., who
wrote "Ritual and Religion" and
"An Anti-Communist Manifesto."
Virginia L. Voss of Pontiac won
the $20 third prize in this section
with her two essays "Men, Wo-
men, and Clothes" and "Critic vs.
* * *
THE POETRY division's second
prize went to Michael F. Wolff, of
New York, N. Y., for his "La
Comedie and Other Poems."
The awards were presented
by Dean Hayward Keniston of
the literary college in a brief
ceremony yesterday afternoon
in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
A total of 60 manuscripts was
entered in this year's contest-26
in essay, 21 in fiction and 13 in
poetry. The manuscripts were
judged by Alexander W. Allison,
Donald L. Hill and Eric W. Stock-
ton, all of the English department.
Elected to Board
A joint meeting of the East and
West Quad Councils last night
elected Carl Hasselwander, '51, to
fill a vacancy on the Board of
Governors of Residence Halls.
The vacancy had been created
by the resignation of Robert Ba-
ker, '52BAd. Ray Litt, 52E and
Jim Harris, '52, were also candi-
dates for the position.
100,000 Men
Hit Main Red
Defense Line
Enemy Stiffens
Lines, Resistance
TOKYO -()P)- A 100,000-man
Allied offensive last night hit the
main Chinese Red defense line in
Central Korea and fierce fight-
ing broke out.
Earlier the six-nation Allied
force had rolled ahead up to 12
miles at some points against little
* * *
THE ENEMY'S main'defensea
were found around the road hub
of Hoengsong. One American force
drove to the town's southwest edge
the U.S. Eighth Army's communi-
que said.
A Central Front dispatch re-
ported stiff enemy resistance
against the U.S. Ninth Corps
along a line east and west of Ho-
The road hub, 10 miles north
of Wonju, is a key objective of the
Allies' "operation killer" because
an estimated 15,000 Chinese are
believed to be committed there
under orders to hold or die.
* *
Allied troops crossed the vital lat-
eral supply road' from Hongchon
to Seoul at several points. Hong-
chon is an enemy massing point
15 miles northwest of Hoengsong.
Two of the four U.S. divisions
in the offensive, which opened
Wednesday along a 55-mile
front, battled in the Hoengsong
The Allied troops, tanks and
self-propelled guns moved along
muddy roads or over rain-drench-
ed mountains.
* .
AN EIGHTH ARMY briefing of-
ficer said that despite the fight-
Ing there were signs that the main
enemy forces still were withdraw-
"Operation Killer" - person-
ally ordered by General MacAr-
thur only two days ago-sent an
estimated 60,000 American troops
slogging northward through the
Korean mud, together with Al-
lied forces from Britain, Cana-
da, Australia, New Zealand and
South Korea.
One Republic of Korea division
sliced through a mountain pass
within 35 miles of the 38th paral-
* *
North Koreans were pulling back
rapidly in near panic. At other
points, stubborn pockets of Chin-
ese held firm in deep foxholes and
barricaded dugouts.
An estimated 40,000 Commun-
ists were in the line, including at
least one fresh Chinese division
under orders to hold or die.
Spaatz Asks
For 250 Air
WASHINGTON - () - A huge
American air force of 250 groups
should be built up quickly, Gen.
Carl Spaatz said yesterday, be-
cause if war comes Russia "must
be strangled by air."
Such a force would be more
than twice the size of the 95-100
groups now being formed. It
would be about the number the
United States had in World War
II, but the planes would be more
* * *
chief of staff and famous World
War II leader, testified to the
Senate Armed Services and For-
eign Relations Committee, study-
U' Tells Positionl on City Payments
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second in a series of articles explain-
ing the background of current talks
on University payment for city serv-
As the University has expanded
and the problem of payment for
city services has become more
Although city officials have sug-
gested that pressure from supply-
ing service to the University with-
out charge could be somewhat re-
lieved if the University took over
some of the service itself, campus
administrators do not fully agree.
sowndmait. ht mnvcn ,n
have been made to the city. For
example, in 1946 the University
paid $97,000 for water system im-
provements in the campus area,
and it has purchased equipment,
for city use.
University negotiators have
reminded city fathers that as
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