s THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 195Y six THE MICHIGAN DAILY V 'HANLON WON'T GO': ,, Hopwood-Prize Play To Make Debut 'GRIPES COMMITTEE': Campus Action Group - Presses for Reforms 4 There will be an authentic 'first-night' opening tonight for "Hanlon Won't Go," when the well - known "two-on-the-aisle" seats will be occupied by critics from New York City who have come to see the play as a possible prospect for summer stock. S * * * THE PLAY will open its three- day run at 8 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, and is this season's fifth production by the University Student Players. Written by a former Univer- sity student, Tom Danelli, the play won the 1950 Major Hop- wood Award, and has since been revised six times for its produc- tion here. * * * THIS WILL BE the first time that the Student Players have of- fered an untried play to Ann Ar- bor audiences, and will be a truly experimental theatrical experi- ence, according to Producer Burt Sapowitch. In speaking of his work, au- thor Danelli uses the terms "hu- manism" and "spiritual regen- eration" to explain its basic theme and appeal. IT IS THE tragi-comic story of a young alcoholic who is further plagued in his depression by the murderous attempts of a group of "bar-flies" and schemers. In con-_ trast to this degradation is the sympathy offered to Hanlon by a barmaid, who sees beneath his present shoddy exterior, and does not account a man's worth in ma- terial terms. "It is Katie, the barmaid's, innate understanding of humani nature that is the saving grace1 for Hanlon," Danelli stated. Heading the cast will be An-t thony Georgialas, '53, as Hanlon and Marie Dresser of Ann Arbor,1 as Katie.z Some tickets for all perform- ances are still available and mayk be purchased at the Lydia Men- delssohn box-office for 75 cents or $1. - Brotherhood eeksDinner Will Be Held Students, religious advisors and faculty of all religions will meet together at 6 p.m. today for the annual Brotherhood Week dinner. Guest speaker will be Rabbi Morris Adler, of Congregation Shaarey Zadek in Detroit. A mu- sical presentation by Mildred El-C Us, Grad, will also be included int the progranf Rabbi Adler is an author of sev-i eral religious books and articles, has served as an Army Chaplain in the Pacific and has been a1 member of the Detroit Roundtable of Christian and Jews. Miss Ellis is a specialist in Afri- can music. She will interpret the culture of the American Negro and the African. Two awards will be presented at the dinner, the Arnold Schiff In-s terfaith Scholarship and the B'nait B'rith Council Award. TheseI awards are given annually to twol students who have worked for the furtherance of brotherhood dur-C ing the year.a Members of the Student Reli- gious Association have donated their services as dinner waitresses and bus boys this year. The oper- ating costs of the dinner saved through their efforts will be con- tributed to the SRA Displaced Persons fund. In addition, contri- butions will be taken among thetv guests for the fund. e ALCOHOL ADVOCATE-Anthony Georgilas, '53, reflects the dis- pair and degeneration of the character, Hanlon, whom he por- trays in the Student Players' production of Tom Danelli's prize winning play, "Hanlon Won't Go." When Letters, Laundry Mailed Together, They Go.First Class By PAUL MARX From a meager beginning in 1947 when its chief function was to provide a sounding board for students' pet peeves, Student Leg- islature's Campus Action Commit- tee has evolved into a body that plays a major role in bringing about campus reforms and influ- encing University policies on stu- dent affairs. The Committee, which was known as the "Gripes Committee" when it was first organized, has RFC Change Factors Listed By Professors President Truman's sudden re- versal in submitting a single-ad- ministrator reorganization plan to Congress for the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, was attrib- uted to both political and admin- istrative causes by local political scientists. PROF. FERREL Heady, of the political s c i e n c e department, claimed the administration has been planning such a reorganiza- tion of RFC for some time, and announced it now to avoid a battle in the Senate over confirmation of the five-man RFC administrative board the President recently re- appointed. Although Truman's proposal may tend to "calm the waters," he does not think that Sen. Ful- bright will drop his investiga- tion of RFC activites, Prof. Hea- dy said. . HE EXPRESSED doubt, how- ever, that the proposal would be sanctioned by Congress. Congress has 60 days to act upon the plan, or it will automatically become law, he explained. Prof. Samuel Eldersveld noted that the President had caught Congress off balance with his surprise reversal of form. One of the main factors involved in the controversy was the ef- fort to establish a line of re- sponsibility, he stated. "The proposal Truman submit- ted last week attempted to estab- lish this line by putting RFC un- der the wing of the commerce de- partment, Eldersveld explained, "his new plan to make a single administrator directly responsible to him would probably also accom-, plish this purpose. City Workers To Get Raises Mail and dirty clothes get along in a first-class way, according to post office officials. Because of this, students who try to sneak a note to mother or, a notebook from last year's zoo- logy class into their laundry cases, may cause considerable expense. * * * THE ADDED COSTS are caused by the fact that laundry cases are sent fourth-class while written material must go first-class. When the two get together in a fourth- class guise, post office men send it on to its destination and collect first-class rates from the innocent recipient. While post office personnel don't check every package, they do make frequent spot checks. When they do find a furtive mis- sile snuck in between the under- wear, they take their big, black stamp and mark the whole pack- age First-Class. * * * . BESIDES BEING charged first class rates, students are also sub- ject to fines for their misdemean- or. Thougla the fines are not in the hands of local post office of- ficials, Mary Purtell, local super- intendent, states that several ap- plications for the levy of fines have been issued from her station. Although she feels that many students violate the regulations merely because of ignorance, Miss Purtell also remarked there are many others "who seem to be laughing at the government, not trying to be honest, but just. smart enough to get by." She urged that henceforth stu- dents send their letters alone by first-class mail. Safe Future For Private Business Seen Small business stands a better chance of staying open during the current mobilization period than it did in the early days of World War II, according to Wil- liam M. Hoad of the business ad- ministration school research staff. Government's increasing inter- est in helping small enterprise has made these business men more alert to getting defense contracts now than in the 1940's, Hoad said. Sub-contracting work for big- ger businesses should also keep many small outfits going when their regular business disappears because of shortages, he 'added. "Small business took a beating during World War II," Hoad said. "One out of every six or seven businesses dropped out of the pic- ture during those years. "These were mostly small oper- ations that couldn't keep going because of rationing, enlistment or the draft and one or two-man outfits that closed their doors to get more money in a war indus- try job." been constantly recommending reforms to the University. It is now at the stage where it is get- ting action on such matters as fraternity discrimination, school application revisions and Thanks- giving holiday proposals. THE ISSUE of the removal of discriminatory clauses from fra- ternity constitutions reached its peak last semester after the Cam- pus Action Committee reported to SL what the fraternities them- selves were doing about the mat- ter. At that time a motion was passed asking that recognition be withheld from fraternities if dis- criminatory clauses were not re- moved by 1956. The motion is now under the consideration of the Student Af- fairs Committee whose approval would put it into effect. The recommendations of the CAC, with the approval of SL in regard to the revision of Univer- sity application blanks, were re- cently endorsed by the Deans' Conference. Pressing for final action on these revisions by the deans of the various schools, CAC has three teams of two persons each consulting with the deans. ALTHOUGH THEY have no vote, for the first time in Univer- sity history, two students, Cam- pus Action Committeeman Dave Belin, '51BAd., and Irv Steen, '51, are sitting in as members of the University Calendar Committee with their sights set on an official holiday for next Thanksgiving. The living conditions in the residence halls are one of the ob- jects of current CAC interest. With many" students expressing dissatisfaction w i t h dormitory conditions, CAC chairman Bob Baker, '52BAd, has invited all stu- dents to attend a discussion on residence hall conditions at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the SL Building at 122 S. Forest. Facts Related About Lincoln, Washingtonf Comparing the two great men whose birthdays fall in this month, the Rev, Dr. Edgar DeWitt Jones, told assembled speech students many little-konwn facts about Washington and Lincoln in his speech yesterday at Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Under his subject of "The Wis- dom of Washington and the Learning of Lincoln" Dr. Jones, noted Lincoln scholar and pastor emeritus of the Central Woodward Christian Church in Detroit told of the early life of the great Amer- icans, pointing out major differ- ences in character and personal- ity. Questioned regarding the pre- sent commemoration of the men's birthdays, Dr. Jones said, "There needs to be a reemphasis of the study of early American history in our schools, we can't have too much study of the early days of the republic.' J. I (, a, 4 I. Unusual results and Lots of good I, A GAGQYJ Fe announces THE GARG GIRL PHOTO SURVEY PURPOSE-To Find The New GARG GIRL Timely customers and Sales as well. Place Your Ad Now in cit~hi r utinrn t ilu A ENTRY REQUIREMENTS 1. ONLY MALE STUDENTS may sponsor an entry. 2. She must be a Michigan Co-ed. 3. The name and a snapshot of the girl you sponsor must be mailed or brought to the GARGOYLE office (Pub- lications Bldg.) by MARCH 2. 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