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February 22, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-02-22

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See .Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State



aU.S. Clanips
Lid on Used
Car Prices
New Car Resale
Affected by Order
WASHINGTON-W) - Dollars-
and-cents price ceilings were set
on used cars yesterday in a gov-
ernment order that also prohibited
new car sales at more than the
manufacturer's suggested retail
Automobile prices were frozen
at the manufacturers' level on
Dec. 18 but yesterday's order ap-
plies to the retail markets and to
individuals who may be selling a
BRUCE MORRIS, chief of the
automobile division of the Office
of Price Stabilization, said the or-
der is aimed at:
1. Halting a "widespread" flow
of new cars into the used car
markets. He said some dealers
' have been asking prices higher
for these "new" used cars than
the manufacturers' listed prices
Sfor new cars.
2. Preventing used cars from
sellingabove new car prices.
The new regulations will be ef-
fective March 2. The used car
price ceilings will be based on
prices listed in the guide books
that used car dealers employ as
a yardstick of values.
THE ORDER says the guide
books will be used to set dollars-
and-cents ceilings on used cars.
It also requires the dealers to con-
?tihue using the same guide book
they employed in the past.
Morris said the order specifies
that in any case where a guide
bokprice on a used car is high-
ethan the list price of the car
when new, the dealer cannot
;charge more than the new price.
HOWEVER, the dealer will be
} permitted to increase the ceiling
price by the amount represented
in accessories with which the used
car may be equipped. But the
prices that can be imposed for
accessories-stich as radio, heater,
optional transmission equipment
-are specified in the guide books.
The OPS official said the used
car dealers may be permitted to
raise prices later if the govern-
ment authorizes an increase in
the price at which the manufac-
turer is allowed to sell.
'U' To Request
Added Funds
In Rare Move
Increasing costs and a recent
10 per cent salary and wage boost
have forced the University for the
second time in its history to ask
the state legislature for a supple-
mental appropriation.
An approximate $1,280,000 item
for the University was included in
the supplemental request of $10,-
f 563,352 made to the legislature by
State Controller Robert F. Stead-
The University had asked the
state for $1,716,000 to cover the
remainder of the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1951.
According to Vice-president Mar-
vin L. Niehuss, the University bud-
get based on the money appropri-
a#' by the state legislature failed
' to cover the actual costs for the

following reasons:
1. The fee income was more than
r $600,000 under the expected
2. The fiscal year was marked
by rapidly rising costs of supplies
and materials.
3. A 10 per cent salary and wage
increase was granted to 6,000 fac-
ulty and non-academic employes
on Dec. 18.k
The University asked' the legis-
S*lature for a supplemental appro-
priation for the first time in 1945.
Work. News
By The Associated Press
LONDON - Britain reiterated
yesterday that it opposes any
crossing in force of the Korean
38th parallel by United Nations
Stroome winn,,+ nrinr -nmarntn. in

City Wants More
Money rom 'U
Claims Tax-Free Property Keeps_
Revenue Below Operating Expenses
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of three articles explain-
ing the background of current talks on University payment of city services.)
The age old problem of University payment for city services has
reached the point where one of the city fathers has said that "the
University has become an economic detriment to the city."
But University representatives maintain that the school, which
as a state supported institution is tax free, cannot make any appre-
ciable payment now that will clear up the matter.
"WE REALIZE that the University is in a bad spot with the city
asking for money on one side and the State Legislature refusing it
on the other," John S. Dobson, chairman of the City Council group
confering with University officials, said.
According to Dobson, however, the city is in a worse position.
As the University expands it eats up taxable land, and at the
same time local citizens refuse to pay increased property taxes to
make up the difference.
"THE NEW South Quad alone removed some $135,000 of land
from our tax rolls." And Dobson pointed out that annexing new
See CITY, Page 6
land to the city is no solution to that problem-it takes 26 years to
clear the costs of incorporating a new area.
Last year, Ann Arbor voters rejected a proposal to boost
taxes so that firemen's pay could be raised. Now fire and police
protection are proving inadequate.
The councilman said that many city employes refuse to stick
with jobs that pay less than similar ones at the University or in
other communities.
PARTICULARLY HARD HIT is Ann Arbor's school system, in
which 25 per cent of the staff quits every year because of low pay.
In spite of pay raises doled out by the council Monday night,
Dobson said the police and fire forces are still in danger of losing
vitally needed men.
One proposed solution is that the University pay more than it
does now for police and fire protection, or maintain its own services
as MSC does. At present the University pays the salaries of seven
local policemen at a cost of about $27,000 a year.
DOBSON HAS ALSO suggested that the University make pay-
ments for services to money earning establishments such as the
League, Union and dormitories.
(NEXT: The University's side of the issue.)
Eisenhower in France
To Head Pact Army
. 4

As Ni









Senate OK's
War Contract
Proposes Board
Used in WW II
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21-(P)--
The Senate approved today a bill
designed to recapture any excess
profits resulting from billions of
dollars worth of defense contracts.
The House approved legislation
would set up a board of five mem-
bers to reconsider and renego-
tiate government defense con-
tracts. Such a board in World
War II is credited with recaptur-
ing about $10,000,000,000 the gov-
ernment considered excess profits
or costs.
After the bill reached the Sen-
ate from the finance committee
today there was a see-saw fight
over provisions giving the board
authority to exempt from renego-
tiation any individual or class of
contracts it wished.
But four roll calls left the dis-
puted provision almost intact..
Because the Senate bill is some-
what different from the one passed
by the House, it now goes to a
Senate-Housesconference to iron
out differences.
The House bill authorized rene-
gotiation of defense contracts in
excess of $100,000. The Senate ex-
empted amounts under $500,000.
Senator George of the Senate
Finance Committee said, however,
that he expected $250,000 to $300,-
000 would be the figure finally
agreed on by Senate-House con-
The renegotiation board is to
be appointed by the President, sub-
ject to the approval of the Senate.
Wilson Appeals
To Labor Lea ders
tion Director Charles E. Wilson
yesterday urged labor union lead-
ers to end "charges, counter-
charges and recriminations" lest
the nation's mobilization effort be
Wilson made his appeal in a let-
ter to union chiefs who have
charged that the home-front con-
trols program is dominated by big
business and that labor is being
asked to make unfair sacrifices.
Three union labor rep'resenta-
tives on the wage stabilization
board recently resigned because
the board proposed a wage ceiling
limiting raises to 10 per cent
above the level of Jan. 15, 1950.
Generation Sale
Sale of the winter issue of
"Generation", campus a r ts
magazine, will continue today
on the Diag, in the Union and
Angell Hall, according to Bob
Rose, '51, circulation manager.
Bad weather hampered ini-
tial sales yesterday, he said.

Gen Douglas MacArthur (center) strides up a road on the Wonju
front in Central Korea during a front line visit with Lt. Gen.
Matthew Ridgway (left), 8th Army commander, and Lt. Gen. Ed-
ward Almond, 10th corps commander.
Students Administrators
To Confer on 'U's Problems

VERSAILLES, France - (P) -
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower came
back to Europe yesterday to take
on once again the long time job
of making this part of the world
safe for people who don't like
* * * .
HE ARRIVED in the Queen Eli-
zabeth at refurbished Cherbourg,
the first big port his armies liber-
ated in 1944. It was the dawn of
a misty, rainy day, but the Eisen-
hower smile was there.
The North Atlantic Alliance
Commander had a quick cham-
pagne breakfast with officials
Local Church
Gets Bequest
LAS VEGAS-Lloyd C. Douglas,
the clergyman who became a best-
selling novelist left an estate val-
ued in excess of $100,000, his will
revealed according to the United
Douglas left $32,000 of the es-
tate to the First Congregational
Church of Ann Arbor to build a
memorial chapel. Other principle
beneficiaries were his daughters,
Betty Douglas Wilson of Las Ve-
gas and Virginia Douglas Dawson
of West Mount, Quebec, Canada.

and the welcoming party of his
own command. With him was
his wife. Other wives of the
officers in Eisenhower's head-
quarters will come here, too.
"With God's help and with all
of us working together we can
keep the peace," Eisenhower told
the shore welcoming party. Then
he flew to Paris, boarded a limou-
sine without ceremony and was
taken to the fine Versailles hotel,
the Trianon Palais, where he and
Mrs. Eisenhower will live until a
house is found for them.
THE BALANCE of the day he
spent helping to get settled in a
six-room apartment, a luxurious
place with furniture of the period
of the last kings of France.
Almost his only visitor was
his Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Al-
fred M. Gruenther, with whom
he made his first quick tour
in January around all the capi-
tals of the 12 nations that have
agreed to help defend the West
against Communist aggression.
His schedule today seemed like-
ly to include a visit to the 60-acre
plot carved out of the presidential
hunting reserve as the site for his
new headquarters. His offices and
barracks of the 600-odd soldiers
associated with the headquarters
are to go up there.

Daily Managing Editor
A newly organized student-ad-
ministration conference committee
will be formally launched at 4
p.m. today at the request of Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven.
Bringing together the Univer-
sity's top administrators and 12
student leaders, the committee
will probably be known as the
"President's Conference."
It will have no formal adminis-
trative or legislative function but
will serve simply as a discussion
group through which campus-wide
problems and grievances can be
STEMMING FROM a desire on
the part of both students and ad-
Belin Suggests
Union Should
Run Bookstore
A proposal to back the establish- .
ment of a student bookstore in
connection with the Michigan Un-
ion was heard last night by the
Student Legislature.
Proposed by Dave Belin, '51, the
motion aroused a heated discus-
sion. It asked that the SL urge
the organization of the non-profit
bookstore by the Union in its new
The motion was referred to the
Campus Action Committee for
consideration. In making his mo-
tion, Belin contended that the Un-
ion was the only logical location
for a student bookstore, which
would demand, he explained, a
large capital investment, exten-
sive and conveniently located fa-
cilities, and full-time personnel
with previous business experience.

ministrators for a channel through
which broad University problems
and policies can be discussed, the
President's Conference originally
met informally last spring.
Again last December the group
was called together by President
Ruthven and it was decided at
that time to set up a formal
structure for the conference.
A special subcommittee was set
up to map out the organization of
the group and this subcommittee
has recommended that the Con-
ference be called together twice a
IT WILL BE headed by Presi-
dent Ruthven' and will include
most of the other administrative,
officers. The student body will be
represented by the presidents of
the League, Union, IFC, AIM, As-
sembly, Panhellenic, Student Leg-
islature, Graduate Students' Coun-
cil, three other SL members and
the Managing Editor of The Daily.
The subcommittee also recom-
mended that other students be
invited to sit in on the Confer-
ence as the occasion arises.
This afternoons meeting will
feature a discussion of ways and
means of maintaining and devel-
oping loyalty and spirit on a- Uni-
versity-wide basis and further con-
sideration of the University's mo-
bilization plans which were dis-
cussed earlier at the December
TERMING THE Conference "an
excellent means for the channeling
of information between the admin-
istration and the students," Ar-
thur L. Brandon, the University's
Public Relations Counselor, point-
ed out that it should "bring about
a closer understanding of the
many and varied relationships be-
tween students and the University

Tart Victory
CHICAGO-(P)-One of the
necessaryobservances of Wash-
ington's birthday was com-
pleted here yesterday when
Marcheta Benton, 18 years old,
of East Chattanooga, Tenn.,
was named winner of the 19th
annual National Cherry Pie
Baking Contest.
Miss Benton, a brown-haired,
brown-eyed, high school grad-
uate won over 29 other state
champion bakers on a method
of preparation, poise and excel-
lence of the cherry pie. She
was awarded $150 and a trip
to Washington, where she will
present one of her pies to Presi-
dent Truman.
War Threat
Truman said yesterday that al-
though this country faces "the
most tremendous emergency" in its
history, it gradually is approach-
ing a position where World War
III can be prevented.
But the President warned that
victory can only come with coop-
eration and sacrifices from every-
HE TOLD Masonic leaders that
this government has but one ob-
jective: "to keep the peace."
"It is an effort to prevent a
third world war," he said, "and
we gtadually are approaching a
position in the world where that
can be prevented, if we have
the support and cooperationof
all segments or the population.
"And that means industry, la-
bor, and farmer and you gentle-
men-and all the white collar
people who do the inside work to
make these other things operate."
* * *
IT WON'T be easy, the President
said, and he gave this reminder:
"Everybody, I don't care who he
is, or what his condition or his
position is-from the President of
the United States to the laborer
who digs in the trench-must
make some sacrifice in order that
the whole country may be mo-
bilized to meet the serious situa-
tion with which we are faced."
Chemist Held
On Red Charge
ALBANY, N.Y.-)-An assist-
ant chemistry professor was in.
dicted today on a charge of con-
cealing Communist party mem-
bership in answering a question-
naire for a prospective job in
atomic research.
Richard N. Lewis of Newark,
Del., a faculty member of the Uni-
versity of Delaware, was accused
by a Federal Grand Jury of mak-
ing a "false, fictitious and fraudu-
lent statement" on a personnel
security questionnaire form of the
Atomic Energy Commission.
A warrant for Lewis' arrest was
forwarded to the FBI at Wilming-
ton, Del.

Be is
Foe Retreats
Eight Miles
In One Place
Reds Still Hold
Han River Line
TOKYO-W-Allied-troops of
five nations advanced today in a
new offensive alongca front of 60
miles in muddy central Korea.
General MacArthur, resuming
his daily communiques as United
Nations commander, said his
troops already have gained up to
six miles in the new drive, opened
at 10 a.m. yesterday.
A SPECIAL United States Eighth
Army communique listed one gain
of about eight miles by South
Koreans west of Hoengsong.
Elements of the ninth and
10th corps -- including Ameri-
cans, British, Australian, New
Zealanders and South Koreans
began the push against with-
drawing Reds. An Indian field
ambulance unit moved up with
the troops.
GENERAL MacArthur had or-
dered the attack Tuesday during
a visit to the central front pivot
of Wonju.
The 60-mile front, one of
rugged mountains, extends from
near Yangpyong on the Hlan
river eastward past Wonju.
Yangpyong, a former Chinese
Communist headquarters town
abandoned to the Allies this
week, is 27 miles east and
slightly south of Red-held Seoul.
MacArthur, on his return to
Tokyo from the Wonju visit, re-
sumed his overall summaries which
he dropped last December. At that
time his troops were falling back
before Chinese divisions toward
Seoul which the Allies yielded
Jan. 4.
TUESDAY Reds defending Seoul
repulsed two allied patrol attempts
to cross the Han river line.
These were other Tuesday ac-
The North Korean fifth corps,
pummeled by United States tanks
and artillery from the south and
west, broke and ran for the hills
in the Chechon sector on the east
flank of the central front.
To the west a French striking
column slashed four miles straight
north of Wonju, vital communi-
cations hub 55 miles southeast of
Seoul along the same road the
Reds charged down nine days ago
in their ill-fated counter offen-
An American armored column
punched 10 miles northwest of
Wonju and reported finding only
a no-man's-land.
Reserves Still
Will Get Call

announced yesterday it will still
call up more National Guard and
brganized reserve units of com-
pany and battalion size.
Maj. Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor
made the statement at a news
conference in "clarifying" his an-
nouncement Tuesday about call-
ing no more guard divisions unless
the world crisis takes a turn for
the worse.
"There are no present plans to
call up additional National Guard
divisions," Taylor said. "But we
will call up Guard and reserve
units of less than divisional size
as needed."
Taylor repeated his statement
of Tuesday that the Army plans
to release individual members of
the six guard divisions now on
active duty when they have com-
pleted their statutory 21 months
of federal service.
Two Students Held

=_ =





To Pass Largely Unobserved

* * *

* *~ *

* * *

* 4

4 4

Banks Will Close, of Course

But One Historian Still Remembers Him

Unless there is a massed spon-
taneous celebration of students
who have noticed the red letters
on their calendars, George Wash-
ington's birthday will slip by today
as unnoticed as Abraham Lin-
coln's did ten days ago.
Event fo the cnveron a na-

One fraternity is throwing a
George Washington.dance Sat-
urday, complete with cherry
trees, red coats, and silver dol-
lars to heave across the puddles
around the house.
Business as usual is the campus
motto, since University holidays
-- -,..4-;- - -.. Tf - 0n, T%-

George Washington's fame as a
cherry tree-chopper was founded
on myth, while the reputation he
had among his contemporaries as
one of the most polished gentlemen
of the time has gone practically
unnoticed by present day students.
This word on Washington's eti-
-,,,++ -n _ cnrf rt tt ...a TrS3

great things about Washington.
He also had the rare knack of
knowing precisely the right thing
to say-and just when to say it.
His timing was beautiful," Storm
xr -l rnr:nie mo ha-ni -of hi

"ONE TIME A critic named
Morris lambasted him for not mov-
ing against the British in New
York. But did Washington blast
him in writing? Neves. Instead,
as he delicately put it, 'It would be
well for the troops if like chamel-
eons they could live on air, or
like the bears suck their paws for

° '

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