r i 0 F oul THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1951 THE Maaa IaHI1GAN DA 1ILY _ ... TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1951 , , Sorority Rushing A NEW SYSTEM of rushing, tried for the first time this year, was at first met with extreme dislike by both sororities and prospective rushees, but has since proven it- self a boon to all concerned. This system, in which rushing was held during the two weeks following exams, meant that the one week- of vacation be- tween semesters would have to be for- feited, and all sororities and rushees would have to remain at school. Now that rushing is over, however, this main disadvantage of between-semester rushing has been shown far supplanted by its advantages. Rushing is very time-consuming, and stu- dents found in past years that it is often an impossible task to competently make up two weeks of neglected work. This usually results in starting off the new semester at least two weeks behind. This year, Pan Hellenic has shown that this all-important consideration of studies can be avoided to a large extent, to the ad- vantage of both the University and the stu- dents. Secondly, the period of rushing has been shortened by four days from previous years. Since there are no classes during the first week of rushing, afternoon parties can be held up to the time of registration. In previous years, afternoon parties were held only on weekends. We know now that rushing during the free week between classes is the fairest pos- sible method. Pan Hellenic is to be com- mended for initiating and carrying out this new program. -Cara Cherniak Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: RICH THOMAS MATTER O F FACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP "Good News - We're Going Up More Slowly Now" etteP TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and .will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. THE PANTOMIME WASHINGTON-An elaborate diplomatic pantomime is now being staged to con- Svinrce the masters of the Kremlin that they cannot safely launch an attack on Yugo- slavia. A number of high officials, among whom Secretary of the Air Force Thomas Finletter is the most conspicuous, are pay- ing visits in Yugoslavia and nearby Turkey. The fleet is maneuvering in the Nvediterran- ean. The question of the threat to Yugo- slavia has been conspicuously raised in the British Parliament. In his vitally significant Lincoln Day speech, Gov. Thomas E. Dewey has boldly urged that we be ready to meet the next Kremlin aggression, in Yugoslavia or else- where, with a declaration of war. There are reasons to believe that the Governor did not decide to speak out so forthrightly without talking things over with his old friend and ally, John Foster Dulles, before Draft Column As a service to its readers, The Daily, in cooperation with the University's Armed Services Information Center, will publish a question and answer column on the draft in this Sunday's paper. The need for such a column has been prompted by the existing confusion, mis- conception and general lack of know- ledge about draft laws and enlistment policies. Any information about any phase of Selective Service m a y be obtained throughthis column by sending the ques- tion or questions to The Michigan Daily. -The Editors r !ld + MUSIC + 'i ON SATURDAY evening the playing of the Budapest Quartet was markedly tense and frequently harsh and unbeautiful in sound. There was no major breakdown in interpretation; * an ensemble as sensitive and as musically experienced as the Buda- pest never gives a performance marred by errors of taste or by major distortions of a composer's meaning. But the playing of Mozart's D Minor Quartet was rigid and, lacked the fluidity and grace necessary to this music. The fast movements were taken too fast for clarity, and in the concluding set of variations the tempo set allowed for only the most straightforward reading. However, in the lovely Andante the group showed the exquisite balance and delicacy of feeling which make them the superb instrument they are. In the group of three pieces that fol- lowed, Purcell's Chaconne, Schubert's Quartettsatz, and Stravinsky's Concertino, I liked the Purcell Chaconne best. Based on a solemnly beautiful melody, it was the kind of clear and emotionally ordered music which makes no assault on the nerves. On the other hand, the Stravin- CURRENT MOVIES At The State... STORM WARNING,with Ginger Rog- ers, Ronald Reagan, Steve Cochran, and Doris Day. THE WARNER BROTHERS, traditionally against sin, take a stand against the Ku Klux Klan in a film that is as disappointing as only a potentially great film can be. It is hardly conceivable that the same people responsible for the first hour of "Storm Warning" could have had anything to do with the last thirty minutes. With skill and restraint the heroine, Ginger Rogers, is led into a situation in which she must choose between her social responsibility and the happiness of a younger sister. An outsider on a visit to a small town, she is the only witness to the Klan killing of a crusading newspaperman. She has only to testify at the autopsy that the mur- derers wore white robes and the County Prosecutor, admirably played by Ronald Reagan, will have the power to smash the Klan. But if she exposes the Klan she sends her sister's husband to prison or tothe hangman. To further complicate matters, Doris Day, the sister, is 1. "mad .about Steve Cochran, her husband, 2. deleriously happy, and 3. pregnant. The heroine makes her decision and is sick and ashamed of it in a powerful bit at the end of the autopsy trial which would have made an effective conclusion. But at this point in the proceedings someone got hold of a copy of Tennessee Williams "Streetcar Named Desire," decided Cochran would make a fine Stanley Kowalski, and wrote the brother-in-law's part accordingly. sky was a disturbed exercise in sonority which to me had little meaning or content. There was a great deal of fussing with instrumental effects: it was as if Stravin- sky were experimenting with various qual- ities and volumes of sound without any concern for their musical meaning. The Beethoven Quartet in C-sharp Minor, opus 131 was played with the same tension and rigidity which marked the performance of the Mozart. The tenseness here seemed based on insecurity: there were lapses in technique, and the first violin had consid- erable trouble maintaining a smooth tone. Yet there were wonderful moments: the opening fugue, the theme and variations, and the Adagio quasi un poco andante which comes just before the wild finale. * . * * ON SUNDAY afternoon the playing was relaxed, and the roughnesses of the previous evening were gone. A 'perfectly balanced reading of a Haydn quartet (Opus 20, No. 4) was followed by a finely shaded performance of Ravel's Quartet in F. The Haydn was a delight--the work of a com- poser who understood completely the pos- sibilities and limitations of the string quar- tet form. In contrast to the Haydn, the Ravel seemed overripe and, at least to my ears, sounded badly written. A great part of the quartet is thought of in orchestral terms. Nor are the musical ideas themselves first rate. The themes have that kind of polish and sweetness we associate with some of Ravel's French predecessors-the names will slip out-with Massenet and Saint- Saens. The final performance in the series was Schumann's Quartet in A Major, opus 41, No. 3. This is an undistinguished work which ends with a characteristically irri- tating march. In the final movement Schumann seizes upon a strongly accented rhythmic motif and repeats it until the listener is numb. The double effect of Schumann and Ravel made one realize chat to hold the listener's attention and observe the decorum of the medium taxes even the craft of a Beethoven. The performances of the Budapest in this chamber music festival were uneven; they were not, however, unsatisfactory musical experiencese. If other quartets play with a richer tone or with greater precision, we must remember that the standards for chamber music performances - balance, self-effacement, perfect taste-have prob- ably been set in our mind by the playing of the Budapest. -Harvey Gross L d Dulles left for Japan to represent Secre- thry of State Dean Acheson in talks about the Japanese peace treaty. Finally, Secretary of State Dean Ache- son, on being asked about the threat to Yugoslavia, has publicly recalled President Truman's statement of last Summer, that any new aggression would "strain the fabric of peace." All this is intended to add up to the warning to the Kremlin to keep hands off Yugoslavia, which was previously re- ported in this space as under consideration at the highest level of the Administration. * * * THE NEED FOR such a warning is clearer than ever. The war preparations that have been previously noted in Yugoslavia's neighboring satellites, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania, are no longer the only omin- ous signs in the picture. Rather precise in- formation has come in, that the Soviets themselves now have thirteen divisions in the Carpathians and the Carpatho-Ukraine, whence they could easily support a satellite drive on Belgrade. Moreover, it is now clear that all the Soviet satellites in eastern Europe, includ- ing Czechoslovakia and Poland, have been increasing their military strength in re- cent months. By a sort of creeping mo- bilization, the total of men under arms has been raised by 20 to 30 per cent, to around a million and a half men in the whole satellite region. This means that the Kremlin has under its command be- tween sixty-five and seventy satellite di- visions i uniform. And these divisions have been lavishly supplied with good Russian equipment, including such heavy items as Joseph Stalin III tanks and the largest calibre self-propelled guns. These Soviet measures afford a melan choly contrast with our own effort. Yugo- slavia is being subjected to severe internal strains, by the need to mobilize for war at a time when her economy has been shat- tered by last Summer's fearful drought. These strains in turn are making an at- tack on Yugoslavia look like a far more tempting project to the Kremlin. * 0 * YET IN FEAR of Congress, the State De- partment held its request for aid for Yugoslavia last fall to about $80,000,000. And again in fear of Congress, the Depart- ment is now pressing the Yugoslav govern- ment to join the Marshall Plan, in order to get an extra $100,000,000. It is now recog- nized that Marshal Tito's government needs thisadditional sum to keep going full steam ahead. It is also recognized that joining the Marshall Plan will cause grave diffi- culties for Tito with his more doctrinaire Communist followers. But the specters of Senators Robert A. Taft and Joseph R. Mc- Carthy are delaying and confusing the straight-forward, business-like effort to deal with the Yugoslav problem that ought certainly to be made at once. The same specters have unquestionably influenced the elaborate diplomatic pan- tomime of warning to the Kremlin against an attack on Yugoslavia. The hesita- tions of our allies across the Atlantic no doubt had their influence also. But it is impossible to repress the suspicion that the real aim of all these moves has been to make a very serious impression in Moscow, but to avoid making much im- pression on the Congress or the country. Yet it is no use trying to impress the Klemlin, if the Kremlin is perfectly aware that the Congress and the country are not impressed at all. There is no real reason, moreover, to fear the blackmail of a Con- gressional minority. It has been demon- strated again and- again that the Congress and the country are perfectly capable of undertsanding what is at stake, if the issues are explained simply and honestly. (Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune Inc.) A King Returns KING TRIBHUBANA has returned to his throne in Nepal. Kings are not so nu- merous these days but that rehabilitation of one of them makes news even when his realm is on the far-away slopes of the Him- alayas. But King Tribhubana has been in the news before. When he fled to India from his capital at Katmandu last November there was speculation that Communist pressures were involved, as in Tibet to the north. That does not appear, however, to have been the issue. The question seems to have been one of obtaining some degree of popular govern- ment in a state where even the King was a figure-head while practically total power was wielded by the hereditary Prime Minis- ter, Mohan Shum Shere, Jun'g Bahadur Rana. In the m . 1rl s iet re ltwhic h h J-Hop Extra . To the editor: CONGRATULATIONS on your J-Hop Extra! Who are Hylas Prong and Alpha Particle? Neither Fong nor Par- ticle is in the Student Directory. We need some good writers on the Gargoyle, and I'd like to know where I can reach these guys. -Bob Uchitelle Managing Editor, the Gargoyle (Editor's Note--They are the exclu- sive property of The Michigan Daily who, like ground hogs, come out only once a year.) Book Exchange .. . To the Editor: THE FOLLOWING appeared in Wednesday's daily: "The book Exchange will re- main open from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today through Friday. "Students may come in Thurs- day or Friday to see whether their books have been sold, Palermo an- nounced. If unsold, the books may either be taken back by the owners or left with the Exchange to be placed on sale again next semester." When I requested my unsold books from Tony Palermo on Fri- day, he 'said that the books had already been put away and would not be available until next fall. I fully realize that the informa- tion published in the aily (quo- ted above), is not th same as appears on the Book Exchange re- W ASHINGTON-General Eisenhower may find himself in the em- barrassing position of getting the Democratic nomination for President in 1952, whether he wants it or not. This leaked out of the White House after a private remark made by President Truman to a political adviser, who had told him about a plan on the part of anti-Truman Democrats-including Jimmy Byrnes and Jim Farley-to nominate Eisenhower. Mr. Truman's reply was a bit plaintive but apparently sincere. "Well, if Ike wants it," he said, "I'll nominate him myself."" This coincides with a statement by Speaker Sam Rayburn that Eisenhower could have the presidential nomination on the Democratic ticket-a statement made by a man who doesn't often cross wires with Truman. Meanwhile some of Ike's friends are saying the General will get the nomination from both parties and force a realignment of Ameri- can politics. One friend expressed it this way: "The times demand a great man with wide personal appeal. Ike is the only man on the American scene who can command this kind of following, and the politicians know it. There are some in both parties who are ganging up against him, but the public pressure will be so great in 1952 that nothing can stop him." * * * * BETTER KOREAN INTELLIGENCE THERE HAVE BEEN two highly important developments regarding the Korean war. No. 1 is a vast improvement in our intelligence. No. 2 is a series of backstage conferences regarding the vital question of advancing beyond the 38th parallel. U.S. intelligence is now so good that Gen. Matt Ridgway knew exactly where the Chinese were going to hit when they staged last week's drive on the central front. He also knew when the Chinese would hit and their approximate strength. Only mistake he made was in slightly underestimating Chinese strength. As a result of this advance intelligence, Ridgway pulled 17 artil- lery units into position and the Chinese communist armies walked right into this ring of withering artillery fire. This was the reason for the devastating casualties. Reasons for General Ridgway's vastly improved intelligence have been his careful patrolling operations to find out what the enemy was doing, also excellent air observation, also a trip to Korea taken by Maj. Gen. A. R. Bolling, head of army intelligence in Washington, and Gen. Bedell Smith, head of central intelligence, MacArthur's sometimes faulty intelligence had been in charge of his intimate friend, Maj. Gen. Charles Willoughby. * * * * 38th OR 39th PARALLEL NERVOUS STATE DEPARTMENT CONFEREES, considering the crossing of the 38th parallel, were almost bowled over when hand- ed a recommendation from General Ridgway that he be allowed not only to cross the 38th but proceed to the 39th parallel. Ridgway argued that there is a bottleneck at the 39th parallel which UN troops could hold much easier against Chinese counterat- tack than at the 38th parallel where Korea is wider. This would mean recapturing the North Korean Capital of Pyongyang and opening the ports of Inchon and Wonsan. General MacArthur, when consulted about the proposed advance, was cautious. He didn't favor sticking our necks out in the Communist den of North Korea, proposed limited patrols above the 38th parallel instead. But in Washington, the joint chiefs of staff are inclined to go along with Ridgway's Droposal regardless of both the State Depart- ment and MacArthur. Meanwhile no definite instructions have been sent him and until he receives them, Ridgway's job, as commander- in-the-field, is to use his own judgment. * * *. * WASHINGTON PIPELINE THE SENATE DISTRICT COMMITTEE was short a few Senators to make a quorum the other day, so clerk Ann Nionat hustled out and rounded up enough Senators to start the meeting. The frist item of business, ironically, was an economy measure that resulted in firing Ann Monat ... Ex-Sen. Rufus Holman, Oregon Republican, borrow- ed the telephone at the Senate guard's desk the other day to make an appointment with Sen. George Malone, Nevada Republican. Hol- man's name, however, didn't mean anything to Malone's office. Pa- tiently the ex-Senator from Oregon spelled his name to the office of the senator from Nevada, then sighed: "Such is fame." CAPITAL NEWS CAPSULES CHINESE COMMUNIST SHIFT-A significant report has leaked out of China that General Lin Piao, whose troops are now fighting in Korea, has been shifted to central-south China. This is the area that borders Indo-China. Lin Piao is Communist China's most able and trusted general, so his transfer from Manchuria may mean an immin- ent Chinese attack on Indo-China. The Chinese communists may figure that Korea is already in the bag, hence Lin Piao-can be spared for new duties. (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I Ii !Continued from Page 2) Square Dance Group: Lane Hall, 7 p.m. U. of M. Young Republican Club: Last business meeting be- fore elections, Rooms 3MN, Union, 7:30 p.m. Pershing Rifles: Meeting, Rifle Range, 7:29 p.m. Members and pledges appear in uniform. Women of the University Facul- ty: The weekly teas will be held on Tues. afternoons during the second semester, beginning Tues., Feb. 20, from 4 to 6 in the Club Room, League. Ice Skating Club: Sessions have been resumed at the Coliseum. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 1 to 3. Coming Events Canterbury Club: Wed., Feb. 21, 7 a.m., }Ioly Communion followed by Student Breakfast. Annual Brotherhood Banquet: Wed., Feb. 21, 6 p.m., Lane Hall. Speaker: Rabbi Morris Adler. Students and faculty invited. Make reservations at Lane Hall. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON ceipts. B u t nevertheless th Daily article should have been binding on the Book Exchange. Tony not only refused to retur my unsold books, but also seemed proud that next fall there.will be 1500 books ready for sale as op4 posed to this fall's 500. Tony apparently forgets that the Ex- change's obligation to the seller4 of books is fully as great as that to prospective buyers. Next fall I will probably be in the Army, not the University. I, for one, would like my books back NOW! -Terence H. Benbow * * R Eisler Deviation . .. To the Edior: A NOTE ON the article on Ger. hart Eisler in Sunday's Daily: Sunday, Mr. Eisler publicly con- fessed in East Germany his error in deviating on several occasions since 1933 from the pure Coin munism of Stalin & co. He promised to do better in the fu- ture. No doubt Mr. Eisler was refer- ing to his dialetic error in Ann Arbor, December 1947, when he' said all he wanted was "What is every man's right-theachance tat explain my views". The existence of such a right has been questioned by Moscow when used by any one other than pure party members. -Don McNeil- A Word From a Rushee AS A RUSHEE I should like to thank Mr. David Thomas for being so kind in advising us about' the horrible fraternities here at Michigan. However, maybe we feel that it might be a little more bearable to become "carefree, plagued by solicitators, smug,b dragged b a c k to abominably- .served banquets, anti-social, ra- cial prejudice", and nearly a mor- on rather than have to spend 3 more years at a place that offers a bed, three meals (?) daily and a cold atmosphere-all at a "cheaper" price! -Richard D. Featherstone Opera in English ... To the Editor: THOUGH I AM not in complete' accord with some points in Harland Britz's editorial, Opera In English, I do agree that the question is a provocative one. Mr. Britz should be interested in knowing that two operas, com- posed here, with original librettos in English, are'to be done at the Student Arts Festival the week- end of March 23. If, as in years past, the floor is opened to dis- clssion afterwardls, a cross-sec- tion of opinion should be avail-i able which ought to be enlighten- ing. --Dan Waldron UNESCO Council: tional meeting, Wed., 7:30 p.m., League. Organiza- Feb. 21, John H. Heflin, Dean of the Ford Merchandising School, will speak and present a film on "Pr a c i ca Merchandising," Thurs., Feb. 22, 7:30 p.m., Room 130, Business Administration; sponsored by the School of Busi- ness Administration and Alpha Kappa Psi. Open meeting. Michigan Arts Chorale: Regu- lar rehearsal, 7 p.m., Wed., Feb. 21, Lane Hall. All members urged to attend. Michigan Crib: University pre- legal society: Meeting, Wed., Feb. 21, 8 p.m., League. Discussion on life and work in law school. Pre- law students invited. Phi Delta Kappa, Omega Chip- ter: Wed., Feb. 21, 6 p.m. Get your meal in the cafeteria at the Union and take it to the faculty dining room. Ullr Ski Club: Meeting to dis- cuss week-end ski trip. Movies. Wed., Feb. 21, Room 3B, Union. Ann Arbor Girls Club: Wed., Feb. 21, 7:30 p.m., League. Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown............Managing 0ditort Paul Brentinger............ City Editor Roma Lipsky.. ........Editorial Director Dave Thomas ..........Feature Editor~. Janet Watts............Assoclate Editor Nancy Bylan.......... Associate Elitor James Gregory........Associate Editor Bill Connolly.......... Sports Editor Bob Sandell.... Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton.. .. Associate Sports Editor. Barbara Jans..........Women's Editor-. Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels... ....... Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible.... Advertising Manage .. Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager Carl Breitkreitz....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press ' The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches creditea to It or$ otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters berein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann- Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail matter.. Subscription during regular school;., year: by carrier. $6.00: by mail, $7.00. I Looking Back Barbershop Harmonizers: ganization meeting, 7:30 Wed., Feb. 21, Union. Or- p.m., 15 YEARS AGO A NEATLY DRESSED, smiling revolution- ist, Dr. Scott Nearing, told a handful of students, members of the National Stu- dent League, that by agitation they could BARNABY 11 Rrnnbv. MYf myl l ipns 'ndnnfc.1. ,f , L;,in i f-- u/ .-' AL . .. _t ...__ i I I - x , ---4 1F rr i tit. tt s U, *,