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February 12, 1951 - Image 13

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1951-02-12

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Monday, February 12, 1951


Paae Five

aIVMnaFbur 12S91TEWiHG NDiL ncFv



Brauntz and Richard Aster, Mari-
N A:>E S: lyn Brebach and Gary Graves.
N A M E SCarol Brenner and Harry Free-
man, Betty Bridges and John Ry-
der, Mary Brindak and James
C aMiller, Jr., Carol Britton and
I James Minner, Jean Brock and
BETTY BEARD and Russell David Edwards, Ann Broman and
Wepfer, Helen Beatson and Da- J. V. Villesvik, Elizabeth Brophy
vid Weigel, Lorna Becker and and Roger Gilmore, Evelyn Brooks
Herb Harrington, Elizabeth Beck- and David Dodds, jr., Joan
with and Joseph Sullivan, Bar- Broomfield and Charles Bouggy,
bara Beckley and Harry Wag- Arlene Brown and Lowell Emer-
ner, Joan Beeman and Bill Mor- ling.
ris, Patricia Bees and Peter Dorothy Brown and Allan Wein-
Fuerst, Barbara Beddow and Bill stein, Francis Brown and Alfred
Burnie, Marilyn Begole and El- Albiston, Harriet Brown and Char-
lis Freatman. les Emedy, Janet Brown and War-
ren White, Joan Brown and Paul,
Jody Behrens and Don Rob- aCampbell, Judy Brown and Jack
erts, Dolores Beine and Russell
Smith, Barbara Belote and Jeff DeJardins, Kathryn Brown and
Knight, Judith Bemis and Rob- D a r
~ert Hartman, Pat Benedict and MR. AND MRS. Roger H. Brown,
S. Martin Tweedie, Barbara Ben- Pat Brownson and Ralph Nor-
nett and Robert Holm, Mary Ann DOESN'T WANT TO - Petite man, Geraldine Brueggen and
Bennett and Dick Mackey. Mary Cruncher turned down a William Bacon, Joan K. Brush
Mary Ann Bennett and Ed- J-Hop bid because she said the and Fred Bannett, Martha Bry-
ward Toton, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- dance was "too rough." Miss ant and Ernest Marshall, Mr. and
ert B. Bentley, Nancy Bergdahl Cruncher said that she would Mrs. John Buchan, Pauli Buck-
and Neel Robertson, Jacqueline play football if she wanted body nell and Duane Ellis, Jane Buell
Bergy and David Russell, Mary contact. and Charles Woodard, Anna Bud-
Berles and Richard Knape, Joan nick and Charles Eby, Betty Burch
Betterly and Carl Potter, Phyllis and Al Silberberg,
Bettmann -and Dick Hodgman, Roger Garfink, Carolyn Boice and Joyce Burnside and Gill Thorpe,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Betz, Walter Barron. Mary Lou Burton and Basil Con-
Barbara Beukema and Bill Webb, Helen Boice and Don Haab, sidine, jr., Eileen Bushkin and
Doris Bewernitz and Kenneth Doris Lou Boonstra and Warren Stanley Weinberger, Joy Butts
Erickson, Mr. and Mrs. William Gast, Barbara Boothe and David and Alan Carter, Dora Byerly and
Billings, Donna Billington and Connell, Betty Borgen and James Richard Dewey, Mr. and Mrs.
Reynold Oas, jr., Pat Bittner and Ueberhorst, Jane Bouwman and Francis Byrne.
Ralph Griffith, Nancy Bird and Roger C. Wierenga, Gerry Bouwr- Mary Ellen Cahalan and George
John Roach, Marion Birkenmeier sma and Art Bublitz, Joann Bower H. Cameron, Donna Campbell and
and Richard Ferrara. and Richard Wilcox, Donna Bow- John Merow, Gloria Campbell
man and Louis Zako, Donna and Wayne Lambert, Janet Camp-
Vivienne Black and Norm Gott- Bracken and Donald Nelson, Mary bell and Walter E. Rupp, Ann
lieb, Mary Lou Blake and Donald Bradfield and Albert Waddell. Canfield and Russ Vance, Eleanor
Scott, Beverly Blancett and Phil { Cannon and Phillip Van Houten,
Penberthy, Margot Blanchard Joanna Cannon and Bob Lawson,
and James LaLonde, Betsy Blas- BEVERLY BRADFORD and Mary Ann Cannon and William
chak and Octavio Aristizabal, Warren Roeger, Leone Brannan H. O'Brien, Irene Capalla and
Barbara Bloomquist and Herb and Ralph Greenwood, Bernice Louis Kobus, Marilyn Carl and
Miller, Mary Bluem and Eugene Brant and Herman Merte, Mr. Joseph M. Powers, Dordthy Carl-
De Goyner, Margaret Blum and and Mrs. Gerald Brauer, Arlene son and Carl C. Kesslering.
Joe Epstein, Maxine Blum and Braun and Harry McIntosh, Elsie (continued on Page 15)

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