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February 20, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-02-20

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Latest Deadline in the State




Report Union
Financial State
Daily City Editor
Editor's Note: This is the first of a series of articles dealing with the
Union's financial situation.)
"All semester fees . .. entitle the student to privileges of the . .
Michigan Union .. ."-so says the University's. bulletin of general in-
How much of the semester fee goes to the Union? What becomes
of this money? What does the Union member get for this money?
All these questions have been puzzling male students at various
times since the Union had its beginnings nearly 40 years ago.
TODAY, THE Michigan man pays $3.75 into the Union's coffers
each semester. Extraction of this $3.75 is a rather painless process,
for it is merely allocated to the Union by the Regents from the lump
sum semester fee paid at registration time.
This $3.75 is by no means a sacred figure. It can be changed
any semester by the Regents, just as the State Legislature may
change the yearly appropriation to the University at any time it
sees fit. Since 1933, however, the $3.75 allocation has not been
The allocation to the Union is only one of many allocations made
from the semester fee by the Regents. Such organizations as the
Michigan League and the Athletic Board receive similar allotments.
Currently, the Union's share of student fees goes into a build-
ing fund which eventually will be used for additions to the present
building, or for major repairs. None of this money is used to
meet operational expenses, all of which have been covered by
sales of food, lodging and other services in recent years.
Union officials do, of course, have the authority to use student
fees to make up any operational deficit which might be incurred.
During the year ending June 30, 1950, $112,000 was poured into
the Union's building fund from student fees. This includes the $1.50
allocated to the Union from summer session fees.
OTHER COLLEGE unions use similar tactics in dealing with stu-
dent fees, according to a survey conducted on the financial status
of 52 college unions in 1947.
All but nine of the 52 unions required student payment of
union fees in 1947. Amounts received from student fees ranged
from a low of $1.35 a semester at Vanderbilt University to a top
figure of $7.50 a quarter at the University of Southern Idaho.
Student fees were used solely for construction by 12 of the unions
surveyed. Operations absorbed the entire student fee in 12 other
unions, while 17 unions reported that both operations and construc-
tion benefited from allocation of student payments.
AT MICHIGAN, the student fee does a little more than just build
up a building fund. It provides the basis for a life membership in
the Union, which goes to any student who has paid the Union fee for
eight semesters, or who has paid the equivalent of this sum.
Union life memberships seem to be the best available method
for solving the problems of finding a decent hotel room in Ann
Arbor. Life members are given first crack at the Union's guest
rooms, a privilege esepecially useful during football weekends and
on other special occasions when alumni flock back to Ann Arbor.
The life membership idea has its origin in ancient Union history.
When subscriptions were being collected in World War I days for
construction of the current Union building, life memberships in the
Union were offered as bait to secure alumni and student contributions.
Because present day students are in a sense subscribing to future addi-
tions to the Union through their semester fees, they too are given the
life membership privilege.
* * * *
UP TO 1919, membership in the Union was strictly voluntary,
with students paying only $3 a year for membership privileges. From
" 1919 to 1933 th Union fee was paid separately by all men at registra-
tion time. Until 1926 the entire Union fee which ran from $5 to $6,
went toward meeting operating expenses.
The fee reached its peak in the years from 1926 to 1933, when
students paid $10 a year for 'Union memberships. Half of this
sum went to retire debt incurred in expanding Union facilities
during the mid-1920's, while the other half went into the oper-
ating fund.
Since 1933, all student fees have been paid in one lump sum, with
the Regents allocating this sum as they see fit. The $3.75 per semes-
ter fee came into being that year, and has been used solely for con-
struction purposes since that time.










Truman Requests
Single RFC Chief

Truman, backing water in a big
row with Congress, urged yester-
day that a single boss replace the
present five-man Board of Direc-
tors of the Reconstruction Finance
Leaders of
Labor Talk
WASHINGTON - (-) - Labor
union leaders last night reflected
an easing of tension after confer-
ring with President Truman on
their demand for a stronger voice
in defense mobilization policy.
Union delegates talked with
Truman 25 minutes and later re-
ported to the United Labor Policy
Committee that the President ap-
peared to be in complete sympa-
thy with their position.
ONE OF THEIR chief criticisms
has been that "big business" is
running the mobilization pro-
gram, with labor left out in the
While the union chiefs gener-
ally appeared more cheerful,
they were still cautiously await-
ing developments before com-
mitting themselves.
The group arranged a meeting
at 11 a.m. today with Economic'
Stabilizer Eric Johnston, who is
considering a proposed govern-
ment wage ceiling formula for
approval, modification or rejec-
* * *
COMMENTING on the labor
group's call, Presidential Secre-
tary Joseph Short told newsmen:
"The President listened to the
side of the story presented by
these gentlemen and assured them
that the administration was try-
ing to work out the problem in a
manner equitable for everyone
without special privilege for any
George Leighty of the AFL
Telegraphers Union s a i d the
union group told Truman of "the
dissatisfaction of labor with the
method in which the defense mo-
bilization set-up has been oper-
ating, so that he thoroughly un-
derstands our position."

Truman sent the reorganization
plan to Congress amid a sharp dis-
pute over charges by a Senate
Banking Subcommittee that three
RFC Directors yielded to outside
influence in making big loans.
THE PRESIDENT said his pro-
posal would bring "increased ef-
fectiveness" and "additional safe-
guards" to the multi-billion-dollar
lending agency.
Immediate reaction indicated
the proposal might be acceptable
on Capitol Hill, although the
Banking subcommittee con -
tinued plans for public hearings
on its charges.
Truman retreated on two points.
Only a week ago he had asked the
Senate to confirm new nomina-
tions of all five RFC Directors, a
move that dismayed some good
friends in Congress. The Senate
twice before had refused the con-
* * *
LAST YEAR Truman urged that
the RFC be transferred to the
Commerce Department, and at a
press conference only ten days ago
he renewed this idea. But yester-
day's proposal would continue the
RFC "as a separate entity."
W. Elmer Harber of Oklahoma,
the present chairman, has been
mentioned to lead the corpora-
tion. Leaders believe he would be
confirmed. He was not criticized
in the report.
The one-boss plan goes into ef-
fect automatically within 60 days
under the reorganization law un-
less either the Senate or the House
disapproves it.
The Banking Subcommittee re-
port named a White House aide,
Donald Dawson, as one of those
wielding influence on RFC loans.
Truman termed the report asinine.
World News
By The Associated Press
ken driving shaft held the United
States' biggest liner, the 33,500-ton
America, helpless in port yester-
day with her 233 passengers facing
several days' delay.
The ship will not sail until Sat-
urday or Sunday, officials said.
* * *
Eighty-four manslaughter in-
dictments-one for each of the
lives lost in the Woodbridge
commuter train wreck Feb. 6-.
were returned yesterday against
the Pennsylvania Railroad.
* * *
WINDSOR, Ont. - Authorities
here yesterday reported high ab-
senteeism in schools, offices and
plants because of an outbreak of
PARIS-Andre Gide, 81 years
old, famed French novelist and
winner of the Nobel Prize for
literature in 1947, died last
NEW YORK-The United Na-
tions Sanctions Committee agreed,
in effect, yesterday to postpone
consideration of punitive mea-
sures against Communist China
for 10 days.

Fined For
Plead Guilty To
Contempt Charge
WASHINGTON ---- (P)- Federal
Judge Edward A. Tamm fined the
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen
$75,000 yesterday after the union
made legal history by pleading
guilty to contempt charges aris-
ing from "sick" strikes in the
nearby Potomac yards.
Judge Tamm called the sur-
prise plea "unique." He said in all
his research he had never en-
countered a plea of guilty by a
labor union in a similar case.
Then he added:
"The court sees in this plea of
guilty a recognition on the part
of the Union of its obligations
and responsibilities."
LABOR CIRCLES here wonder-
ed to what extent today's prece-
dent-a Union assuming respon-
sibility for "wildcat" strikes -
would affect other pending cases,
and whether it would help con-
trol wildcat tactics in the future.
Walkouts involved in yester-
day's proceedings tied up the
great rail freight center just
south of here in December and
for a 10-day period in January-
February. They were in effect
at the same time as similar
strikes in many other cities
when large numbers of yard
men reported themselves sick.

Red Troops"
Mass North
Of Chechon
Chinese Retreat
In West Korea
TOKYO--(A)-Tank-led United
Nations forces rolled forward sev-
en miles in central Korea's moun-
tains yesterday and held the gain
by beating off weak Communist
counterattacks early today.
The Allied Advance-north of
the highway hub of Chechon-
was in the face of Red buildups
on the central front. But in west-
central Korea mauled Chinese
troops continued their retreat
* * *
A U.S. EIGHTH ARMY briefing
officer said 30,000 Reds were
massed in Hoengsong and 10,000
more northeast of the vital road
junction of Wonju. Wonju is 10
miles south of Hoengsong and 21
northwest of Chechon.
All along the Korean front
UN troops held the initiative.
The Eighth Army said yester-
day's Red casualties were 1,523.
This brought the total killed,
wounded and captured through
ground action alone to 113,957
since Jan. 25.

TRUMAN TRIES ARMY CHOW-At the Aberdeen, Md. Proving
Ground recently to inspect the Army's latest weapons, President
Harry Truman takes time out to sample the latest in chow. His
reaction to the food was not recorded, but he was said to be
satisfied with the weapons.
'U' Researchers Find
Gripers Best Workers


The employee who does the most ten spend a lunch hour denouncing * * *
complaining usually makes the his job, the driving urge to suc- AIDING THE Allied ground
best worker, University researchers ceed will send this same subject: forces, the U.S. Fifth Air Force
reported yesterday after conduct- back to work fired with more pro- flew 725 sorties yesterday, inflict-
ing a four-year survey. ductive energy," the report showed. ing an estimated 500 Red troops
The Institute of Social Research ,The institute made its survey at casualties and knocking out 100
reported that there are indications the office of a national insurance vehicles.
c. i --- --__1 'T T__ - -- - -- - -

that the man wh
vnl" rnp ' no

In fixing the penalty, Judge wori" aoeO pr
Tamm said he was fining the the man who gr
union $50,000 for criminal con- "WHILE THE
tempt of court as a "punitive" as-
sessment. The additional $25,000,1-
he stated, was for civil contempt ike in
and was intended to compensate
the government for the cost of I ue If
legal proceedings.
Judge Tamm said it would re-
uire "a firm of accountants work- C
ing for yeacs to determine the soss
actual damages suffered by the
public in delayed service, missed ATLANTIC CI
connections and the blocking of General Motors I
military shipments to Korea. E. Wilson yester
tion's frozen wag
raised if the co
West Wants tinues upward.
In a speech bef
Association of Sc
tors Wilson said:
"No one should
PARIS-(A)-The Western Pow- think that wages
ers proposed yesterday that any groups will not
Big Four meeting with Russia take make up for in
up the armament of her East Eu- of living."
ropean satellites as well as Ger- When wages ar
many, authoritative sources said. out a cost-of-livi
Similar American, French and son said, crises d
British notes were delivered to So- pressure of risin
v i e t Foreign Minister Andrei costs of living, he
Vishinsky in Moscow last night as er unrest, "frequ
Czechoslovak exiles here reported bitter strikes."
that the Soviet bloc is preparing a He said criticsc
military attack on Yugoslavia for wage formula ar
April 15. sidering it infla
A spokesman for the National formula, he st
Committee of Free Czechoslovakia workers' pay in li
said Vlado Clementis, former Com- ary conditions th
munist Foreign Minister of Czech- Touching on f
oslovakia, had been sent to Yugo- eign policy, Wils
slavia with documents warning further appeaser
Tito of the plans. nism or socialisn
The Western notes obviously "The political
were aimed at Bulgaria, Hungary the last 20 years
and Romania. Western spokesmen tolerated."
lately have been expressing con- With "dictato
cern at the size of the armed for- world" the U. S.
ces of these satellitese. tarily strong, he

Lo "whistles at his
oduce as much as
* *
GRIPER will of-

Colins Says
Land Forces
Lawton Collins told Congress yes-
terday that in event of war Ameri-
can bombers could "pulverize Rus-
sia" in time, but U. S. troops would
be needed to prevent swift Soviet
conquest of Europe.
The four-star General, Army
Chief of Staff, gave that summa-
tion in testifying on the troops-
for-Europe issue at a joint session
of the Senate Foreign Relations
and Armed Services Committees.
Admiral Forrest P. Sherman,
chief of naval operations, told the
law-makers the United States
faces two choices: either to send
troops, ships and planes to Europe
now, or to "withdraw, abandon our
allies, and later fight alone . . . in
a world where the odds against us
will be too heavy."
In solemn tones, Sherman de-
clared "I believe the first course
offers the greatest prospect of sur-
vival, and also the greatest pros-
liect of overcoming the forces
which now menace us without a

firm in Newark, N. J I

Johnson To Direct Cincinnati
Orhiestra . (Ionert Toni c h

TY, N. J.-(;)-
President Charles
day said the na-
es will have to be
st-of-living con-
ore the American
hool Administra-
be so naive as to
among organized
be increased to
reases in the cost
e stabilized with-
ng formula, Wil-
[evelop under the
ng prices, higher
said, bring work-
ently resulting in
of a cost-of-living
re wrong in con-
ationary. Such a
ated, brings the
ne with inflation-
at already exist.
the nation's for-
on spoke against
ment of commu-
compromises of
can no longer be
rs aboard in the
must keep mili-


A spokesman for the insurance
firm said that "on the basis of
the study it may be that, in-
stead of firing a man who
threatened to punch his boss in
the nose, we should have pro-
moted him."
In reporting on good foremen,
the researchers said that "the
heads of the best working sections
were highly critical of manage-
ment, didn't keep a close check on
the production of those under
them, and gave their workers a
free hand."
The survey also revealed:
1. Efforts of management to keep
workers happy with athletic and
recreation programs produce no
discernible benefits.
2. Prodding of slow workers
usually doesn't help much.
3. The suggestion box is of
doubtful value in building em-
ployes' morale.
4. Whether an employe likes his
company makes little difference in
his production.
Hubbard Wins
in tDearborn
DETROIT -() Orville L.
Hubbard, suburban Dearborn's
blustery five-team mayor, yester-
day defeated challengers who.
sought to oust him in a recall elec-
The final vote was 16,872
against Hubbard's recall and 12,-
732 for. Hubbard's margin was
larger than the margin he piled
up in beating Carl Matheny two
years ago.
Yesterday's election climaxed a
bitter fight-that has occupied the
last six months.


Thor Johnson, conductor of the
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra,
which will perform at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium, is the
first conductor in the orchestra's
56 year history to be born in the
western hemisphere.
Johnson has wielded the baton
before the Cincinnati group for
the past three seasons, is a native
* * *

L/8R/L/t/ V i. VA1VV Nvv

Big guns of the British cruis-
er Belfast and the Australian
destroyer Warramunga joined
the UN naval armada off Won-
san on the east Korean coast
and continued heavy bombard-
ment of Red communication
lines north of the 38th parallel.
Off the west coast, the heavy
cruiser St. Paul continued her
round-the-clock shelling of tar-
gets north of the Han river.
* * *~
central front said approximately
200 North Korean Reds before
dawn counterattacked new Allied
positions seven miles north of
Chechon, on the east anchor of
the northward drive. The attack
was driven back after one enemy
company had gained 50 yards be-
tween two Allied companies.
To the west, the Chinese con-
tinued their big pullback.
Lt. Gen Matthew B, Ridgway,
Eighth Army Commander, told
correspondents that while the Chi-
nese were checked, they still had
enough strength to bar effective
Allied crossings of the 38th paral-
Ridgway noted there were "large
unlocated Chinese elements" north
of that old political boundary line.
United Nations operations north
of the parallel would be "impos-
sible," he said, if the Chinese
"brought down the masses of men
available to them."
officer Recall
Plan Stopped
By AirForce
Force yesterday indefinitely sus-
pended its plan to recall some
80,000 Voluntary Reserve Officers
and enlisted men to active duty.
The Air Force said the change
in program was made possible by
the volume of voluntary enlist-
ments and re-enlistments.
In a surprisefmovehcoming
only a month after the recall
program was announced, the Air
Force said it is cancelling all no-
tices sent to 18,000 enlisted men
and will release those who already
have reported after they have
gone through processing.

from the Arlon Society of New
York and served during the first
twelve years of the Orchestra's
existence, from 1895 to 1907.
He was followed by Leopold
Stokowski, who after three sea-
sons with the Orchestra moved on
to the Philadelphia Symphony.
* * *
Kunwald to take up the baton for
five and a half seasons, until 1917.
Eugene Ysaye became the reg-
ular conductor in 1918 and
stayed on until 1922 when he re-
turned to his native Belgium
where he died in 1930.
Fritz Reiner, Hungarian by
birth, also came from Germnay to
be the fifth man to conduct the
Cincinnati Orchestra. He remained
nine seasons, going on to direct the
Pittsburg Orchestra.
* * *
NEXT CAME English conductor,
pianist, composer and violinist
Eugene Goosens. He remained with
the group for sixteen years.
Tickets for today's performance
of the Cincinnati Orchestra' are
available in the University Musical
fir.if, rffirapc, in v,'rnn 'Tnwar~*

Inflation Views Countered by Prof. Wernette

Talk that the current inflation
is bleeding our country white was
branded as utter nonsense last
night by Prof. Phillip J. Wernette
of the School of Business Admin-

current inflation exists in an
economy where the government
has been spending less, taxing
more and ending up with a sur-
plus in the current fiscal year.
Instead, he claimed, this in-

ing for its wartime expenses, the
inflation will again be pushed.
Then, he pointed out, unless
there is a disastrous war, our
economy will level off and the
inflationary trend will cease.

guarantee to the investor a defin-
ite amount of purchasing power
instead of cash.
"The people would really go
for this bond," Prof. Wernette
felt. The only check that would

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