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February 18, 1951 - Image 1

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itt a11tan
Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LXI, No. 91
Bonisteel, Doan
Republicans Make Quick Decision
In Choice of Nominees for Regents
Special to The Daily
DETROIT--Incumbent Regent Roscoe O. Bonisteel of Ann Arbor
and Leland I. Doan of Midland received the Republican nominations
for the Board of Regents here yesterday in one of the most cut-and
dried conventions in state history.
Each of the six nominations for other state offices were unani-
mously decided upon as convention officials ran through the formali-
ties of shaping the party ticket for the April 2 election in less than
90 minutes.
*' * * *
THERE WAS NO CONTEST for any of the posts.
'Regent Bonisteel, who was nominated by Rep. George Meader (R.,
Mich.), received all 1,531 delegates' votes early in the proceedings.
Doan, president of the Dow Chemical Co., received the convention's
full support immediately afterward.
The second Regent contest had been foreseen as a close
fight until pre-convention meetings Friday night revealed the






. O.

. . *

Wilson. Asks
Labor_ Help
WASHINGTON - (A') - Labor
Union leaders in revolt against the
administration's home front mo-
bilization policies have received a
formal invitation from defense
mobilizer Charles E. Wilson to
name one of their number as a
high-level assistant.
The United Labor Policy Coin-
Inittee has protested bitterly that
labor was being denied an ade-
quate voice in homefront econo-
mic decisions.
THE WILSON spokesman said
last night, that he understands
the labor man named to Wilson's
office would have the title "spe-
cial assistant" and would be on
the same level as Gen. Lucius Clay
and Sidney. Weinberg, who alrea-
dy hold that title.
The spokesman said the new
official would operate in all
fields of the mobilization ef-
fort-not just labor-wnd that
Wilson hopes he can serve full-
time or nearly full-time..
tabor officials had no comment
last night on whether they would
accept the invitation.
The same CIO spokesman who
earlier yesterday had issued a de-
nial that a letter from Wilson had
been received by the United La-
bor Policy Committee telephoned
reporters to announce that the
letter was received today by these
four leaders of the committee:
AFL President William Green,
CIO President Philip Murray,
George Leighty, President of the
Railway Labor Executives Asso-
ciation and Al Hayes, president
of the AFL Machinists.
Three labor members of the
Wage Stabilization Board who
signified their dissatisfaction with
a proposed wage ceiling by walk-
ing out on the board, carried their
revolt a step further yesterday.
They sent written resignations to
T 'President Truman, but govern-
ment officials did not abandon
hope of bringing unions back into
the wage control program.

potent Wayne County delega-
tion favoring Doan almost to a
Ex-state Senator James T. Mil-
liken of Traverse City, a strong
contender for the position, with-
drew from the race late Friday
night when Kent County delegates
formed a united front behind dark
horse F. Roland Allaben of Grand
Two other contestants, Harold'
A. Fitzgerald, publisher of the
Pontiac Press, and Dr. Arthur J.
Bolt of Muskegon, also conceded
before the district caucuses early
yesterday morning.
DOAN'S VICTORY was assured
when his seconding speech was de-
ilvered by guy C. Conkle of Boyne
City, another Regent candidate,
who delivered the eleventh and
twelfth districts into the Doan
Doan, who flew in from Hawaii
Friday afternoon, told Daily re-
porters he had been drafted to ac-
cept the nomination. He declined
to comment on matters of Univer-
sity policy until having met with
other candidates and GOP Central
Committee members early this
Doan and Regent Bonisteel
will face ex-governor Murray D.
Van Wagoner and Wheaton L;
Strom, Escanaba attorney, Dem-
ocratic nominees, in the spring
Bonisteel's term expires at the
end of this year. He was originally
appointed by Gov. Harry F. Kelly.
Regent Van Wagoner was ap-
pointed by Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams to fill the vacancy on the
Board caused by the death of Re-
gent Ralph A. Hayward, Kalama-
zoo industrialist.
* ..*
convention was Sen. James Duff
(R., Pa.) who called for a revitali-
zation of the Republican party
along progressive, constructive
Duff urged that President
Truman effect a specific act to
"insure a constant and consist-
ent bi-partisan foreign policy."
He praised the ailing Sen.
Arthur H. Vandenberg (R.,
Mich.) for his foreign policy
After his address, Duff told re-
porters that he would definitely
not be a candidate for the 1952
presidential nomination.

Hoover Not
To Appear
In Hearing
WASHINGTON -(p)- Herbert
Hoover last night refused to ap-
pear before a joint hearing of
Senate committees on the issue of
sending American foot soldiers to
Europe until they dug up a lot
more "fundamental information."
Thomas E. Dewey, New York
governor, accepted with alacrity
a bid to give his views in the his-
toric foreign policy hearings which
are weighing the question of
whether Congress should attempt
to guide President Truman on the
extent of troops aid for Western
MEANWHILE Senator Taft (R-
Ohio) said yesterday that any
move to put more than six Ameri-
can divisions in Europe would
"strain the economy" of the na-
tion. Taft will present this view
to the Senate committee.
Former President Hoover
wired from Key West, Fla., that
Congress should have "the full
advice" of active and reserve
military officers who, he said,
are now prevented from express-
ing views which are not ap-
proved by the Defense Depart-
In addition, he said, former am-
bassadors and civilians of experi-
ence in Europe should be called
before the joint sessions of the
Foreign Relations and Armed Ser-
vices committees.
* p . *
appear sometime later "if the com-
mittees themselves wished it" and
if they first gathered "much fur-
ther fundamental information and
opinion of experienced and inde-
pendent men." .
Taft insisted no divisions
ought to be sent until European
countries spell out their contri-
butions and Congress passes on
the question of whether the
American quota is satisfactory.
Taft said he still isn't satisfied
that the Western European na-
tions intend to contribute the nec-
essary forces for defense against
possible Communist attack.
Tito Predicts
War if Slays
Are Invaded
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia-(IP)-
Premier Marshal Tito told his
Elite Guard troops in a speech
broadcast yesterday that a Comin-
form invasion of Yugoslavia would
cause a general war.
However, he said his country
would not seek arms from the West
until such an attack was made.
Declaring that Yugoslavia's
chances of withstanding aggres-
sion are better now than ag year
ago, Tito said that if invasion
comes, his country could put
1,500,000 men under arms-about
10 per cent of the population.
Foreign observers here estimate
unofficially that Yugoslavia now
has an army of up to 600,000
trained men-one of the largest in
Western Europe.
Tito expressed the fear that
accepting western arms at this
time might provoke Russia and
her satellites to strike earlier
than would otherwise be the
Moscow has vowed to oust Tito.
The Kremlin has urged the Yugo-

slav people to rise up against him
and put in his place a pro-Russian
communist leader. Having failed
to instigate such a revolt, the
armed might of the satellite na-
tions virtually surrounding Yugo-
slavia has been increased, causing
grave concern that an attack
might start.
Tribute to Douglas
Planned for Tdy

UN Reacts...
bly President Nasrolah Entezam of
Iran yesterday called a special
meeting of the United Nations
committee seeking peace with
Communist China to study the
"big if" in Prime Minister Stalin's
latest foreign' policy statement.
The three-man "good offices"
group--whose other members are
Sven Grafftrom of Sweden and
Luis Patilla Nervo of Mexico-will
gather tomorrow in New York.
Entezam declined to comment
publicly on the Stalin interview,
but said the committee will study
the text to see if it holds hints of
possible means of reaching a
peaceful settlement of the Far
Eastern crisis.
Strike Threat
Issued by CO
Auto Workers
DETROIT--P)--The CIO-Unit-
ed Auto Workers last night threat-
ened to use the strike weapon if
necessary to maintain wage con-
tracts against government con-
The UAW's 23-man executive
board, in a statement issued after
a special policy-making session,
pledged a vigorous fight against
any government attempt to "tam-
per" with cost-of-living contract
The board also:
1. Authorized an initial appro-
priation of $100,000, with addi-
tional money if necessary, to help
"bring the facts to the American
people" of the need for positive
action to bring prices down."
2. Proposed creation of a joint
defense fund by all organized la-
bor for "defending and maintain-
ing the integrity of union con-
"We are prepared to fight just
as hard to maintain our con-
tracts as we had to fight to win
them," the UAW leaders said.
"That means, in plain language,
full use of the strike weapon if
such a course of action is forced
upon us."
The UAW board said it would
further recommend such a course
of action to the national UAW
convention in April at Cleveland.
The union bitterly criticized the
Wage Stabilization Board's order
of Friday permitting pay increases
of up to 10 per cent over Janu-
ary, 1950 levels. Angry labor mem-
bers quit the board in protest over
the order, claiming that it would
jeopardize existing escalator wage
contracts by making cost-of-living
adjustments subject to board ap-

arm West Germany. The British
note, originally due next week,
was a ready-made reply to Stalin.
Setting out painstakingly to
"refute in the most formal man-
ner the unfounded allegations"
in the Soviet note, the British
Foreign Office listed 14 points
charging Russian obstruction,
lack of cooperation, subversion,
threats, breach of faith and sup-
port of aggression in the postwar
This note was expected to be
followed by a series of requests
from the major Western powers
for Stalin's approval of a Big
Four Foreign Ministers Confer-
ence with power to dig into the
real causes of the East-West con-
Meanwhile the opinion of
French government spokesmen
and Washington administration
experts was that Stalin laid the
groundwork for the Soviet Un-
ion's eventual departure from the
United Nations by his charge the
UN is being turned into a tool of
the United States and an "instru-
ment of war."
IN THE CAPITAL the State De-
partment branded Stalin's pro-
nouncement as "one more mis-
statement" and said it cannot ob-
scure the fact of "Soviet respon-
sibility for aggression."
And in Moscow most Western
officials concluded that the most
important part of the interview is
Stalin's statement that the last
word has not yet been said on a
peaceful settlement in Korea.
Westerners decided unanimously
however, after a study of the So-
viet leaders 'delcarations in Prav-
da, that Russian policy has not
Arts Theatre
The opening of the Arts Theatre
Club, originally scheduled for
Tuesday has been postponed until
Feb. 27, Club Business Manager Ed
Troupin announced yesterday.
Troupin explained that the move
was necessary because the chairs
which have been ordered for the
club's theatre have been delayed.
by the recent rail strike and are
not expected to arrive in time.
But he emphasized that the the-
atre will definitely open with its
first bill-a pairing of Jean Paul
Sartre's "The Respectable Prosti-
tute" and Noel Coward's "Red
Peppers"--on the second date. "If
we need to, we can make arrange-
ments to move in some temporary
chairs for a brief time," Troupin

Diplomats Ponder
Stalin interview
By The Associated Press
A series of reactions ran through the capitals of the world yester-
day as Western diplomats and political scientists pondered the exact
meaning of Prime Minister Joseph Stalin's interview in Pravda.
On the heels of the interview Britain charged Russia today with
using the "threat of overwhelming force" and "aggressive and sub-
versive policies" throughout the world to prevent peace.
* * . *
IN A FIVE-PAGE NOTE, Prime Minister Attlee's government
threw the book--the entire postwar record-at Moscow in answering
a Soviet charge of Jan. 20 that Britain is violating the 1942 Anglo-
* Russian alliance by moving to re-

RIDGWAY RUMINATES-Pondering the problems facing the
Eighth Army in Korea, Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, its com-
mander, is oblivious to the artillery fire from the trench behind
East Engineering Explosion
Looses Ammonia Fumes

4 ----

An explosion or a refrigeration
compressor last night in the East
Engineering Building sent pun-
gent ammonia fumes swirling
through the four stories and left
firemen and police choking.
The blast, which took place at
approximanflfy 9:30 p.m., blew a
three-foot hole in the north base-
ment wall and shattered an adja-
cent window.
*~ * *
PROF. DONALD Katz, of the
chemical engineering department,
later estimated that damages
would run from $200 to $300.
It would also result in the shut
World News
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-Russian citizens will!
go to the polls today to elect
members of the Supreme Soviets
of their individual republics. Stalin
is the official candidate in all 16
PRAGUE-The United States
admitted in an apology to
Czechoslovakia yesterday that
two American jet fighters flew
over Prague Feb. 7.
* * .
CALCUTTA-The biggest fire
in Calcutta's history burned a
waterfront warehouse yesterday
and continued to rage unchecked
12 hours after the first alarm.
More than 18,000 bales of raw
jute and immense quantities of
carpets and wool, most of them
intended for export to the United
States, were destroyed.
* * *
PARIS - Diplomatic sources
said yesterday the iift in Italian
Red ranks is causing concern to
leaders of the French Communist
Party and reports suggest devia-
tion trouble may be brewing in
Switzerland and East Germany.

down of the
cold room, a
road concrete

highway laboratory
testing ground for
and other elements.

At the time the explosion oc-
curred, the only persons in the
building were Donald Stinson,
Grad., and Link Edmondo,
Grad., who were working on the
third floor. Stinson and Ed-
mondo iinmediately fastened on
auxiliary gas masks, called the
fire department, and threw
open every window in the build-
Amid a throng of curious stu-
dents, two fire trucks and three
Ann Arbor police cars arrived on
the scene. Firemen donned gas
masks and made a hasty entrance
into the building. But for-
tunately, no fire was discovered.
HOWEVER, the ammonia fumes
almost overcame several officers.
Stinson and Edmondo reported
seeing one officer attempt to en-
ter the building without a gas
mask. But hit full in the face
by the onrushing ammonia, he
wavered and quickly withdrew.
One Daily reporter arriving
on the scene bravely ran up to
the third floor. But when he
got there, he told Stinson and
Edmondo that he was ready to
pass out - whereupon they
quickly clamped a gas mask on
By the time Prof. Katz had ar-
rived to inspect the damage, the
smell of ammonia was practically
unbearable. "It really stunk up
there," a pale-faced Stinson weak-
ly commented.
According to the two graduates,
Prof. Katz was the only person
who seemed unbothered by the
fumes as he ambled around the
building without a gas mask.
At 11:00 p.m., several University
officials were still probing around
the tangled mass of pipes and
chipped bricks. The exact cause
of the explosion was yet undeter-

Withdraw on
36 MileArce
Pullback Follows
Smashing Defeat
TOKYO--()--Chinese Reds
appeared today to be making a
general withdrawal along a 36-
mile are in west-central Korea
where they suffered bloody defeat
in trying f or a breakthrough.
The mauled Reds were reported
pulling back from Inchon, 31 miles
southeast of Seoul, all the way to
Wonju, key point on the central
** *
ONE ALLIED officer expressed
belief, in assessing the withdrawal,
that the Chinese defeat this week
on the central front might prove
to be a turning point in the Korean
"The Chinese haven't been beat-
en since the lord knows when and
now word has gotten around," he
told AP Correspondent William J.
Eastward of this withdrawal
arc, Chinese and North Koreans
of division strength attacked to-
day through a driving blizzard
to within four miles of Chechon,
mountainous gateway to South
Allied officers expressed confi-
dence this attack could be con-
tained as was yesterday's enemy
thrust against Chechon.
* * *
that seven Chinese divisions were
chewed up aroundE Chipyong;
northernmost point of the with-
drawal arc, and at Hoengsong, 20
miles east.
The source said the withdrawal
undoubtedly was prompted by a
need for replacements, possibly
for a new push.
An Allied officer on the west-
ern front, who is considered one
of the Army's top authorities on
China, expressed belief that the
heavy Chinese losses may cause
sharp arguments among China's
Communist leaders. He noted
that some had opposed interven-
tion in Korea from the begin-
Today's new Red attack on Che-
chon gained two miles at the out-
set, reported AP Correspondent
John Randolph.
In a frontline dispatch, Ran-
dolph reported the attack was
made in at least division strength,
with another division nearby in
An enemy division's strength is
roughly 5,000.
Yesterday's elements of three
North Korean divisions were re-
pulsed by artillery and counter-
attacking infantrymen in attempts
to turn the Allied flank at Che-
IFC Signs Up
Nearly 300
For Rushing
About 300 menwill be rushing
this semester, the IFC revealed
At latest official count, 276 men
had signed up. But IFC officials

registered after the rushing list
had been made up. Also, a few
more late-comers are expected
next week.
LAST SPRING, 426 men rushed,
but this was an abnormally high
figure for spring rushing. This
fall, there were almost 700 rushees,
but fall is traditionally the heavi-
est rushing period.
IFC leaders were highly grat-,
fied with the turnout. Bruce
Sodee, '52, rushing chairman,

'U' Offers Psychology Class
Limited to Fraternity Men

A special course in psychology
open only to fraternity men is
being offered by the University
this year.
Two men from each social fra-
ternity on campus are wanted for
the one-hour credit course, Psy-
chology 193. Already, all but
Phoenix Gains
A contribution reported to be
one of the largest given so far by
the so-called "smaller" manufac-
turing firms of the state, has been
pledged to the Phoenix Project by
the American Box Board Co. of
Grand Rapids.

three of the fraternities are rep-
resented in the class.
The purpose of the course is to
train the students in evaluating
the results of an opinion survey
madg last spring by the Inter-
Fraternity Council. The survey,
taken with the help of the Re-
search Center for Group Dyna-
mics, polled the opinions of fra-
ternity men on the problem of
racial discrimination.
According to IFC president
Robert Vogt, '51E, each social
fraternity on campus will set aside
one evening during March and
April to discuss the results of the
survey. At these meetings, the
men who are taking the special
course will work with staff mem-
bers of the Research Center in

University Receives Letter from Gerhart Eisler

Daily Associate Editor
Michigan remembered and Ger-
hart Eisler replied.
A month ago former Daily edi-
tors Don McNeil, Grad., and Al
Blumrosen, '53L, wrote a letter to
Eisler protesting the results of the
trial of East Berlin anti-Com-
mlnif.cflrnn - Tormar. " ne

Neither could McNeil and Blum- Eisler's return later did not in-
rosen who started the whole af- dicate that he received the Uni-
fair. Late in January they had versity students' message warmly.
heard a radio broadcast an- Instead he answered that Flade
nouncement of the death sen- had been sentenced for attacking
tence for Flade, who had distri- a German policeman with a dag-
buted anti-Communist literature ger and wounding him. An ap-
and had declared in court, "I love pellate court had reduced the
freedom more than my life." sentence from death to 15 years

various American capitalistic evils
and suggested that the University
students "render your nation a
great service by asking your gov-
ernment to stop this savage mas-
sacre (in Korea). The U.S. Gov-
ernment is dragging the.name of
America through the mud in the
same way that the Nazi Govern-

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