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June 01, 1951 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1951-06-01

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Phoenix To Expand Work

With an impressive record of
rrent research under way, the
oenix Project is looking for-
rd to an expanded program for
xt Year.
With alumni and student gifts
pplemented by several large
es from industry, the project is
nning to continue, at a more
ensified pace, with specific ac-
ities in the field of atomic re-
A $1,500,000 grant from General
>tors has set up a new Institute
Industrial Health. A six-man
ard of Governors to serve as
e policy making body has al-
idy been appointed.
A Nash-Kelvinator gift of
100,000 has brought about two
road studies on preservation
f food and improvement of
ietal surfaces and coatings.
3ifts from other industries, and
m alumni, students and friends,
ich to date have brought Phoe-
: totals to $4,274,054, have
,de possible 24 research grants
d1 nine pre-doctoral fellowships.
* * .*

* * * *

Of Awards
A nno unced
Student and alumni recipients of
awards, prizes and honors for out-
standing achievement have been
named in the traditional end of
the year announcement.
Fulbright Scholarships have been
awarded to 12 graduate students
and five alumni who will study for
a year at universities in Europe,
Africa, and Asia. They are William
M. Masters, Norman Greene, John
J. Baugham, Norman Kurland,
John P. Luidens, Cornelius Ren-
senbright, Terence Benbow, Dale
M. Riepe, Wallace J. Tomasini,
Ralph F. Carl, and Richard Dean
Miller. Alumni who received schol-
arships are Eric V. Youngquist,
Alice Beardslee, Mary Louise
Brush, Benjamin F. Hudson, Jr.,
and James W. Moll.
University officials have an-
nounced that David Stratom,
Grad., has received one of the ten
United Nations Fellowships award-
ed in the United States.
* * *
The architecture and design col-
lege presented the Jane Higbie
award to Donald F. Linden, '53A,
as themost promising sophomore
art student.
* * *
The American Institute of Ar-
chitects awarded the Institute's
medal, denoting first prize, to San-
ford G. Rossen, '51A, as the grad-
uate having the highest standing
during the five-year period of
study. Phineas Alpers, '51A, re-
ceived the Institute's second prize.
* * *
First prize winner of the Eliza-
beth Sargent Lee Medical History
contest is John Keramedjian, '49,
for his essay "The Circulation of
the Blood." Second prize was
awarded to Robert Dyer, Jr., '51,
for his essay "Leprosy in Ancient

Unless something is done about
the rats running around outside
the sociology department office,
Prof. Robert C. Angell threatens to
Navy Offers
Summer ,Jobs
Summer employment and a way
into Washington are now available
for both men and women who are
qualified typists and stenographers
in civilian capacity.
Navy headquarters needs typists
and stenographers who can type
at least 40 words per minute and
stenographers who are able to take
dictation at the rate of 80 words
per minute.
Anyone who is interested may
obtain information and appoint-
ments for interviews at the Bureau
of Appointments in the Adminis-
tration Building. .
Atomic Lab Gets
New Equipment
Plant department workmen are
now installing new equipment in
eight rooms of the Atomic Energy
Commission laboratory north of
The equipment will be used to
further an experimental program
on the effects of radiation on ani-
The Atomic Energy Commission
is the originator of the project and
provides the equipment, though the
actual work is directed by the Uni-

Sociology Dept. Invaded

hunt up a trusty rifle and take care
of the problem himself.,
Huge, black rats have built their
homes under the boardwalk lead-
ing to the entrance of the depart-
ment's new offices in the South
a a
"THEY SEEM to be increasing
daily in both size and number,"
Prof. Angell complained. "The sec-
retary has refused to come to work
unescorted and has hinted that
she may quit if they are not elim-
inated soon.
"Besides," he added, "I'm wor-
ried about what might result if
they decide to nestle among our
records and manuscripts."
Furthermore, these rats are a.
serious threat to the future of
the sociology department, Prof.
Angell asserted. "Because of them
we may lose personnel, frighten
away students who come to us for
information and be left with only
half eaten fragments of important
projects and surveys."
"I hope this complaint will bring
the situation to the eyes of whoever
is in charge of the extermination-
of such pests before it is too late,"
he concluded.
Senior Class Gift
Thie Senior Class has announced
that they will follow the policy
used by the class of '50 in regard
to their class gift to the University.
A fund will be established with
the money left from this year's
expenses plus donations at class
reunions from now until 1976. At
that time the money will be used
for a gift for the University.

DONALD GLASER of the phy-
s department will devote his
nmer months to the construc-
i of a cosmic ray spectrograph.
is apparatus will be used to
dy the daily variation of the
h energy cosmic rays at sea
Another summer project will
e undertaken by W. Wayne
[einke of the chemistry depart-
ent, who will continue his
ork on the chemical separation
the elements produced by cy-
otron bombardments. He will
so study the results of bom-
ardment of various elements
ith deuterons in the Univer-
ty's cyclotron.
Another of the interesting pro-

COSMIC GAZE-Donald Glaser, of the physics department,
-studies the "magnetic spectograph" to discover new theories about
cosmic energy rays for the Phoenix Project.

jects that are now in progress is
that of Prof. C. L. Markert of the
zoology department. He is study-
ing the use of radio-isotopes as
tracers in studying the genetic
processes in the formation of col-
oring particles in hair.
* * *
undertaken in the fields of in-
ternal medicine, botany, political
science, bacteriology, chemical and
metallurgical engineering, natur-
al resources and economics.
Phoenix officials claim that
they are not in any sort of ac-
tive competition with a similar

project in atomic research at
the University of Chicago.
"The field is so gigantic," one
spokesman pointed out, "that sub-
ject matter cannot be exhausted."
He added that the two universities
are not competing for researchers,
because they use members of their
own faculties.
The Chicago plan is one of in-
dustrial memberships and is not
quite as broad as the Phoenix
On June 15, the project is
planning a rally for workers and
chairmen from all over the coun-
try. It will be held at Rackham

* * * -
Independent BI'elin INoted
For ManyAffiliations
David William Belin, member of Beta Alpha Psi, Delta Sigma Rho,
Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Eta Sigma and Phi Beta Kappa, is known af-ound
campus as an independent leader.
Although few non-Greeks know it, the former president of the
Association of Independent Men is one of the most affiliated men on


Av.ila l

Cigarets, Liquor Won't Harm
Heart Patients, Doctor Says

Place Your Orders

Heart patients can feel perfect-
ly safe while holding a cigarette
in one hand and a cocktail glass
in the other, according to a Phila-
delphia heart specialist.
Dr. William B. Stroud, professor
of cardiology at the University of
Pennsylvania Graduate School of
Seniors Urged
To Carve Soon
Seniors who wish to carve their
names in the special Union tap-
room table must do it today, Mark
Oscherwitz, '53, Union councilman,
has warned.
Carvers need only show their ID
cards at the ground floor check-
room where they will be issued
the tools.

Medicine, told the 170th meeting of
the Massachusetts Medical Society
that a person with a heart condi-
tion may smoke, providing he takes
a "good slug" of alcohol after-
* * *.
The alcohol would offset the
constricting effect of nicotine on
the coronary blood vessels, he ex-
The professor advocated a more
normal life for heart patients.
Frustration caused by giving up too
many things makes the blood pres-
sure rise, which is bad for the
heart, he asserted.
Univexsity Hospital officials have
other ideas. One doctor, who did
not wish to be quoted, said that
while this recommendation is no-
thing new or startling, it does not
hold water.
Nicotine and alcohol do not af-
fect the heart primarily, but the
lungs and nervous system, he ex-
The doctor summed up Prof.
Stroud's recommendation, "It's a
lot of bull."




Engravers - PRINTERS - Stationers
East Liberty Phone 7900

* * * *
KNOWN TO the Michigamua tribe as
ers as "Smiling Dave," the Sioux
City native has picked up an as-
tonishing list of Greek titles dur-
ing his three-year stay at Michi-
gan. However, he insists that all
are scholastic and professional
Belin, a 22-year-old scholar-
politician due to graduate this
June, started his slightly suc-
cessful campus career on the
Vaughan House Council. By
the time he was through, he
found himself president of the
Young Republicans, treasurer of
the literary college senior class,
a member of the Student Legis-
lature cabinet and a standout on
the varsity debating team.
But his chief claim to campus
renown is the now-famous "Belin
Plan" for a longer Thanksgiving
Holiday. Although the proposal
has met consistently with admin-
istrative cold shoulders, Belin is
still optimistic about its eventual
approval. "Wait until my kid
brother gets up here," is now his
* . .
THE BELIN prescription for
success has been 8 hours of sleep
a night, a jigger or two of -deter-
mination, a bow tie and maize and
blue hat, a "Howdy" greeting, the
women's vote and the motto :
"Never let studies interfere wtih
your education."
Add to this a somewhat un-
usual background of his wartime
role as violinist for Gen. Mac-
Arthur's headquarters and a
summer job as foreman of a
corn detassling crew of women
and you have the Belin story in
a nutshell.
Brains seem to have come in -
handy, too. After running straight
A's in high school, Belin averaged
18 hours a semester here, finishing
his AB requirements in 3 years.
He will presumably receive his
masters in business administration
in 1953 and graduate from the
University Law School inr1954.
Although it seems inconceivable
that he could add anything new
to his extra-curricular record, Be-
lin insists, "I'm not retiring by
a long shot."
Inter-Arts Union,,
To BeginProject
Inter-Arts Union will undertake
a new project of puppeteering next
year, according to Anne Steven-
son, '54M, IAU president.
"Writers who wish to have plays
performed are urged to submit
scripts of one-act or full length
plays to us next fall," Miss Steven-
son said.
Veterans' Process
Center Changed
Veterans under the GI Bill, who
are planning to attend the Sum-
mer Session will be processed
through the Veterans Service Bu-
reau, 555 Administration Bldg., ac-
cording to Richard Correll, direc-

400 PAGES OF THE BEST in short

articles, music, drama, and art work by writers and artists
at the University of Michigan.,



Only 50c

We have a limited supply of the first four issues of GENERATION, the all-
campus magazine "considered the best college creative publication in the United
States", which will be on sale for the rest of this week. The four issues, running
from Winter, 1950 to Winter, 1951, will soon be Collector's Items. Many of
the writers and artists will go on to national fame and importance. Get your
copies while they last.



"Beagle Beak" and to oth-1

stories, poetry,



On Sale at the Cashier's Desk, Student Publications Bldg.
(Also available: Limited number of latest issue (Spring 1951): 35c each.),

Daily Classifieds
Get Quick Results

- ,


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