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May 30, 1951 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1951-05-30

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Memorial Day
AFTER A TEN YEAR lapse, Memorial
Day has regained its place in Ann
Arbor as a day of remembrance.
A relatively small event, a parade
of Ann Arbor's Gold Star Mothers,
Moms, veterans' organizations and
school children, has caused this rede-
dication. Since 1941 there has been no
parade in the city and last year, Me-
morial Day passed with bare recogni-
As the most sacred of our-patriotic
holidays, it has for 83 years served as a
time to stop from the commotion of our
daily life and honor the dead of past
But to many students Memorial Day
means a day for baseball double-headers,
a 500-mile automobile race or merely a
day off from classes. Before they came to
college the celebrations in their home
towns were different. Perhaps they went
to the cemetery to pay their respects to
the dead. Or else they went downtown
and saw the parade. At any rate, they
knew that it was Memorial Day and they
knew why.
But when they came to Ann Arbor,
Memorial Day sort of lost its meaning.
Any attempt at flag waving in a sophis-
ticated college community doesn't us-
ually get very far. At today's, parade
there will doubtless be those who will
look down their noses as the crowd cheers
at the passing flag.
But perhaps we could use a little pa-
triotism once in a while. Presumedly
we're proud of our American heritage
of democracy and liberty. But most of
us wouldn't let our best friends know
With the return of the parade today,
let us hope that the campus will pause a
moment from its diversions and stop to
think of what Memorial Day really is: a
day for remembrance and dedication to
our American ideals.
-Harland Brits

Ann Arbor Rent Control

"It's Fine For You, But It Sure Kicks Hell Out Of
My Stories That They're Warmongers"

THE RECENT open meeting held by the
Ann Arbor City Council on rent' controls
provided an interesting example of an at-
tempt by groups of city residents to push
through a ruling which will benefit them
alone. The groups, the landlords of the
Washtenaw County area, and their oppon-
ents, the tenants, tried to urge rent control
as they would prefer it by presenting moun-
tains of facts and hopeful conjectures.
As it turned out, the only logical and
concrete suggestion made during the en-
tire evening was that made by Leah
Marks speaking on behalf of the Student'
Legislature. She asked that the council
bypass the figures presented by these
groups and instead appoint an indepen-
dent organization to make a survey of the
rent situation and then report the results
of their findings back to the council. This
suggestion is the best one yet offered in
view of the present situation.
'Propagandists' for the landlords did put
across some valid points. They showed that
the cost of maintaining a rental unit had
risen eighty percent in the last ten years
while income had only risen approximately
twenty-five percent. Further they showed
that other communities in Michigan have
decontroled rents without ill effect.
Supporters of decontrol also entered the
hearing with facts and figures galore, almost
all of them contradicting what was said by
the landlords. One person speaking on be-
half of the tenants pointed out that many
landlords illegally raised rents as high as
sixty 'percent over the former price and
as a result the landlords aren't as bad off as
might be supposed. The landlords admitted
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

this, and a spokesman for the Washtenaw
County landlords stated that he did not
blame house owners for illegally raising
rents in view of the present situation.
Tenants also argued that the landlords
were adhering to a false analogy when they
said that Ann Arbor would not suffer from
rent decontrol because other Michigan com-
munities had encountered no ill effects for
there are few cities in the state, indeed in
the country, that are in the same position
as Ann Arbor. This city, they pointed out,
has a large student population, almost one-
third of Ann Arbor's population as deter-
mined by the recent census. Decontrols
would probably raise rents-again the land-
lords admitted this-and there. are very
few students that can afford such a raise.
All of which shows that one can get fig-
ures to support any contention if one cares
to search through magazine articles and
government statistics diligently enough.
Therefore the situation is. now at a
statistical standstill, with both sides hav-
ing their arguments bolstered by facts,
figures and logical conjectures. To solve
the problem there is but one fair thing
the City Council can do and that is to
hire an outside organization to conduct
a survey of the rent situation as it exists
in Ann Arbor.
One such organization that was suggested
was the University's Survey Research Cen-
ter, a group with a nationwide reputation
for efficiency and accuracy.
No matter what group they choose, the
suggestion by the SL representative that an
impartial survey be conducted should be
--Jerry Helman
ALL OF US have experienced that terrify-
ing feeling of strangeness upon enter-
ing the University for the first time. For
the foreign student this feeling of newness
is intensified.
Equipped only with. the meagre store of
information that he has been able to glean
from the official bulletins, the foreign stu-
dent turns in his need to other foreign men
and women who are experiencing the same
To solve their dilemna the Student Leg-
islature is instituting a. system whereby
an American student can write to a for-
eign student who will be studying here
next year, can answer his questions, and
possibly show him the campus next fall
during orientation.
Both students will derive benefit from
this association; each will have learned
more about how the other lives than any
number of geography lessons could have
taught him.
Any student can participate in this pro-
gram by leaving his name, address, and the
date of his return to school next fall at
the Student Legislature building.
A few hours of spare time this summer
can mean the difference between success
and failure of this project.
-Barbara Goldblum
IRed Empire
By The Associated Press1
MORE THAN a half billion people have
come under the domination of the So-
viet brand of Communism since the end of
World War II, and with the capitulation of
Tibet to Communist China, Soviet Com-
munism now dominates an area outside the
Soviet Union of about 4,000,000 square miles.
With the Soviet Union's 8,700,000 square
miles and its population of roughly 200,000,-
000 million, Stalinist Communism dominates
12,700,000 of the earth's 58,000,000 square
miles of land mass, and roughly 750,000,000

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tion which would prevent the ar-
bitrary destruction of property
rights, and thus there is also lit-
tle foundation for the second of
Dr. Ruthven's two points on which
he based his veto.
To limit membership in any
University approved group on an
irrational basis of race, creed,
and/or color is antithetic to our
democracy. Dr. Ruthven should
have realized that such arbitrary
discrimination is not in keeping
with the ideals of a great Univer-
sity such as ours.
-Dave Belin
* * *
Filialism .. .
To the Editors:
PATERNALISM indeed! All over
the campus the big complaint
is about paternalism on the part of
the University. What about all of
the pressure groups so active on
the campus? Each little group has
its own particular reasons for pres-
suring something out of existence,
so that as a result, these individual
groups end up by censoring far
more than the University would
ever dream of censoring.
Take, for example, the film situ-
ation. "Birth of a Nation" is con-
demned as being "anti-Negro";
"Oliver Twist" is objected to be-
cause it is "anti-Jewish"; "The
Miracle" is banned from public
showing because it is "anti-
Catholic"; so goes the list.:Thus
you have these small minorities
dictating to the majority as to
what they should be allowed to
It is the student population
which cries about being mature
enough to make its own decisions.
Is this making our own decisions?
If something, whether it be book,
film, or speaker, is bad, or- anti-
something or somebody, can't the
majority decide for itself whether
or not it is good or bad, without
some little group stepping up and
saying "you can't see that because
it is anti-something"?
Enough of this crying "Paternal-
ism" at the University. Let us first
stop this all-too-frequent censor-
ship imposed upon us by certain
small pressure groups. What a riot
would be caused if the University
Regents banned "Oliver Twist" or
Karl Marx from the campus, but
when it is a student pressure group
that does the same thing, it is per-
fectly all right with the majority
of people.
It is said that "charity begins at
home." So d o e s "clean-up."
Cleanse the student organizations
from these Fascist and Commu-
nist-like pressure groups before
crying Paternalism.
-Allegra Branson, '54
* * *
Wheat to India.
To the Editor;
WE WOULD like to thank those
who aided the Wheat for India
drive in this community.
By donating money, and by cir-

(Continued from Page 2)







WASHINGTON-The National Security
Council, with the concurrence of Presi-
dent Truman, has now at last arrived at a
decision of the greatest importance. After
endless travail, the Natipnal Security Coun-
cil has decided precisely what the American
government wants to achieve in Korea.
What the American government wants
is a negotiated settlement of the Korean
war, based on the partition of Korea at
the Thirty-eighth Parallel. This is, of
course, a minimum objective. And to this
objective certain conditions are attached.
One condition is that such a.settlement
must involve no commitment whatsoever on
the status of Formosa or on Communist
China's admission into the United Nations.
Another condition is that United Nations
observers must be freely admitted into North
Korea, to make certain that Chinese Com-
munist troops are actually withdrawn. A
third probable condition is the establish-
ment of a demilitarized buffer zone along
the Thirty-eighth Parallel.
This National Security Council decision
is of the utmost significance in a great
many ways. For one thing, such a settle-
ment would be far short of the "victory"
which Gen. MacArthur demands, a fact
which has all sorts of domestic political
implications. But although a settlement on
the Thirty-eighth Parallel would not mean
victory for this country, it would certainly
mean defeat for the Soviet effort to seize
all Korea by force.
* * a*

of negotiating such a settlement. Here the
evidence, while certainly not conclusive, is
at least interesting.
About two weeks ago, as first reported
in this space, there came the first ex-
ceedingly veiled hints of a Soviet willing-
ness to negotiate on Korea. Despite de-
nials, one such hint came from Soviet
United Nations delegate Jacob Malik.
Another, stronger hint, which carried the
implication that the British might act as
intermediaries, was conveyed to British
Foreign Secretary Herbert Morrison. And
at the same time, the Soviet propaganda
line underwent an abrupt change, which
has received remarkably little attention
in this country.
Previously, the universal Communist line
had been that the "American imperialists"
must be driven into the sea. Then the Krem-
lin's Moscow mouthpiece, the newspaper
"Pravda," suddenly gave much space to an
obscure Senate resolution introduced by
Colorado's Sen. Edwin Johnson. This reso-
lution proposed a negotiated cease-fire on
the Thirty-eighth Parallel. Instantly the
Western Communist press, and especially
the New York "Daily Worker," obviously
acting on urgent orders from the Kremlin,
began beating the drums for the Johnson
It is true that the other Kremlin mouth-
piece, "Izvestia," mildly disputed "Pravda,"
asserting that the Johnson resolution was
no more than "imperialist camouflage.";
The Chinese Communist propaganda ap-
paratus has adhered rigidly and exclu-
sively to this line.
EVEN SO, the best of the experts take the
signs and portents listed above very
seriously indeed. These signs and portents
at least might mean that the Soviet rulers,
since the defeat of the Communist spring of-
fensive, have concluded that Soviet victory
in Korea is impossible without world war,
and have therefore decided to cut their
losses. If so, a settlement will require two
The first stage will be that of secret ne-
gotiation with the Soviets-which one
official has described as "a process both
as clumsy and as delicate as the mating
of whales." If-an enormous if-this pro-
cess is successful, it will then be up to
the Soviet rulers to force their Chinese
satellites into line. Rightly or wrongly,
none of tfie experts believes that there is
the slightest doubt about the Soviet ability
to do this. The second, formal stage of
negotiation will then start, in which a
settlement already arrived at will be pub-
licly ratified.
No one in his senses will predict that any-
thing like the foregoing will actually come
to pass. The Soviet hints and, the Soviet
propaganda switch may be no more than a
trap for the unwary. Any one of a number
of events, notably an explosion in Iran, or a
"91_ . nv .irtir. a 1P~in PCw ~ e

tures at the University on May 31 un-
der the auspices of the Mathematics
Department and the Survey Research
Center. The first lecture will be at
4:15, 3017 Angell Hall. The title of this
lecture will be "Estimation from the
Geometrical Point of View." The sec-
ond is scheduled for 8:15, Room 113,
School of Business Administration, on
the subject of "Errors of Measurement
in Social Science Research." The ec-
tures are open to the public and stu-
dents of mathematics and of social
sciences are urged to attend.
Academic Notices
History 50 Final Examination, June 8,
9 a.m.; A-H, Natural Science Auditor-
ium; I-z; Waterman Gym.
History 182 Final Examination, June
6, 9 a.m.; 215 Economics Bldg.
Room Assignments for Final Exami-
nation, English 1 and 2,, Wed., June 6,
2-5 p.m.
Allison, 2225 AH; Amend, 1035 AH;
Armstrong, 231 AH; Baker, 1035 AH;
Barrows, 1020 AH; Bennett, 1035 A;
Bollnger, 2003 AH; Boitwood, 231 AH
Brown, 1025 AH; Burd, 110 Tap; Carr,
1018 AH; Chandler, 1025 AH; Cherniak,
1025 AH; Cobb, 1025 AH; K. Cox, 1025
A,; R. Cox,1025 AH; Coyle, 1025 AH;
Culbert, 2225 AH; Dckey, 3017 A;
Dxon, 231 AH; Donaldson, 2014 AH; E.
Engel, 215 Econ; R. Engel, 2225 AH
everett, 3011 AH; Feheim, 2013 AH;
Felver, 4 AH; Fletcher, 225 AH; Foster,
3017 AH: Gilman, 2203 A; Gross, 1035
AH; Hampton, 3017 AH; Hendrick, 1007
AH; Hendricks, 16 AH; Hill, 209 AH;
Huntley, 6 AH; Maloff, 2231 AH; Mark-
man, 2003 AH; Marshall, 2219 AH; Mc-
Caughey 231 AH; Miller, 1209 AH;
Moon, 2203 AH; Muehl 35 A; Needham,
229 AH; Newman, 2235 AH; Oppewall,
2003 AH; Orel, 3231 AH; Pace, 225 AH;
Paterson, 231 AH; Pearce, 35 AH; Pills-
bury, 108 RL; Pnkus, 35 AH; Ross, 212
AH; Shedd, 1053 NS; Simpson, 35 AH;
Slatoff, 2235.,AH; Speckhard, 2029 AH;
Stockton, 2116 NS; Super, 3209 AH;
Swander, 2215 AH; Vande Kieft, 2016
AH; Wait, 18 AH; Weaver, 3010 A;
Wemer, 2225 AH; Whan, 2029 A;
Woodruff, 2219 AH.
Doctoral Examination for John Doug-
las Eyre, Geography; thesis: "Salt from
the Sea: A Geographical Analysis of
the National and International Pat-
terns of Japanese Salt Production and
Trade," Wed., May 30, 11 Angell Hall,
10 a.m. Chairman, R. B. Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Joseph Ford
Bennett, Psychology; thesis: "A Method
for Determining the Dimensionality of
a Set of Rank-Orders," Tues., June 19,
East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 1
p.m. Chairman, C. H. Coombs.
Doctoral Examination for R u t h
Hirsch, Linguistics; thesis: "A Study of
Some Aspects of a Judeo-Spanish Dia-
lect as Spoken by a New York Sephardic
Family," Sat., June 2, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg., 9 a.m. Chair-
man, L. B. Kiddle.
Carillon Recital: Sidney Giles, As-
sistant Fniversity Carillonneur, will
play the Thursday evening recital in
the current series of programs present-
ed on the Charles Baird Carillon in
Burton Tower. It will begin at 7:15
and include the following: Prelude No.
2 by Giles, three compositions by Boch-
erini, Schubert and Mozart; Reverie by
Giles, Alfred Bells (Suite for carillon)
by Lefeere, and three religious selec-
tions, Bach's Jesu, Joy of Man's Desir-
ing, Schubert's Ave Maria, and the
Welsh Air, All Through the Night.
Student Recital: George Exon, Pian-
ist, will present a program at 8:30
Thursday evening, May 31, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Master of Music. It will in-
clude works by Bach, Mozart, Honneg-
ger and Beethoven, and will be open
to the public, Mr. Exon is a pupil of
Joseph Brinkman.
Student Recital: Emile Simonel, vio-
list, will be-heard in a recital at 8:30
Tuesday evening, June 5, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. A pupil of Paul
Doktor, Mr. Simonel will be assisted by
SieglindeuSauskojos, pianist, and a
string quartet. The recital will be
open to the public.

Student Exhibition-College of Archi-
tecture and Design. June 10-27 in the
Museum of Art Galleries, Alumni Me-
morial Hall. Monday through Satur-
day, 9-5; Sunday, 2-5. The public is
Events Today
Graduate Outing Club: Outing and
picnic at Kent Lake. Meet at club
room, northwest corner of Rackham at
1:30 p.m. Bring swim togs and cars.
Annual SRA Picnic, meet at Lane
Hall, 2:30 p.m.
Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea
and chatter, 4 p.m. at the Guild; Cab-
inet meeting for both old and new
cabinets, 8:30 p.m., Green Room. All
Guilders are invited.
All Marching Band Members are re-
quested to be present in full uniform
and with instruments at the Stadium
today at 9 a.m. to resume taking pic-
tures for RKO. Some cars will be
available for transportation from the
Union about 8:45 a.m.
Bridge Tournament: 7:30 p.m., Un-
ion. Everyone welcome,
Coming Evets
University Museums Friday Evening
Program, June 1:. Three films at Kel-
logg Auditorium, 7:30 p.m., "Wooden
Faces of Totomicapan," "Panama -
Crossroads of the World," and "Colom-
bia and Venezuela."
Delta Sigma Pi: Business meeting,
Thurs., May 31, 7:30 p.m., Chapter
House, 1212 Hill Street.
Sailing Club: Meeting, 311 W. En-.
gineering Bldg., Thurs., May 31, 7:30
Roger Williams Guild: Open House,
Fri., June 1.
hillel: Work Scholarship applica-
tions for next year are available now
at the Hillel office in Lane Hall.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., May 31.
Hostel Club:
"Farewell" Get-together at Pinebrook.
Bikers meet at League at 1:30, Sat.,
June 2. For car transportation, call
John Amneus, 3-0917.
Wolverine Club Trips:
Early reservations for next year's Illi-
nois and Cornell football trips can be
made Thursday at the Administration
building box-office, 1-4:30 p.m.
X etter4
The Daily welcomes communica-
tions from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will pubilsl all
letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding
300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for
any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from
publication at the discretion of the
Bias -Cause ,
To the Editor:
PARADOXICALLY the president
of the "greatest university the
world has ever known" is closing
his term of service with a deci-
sion which puts property rights
above human rights. Nearly as
lamentable as the action is the
tenuous reasoning involved.
To those familiar with the reso-
lution in question it is obvious
that it in no way seeks to give any
individual an "inherent right to
membership in any particular or-
ganization," as Dr. Ruthven would
have one believe. Furthermore,
there were provisions in the mo-

House. (a name soon dropped by
the house) in his first article.
For although there is a socialist
wing to cooperatives, there is also.
an anarchist one, supported by
such old-timers as Dr. Peter War-
basse, who thinks that coops
should remain a group within the
general capitalistic framework.
"Anarchy" here applies to the or-
ganization within the coop, not
to a general political theory. That
is, the anarchist school believes
that there should be' a minimum
of compulsion and executive pow-
er within the group. The socialist
wing, as I understand it, believes
in a higher integration of the
group with somewhat less individ-
ualism, but this does not mean
that the individualists have to be
The Rochdale Principles, under
which coops operate, are thor-
oughly democratic, giving each
member one vote only. All student
cooperators are stockholders of
the Intercooperative Council,
which was incorporated in 1944
in order to reduce financial lia-
bility when the ICC started to
purchase houses instead of rent-
ing them.
Cooperatives flourish i demo-
cratic countries, such as the Unit-
ed States, Great Britain and Swe-
den. In. totalitarian states there
are coops in name only. I Nazi
Germany cooperative societies re-
mained, but guess how much the
members had to say about the
conduct of affairs. The Soviet
Union set up many coops, especial-
ly cooperative farms. But you
don't think that they operate un-
der the Rochdale Principles which
demand neutrality in race, re-
ligion and politics?
So you see that although coops
cannot prevent anybody from "in-
filtrating," true coops as a group
and Communism are incompatible.
-John Neufeld
* * *
Toujours, L'amour.
To the Editor:
WHY ISN'T something done'
about the open display of
lovemaking that has become so
disgustingly public? Must inno-
cent passersby continually bear
the shame of those who, haven't
any left? Aside from their own
moral corruption, they have ob-
viously lost all regard for the de-
cency and respect they owe the
public if they haven't any left
for themselves. They brazenly
parade their unchaste actions for
all to see, children and adults
alike. The public certainly doesn't
go out of their way to see it, they
can't miss it!
Are they weakly trying to ex-
cuse themselves by condoning lust
for love? Are they of such soft
backbone, that they have now be-
come slaves to' immoral conduct
even in public? Because of a
minority carrying on like pagans,
the good suffer by being auto-
matically classified along with
their trend.
Actually their personal moral
conduct is up to themselves, but
when it becomes so impersonal,
something should be done abbut
it. That's the least the public
deserves and should demand.
-Helen Houston



4 *1



THIS RAISES the obvious question
whether there is any real chance at


r k AMA
THE COCKTAIL PARTY, presented by
the Ann Arbor Drama Season.
THE Drama Festival, for the first time this
season became exciting with the opening
of "The Cocktail Party." This is a new T. S.
Eliot -and a T. S. Eliot at his best in the
buoyant expression of his most serious point
of view.
It is not that the point of view of this
most recent of his works differs substan-
tially from that of "Four Quartets" and
"Murder in the Cathedral." But.simply
that the play represents, in its paradoxical
wit, a new and attractive aspect of the
point of view.
The quality of this production did not let
the play down. The cast was almost uni-
formly excellent and the performance of
Henry Daniell in the role of Eliot's psychia-
trist--priest stressed the paradoxical quali-
ties of humanity and wisdom which is in
fact the central import of the play. Pamela
S)mpson, as Julia, who succeeded for most
of the play in duping the audience into
accepting her as a silly, meddling old wo-
man, Edward Ashley and Madeleine Clive

of the earth's 2,300,000,000 people.
The lineup:
Country Population
Tibet ..............3,000,000
North KoIea.......8,000,000
Vietminh (N. Indochina) - - -

East Germany .+-'
Poland ...........
Albania ...........



(sq. mi.)

culating and signing petitions, the
students, faculty, and townspeople
who gave their support to the mea-
sure have been part of a nation-
wide movement to bring about the
passage of the Congressional bill.
The petitions which were signed
on this campus were presented on
the floor of the House by Repre-
sentative George Meader of Ann
Arbor. After personally receiving
the petitions, influential House
Speaker Sam Rayburn spoke from
the floor strongly urging passage
of the bill.
According to Friday's New York
Times, "The crumbling of opposi-
tion to the bill, once so strong that
outright rejection was feared, was
attributed by some legislators to a
concerted campaign by church
groups, newspapers, and others for
aid to India as an act of national
charity and in the interest of
maintaining friendship for this
country in the Far East."
The importance of this state-
ment offers some insight into the
realistic value of student and com-
munity social action. It shows that
the combined efforts of individuals
can and do add up to a large
enough voice to bring about results.
When the need is obvious, it is
the responsibility of students and
educators as citizens to take direct
and positive action.
-Don-David Lusterman
Chairman, Social Action.
Student Religionls Association'
Coops and Communism
To the Editors:
AM GLAD that Harland Britz
in his interesting and com-
mendable series on campus coops,
got around to saying that "co-op
houses are not hot-beds of Com-
munism and other degrees of left-
ism," although he states knowing-
ly that this is a generally accepted
view. As a former denizen of co-
ops, I was worried about all the
references to Michigan Socialist



Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown.. .......Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger ...........City Editor
Roma Lipsky .........Editorial Director.
Dave Thomas ...........Feature Editor
Janet Watts ...........Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan ..........Associate Editor
James Gregory ........Associate Editor
Bill Connolly-............Sports Editor
Bob Sandell ....Associate Sports Editor,
Bill Brenton ....Associate Sports Editor-
Barbara Jana...,......Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels ..,......Business Manager
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Sally Fish..........:Finance Manager
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Telephone 23-24-1
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The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
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All rights of republication of all other
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Entered at the Post Office 'at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
year: by, carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


x-estimates unavailable
(Not included in this list is

which, while still Communist, has broken
away from Moscow domination. Yugoslav-
ia's population is 15,750,000; its area about
100,000 square miles.)
New Books at the Library
Bolles, Blair, Tyrant from Illinois, Nor-
ton & Co., New York, 1951.
Huston, James A., Biography of a Batta-
lion, Courier Press, Gering, Nebraska, 1951.
McCollum, Vashti, One Woman's Fight,
Doubleday, N.Y., 1951.
Noble, Peter, Hollywood Scapegoat, For-
tune Press, London, 1950.
THE FASCIST revolt is obviously more
perverse than the Communist one. There

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