Y It A6 aitli 9I .1Ly DORM FOOD EPIDEMIC See Page 3 N Latest Deadline in the State OCCASIONAL SHOWERS VOL. LXI, No. 166 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1951 Allie ensive mashes hea in orti SIX PAGES iorea * * * * * * * * * * * * UNIVERSITY Tro ops Pursue Retreating Reds Ir Chinese Fight To Kee Escape Route Near 38th Parallel Open1 TOKYO-(1)-The Allied offensive smashed ahead yesterday all 0i - across the Korean peninsula as Armored columns thrust deeper into Red North Korea in hot pursuit of the retreating Communists. AP correspondent Nate Polowetzky reported from U. S. Eighth G Army Headquarters that some Chinese are fighting suicidal rear-c guard battles in efforts to keep open a six-mile escape route near W parallel 38 on the east-central front. TE] CHINESE PRISONERS themselves reported many Reds are com- emoti mitting suicide deliberately rather than face continued Allied bombing punch BUGET PPRO AL *1 I T * * * * * * * * * K«, 11' Teams Beaten at Evanston Mac Violated U.S. Policy, Colli nsSays WASHINGTON - W) - Army chief of staff J. Lawton Collins testified yesterday t h a t Gen. Douglas MacArthur went against Pentagon policy in Korea when he sent U.S. troops near the Man- churian border last fall. Although he did not accuse Mac- Arthur of disobeying orders, he did accuse the ousted Far Eastern commander of failing to heed the advice of the joint chiefs of staff that he halt United Nations forces some five miles south of the Manchurian Border. * * * "I DID NOT state it was a dis- obedience or an insubordination, Collins said in clarifying his cri- ticism of MacArthur. However, Maj. Gen. Courtney Whitney in New York stated yes- terday that Gen. Douglas Mac- Arthur did not disobey orders in sending American troops to the Yalu river in Korea last No- vember. This statement by MacArthur's aide was intended as a reply to testimony in Washington by Col- lins. UND E R questioning, Collins f went into the MacArthur policies that the administration and the joint chiefs of staff have rejected. "Did not the joint chiefs of staff advise that it might be well to stop the United Nations advance some five miles or so on a ridge before the Yalu was reached?" asked Sen. McMahon (D-Conn.). "Yes, sir; at one stage of the game we did suggest that as a possibility," Collins replied. "The general rejected that ad- vice?" McMahon asked. "Yes, sir, he did," the chief of staff answered. Collins testified also that the joint chiefs told MacArthur in a directive Sept. 27 that, "As a matter of policy no non-Korean ground forces will be used in the northeast provinces bordering the1 Soviet Union or in the area along the Manchurian border." The army head said MacArthur did use U. S. troops in the Man- churian border region "contrary to this matter of policy without1 advising us first." Earlier in the day Collins testi- fied that the Pentagon will issue shortly a new, top secret plan for carrying on the war in Korea. However, he wouldn't give the Senators any details, even in pri- vate. Michigamua yAlumui Meet 4or risk being shot by their own of- ficers for retreating. The heaviest fighting appar- ently was on the Hangye-Inje Road on the east central front some 25 air miles inland from the east coast. United Nations armored columns already were four miles inside Red Korea in that sector. The Allies were battling to cut off the retreat of an estimated two Chinese Army corps, some 60,000 men, while Fifth Air Force planes and Allied artillery pounded the escape route incessantly. * * * IN ADDITION to smashing across the parallel in the Inje area, United Nations tank-infantry teams crossed the old political boundary in at least two other places. Against s p o t t y resistance, Allied columns thrust into Red Korea northwest of Chunchon, 45 air miles northeast of Seoul, and northeast of Uijongbu, which is 11 miles north of the old Korean capital. Field dispatches said those two columns withdrew at dusk yester- day to the advancing main Allied line. CORRESPONDENT Polowetzky reported that-aside from the sui- cidal rearguard action on the east- central front- The picture vir- tually all across the bloodsoaked peninsula was one of Communist forces fleeing northward." Lt. Gen. James A. Van Fleet, commander of the U. S. Eighth Army, called the new surge of Allied might "an all-out offen- sive," and added. "The 38th par- allel means nothing to me." "The Eighth Army will go wherever the situation dictates in hot pursuit of the enemy," he add- ed. "We intend to exploit every advantage in carrying out our ob- jective to find and kill the enemy." Atomic Chie I 0 ( WASHINGTON -(ONP) tni Premi said y the ei He Britai block take es-i Britis Comp tire fj aster.' Bri ing th achut to Cy distan her N' To don tion speci oil ct Alt Natio: a new char cessar itary lives fence. an Warns f Fight for i~ Control ays Intervention Vill Bring War HRAN, Iran - (A)-- In an on-packed news conference uated by spells of weeping, ier Mohammed Mossadegh yesterday Iran will "fight to nd" for oil nationalization. warned that any attempt by in or any other country to his government's move to over Iran's vast oil resourc- ncluding those held by the h-owned Anglo-Iranian Oil ?any-"will soon bring the en- ree world to the brink of dis- ', tain announced she is send- he trouble-shooting 16th par- e Brigade group of 4,000 men !prus-within easy striking nee of Iran - to strengthen Mediterranean garrison. p British officials in Lon- did not conceal the connec- between the dispatch of the ially trained troops and the risis in Iran. hough the British hope Iran's malist leaders will negotiate oil deal, they have made it they will use all means ne- y-including last-resort mil- measures-to protect British and property against vio- Hot Seat Five fire engines-including the aerial-ladder engine-and six police cars screamed down campus avenues last night to a smoke-billowing window in the old dentistry building, but only one chair was damaged by what the fire department termed a forgotten cigarette. Fearing a repetition of the catastrophic Havan Hall fire last spring, the city fire and police departments turned out en masse and they intend to do this for every reported fire in the future, they said. Settlem ent 'Of Rail War A nnounced WASHINGTON-{gyp-The two- year-old dispute between the Brotherhood of Railroad Train- men and the nation's railroads has been settled, it was announced yesterday. A formal statement reporting the settlement was issued by the Brotherhood of Trainmen and a committee representing the east- ern, western and southeastern railroads. The agreement provides for a wage increase of 33 cents per hour, or $2.64 a day for yard- men and an increase of 181/ cents an hour or $1.48 per day for roadmen. These increases, the announce- ment said, include the hourly in- -P Golf, Track Squads 4th; Netters 2nd McEwen's 4:09 Mile Sets Record By JACK SOTHERLAND Special to The Daily EVANSTON - Rain and some rough Big Ten competition shut Michigan tennis, golf, and track teams out of championships here yesterday. The netters, led by Gene Bar- rack, took second, while Bert Katzenmeyer's golfers placed fourrth and the trackmen sank to fourth place. IN THE TRACK meet a favored Illinois squad edged a surprisingly strong Michigan State team to take first place honors here yes- terday afternoon and evening at Dyche Stadium. The Illini ran up 55. points to the Spartans 49 to take the Big Ten title despite the drench- ing rainstorm which flooded the track and forced the pole-vault and high jump inside the Dyche annex. The Wolverines slipped to fourth behind Indiana, when the Hoos- iers' Jim Harper and Harold Har- met took first and third respec- tively in the high jump, boosting Indiana's total to 32, enough to beat Michigan's 27. * * * ABOUT the only bright spot for the Wolverines in the wet after- --Ar News roto LUSCIOUS LAPFUL-Esther Williams takes a short pause before giving a swimming demonstration in the Walter Reed army hospital pool. Gleeful GI's voice no complaints. noon was Don McEwen, Michi- gan's ace distanceman, who won both the mile and two-mile events. In the mile, McEwen blazed around the Dyche Stadium track, a track that was ankle deep in water on the turns, in 4:09 for a new Conference record. The Canadian speedster's clos- AUTHORITATIVE sources in creases of 1212 cents to yardmen Berlin said Gregory Psuhkin, Sov- and five cents to roadmen prev- iet Ambassador to East Germany, iously announced, and retroactive has told Communist supporters to Oct. 1. Russia would resist the entry of The previous increases were foreign troops in the Iranian oil authorized by the Army, which crisis. A 1921 treaty gave Russia has been technically operating the the right to send troops into Iran railroads since last August. Presi- if foreign troops invading that dent Truman ordered them taken country posed a threat to Soviet over when a threat of a strike frontiers to the north. seemed likely to paralyze opera- The aged, wealthy Mossadegh tions. broke down in tears when he told reporters of the plight of a Iran's 15,090,000 hungry and ill- Q g clad people, living amidst a trea- sure of oil.R Iran is expected soon to reject ou n the latest British note protesting the seizure of Anglo-Iranian oil By The Associated Press holdings and proposing to send a DETROIT - Circuit Judge Ira top-level diplomatic mission to ne- W. Jayne yesterday gave up his gotiate a settlement. efforts to find a peace formula to ---- end Detroit's five-week-old public " transit strike. The jurist announced he would fs li t V w start Monday hearing two injunc- tion suits aimed at getting street- icarsand buses rolling. SEATTLE - Eighty-one men from Michigan are among 1,696 Professor Says Strong U.S. Army Will Lift Iron Curtain Prof. Geza Teleki of the Univer- sity of Virginia geography depart- ment asserted that Russia would withdraw from the countries un- der iron curtain domination if the United States would keep a strong standing army and cement our ties with our allies. Lecturing under the auspices of the University's geography de- partment, Teleki described his ex- periences as one of the three Hun- garian delegates to the 1944 Mos- cow armistice conference. "ALL MEETINGS would be held from midnight to 6 a.m. after a four hour session of movies to tire us." The former Hungarian minis- ter of education pointed out that the German cultural influence was much greater in the Balkan countries than either the British or the American. He also mentioned that most of the university professors in Hun- gary are high-ranking Russian of- ficers without even a speaking knowledge of the national langu- age. Prof. Teleki has hope for the nations behind the iron curtain, however. "History teaches us not of the past, but of the future. The same things which we judge im- portant now will not be so im- portant in ten years." House Group Considers Bill WASHINGTON-(P)-A bill de- signed to increase taxes by $7,100,- 000,000 a year was tentatively ap- proved yesterday by the House Ways and Means Committee. If finally enacted, it will lay a considerably heavier load on in- dividual income taxpayers, cor- porations, and scores of items sub- ject to federal excise taxes. The estimated total revenue in- crease is far from firm. Staff ex- perts said it may hit $7,200,000,000. This compares with the $10,000,- 000,000 asked by President Tru- man to keep the rearmament drive on a pay-as-you-go basis. est competition came from Ohio State's Len Truex who stuck close on McEwen's heels right to the finish. With fifty yards to go, Truex turned on his kick, trying to nip McEwen, but the Michigan star withstood the Buckeye's last minute effort and raced home to the new Big Ten record. IT WAS McEwen's first victory over Truex in the mile. In the two mile, one hour later, McEwen moved out in front about the mile mark and breezed over the finish line forty yards ahead of Spartan Warren Druetzler, who was third in the mile. McEwen's time was 9:23.8, which is considerably slower than his usual effort. But con- sidering the condition of the track and his record-breaking mile performance earlier, it was a commendable mark. Michigan's top entrant in thet hurdles, Captain Don Hoover, failed to place in either event. *k *# *x HOOVER, holder of the Confer- ence mark in the 220 low hurdles, drew the inside lane in the 220 lows - a lane that was covered with three inches of water. He kept up with the field until the second hurdle, but from then on in he was out of the race. In the 120 highs, Hoover got off to a poor start and finished ten yards in back of the field. Don Laz led the Illini to vic- tory, taking firsts in the broad jump and the pole vault. * 4 4 IN THE broad jump, Laz leaped 23 feet 9 inches, just edging Mich- igan's Ron Soble's 23 feet 6%4 inch jump. Horace Coleman took (Continued on Page 4) State Grant To Approach 15 Million Over-all Budget Still Debatable By CAL SAMRA Special to The Daily LANSING-Approval of a $14,- 845,000 University appropriation was imminent at 1:30 a.m. today and indications were that this figure would be the final and def- nitive allotment to the University for next year. The Senate approved the figure last night. Although the Legislature plan ned to bicker heatedly over the proposed State budget until early this morning, University officials and reporters were confident that no changes would be made in Uni- versity appropriations. Reason for the expected debate is this: the Senate yesterday ap- proved a $198,905,943 state budget in contrast to the House's $200,- 150,759 recommendation. * * * UNIVERSITY vice-president Marvin L. Niehuss indicated last night that he was certain the University budget would come out unscathed and unslashed, desepite an expected ordeal of morning conference committees. Robert Cross, assistant director of the Bureau of Business Research, con- curred. Their optimism was based on: (1) The Senate Finance Corn- mittee reported out the State budget bill with 272 amendments, but left the University budget the same as the House had voted two weeks ago - $14,- 845,000; (2) The Senate sanc- tioned this figure; and (3) both House and Senate members seemed to be more interested in wrangling over other sections of the proposed State budget. Later, Niehuss said that if, as he believed, $14,845,000 was the new University budget, the Uni- versity would do its best to oper- ate on this figure. "Whether we can do it," he added, "depends on our enrollment next fall. * ** NIEHUSS warned, however, that in any overtime meeting of the Legislature "anything might hap-. .pen. Even Sen. Elmer Porter, chair- man of the Senate Finance Com- mittee didn't dare predict what the final fate of theUniversity budget-or, for that matter, the State budget -. would. be. He shrugged his shoulders and walked off. Two years ago embittered and impassioned legislatures wrestled with the appropriations bill until 7 a.m.in the morning before a compromise was reached. Last night, both bodies, who were slated to adjourn their last meetings, followed the usual procedure, sus- pended the rules, and stopped the chamber clock at 11:59 p.m. THE FINANCE Committee rec- ommended and the Senate also approved $3,000,000 for University construction, $1,500,000 for the Angell Hall addition, and $1,500,- 000 for the out-patient clinic building, The Senate, hbwever, appro- priated $40,000 more than the Hous e 's recommendation of $250,000 for the Neuropsychia- tric Institute. Some of this money will be earmarked for the University. (After shuttling back and forth between approximately $1,2000,000 and Niehuss' request for $1,583,- 877, the House last Wednesday had finally approved and written into law the latter figure, which will make up the deficit in this year's University budget.) THE SENATE Finance Commit- tee was expected to report out the omnibus bill early yesterday .. v1 -to-) A~mc THE PRESIDENT & chiefs threw out a dramatic hint given the order so that today that the first tests of some States could defend itse kind of hydrogen bomb-perhaps any possible aggressor.' the forerunner of a true "super Some scientists have bomb"-have just been success- ed that if an H-Bomb fully completed. duced with 1,000 time The announcement, perhaps ergy of a Hiroshima foreshadowing American posses- Bomb, it would prod sion of the world's most powerful damage in a circle of and destructive weapon, said: dius, comare wit "A program "of atomic weapons radius, compared with tests has been successfully carried shima circle of one m out" at the super-secret Eniwetok blasts of T as ceme proving grounds in the Pacific. a congressman as "m Then came the ten key words. more powerful" than t "The test program included ex- ped on Japan-also periments contributing to ther- hint at: monuclear weapons research." 1. Development of "Thermonuclear weapons" mation of use in civ means hydrogen bombs. against atomic attack, * * * information on the THE ATOMIC Energy Commis- buildings best suited to sion and the Defense Department the effects- of terrific b in a joint, guardedly worded an- 2. The possible deve aid he had the United elf "against e estimat- were pro- s the en- a-type A- uce blast 10 miles the Hiro- ile radius. nt of new scribed by .any times hose drop- seemed to new infor- vil defense including design of withstand last. lopment of veterans from Korea arriving at Seattle today under the army's rotation program. The troops will arrive at the Seattle port of embarkment about 5 p.m. aboard the mili- tary sea transportation vessel Marine Adder. NEWPORT, R. I.-A death toll of 16-and possibly 25-was indi- cated by the Navy yesterday after an emergency rollcall aboard five vessels in the wake of a motor launch sinking. A SLIP MIGHT BE FATAL: 1500 Men To Take Draft Test Here CHICAGO - Passage of the Wheat-for-India Bill by the House set off a board buying movement in grains of the board of trade today. * * * LANSING - A bill to remove Oakland county from the present 17th Congressional district and An opportunity to gain defer- ment from the draft will be given to more than 1,500 University men when the draft qualification test is given at 9 a.m. today at Waterman Gymnasium and the Business Ad- ministration Bldg. Instructed to report at 8:30 a.m., the men will be given a three-hour exam of 150 questions designed to test their reaing cnmnrehensionn an opportunity to apply for a thirty day postponement of in- duction during which period he can join the service of his choice or obtain a job in an essential industry. Students who are not veterans. who have sent in their test ap- plications before May 15 and who are in the draft age group are eligible to take the test. Those who At this University, the test is being given by the Bureau of Psy- chological Services. * * * THIS DRAFT deferment test is the first of its kind in the history of the United States and probably the largest mass exalnination ever undertaken. Approximately 175,000 college men will be scribbling an- swers at more than 1,000 test I