1 THiE MICilGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 25, 195 1 SL Procedure IKE A DOG worrying an old bone, Stu- dent Legislature Wednesday night spent re tan two hours wrangling needlessly er the aged outside representation issue. The general uselessness of the long de- ate points out a major flaw in SL pro- edure, Most of the obstruction as usual came )m a small group of legislators. Endless iendments and procedural motions which ould have been settled in committee was- I the time of the Legislature. Dave Belin presented five amendments to e original motion as drawn up by Wally arson and approved after considerable idy by the Campus Action Committee. lin is a member of this committee, but i not (because of a conflicting class) at- id any of the meetings. Although he had good reason for missing the meetings, he ould have found some way of presenting s suggestions to his committee. Bob Perry also put on the floor a time- nsuming amendment. Perry, likewise a Amber of the Campus Action Committee, d for some reason refrained from making s suggestiotn to the committee where it ghtfully belonged. This represents a distortion of proper egislative 'procedure. The parliamentary naneuvering in effect found the SL act- ng as a committee of the whole needlessly oing the job which the Campus Action ,ommittee by all rights should have hand- ed. When the motion is brought on the loor, SL should be prepared to act with- mut being tied up with amendments from :ommittee members. Most of the legislature was properly in- nsed at the obstruction of the small, long- Lnded clique-several new legislators took .e floor to rebuke those responsible. Pos- bly it would be in order for the Chair follow the illustrious traditions of former peaker of the House "Czar" Joe Cannon id refuse to recognize those who have al- ady had their say on the issue, or abrupt- cut off speakers who stray from the point. What made the shenanigans seem even ore ridiculous is the fact that the motion essentially innocuous. It invites members ,various campus groups to attend SL eetings and speak on issues pertaining to ie activities of their organizations. Such questions may arise once or twice a semester-presumably these outside del- gates will not be tempted to many meet- ngs that do not concern them. As they annot vote, it does not in any sense >roaden representation. Possibly it is of some use in making better contacts be- tween these groups and SL, but aside from that, it seems to accomplish little. SL should remember that a large segment f the campus has not been sold on its val- e, as is attested by widespread apathy to- 'ards many SL activities. The legislature iould avoid disillusioning its supporters by ich a performance as that of Wednesday Freshmen Eligibility "But You Wiped Out Communism- Remember?" *'I* * Coni 0 * WHILE THE RECENT relaxation of the freshman eligibility rules will be hailed as a victory for the opponents of Univer- sity paternalism, a closer examination of the situation will reveal that the dropping of these restrictions will be no gain to the students in the long run. The original purpose of the regulations barring first semester freshmen from par- ticipation in extra-curricular activities was to assure the student at least one se- mester to make the precarious transition from high school to college. The adjustment the student must make in his new surroundings is one of the most difficult and strained he has yet made in his limited career. For most students there is the new experience of making his own decisions, social, financial and academic. In addition he is suddenly encountering a whole new world of people and experiences. Certainly one of the greatest transitions the student must make is the academic one. Many high school students are able to achieve the highest grades with compara- tively little study involved. However, they are in for a rude awakening upon their ar- rival on the campus when they discover that things are a little different in college. These students must not be distracted by outside activities in their struggle for read- justment scholastically. If freshmen are allowed to participate in outside activities, many students who found time in high school to join four or five clubs, edit a publication and perhaps run for stu- dent office will naturally be motivated by their own ambitions and by pressure from friends to try to continue where they left off.. Taking steps like this, before he has had a chance to organize his time between study- ing and activities may prove fatal to a stu- dent's college career. This coming year, especially, when the difference between a few C's and D'S may mean the difference between remaining in college and marching off to the service, everything should be done to encourage scholastic progress, rather than place dis- tracting temptations in its path. SAC's action in trying to satisfy the de- sires of campus groups is commendable, but I think that for the protection of the indi- vidual student, this is one rule that should stay on the books. -Alan Luckoff Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: ZANDER HOLLANDER * * *w Pro THE REMOVAL of the ban on first-semes- ter freshman participation in activities is merely the continuation of a trend that has been going on for some time at the University. Eligibility rules have been rendered in- creasingly lax by the administration ever since their introduction. The denial to in- coming students of an immediate oppor- tunity to take part in extra-curricular af- fairs has been shot full of holes by the granting of expedient exceptions. From the beginning, sports were wide open. University officials found this neces- sary for building up the varsity teams to the highest peak of performance possible in the few years afforded. It soon also became evident that the marching band could profit by an influx of new talent before the start of the football season. Both of these exceptions were prob- ably ruled for the benefit of the University's public relations. Later, it was conceded that numerous other groups made major contributions to the top-level standing of Michigan's extra- curricular activities. For example, last fall, the Arts Chorale and the Glee Club were freed from the eligibility plan. At that time, the Gilbert & Sullivan so- ciety, dramatic groups and publications were the only organizations which were denied bolstering by new students. According to past practices, then, it would seem that the new freedom is justified. Cer- tainly, the groups which now join the ranks of those which have had special eligibility privileges play an equal role in serving and entertaining the University and the public. In other words, the new move is merely the culmination of a series of actions which have considered discrimination against groups of an equal plane of importance. To oppose the lifting of the ban on all organizations is to oppose the exceptions which have been made in the past. There is some support for this. The semester-long orientation period undoubt- edly becomes more complex with the in- troduction of organized outside interests. However, there is considerable doubt that it becomes completely confusing. An activity has a number of very impor- tant functions: 1) It gives the student an opportunity to constructively apply an interest. 2) It may often contribute to the student's vocational background. 3) It helps the student get a firm footing in college life by building self-confidence and gaining the knowledge of giving and thus belonging. 4) It is a means by which the student may serve the University. 5) In all cases, it is a broadening and ma- turing social experience. An activity also takes time. It may limit the quality and quantity of academic achievement. It may give the student a false sense of values and emphasis. It may bring scholastic downfall to new students. However, it is unlikely that a large amount of students not equipped with the capacity for balancing the curricular and extra-curricular will succumb to the acti- vities urge during the first months of their college career. It is more likely that most of the students who immediately try out for an activity will have a real in- terest in it and will drop it if it is found detrimental to their transcript. Students who flunk out the first semester owing to over-indulgence in non-scholastic fields have done it just as easily by artici- pating in non-organized activities. With the doors of major campus groups closed to them, they have taken part-time jobs, joined social groups, engaged in private en- terprises or just wasted their time. The trial run will disclose what they will do under the "new" plan. But the past shows a large degree of successful adjustment in the many groups that have enjoyed this privilege for some time. And a safe guess would be that the complete sweeping-away of the old regula- tions will not result in any appreciable dif- ference. -Sally Gouldthorpe V } Ifs SPAIN4 (OMI'U~4I Sr:. ARE ALL"' -1 a..U 3 NS' ettet6 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. X -'a Neptune Film Society.. To the Editor: I p N re ti st ti se le d ti fE a ir a m t A so f n v t t e p 11 ON T IE Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON Ii --Crawford Young i I The Weekend in Town I THE FINAL FLING SPORTS DANCES Draft deferments tests, 9 a.m. Saturday at Waterman and other places for those who Jon't think they have militaristic tendencies. DRAMA RING AROUND THE MOON, second of- ering of the current Drama Season, starring Lucille Watson and a wheelchair. Daily eviewers adjudge it "an evening's entertain- nent." Donald Buka takes the role of twins bly, andsGrace Kelly, cast to type, is beau- if ul. Last performances at 2:30 and 8:30 omorrow. The RFC's New SENIOR BALL, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Union Ballroom, with harmonious Hal McIntyre and accomplices. Theme is "Our College Days" with murals of past four years and predictions for the next few. BLUE BOOK BALL, a semi-annual affair, from 9 to 12 p.m. Saturday, also in the ball- room. A University-sponsored project to flunk the deadwood out. Frank Tinker's music. * * . WASHINGTON-A prominent Spanish industrialist now visitingn South America has a word of warning for the statesmen of the t West: Don't count on effective military collaboration from the Span- u ish army under the Franco regime, with or without modern equipment. f The industrialist, a lifelong monarchist and supporter ofs Franco's Fascist forces in the Spanish Civil War, revealed that r the current wave of strikes in that country is the first step in as compaign carefully planned by the underground resistance move-o ment.b "And don't make the mistake of labeling it 'Communist agita-v tion'," he added. "'m contributing to the strike fund; so are a large number of factory owners and businessmen throughout Spain. Every- one except active Falange party members is agreed on one thing, re-r gardless of politics: Franco must go."E This informant explained that the strategy and schedule for the present strikes were drawn up almost two years ago, but not put into effect until resistance leaders had made certain of enough sympathiz- ers in the army and national police to ensure that there would be no mass slaughter of workers. "The ironic fact is that they were making slow progress among the military," he said, "until the talk began abroad about bringing Spain into the Atlantic Pact. You see, we Spaniards have a highly developed sense of the ridiculous; asking us to1 fight for democracy under the leadership of Franco is just tool much to keep a straight face over." Referring to his own change of political sympathies, the indus- trialist admitted frankly that it was based largely on business con- siderations. He said it was almost impossible to conduct any private enterprise under the present regime, due to excessive state controls, arbitrary and inequitable price-fixing, and constant interference by the government-controlled unions. "Of course you can buy off the Falangist union leader by giving him a piece of your business," he added, "but the first bite is never the last, so that way lies eventual ruin." Despite his personal convictions, the industrialist estimated that "at least 70 per cent" of Spaniards today are pro-Republican. "However, only a. few extremists want to see Franco violently overthrown. What everybody is hoping and working for now is the restoration of the monarchy under a liberal constitution, at least as an interim arrangement. The United States could help decisively to bring this about, if she would, just by seeing to it that the Franco government receives no direct assistance, eco- nomic or political, during this crucial period. "If that were done, and we succeeded in changing the regime, Spain would be a grateful and stanch ally, within the limit of its pos- sibilities. As things stand now, though, you couldn't find a more un- reliable one." * * * * -RIDGWAY VS. RHEE-' GEN. MATTHEW RIDGWAY sent an important cable to the De- fense Department this week regarding his problems with President Syngman Rhee and Korean troops. President Rhee has insisted that Korean troops be organized as independent units and fight completely on their own. General Ridg- way, on the other hand, has found that Korean troops fight well when closely integrated with U.S. troops but break and run when organized as independent units. Each time the Chinese have struck recently, they have aimed their chief blows at the South Koreans. Therefore, General Ridgway asked the Defense Department to help him straighten out this problem with elderly, crusty Presi- dent Rhee, who argues that if Korea is to defend itself in the fu- ture, its troops must learn to fight independently. Secretary Marshall immediately got in touch with the State De- partment, secured its cooperation toward informing President Rhee that his troops must be integrated, at least until the crisis is over. * * * * -BLOCKING THE COMMUNISTS- ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Jack Redding has given the nation an illustration of what can be done regarding the Chinese Communists diplomatically when you really get on the ball. Last winter Redding attended a meeting of the Universal Postal Union at Cairo, where the Chinese Communists won an important vic- tory. Despite the objection of the Unitied States and much to Red- ding's disgust, they were seated as a member of the Union. However, another meeting of the Postal Union was scheduled for May 21 at St. Gallen, Switzerland, and Redding immediately got busy. He notified the anti-Communist friends of the U.S.A. that we would like to see them attend the St. Gallen meeting and vote with us against China. As a result, Turkey, Mexico, Colombia and Brazil,.which had not participated before, showed up. And this week, thanks to Redding's alertness, the Postal Union voted 10 to 6, with three abstaining, to boot Communist China out of the Postal Union. (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) AM EAGERLY watching the ac- tivities of the Neptune Film So- iety, gleefully anticipating its resentation of "The Birth of a ation." If it succeeds I foresee evolutionary progress in educa- onal method. Not only will the tudent be permitted to know of Lhe evils in our society but also to ee, smell and feel those evils. But et us not stop there. Let the stu-j ent also experience and enjoy hem by producing them in a1 avorable light.- Now then, toward the quicker1 chievement of the latter stage n our education I propose that anyone who is interested contact ie to assist in the formation of he Slanderous and Obscene Film Association. The purpose of the O0FA will be to procure and pre- ent all films and parts of films which have not passed the censors. These morsels will be presented or educational purposes only. The; most sexy scenes, all the more valuable for their psychological in- erest, may be reshown in slow mo- ion upon the request of the audi- ence. Of course, and I reiterate with emphasis, of course, these howings will be accompanied by purely objective talks by promi- nent and asexual persons. For those of you who feel that his project would be too great-an undertaking let me voice the well- ounded hope that we will get full support from the NFA. We shall narrow our field of activity to en- ightening and entertaining the student with sexual immorality only so as not to interfere wtih our brother organization, the NFA, which is working on the racial pre- judice angle. So let's get behind it, kids!.-Let's make the SOFA the springboard for ventures in better, more inter- esting education. -Francis R. Dixon * * * Pinnacles... To the Editor: HAVING BEEN overlooked as a potentian Indian fighter, hav- ing been ignored as a potential acorn, I must protest against the latest indignity which has been heaped upon a head already bow- ed by persecution. Pinnacles, tapping a total of 500 non-entities, did not approach my portals with the anointed cactus tipped ramrod. The implication, which I can refute: I do not have a pointed head. -D. Eugene McNeil * * * Birth of a Nation . forget, then. We have found this the best way to end discrimination against our people. --Edward -Dawley Quentin Fulcher Audrey Smedley Mike Wahls Roger Wilkins Executive Board: NAACP BirthofaNation To the Editor: I WISH TO register strong dis- agreement with the tone of Dave Thomas' editorial on "The Birth of a Nation" yesterday. It left the impression that most of those opposing the film's showing are merely "self- dramatizers" making much noise without pro- found conviction. The flippancy and red-baiting of the piece are entirely inappropriate. The Neptune Film Society is in- terested in a full and useful dis- cussion of a disturbing problem. In the process, we do not want to see our opponents maligned and ridiculed. Those who oppose showing "The Birth of a Nation" act, in general, from deep moral conviction. Their opposition takes place against the background of America's greatest disgrace: our treatment of the Negro people. They have several points of great import and perti- nence to make. They deserve to be heard with respect, and attention, and to have their case judged on its merits. I do not believe it permissable fox anyone to light-heartedly take one or another position in this con- troversy. The issues are complex and many-valued. Therefore, noth- ing is contributed by intemperate and superficial statements on either side. I have stated that it is necessary to pay a great price to prevent cen- sorship over the educational pro- cess. Unless we feel in our very guts just how great is that price as in this case, a personal decision in favor of showing "The Birth of a Nation" here has no value or meaning. It represents a shrinking of the moral issue involved. The decision to show Griffith's vicious film is not one which I have made easily. I believe that every person of good will who agrees with me cannot but come to his conclusion on the basis of a pro- found moral conflict. Those who are in opposition must of necessity be treated cour- teously, with great consideration for their intense conviction and sincerity and with a full under- standing of their position. In the meantime, we shall con- tinue our efforts to show "The Birth of a Nation" in the next few days. Allan Silver, Neptune Film Society . . * A.' CINEMA Policy THE RED SHOES, still dancing their way into the hearts of people who have seen it twice already, returns to the Orpheum for a stay. This loudly acclaimed technicolor masterpiece has garnered three academy awards, miles of rave notices since it first came out. THE BLUE ANGEL, featuring that leggy grandmother who makes you want to be the big bad wolf, Marlene Dietrich. Presented at Hill at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Friday and Sat- urday by the SL Cinema Guild. This is the story of a night club entertainer and a pro- fessor, always a dangerous combination. The review review on this page tags it "A classic study of disintegration and sex." i A i A ;t. To the Editor: rP E NAACP feels that the Nep- tune Film Society has no valid reason for bringing "Birth of S Nation" again to campus. The Negro people do not appreciate the efforts, and they deplore the meth- ods, of those who would fight dis- crimination in this manner. True equality can only exist when we stop thinking of racial equality as a controversial issue, but as what it is, a universal truth. We believe that our Supreme Court has, by its interpretations, granted to no one the freedom to libel and slander or to humiliate and degrade human lives. It is claimed that a university society can digest such hate-ridden distortions of fact as this film with no ill-effects. We feel that a uni- versity society, especially where so few individuals are aware of the problems of the Negro people, is in no way immune to the prevailing attitudes toward Negroes in Ameri- ca. The movie serves to reinforce racial beliefs which might eventu- ally have died, away. Too many of us know that education has little to do with basic attitudes towards Negroes. We take issue with those who would equate the Jewish and Catholic problems with the Negro problem. In the former cases are involved men's principles and be- liefs. The Jewish people and those of the Catholic faith can look back on their history with pride thai they have been able to retain their beliefs uncorrupted, through cen- turies of persecution. But, the American Negroes hav had to fight to forget much of theil past. We don't like to be reminde- by ads showing Negroes as butlers or maids, by radio shows, by hun- dreds of things in every day life . . . and now, by "Birth of a Na- tion".- . . . that society, centurie ago, defined for us and our child. ren a rigid little hole in her abun- dant fields. Let us, and our white friends THE RFC's new chief, Stuart Symington, has given his agency a dose of exactly the kind of medicine it needs. Mr. Symington learned that the head of the Minneapolis office of the RFC, E. M. Rowlands, rented warehouse space from one government agency and then leased- it to another at a personal profit of more than $36,000. On receiving this information, Mr. Symington checked it for accuracy. But he did not bother to see whether Mr. Rowlands had committed an illegal act. It was enough for Mr. Symington that it was "improper" and of that the new RFC head was "dead certain." Whereupon he fired the inside tracker in Minneapolis. President Truman could have saved him- self no end of the criticism which has piled up mountain high if he had only been willing to fire out the Rowlands as their pretty rackets came to light in the RFC and else- where in the executive departments. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch The manner in which the Persian Gov- ernments have rushed towards their ulti- mate ruin during the past few weeks leaves no doubt in the minds of observers on the spot that they will continue to race ahead 4 f I f 1 i Q 4 S e s 0 d 0 e e k ,t it .e lr d "s 1C S, C A~i4rnui1 HINIEMA e 1 i I, Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Controlof, Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown ... ........Managing EditOr Paul Brentlinger ..........,City Editor Roma Lipsky .........Editorial Director Dave Thomas ...........Feature Editor Janet Watts..........Associate Editor Nancy Bylan ..........Associate Editor James Gregory ........Associate Editor Bill Connolly .............Sports Editor Bob Sandell ...Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton . .. .Associate Sports Editor Barbarq Jans..........Women's Editor Pat Brdwnson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels ........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc.*Business Manager Paul Schaible .....Advertising Manager Sally Fish........... Finance Manager Bob Miller........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication. of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class zuail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $8.00: by mail, $7.00. 3.. TRIO, W. Somerset Maugham's follow up to "Quartet which appeared here last year, has its last showing locally at the Michigan today. Three short stories, The Verger, Mr. Knowall, and Sanatorium, with the latter taking the honors. GO FOR BROKE, a bang-banger of the "Battleground" type, takes over the Michi- gan for the rest of the weekend with Van Johnson and a supporting Army. THE THING continues to haunt the State through today, managing a strong feeling of suspense with a flying saucer, a walking vegetable, air force foul-ups, a sexy, sweater- wearing secretary, and Hollywood's unusual conception of a reporter. FRENCHIE, a Western that never juts from the usual pattern, finishes the week- At Hill Auditorium THE BLUE ANGEL with Marlene Die- trich and Emil Jannings. THIS CLASSIC study of disintegration and sex, which served to give Marlene Die- trich an international audience, will prob- ably be shown for a long time to come. In spite of technical difficulties, the film has a quality that few modern efforts can equal. La Dietrich is marvelous. Appearing somewhat fleshier than she is today, her performance as an earthy nightclub enter- tainer radiates more sex than any five cur- rent Hollywood sirens. The famous legs are almost always in evidence. However, she is the star by reason of billing only. It is Emil Jannings' picture. His impressively poig- nant portrayal of the professor who deterior- ates under her influence is a masterpiece. A consummate actor, Jannings never falters, 9. BARNABY My toupee! Everyone i on television has to -Well, we can't let a few ordinary little mishaps mar your picnic, can we? No use crying over spit milk- y "